TheThe ShuniahShuniah NewsNews Shuniah, A Municipality with a Silver Lining

Volume Six, Issue Four July 2016

ATVs in Shuniah Mayor and Council are currently are invited to attend this meet- considering a by-law which will ing to learn about and/or voice allow ATV’s on Shuniah roads. A any questions or concerns about special public meeting has been allowing ATV's on Shuniah scheduled on Monday July 11th, roads. Any comments or con- 6 pm at the Macgregor Recre- cerns with respect to this matter ation Centre to receive input and can also be submitted to the comments from the public con- Clerk, Nadene Hunley-Johansen, cerning this matter. Residents at [email protected] or call 683-4545. All submissions will become part of the public record and will be provided to Council for their information. Additional details can be found on the Shuniah website at ing-council-matters.html Peter Tracz - Senior of the Year On June 18th, 2016 Mr. Peter Shuniah Soil Mates have made Age-Friendly and O.P.P. Community Tracz was presented with the the community gardens tremen- Senior of the Year Award by the dously successful! In addition, he BBQ Huge Success! Mayor and Council of the Munic- recognized the community gar- by Andrea Strawson, Project Manager ipality of Shuniah at the Age- den was a team effort and the The Age-Friendly and O.P.P age all residents to continue tak- Friendly and O.P.P. Community hard work of the 30+ members Community BBQ was held on ing photos throughout the year BBQ. Mr. Peter Tracz advocated was vital to its success. Congrat- June 18th at the MacGregor in preparation for our next photo for and supported the creation of ulations and thank you to Mr. Recreation Centre. There was an contest for the 2018 calendar! the Community Gardens since its Peter Tracz for his ongoing dedi- amazing turnout with over 100 The strategic plan brochure was inception. His leadership, dedica- cation to the Municipality of people in attendance. This was a available at the BBQ and many tion and endless support to the Shuniah. clear indication to us that resi- people were eager to read about dents want more community the direction the Municipality events like this one and we are plans to take over the next 5 eager to plan for future events years. The Shuffleboard League and BBQ’s! Mayor, Council, and sign-up sheet was available and staff were overjoyed by the num- many residents took the oppor- ber of residents that were able to tunity to join the league. In Sep- join us and celebrate Senior’s tember 2016, we will have a Month. kick-off event to launch the Shuffleboard League. Mr. Peter Tracz received the Sen- ior of the Year award for his ded- While all of the events were ication to Shuniah and more going on, residents were lined up specifically the Shuniah Soil to partake in the BBQ. We would Mates. Prior to the award, there like to thank White Cedar Phar- was a break and enter presenta- macy, The Fish Shop, Crystal tion by O.P.P forensic officer, Al Beach Variety, Skaf’s Just Basics, Macdonald. Many residents com- Chartwell Retirement Residence, mented that the presentation Superstore, and Metro for their was informative and enlighten- generous and delicious donations Backyard Chickens ing. The 12 winning calendar that made the BBQ such a suc- photos from our Photo Contest cess! We would also like to thank in Shuniah were displayed and voted on. The all the residents that took time to Mayor and Council are consider- within Shu- photo contest was extremely suc- join us for the event and hope to ing a by-law to permit backyard niah. Council cessful with 99 entries. I encour- see you at events in the future! chickens (hens) in Shuniah. will be con- Council will be reviewing the ducting public Shuffleboard League Kick-off Event available data and taking all in- information and & Age-Friendly Action Plan Feedback BBQ formation into consideration be- input sessions coming in September! fore deciding on the feasibility of which will likely occur allowing "backyard chickens" sometime this fall. Updates will be re- layed in the Shuniah News and on the Shuniah website at: upcoming-council-matters.html

