TheThe ShuniahShuniah NewsNews Shuniah, Ontario A Municipality with a Silver Lining Volume Six, Issue Four July 2016 ATVs in Shuniah Mayor and Council are currently are invited to attend this meet- considering a by-law which will ing to learn about and/or voice allow ATV’s on Shuniah roads. A any questions or concerns about special public meeting has been allowing ATV's on Shuniah scheduled on Monday July 11th, roads. Any comments or con- 6 pm at the Macgregor Recre- cerns with respect to this matter ation Centre to receive input and can also be submitted to the comments from the public con- Clerk, Nadene Hunley-Johansen, cerning this matter. Residents at [email protected] or call 683-4545. All submissions will become part of the public record and will be provided to Council for their information. Additional details can be found on the Shuniah website at www.shuniah.org/upcom- ing-council-matters.html Peter Tracz - Senior of the Year On June 18th, 2016 Mr. Peter Shuniah Soil Mates have made Age-Friendly and O.P.P. Community Tracz was presented with the the community gardens tremen- Senior of the Year Award by the dously successful! In addition, he BBQ Huge Success! Mayor and Council of the Munic- recognized the community gar- by Andrea Strawson, Project Manager ipality of Shuniah at the Age- den was a team effort and the The Age-Friendly and O.P.P age all residents to continue tak- Friendly and O.P.P. Community hard work of the 30+ members Community BBQ was held on ing photos throughout the year BBQ. Mr. Peter Tracz advocated was vital to its success. Congrat- June 18th at the MacGregor in preparation for our next photo for and supported the creation of ulations and thank you to Mr. Recreation Centre. There was an contest for the 2018 calendar! the Community Gardens since its Peter Tracz for his ongoing dedi- amazing turnout with over 100 The strategic plan brochure was inception. His leadership, dedica- cation to the Municipality of people in attendance. This was a available at the BBQ and many tion and endless support to the Shuniah. clear indication to us that resi- people were eager to read about dents want more community the direction the Municipality events like this one and we are plans to take over the next 5 eager to plan for future events years. The Shuffleboard League and BBQ’s! Mayor, Council, and sign-up sheet was available and staff were overjoyed by the num- many residents took the oppor- ber of residents that were able to tunity to join the league. In Sep- join us and celebrate Senior’s tember 2016, we will have a Month. kick-off event to launch the Shuffleboard League. Mr. Peter Tracz received the Sen- ior of the Year award for his ded- While all of the events were ication to Shuniah and more going on, residents were lined up specifically the Shuniah Soil to partake in the BBQ. We would Mates. Prior to the award, there like to thank White Cedar Phar- was a break and enter presenta- macy, The Fish Shop, Crystal tion by O.P.P forensic officer, Al Beach Variety, Skaf’s Just Basics, Macdonald. Many residents com- Chartwell Retirement Residence, mented that the presentation Superstore, and Metro for their was informative and enlighten- generous and delicious donations Backyard Chickens ing. The 12 winning calendar that made the BBQ such a suc- photos from our Photo Contest cess! We would also like to thank in Shuniah were displayed and voted on. The all the residents that took time to Mayor and Council are consider- within Shu- photo contest was extremely suc- join us fo r the event and hope to ing a by-law to permit backyard niah. Council cessful with 99 entries. I encour- see you at events in the future! chickens (hens) in Shuniah. will be con- Council will be reviewing the ducting public Shuffleboard League Kick-off Event available data and taking all in- information and & Age-Friendly Action Plan Feedback BBQ formation into consideration be- input sessions coming in September! fore deciding on the feasibility of which will likely occur allowing "backyard chickens" sometime this fall. Updates will be re- layed in the Shuniah News and on the Shuniah website at: www.shuniah.org/ upcoming-council-matters.html SSHHUUNNIIAAH CCOOMMMMUUNNIITTYY YYAARRDD SSAALLEE SSAATT.. JJUULLYY 99TTHH ,, 99AAMM--1PPMM MMAACCGGRREEGGOORR RREECCRREEAATTIIOONN CCEENNTTRREE PPAARRKK The Weather Guy Shuniah Public Works - Hello Shuniah. This is our first and Spruce 10.0mm. Summer 2016 weather column. May was somewhat wetter, nor- by Craig Baumann, Manager of Operations The weather data that you may mal is 67 mm, McKenzie had or may not be able to find, is from 38.8mm, Pearl 60.8mm, and Thunder Bay Airport. As you Spruce 43.2mm. Those numbers /&*0#/)(2 know, as you are coming home are somewhat misleading, as it from town, the marina is a little was dry most of the month, until cooler, Current River is cooler yet the rains began about May 24th. 11,(/&*21*.021 and the car windows are closing Pearl had 28.4 mm on May 28 by Spruce River Road. Rainfall alone. 