This is the fifth in the series of papers table that the males of the three new species under the above title and is concerned with herein described all have the patella of the the larger members of the sheet-web weav- palpus set with a long dorsal spine. In all ers of the family . Most of the the other known species this spine is modi- species have proved to be undescribed, and fied into a short spur. relatively few are identical with those de- lineated by the Cambridges in the "Bio- Frontinella pyramitela Walckenaer logia Centrali-Americana." Representa- Linyphia pyramitela WALCKENAER, 1841, tives of two new genera are in the material. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Apteres, vol. 2, One of is based on a p. 261. them, Selenyphantes, Linyphia communis HENTZ, 1850, Jour. Boston previously described species from Guate- Soc. Nat. Hist., p. 28, pl. 4, fig. 4. mala, placed by 0. P.-Cambridge in Frontinella communis F. CAMBRIDGE, 1902, Lepthyphantes. In the second , Biologia Centrali-Americana, Arachnida, vol. 2, Jalapyphantes, are placed three well- p. 422; BLAUVELT, 1936, Festschrift Embrik Strand, Riga, vol. 2, pp. 145-149, pl. 13, figs. marked but closely allied species. 90-94, pl. 14, fig. 95. Our sincere thanks are due to the indi- It seems quite probable that Frontinella viduals who have contributed material to rustica F. Cambridge, based on a female this collection. Proper credit is given to from Orizaba, Mexico, represents this each collector responsible for securing the abundant, widespread species. specimens noted in the various records. RECORDS: Tamaulipas: Hacienda San At this time the authors wish to acknowl- Rafael, 6 miles east of Villa Juarez, July 7, edge the receipt of some very important 1941, three females (L. I. Davis); 14 miles collections from many parts of Mexico, south of Villa Juarez, April 12, 1941, two placed in our custody, from Drs. Frederico females (A. M. Davis); 8 miles north of Bonet and C. Bolivar Pieltain of Mexico Victoria, April 13, 1941, two females (A. City. An increasing number of records M. Davis); Rio Guayalejo, near Forlon, from this material will be published in this April 16, 1938, one female (L. I. Davis and series and in other papers dealing with the Bryce Brown); 2 miles east of Nuevo Mexican fauna. Morelos, December 2, 1939, two females The types of the new species are de- (A. M. Davis); Rio Frio at Limon, April posited in the collection of the American 18, 1938, two females (L. I. Davis); 7 Museum of Natural History. Paratypes miles south of Hidalgo, July 3, 1936, one and duplicates of known species will be female (L. I. Davis); Sierra de Tamaulipas, placed in the personal collections of Drs. 2700 feet, August 4-7, 1945, two females Bonet and Bolivar. (H. Wagner). Nuevo Leon: Linares, GENUS FRONTINELLA F. CAMBRIDGE July 8, 1941, two females (L. I. Davis); Frontinella F. CAMBRTDGE, 1902, Biologia Monterrey, June 10, 1936, one female (L. Centrali-Americana, Arachnida, vol. 2, p. 420. I. Davis); 10 miles west of Cadereyta, July (Genotype, Frontinella laeta Cambridge.) 6, 1936, one female (L. I. Davis). San Several fine species of this interesting Luis Potosi: Arroyo Calabaza, 21 miles genus are represented in the collection, but south of Valles, November 30, 1940, one only one of them is identical with those female (A. M. Davis); 24 miles south of named by F. 0. P.-Cambridge. It is no- Valles, April 12, 1941, three females (A. M. 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [No. 1313

Davis); 4 miles south of Valles, March 23, eyes of each side contiguous, median ocular 1940, females (M. B. Bishop); Tamazun- quadrangle longer than broad (30/25), chale, July 6-7, 1941, one male, two fe- narrowed in front (25/22), the front eyes a males (L. I. Davis); 20 miles east of Ciu- little smaller. Clypeus equal in height to dad del Mais, March 23, 1940, three fe- two full diameters of the anterior median males (A. M. and L. I. Davis); Xilitla, eyes. Chelicerae normal, the upper margin December 2, 1939, female (L. I. Davis). armed with six teeth, the lower with five. Distrito Federal: Pedregales, August, 1909, Sternum, 1.20 mm. long, 0.95 mm. wide, one male, one female (A. Petrunkevitch). bluntly pointed between the posterior Sonora: 27 miles south of Nogales, June coxae which are separated by about one- 15, 1939, two females (A. M. and L. I. half their width. Davis). Puebla: 7 miles south of Tlacote- Legs of about normal length for the pec, June 24, 1936, one female (A. M. and genus. First leg: femur, 3.00 mm.; pa- L. I. Davis); Riofrio, 3000 meters, April tella, 0.70 mm.; tibia, 2.60 