A G E N D A Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2021 @ 4:00 PM Council Chambers, 420 Leslie Avenue, ON



Moment of Silence


Council of The Municipality of Shuniah hereby acknowledges that we are in the Robinson-Superior Treaty Territory and that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Anishnaabeg and the Metis.





a) Minutes of the previous Meeting of Council held 4 - 13 Regular Council - 08 Dec 2020 Minutes - Pdf

b) Matters Arising from Previous Minutes



a) By-law Enforcement

b) Building and Planning

i) December Building Permit Summary 14 December 2020 BP Summary

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the December 2020 Building Permit Summary and the same be filed in the Clerk's Office

ii) Administrative Report for Shoreline Road Allowance Purchase 15 - 21 Report to Council Jan 12 2021 re Shoreline Road Allowance

THAT Council hereby receives the report for shoreline purchase and that the Clerk is hereby directed to bring forward a by-law to authorize the sale of the Shoreline Road Allowance in front of Lots 18& 19, Plan M-100, 1963 Crystal Beach Avenue and the same be filed in the Clerk's Office.

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c) Public Works

d) Fire Department

e) Administration

f) Finance Department


a) By-law to Include a Substitute Secretary-Treasurer when Required 22 COA Secretary-Treasurer

THAT a By-law to appoint a substitute secretary-treasurer for CAO has been read a First and Second time this 12th day of January 2021.

THAT a By-law to appoint a substitute secretary-treasurer for the COA be read a Third and Final time and numbered ______

AND FURTHER THAT the by-law be engrossed in the by-law book.

b) By-law for Shoreline Purchase for Dolcetti 23 By-law Dolcetti SL Purchase

THAT a By-law to authorize the sale of the shoreline road allowance to the owners of Lots 18 & 19, Plan M-100, being Part 1 of Reference Plan 55R-9065 be read a First and Second time this 12th day of January 2021.

THAT a By-law to authorize the sale of the shoreline road allowance to the owners of Lots 18 & 19, Plan M-100, being Part 1 of Reference Plan 55R-9065 be read a Third and Final time and numbered ______

AND FURTHER THAT the by-law be engrossed in the by-law book.



a) Food Strategy Update 24 - 25 TBAFS Shuniah 2020 Update Letter

b) MTO, Thunder Bay Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility, Notice of 26 - 29 Completion Municipality of Shuniah_Baumann_Notice of Completion_December 17 2020

c) Letter About Municipal Insurance 30 - 31 BRM to Dep Minister of MAH December 22 2020

d) Amendments to Police Services Act 32 - 33 132-2020-5553_SG Outgoing_EN

e) Enforcement of Orders Under the Reopening Act, 2020 34 - 35 Page 2 of 66

Memorandum from DM to Clerks and CAOs - Enforcement of Orders under the Reopening Ontario Act 2020 - 24 December 2020

f) Information Package - Self-Support Tower Site Spruce River Road 36 - 49 HAMPTON - Information Package 16-Dec-20

g) Social Services Board minutes for meetings held 50 - 65 November 18 & 19, 2020 and December 2020 Newsletter 20.11.18 Regular Session Board Meeting Minutes 20.11.19 Regular Session Board Meeting Minutes NEWSLTR Board - 2020-12


a) List of Unfinished business dated 66 List of Unfinished Business Jan 12 2021


13) CLOSED SESSION - *No closed session

a) Rise and Report



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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council Held on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 4:00 PM in Council Chambers, 420 Leslie Avenue, Thunder Bay, Ontario

THOSE PRESENT: Mayor Wendy Landry Councillor Don Smith Councillor Donna Blunt Councillor Ron Giardetti Councillor Meghan Chomut


ALSO PRESENT: Paul Greenwood, CAO/Acting Clerk Craig Baumann, Manager of Operations Susan Moore, Treasurer/Deputy Clerk

1) CALL TO ORDER Moment of Silence

Res No.315-20

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT this Regular Meeting of Council is hereby called to order at 4:01 pm CARRIED.


Council of The Municipality of Shuniah hereby acknowledges that we are in the Robinson-Superior Treaty Territory and that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Anishnaabeg and the Metis.

2) DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST No disclosure of pecuniary interest declared


Res No.316-20

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Meghan Chomut

THAT the agenda be accepted as presented. CARRIED.

4) PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS –PRESENTATION a) Presentation from Clarke Campbell, Project Manager from Dillon Consulting Limited to discuss Highway 11/17 Four-Laning

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5) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING a) Minutes of the previous Meeting of Council held November 24th 2020

Res No.317-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held November 24th 2020 be adopted as circulated and that same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED.

b) Matters Arising from Previous Minutes



7)1) By-law Enforcement i) Shuniah By-law Enforcement Report

Res No.318-20

Moved by Councillor Meghan Chomut, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the Shuniah By-law Enforcement Report Occurrences up to November 2020 and the same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED.

7)2) Building and Planning i) November Building Permit Summary

Res No.319-20

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT Council hereby receives the November Building Permit Summary and the same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED.

ii) Planning Report - Re zoning to remove the holding symbol from 1087 Cedar Bay Road

Res No.320-20

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT Council hereby receives the information related to a request to remove a Holding Symbol (H) from property owned by Charlotte MacKay located at 1087 Cedar Bay Road, to allow for the construction of a garage;

THAT the Clerk is hereby directed to prepare a by-law and send notice of Council's intention to pass the proposed by-law as required in the Planning Act and O.Reg 545/06

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iii) Zoning Report for Garden Suite - 608 Lakeshore Drive

Res No.321-20

Moved by Councillor Meghan Chomut, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT Council hereby receives the information related to a request for a Garden Suite on property located at 608 Lakeshore Drive to house the owner's parents;

AND THAT the Clerk is hereby directed to prepare a by-law to permit a Garden Suite on the above noted property; to draft an agreement for Council's review between Katharine Storkson and the Municipality with respect to the said Garden Suite and further to set a public meeting for input on the proposed Temporary Use By-law.


iv) Report for Temporary Use By-law Walkinshaw Road

Res No.322-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT Council hereby receives the information related to a second request for a Temporary Use Zoning By-law to allow accessory buildings to remain on a retained lot without a main use building as a result of Committee of Adjustment's decision on Consent Application B1/16 for property fronting on Walkinshaw Road;

THAT the Clerk is hereby directed to set a public meeting for input on the proposed Temporary Use By-law;

AND FURTHER THAT Council reduce the application fee to $250. CARRIED.

7)3) Public Works

7)4) Fire Department

7)5) Administration i) Report for the proposed sale of Shoreline Road Allowance at 2973 Eldorado Beach Road

Res No.323-20

Moved by Councillor Meghan Chomut, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT the Clerk is hereby directed to bring forward a by-law to authorize the sale of the Shoreline Road Allowance in front of Lot 15, Plan 841, 2973 Eldorado Beach Road. CARRIED.

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ii) DRAFT By-Law to Regulate the Use of Silver Harbour Road Allowance

Res No.324-20

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT Council hereby receives the Administrative report for Silver Harbour Road Allowance and the Draft By-law

AND THAT Council directs the Clerk to bring back the Draft By- law for approval.


iii) LRCA Plan Review - User Fees

Res No.325-20

Moved by Councillor Meghan Chomut, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT Council hereby receives the Administration Report, LRCA Letter for Fees for Service and a copy of the Agreement

AND THAT Council directs the Clerk to bring back a by-law to authorize entering into the Plan Review MOU LRCA and Shuniah CARRIED.

iv) Non-union Employee Pay Equity and Compensation

Res No.326-20

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT Council direct the Clerk to bring back a by-law to update the salary grid for remuneration for non-union employees. CARRIED.

