TheThe ShuniahShuniah NewsNews

Shuniah, A Superior Living Experience

Volume Ten, Issue Three May 2020 Municipal Tax Penalty Relief Shuniah Stays Home (Except for the Drive-by Payment of all taxes will remain August 28 will be processed as at the regular scheduled due usual unless you call to cancel or Neighborhood Dance Party!) dates for 2020, April 24, August make and adjustment. 28 and October 30. We realize everyone’s situation is In order to flatten the curve out goes to Laura Pedersen and Late payment penalties will not different right now and are happy during the COVID-19 outbreak, Alana Jacobsen and their fami- be applied on the April 24th, 2020 to work with you on a one to one our Shuniah community among lies for planning, filming, and ed- tax payment until after August basis. many others have been in isola- iting the dance party! Thank you

2020. tion. During the tough separation for bring our community together Please note that any post- Contact Us period, where people are craving and bringing smiles to so many dated cheques will be processed Email: [email protected] socialization but want to follow faces! If you missed it, please on the dates the cheques were Phone: 807-683-4541, please the rules, a Drive-by Neighbor- check out the video on the Mac- written for payment. EFT pay- leave a message if I do not an- hood Dance Party up Lakeshore Gregor Rec Centre Facebook ments scheduled for April 24 and swer. Drive was planned. Community page and find many of our won- members were encouraged to derful community members smil- wear bunny ears, make signs, ing, waving, and sending out COVID-19: and put on their dancing shoes encouraging messages to each while following all social distanc- other. What an amazing place Off-peak Electricity Pricing ing guidelines and the results we live!

by Paul Greenwood, CAO were outstanding. A HUGE shout #flattenthecurve If you are a time-of-use (TOU) The Government has indicated #loveshuniah hydro customer then keep an eye that it intends to keep the 10.1 on your hydro bills. As of March ¢/kWh pricing in place for 45 24th the Provincial Government days. Do keep in mind that the under the Emergency Manage- pricing change does not apply to ment and Civil Protection Act is customers that pay tiered rates providing temporary emergency and the pricing change also relief for some electricity cus- does not apply to RPP cus- tomers. Residential and small tomers that have opted out of business customers and farms the RPP in favour of market- on TOU pricing under the OEB’s based pricing or a contract with Regulated Price Plan (RPP) will an electricity retailer. You can pay 10.1 ¢/kWh no matter what visit for additional time of day the electricity is con- information and updates as this sumed. This means that these relief may continue past the ini- TOU customers will be paying the tial 45 day period. off-peak price throughout the day. Shuniah Connects!

Message from the Mayor I want to start with a positive note ways to provide services within our in pondering these unprecedented community. times and the pandemic we find our- selves in. I hope that like me you As the days get longer and have taken this time to accept the warmer it will be an increasing chal- pause in our lives, to help us appre- lenge for all of us. I appreciate and ciate our time with our family, understand people’s frustration with friends, neighbours, co-workers and the restrictions that have been put how we can come together while in place to slow the spread of this missing each other and adapt to a deadly virus. However, now is not new way of connecting. The poten- the time to ease those restrictions. It tial for a new level of gratitude for the is because of these restrictions that relationships in our lives is real and we see the flattening of the curve. how we appreciate the way every Now is the time to stay engaged person contributes somehow to so- and follow the direction of the Pub- ciety should be recognized. lic Health Unit. These measures are needed to support our healthcare In these unprecedented times providers, first responders, all es- there are daily reminders that things sential service workers, our neigh- are constantly changing and that we bours, our most vulnerable and our need to continue to adapt to circum- children. stances. From a municipal perspec- tive resources will continue to focus The solution to this pandemic in- on essential and critical response volves everyone. services and will monitor and man- age operations accordingly. We will Please do not hesitate to reach certainly do our best to assist resi- out to myself, a member of council dents through these challenging or staff for any questions, clarifica- times. Working together with our tions or help of any kind. On behalf neighbouring municipalities along of Council, I wish you health and with every level of government is our hope you are being safe during this best way to collectively support our time and checking on your friends community. Many of our employees and neighbours. Keep in mind dur- are working remotely or staggering ing times like these we must remind their shifts and video conferencing ourselves of those that may be appears to be the new norm to en- struggling with their mental health able continuity of operations. The and at the same time taking care of protection of staff and residents will ourselves. remain a priority as we find new -Sincerely,Mayor Wendy Landry