mm.; meta- 26, 1942, one male (C. Bolivar, B. Osorio, tarsus, 3.00 mm.; tarsus, 1.50 mm. Tibia D. Pehiez); Tehuacan, October 17-24, and patella of fourth leg, 2.35 mm. 1944, males and females (H. Wagner). Abdomen as high as wide, oval as seen Vera Cruz: Cordoba, 1909, one female (A. from above, as high immediately above the Petrunkevitch). Morelos: Tequesquitengo, spinnerets as at center, without pronounced July 4-11, 1944, female (H. Wagner). caudal tubercle. Epigynum as shown in figure 5. Frontinela huachuca, new species MALE: Total length, 4.10 mm. Cara- Figures 4 and 5 pace, 2.10 mm. long, 1.35 mm. wide. FEMALE: Total length, 4.75 mm. Cara- Abdomen, 2.20 mm. long, 1.00 mm. wide. pace, 2.00 mm. long; 1.40 mm. wide. Coloration and general appearance essen- Abdomen, 2.70 mm. long; 1.75 mm. wide. tially as in the female. Legs and carapace Carapace pale yellowish brown, the pars concolorous, light yellowish brown. Ster- thoracica faintly marked with dusky num and venter of the abdomen dark radiating lines, the clothing a very sparse brown. Dorsum and sides of the abdomen covering of inconspicuous short hairs. grayish brown but with numerous white Eye tubercles black. Sternum and venter flecks. of the abdomen brown. Coxae and legs Structure essentially as in the female. pale yellowish brown without markings. Eyes of the first row moderately recurved Dorsum of abdomen creamy white, me- as seen from in front, the median separated dially marked with a narrow longitudinal by less than the radius, about a diameter darker streak from which radiate small and a half from the larger lateral eyes. darker lines. Sides of the abdomen creamy Posterior row of eyes as in the female. white but with five darker bands or streaks Clypeus higher, equal in height to fully on each side. Spinnerets and area above three diameters of the median eye. Median anal tubercle brown. ocular quadrangle longer than broad as in Structure typical, in very close agree- the female and narrowed in front at about ment with pyramitela and related species. the same ratio. Chelicerae essentially as Eye group occupying three-fifths of the in the female, the lower margin with five width of the carapace. First row of eyes teeth, the upper margin somewhat pro- essentially straight as seen from in front duced at tip of fangs into a low process but strongly recurved as seen from above, which bears two moderately robust teeth, the median separated by less than their two smaller ones, and a small but robust radius, a little more than a full diameter tooth set above the other larger ones. Fang from the slightly larger lateral eyes. moderately incrassated at the middle. Posterior eye row moderately recurved, Chelicerae evenly covered with small pits the median separated by two-thirds their from which originate short black hairs. diameter, nearly one and one-half diame- Sternum, 1.10 mm. long, 0.80 rmm. wide. ters from the subequal lateral eyes. Lateral Legs as usual, longer than in the female, 1946] ]SPIDERS FROM MEXICO. V 3

set with a few stout hairs and very weak and female paratypes from same station, spines. First leg: femur, 2.75 mm.; June 11, 1936 (A. M. and L. I. Davis). patella, 0.60 mm.; tibia, 2.30 mm.; meta- Male and female paratypes from Chi- tarsus, 3.00 mm.; tarsus, 1.40 mm. Tibia pinque, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, July 15, and patella of the fourth leg, 2.20 mm. long. 1942 (F. Bonet, B. Osorio, D. Pelaez). Palpus relatively short, set with short stiff hairs, the patella with a long, un- Frontinella tibialis F. Cambridge modified dorsal spine. Details of the Frontinella tibialis F. CAMBRIDGE, 1902, lamella of palpus as illustrated in figure 4. Biologia Centrali-Americana, Arachnida, vol. 2, TYPE LOCALITY: Male holotype and p. 422, pl. 40, figs. 7-76. female allotype from Bear Wallow, Santa RECORDS: Vera Cruz: Potrero, June Catalina Mountains, Arizona, July 12-15, 24, 1936, one male (L. I. Davis). 