7)6) Finance Department i) Resolution to direct that any surplus funds derived at year end be transferred to working fund reserves

Res No.327-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Meghan Chomut

THAT the Council of the Municipality of Shuniah does hereby direct that any surplus funds derived at year end be transferred to working fund reserves;

AND FURTHER THAT the Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer funds not expended in the fiscal Capital Budget which are still required to complete capital projects be set up in a reserve fund for that purpose. CARRIED.

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ii) Finance Report re: Budgeting Matter Reg 284

Res No.328-20

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT Council receives and adopts the following report related to the 2021 Budget as required under the Municipal Act, 2001, Ontario Regulation 284/09 and the same be filed in the Clerk's Office CARRIED.

8) BY-LAWS a) By-Law to set the 2021 Interim Property Tax Rates

Res No.329-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT a By-law to set the 2021 Interim Property Tax Rates be read a First and Second time this 8th day of December 2020. CARRIED.

Res No.330-20

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Meghan Chomut

BE IT RESOLVED THAT a By-law to set the 2021 Interim Property Tax Rates be read a Third and Final time and numbered 3143-20

AND THE SAID By-law be engrossed in the By-law book.


b) By-law to authorize an agreement with Central Ambulance Communication Centre (CACC)

Res No.331-20

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Meghan Chomut

THAT a By-law to authorize an agreement for CACC Fire alerting and Dispatch Services is hereby read a First and Second time this 8th day of December 2020 CARRIED.

Res No.332-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

BE IT RESOLVED THAT a By-law to authorize an agreement for CACC Fire Alerting and Dispatch Services is hereby read a Third and Final time and numbered 3144-20

AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be engrossed in the By-law

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CARRIED. c) By-law to Adopt New Salary Grid for Non-union Staff

Res No.333-20

Moved by Councillor Meghan Chomut, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

That a By-law to adopt a Salary Grid for Non-union Employees has been deemed to have been read a First and Second time this 8th day of December 2020; CARRIED.

Res No.334-20

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

BE IT RESOLVED THAT a By-law to adopt a Salary Grid for Non- union Employees has been deemed to have been read a Third and Final time and numbered 3145-20;

AND FURTHER THAT the said by-law be engrossed in the By-law Book.

CARRIED. d) By-law for the Sale of Shoreline Road Allowance

Res No.335-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT A By-law to authorize the sale of the shoreline road allowance to the owners of Lot 15, Plan 841, being Part 1 of Reference Plan 55R- 14269 be read a First and Second time this 8th day of December 2020. CARRIED.

Res No.336-20

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Meghan Chomut

THAT A By-law to authorize the sale of the shoreline road allowance to the owners of Lot 15, Plan 841, being Part 1 of Reference Plan 55R- 14269 be read a Third and Final time and numbered 3146-20

AND FURTHER THAT the by-law be engrossed in the by-law book.

CARRIED. e) By-law to Enter into an Agreement with LRCA

Res No.337-20

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT a By-law to authorize an agreement between LRCA and

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Shuniah for is hereby read a First and Second time this 8th day of December 2020 CARRIED.

Res No.338-20

Moved by Councillor Meghan Chomut, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT a By-law to authorize an agreement between LRCA and Shuniah is hereby read a Third and Final time and numbered 3147-20

AND FURTHER THAT the by-law be engrossed in the by-law book. CARRIED. f) By-law for the Sale of Shoreline Road Allowance Lot 2, Plan 756

Res No.339-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT A By-law to authorize the sale of the shoreline road allowance to the owners of Lot 2, Plan 756, being Part 1 of Reference Plan 55R- 14743 be read a First and Second time this 8th day of December 2020. CARRIED.

Res No.340-20

Moved by Councillor Meghan Chomut, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT A By-law to authorize the sale of the shoreline road allowance to the owners of Lot 2, Plan 756, being Part 1 of Reference Plan 55R- 14743 be read a Third and Final time and numbered 3148-20

AND FURTHER THAT the by-law be engrossed in the by-law book.

CARRIED. g) By-law for the Sale of Shoreline Road Allowance for Lot 7, Plan M-100

Res No.341-20

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Meghan Chomut

THAT A By-law to authorize the sale of the shoreline road allowance to the owners of Lot 7, Plan M-100, being Part 1 of Reference Plan 55R- 14736 be read a First and Second time this 8th day of December 2020. CARRIED.

Res No.342-20

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Ron Giardetti

THAT A By-law to authorize the sale of the shoreline road allowance to the owners of Lot 1, Plan M-100, being Part 1 of Reference Plan 55R- 14736 be read a Third and Final time and numbered 3149-20

AND FURTHER THAT the by-law be engrossed in the by-law book.

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Res No.343-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Meghan Chomut

THAT Council hereby receives the LRCA Update report CARRIED.

10) GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE a) Thunder Bay Social Services Board Minutes held October 15, 2020 and November Board Newsletter

b) Ontario's Energy Transition

c) Thunder Bay Health Unit Meeting held October 21, 2020

d) Hydro One 2021 Transmission Vegetation Management

e) LRCA Board Minutes from October 28, 2020.

Res No.344-20

Moved by Councillor Meghan Chomut, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT Council hereby receives copies of the following general correspondence:

a. Thunder Bay Social Services Board Minutes from meeting October 15, 2020 and the Board Newsletter from November 2020 b. Letter from Enbridge Gas Inc. on Ontario's Energy Transition c. Thunder Bay Health Unit meeting held October 21, 2020 d. Hydro One 2021 Transmission Vegetation Management e. LRCA Board Minutes from meeting held October 28, 2020

AND the same be filed in the Clerk's Office. CARRIED.

11) UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) List of Unfinished business dated

Res No.345-20

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Meghan Chomut

THAT Council hereby receives a copy of the list of Unfinished Business dated December 8 2020, and that same be filed in the Clerk’s Office. CARRIED.

12) NEW BUSINESS a) Committee of Adjustment Vacancy - Appointment

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Hilary Peel-Kovacs Donna McGrath

Res No.346-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT the following person is hereby appointed to fill the citizen position on the Shuniah Committee of Adjustment


13) CLOSED SESSION - a) Council will enter into closed session under paragraph Subsection 239(2)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual.

Res No.347-20

Moved by Councillor Don Smith, seconded by Councillor Meghan Chomut

THAT at the hour of 5:41 pm Council moved into In-Camera session to discuss legal issues and labour relations. CARRIED.

Res No.348-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Donna Blunt

THAT at the hour of 6:40 pm Council hereby resumes the regular meeting in open session. CARRIED.

b) Rise and Report

Administration is to carry on with information as discussed in closed

14) CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW Confirmation By-law

Res No.349-20

Moved by Councillor Donna Blunt, seconded by Councillor Meghan Chomut

THAT a By-law to confirm the proceedings of Council be read a First, Second and Third time on this 8TH day of December 2020 and Numbered 3150-20 AND THAT the said By-law be engrossed in the By-law Book. CARRIED.


