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0 F T H E


Puhlished under the Auihoriiï ()f His Excellency the Geyernor of lhe Cclony and Prciecicraie of Kenya,

Vol. XXlX .- No. 1 136 ) NAIROBI, April 13, 1927. g PRICE 50 CENTS.

Rejisiered as a New spaper ai tie Q. P. 0a Published eyery W ednesday.

T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S .

PA G E G ovt. Notice N o. zog- A rrivals, D epartures, A ppointm ents . . 452 Bills for introduction into Legislative Council :- 210- The Custom s Tariff Bill . . . . 453 21 1.-The Custom s R evenue A llocation B ill ...... 455 ,, 212- The Supplementary Appropriation (Railway) (Amendm ent) Bill . . 457 ,, ,, ,, 213- Tl1e Town Planning (Am endm ent) Biil ...... 458 Ordinance No. 4 of 1927- The Companies (Amendment) 'Ordinance) 1927 . . 462 ,, ,, 5 of 1927- The Bank (Amendment) Ordinance, 1927 462 Proclam ation N o. z3- lkleeting of L egislative Council . . ' 463 24- T he Public H olidays O rdinance . . . . 463

)p ,, 25- The D iseases of A nim als O rdinance . . . . 464 G ovt. N otice N o. zl4- Legislative Council- A ppointm ent ...... 464

. ,, ,, 215- T he E uropean Education T ax O rdinance, 1926- D elegation of Pow ers ...... 464 , 21 6- The A siatic Education T ax O rdinance, l926- D e1egation of Pow ers ...... 465 217- T he D etention Cam ps O rdinance, 1925- K w ale . . . . 465 21 8- T he R esident N ative L abourers' O rdinance. lgzs- R esignation . . 465

)) ,, ,, 21 9- T he N ative A uthority O rdinance- A ppointm ent . . . . 465 ,, . ,, ,, 22O- M edical D epartm ent- D eputy D irecror of Laboratory Services . . 466 G eneral Notices N os 337- 357 . . 466-471 45Q TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE April 13, 19Q7.

GOVERNMENT NoerlcE No. 209.

' * Date of leaving M arseilles. . f Dare of leaving Delagoa Bay. . ' . ' , ( , ' 'D EPA RTU RES. '

A J. Davenport Leave 2nd April, 1927 C. H . Terry do do E- E. Biss do do W . M unro do do ,. J. F. A Greig d8' do' A. C. Taylbr do drj. ' Lt G. 'M urray do do A E Proctor do 4th April. 1927 J. H. Niblock-stuart do do R A. Bolton do do S. S Engzland d9 do C. W . Peaclaey do do Capt J. R. Phillips do do Lt.-comdr. J. L. M arshall? R.N.R. do 2nd April, 1927 G. T. Trigwell do 5th April, 1927


. .? .; . , ' ' . , . . . s . ::c64/15. OAPTAIN CXILIL Gyioltqx Uszlltt, M.c., to be a Secretary, Secretariat, with effect from 231-d M arch, 1927. F RANCIS M ORTIMER LAMB to be District Cckniniiksioner M ertz ' District, Kikttyu Prov, ince, with effect f rom the, 16th M arch, 1.9.27. S. 20064 / 11. OAPTAIN Roy 'W HLITTST, M.c. , to be Acting Senior Assistatzt Game MFarden, witl) efject f rom the 25rd Febrpary, 1927. S. 20064 / 19. EoqAx BRINLEV Lru()vI), to be Registrar of Titles, Registrar of Urown Lands, Registrar of Documents and Registrar of Coast Land Titles'. with effect from the 1st Januarv, 1926. , . z u . I ...... *. ' .. ' ; . ' , .. . 8. :0064 / 19. GEORGE JA>(às RosslNs, to be Regiptl'a: pf Titlçs, Reg' istirar of Crown Lands, Registrar of Document's and X egl:trar '($f ' ' , Coast Land Titles, ' with effect f'rom the 1st January, 1926. . . g. : . y gtjxyy y , MOXTAGTJE DARns, to be Acting Superintendent of Pilkons, ' Wîth effqct pff'om the 28th 'M arch. 1927. ' ' ' $ ' ' J . , ARTITL:R . E.I ; jv ARo ' HAMP, District Engineer, to be Act.i ng . ' ;' . . Aslijtant Chief Engineer,' with effect f rorp 4th April, 1927, ' $t1 î', tl t, CAPT . T . F . LINNELL , re'veyf. l'd to' Distri )(l't En' gihF eer. ' <' i ' '' ' ' . . l . u . . . . , ' : . ' . . ' . . . ' ' X ...... ' - .. ' . . , . J.. .E: S. M ERIRTCK , ,...... , f . . . ( z z . ' x ' . : . .!J ). , . . .. jo'r zzlcff'n,g f-lolowlftz! SecTç,tqmy. @


' Colony and Protectorate of K enva. ' ...... , . . . j GOVERNMENT NoT.lcE No. 210. . ' . .' : r1-I1j ExctLtENc,v the àcting Govertaùr hb àjyrùked of t t'1 e follo.Aking Bills being' in f l- o d uced into Lèkislative Couneil :- ' G . 1R. SAND FORD , Clerk to the Leqislatire (lokziicil A B ill to A m end the Custom s Tariff O rdinance. BE TT EN-YCTED by the Governor of the Colony of Kenya, with the advice and cortsent of the Tuegislative Cotm cil thereof , as follows :-