1940 (Gertsch and Hook). RECORDS: Arizona: Madera Canyon, Frontinella potosia, new species Santa Rita Mountains, June 24, 1939, two Figures 7, 8, and 9 male and two female paratypes (A. M. and FEMALE: Total length, 5.00 mm. Cara- L. I. Davis); Huachuca Mountains, July pace, 1.80 mm. long, 1.20 mm. wide. Ab- 21, 1936, two female paratypes (Knull); domen, 3.00 mm. long, 2.00 mm. wide. Chiricahua Mountains, August 29, 1938, Carapace yellowish brown, the pars female paratype (R. H. Crandall). thoracica lightly infuscated, the eye tuber- cles black. Chelicerae brown; sternum Frontinella huachuca benevola, dusky brown. Legs dull yellowish brown, new subspecies unmarked except for very narrow black Figures 1, 2, and 3 rings at ends of all the joints, incomplete The Mexican specimens considered here, above. Abdomen mostly black as seen which seem undoubtedly to belong to the from above, margined with white flecks species defined above, agree completely or and with three white bands in the caudal nearly so in coloration and general struc- half. The venter black, the sides black but ture with examples of huachuca. How- with white bands in spots. ever, certain constant differences in the Structure typical, in close agreement details of parts of the palpus, which is with pyramitela. First row of eyes slightly shown in figure 1, seem significant. In recurved, the median separated by less both forms the patella is provided with a than a radius, scarcely a full diameter from long, fine spine which replaces the spur of the larger lateral eyes. Posterior eye row all previously described species. The ven- moderately recurved, the median separated tral aspect of the palpus presents a large by two-thirds of the diameter, a full diame- lateral apophysis (lamella of the embolic ter from the equal lateral eyes. Median division) which gives rise to a rather slender ocular quadrangle longer than broad caudal spur and a long, slender, laterally (35/30), narrowed in front (30/25), the directed element which curves across the anterior eyes smaller. Clypeus equal in tegulum and sweeps far beyond. Both of height to twice the diameter of the anterior these spurs are somewhat differently median eyes. Chelicerae normal, the formed, the caudal one especially being upper margin with six teeth, the lower with more slender than in huachuca, as can be five. Sternum, 1.00 mm. long, 0.85 mm. seen by comparison with figure 4. The wide, narrowed and rounded between the epigyna of the females also show some dif- posterior coxae which are separated by one- ferences. In benevola the openings are half their width. somewhat nearer together and the caudal -Legs of normal length, clothed thinly projection is not so prominent. with fine hairs and a few very weak spines. TYPE LOCALITY: Male holotype, female First leg: femur, 2.75 mm.; patella, 1.15 allotype, and paratypes from Horsetail mm.; tibia, 2.30 mm.; metatarsus, 2.60 Falls, Nuevo Leon, November 27, 1937 mm.; tarsus, 1.35 mm. Tibia and patella (L. I. Davis and Bryce Brown). Male of the fourth leg, 2.25 mm. long. 4 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [No. 1313

Abdomen oval as seen from above, the coxae bright yellow. Abdomen black nearly as high as broad, broadly truncate as seen from above, margined with a behind but without caudal tubercle. Epig- creamy white band which is complete ynum as illustrated in figure 9. around to the sides of the caudal tubercle; MALE: Total length, 3.00 mm. Cara- the venter black, the sides black but pace, 1.40 mm. long, 0.97 mm. wide. Ab- marked with creamy white spots and bars. domen, 1.65 mm. long, 0.90 mm. wide. Structure in close agreement with Coloration essentially as in the female. pyramitela and potosia. First row of eyes Legs more brightly colored, especially the moderately recurved, the median separated femora which are bright orange. Abdomen by their radius, about one and one-half mostly dusky, the lighter silvery markings diameters from the somewhat larger lateral of the female inconspicuous. eyes. Posterior row of eyes moderately Structure essentially as in the female. recurved, the median separated by three- Eyes more closely grouped, first row moder- fourths their diameter, scarcely one and ately recurved, the median scarcely sepa- one-half diameters from the equal lateral rated and only two-thirds their diameter eyes. Median ocular quadrangle longer from the larger lateral eyes. Posterior than broad (35/30), narrowed in front row of eyes moderately recurved, the (30/24). Clypeus equal in height to two median separated by two-thirds the diame- and one-half diameters of an anterior ter, almost a full diameter from the equal median eye. Chelicerae normal. Sternum, lateral eyes. Median ocular quadrangle 1.20 mm. long, 0.90 mm. wide. longer than broad (30/26), narrowed in Legs of average length for the genus. front (26/23), the eyes subequal in size, First leg: femur, 3.25 mm.; patella, 0.70 equal in height to two diameters of the mm.; tibia, 3.00 mm.; metatarsus, 3.60 anterior median eyes. Sternum, 0.80 mm. mm.; tarsus, 1.70 mm. Tibia and patella long, 0.65 mm. wide. of the fourth leg, 2.70 mm. Legs of moderate length. First leg: Abdomen oval as seen from above, about femur, 2.10 mm.; patella, 0.40 mm.; tibia, as high as broad, caudally elevated into