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Res No.350-20

Moved by Councillor Ron Giardetti, seconded by Councillor Don Smith

THAT the hour of 6:42 p.m. having arrived this regular Meeting of Council hereby adjourns. CARRIED.




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Page 13 of 66 November 2020 BP Summary.xlsx

Municipality of Shuniah Chief Building Gregg Gigliotti, CBO Official: Construction Value of Building Permits Issued in: 2020

Permit Cost of Area of Occupancy Submission Date Date Issued Construction Type Construction Address Legal Description Permit Fee No. Construction Construction Permit Fee 2020 $4,788,760.25 $46,681.45 $900.00 Total PLAN 590 PT LOT 1 AND 7614-20 Nov3-20 Dec16-20 324,240.00 2,316 Sq Ft Build New House 271 West Loon Dr CON 8 PT SEC 8 RP 2,444.68 $ 100.00 55R6440 PART 2 AND 6 CON 3 N PT LOT 6 INCL RP 7616-20 Nov18-20 Dec4-20 2,000.00 1,000 Sq Ft Demolish House 122 Road # 5 South 75.00 55R6913 PART 1 CON 3 N PT LOT 6 INCL RP 7617-20 Nov18-20 Dec4-20 1,000.00 500 Sq Ft Demolish Garage 122 Road # 5 South 75.00 55R6913 PART 1 CON 3 N PT LOT 6 INCL RP 7618-20 Nov18-20 Dec4-20 1,000.00 500 Sq Ft Demolish Garage # 2 122 Road # 5 South 75.00 55R6913 PART 1 PLAN 720 LOT 42 PT ML 12Z & RD ALLOW RP 55R10118 7619-20 Nov19-20 Dec4-20 22,800.00 912 Sq Ft Build New Garage 1459 Silver Harbour Dr 319.20 PART 4 25 32 & RP 55R12567 PART 4 TO 6

PLAN 794 PT LOT 30 RP 7621-20 Dec1-20 Dec11-20 19,200.00 768 Sq Ft Build New Garage 494 East Loon Rd 268.80 55R12430 PART 3

PLAN 590 PT LOT 1 & CON 7622-20 Dec1-20 Dec16-20 26,400.00 1,056 Sq Ft Build New Garage 271 West Loon Rd 8 PT SEC 8 RP 55R6440 469.60 PART 2 & 6

Monthly Total $396,640.00 Monthly Total $3,727.28 $100.00 YTD Total $5,185,400.25 YTD Total $50,408.73 $1,000.00 Page 14 of 66

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SUBJECT: Requests to deem lots not to be within a plan of subdivision as part of a request to purchase shoreline road allowance Lots 18 & 19 Plan M-100 TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Paul Greenwood, CAO MEETING Date: January 12, 2021


That the Clerk is hereby directed to bring forward a by-law to authorize the sale of the Shoreline Road Allowance in front of Lots 18 and 19, Plan M-100, 1963 Crystal Beach Avenue.


To pass a by-law to authorize the sale of shoreline to John and Beverly Dolcetti. As noted in the previous report both neighbouring properties have purchased the shoreline road allowance the lines have been established through Reference Plan 55R-9257, Part 4, located on the west side of the subject land and Reference Plan 55R-13808, Part 1 located on the east side of the subject land.


On October 13, 2020 Council passed Resolution No. 261-20 supporting the Dolcetti’s application to purchase the shoreline to be considered only after a by-law to deem the lots was passed and registered on title.

On October 13, 2020 Council Passed By-law No. 3133-20 to deem Lots 18 and 19, Plan M-100, which has since been registered on title under Instrument No. TY291390 on December 18, 2020.

The Reference Plan was completed in 1992, the portion Mr. & Mrs. Dolcetti are requesting to purchase is Part 1 of RP 55R-9065.


As the by-law to deem the lots has been passed and registered on title, we have prepared a by- law to authorize the sale of the shoreline road allowance for Council’s consideration and are requesting Council pass this by-law at tonight's meeting.

-Support Material- - Sketch submitted with application outlining the properties - Reference Plan 55R-9065 - Redacted Copy of the Application - Copy of Instrument registering the Deeming By-law on title.

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Page 15 of 66 Page 16 of 66 Page 17 of 66 Page 18 of 66 Page 19 of 66 LRO # 55 Notice Receipted as TY291390 on 2020 12 18 at 11 :40 The applicant(s) hereby applies to the Land Registrar. yyyy mm dd Page 1 of 2


IConsideration --~

Consideration $0 .00

IApp/icant(s) I The notice is based on or affects a valid and existing estate, right, interest or equity in land

Name THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SHUNIAH Address for Service 420 Leslie Avenue Thunder Bay, ON P7A 1X8 I, Wendy Landry, Mayor and Paul Greenwood, CAO and Acting Clerk, have the authority to bind the corporation This document is not authorized under Power of Attorney by this party.

IStatements ~ This notice is pursuant to Section 71 of the Land Titles Act. This notice is for an indeterminate period Schedule: See Schedules

ISigned By -- ---~

Jocelyn Pauline Huculak 101 -1151 Barton Street acting for Signed 2020 12 18 Thunder Bay Applicant(s) P7B 5N3 Tel 807-623-1100 Fax 807-623-1122 I have the authority to sign and register the document on behalf of the Applicant(s).

ISubmitted By ] MACIVOR SCRIMSHAW NELSON LLP 101-1151 Barton Street 2020 12 18 Thunder Bay P7B 5N3 Tel 807-623-1100 Fax 807-623-1122

IFeesffaxes/Payment J Statutory Registration Fee $65.30 Total Paid $65.30

~NUn1t>;;;.-- 1

Applicant Client File Number : 4-252

Page 20 of 66 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SHUNIAH ··~ ~~-- .. ~~$~~'"' , BY-LAW NO. 3 J 3 3 - 01()

Being a by-law to deem Lots not to be in a Registered Plan.



1. Section 50, Subsection 4 of The Planning Act, 1990, authorizes the council of a local municipality, by by-law, to designate any plan of subdivision, or part thereof, that has been registered for eight years or more, to be deemed not to be a registered plan of subdivision for the purposes of subsection (3) of Section 50.

2. Council has received a request from the owners of Lots 19 and 19 Plan M-100 to deem these lots not to be registered plans of subdivision for the purposes of Section 50 (3) of the Planning Act.

3. Council wishes to place control on the lots in order to be joined in perpetuity together to form one transferable parcel of land pursuant to the said Section 50.


1 . The plans of subdivision or parts of plans of subdivision described as follows are hereby designated not to be plans of subdivision or parts thereof and shall be deemed not to be with or within a registered plan of subdivision for the purposes of Subsection 3 of Section 50 of The Planning Act.

Lots 18 and 19 of Registered Plan M-1 00, MacGregor Township, now being the Municipality of Shuniah, District of Thunder Bay

3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect upon the Third and Final reading thereof. ·

4. That this by-law be registered on title to the affected properties in Land Registry.

READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS t3-f1.... DAY OF CJ cJo hu- 2020 ~4~ LCM1?fJOllU2 \::q>vkr Clerk


~Pau I Greenwoo ,

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Being a by-law to repeal By-law 3048-19 to appoint a Secretary-Treasurer for Committee of Adjustment and allow for Clerk or Deputy Clerk to fill the duties when required

WHEREAS Section 44(8) of the Planning Act authorizes the Committee of Adjustment to appoint a secretary–treasurer;

AND WHEREAS it has been the practice of the Committee of Adjustment to relinquish this to the Municipality of Shuniah Council to appoint a member of Municipal Staff to the Committee of Adjustment to serve as their Secretary-Treasurer to the Board.