SSHHUUNNIIAAH CCOOMMMMUUNNIITTYY YYAARRDD SSAALLEE SSAATT.. JJUULLYY 99TTHH ,, 99AAMM--1PPMM MMAACCGGRREEGGOORR RREECCRREEAATTIIOONN CCEENNTTRREE PPAARRKK The Weather Guy Shuniah Public Works - Hello Shuniah. This is our first and Spruce 10.0mm. Summer 2016 weather column. May was somewhat wetter, nor- by Craig Baumann, Manager of Operations The weather data that you may mal is 67 mm, McKenzie had or may not be able to find, is from 38.8mm, Pearl 60.8mm, and Airport. As you Spruce 43.2mm. Those numbers /&*0#/)(2 know, as you are coming home are somewhat misleading, as it from town, the marina is a little was dry most of the month, until cooler, Current River is cooler yet the rains began about May 24th. 11,(/&*21*.021 and the car windows are closing Pearl had 28.4 mm on May 28 by Spruce River Road. Rainfall alone. 2/&*0#/)(211,(/&*21*.021 2#1*200-2*'#0(&)0(2/, data is usually much different. 1.&,(1 2&) 2 ,(2,/%2 1%222$%21.2.#021',0"/, As you know, June has had some 1-(+))2+.0 2)01*02.102.#02.+%02./2')01-2/&.21-(2(+*$/*02/ So, Shuniah Fire installed good soakings, with McKenzie 1- 2&-!1-.0(2#/&*0#/)(2$//)21&./%/.+021-(2"1,(0- and Pearl adding up to above weather stations at each fire hall, '#0%+'1)*2 /&2-/2)/-"0,2-00( McKenzie, Pearl and Spruce River normal, and we are only at mid- Road. The data is for township month. Spruce had been a little use, like flooding or fire events. lighter. Those details next time. The websites are available for #02'/))0'.+/-2*+.02!+))21''0$.: resident use at: If you have any weather questions, drop me an email: 821+-.*27/1.+-"*21-(2.#0+,2'/-.1+-0,* “ [email protected] 82/)0-.*21-(2.#0+,2'/-.1+-0,*” Marv Lassi is a 82+-")03*02, 270))261..0,+0* So why did the fire ban carry on retired weather for so long this spring? Well, it technician, 82,0**&,+0(27/-.1+-0,* was, dry. In March, normal residing in monthly precipitation is about 42 Shuniah. 821!-240,.+)+0,*20*.+'+(0*21-(2.#0+,2'/-.1+-0,* mm. McKenzie had 7.8mm, Pearl 11.6mm, and Spruce 9.0mm. In 8 -.+,00021-(2+.*2'/-.1+-0, April, normal is 42 mm, McKen- zie had 12.8mm, Pearl 12.4mm 825%$. &,+'1.+-"2+)27/-.1+-0,*



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EMERGENCY ...... 911 Non Emergency Administration 983-2021 (facsimile 983-2943) Public Works and Roads ..... 983-2550 (facsimile 983-2946) Municipal Office ...... 683-4545(facsimile 683-6982) 2016 Dog Toll-free: 1-855-683-4545 Licenses available OPP ...... 1 888 310-1122 at the Shuniah MNR...... 1 888 310-(Fire) 3473 Municipal Office

COUNCIL CONTACT INFORMATION SALES AND Mayor Wendy Landry 807 346-9330 807 626-6686 [email protected] PRO-TECHSERVICE Councillor Donna Blunt 807 983-2129 [email protected] WATER PUMPS HOLDING TANKS Councillor Ron Giardetti 807 983-2051 WATER TREATMENT The Pump WELL SUPPLIES 807 627-7115 [email protected] and Filter Councillor Don Smith AND FILTERS Experts ELECTRIC MOTORS 807 621-1904 [email protected] 45 YRS EXPERIENCE M.O.E. Licensed Technician Councillor Duff Stewart 807 627-0230 [email protected] 541 10th Avenue 807-346-8324 page 2, The Shuniah News, July 2016 Age-Friendly Needs Assessment Complete by Andrea Strawson, Project Manager The Municipality of Shuniah is their input. We would like to in the process of developing thank everyone who an Age-Friendly action plan to participated in this initiative! address the needs of older The information you provided adults in our community. Over is very valuable and will be the month of May, residents essential in order to formulate were asked to provide their our action plan. We are now in input to the Age-Friendly the process of compiling and needs assessment by way of analyzing the data received. the survey, focus groups, We expect to put a report and/or interviews. We received forth to Mayor and Council in 100 surveys, had 20 focus August 2016. group participants, and 15 interview participants. The Age-Friendly Committee was very pleased with the number of residents who provided PAWS Treasure Chest Second-Hand Store