Mayor Wendy Landry 807 346-9330 807 626-6686 [email protected]

Councillor Donna Blunt 807 983-2129 [email protected]

Councillor Ron Giardetti Shuniah 807 983-2051 Connects! 807 627-7115 [email protected]

Councillor Don Smith 807 621-1904 [email protected]

Councillor Duff Stewart 807 627-0230 [email protected]

SHUNIAH NUMBERS Nox says …"Stay Home and Stay Safe Shuniah"

EMERGENCY ...... 911 Non Emergency Administration ...... 983-2021 (facsimile 983-2943) Public Works and Roads ...... 983-2550 (facsimile 983-2946) Municipal Office ...... 683-4545 (facsimile 683-6982) Toll-free: 1-855-683-4545 OPP ...... 1 888 310-1122 MNR...... 1 888 310-(Fire) 3473


Located at 420 Leslie Avenue,

Monday to Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm May long weekend to September long weekend – Friday Hours 8:30 am to 3:30 pm

page 2, The Shuniah News, May 2020 Shuniah Public Works These Are Not Normal Times by Paul Greenwood, CAO Spring 2020 by Craig Baumann, Manager of Operations We’ve heard this expression many the Chief Building Official will only times over the past few weeks. I be doing inspections at this time if As spring approaches the public is Illegal Dumping of Yard Waste think it almost speaks more about there is nobody on the property site. advised to exercise caution in and and Debris the future than it does about the The roads department has refo- around area waterways. High flows, present. We all want things to be cused their operations to essential melting ice and unstable banks Residents are required to dispose back to normal as we all have a services only and we have been for- could be dangerous. Parents and of yard waste and debris at the Shu- much greater appreciation for ‘nor- tunate to keep our landfill hours of caregivers are advised to keep chil- niah Landfill Sites, not alongside mal’. While the Municipality has not operation the same with some mod- dren away from all waterways and roadways and trails that lead into declared an emergency it’s impor- ification to how we receive waste at discuss the hazards of flooding and the bush that are quite often private tant to remind residents that we are the site. The Fire Chief has been fast flowing water. property. If you don’t want the ma- all under a declaration of emergency splitting his time primarily between terial in your yard chances are nei- through the Ontario government. fire suppression and his role as LOAD RESTRICTIONS are in ef- ther do your neighbors. Based on this declaration and fol- CEMC as it relates to emergency fect from March 9th until late May as lowing the advice of our local District planning. The Treasurer made rec- a means to try to protect the integrity As always, the Public Works De- Health Unit our facilities will remain ommendations accepted by Coun- of the roads during the spring thaw. partment welcomes your input re- closed and we will continue to focus cil for property tax relief. Late Please keep this time period in mind garding transportation and on essential services until both the payment penalties will not be ap- if you are planning to have building environmental service items that emergency is lifted and we find new plied on the second tax installment supplies or gravel products delivered you feel require our attention. ways to provided municipal services due on April 24th. Residents have to your property. Please feel free to e-mail your com- while protecting the health of our been given an extra three months to ments, questions or concerns to employees and residents. pay the second property tax install- [email protected] . ment. Notices through our It's been a significant adjustment for CivicWeb, Website and Facebook staff and Council with the closing of announced the change and for res- the municipal office, working from idents to contact the municipal of- home, having employees working fice if they wanted a hold put on staggered shifts, taking necessary cheques that had not yet been precautionary actions for staff and processed, post-dated cheques or the public, staying connected with scheduled EFT payments. Council agencies and keep abreast of has also passed a by-law to allow changing Provincial legislation. All for video conferencing of Council municipal staff will continue to check Meetings and the Planning Ad Hoc their email and phone messages. committee continues to work on the We’ll do our best to respond to en- draft Official Plan as they review quiries and keep the Shuniah Web- and accommodate the comments site and Facebook updated with the received from the Province. status of municipal operations. All municipal staff have made modifica- For the most current information tions to their departments to main- on municipal operations please tain continuity of operations. We check the Shuniah website for up- have modified the process for re- dates and please keep informed of ceiving building permit applications current TBDHU recommendations and while we may be issuing build- and Provincial orders from the Pre- ing permits it will be up to the prop- mier during this pandemic emer- erty owner to follow all applicable gency. The solution to this provincial laws that may continue to pandemic is going to take every- have restrictions on what construc- one’s participation. Be safe and tion is allowed. Do keep in mind that stay home.