1. That Kerry Bellamy’ appointment is not rescinded and will continue as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment.

2. That the Clerk or Deputy/Clerk may also act as Secretary-Treasurer when required.

3. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the third and final reading thereof.







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Dear Paul Greenwood,

What a year 2020 has been! Despite the chaos of Covid-19, with the City of Thunder Bay and local rural municipalities’ support (, Neebing, O’Connor), the Thunder Bay & Area Food Strategy (TBAFS) made significant progress towards creating a more healthy, just and sustainable food system that contributes to the social, economic, health and well-being of the City of Thunder Bay & Area. This letter serves as an update of our activities over the past year, details about exciting projects we are working on for 2021-2022, and finally a request for funding and relational support from the Municipality of Shuniah.

Economic & Social Impacts: 2020 Highlights ✓ Led the creation and implementation of the Community Emergency Food Security Plan (CEFSP) in partnership with the Thunder Bay Crime Prevention Council and 60+ other organizations. ✓ Promoted agriculture/agri-food activities (such as the Spring Farm Conference, Dr. Temple Grandin, Ecological Farmers Association events, etc.) with both economic and social impacts. ✓ Supported economic recovery efforts related to our local food system including starting a new Get Fresh website (*name not yet decided) and a Local Food Promotion strategy (2021-2022). ✓ Continued research and policy advocacy efforts including pushing for a National School Food Program and Guaranteed Annual Income. ✓ Doubled the economic investment into the TBAFS from the City and rural municipalities through project funding for events, and funding for research projects.

As you can see, the TBAFS is highly effective at increasing social and economic impact in our community and leveraging the seed funding to have wider and more significant outcomes. There is significant momentum building in the food system and a much greater need for connection and coordination due to the impacts of Covid-19. Over the coming year, the TBAFS is poised to take an even greater leadership role in creating a resilient food system:

2021 Planned Social & Economic Initiatives ✓ Lead the development and implementation of the Community Emergency Food Security Plan. ✓ Conduct the five-year update to the Community Food Security Report Card. ✓ Coordinate a new Local Food website directory that will showcase food producers, processors, secondary infrastructure supports (eg. coop, abattoir), food distributors, retailers, and restaurants/service industry. The website will launch in the winter of 2021 and will highlight and promote many businesses in rural municipalities. ✓ In partnership with several local agricultural and economic development partners, we have submitted a proposal to implement an 18-month Local Food Promotion Strategy for our region with the end goal of increasing sales of local food. Our goals are to promote the freshness, quality, affordability, and convenience of supporting local food producers and processors. Did you know that if 10% of the Thunder Bay CMA population spent $10/more per week on local food that it would add up to an annual investment of over $6 million dollars?


Page 24 of 66 ✓ Lastly, undertake a Farmland Mapping Project to enhance local agriculture and attract new investors. Inquiries into available farmland are increasing in our region and completing an inventory assessment of these lands can help support local producers who need land to expand their operations, or to attract new growers to the area. This project would work closely with rural municipalities but would be led by the TBAFS. We are in the early planning stages.

TBAFS Relational & Financial Support Requests Building strong relationships and networks is the core function of the TBAFS. Thank you to the Lakehead Rural Municipal Coalition for designating Brandon Postuma as the council representative from Oliver- Paipoonge on our Executive Committee from 2018-2020. We look forward to having Rudy Buitenhuis from Gillies join us from 2021-2022. The perspective from rural municipalities ensures that our social and economic activities consider the entire region. As we move forward with some ambitious local food marketing and mapping projects over the coming years, we look forward to working more closely with rural municipalities to support projects like the farmland asset mapping, the local food website, and in sharing and promoting the local food marketing strategy.

Now more than ever, the TBAFS requires ongoing seed funding to support a full-time Coordinator who can leverage additional funding for projects and initiatives that benefit our community. We are confident that we can achieve our impactful 2021 goals with a more secure commitment in our core operations. For the 2021 budget, the TBAFS is requesting seed funding in the amount of $400 to support our ongoing work.

Thank you in advance for these considerations. We look forward to the work ahead to build a strong and more resilient local food system.


Karen Kerk, MSW Coordinator and Current Executive Committee Members:

Jeff Burke Agricultural Representative Sue Hamel Executive Director, EcoSuperior Charles Levkoe Research Chair in Sustainable Food Systems, Lakehead University Jessica McLaughlin Coordinator, Indigenous Food Circle Ryan Moore Development Officer, CEDC Dan Munshaw Manager, Supply Management, City of Thunder Bay Kristen Oliver Councillor, City of Thunder Bay Gwen O’Reilly Executive Director, Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre Brandon Postuma Councillor, Oliver Paipoonge Silva Sawula Manager, Healthy Living, Thunder Bay District Health Unit 2

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December 17, 2020 130 Dufferin Avenue Municipality of Shuniah Suite 1400 Public Works London, Ontario 420 Leslie Avenue Canada Thunder Bay, Ontario N6A 5R2 P7A 1X8 Mail: Box 426

London, Ontario Attention: Mr. Craig Baumann Canada Manager of Operations N6A 4W7 Notice of Completion Telephone Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment 519.438.6192 Thunder Bay Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility, Highway 11/17 Fax GWP 6501-10-00 519. 672.8209

Dear Mr. Baumann:

As outlined in the enclosed Notice of Completion, the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario (MTO) retained Dillon Consulting Limited (Dillon) to complete the Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Thunder Bay Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility (CVIF) located along Highway 11/17 in the Municipality of Shuniah (see map in Notice).

As outlined in the attached notice, the study is now complete and a Design and Construction Report, summarizing the project design, environmental mitigation measures and monitoring provisions, will be available for public review from January 7, 2021, to February 8, 2021, at: www.TB-CVIF.ca

If you would like more information, or would like to provide comments, please contact Michael Jakovcic, MTO Senior Engineer (1-800-465-5034) or the Dillon Project Manager at 1-888-345-5668 ext. 1245.

Dillon Consulting


Page 26 of 66 Municipality of Shuniah Page 2 December 17, 2020

Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will be part of the public record.