EI. Tlais orclinanee may ba cited as ' ' the customs Tariff short tiue. Ordinapce, 1927,' ' and shall be read as one with the Custom s Tariff Ordinance (Ohapter 50 of the Revised Edition), herein- after referred to as d d the Principal Ordinance. ' ' 5 2. Ivheh any agre'em ent has been m ade with the xotification of Governm ent of any of the territories m entioned in section 263 agreement in of the Custom s M anagem ent Ordinance, 1926, m aking the aGpapzleitctaet ioann dof provision described in paragraph (2) of that section, the special G provisions fo overnor shall notify the fact in the Gazette and thereupon Import duty. 10 the following provisions slnall l'lave effect with respect to such territory :-- (1) No import duty shall be collected upon goods imported When no from stzch territory if im port cluty shall have import duty is COuected. previously been collected upon such goods in such 15 t erritory at a' rate' not lower than the rate prescribed by the Principal Ordinance in lzespect of the im/ ortation of such goods into the Colony ; (t2) Avheu duty shall have been collecteql upon the wlls a portion i l'l'lp 01t tation of goods into such territory at a rate Ff 'mport duty ls cojj eejyed . 20 lower than the rate prescribed by the Principal Ordinance in respeet of lhe im portation of such goods into tlae Colony, then, if such goods are subsequently removed from such territory into the Colony, im port duty shall be levied ancl collected to a.n amount

equal to the difference between the sum apayable to the Governm ent o'f the Colony in respect of such goods under suc.h agreem ent as aforesaid and the full im port duty payable under the Principa'l Ordinance ; (tz) A'Vhen import duty shall have been collectedupon when a refund goods imported into the Oolcmy ahd. such goods shall in respect of h import duty ave subsequently been relùoved into such oth/ek may be made. territory, then, if the duty collectecl in the Oolon'y is reatef- thàn the arivutlt payable llfon the im portation of such goods into sucb other territory'., the Com m issioryer of Custom s m ay refund to the person from whom im port duty shall have been receivecl an a'm ount equal to the difference between the am ount payable by the Governm ent of the Colony under such apreement as aforesaid and the im port duty collected in the Colony ' (b) This sub-section shall apply only in the case of goods which either have paitl a specific import duty in the oolony, or are rem ovecl into such other territory in packages unbroken since im portation, and, in 45 either event, are removed into such other territory witbin twelve m onths from the date upon whicla im port duty shall have been collected in the Colony. OB,pllcr1's Axo lRs-xsox s . Section it!t3. of the Customs M anageïtlent Ortlinance , 1926 , em powers the Governor in Council to enter into a,n agreem ent with the Governm ent of any territory in Eastern Africa, being a poztion of the British D ominions or under the protection of the Crown 01' wllich is adm inistered by a m andate held by l-lis M a21' est'v providing. ï'l'ràt?,r (jlia that one party to the agree- .. z nlent. shall eollect on behalf of the otlner party tlle Oustom s duties ioap osed in respect of goods whicll , having been ilàaported

into its territory, are reznoved into the territory of tlte other partyz. . The object of arl agreeznent under tltis section is to avoitl the paynAent of double irnport tluty on goods p assing between the territories concerned.

U ntler sucsll an agreen-tent tlle (T- overnllle tlt. of tlle territory in Mrlaich duty lllls been collected will nlake a paylaaent în respect of that duty to th e Governnaent of tlle tezaritory to wlliel' the gootls are subsequently ternovetl. Tllat pnym ent will b t? tl'le actual ayz-lotlnt of tlle cluty collected 'kvhen tlle

circulustances al'e sucl) that this anlotlllt can tlorrnally l.)e aseertained. T14 other circunastances it will be a paynlent in respect of the dut-jr eollected, and 'will be calculated at a rate to be detel-m ined by the agreem elzt. yîccordingly, when an agreem ent laas beep zlaade between two Governm ents, the duty collected upoz) the importfttion of goods iuto the territory of one Goverrment will be tnkel'l into a'ecount in deternlining whether or not any f urther duty is payable upon the l'elnoval of those goods into the territory of the other Governm ent .

1. t is prqp. osetl by tlais Bill to prescribe tl).e provisions whicll 'witl apply ilz regard to tlle levy and collection. of il-nport duty as between this Governm ent and the (lovernm etzt of any territory urith wllî'.cll all agt-eeldlent has been entered in to. U ncler tlle provisions of tlle Bill , where the tarif'f of inlport dnties is' the sam e in eaeh territory, goods tlpon whicl' (luty has been collectetl in the other tefrîtory m ay pass into the Colony withotlt paym ent of any additiontll tlllty. Prcwision is m ade, however, for cases in which the im port duty upon goocls relnoved into the Colony m ay be ïtigl't tr'r thau the duty originallv llaid. in tlle territory f 1.0111 'wllicll they were removed.. l'n stteln a case paym ent of a part of the im port duty î.s required from tlle importer. P rovision is also rylade f or cases in which goods are rem oved from this Oolony to another territory in wllich the im port tllpty may be lolreï than the duty originally paitl here.' In this case a refund ot' a part of the im pof't duty paid is allowed to the original importer. This refund is hecessarily limited to circulzlstances in which the amount of (luty paid can be accurately ascertained and. is cdnfined to cases where the removal is efïected within a lim ited tim e. April 13 . 1927. T HE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 45$

