The English Cricketers. pancy between the ret) and the promised incretee tn the 160 bags Rio at ll>4e.,and 50u do. St. PomiDgo at POLITICAL. HOUSKB, noows, JtC., TO LBT. MTIICJUU CANADA AND NSW YORK MATCHES.COMPARI¬ month'e 11 M«c. earnings. The (took opened tt alwut 78\, ad Cotton..The a regular meeting or democratic NUMBER OP SPLENDID FURNISHED AND UN- great SON OR TBI PI.AYKRH.SKETCHES OP THE KNQ- market was without animation, while iho tile also bargain..a round cornered nn£ vanced to 79>4, at which price it wan offered botween the stock on hand vii sales At I'm 'ii awm" 1,1.in. hi ib. r it'll ward, held at L John h A furnished houses to let, tn the finest parts of the city; A seven KUve rosewood finished In the moat naii PLAYERS.TUX PROPOSED BASE BALL comparatively light The were Park Hotel, ou October 100 for sale; one on the isomer of street end Fifth modern pianoforte, In the afternoon it sold at end cloned at confined to 300 a 400 on the basis of tho Hiurwlay, 6, Tbirtv-ntnth magnittAencs; carved legs, In grape and serpentina MATCH, ETC. boards; 70V. bales, following Peter M Scbeuek lu the clus avenue, 26xflfl; will be sold et e arcalu. Apply in N. C. work; superbly Inlaw with real pearl work of lilies, bouqeele, or this 79V bid. Operators seem surprised that while other quotations:. It won, on motion, resolved tint a committee of live incm- BISHOP, 143 Broadway. n. a» . plenty, Ae full rich tons; celebrated Hie crickoting community city bare, during the V1CW YORK CIASSIUCATIO*. hi ia 1». to draft ex t ie views of city makers, stocks have reacted Central holds its appointed resolutions .rowing TV'.^u e/ vlvr*®**^ fr,lm ""P*- ,H"l; piano Is richly liuisb- past week, enjoyed a capital opportunity of witucasiug 6 a 7 per cent, I'pUuuL f'lvruta. JtuOile. JV. O.dC Texat. thin association on tie cnMndntca nominal .<! by the Democratic BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED COTTAGE TO LET aNi> P^loe $230. Apply at the St' l« "i« eiition at Byrac furniture for sale for ft It i* ¦" ownerlwrl.r>.rZ.il»nL¦ residence, #78svVci^mgemSixth twir favorite by eleven of the moet accom¬ own so strongly: tho readiness to soil it short has Ordinary 9 0 9 9 A 0, Just half thevilue avenue, near Fortieth street,¦>«*», for'«r game played Middling l'H The Chair cnled near Bleei kt r street, 2^ Cottage place K ervthing I* In three days, from 7 A. M. till a P. m. in the been quite marked for a few days. Galena was dune 11*< U« U* Appointed Meant* linker, Crane, order, and niual be « Id fur cash, aa the iwoer i- plished players world, against twenty-two oppo¬ Middling fair let1; 12W 12V Kelly, anl Wlnne going GREAT tho whole extent of the United as low as 70V on Boilers' option; in the afternoon it closed fhlr lirowue Jsrfect(California. Rent only 9310 per annum. App v on prealec*. CHANCE..BPl.RNniD 7 OCTAVE BOSB. nents selected from States. 1212)i 18 who reported tit reailst'ons, which tvere unanimously A wood Piano, made b, one of the and as as an name belt ^k^s fully But the late match at Hobckcn cannot be termed at 72 bid. Rock Island sold low 62V, the price at Krkhiihs .Engagements were light, while rates were adopted pnh'inh In Saturday's paper, Mr. Keilev'e FINE MODERN HOUSE, KEPT Art A (1ENTEEL warranted worth BOO, been uned a few months* made with atf strictly To bat iik been ontilte rout tin- committee WU1 which it stood in and August; it closed In the niter- steady. Liverpool 105 bales of cotton were taken by inadvertently. A private boarding houae, to let, furniture for aale ut a ¦ «*»P an International one, seeing that there were only three July steamer at a bbls. of rosin at 2s. to I'KTKH M. SCIIKNOK, Uhairmvt. ice twelve reaponalhle boardera dealre to remain in "ho fo.cmh.fi! a J4d. 9-32d; 1,800 | ^e'wliTCth'S: ""ld^ «f the noon at 64 bid. These roads cannot fad to do large bu¬ li< oee; average f.15. Selling on amount of >'l Americans in the list twenty-two players. The London 400 bbls. of rosin were engaged at 28. 