a 1.80 mm.; metatarsus, 2.00 mm.; tarsus, pronounced tubercle. Epigynum as illus- 1.10 mm. Tibia and patella of the fourth trated in figure 6. leg, 1.50 mm. long. Palpus as illustrated TYPE LOCALITY: Female holotype and in figures 7 and 8. female paratype from 39 miles south of TYPE LOCALITY: Male holotype, female Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico, June 30, allotype, and paratypes from 5 miles north 1941 (L. I. Davis). of Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, RECORDS: Chiapas: Mapastepec, July 2, 1939 (A. M. and L. I. Davis). March, 1941, female paratypes (H. Wag- RECORDS: San Luis Potosi: Male and ner); Tapachula, August, 1909, two fe- female paratypes from Tamazunchale, male paratypes (A. Petrunkevitch). Mexico, July 6-7, 1941 (L. I. Davis); female paratype, July 8, 1944 (L. I. Davis). Frontinella lepidula, new species Vera Cruz: Potrero, June 24, 1936, female Figures 10 and 11 paratype (L. I. Davis). MALE: Total length, 3.40 mm. Cara- pace, 1.60 mm. long, 1.05 mm. wide. Ab- Frontinella caudata, new species domen, 1.70 mm. long, 0.90 mm. wide. Figure 6 Coloration in close agreement with FEMALE: Total length, 6.50 mm. Cara- huachuca. Carapace and femora of legs pace, 2.20 mm. long, 1.30 mm. wide. Ab- bright orange brown, the distal joints of domen, 4.00 mm. long, 2.30 mm. wide. the legs dusky yellowish brown. Sternum Carapace yellowish brown, lightly in- and labium dark brown. Abdomen mostly fuscated, the pars thoracica with the usual gray above, the venter dusky. dusky radiating lines. Sternum and labium Structure typical, essentially as in dark brown. Legs yellowish brown, some- huachuca. First eye row moderately re- what duskyj the posterior femora and all curved, the median separated by about SPIDERS FROM MEXICO. V 5 their radius, slightly more than a diameter 1941, three males, two females (L. I. from the larger lateral eyes. Second row Davis). San Luis Potosi: 24 miles south of eyes moderately recurved, the median of Valles, April 12, 1941, two females (A. separated by a full diameter, and more than M. Davis). Morelos: Cuernavaca, Octo- a full diameter from the equal lateral eyes. ber 5, 1940, one male (J. Honey); Cuer- Median ocular quadrangle slightly longer navaca, male type of mirifica (H. H. Smith, than broad (26/25), narrowed in front Godman and Salvin collection). Guate- (25/20), the front eyes smaller. Clypeus mala: Gualan, January 5, 1905, one male. equal in height to three diameters of an anterior median eye. GENUS LINYPHIA LATREILLE Legs of normal length for the genus. Linyphia LATREILLE, 1804, Nouv. Diet. First leg: femur, 2.70 mm.; patella, 0.50 d'Hist. Nat., vol. 24, p. 134. (Type, Araneus tri- mm.; tibia, 2.10 mm.; metatarsus, 2.30 angularis Clerek.) mm.; tarsus, 1.35 mm. long. Tibia and Linyphia limbata F. Cambridge mm. patella of the fourth leg, 2.20 long. limbata F. CAMBRIDGE, 1902, Biologia Abdomen without caudal tubercle. Pal- Centrali-Americana, Arachnida, vol. 2, p. 420, pus as illustrated in figures 10 and 11. pl. 39, fig. 23. TYPE LOCALITY: Male holotype from RECORDS: Morelos: 7 miles north of Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico, August, 1909 Cuernavaca, July 3, 1941, one female (A. (A. Petrunkevitch). M. and L. I. Davis). Vera Cruz: Jalapa, This is a smaller species than tibialis to 10 miles west, June 23, 1936, one female Cambridge. The embolus of the male (L. I. Davis). palpus is shorter and less strongly curved at the apex, and the patella of the palpus Linyphia duplicata Cambridge is armed with a long curved spine instead Neriene duplicata F. CAMBRIDGE, 1902, Bio- of a short spur. logia Centrali-Americana, Arachnida, vol. 2, p. 418, pl. 39, fig. 11. GENUS FLORINDA 0. P.-CAMBRIDGE RECORDS: Mexico: Mountain Pass east Florinda 0. P.-CAMBRIDGE, 1895, Biologia of Mexico City, June 20, 1936, eight fe- Centrali-Americana, Arachnida, vol. 1, pp. 164, 224. (Type, Florinda mirifica 0. P.-Cambridge.) males (A. M. and L. I. Davis); San Rafael, Linyphiella BANKS, 1905, Amer. Nat., vol. 39, 2700 to 3000 meters, February 1, 1942, two p. 311. (Type, Linyphiella coccinea Hentz.) females (C. Bolivar). Puebla: Riofrio, Frontinella BLAUVELT (part), 1936, Fest- 3000 meters, April 26, 1942, two males (C. schrift Embrik Strand, Riga, vol. 2, p. 144. Bolivar, B. Osorio, D. Peliez). Distrito The generic name Florinda antedates Federal: National Park, near Las Cruces, Linyphiella Banks and should be used for June 11, 1941, one female (A. M. and L. I. the well-known Linyphia coccinea of Davis). Hentz. Blauvelt placed the species in the The females assigned to the present genus Frontinella, but it is probable that species, which was based solely on the male, coccinea is more closely related to, and per- are very closely allied to limbata F. Cam- haps should be kept in, the genus Linyphia. bridge. However, they are somewhat larger in size, are seemingly more slender, Florinda coccinea Hentz and have the inverted, T-shaped septum Linyphia coccinea HENTZ, 1850, Jour. Boston of the epigynum proportionately longer. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, p. 30, pl. 4, fig. 8. It should be noted, however, that in none Florinda mirifica 0. P.-CAMBRIDGE, 1895, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Arachnida, vol. 1, of the records are males and females asso- pp. 164, 224, pl. 21, fig. 11. ciated in the same collection. There is also Linyphiella coccinea BANKS, 1905, Amer. Nat., considerable variation in the epigynum. vol. 39, p. 311; CHAMBERLIN AND IVIE, 1944, Bull. Univ. Utah, vol. 35, no. 9, p. 83. Linyphia nigrita F. Cambridge RECORDS: Tamaulipas: Riofrio, at Neriene nigrita F. CAMBRIDGE, 1902, Biologia Limon, April 18, 1938, one female (L. I. Centrali-Americana, Arachnida, vol. 2, p. 419, Davis). Nuevo Leon: Linares, July 8, pl. 39, figs. 19, 19a. 6 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [NO. 1313

RECORD: Hidalgo: Jacala, June 13, 1936 Abdomen suboval as seen from above, one female probably this species (A. M. produced slightly forward over the pedicil, and L. I. Davis). in front about as high as broad, rounded at distal end without conspicuous anal tu- Linyphia chiapasia, new species bercle. Epigynum as illustrated in figure 14. Figure 14 TYPE LOCALITY: Female holotype from FEMALE: Total length, 2.75 mm. Cara- Catharinas, Chiapas, Mexico, 1400 meters, pace, 1.07 mm. long, 0.80 mm. wide. Ab- May 4-22, 1942 (H. Wagner). domen, 1.70 mm. long, 1.15 mm. wide. This pretty species is easily separated Carapace bright yellow, the pars cephal- from known forms by the bright color pat- ica with a dusky marginal band and faint tern and especially by the epigynum which dusky radiating lines. The eye tubercles is illustrated. The median septum is a black. Chelicerae and maxillae bright very narrow, linear ridge. yellow. Sternum and labium dusky brown. Legs dusky yellowish brown. Abdomen Linyphia xilitla, new species mostly white above, with a pair of small Figure 13 black spots on each side at front of caudal FEMALE: Total length, 3.70 mm. Cara- half, and a large black spot at apex above pace, 1.30 mm. long, 0.80 mm. wide. Ab- the spinnerets. Venter white but with a domen, 2.50 mm. long, 1.30 mm. wide. dusky band from epigynum nearly to apex. Carapace dark brown with darker radi- Sides white but with a black spot at the ating streaks on the pars thoracica, the eye base and a wide black band which contin- tubercles black. Sternum and mouth parts ues back and joins the black spot visible dark brown. Legs dusky yellowish brown. from above. Abdomen black, except for a few small paler Carapace longer than broad, broadly flecks on the dorsum and four larger white rounded in front, the eye group occupying spots on each side. nearly t-he full width of the head. First Structure essentially as in chiapasia. row of eyes essentially straight as seen First row of eyes essentially straight as from in front, the median separated by seen from in front, the median separated by scarcely the radius, their diameter from their radius, a full diameter from the larger the larger lateral eyes. Second row of eyes lateral eyes. Second row of eyes moder- moderately recurved, the large median on ately recurved, the large median eyes or conspicuous black tubercles, separated by conspicuous tubercles on a median eleva- about their diameter, very near the smaller tion, separated by their diameter, only a lateral eyes which are only two-thirds the fourth as far from the smaller lateral eyes. diameter of the median. Median ocular Median ocular quadrangle broader than quadrangle broader than long (32/26), long (30/26), narrowed in front (30/20), narrowed in front (32/16), the front eyes the front eyes very much smaller. Clypeus very much smaller, about half the diame- equal in height to two and one-half diame- ter of the posterior median eyes. Clypeus ters of an anterior median eye. Chelicera equal in height to about two diameters of normal, the upper margin with five large an anterior median eye. Chelicerae nor- unequal teeth, the lower with five smaller mal, the upper margin with five teeth, of ones. Sternum, 0.80 mm. long, 0.56 mm. which the median three are considerably wide. larger, the lower margin with five subequal, Legs weakly