Shuniah Connects!

Karen Kent has posted a couple of short videos for my Family Music and my McKenzie Musik Makers friends on my Growing with Musik FB page. Others are welcome to use them for babies, toddlers, preschools and kindergarten-age little people!

Shuniah Dog Tags 2020 Dog Tags are required. Available for purchase at the Municipal Office.

The Shuniah News, May 2020 page 3 What is Happening at the MacGregor Recreation Centre? 800 Lakeshore Drive – More information call 344-1908 email [email protected] Follow MacGregor Rec Centre on Facebook to always know what is going on!


YOUTH GROUP ON-LINE - WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS @6PM ❤SHUNIAH FAMILIES!❤ We want to stay connected with YOU! Our Wednesday and Friday activities will continue to happen BUT on our MacGregor Rec Facebook page and we want you to join in! At 6pm those nights we will post an ac- tivity on our page for you to do at home and then you can show us how it went by adding your own pictures to our post (with parent permission of course!) The youth group staff has already invited youth of Shuniah to participate in fun challenges and activities on-line including crafts ideas and demonstrations, snack recipes and challenges like our favourite Easter game Egg Roulette. Check out all the posts form the last month and get ready for some more! We miss you! We know that this is hard to be separated from your friends so meet them and us here! Can’t wait to see you! Stay home stay safe! ❤ #loveshuniah #flattenthecurve

ONLINE VIRTUAL YOGA - BY DONATION Art Fiedler: [email protected] or (807) 707-7374 Looking to learn yoga? Or continue your practice during these challenging times? Art is putting on live classes for all levels, using the Zoom app. Feel free to reach out with any questions, or if you're nervous with technology. Hope to see you (virtually) on the mat! More info on website: fyoga


WARRIOR HOME-BASED TRAINING This is a private Facebook group, dedi- Shuniah cated to keeping people's fitness up during our isolation period. There are 2 separate Connects! workouts posted each week and a challenge workout, with videos available for unfamil- iar exercises. Exercises are mainly body- weight movements, but weights can be added if they are available. New 4-week session starting Monday April 20th and then May 18th. Will pro-rate for those starting part-way through a session. Cost is $40 for the entire 4 weeks. If interested please contact Coach Dayna (807) 632-2254

page 4, The Shuniah News, May 2020 Shuniah Connects!

The Shuniah News, May 2020 page 5 News from McKenzie School Submitted by Julie Gayoski-Luke, Vice Principal This is a year that people will defi- nitely remember. It has been a time for the family and maintaining rela- tionships at a distance. We have all faced challenges as we all prepared for the unexpected the best we could during the current pandemic. What I have learned through this process is that no matter what the obstacle, Mustangs prevail. We have fantastic families, teachers and students that took on the challenge of adapting to our new school reality by putting Talent Shows aside fears of technology and work- ing alongside each other “virtually” to normalize education for our students Shuniah in the current environment. Thank Outdoor Fun you! Connects! Mrs. Armstrong, McKenzie’s JK/SK teacher, organized a way that See more on McKenzie students and community p. 7&8 can help out. We are accepting let- ters, pictures, and happy thoughts for the seniors at Chartwell. We have a box at the end of the sidewalk in front of McKenzie school that you can drop off a little something for our seniors. You can place your items in a ziplock bag to protect them from the elements and don’t forget to san- itize your hands after you touch the lid. Please also feel free to call the school with the name and address of a person in the community that you feel would benefit from getting a let- ter, note or picture from one of the students Online Learning and we will mail them one!! Have fun and be safe! We can’t wait to see every- one again soon.