Proceeds t o s uppor t pet s paying o r neutering f or t hose who n eed f inancial help t o d o t his Donate Your I tems To T his G reat FIRE NEXT Shuniah News SEPTEMBER! Cause! • C ome Deadline for submissions Aug. 16 Shop f or S uper ? PERMITS Submissions & photos are welcome! Deals-New S tuff Do you have stories or photos about Shuniah, or Arriving A ll t he Community Events to publicize? Time! 2016 Submissions can be emailed to: [email protected] All open air Please make note that you wish your submission to be published in The Shuniah News.Questions Located in fires in the Municipality of about submissions or extremely reasonable Shuniah require fire permits advertising rates? Design House: Chris Vaclav Lakeshore - 628 7271 or EMAIL [email protected] year round and that includes EPAYMENTS - [email protected] Variety The Shuniah News is produced by Design House the use of Fire Pits, Out- Publications, printed by Web Press and distributed by door Fireplaces and Chime- Thunder Bay Letter Shop.COMING SOON - THE SHUNIAH NEWS, TO A COMPUTER NEAR YOU! neas. Permits are on an Check out our website at - sign annual basis, are FREE OF up to receive The Shuniah News! CHARGE and can be picked Disclaimer: The Shuniah News is made available for up at:the Municipal office, information purposes only. The Municipality of Shuniah does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of information, Lakeshore Variety, nor is it responsible for any expenses or damages incurred directly or indirectly resulting from the use of this information. Crystal Beach Variety or All information attained herein should be verified online at independently. It is possible that the information contains errors or omissions and The Municipality of Shuniah makes no representation to the contrary. The material in this publication is not necessarily the opinion of the Corporation of The Municipality of Shuniah, its employees, officers.

Wegner Enterprises is now accepting spring bookings for: FIREWOOD CUTTING AND SPLITTING • Our PORTABLE PROCESSOR will custom cut and split your firewood on site • Sizes from 12’’ – 22’’ and split in either half or quarters ➣VERY COMPETITIVE RATES ➣FAST SERVICE

NEW FOR 2016! WE CAN PROCESS DIRECTLY INTO YOUR WOOD SHED!! 3879 Hwy 11/17 Book your spot soon as space is limited FLAT RATE / BUSH CORD CALL US TODAY FOR PRICING FULLY INSURED Your Authorized Central Boiler Dealer 345-3966 Leave the heavy lifting to us! The Shuniah News, July 2016, page 3 for a tour. We have a great fa- News from McKenzie Public School cility and a wonderful 12 acre playground. We focus on McKenzie School 1625 Lakeshore Drive – 983-2355 healthy eating, healthy life submitted by Laurel Moir, Vice Principal styles and daily physical activi- McKenzie Public School had Kindergarten staff, Best Start and ties that keep our children the Municipality of Shuniah pro- happy and healthy. Our fami- a great year! lies are very involved in our If you were at our Community Bar- vided activities for children and adults in the gym. Our Miss Court- school and we welcome them. becue on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 We also pride ourselves on our you would have seen at least 100 ney from Little Lions shared an in- teractive story with our children. current instructional practices people playing, eating and just vis- in literacy and numeracy. We iting with their neighbours in a The weather cooperated and the sun came out in time for outside are never satisfied and we work great family focused school. We hard to make sure our children held this as our Welcome to Kinder- play. We will be sure to do this again next year. We hope to see you have the best education we can garten event and at the suggestion provide. Please call Mrs. Moir at of our School Council, invited any- there. The Junior Kindergarten 983-2355 if you would like a one that wanted to come. Many or- tour. ganizations, businesses and Class of 2016 individuals generously donated We are pleased to see that we have What a busy June it was!! money so that we could offer free 13 Junior Kindergarten children In the month of June, we went food to everyone that came. The registered for school for September to Old Fort William, Lakehead Shuniah Youth Group entertained of 2016. We welcome all these fam- Public Schools Kingfisher Out- our younger visitors outside and ilies and invite anyone who is con- door Education Centre, Track Little Lions Waldorf Daycare, our sidering our school to visit and ask and Field, Three Pitch, and Cen- tennial Park. Here are some pic- tures of our adventures!