0d. per 2*0 WARD..AT A PRIMARY AT weekly profits pianoforte fall. rattled from the Rates to wore To ELEOTIGN. HELD lesltb. A rash cuatoiaer only, with from $1,001) in II.a*) may puroh ahrrr .mao. game of cricket is only just becoming naturalized in this siness this Michigan guaranteed pounds. (ilasgow tlrra, bat unchanged BurP*', ho. 7 Morris street, ou evening, Oct Id, si'dreia W. J., Union l'ost ulhco nlficent stock of rnsewood seven octave Havre rates were with moderate 1ST to Monday George Proprietor, square Attention, plauofortea ak and it cannot be that or extrcrao depression of Saturday, and sold at 18, closing at steady, engagements. IKA9. in pursuance the call emanating from the General Com wholesale prices for enah this week. Also several second band country, expected playors of two Hay..Hales ol about balcB were for intttee at Tntmnany Hall, the ticket received a tna one seyen oci*vrosewood ca'ved. Ac 17 bid. For the second 36 was bid. 1,000 made, slop following foub story house to lease.or pianos; for $1H6 ana throe years, experience can equal those who have from V mortgage bonds, meut, at 66c. a 70c. jorlty of the vote* cant:. FurnishedThirty fifth street, Murray Hill; an elefant brown atone for$17»,mahogany do. *.'16 to $100 MACDON AM) 400' been Tho question whether the November interest will be paid Molassss..Tlie sales embraced 87 hh<ls. Cuba at juciciakt. Michael Curran, Vugllsb basement, three rooms, it feet In perfect order corner of Broadway and Thirtieth street. boyhood accustomed to its practice. The majority clayed Th< ntaa By roes, John M Blackburn, all furnished but the deep, is discussed in the street Hudson River was 22 Wo., and 68 bhds. Cuba muscovado at 24c. a 26c. parlors; rent 91,3M- Inquire of GEO K of the members of tbo cricket clubs of this country are actively Naval Btorrs..Tbe sales embraced Thomas Stewart, .1 sines KlUslmmona, TOWNBltND. 43 Pine street experienced teacher of music, French 300 barrels spirits Patrick McGulre, John J. Murphy, and wishes s situation as or who have their quite firm at Saturday's price; tho exhibit of the last at 47c. Common was An English, visiting governess, Englishmen, brought from their native to turpentine steady at $1 62)* afloat Gregory Doran, Thomas Holland, house to let-to a private fa some pupils to teach at their residences. Please address K. C, a love of their Phila¬ year's business Beems to strlko people favorably. There a tl 67delivered: and 200 barrels lino rosin wero sold William Jennett, Jamea FHrgerald, twelve and lu K llerald pfllce. adopted country national game. In at h surERvraoH. William Welah. Furnishedmlly only; ronma, neatly furtiiahed, perfect is very little doing in railroad in State stocks,also, $6 16 60. on er: immediate, pueeeaaiun to a satisfactory tenant. Apply delphia, where cricket has gained a firmer foundation bonds; Oils..Linseed was In fair demand, with sales of 4,000 William Burns, inspectors and canvassers. a' trt Eaat Twenty-aecond atreet from 1 to 3 P. M. ROSEWOOD PIANO, OCTAVE8, GILBERT A CO. the business is but are firm. In tho af¬ a Patrick Mullen, Jamea Ca>anagti. for sale to than in any other city in tho United States, the clubs are moderate, prices 6,000 gallons within tho range of 67c. a 68c. Crude whale Jnhn Hogau. John A Boston, makers, very low, pay advances. ternoon the market was and stocks closed Arm and were held at last with O'Neil, to let, possession ist novemiier.the Apply to P. GAGE, loan office, 108 Broadway, oorner ef Ful- composed almost entirely of Americans, and the progress stronger, Bperm firmly week's quotations, Vsenatorial. John Kane, located 10- street. N. advanced on all kinds of personal at tho moderate sales. Michael llalpln, Ktchard ualey, Housepleaaantly three story and Nuement houae No. 3 B..Money they have made in the game was evidenced in the result following quotations:.Tennessee 6's, 88V; Mibsou- Provisions..Pork.The Thomas Kdward Vai iek place; la in good order and baa all the modern Improve- property. market' was steady but not Brennan, Burke, menta. Apply to PHILIP HENRY, Jr., 17 and 19 Warren .f the recent match between tbo Philadelphia and New rls, 84.V; Canton, 17V; Cumberland, 12V a 18; Pacific active, with sales of about 800 mess at John Ahem, Michael Biggtna, atreet. A barrels, including Patrick Fttzsimmone, Willi tin Hharne, RONS, Tork Cricket Clubs. In another wo Mail, 78V; New York Gontral, 79V; F-rie, 6; Hudson River, $16 62>£, prime at (10 62>i a tlO 76, and clear mess at CTI1ICKEBING J MsstirAcrusiBS or year fully anticipate $17 60. Beef was in fair John Foi, Dennis Mannion, to GRAND, AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. seeing an American Eleven a match for any English 36V; Harlem preferred, 35V; request, with sales of 400 barrels, ASSRRBt T. Kdwanl Cuirk, let-yearly rent S52& lease 2',; SQUARE Reading, 40V; Michigan including country prime at $4 mess John With to nil vacancies. Houseyear*, and furniture for sale, $600. New modern Warerooms, No. 894 Broadway.
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