BURP News April 2013 Page 1 BURP NEWS The Official Newsletter of BREWERS UNITED FOR REAL POTABLES “Fill with mingled cream and amber, I will drain that glass again; Such hilarious visions clamber ” - Edgar Allen Poe Rich Sampson, Editor
[email protected] April, 2013 www.burp.org Cannon’s Canon By Tom Cannon, Fearless Leader It was a sort of snowy March, but there were some moments you could get some outside brewing done. We got a beer done and will bring a keg of it April Meeting to the April meeting. Let me Light & Amber Hybrids Competition know what you think. I hope all Saturday, April 13 of you, like us, are planning on bottling beers for entry into this year’s Spirit of Free Beer, only a month away now. I think you all know my position on BURP’s Spirit of Free Beer: that it is one of the core things we do as a homebrew club and it involves everything this club should be about, brewing, evaluating, and drinking, May Meeting plus, as always, spending a day with some of the best beer folks in the area. And, if you’re not judging, think Chili Cook-Off & about volunteering to steward at the competition or Best Beer with Chili Competition helping out in other ways. Mike Reinitz is leading the Spirit of Free Beer Entry Drop-Off SOFB group this year and probably could use all the help he can get! Saturday, May 4 We had a glorious day for the March meeting. Thanks go to Bob Andres for getting his community center for the meeting.