spined, the first tibia with small teeth. Sternum, 0.60 mm. long, 0.54 two ventral pairs but without apical spines. mm. wide. First leg: femur, 1.85 mm.; patella, 0.45 Legs of normal length for the genus, mm.; tibia, 1.60 mm.; metatarsus, 1.75 armed with fine hairs and a few weak mm.; tarsus, 0.95 mm. Tibia and patella spines, the first tibia with two pairs of of the fourth leg, 1.65 mm. long. ventral spines. First leg: femur, 1.65 Abdomen as seen from above, a long oval, mm.; patella, 0.35 mm.; tibia, 1.55 mm.; rather pointed behind, nearly as high as metatarsus, 1.58 mm.; tarsus, 0.97 mm. long, distally produced above the spinner- SPIDERS FROM MEXICO. V 7 ets into a pointed tubercle. Epigynum as species which is otherwise very different in illustrated in figure 13. appearance. TYPE LOCALITY: Female holotype from Cordoba, Vera Cruz, Mexico (A. Petrunke- Selenyphantes longispinosa vitch). 0. P.-Cambridge RECORDS: San Luis Potosi: Xilitla, De- Figure 12 cember 2, 1939, female paratype (A. M. Leptyphantqs longispinosa 0. P-.CAMBRIDGE, and L. I. Davis); Tamazunchale, July 10, 1902, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Arachnida, 1939, female paratype (A. M. and L. I. vol. 1, p. 188, pl. 23, figs. 8-8f. Davis). RECORD: Vera Cruz: Jalapa to 10 miles This pretty species seems to be closely west, June 23, 1936, male and two females allied to pallida Cambridge described from (A. M. and L. I. Davis). Guatemala, if one may judge from the The female of this species is very similar similarity of the epigynum. However, in appearance to the male but has the un- the great differences in coloration and pat- marked, pale abdomen proportionately tern would seem to preclude the possibility stouter. The epigynum (fig. 12) is on a that the strongly marked Mexican speci- moderately elevated prominence and shows mens are the same. a broad median piece which is shallowly excavated on each side in front.

SELENYPHANTES, NEW GENUS JALAPYPHANTES, NEW GENUS A genus of the subfamily Linyphiinae. A genus of the subfamily Linyphiinae. Carapace much longer than broad (100/ Carapace somewhat longer than broad, 72), broadly rounded in front, the head at broadly rounded in front, the pars cephalica the second eye row three-fifths as wide as quite broad, equal in the female to about the carapace. Clypeus sloping forward, three-fifths the greatest width of the cara- equal in height to two diameters of an pace. Clypeus sloping gently forward, anterior median eye. First row of eyes equal in height to about three diameters of straight as seen from in front, the median an anterior median eye. Maxillae longer separated by about their radius, two full than wide. Eyes of first row straight, sub- diameters from the slightly larger lateral equidistantly spaced, the median smaller. eyes. Second eye row gently recurved, the Lateral eyes subequal, contiguous on con- median separated by slightly more than the nate tubercles. Posterior eye row gently diameter, a little farther from the subequal recurved, subequally spaced and subequal lateral eyes. Lateral eyes of each side sub- in size. Median ocular quadrangle as long equal, contiguous on a low, connate tuber- as or slightly longer than broad. Upper cle. Median ocular quadrangle slightly margin of the chelicera with three large longer than broad, much narrower in front, teeth, the lower margin with six small the posterior eyes larger. Pedipalp of teeth. Pedipalp of female with claw. Legs female with claw. Legs long and slender, quite stout, rather sparsely set with spines, the first femur twice as long as the cara- many of which are lateral in position. pace, the fourth tibia with two dorsal Fourth tibia with two dorsal spines. Ab- spines. Embolus of male palpus a long, domen subglobose, elevated in front. fine spine. Embolus of male palpus a long fine spine. GENOTYPE: Leptyphantes longispinosa 0. GENOTYPE: Jalapyphantes cuernavaca, P.-Cambridge. new species. Selenyphantes is related to Linyphia, The members of this genus resemble in a Helophora, and allied genera, but differs in general way the species of Labulla, Pimoa, having longer legs, in the details of the eye and Tapinopa, but they are considerably relations, and especially in the genitalia. smaller in size. The differences in the eye The epigynum of the female lacks a promi- relations will serve to distinguish them. nent scape. The male palpus is very simi- The epigyna of the three known species of lar to that of Jalapyphantes cuernavaca, a Jalapyphantes are very similar and present 8 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [No. 1313

