A Vanadium I
- -. - - Part 15. .DETAILED CHEMICAL AND MINERALOGICAL RELATIONS IN TWO ...... .- :.' ........ ,. FIGWE48. Sketch of the upper of the Mineral Joe I mine-,; __________'_____________ i--,l_____.i 167 stope~ No. - .- 1___________ ... :., 49. Sketch of the Mineral Joe No. 1 mine wall - ______________________________ 2: .'. 107 _________________ ___________ 'i_I. - SO. Graph showing distribution of several elements across the Minerd 1 mine channel sample:------:---- 172 Joe Xo. ~. ~ .. ...... ...... - + . _.: .. 61. Distribution of uranium, vanadium, and organic carbon ___ _-- -- --- __--____---...........------I---------.--- __--.~ ... .L-!73 L. - .- , _______--___------- -62; -Plot-- of-log- U agam$-log equivalent U; ---- -- 5 .%miquantitative apectrographia .-Sketch of the ,workings....... of the Pirgin,No;3 mine.:,; ...--i. ^c .%ineralo$a. &position of Bpeaime&'of ......the ..,... =..-... Nc.3 mine channel sample,:.- . .. .... Virgin ....5&-&qiqunntitative epectrographic-.andy&s- ;;,,;,,,-;;,-,-;;-;,~-rr'_-~_~~~-~~~.~-.~--~~=---~~~~--~.~--182.. ...................... :. ....... .. :: i.7::. .. Phllosopby. 165 / 166 - GCOCHEMISTRT IND MISERALOGT. COLORLDO PLATE-IU LR.LSIL-11 ORES that iron is present as both Pe(I1) and Fe(III), the latter ABSTRACT believed to hare been present in the primary clays of the un- Channel snmDies from t,\.o mines on the Colorado plateau mineralized rock; and that some of the uranium is present as have heen studied in detail both mineralogicalig and chemically. U(1-I) in addition to the U(IV) in the cottinitc. All evidence -4 channel from the Mineral joeso. 1 mine, JI~~~~~~~points to weak oxidation of an ore once iiaviug a somewhat County, Colo., extends from unmineralized rock on one side, lower state- through a of mineralization, into onlp The channel samples from both the JIineral Joe 30..1 mine and the Virgin No.
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