GOVERNMENT N o-rlcE No. A B ill to Provide for the A llocation of Custom s R evenu e betw een the G overnm ents of K enya and U ganda. BE IT EN ACTE D by the Govërnor of the Colony of K enya, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Counci! thereof , as follows :-

1.. Tlafs Ordinance m ay be cited as .. the Custom s short title Revenue Allocation Ordinance ' ' d hall com e into and con'- , 1927 . an s mencement. operation on such date as the G-overnor m ay by notice in the Gazette appoint. 2. Tn this Ordinance, the context otherwise Interpreiation 5 requires : . $ Combined departm ent ' ' m eans the com bined Custom s- D epartm ent of K enya and Uganda. 't Net total cluty ' ' m eans the total am ount collectecl iIl 1 0 respect of duty less the total am ount of such duty refundetl. ' ' Net revenue ' ' m eans the gross revenue less the gross expenditure. ( f Gross revenue ' ' m eans the total am ollnt collected ; '-' respect of the f ollowing' net total duty ; 1 5 (2) (3' ) administration fees ; (4) cranage charges ; (5) net proceads of sale of confiscated and unclainleff . goods ; 20 net proceeds of sales of departm ental stores ol' equipm ent the cost of which has been chargefl against the expenditure of the com binetï department ; (7) weighing. fees, sealing' fees, endorsement fees, 25 com m ission on sale of unclaim ed goods and other sim ilar receipts for specifie services rendered by the com bined departm ent ; ' (8) warehousing' (9) seventy-five per cent. of the net amount of a11 ' fines im posed under any 1aw relating to Custom s . whether by any Court or by the Com m issioner of Customs. The term $ t net arnount ' ' m eanB the amount credited to revenue after the pay- m ent of any awards. 35 ' ' Gross expezaditure ' ' naeans- (1) a1l salarias and- expenses cf the combiuetl depaz't- m ent as provifled for in the Customs Estimates : (2) expenses actually incurred for rent of warehouses for storag'e of uncustom ed goodk at Afom bas'?b 40 and Kilindini and an allow ance ilz respect ;)f rent on warehouses used by the combined depart- m ent at M om basa and K ilindini which have been

erectecl at the cost of the Kenya Governm ent, calculated on the cubic storage capacity and the averaga rental payable for sirrzilar storage accom modation ; (3) house allowances paicl to officers of the combined dep. artm ent stationéd at A'lombasa alztl Kilindini,

and 8 in cases . where . .s uch offtcers - .occupy Gov.ernm ent , houses' ' 'the am ount of house .. allowance to which they would be alatityed if they did uot occupy Governm ent quartez's ; (4) interest allcl sinking i'tzncl on the capital expended on any new building erected in tlle future as headqttartez's for Cllstom s purposas and the equipm ela t t ) nel- eo f . 10 , (5' ) ctost of a1l stationery ' supplied to tlle ttombined departnlent frolzl any source whatever.

jmount of 8. Tllere shall be payable anttually to the Government of '-usbt''''' the Ugauda Protectorate a sum which bears the sam e propor- troe veUnguaen dpa.y able tion to tlle net revenue collected by the com bined clepartm en t 15 a: tl'le total net dlafy ccll) ected on goods im ported into or expœ-ted frona Uganda bears to tlne net total duty collected.

OBJEC'I'S -txo l4EAsoNs . Tlle object of tllis Bill is to make provisiou f or the allocatiou of Custom s l'evenue between the Goverlnm ents of Jfenya ancl Uganda. Provisions governing . this ll-latter were made by the Custorns (Arnertdment) Ordinauce , N' o. 862 of 1922. , whfch was stlbsdquently incorporated il'l the Custortls Orclinalace (Chapter 87 of tlle Revised Edition). JIT h en, however , the new Custom s A/lanagelllent Ol'din- ance, 19126, is brought iuto operation the preselàt Custom s Ortlinazzce will lae autom atically repealed, and therefore it is necessary to legislate so as to provide for the futul'e allocation of Custom s revenue as betw een Ifenya and. Ugancla. Th'e present Bill is copied from the Customs (Amendment) Ordinance, 1922, above naentioned, and it is intended that it should com e into force on the same date as 'the Customs (M anagem ent Ordinance , 1926. ' ' GOVERNMENT N o'rlcs N o. 212. . A B ill to ti . Amend the SupplomontFry App ryoprjuar - ort (Rai1wà#) Ordinàhce, 192$. B E IT ENA' CTED b.) .w the Govelalaor of the Colonl', of Kenya.s witll the advice arld, consellt of ' the j-L egislative C oul/cil thel'eof , as foilows : :

1. This Ordinance m ay be cited as d.6 the Sup. plem entttry short title. Appropriatîon (Railway) (Arnendmellth, Ordinartce , 19:7 ,' ' and shall be read as one with î d the Supplem entary A ppropriafion' (kv o s() oj . (llailwavh Ordinauce , 1925 , ' ' hei'einaf ter ref errecl to as T d the 1925-4 r ,. ' ' ' 5 Prineipa. l Ordinance. .

2. The Prineipal Or(1io alc v(t is la ereby ' alalen dec't bv the substitution repeal of the . S'chedule tllereto and the substitution tlnerefor of 0schedule to tlle Schedule alanexed to tlnis Ordinance. Prineipal Ord inan ce.