two prominent, sclerotized elevations be- ratio of 10: 14. Clypeus equal in height to tween which lies a narrow finger or scape. three diameters of an anterior median eye. Chelicera with a few long hairs on the Jalapyphantes puebla, new species frontal surface, the upper margin with three Figure 16 long pointed teeth and a weak denticle at FEMALE: Total length, 3.70 mm. Cara- side of one nearest the base of claw, the pace, 1.50 mm. long, 1.30 mm. wide. Ab- lower margin with six small teeth. Ster- domen, 2.40 mm. long, 1.80 mm. wide. num, 0.80 mm. long, 0.80 mm. wide. Carapace light yellowish brown, the Legs moderately stout, armed with weak sides of the pars cephalica with a dark spines. First leg: femur, 1.90 mm.; brown marginal band, the midline with a patella, 0.55 mm.; tibia, 1.80 mm.; meta- dark brown band as wide as the eye group tarsus, 1.73 mm.; tarsus, 1.14 mm. Tibia and which is slightly narrowed as it goes and patella of the fourth leg, 1.80 mm. back to the caudal margin. Clypeus with Abdomen suboval as seen from above, a dusky spot immediately below the eyes, elevated in front, broadly rounded and de- otherwise pale. Chelicerae yellowish brown, clining behind, oval as seen from the side. somewhat dusky in front. Sternum yellow- Epigynum as illustrated in figure 16. ish brown, rather broadly margined with TYPE LOCALITY: Female holotype from black. Labium black except for white tip; Riofrio, Puebla, Mexico, 3000 meters, maxillae dusky yellowish brown. Legs April 26, 1942 (C. Bolivar, B. Osorio, D. yellowish brown, dusky, the femora, tibiae, Pelaez). and metatarsi with median and apical RECORDS: Distrito Federal: Desierto de black rings, the tarsi only with a median los Leones, March 22, 1941, female and im- dark ring. Palpus also ringed with black. mature male paratypes (M. Correa, M. Abdomen mostly gray above, with an in- Cardenas). distinct pattern of darker chevrons on the distal half and presenting numerous small Jalapyphantes minorata, new species white flecks; sides mottled with black; Figure 15 the venter with a paler area enclosing small FEMALE: Total length, 2.00 mm. Cara- white spots. pace, 0.92 mm. long, 0.74 mm. wide. Ab- Carapace longer than broad, the pars domen, 1.15 mm. long, 1.05 mm. wide. cephalica broadly rounded in front, the Coloration in rather close agreement head at the second eye row equal to three- with puebla. Brown median stripe of cara- fifths the greatest width of the carapace. pace as wide as the eyes in front, gradually Pars cephalica as seen in side view highest narrowed and ended behind the end of the at the second eye row, the eye group pro- inconspicuous median groove. Brown jecting somewhat over the gently sloping bands of the pars thoracica much broader clypeus. Eye group five-sevenths the than in puebla, leaving only a narrow V- width of the head at the second row, the shaped paler maculation on the carapace. eyes closely set. First row of eyes as seen Clypeus dusky. Sternum light brown, from in front straight, as seen from above rather narrowly ringed with black. Legs strongly recurved, the median nearly con- strongly ringed with black, essentially as tiguous at the base, separated from the in puebla, but the rings more extensive. larger laterals by their radius. Lateral Abdomen dusky, the dorsum with a series eyes of each side subequal, contiguous on of creamy white, irregular spots in the connate tubercles. Posterior eye row middle; sides black with small creamy gently recurved, a line along the upper white flecks and spots; the venter with the edges of the lateral cutting through about broad paler stripe flanked by large creamy one-fifth of the medians, the median sepa- white maculations. rated by their radius, only slightly more Structure essentially as in puebla. Eyes distant from the equal lateral eyes. Me- proportionately a little larger and closer dian ocular quadrangle longer than broad together. First row of eyes as seen from (32/29), the front eyes much smaller in the in front gently recurved but essentially 1946] SPIDERS FROM MEXICO. V 9 straight, the median scarcely separated at mm.; patella, 0.40 mm.; tibia, 1.25 mm.; their base and as far from the larger lateral metatarsus, 0.27 mm.; tarsus, 0.78 mm. eyes. Eyes of the posterior row gently re- Tibia and patella of the fourth leg, 1.30 curved, the median separated by one-third mm. the diameter, as far from the equal lateral Epigynum as illustrated in figure 18. eyes. Median ocular quadrangle as broad MALE: Total length, 2.70 mm. Cara- as long, narrowed in front (31/24). Clyp- pace, 1.33 mm. long, 1.14 mm. wide. Ab- eus equal in height to two diameters of an