Natural Resources District Profile
NATURAL RESOURCES DISTRICT PROFILE LOWER ELKHORN NATURAL RESOURCES DISTRICT Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2020 Lower Elkhorn NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan | 2020 1 Section Seven: Lower Elkhorn NRD Community Profile Local Planning Team Table LEK.1: Lower Elkhorn Local Planning Team Name Title Jurisdiction Curt Becker Projects Manager LENRD Brian Bruckner Assistant General Manager LENRD Kristie Freudenburg Grant Coordinator LENRD Location and Geography The Lower Elkhorn NRD is located in north eastern Nebraska and is comprised of all of Pierce, Wayne, Madison, Stanton, and Cuming Counties and portions of Antelope, Burt, Cedar, Colfax, Dixon, Dodge, Knox, Platte, Ponca, and Thurston Counties (Figure LEK.1). Major waterways in the area include the Elkhorn River, Dry Creek, Willow Creek, Deer Creek, Meridian Creek, Logan Creek, Maskenthine Creek, and Union Creek. The Lower Elkhorn NRD topographic regions include plains, valleys, and valley-side slopes and a vast majority of the NRD land is characterized by agricultural lands.i Figure LEK.1: Lower Elkhorn NRD Lower Elkhorn NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan | 2020 2 Section Seven: Lower Elkhorn NRD Community Profile Transportation The NRD’s major transportation corridors include U.S. Highway 20 with 2,400 vehicles a day, U.S. Highway 81 with 8,500 vehicles a day, U.S. Highway 275 with 6,100 vehicles a day, and several state highways.ii The major railroads which travel through the NRD include the BNSF Railway and Nebraska Central Railroad Company. Transportation information is important to hazard mitigation plans because it suggests possible evacuation corridors in the community, as well as areas more at risk to transportation incidents.
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