H ead,g of .l?/zpta??l?7lcd'rt?. . -f? :2 . () :5 St . 7 1 1 'Railway and. Afarin.e Renew als , Betterm ent and Tnsurance Fund Services 7 .86 000

' .-f? 2 . ri- 9. 4 rt- 1 1

OBJECTS Axo EE-.tsoxs. This Bili is renderetl nepessary by the fact that 1'01- the year 1926 the working expenditure of the T-tailway exceeded tlle am ount sancticmed under the Supplem entary Appropriation (Railway) Ordinanee , 19825 , by ,:39 ,478. As agaitlst this, earnings exceeded the estim ates by +48,911. The total earnings for the year are thus appropriated as under :

Ordinary Avorking Expenditure ...... +1,216,774 Depreciatiou (credited to Eenewals Fund) 216 ,605. Loan Charges, etc...... 417 ,,5 37 Balance (credited to Betterl-flent Flln(1) 207 .795.

. . . :.02 .058,711 158 TH E OFFTCIAL GAZETTE April 13. 19:7,


A Bill to A m end the Tow n Planning O rdinance.

131: 1'13 EN ACTED by the Governor of the Colony of flenya . witlz tl.le advice and consent of the Legislative Council thel-etlf , as follosvs :

Short title. 1. This Ordinance m ay be cited as d ' the Town Planning (Arnendm ent) Ordinance, 1927,' ' and shall be read as one with the Town Planning Ordinance (Chapter 8)5 of the Eevised Eclition) , llel'einafter ctalled C $ the Principal Ordinance.' '

Interpretation. 2. lln thîs Ordinanpe , ' unless tllere is sonRetlling repuglnallt in tlle stzbject or context , terl'ns anf.l expressions f shall 1) ave tlle sa lue m eanings as in tlle Crown Taands Ordin - -/cz?. 1.;0. f;'tz2?- 1$3. ance , tlle 'J--ialltl r1' 'itles Ortlirlanrce and tlze Registration of Titles

cap. JJJ. Ordiuancte respectively.

1, uuication of . 2. (1.1. l.T l)t)'t1 tlïe fktlal appl-oval of a to'wn planning sellenae 10 notice of final il-t areortlaucte 'witl) tlle provisions of section 5 of tlne Prirtc'ipal taopwpmro vpala nonf iuag Orfiinanre notit'-e of stlç'll appl-oral Khall l)e publislzed in the scheme and G .azette . affect thereof . (t2 ) -4. sg ilen-te so approved l'nay bi? t-arried into execution uotu'ithstalltli 14j)* the terln s of any eavestt loélged 114 respect of 15 land under t 1) e Crourn )1 a allds flrdin tt.ln ee , tlle ltaal'ttl f'fitles Ordi na.nre C)r tlle 14 'egistration of Titles Ordinallc'e .

Cancellation 4. ( .1.1 't-, !)t) 11 the publituatioy) tl'te (.; a zette of t11 e lnoti (:'? of old, and of flnal allproval of a town planning sphelne providing for a issue of new , docurnents of realjustn) ellt (.')t' the boundaries , area , shape and position of any 20 title when plots or holdings of land then , except so f a.1- as the schelne seheme provides f or m ay pl'ovide to the eontrarv readjustment of b'oundaries. etc. , ()f plots a 11 plots oz. holding' 's of lartd eoruprised in tlle s'zhelaae or lAoldings. tlle bolllzdaries or position. of 'wllicll are required by tlle srllen'le to b' e 1- eat1 'I t I stetl shall f or the purposes of 25

sl! cl L 1.'e a .:1j us tn lent b e tleern e 4 t o be C rown l a)a d , a ln d all right , title and interestg in respect thereof 'which

'were theretofore vested i!1. any person shall be extin- gA4isl4 tat.l , and tlne tloeuncents of titl-e , ineluding ('! t'l 'îr eats , ullder urllich such plots or holdings of laud 30 were held sltatl fortllwitll be delivered to tlle C'ol'n- naissioner of Tuands or to such officer as 11e lriay appoint for the purpose in order that the sarne m ay be cancellesl. uïl1 sucl) ranceller.l docuznents of title sltall be 1-etaitaet.l by the Conal-taissioner of Lands ; 35

tlle Uolnulissioner of Lattds shatl issue or cause to to be issued to eaell of' the several persons an-longst Avhon'l the said plots or holtlings are l-edistributed under the schenae a eertificate of ownership iu tlAe fom'n set out in tlle Sehedule to this Ordinance , or 40 as near thereto as tlle case m ay require, in order

that they m ay hold the sites assigned to them , respectively, under the schem e upon the sam e term s and conditions and for the àame interests on and for April 13, 1927. TH E OFFTCIAL G AZETTE 459