“Mrs. Parker and Ms. Gail missing all of the McKenzie children!”

page 6, The Shuniah News, May 2020 Soil Mates Community Gardens in Limbo by Peter Tracz, Rocking ChairPerson, Shuniah SoilMates The Ontario Government has protocols have been developed placed Virus Pandemic preven- to allow people to continue tion regulations closing all recre- shopping for groceries. Time will ation areas as well as all tell if we will have a 120 day gar- Community Gardens declaring den growing season. On a them non-essential and the Shu- lighter happening, trying my best niah Rec Center Soil Mates is no to keep occupied by using old exception. I was particularly sad- and new cooking menus, I de- dened to read that the Roots to cided to make a good old fash- Harvest “Garden like a Boss” ioned meat loaf for supper….I seminar was cancelled because thawed the hamburger, put it in they have a similar non-essential a bowl, cracked an egg, added status with their Water St. facility. soya and HP sauce, salt and Some time in mid March I re- pepper, walked over to the dark ceived a petition from Sustain pantry, reached up and grabbed Ontario (a Community Growing a cylinder thingy, back to the This cloud angel photo is my Network) to identify Community cook island, popped the lid on thanks to all the essential people Gardens as an Essential Service. the can….and proceeded to everywhere in Thunder Bay for I endorsed the petition on behalf dump quite a few ounces their good work during the Shuniah Stays of the Shuniah Soil Mates and my of….chocolate milk closures.-Peter Tracz Safe! signature at that time was #579 powder…well… the container or thereabouts. As of this writing was round like the breadcrumb the signatures are over 6000 and one. There is always a first time counting. I do believe it is possi- and Diane had a good laugh and ble to tend to garden plots while then we hugged. still observing physical distance Love your family and friends. measures called for by the Public Stay well and be safe till this is Health Officials in the same way all over.

The Shuniah News, May 2020 page 7 Whole School Ramp Challenge

McKenzie Staff Video - OMShrcvBq8E

A special Easter St. Patrick’s Day gift to all of our families whom we miss so very much! Thank you Mrs. Poling for e words for us!

Shuniah Connects!

Shuniah Dance Video - 892985736721/?t=13 WINTER LANDFILL HOURS November 1 - March 31

MacGregor Site Wednesday 8:30am-4:30pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm

McTavish Site Wednesday 10 am to 6 pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm

2021 Shuniah Calendar Photo Contest: We want your photos to showcase Shuniah’s beautiful landscapes, build- ings, landmarks, events, and anything else related to Shuniah! No experi- ence required! The more photos you submit the better your chances! Your photos could also appear in Municipal publications, website and printed materials to promote Shuniah.

• 1st Place – Shuniah Hoodie, Shuniah Promo Bag & $25 to the Fish SUMMER LANDFILL HOURS Shop & to Lakeshore Bistro • 2nd Place – Shuniah Hoodie, Shuniah Promo Bag & $25 to the Fish April 1 to October 31 Shop • 3rd Place – Shuniah Toque, Shuniah Promo Bag & $25 to Lakeshore Bistro MacGregor Site Email your hi-resolution photos to [email protected] or submit via Sat/Sun 9:00am-5:00pm USB/memory stick to the Municipal Office. You must submit an Entry Wed 8:30am-4:30pm Form for each submission.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE FOR 2021 CALENDAR CONTEST:FRIDAY, SEPT. 18, 2020 McTavish Site Sat/Sun 9:00am-5:00pm Entry forms available at: development/2021calendar/ Wed 12:00pm-8:00pm Any questions, please contact the Municipal Office at 683-4545. page 8, The Shuniah News, May 2020 submitted by LRCA Staff Please note that the 2020 Pri- vate Landowner’s Tree Seedling Assistance Program has been postponed indefinitely. Addition- ally, the 2020 Wine Tasting & Din- ner fundraising event and the 2020 Dorion Birding Festival have been cancelled. Keep an eye on the LRCA’s website and social media channels for more information about closures and cancellations. Please note that our Conserva- tion Areas are currently open at the time of writing; however, due to the evolving situation sur- rounding the COVID-19 pan- demic, things can change very quickly. As such, we ask that you please visit our website regularly and follow us on Facebook for up-to-date information. In the meantime, please note that washrooms, shelters and benches are closed. Conserva- tion Areas are not being main- tained. We highly suggest you all stay vigilant with physical dis- tancing and only leave your home if absolutely necessary; however, we recognize the fact that getting outside is beneficial to our physi- cal and mental health. That being said, if you do find yourself in one of the LRCA’s Conservation Areas, you MUST practice physi- cal distancing of at least 2 metres between you and anyone else. You also must remove all garbage from the area that you bring in with you, as we have lim- ited ability to empty our garbage cans. Pets must also be on-leash at all times and must be picked up after. There has been a marked in- YouYou needneed it,it, we’vewe’ve gotgot crease in vandalism and un- wanted, irresponsible behaviour in our Conservation Areas, in- cluding but not limited to the de- struction of property, dumping of Crystal Beach Variety garbage, and graffiti. If our Con-