domen, 1.50 mm. long, 1.10 mm. wide. anterior median eye. Chelicerae armed Coloration in rather close agreement with as in puebla. the female. Carapace all dark brown but Legs of moderate stoutness with a few marked with radiating black streaks. weak spines, and seemingly without paired Sternum light brown, irregularly margined ventral spines. First leg: femur, 1.00 with black. Legs ringed in black. Abdo- mm.; patella, 0.30 mm.; tibia, 0.90 mm.; men essentially as in the female. metatarsus, 0.93 mm.; tarsus, 0.63 mm. Structure essentially as in the female. Tibia and patella of the fourth leg, 1.00 Carapace a little longer than broad, mm. long. Epigynum as illustrated in broadly rounded behind and on the sides, figure 15. only slightly narrowed in front. Eye group TYPE LOCALITY: Female holotype from set on a lobe which projects over the gently Mountain Pass east of Mexico City in the sloping clypeus. Eye relations essentially state of Mexico, June 20, 1936 (A. M. and as in the female. First row of eyes straight, L. I. Davis). median separated by less than a radius, about twice as far from the lateral. Pos- Jalapyphantes cuernavaca, new species terior eye row gently recurved, the median Figures 17 and 18 separated by a radius two-thirds their FEMALE: Total length, 3.20 mm. Cara- diameter from the equal lateral eyes. pace, 1.10 mm. long, 0.90 mm. wide. Ab- Median ocular quadrangle as broad as long, domen, 2.10 mm. long, 1.70 mm. wide. narrowed in front (34/24), the front eyes Coloration essentially as in the pre- smaller. Clypeus equal in height to four viously described species except as follows: diameters of an anterior median eye. carapace dusky brown with a few darker Chelicera essentially as in the female but radiating lines but without lighter mark- the upper margin with two large teeth ings or pattern. Legs very broadly ringed toward the end of the claw and a smaller with black. tooth near the base of the claw, leaving a Structure essentially as in the other space between equal to the width of the two species. First row of eyes straight as seen larger teeth. Lower margin with five small from in front, the median separated by a teeth. Sternum, 0.70 mm. long, 0.75 mm. third the diameter, about the same distance wide. from the larger lateral eyes. Posterior eye Legs proportionately longer than in the row gently recurved, the median separated female, the spines seemingly the same. by scarcely their radius, a radius from the First leg: femur, 1.50 mm.; patella, 0.40 equal lateral eyes. Median ocular quad- mm.; tibia, 1.47 mm.; metatarsus, 1.47 rangle as broad as long, narrowed in front mm.; tarsus, 0.90 mm. Tibia and patella (34/27), the front eyes smaller. Clypeus of the fourth leg, 1.40 mm. equal in height to three diameters of an Palpus as illustrated in figure 17. anterior median eye. Sternum, 0.66 mm. TYPE LOCALITY: Male holotype from long, 0.64 mm. wide. Chelicera with three Horsetail Falls, Nuevo Leon, June 11 large teeth on the upper margin and six 1936 (A. M. and L. I. Davis). small ones on the lower. RECORDS: Morelos: 7 miles north of Legs clothed with fine hairs and a few Cuernavaca, July 3, 1941, female allotype dorsal, lateral, and ventral spines on the and two female paratypes (A. M. and L. I. femora and tibia. First leg: femur, 1.35 Davis). 10 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [No. 1313

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6'_ Fig. 1. Frontinella huachuca benevola, new subspecies, left male palpus, ventral view. Fig. 2. Idem, epigynum, ventral view. Fig. 3. Idem, epigynum, caudal view. Fig. 4. Frontinella huachuca, new species, lamella of left male palpus, ventral view. Fig. 5. Idem, epigynum, ventral view. Fig. 6. Frontinella caudata, new species, epigynum, ventral view. Fig. 7. Frontinella potosia, new species, left male palpus, subventral view. Fig. 8. Idem, left male palpus, retrolateral view. Fig. 9. Idem, epigynum, ventral view. 1946] SPIDERS FROM MEXICO. V 11



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Fig. 10. Frontinella lepidula, new species, left male palpus, subventral view. Fig. 11. Idem, left male palpus, retrolateral view Fig. 12. Selenyphantes longispinosa 0. P.-Cambridge, epigynum, ventral view. Fig. 13. Linyphia xilitla, new species, epigynum, ventral view. Fig. 14. Linyphia chiapasia, new species, epigynum, ventral view. Fig. 15. Jalapyphantes minorata, new species, epigynum, ventral view. Fig. 16. Jalapyphantes puebla, new species, epigynum, ventral view. Fig. 17. Jalapyphantes cuernavaca, new species, left male palpus, ventral view. Fig. 18. Idem, epigynum, ventral view.