'w-hich they severally held their original sites immediately prior to the publieatioh of the said notice of final approval : Provided that no certificate of ownerkhip issued under this seetiol) shall be deelned to eonfer upon the person to whom it is issued any better title tllan' ' such person fleld under the ' ' d octzznent of title itl' lieu of Wllich s,uch certificate of osvnersllip is lsslled ;

notwithstanding anything to tlae contrary contained 1 0 it'l any other law every certificate of ownersllip so issued shall be issued by or be deem ed to have been issuetl under tlle sam e authority as the docum ent of title in lieu of which sucl4 certihcate of . ownership has been issued. (2) Every certificate of owlzersllip issued under this sectios shall have attached tlaereto a plan signed by the Director of Lan' d Surveys showing the land eom prised iy1 the certificate and sllall be sealed with tlae seal of the Registrar of Titles ; . and every certificate of ownership so issued shall, except in so f ar as the scheme may provide to ihe contrary , be subject to the sam e rnortgages, charges , leases or other encum brances, trusts a'nd restrictions, if any, whereto the docum ent of tîtle ùa lièu of which sucla eertificate of ownership llas been issued to such person was subject immediately prior 25 to the date ()f publication of the said notice of final approval , a'nd so that rnortgagees, chargees, lessees and other encum - brancers or persolas (other than the owzaers) whc) wez'e im m ediately prior to such date interested in any plot or holding which is readjusted under the scheme slaall, exeept as aforesaid, ao have, as nearly as m ay be , the same rem edies and rights against and in the plot or holding held by auy person under a certificate of ownerslnip issued in pursuance of this section as they severally had against and in the plot or laolding held by such person under the tlocum ent of title in lieu of whieh such certificate of owner- 35 ship has been issued. (3) E very certiflcate of ownership issued under this section shall be registered agailzst tlle title which has been extinguished , in the sam e register as the docum ent of title irl lieu of wllicll such certificate of ownership is iBsued was 40 registered ; and the Registrar of Titles shall perform al1 sucla acts , endorse all such eertificates of ownership and m ake all such eutries in the books of his oflice as znay be necessary to give effect to the provisions ()f tllis secttion. (4) The Commissioner of Lands or a Eegistrar of Titles m ay, upon such evidenc!e as shall appear to him sufflcieut in 45 that bellalf ., correct clerical errors in certificates of oWnership issued under tlzis section or ilà the register , or in entries m ade therein respèetively, and zuay stlpply entries oznitted to be m ade : Provided that itz the correction of any such error he slaa'll not ' eras' e or 'ren'der illegible the original worcls and shall 50 affix the date uporl whieh such correction was m ade or entry stpplied togethèr with his initials, and every certifzcate of ownerslaip so corrected and every entry so corrected or supplied shall have the like validity and effect as if such error had not;

55 been m ade or such entry omitted. . (5) N o stam p duty or other fee shall be payable in respect of arty act of record or registration required to be perform ed under the provisions of this section.


to deliver up to the Com m issioner of Lands, or to sueh other . 5 offieelr as lae m ay appoint , any docpm ent of title required by the provisions of this section so to be delivered up, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fipe not exceeding' fif ty Pountis.

(7) Any person who shall dishonestly or. fraudulently use 10 or attem pt to use any docum eut of title to land after the right , title or interests purporting to be evidenced by such docum ent laave been extinguislzed by the operation of this section , shall be deem ed to have com m itted or to llave attem pted to com m it the otlelzce deflned in section 415 of the lndian Penal Code.

Date of fknal 5. N otwithstanding anything to the' contrary laerein APPDOVaI of i (j tlae Momi ) as! conta 'n.e . , tlae Aiombasa Town Plannin/ Scheme , 1926 ,shall Town Planmng, f or tlne purposes 'of this Ordinance be deernecl to have been fsocrh epmuer,p o1s9e2s 6, fillzlly approved upon the date set forth in a notice to .be Of this publislled in the Gazette by the Com m issioner of Lands, and 20 Ordinanee. as from such date the provisions of sectiou 4 of this Ordinance shall apply to the area com prised in such schem e.

SCH ED U LE . Tnlx Towx PLANXING (AMSNDMENT) ORDINANCE , 1927. ertt. ca t e oj '?z(, styyspzp.p.

(1) lnsert tlt e , , w of issuing certify th. a.t...... ofllcer. v. - 1.. . ' O1...... -...... ***.-...... 1S tMO PP'OPV1CtOT of ...... in that piece of land situate in the rovinc-e of...... at...... and which is de arcated and delineated on' tlne 1an o...... anrkexed hereto and thereon nulnbered...... t-to'n taining...... - ...... - . .or thereabouts all. d. s ubject to s uch mortgages and other interests (if a'ny) as laer. e- under written.

Tn witness whereof T llave hereunto set m y hand and seal

L' . S . (T%-t 16 ()/ l-ssn't-n.g o c6zr-l Mbrtgages and other interesfs above referred to : 461

IIBJEC'r s 1) EA soN s . The approval of tlle A/lbm basa Town Planning Scheme involves m aterial alteration in shape and size, and consequent readjtlstment of boundal-iès, in the case of numerouj alienated plots in the Township of A'lbrnbasa. A considerable num ber of existing. titles will therefore require to be altered accord ingly.

One method of aqhievilzg the . desired result would be for each individual whose title is to be affected to surrendqr his existing title to the Crown and obtain from the Crown a new title to the altered plot , Owing, however, to the number of titles involved and to the delay and com plications which would ensue, particularly where plots have been m ortgaged , it is considered that the àdbption of ihis metlaod wottld bé flùneces- sarily cum bersom e. Tt would certainly involve cousiderable OXPOIRSO . This .Bill has therefore been prepared with tlle object of obviatizlg tlle expen'e and delay which would otherwise be involved in dealing with titles not only in respect of tlae M om basa Town Planning Schem e but also in respect of other town planning schemes as ancl wheu they are approved. Briefly the bill provides that on the publication in the

