1916-1917 Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University
N BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY OBITUARY RECORD OF YALE GRADUATES I916-I917 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN Thirteenth Series No 10 July 1917 BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY Entered as second-class matter, August 30, 1906, at the-post-office at New Haven, Conn, under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894 The Bulletin, which is issued monthly, includes 1. The University Catalogue 2 The Reports of the President and Treasurer 3 The Pamphlets of the Several Schools 4 The Directory of Living Graduates THE TLTTLE, MOREHOtSE & TAYLOR COMPANY, NEW HAVEN, CONN OBITUARY RECORD OF GRADUATES OF YA1E UNIVERSITY Deceased dating the yea* ending JULY 1, 1917 INCLUDING THE RECORD OF A FEW WHO DIED PREVIOUSLY HITHERTO UNREPORTED [No 2 of the Seventh Printed Series, and No 76 of the whole Record The present Series consists of -frve numbers] OBITUARY RECORD OF GRADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during the year ending JULY I, 1917, Including the Record of a few who died previously, hitherto unreported [No 2 of the Seventh Printed Series, and No 76 of the whole Record The present Series consists of five numbers ] YALE COLLEGE (ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT) Robert Hall Smith, B.A. 1846 Born February 29, 1828, m Baltimore, Md Died September n, 1915, on Spesutia Island, Harford County, Md Robert Hall Smith was the son of Samuel W and Elinor (Donnell) Smith, and was born February 29, 1828, in Baltimore, Md. Through his father, whose parents were Robert and Margaret Smith, he traced his descent from Samuel Smith, who came to this country from Ballema- goragh, Ireland, in 1728, settling at Donegal, Lancaster County, Pa.
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