Municipal Office HOURS OF OPERATION Located at 420 Leslie Avenue, Thunder Bay Monday through Friday 8:30 am until 4:30 pm **Summer Hours: from May long weekend till Labour Day the Municipal Office will be closed on Fridays at 3:30pm MCTAVISH LANDFILL SITE Located on Highway 11/17, 1000 feet west o f Silver Lake Road Open Wednesdays: (April 1 to Oct 31) from noon until 8 pm (Nov 1 to Mar 31) from 10 am to 6 pm Saturdays and Sundays from 9 am until 5 pm MACGREGOR LANDFILL SITE Located on Highway 11/17, 4.5 km west of McKenzie Station Rd. Open on Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 pm; Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. until 5 pm

page 4, The Shuniah News, July 2016 We’re Blooming Full Bore! by Peter Tracz, Chairperson, Shuniah Soil Mates As of Friday June 17 our wheeled refuse container, new handy dandy work party has fab- hose reel and nozzle and we ricated our final garden box #32. thank the Youth Group for the It is a flower garden and a south- loan of their hose reel for these west compliment to the 2 north- past two seasons. east gardens having flowers. We We are in the process of ap- have, as well, an underground plying to the Federal Government water supply line to the garden for 1000 Tulips to celebrate enclosure and we don't have to 's 150th Anniversary Year. walk up the hill to shut it off Our member Gordon Milne has each day. (Thank you Craig Bau- composed a 200 word essay to mann and crew) give good reason why Shuniah's Our gardens are fully occu- Community Gardens should have pied and we're booked solid for a set of those tulips. There just the year. What a great feeling it may be a planting ceremony in is to have so many dedicated to October. There is an application the success of the Community for individual citizens to apply for Gardens. We are growing every- these tulips. Check out their web- thing under the sun and the site at weather has been strangely ben- Have a gander at our gardens eficial by raining at just the right and drop in now and then. The time every week. place looks terrific because it just We have sufficient funds to is. begin purchases for a Euro- type Juliette Collier Broker

1186 Russell St. Thunder Bay Office: (807)623-4663 [email protected] Cell (807) Contact Juliette for your 2016 real estate needs! 629-2788


Call Corey or John for a free quote! We offer a quality product at competitive prices • Quality galvanized steel piers 25% stronger than the leading competitors • Piers installed with minimal impact to lawn and landscaping • High performance and versatile pier installation equipment • Customer-oriented and efficient • Your BEST defense against frost heave THE PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE TO SONO-TUBES Helical piers provide a solid foundation for: • Decks Low ground impact • Home additions installation • Cottages and modular homes equipment will • Gazebos not damage your • Car ports • Fence, mailbox and lamp posts landscaping • Clothesline posts • Docks and boardwalks • Under concrete slabs and footings • Solar arrays • Accessory buildings • Commercial and industrial projects Our mini-excavator allows for concrete rubble and rock extraction as well as trenching and other small scale excavation projects Corey Sadler: 807-355-2679 John Wray: 807-707-2522 [email protected]

The Shuniah News, July 2016, page 5 What is Happening at the MacGregor Recreation Centre? 800 Lakeshore Drive – More information call 344-1908 Or visit us for a monthly calendar DON’T MISS IT!!!! SHUNIAH COMMUNITY YARD SALE SATURDAY JULY 9TH , 9AM-1PM MACGREGOR RECREATION CENTRE PARKING LOT 800 Lakeshore Drive RESERVE A SPOT NOW FOR YOUR