G azette of the final approval of a town planning scherlle which ., . : involves the readjustment of boundaries of plots or holdings, . ' ' ' : the following provisions shall take effeet : The existiug title to every plot affected by the scheme is autom atically extinguished and the plots are deem ed to be Crown larld. A11 docum ents of title relating. to such plots are required to be forthwith delivered up to tlze Com missioner of Lands or to such offleel' as he m ay appoint in order that tlley m ay be cancelled ; The Com m issioner of Lands is then reqtlired to issue or cause to be issued to each of tlle several persons amongst whom the plots are to be redistributed a certificate of ownership ilA the prescribed form in ovder that they m ay hold th'e sites assigned to them upon the sam e term s allcl conditions and for the sam e interests and subject to the same encumbralzces (if auy) as applied in the case of the original sites ; Every certificate of ownership so issued is to be deem ed to be issued uzlder the sam e authority as that under which the original title was issued , that is to say, under the Crown L ands Ordinance or the Land Titles Ordinance or otherwise. Provision is m ade to the effect that no stam p duty or other fee shall be payable in respect of any act required to be per- form ed under the Bill.

Penalties are provided for failure to deliver up title deeds as required and for fraudulently using or attemptillg to use any title deed when the title has been extinguished. Owing to the fact tlAat the M ombasa schem e has already been approved, special provision is m ade in clause 5 of the Bill for fixing the date upon which the provisions of this Bill are to take effect in regard to M om basa. ORDIN ANCE.

N o. 4 ola 1927

EDW ARD B. D EN H AM , gloting Gorernor. A n Orclinance to A m end the Cpm panies Ordinance. EN ACTE D by the Govarnor of the Colony of K enya,

with the adviee arld consent of the Legislative Council thereof , as follows ; short i,itle 1. Tiis Ordinance may be cited as ( ( the Companies (Am endm ent) Ordinance, 1927 , ' ' and shall be read as one with tbe Companies Ordilaance (Chapter 98 of the Revised Edition) , hereinafter referred to as î d the Principal Ordinance.' ' Savipg of Banlq 2. Section 292 of tlle Principal Ordinance is hereby (Ocradpm. a9nc4e). repealeti alnd iu lieu thereof Bhall be read the following' : ' f Q92 (1) Nothing in thig ördinance shall affect the llrovisions of the Bank Ordinance. $ $ (Q) The provisions of sections 32 and 277 of this Ordinance shall not apply to any bank reqniretl to furnish statem ents or returns uuder Part J)T, Part 1l1 or Part TV , as the case m ay be, of the Bank Ordinance.' '


5 ol 1927.

EDW ARD B .' DEN H AM , âcting (lorcwsoz. A n Ordinance to A m end the B ank O rdinan ce. ENACTED by the Governor of the Colony of Kenya, with the advice and. consent of the Legislative Couneil thereof , as follows :- Short title- 1.. This Ordinance may be pited as d 6 the B ank (Am end- ment) Ordinance, 1927 ,' ' and shall be read aB one with the Bank Ordînance (Chapter 94 of the T'tevised Editicm) herein- after referred to as < d the Principal Ordinance.' ' Ametldment of g. section Q of the Principal Ordinance is hereby deflnltion of 'd bank%'. am ended by the substitution of tlle following for the defmition of the worcl 2 d bank ' ' :- J f The word ' bank ' m eans any com pany, person or body of persons , whether incorporated or not, engaged in the business of banklng within the Colony.'' April 13, 1927. rlaI-1E OFFICIAL GAZETTE 463

Amendment of 3. (1) S,ections 3i!, 33 and 39 (1) of the Principal zSeac t(i1o)n asn d52 %: $5(i ) o r(Iinance are laereby am ended by the slabstitution of the words of the Principal ' é Registrar of Com panies ' ' for the word 6 f Governor ' ' and Ordinance. by the substitution of the words ( é one copy , , j or tjje words ( ' two copies ' ' wherever such words appear. (2) Sub-section (1) of section :8 of the Principal Ordinanc'e is hereby am ended by the substitution of the words ' ' E egistrar of Oom panies ' ' for the wortl ( d Governor ' ' ailcl by th'e deletion of the words d $ izl duplicate ' '.

Repei'l 4. Sections 3 5. and 40 of the Principal Ordinance are laerebty repealed.




T, E dward Brandis Denham , Com panion of the M ost Distinguished Order of Saint M ichael and Saint George, Acting Governor alad Com m ander-in-chief of the Colony ancl Protect- ' orate of K enya, in exercise of the powers vested in me by Tnstructions under the R oyal Sign M anual and Signet , datetl the 11th day of September, 1920, do hereby direct that a Session of the L egislative Oouncil be held at the Allemorial H al.l, N airobi, on Tuesday, the 10th day of M ay, 1927, at 10 a.m . Given under m y hand at N airébi tlais 11th day of April, 19:7.

E . B. D ENHA M , Acting Gorczlzor. cloo s-ivl Titz XiNG.

PROCLAMATION NO. 24. TH E PU BLTC H OLIDAY S' OILDINAN OE . Lcltapte'r 30 oj tl'te Xtlztlfdéltf Ed%tion.) PSOCLAMATION.

IN EXER CTSE of the pow ers conferred upon m e by S'ection 3 of the Public Holidays' Ordinance (Chapter 13 0 of the Revised Edition) , T, Edward Brandis Denham , Companion of the M ost D istinguished Order of Saint M ichael aud Saint G-eorge, Acting Governor and Com m ander-in-chief of the Colony and Protectorate of K enya, hereby proélaim Saturday, the 16th day of April, 1927 , a special day tq be observed as a public holiday.