Yours sincerely,


Joseph Carnevale, MES Planning for Nick Verdon, E.I.T. Consultant Project Manager

JC:rrk Enclosure cc: Michael Jakovcic, MTO Lara Welch, MTO

Our file: 18-8101

Page 27 of 66

Notice of Completion Class Environmental Assessment for the Thunder Bay Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility, Highway 11/17, 8 km East of Highway 527

Study Overview The Ministry of Transportation, Ontario (MTO) retained Dillon Consulting Limited to complete the Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for a new Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility (CVIF) located along Highway 11/17 in the Municipality of Shuniah. The need for a new facility is based on a province-wide strategy to support improved commercial driver and vehicle safety. The project includes a new CVIF and ramps to and from the facility, on the north side of Highway 11/17. The CVIF will also include a building for MTO staff and a new truck lay-by facility (i.e., parking/inspection area for trucks) on the south side of Highway 11/17, opposite from the CVIF. The undertaking includes a new utility service corridor from Lakeshore Drive north to the new CVIF to provide electricity and telecommunications. The Detail Design builds on a Transportation Environmental Study Report completed in 2013, and a Design and Construction Report (DCR) also prepared in 2013 for the exit and entrance ramps which are already constructed. Construction of the new CVIF and truck lay-by facility will be staged to maintain at least one lane of traffic in each direction on Highway 11/17 at all times. Construction is expected to commence in 2021 and be completed in 2023, subject to provincial priorities, funding and approvals. Consultation and Comments The study was completed following the Class EA for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) as a Group ‘B’ project. The development of the approved Detail Design and Class EA is documented in a DCR. The DCR covers the design of the project and environmental mitigation measures and monitoring provisions that have been incorporated into the construction Contract. The report will be available for review between January 7, 2021, and February 8, 2021, at the project website: www.TB-CVIF.ca Locations to review a paper copy of the DCR will not be provided. Members of the public without internet access who wish to review the DCR may contact one of the project team members listed in this notice to discuss review options.

Page 28 of 66

Interested persons may provide written comments to our project team between January 7, 2021, and February 8, 2021. All comments and concerns should be sent directly to: Nick Verdon, E.I.T., Consultant Project Manager Michael Jakovcic, P.Eng., MTO Sr. Project Engineer Dillon Consulting Limited Ministry of Transportation, Northwestern Region 130 Dufferin Avenue, Suite 1400 615 James Street South, 3rd Floor London, ON N6A 5R2 Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6P6 Tel: 1-888-345-5668, Ext. 1245 Tel: 1-800-465-5034 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] In addition, a request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e., requiring an individual/comprehensive EA approval before being able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g., require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Requests should include the requester contact information and full name for the ministry. Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (request for additional conditions or a request for an individual/comprehensive EA), how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy those potential adverse impacts, and any information in support of the statements in the request. This will ensure that the ministry is able to efficiently begin reviewing the request. The request should be sent in writing or by email to: Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 777 Bay Street, 5th Floor Toronto, ON M7A 2J3 [email protected] and Director, Environmental Assessment Branch Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1st Floor Toronto, ON M4V 1P5 [email protected] Requests should also be sent to the MTO by mail or by email. If there are no outstanding concerns after February 8, 2021, and subject to receiving all other required approvals, the project will be considered to have met the requirements of the Class EA and may proceed to the construction phase. Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact one of the project team members listed above.

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CHRIS WRAY AMCT – TOWN MANAGER 429 PARK LANE, P.O. BOX 601, MATHESON, ON P0K 1N0 TELEPHONE (705) 273-2313 (EXT. 321) MOBILE (705) 914-0551 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.blackriver-matheson.com

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Office of the Deputy Minister College Park 17th Floor, 777 Bay St Toronto, ON M7A 2J3 Via Email - [email protected]

Attention: Ms. Kate Manson-Smith – Deputy Minister

December 22, 2020

Dear Ms. Manson-Smith:

Re: Insurance Renewals

I hope that this letter finds you well.

In November, the Township of Black River-Matheson, like many municipalities, received the annual renewal for its insurance coverage.

What shocked us was the amount of the increase; from $105,000 in 2020 to $227,000 in 2021 or 116%. By switching carriers, we were able to reduce our premium to $217,000 or an increase of 107%. Upon digging into this matter further, we find that the reasoning is a combination of a “hardening” of the insurance market and claims experience in the past ten (10) years.

A small survey of other municipalities shows increases that range from 2% to 53%, many of them, smaller communities that will have great difficulty in managing such increases. Those on the smaller end of the increase likely have renewal dates well into 2021 and will then see increases on the large size upon renewing.

While the Township is trying to deal with a number of negative influences, like everybody else, we also have to deal with the difficulties that have been brought about through COVID-19. We do appreciate the assistance that has been provided by your Ministry and will continue to inform our local Ministry Representatives on any developing issues.

We are very concerned that the factors at play in the insurance market will cause additional increases in the coming years, increases that will need to be passed on to our ratepayers. In 2021 alone, the increase in our premium will result in an increase of about 2.5%. The largest increase was in the area of liability and it is our fear that unless the Province deals with the matter of Joint and Several, rising insurance rates will be an ongoing matter.


Page 30 of 66 Deputy Minister of Municipal affairs and Housing – December 22, 2020

We would appreciate whatever assistance that your Ministry might provide in trying to alleviate this issue.

If you require further information, please call.

Best Regards and Safe & Happy Holidays,

Chris Wray Town Manager

Cc: Kathy Horgan – MMAH ([email protected]) Lise Roy – MMAH ([email protected]) C. Child – Clerk-Treasurer Council


Page 31 of 66 Solicitor General Solliciteur général

Office of the Solicitor General Bureau du solliciteur général

25 Grosvenor Street, 18th Floor 25, rue Grosvenor, 18e étage Toronto ON M7A 1Y6 Toronto ON M7A 1Y6 Tel: 416 325-0408 Tél. : 416 325-0408 [email protected] [email protected]

132-2020-5553 By email

December 24, 2020

Dear Head of Council/Chief Administrative Officer/Municipal Clerk:

As you know, on January 1, 2019, amendments to the Police Services Act (PSA) came into force which mandate every municipality in Ontario to prepare and adopt a community safety and well-being (CSWB) plan, working in partnership with police services/boards and various other sectors, including health/mental health, education, community/social services, and children/youth services. As previously communicated, municipalities originally had two years from the in-force date to prepare and adopt their first CSWB plan (i.e., by January 1, 2021).

The government recognizes that the pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for communities across Ontario. Over the past several months, we have heard from municipal partners that resources have been redirected to the pandemic response and, as a result, some have experienced delays in their CSWB planning and engagement processes.

In an effort to support municipal, policing and community partners during the emergency, on April 14, 2020, the government passed the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Protection Act, 2020, which amended the PSA to allow the Solicitor General to prescribe a new deadline for the completion and adoption of CSWB plans post January 1, 2021. This amendment came into force immediately upon Royal Assent.

I would like to inform you that the new deadline for municipalities to prepare and adopt a CSWB plan is now July 1, 2021. This extension provides municipalities with an additional six months to complete their plans.

This change will ensure municipalities, police services and local service providers can continue to dedicate the necessary capacity and resources to respond to COVID-19, while also providing adequate time to effectively undertake consultations, work collaboratively with multi-sectoral partners, and meet the legislative requirements to develop meaningful and effective CSWB plans.

Community partners continue to underscore the importance and need for this type of holistic planning that addresses crime and complex social issues on a long-term, sustainable basis and improves the safety and well-being of Ontario communities.


Page 32 of 66 Head of Council/Chief Administrative Officer/Municipal Clerk Page 2

Despite the unforeseen challenges that the pandemic has created, it is encouraging to see municipalities across the province perservere and make significant progress on their CSWB plans through innovative and forward-thinking approaches.

I greatly appreciate your on-going support as we move forward on this modernized approach to CSWB together. Through collaboration, we will continue to build safer and stronger communities in Ontario.

Lastly, if municipalities have any questions about CSWB planning, please direct them to ministry staff, Tiana Biordi, Community Safety Analyst, at [email protected].