servation Areas are to remain open, visitors must respect the is a one-stop shop for snacks, dry goods, rules and regulations that have been put in place for their own meal ingredients, and more: safety.

Hello to Our • Produce Wonderful Customers! • Meat We are thinking of you • Dairy at this challenging time. • Dry Goods Due to Covid-19 • Frozen Food Open mandatory closure, our gates are closed • Snacks 8 a.m. until May 13 at this • Drinks to point.(Includes propane & driving • Pet Food 8 p.m. range services.) • Home and 7 days Health a week Updates on telephone Holidays message at park. included

(807)683-6221 983-2752

Laundromat Authorized Shipping Agent Supplies and Coins Agency Ship Here available at the store [email protected] The Shuniah News, May 2020 page 9 Crystal Beach No Need to Lakeshore Bistro Go to Town 2005 Lakeshore Drive for Pizza and Wings Menu (available for dine­in or take out) Take Out! Pepperoni & Cheese Deluxe The classic pizza Everything but pineapple Medium ­ 14 Large ­ 18 Medium ­ 18 Large ­ 23

Meat Lovers Veggie Ham, bacon, ground beef, Peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, Italian sausage, pepperoni, Onions, black olives and cheese and cheese Medium ­ 17 Large ­ 22 Medium ­ 17 Large ­ 22 Hawaiian Canadian Ham, pineapple and cheese Pepperoni, bacon, ham, Medium ­ 16 Large ­ 21 Mushrooms, and cheese Medium ­ 16 Large ­ 21 Toppings Cheese Only Pepperoni | ham | ground beef Medium ­ 11 Large ­15 Bacon | Italian sausage Peppers | onions | mushrooms Tomatoes | black olives * All pizzas available in Green olives | banana peppers thin or regular crust.* Pickled jalapeno peppers *Extra Toppings: Medium ‐ 2 Large ‐ 3 WINGS Your choice of sauce ­ 1 pound ­ 12 / 2 pounds ­ 21 Dry ­ Plain, Salt & Pepper, Cajun, Roasted Red Pepper Wet ­ BBQ, Honey Garlic, Hot, Electric Honey (Lemon Pepper and Honey Garlic) or Hot and Honey (Frank’s Red Hot and Honey Garlic)

All prices subject to applicable taxes. Phone: 767‐3643

*NEW PHONE NUMBER: 983‐3772*


939-1152 3879 Hwy 11/17

page 10, The Shuniah News, May 2020 Shuniah Rural SEPTIC Business Services Directory