E . B. D ENH AM , Acting Gonernov.

GOD SAVE TH E IITN G . 4&4 j?11:: o>n.balcl-vL GAZE. rJ. TE Apr'i l 1J3, t9'2t. PROCLAMATION No. 25. infectetl areas for the furposes of the sa'id Diseases ol Anâm als Ordinance ;- T'HE DTSEASES O1? ANIM AL'S OIRDINANCE . E-.kST Co-xs'.r FEvEu. Farm L.O. No. 2610, M essrs. East African PaoecAMATlo.N. Properties, Ltd., Nyeri, 501.1th Nyeri Distriet. W HXREAS by Seetion 4 of the Diseases of lllxolqltlnE,s'.r, Animals Ordinance (Ohapter 157 of the Revised Farm L.O. No. 419, M rk J . D . H operaft, Loldia Edition) 'it is providetl that the Governor may at any Estate, Naivasha Distriet. tim e by Proelamatiozl declare any area to be an Fgrm L.O. No. 1377, M r. TT. H arvey, Distilletl infeeted area ; extend, dîm inish or otherwise alter W aters, E'burru, N aivasha D istriei. the lim it of an area cleelarad to be an. infectetl area ; (leelare an infeeted 'area to be free from disease ; CIJNTAGIOUS B CG INE PLEURO-PNEIUMONIA. and/ or for the purpose of preventing disease prohibit Ftrm L..O. No. 901/ 1/1, Mr. C. F. Pohl, Eldoret, the removal of anim als from one distriet, plaee or Uasin Gishu Distriet. area, to any othar district; place or area. Farm .L.O. No. 905/1/2, Mr. W . Blerks Eldoret, Uasin Gishu District. And whereas by Governm ent Notice No. 231, datecl the 3rcl day of July, 1919, in exercise of the And furtller 1 do hereby deelaœe that the following powers confertecl upon him by Sectioll 13 of the portion of a Proelam ation iB revokecl :- Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinanee That portion of Proclamation No. 9, c'tated the (Chapter 1 of the Revised Edition), His Exeellency 17th (lay of Fezbruary, 192.7, declaring Y'arms the Governor llas been pleased to depute the person L.O. Nos. 469/2 and 469/3/ 1, Messrs. G. & T. for the iim e being holding the ofllee of Chief Crawforcl, Nakuru, N akuru District, to be Veterinary Ofrteer to exereise on his behalf the iufectecl areas (ltinderpest). powers conferrecl upon the Governor by the said Section 4 of the Disaa.ses 'of Animals Ordinanee. Given uncler my hand at Nairobi this 7th day of April, 1927. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers so conferred and al1 other powers thereunto enabling A. G . DOH EIRTY, me, I hereby deelare the following farms to, be Chiej Fyfcrïlztzr?y ojA. 'c6?'. GOVERNMENT NOTICE N O. 214 LE GTSLATW E COUN CTL . APPOINTMENT. H TS Excellency the Acting Governor has been pleased to m ake the following' appointm ent :- To be tem porarily a Nom ina'ted Oë eial M em ber of the Legislative Council in the place of Frederic Gordon Sm ith now absent from the Colony : Percy Alexanier M cE lwaine, E squire. N airobi, D ated this 11th day of April , 1927. G.. T4. SAND FORD , jov zlcàizzg Colosïcà! Secvetary.

GOVERNMENT N oerlcE N o. 215. TH E EUR OPEAN ED UOATION TAX OE DTNAN CE , 1926. qsectioyt 1-4.) AND TH E TN TEIRPEETATION AND CIEN ERAL CLW USE S ORD IN AN CE . çcltaptcr 1 oj à7z: Rerised Edition, Scction 13.) DELEGATION otp PowEss. N oTlcE. IN EXEE CISE of the powershconferred ttpon tlle Governor by Section 13 of the Tnterpreiation and G eneral Clauses Ordinance, T hereby depute to all District and Resident Com - m issioners the power conferred upon m e by section 14 of the European Education Tax Ordinance, 1926. N airobi, Tllis 4th day of April, 1927 . E. b. oENn'XM , Aeting Gtlrezrw,(v. GOVERyMENT NOTICB NOy 'r1-1I< AslztT lc EotrczvTlox TAx osolxAkèE ,19u6. Lsecfion 14.)

AND ' ' THE INTERPREYATION AND GENERALg CLAUSES OIRDINAX CE. (Chnpmteï 1 oj f I'te ltt?çlf,çctf E'dïfïtl'n,, Scctio'l't 13.) DELEGATION OF POWEES. N ormcE. TN EXE RCTSE of the powers conferred upon the Governor by Secti pn 18 of the Tnterpretation and General Clauses Ordinance, T hereby depute to all District and R esident Com - m issioners the power conferred upon m e by section 14 of the Asiatic E ducation Tax Ortlinance , 1926.


E . B . D ENN AAT, Acting Gor6zzàoz.