Sylvia Jones Solicitor General

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Ministry of Municipal Ministère des Affaires Affairs and Housing Municipales et du Logement

Office of the Deputy Minister Bureau du ministre

777 Bay Street, 17th Floor 777, rue Bay, 17e étage Toronto ON M7A 2J3 Toronto ON M7A 2J3 Tel.: 416 585-7100 Tél. : 416 585-7100

December 24, 2020

MEMORANDUM TO: Municipal Chief Administrative Officers and Clerks

SUBJECT: Enforcement of Orders under the Reopening Ontario Act, 2020

I want to thank you again for your sustained efforts in limiting the spread of infection and managing the impact of the pandemic on your communities.

Public Health Measures

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise at an alarming rate, the Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, announced a Provincewide Shutdown effective December 26, 2020 at 12.01 a.m. These additional restrictions reinforce that Ontarians should stay at home as much as possible to minimize transmission of the virus and prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed. Municipalities, residents and businesses can find out which regional public measures are in place for their area at https://www.ontario.ca/page/covid-19- response-framework-keeping-ontario-safe-and-open. Municipalities and local public health units may have additional restrictions or targeted requirements, on top of any applicable provincial public health measures.

The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, has also extended all orders currently in force under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (ROA) until January 20, 2021. These can be found online on the Government of Ontario's website at https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/20r17.


As you are aware, municipal by-law officers are designated to enforce provincial orders under the ROA.

To help support municipal enforcement activities, I am attaching information the Ministry of the Solicitor General has shared with Chiefs of Police regarding additional amendments to orders made under the ROA.

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Ontario’s municipalities have shown leadership and actively engaged in enforcement and compliance, including enforcement of any local by-laws they may have enacted. To ensure we continue to maximize the impact of enforcement efforts on the ground, and as I mentioned in my previous correspondence to you, I strongly encourage our municipal partners to work closely with provincial enforcement officers and public health officers to coordinate enforcement activities in your communities. To identify opportunities for and to plan coordinated compliance activities in your community, please email Natasha Bartlett at [email protected].

To help support enforcement personnel, staff at the Ministry of the Solicitor General continue to respond to inquiries via [email protected]. Through this confidential channel, assistance is available to enforcement personnel seven days a week. In addition, a confidential Enforcement Support Phone Line (1-866- 389-7638) is operational and available to assist enforcement personnel Monday to Friday (8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.).


I would also encourage you again to support the Ministry of the Solicitor General’s efforts to collect enforcement data to help monitor and measure the impact of accelerated enforcement and compliance activities province wide. You can find out more on how you may contribute to the Ministry of the Solicitor General’s weekly data collection efforts by contacting Jeanette Gorzkowski or Agata Falkowski at [email protected] or [email protected], respectively.

Thank you, once again, for your continued efforts to help keep our communities safe and healthy.


Kate Manson-Smith Deputy Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Enclosure: Correspondence from the Ministry of the Solicitor General to all Chiefs of Police – English version. If a French version is required, please contact [email protected].

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Tel: (905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 482 South Service Road East, Suite 130 Oakville, Ontario L6J 2X6 www.forbesbrosltd.ca

December 16, 2020 Sent via email

Paul Greenwood – CAO Municipality of Shuniah 420 Leslie Ave. Thunder Bay, ON P7A 1X8

CLIENT: Tbaytel RE: Information Package ‐ Proposed 36.6m Self‐Support Tower Site SITE ID: HAMPTON ADDRESS: Spruce River Road, Shuniah

Mr. Greenwood,

FB Connect on behalf of Tbaytel would like to submit this information package to the Municipality of Shuniah for a proposed 36.6m self‐support tower site (HAMPTON) located on the west side of Spruce River Road, north side of CP rail corridor between Hampton Drive and Hwy 11/17, Shuniah, Ontario.

Tbaytel has a lease agreement with the Municipality of Shuniah for their existing ALDER site at the Fire Hall located at 201 Lakeshore Drive, Shuniah. The existing site is a temporary 30m mobile tower installed in the Fall of 2017 which was to be replaced with a permanent 30m self‐support tower at the rear of the Fire Hall.

Tbaytel reviewed coverage provided by the temporary 30m mobile tower and determined the permanent 30m self‐support tower has not fully achieved the desired coverage and wireless services to the north, specifically at the KOA campground and along the TransCanada Highway, due to topology.

The proposed 36.6m self‐support tower site (HAMPTON), if approved, would replace the existing temporary 30m mobile tower/permanent 30m self‐support site (ALDER). Once the HAMPTON site is fully installed and in operation the ALDER site would be decommissioned and the existing lease agreement terminated.

The approval authority for wireless telecommunication towers is within jurisdiction of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) under the Radiocommunication Act. ISED’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems – CPC‐2‐0‐03, Issue 5 outlines the process for the proponent to follow and encourages the establishment of policies from the land‐use authority as they are best positioned to contribute to optimum siting of facilities to meet their own community needs.

ISED’s Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems – CPC‐2‐0‐03, Issue 5, can be retrieved at: https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt‐gst.nsf/vwapj/cpc‐2‐0‐03‐i5.pdf/$file/cpc‐2‐0‐03‐i5.pdf

Page 36 of 66 The Municipality of Shuniah approved the Telecommunication Tower Consultation Policy on September 10, 2012 that provides guidelines for procedure and public meeting requirements for establishing new telecommunication sites.

Municipality of Shuniah – Community Consultation As the proposed 36.6m self‐support tower is greater than 16.6m and located within 300m of a residential zone or dwelling we believe it will be considered a significant structure and require the following community consultation process:

 Mail notification to be sent to all property owners within 300m of the proposed tower site and Shuniah will provide a mailing list. The mail notification will be sent on December 16, 2020.  Public notice will be published in the Chronicle Journal on December 19, 2020.  Virtual public meeting will be held on January 13, 2021.  Last day to receive submissions on this proposal is January 20, 2021.

The purpose of the notifications is to provide the local community an opportunity to make a submission and for the Proponent to address all relevant questions and concerns prior to requesting concurrence from Shuniah.

At the end of the public consultation process, if the Proponent is satisfied that it has addressed all relevant questions and would like to move forward with the installation, a request for a letter of concurrence from the Shuniah will be submitted along with all correspondence from the consultation process.

The letter of concurrence from the Shuniah would provide confirmation that the Proponent has satisfied the consultation process by addressing all relevant questions and has consulted with the Shuniah.

This information package is to provide Shuniah with the following:  Background Information  Proposed Site Details  Site Sketch (Site Plan will be provided once available)  Photo Rendering  Co‐location Opportunities Considered  Map – Horizontal Distance Between Proposed Site and Residential Zone or Dwelling  Federal Requirements  Public Consultation Material

I trust the information included in this package will be helpful for the Municipality of Shuniah’s consideration of this proposal.


Jay Lewis Real Estate & Municipal Affairs FB Connect

Page 37 of 66 Background Information Tbaytel continues to make large investments every year to improve their wireless network to expand their coverage and increase their capacity.  Areas that experience limited or no coverage require additional sites to fill these voids.  Increases in the number of users, devices and amount of data accessed over wireless services have also resulted in additional sites required to increase capacity to maintain a reliable wireless network.

Tbaytel has an existing site, ALDER, which is a temporary 30m mobile tower installed in the Fall 2017 at the Fire Hall to address coverage and wireless service deficiencies in the immediate area. A permanent 30m self‐support tower was to replace the temporary tower.