2/&*0#/)(211,(/&*21*.0212#1*200-2*'#0(&)0(2/, data is usually much different. 1.&,(12&)2 ,(2,/%2 1%222$%21.2.#021',0"/, As you know, June has had some 1-(+))2+.0 2)01*02.102.#02.+%02./2')01-2/&.21-(2(+*$/*02/ So, Shuniah Fire installed good soakings, with McKenzie 1-2&-!1-.0(2#/&*0#/)(2$//)21&./%/.+021-(2"1,(0- and Pearl adding up to above weather stations at each fire hall, '#0%+'1)*2/&2-/2)/-"0,2-00( McKenzie, Pearl and Spruce River normal, and we are only at mid- Road. The data is for township month. Spruce had been a little use, like flooding or fire events. lighter. Those details next time. The websites are available for #02'/))0'.+/-2*+.02!+))21''0$.: resident use at: If you have any weather questions, drop me an email: 821+-.*27/1.+-"*21-(2.#0+,2'/-.1+-0,* “www.shuniahfire.com/hall1 [email protected] www.shuniahfire.com/hall2 82/)0-.*21-(2.#0+,2'/-.1+-0,* www.shuniahfire.com/hall3” Marv Lassi is a 82+-")03*02,270))261..0,+0* So why did the fire ban carry on retired weather for so long this spring? Well, it technician, 82,0**&,+0(27/-.1+-0,* was, dry. In March, normal residing in monthly precipitation is about 42 Shuniah. 821!-240,.+)+0,*20*.+'+(0*21-(2.#0+,2'/-.1+-0,* mm. McKenzie had 7.8mm, Pearl 11.6mm, and Spruce 9.0mm. In 8 -.+,00021-(2+.*2'/-.1+-0, April, normal is 42 mm, McKen- zie had 12.8mm, Pearl 12.4mm 825%$. &,+'1.+-"2+)27/-.1+-0,* ;0%0%0,9 00$2!1*.02+-2/,+"+-1)2'/-.1+-0,* /2-/.2%+ 2'#0%+'1)* ,1-"02,/$2+*21-2+-(&*.,&-(0(2,0'')+-"2$,/",1%21+%0(21.200$+-"2#11,(/&* 1-(2*$0'+1)2!1*.02%1.0,+1)*2/&.2/2-.1,+/*2)1-(+))*21-(2!1.0,!1* 22#02,1-"0 ,/$2,/",1%21))/!*2 -.1,+1-*2./2,0.&,-2(0*+"-1.0(2%1.0,+1)*2./2)/'1)2&-+'+$1)2 0$/.*2,0.1+)2*+.0*21-(2'/))0'.+/-200-.*21',/**2-.1,+/ 2+*+.2.#0 ,1-"02,/$2!0*+.0 )+-2./2!!! %10.#0(,/$ '1 SHUNIAH NUMBERS EMERGENCY .................................................................911 Non Emergency Administration 983-2021 (facsimile 983-2943) Public Works and Roads ..... 983-2550 (facsimile 983-2946) Municipal Office ....................683-4545(facsimile 683-6982) 2016 Dog Toll-free: 1-855-683-4545 Licenses available OPP ..............................................................1 888 310-1122 at the Shuniah MNR...................................................1 888 310-(Fire) 3473 Municipal Office COUNCIL CONTACT INFORMATION SALES AND Mayor Wendy Landry 807 346-9330 807 626-6686 [email protected] PRO-TECHSERVICE Councillor Donna Blunt 807 983-2129 [email protected] WATER PUMPS HOLDING TANKS Councillor Ron Giardetti 807 983-2051 WATER TREATMENT The Pump WELL SUPPLIES 807 627-7115 [email protected] and Filter Councillor Don Smith AND FILTERS Experts ELECTRIC MOTORS 807 621-1904 [email protected] 45 YRS EXPERIENCE M.O.E. Licensed Technician Councillor Duff Stewart 807 627-0230 [email protected] 541 10th Avenue protechsales.ca 807-346-8324 page 2, The Shuniah News, July 2016 Age-Friendly Needs Assessment Complete by Andrea Strawson, Project Manager The Municipality of Shuniah is their input. We would like to in the process of developing thank everyone who an Age-Friendly action plan to participated in this initiative! address the needs of older The information you provided adults in our community. Over is very valuable and will be the month of May, residents essential in order to formulate were asked to provide their our action plan. We are now in input to the Age-Friendly the process of compiling and needs assessment by way of analyzing the data received. the survey, focus groups, We expect to put a report and/or interviews. We received forth to Mayor and Council in 100 surveys, had 20 focus August 2016. group participants, and 15 interview participants. The Age-Friendly Committee was very pleased with the number of residents who provided PAWS Treasure Chest Second-Hand Store Proceeds t o s uppor t pet s paying o r neutering f or t hose who n eed f inancial help t o d o t his Donate Your I tems To T his G reat FIRE NEXT Shuniah News SEPTEMBER! Cause! • C ome Deadline for submissions Aug.
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