ELECTRICAL PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS 5 Star Electric (Thunder Bay) Inc. A-1 Sewage Services (1989) Ltd. SYSTEMS Residential, Commercial, Industrial; New Builds, 519 Pole Line Rd. Upgrades. Lighting Retrofits (grants possible), Rosslyn P7K 0S6 Solar system repairs, Generator backup systems. Ph. 473-9480 Fax 473-9099 807-475-7827, & Maintenance email:[email protected], SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLS: message us at Facebook Allens Enterprises Services Inc.-Essential Well Technician Licensed Septic Systems Installer EXCAVATING & [email protected] / - Essential EQUIPMENT RENTALS Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 Allens Enterprises Services Inc.-Essential Pete’s Backhoe Service Ltd. Director: 807-626-6857 Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 52 Haniak Rd, Rosslyn [email protected] / Ph 939-1014, Office MGR: 807-626-6267 Pete’s Backhoe Service Ltd. Email [email protected] 52 Haniak Rd, Rosslyn Licenced Septic Installer Fax: 807-939-2130 Ph 939-1014, - Peter Haniak Email [email protected] Dump Trucks, Excavation, Lot Develop- SEPTIC TANK CLEANING ment A-1 Sewage Services (1989) Ltd. 519 Pole Line Rd. Rosslyn P7K 0S6 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Ph. 473-9480 Fax 473-9099 Allens Enterprises Services Inc.-Essential Excavating, Landscaping, Driveways, Dug Wells, TRAVEL Septic Systems Travel Professionals [email protected] / International Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 Amanda Gordon - Travel Consultant Pete’s Backhoe Service Ltd. Direct line 807-708-5342, 52 Haniak Rd, Rosslyn [email protected] Ph 939-1014, Ph 905-896-6948 Email [email protected] TICO# 1576226 Driveways, Lot Development, 1131 Nottinghill Gate, Suite 203, [email protected] Gravel/Sand Oakville, ON L6M1K5

MUSIC WELL SERVICES/PUMPS Growing with Musik Allens Enterprises Services Inc. ALLENS Family music lessons Dug Well Tech / Installation All Pumps ages 0-7 years. [email protected] / Beginner piano for all ages Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 ENTERPRISES Call 355-5520 Kershaw Well Services 350 Blindline Road, growingwithmusik Rosslyn P7K 0R7 SERVICES INC. Phone 939-2166 Fax 939-2167

Disclaimer: The Shuniah News is made available for information purposes only. Excavating Director Allen Vibert The Municipality of Shuniah does not accept any responsibility for the Bulldozing 3402 Rosslyn Rd. accuracy of information, nor is it responsible for any expenses or dam- ages incurred directly or indirectly resulting from the use of this informa- Landscaping Rosslyn, ON P7K 0P8 tion. All information attained herein should be verified independently. It is possible that the information contains errors or omissions and The Mu- VISA AND E TRANSFERS ACCEPTED nicipality of Shuniah makes no representation to the contrary. The ma- terial in this publication is not necessarily the opinion of the Corporation of The Municipality of Shuniah, its employees, officers.

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Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural Distributor of: July 2020! Deadline for submissions Tanks Pumps June 16 Submissions & photos are welcome! Do you have stories or photos Furnace about Shuniah, or Community Events to publicize? Send them in! Lubricants Oil Tanks Submissions can be emailed to: [email protected] Please make note Pumps that you wish your submission to be published in The Shuniah News.Ques- tions about Heating Oil Season is HERE! submissions or extremely reasonable advertising rates? CALL Design Seniors Discount House: Chris Vaclav - 628 7271 or EMAIL [email protected] EPAYMENTS NOW AVAILABLE! The Shuniah News is produced by De- sign House Publications, printed by Web Press and distributed by Thunder Bay Let- Locally owned independent fuel supplier ter Shop. Jason Larrett, Operations Manager Design House Publications - producer of many fine publications, including: 1280 Rosslyn Road The Shuniah News, The News,The Neebing News COMING P 807-473-4449 SOON - THE SHUNIAH NEWS, TO A COMPUTER NEAR YOU ! Check out our C 807-633-9588 website at - sign up to receive The Shuniah News! E [email protected] The Shuniah News, May 2020 page 11 HELICAL PIERS ARE THE OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: PREFERRED FOUNDATION FOR: Excavation / Trenching • Property Development • • Decks Landscaping / Leveling • • New home builds Post Holes Drilled • • Sheds and sea containers Decks / Fences • • Modular homes and Acreage Clearing / Brushing • trailers Stump Grinding / Removal • • Docks and boardwalks No Need For Concrete! Trail Construction / Maintenance • Topsoil / Sod • • Carports Engineering • Fences and gates Driveway Building / Grading • Services • Retaining walls Demolition • • Clothesline posts Available Site Preparation • • Flag poles Parking Lot Sweeping •

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