Tbaytel has determined the ALDER site has not fully addressed the coverage and wireless service deficiencies at the KOA campground and along the TransCanada Highway due to topology. A review of the area determined a 36.6m self‐support site further north on Spruce River Road at a greater elevation (25m) is required.

Tbaytel’s Existing and Proposed Sites  Blue Circle Icons – Existing Tbaytel Site  Red Circle Icon – Tbaytel Proposed 36.6m Self‐Support Tower Site

Page 38 of 66 Proposed Site Details Site ID: HAMPTON Site Address: Spruce River Road, Shuniah, Ontario Latitude: 48.489366° Longitude: ‐89.131355°

Aerial Image of Proposed Location

Tbaytel is proposing a 36.6m self‐support site on the east side of Spruce River Road, north side of CP rail corridor. Subject property is zoned LI‐ Light Industrial and identified in the Official Plan as Rural Lands.

The proposed 36.6m self‐support tower (galvanized steel) with attached wireless equipment will provide 4G HSPA & LTE wireless services to the area.

An equipment shelter will be located at the base of the self‐support tower. Both proposed tower and equipment shelter will be located within a 15m x 15m chain‐link fenced compound to prevent public access. Access to the tower site would require a new entrance (with culvert) from Spruce River Road.

Co‐Location Opportunities Considered Tbaytel always considers co‐locating or securing their wireless equipment on existing structures such as other third‐party communication towers, water towers or buildings prior to proposing a new communication tower in an effort to minimize the number of towers in a region.

Tbaytel determined there are no existing structures within the immediate area to be considered and new structure is required. Tbaytel will consider all future applications by third‐parties to co‐locate on the proposed self‐support tower in an effort to minimize the number of towers in immediate area.

Page 39 of 66 Site Sketch (to be replaced with Site Plan)

Photo Rendering

Photo Rendering of the Proposed 36.6m Self‐Support Tower

Page 40 of 66 Map of Nearest Residential Dwelling/Zone

Federal Requirements

Health Canada Tbaytel attest that the radio installation described in this notification package will be installed and operated on an ongoing basis so as to comply with Health Canada’s Safety Code 6, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public including any combined effects of nearby installations within the local radio environment.

Impact Assessment Act Tbaytel attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package is excluded from environmental assessment under the Impact Assessment Act.

Engineering Principles Tbaytel attest that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will be constructed in compliance with the National Building Code of Canada and comply with good engineering practices including structural adequacy.

Transport Canada Tbaytel attest the proposed structure will meet Transport Canada’s aeronautical obstruction marking requirements as set out in Canadian Aviation Regulations ‐ Standard 621 (CAR 621). An Aeronautical Assessment Form has been submitted to Transport Canada who determined no marking or lighting of the tower is required.


Mail Notification – 300m measured from proposed tower.

Google Earth – 300m

Map of Properties – Circle approximately overlaid, not accurate

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Tel: (905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 482 South Service Road East, Suite 130 Oakville, Ontario L6J 2X6 www.forbesbrosltd.ca

December 16, 2020 Mail Notification

Current Property Owner

FB CONNECT is sending this mail notification on behalf of Tbaytel to notify you of the proposed 36.6m self‐support tower on west side of Spruce River Road, north side of CP rail corridor between Hampton Drive and Hwy 11/17, Shuniah, Ontario.

The purpose of this notification and public consultation is to provide the local community an opportunity to attend a virtual public meeting, make a written submission or request for additional information on the proposal.

The Municipality of Shuniah is hosting the virtual public meeting for Tbaytel on January 13th, 2021 at 6:00pm. Meeting will be a streamed live via Zoom meetings at https://shuniah.civicweb.net/Portal/. Zoom ID 838 4516 3300. If you wish to make an oral statement during the meeting please email the Municipal Acting Clerk at [email protected] by noon on January 11th, 2021 to register. You will be provided further instructions on how you will connect during the virtual meeting.

To make a written submission or request for additional information it must be submitted by January 20th, 2021. The Proponent and Municipality of Shuniah contact information can be found at the end of this notification.

At the end of the public consultation process, if the Proponent is satisfied that it has addressed all relevant questions and would like to move forward with the installation, a request for a letter of concurrence will be submitted to the Municipality of Shuniah along with all correspondence from the public consultation process.


Jay Lewis Real Estate & Municipal Affairs FB CONNECT

Page 43 of 66

Mail Notification Package: Proposed Installation of a 36.6m Self‐Support Tower Site Tbaytel Site ID: HAMPTON

Background Information Tbaytel continues to make large investments every year to improve their wireless network to expand their coverage and increase their capacity.  Areas that experience limited or no coverage require additional sites to fill these voids.  Increases in the number of users, devices and amount of data accessed over wireless services have also resulted in additional sites required to increase capacity to maintain a reliable wireless network.

Tbaytel has an existing site, ALDER, which is a temporary 30m mobile tower installed in the Fall 2017 at the Fire Hall to address coverage and wireless service deficiencies in the immediate area. A permanent 30m self‐support tower was to replace the temporary tower.

Tbaytel has determined the ALDER site has not fully addressed the coverage and wireless service deficiencies at the KOA campground and along the TransCanada Highway due to topology. A review of the area determined a 36.6m self‐support site further north on Spruce River Road at a greater elevation (25m) is required.

Tbaytel’s Existing and Proposed Sites  Blue Circle Icons – Existing Tbaytel Site  Red Circle Icon – Tbaytel Proposed 36.6m Self‐Support Tower Site

Page 44 of 66

Proposed Site Details Site ID: HAMPTON Site Address: Spruce River Road, Shuniah, Ontario Latitude: 48.489366° Longitude: ‐89.131355°

Aerial Image of Proposed Location

Tbaytel is proposing a 36.6m self‐support site on the east side of Spruce River Road, north side of CP rail corridor. Subject property is zoned LI‐ Light Industrial and identified in the Official Plan as Rural Lands.

The proposed 36.6m self‐support tower (galvanized steel) with attached wireless equipment will provide 4G HSPA & LTE wireless services to the area.

An equipment shelter will be located at the base of the self‐support tower. Both proposed tower and equipment shelter will be located within a 15m x 15m chain‐link fenced compound to prevent public access. Access to the tower site would require a new entrance (with culvert) from Spruce River Road.

Co‐Location Opportunities Considered Tbaytel always considers co‐locating or securing their wireless equipment on existing structures such as other third‐party communication towers, water towers or buildings prior to proposing a new communication tower in an effort to minimize the number of towers in a region.

Tbaytel determined there are no existing structures within the immediate area to be considered and new structure is required. Tbaytel will consider all future applications by third‐parties to co‐locate on the proposed self‐support tower in an effort to minimize the number of towers in immediate area.

Page 45 of 66

Site Sketch

Photo Rendering

Photo Rendering of the Proposed 36.6m Self‐Support Tower

Page 46 of 66

Federal Requirements

Health Canada Tbaytel attest that the radio installation described in this notification package will be installed and operated on an ongoing basis so as to comply with Health Canada’s Safety Code 6, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public including any combined effects of nearby installations within the local radio environment.

Impact Assessment Act Tbaytel attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package is excluded from environmental assessment under the Impact Assessment Act.