VEHICLE BY CALLING Shuniah Recreation - July 344-1908 OR EMAIL [email protected]

CALLING ALL KIDS!! JOIN US AT THE YOUTH CENTRE THIS SUMMER! Summer Youth Centre Programs start Tuesday July 5th Tuesday Game Nights 6-9pm Bring your suit, towel and water squirter so you are ready to get WET! There will be sports, games, slip & slide, reverse paintball and water fun every sunny evening! We are

also open RAIN OR SHINE so Shuniah Recreation - August don’t spend rainy nights by yourself … join us for games like pictionary or minute to win it challenges, mini sticks hockey, crafts and more! Thursday Popcorn & Movie Nights 6-9pm Put on your PJ’s and relax with us… it is our weekly popcorn and a movie night! What movie will it be? Come and Check the calendar for the movies our kids requested! check out our 200 foot Slip and Slide! Keep in touch with your friends AND make new ones this summer at the Shuniah Youth Centre!

• Oil-Fired Appliance Service

Check out the newly renovated laundromat at Crystal Beach!

Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days a week Holidays included 983-2752 page 6, The Shuniah News, July 2016 Lakehead Region Conservation Authority submitted by LRCA staff OneIncludes Stop Canadian Course Firearms Safety DatesCourse & Ontario Hunter Education Program At the Lakehead Region to create a more effective riparian Conservation Authority’s (LRCA) buffer, along with the relocation of DATE TIME 2016 Annual Meeting in January, a section of trail. Additionally, an ^qqbkqflk Friday, June 24 6 to 10 pm Mervi Henttonen, General innovative approach was taken to i~âÉëÜçêÉ June Saturday, June 25 8 am to 6 pm Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, protect the new riparian zone Sunday, June 26 8 am to 6 pm advised the LRCA Board of her utilizing coconut fibre logs. These aêáîÉ= retirement, effective July 1st, 2016. rolls of coconut fibre are a naturally Friday, July 15 6 to 10 pm Ms. Henttonen has been a part of the biodegradable product that absorbs oÉëáÇÉåíë> July Saturday, July 16 8 am to 6 pm LRCA for over 42 years, and her water and becomes extremely heavy. Sunday, July 17 8 am to 6 pm contributions to the organization As the waterlogged rolls settle, they over the years have been immense. create a sturdy barrier between the As of July 4th, 2016, the LRCA water and the shoreline vegetation. Friday, August 12 6 to 10 pm welcomes Tammy Cook as the Chief After approximately three years, the August Saturday, August 13 8 am to 6 pm Administrative Officer. Ms. Cook coconut fibre logs will have Sunday, August 14 8 am to 6 pm previously held the position of naturally decomposed, however the Watershed Manager with the LRCA. riparian vegetation will have been Friday, September 16 6 to 10 pm The LRCA administers Ontario afforded the protection required for September Saturday, September 17 8 am to 6 pm Regulation 180/06: Development, substantial root bases to take hold Sunday, September 18 8 am to 6 pm Interference with Wetlands and and strengthen the shoreline. Alterations to Shorelines and Although every effort is being made Watercourses under the to slow down erosion at Mission *Course Prices INCLUDE both books and exams* Conservation Authorities Act within Island Marsh Conservation Area, it • Canadian Firearms Safety Course $165 its Area of Jurisdiction. Development is important to remember that • Ontario Hunter Education Course $170 within the Approximated Regulated erosion cannot be stopped. A special All courses are given at Shuniah Fire Hall #1, 1700 Lakeshore Drive Area may require a Permit from the thank you goes out to the teachers You must be 12 or older and must bring 2 pieces of ID such as a LRCA. Development that and student volunteers of Churchill passport, driver’s licence, birth certificate, native status card. commences prior to receiving a High School for their assistance with To register, contact John Salonen: Phone 983-2693 or 627-8313 Permit is subject to double the fee. the shoreline planting. Email [email protected] Permit applications are available at The LRCA has several more the LRCA Administrative Office at exciting events planned this season, 130 Conservation Road or can be including Hazelwood Lake Family RURAL BUSINESS downloaded from the LRCA website Fun Day July 24, Little Trout Day by ( the Bay August 20, Fall Mushroom SERVICES DIRECTORY A number of publications and fact Hike, September 18 (pre- CLEANING sheets related to this topic are registration is required as this event Executive Cleaning Commercial & Residential available at the LRCA Administrative fills up quickly), Trails and Tails Dog Cleaning Office and on our website. As of June Adoption Fair on September 25th Phone Louisa - 628-2076, 1st, 2016, the Fee Schedule has been and Fall Waterfowl Viewing Day on Murillo EXCAVATIONS & updated. Please refer to our website October 15th. EQUIPMENT RENTALS or call us at (807) 344-5857 for Visit our website at Amethyst Well Drilling details. regularly to Ltd. Mini-excavator, Rosslyn Some exciting work has recently stay up-to-date on these events and Phone 935-2500 Fax 935- taken place at Mission Island Marsh other news, and be sure to sign up 2061 Conservation Area. The LRCA for our e-newsletter. FIREWOOD PROCESSING received a Great Lakes Guardian All of our Conservation Areas are Wegner Enterprises Community Fund grant for erosion now open for the season! Portable processor, custom mitigation work at the Mission. This Get out and Explore! cut and split, processed di- work consisted of the planting of rectly into your wood shed! 345-3966 some hearty vegetation in an effort FINANCIAL PLANNER George Comminos CFP CIM Certified Financial Planner, Des- jardins Financial Security Investments Inc. 1204C Roland St., Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5M4 623-6400 & 625-8446 (office) 628- 7758 (cell) [email protected] HOME INSPECTOR LakeshoreLakeshore Ontario Certified Home Inspections, [email protected] Sarah Orendt (807)-621-9485 REAL ESTATE Your “Camp” Specialist Juliette Collier, Broker Realty Executives Inter- national Ice Cream • Ice • Groceries • SASI Water Renovations, Additions, Cell: 629-2788 GiftsVariety Variety• Souvenirs • Amethyst • Ceramics Email: jcollier@realtyexecu- New Construction, Boathouse & 1186 Russell St., Office: Check out our selection 623-4663 of fine European Foods! Dock Restoration WELL SERVICES/PUMPS Amethyst Well Drilling including: Ltd. (807) 627-0224 Total well services; mini-exca- • Chocolate • Coffee vator, augering • Roschti Potatoes Trade Licenced & insured [email protected] Rosslyn, Phone 935-2500 ¨ Fax 935-2061 • Spatzle Kershaw Well Services 350 Blindline Road, Ross- lyn P7K 0R7 Phone 939-2166 Fax 939-2167 WINDOW CLEANING/HANDYMAN RJC Window Cleaning & Handyman Service Made in Thunder Bay! 632-2161 640 Beverly Street (807) 344-3232 Office For just $30/year, you (807) 344-5400 Fax Barb McEwen can have a listing which Moni’s Ceramics 1-888-837-6926 Toll Free Salesperson • Certified Duncan Teacher (807) 626-3860 CELL includes: Business [email protected] Name, Contact Informa- • Custom-Made Gifts tion and one line of de- scriptive type. Contact • Greenware Supplies Chris at • Classes Available [email protected] TEMPELMAN WATER HAULAGE et or 628-7271 for info. Providing Reliable Service Since 1987 We have a nice selection of Non-Alcoholic Wine and Beer! 767 9173 983-2323 1235 Lakeshore Drive Weekdays 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. For all your bulk water needs • Residential or Commercial • City water delivered in stainless steel tanks • Sundays & Holidays 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Wells • Holding Tanks • Swimming Pools • Skating Rinks Monika & Emil Hohnen Closed On Lakeshore Drive, 11km east of KOA on Spruce River Road Sundays

The Shuniah News, July 2016, page 7