Engineering Principles Tbaytel attest that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will be constructed in compliance with the National Building Code of Canada and comply with good engineering practices including structural adequacy.

Transport Canada Tbaytel attest the proposed structure will meet Transport Canada’s aeronautical obstruction marking requirements as set out in Canadian Aviation Regulations ‐ Standard 621 (CAR 621). An Aeronautical Assessment Form has been submitted to Transport Canada who determined no marking or lighting of the tower is required.

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada General information relating to antenna systems is available through ISED’s Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website http://www.ic.gc.ca/antenna.

Virtual Public Meeting January 13th, 2021 at 6:00pm Streamed live via Zoom Meetings at https://shuniah.civicweb.net/Portal/ Zoom ID: 838 4516 3300 If you wish to make an oral statement during the meeting please email the Municipal Acting Clerk at [email protected] by noon on January 11th, 2021 to register. You will be provided further instructions on how you will connect during the virtual meeting.

Close of Comments January 20th, 2021.

Contact Information

Tbaytel c/o FB CONNECT Innovation, Science and Economic Municipality of Shuniah Real Estate & Municipal Affairs Development Canada Jay Lewis Eastern & District Paul Greenwood ‐ CAO 482 South Service Rd. E., Suite 130 2 Queen Street East 420 Leslie Ave. Oakville, Ontario L6J 2X6 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 1Y3 Thunder Bay, Ontario. P7A 1X8 Tel: 905.928.9481 Tel: 855.465.6307 Tel: 807.683.4543 Fax: 888.622.4939 Fax: 705.941.4607 Fax: 807.683.6982 Email: [email protected] Email: ic.spectrumenod‐[email protected] Email: [email protected]

Page 47 of 66 Public Notice to be published in the Chronicle Journal

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PUBLIC NOTICE TBAYTEL ‐ Proposed 36.6m Self‐Support Tower Site TBAYTEL has proposed a 36.6m tall steel self-support tower and related radio equipment on the west side of Spruce River Road, north of the CP rail corridor between Hampton Road and TransCanada Highway, Shuniah, Ontario. Access to the tower site will require a new entrance from Spruce River Road. HAMPTON site is proposed to replace the existing 30m temporary ALDER mobile site. Proposed HAMPTON tower site will improve Tbaytel cellular and wireless broadband services to the immediate area.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the approval of this site and its design is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada through Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). For more information on the federal process pertaining to these installations please contact the local ISED office at: [email protected]

ANY PERSON may make a written submission or request additional information to the individuals listed below by closing date of January 20th, 2021 or attend the virtual public meeting.

The Municipality of Shuniah is hosting the virtual public meeting for Tbaytel on January 13th, 2021 at 6:00pm. Meeting will be streamed live via Zoom meetings at https://shuniah.civicweb.net/Portal/. Zoom ID: 838 4516 3300. If you wish to make an oral statement during the meeting please email Municipal Acting Clerk at [email protected] by noon on January 11th, 2021 to register. You will be provided further instructions on how you will connect during the virtual meeting. SITE LOCATION MAP Site ID: HAMPTON Coordinates: 48.489366, -89.131355 Address: Spruce River Road, Shuniah, ON

TBAYTEL c/o FB CONNECT Jay Lewis – Real Estate & Municipal Affairs Suite 130, 482 South Service Road East Oakville, Ontario. L6J 2X6 Tel: (905) 928-9481 Fax: (888) 622-4939 Email: [email protected]

MUNICIPALITY OF SHUNIAH Paul Greenwood – CAO, Municipal Acting Clerk 420 Leslie Avenue Thunder Bay, Ontario. P7A 1X8 Tel: (807) 683-4548 Fax: (807) 683-6982 Email: [email protected]

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December 21, 2020

In this issue…

Message from the Chair 1 December Meeting Reports 3 January Meeting Date 3

Message from the Chair

With 2021 on the horizon, TBDSSAB is looking forward to the coming year and our plans to continue providing essential social services to the District of Thunder Bay.

At our December meeting, the Board approved the proposed operating and capital budgets for 2021, as presented in Report No. 2020-61.

The approved 2021 TBDSSAB Operating Budget totals $99,282,100 and the Capital Budget totals $3,845,000. The impact on the levy to Municipalities and Territories Without Municipal Organization (TWOMO) will be 0.8% more than 2020. The apportionment of the levy is calculated using weighted assessment; therefore, the change in levy for each municipality will depend on weighted assessment changes experienced by each community, relative to the other 14 communities. We hope to be able to identify the impact on specific municipalities by mid-January.

The Board also approved the 2021 Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Briefings Package. ROMA will be holding its 2021 Annual Conference virtually, January 25-26, 2021. TBDSSAB has prepared a Briefings Package containing 4 key recommendations, presented in Report No. 2020-62. Delegation requests have been submitted and Members of the Board will be prepared to discuss these issues with the relevant Ministers.


Page 63 of 66 To say that the past year has been a whirlwind would be an understatement.

The year has brought many changes for us, our municipalities, and to TBDSSAB as an organization. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the TBDSSAB Administration and Staff for their dedication to the clients we serve and for remaining open throughout the pandemic. I would also like to thank the Board members for their flexibility and support of the Administration this year. I look forward to continuing to work together in 2021.

On behalf of the TBDSSAB Board, I wish you, your families, and your communities a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season and all the best in the new year!

Happy Holidays,

Lucy Kloosterhuis


Page 64 of 66 This edition of Update from the Board covers TBDSSAB’s regular monthly meeting on December 17, 2020, as well as key initiatives taking place in this time span. Our aim is to provide an overview of TBDSSAB Board information and reports in a timely manner following all monthly meetings.

We are committed to engaging our stakeholders and encourage questions and feedback on content. Please connect with the TBDSSAB Communications & Engagement Officer at [email protected] if you have any comments or questions on content or suggestions for improvement to the newsletter.

Regular Board Meeting: Coming up in January: December 17 , 2020 The January 2021 Inaugural Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 10am. 2021 Rural Ontario Municipal Community members may attend this meeting through a live-stream link Association Conference Briefings posted to the Board Meetings page on Package our website. Report No. 2020-62-CAO

The Board reviewed and approved the 2021 Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Briefings Package. Jan 14

Proposed 2021 Operating and Capital Budgets Report No. 2020-61-CS Feedback: The Board approved the proposed 2021 Operating Budget as amended following its We appreciate feedback and initial presentation at the November Board comments regarding the content of meeting. this newsletter.

Contact: Carole Lem, Communications & Engagement Officer E: [email protected] T: 807-766-4219 TF:1-877-281-2958


Page 65 of 66 List of Unfinished Business Updated – January 12, 2021

Items Comments

Compensation review and recommendation complete RFP Organization and with by-law before Council on Dec 8th. Recommendations Compensation Review from Org Review coming in January.

Reviewing agreement to purchase with legal and CN Corridor Property Development discussions moving forward with neighbouring municipalities.

Draft By-law with report for Council review Dec 8th. Review with neighbouring properties and bring back in Silver Harbour Road Allowance January to pass by-law for use of Silver Harbour Road Allowance.

Reviewing operating and capital budgets with staff internally. Draft 2021 budget to come before Council at 2021 Draft Budget Special Meeting on Jan 26th at 2pm ahead of regular meeting of Council at 4pm.

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