GOVERNMENT NOTICE No GOVERNMENT N OTICE N O. TTTE' DETEMTION CAMPS ORDTNANCEI, 1925. THES NATW EI AUTITORTTY OIRDINANCE. N oTrcx. IN EXERCISE. of the powers conferred upon him Lchapt tlp' 1Q9 of f he J?trwï.st't/ Edilion, Strtlf f(?'n, 3 (1).) by Seetion 3 of the Detention Camps Ordinanee, L AND 1925, H is Excellency the Acting Goverhor is pleased to deelare the Cam p at Kwale tè be a, Detention ' T'H E TNTERPRETATTON A' ND GENERAL 'Cam p for the purposes of the aforesaid Ordinance, 1 CLAUSES ORDTNANCE . ' j and H is Exeellency is further pleased to appoint ag ë O' frlcer-in-charge of sueh Detention Cam p the Lchayter 1 o/ f /16 zltrllf,sdt(l Sdiffo'n,, S6cfff)'rr 1B.) Distriei Com missioner, Kwale. ' Go.vEuxMs.xT' Noa?lcyl No'. 406 oF 1926. Nairobi, .' APPOINTMEXT. T'his 8th clay of April, 1927 . IN KXEECTSE .of G e powors theteAm io enabling m e, 1 havè appointccl. the person namecl in the Schedule annexecl hereto to be Ofllcial H eadm an 1or the area nam ed thexein.

'GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 21 8. TTTE RESIDENT NATIVE LABOURERS' 1927. ORDINANCE, 1925. (; . M . DOBB S, Lsec'tion 4 (2).) Stlxfc'z Co- ozf88foinzy'r, AND ' N #cszg, Pyonince. THE! INTEIRPRETATTON AND QENETIAL CLAUSES ORDINANO E. SCH EDULE. fclrtapier 1 oj ihe flcztlf8élts Edition, Sccffc,?z 13.) GOVERNMENT Normcs No,. 5 o'F 1926. l4xslGxATlo.x. No.RTn KAvlaoxoo DlsTltlc'r, NYANZA Puovlxcs. IN EXEIRCISE. of the powers veste: in m e, 1 hareby notify the resignatiön of the following gentle- 'm an from the ofâce oî Attesting Omcer for the N ame. Area. W ith effect from Remarksk Distriet of Kisum u-laondiani :- E . A. W ebb, Esq., Songhor. Osundwa s/o Wanga 1 st Dec., 1 926 Vice Nafukhq s/o Mumia Shitech Location deposed on conviction . in criminal Case (ap. X isumu, . pointed Govt. Notice 6th ApTil, 1927. No. 362 page 1223 . G. M . DOBBS, .. . - o. G. 1s26). Senior Otl'rn,zr?1i8yio?zcr. 466 THE OFFIUIAL GAZETTE April 13, 1927.

GOVERNMENT NOTICE No. 22O GEXERAI- No-rlcs No. à/4. S . 20064 /1. TENDERS. NOTICE . TENDE'R S are invited for the supply of foodstuffs TH E. following change of title in the staff of the as specified hereunder at the lollowing stations for M edieal D apartment has been approved by the' three sehool term periods of approxim ately 3 months. Secretary oî State îor the Colonies :- each, i .e . from stbout the 14th of lkfay to about the 14th of August, 19Q7, about 10th ,of Sepiem ber to Director of Laboratory to be Deputy Direetor about the 17th of Deeember, 19227, antl about the cd Laboratory Services. 17th ol J'anuary to about the 8th of April, 1928. The dates here m qntionecl are approximate only. (Penderers must uhderstand that the goods must be. delivered in time 1or . the first day on which the sehèols open, and tney must be prepared to continue. General Notice No. 337. supplying sueh goods whilst the sehool rem aing. open :- NOTICE . A 7 aiî-o b i . AccTlc/x SALE. Bread, 80 lbs. , daily. Beef , 50 lbg. , daily. APPROXIM ATELY 29,000 lbs. of Governm enù Butter, 60' lbs. , wéekly. ivory composed ehiefly o.f Afilaiti, Cutelai, Ualasia and Potatoes, 400 lbs. s weekly. Fakra, and also a, quantity of rhino horns and laippo Vegetables, 300 lbs. , weekly. teeth will be solcl be publlc auetion at Kam ptla, at A' .111k, 15 gallonsh daily. 10 a .m ., on W eduestlay, the 4tl1 M ay, 1927. * Lots will be ready for inspeetion on the previous day.

The Treasury, E'zltebbe, Uganda, 4th April, 1927.

C K. DM N Trea8-tbk-ek-. 284 (1 /;xz?-zl. Bread, 45 lbs., daily. Beef , roasting? 142 lbs. , weekly. B eel, soup, 5 ba lbs. , weekly. Butter, 28 'lbs. , weekly.' M ilk, 7 gallons, daily. Potatoes, 420 lbs. , weekly. GENERAL NoT1cE No. 338. Vegetables, 120 lbs. , weekly. Eggs, 12 dozen, weekly. M utton, 3 0 lbs., weekly. Sausages, 14 lbs., weekly. B acon, 3 lbs. , w eekly. B ananas, 200, w eekly. Pineapples, -10, weekly. Orauges, 150, weekly. Atl'aize m eal, 960 lbs. , m onthly.

Kit ale . Bread, 20 lbs. , daily . TT is notiflecl for general information that the Beef , roasting, 51 lbs . , dailyv m ails despatehed from M ombasa on tht) under- Beef , soup, 2:1 lbs. , daily. m entioned date azrived in England as statec't :- B utter, 6 lbs. , w eekly. M ilk, 8 bottles, daily. Potatoes, as required. Datc of despatch Vame of vessel by Date of arrival Vegetables, as required. from M ombasa- wbich despatched. in Englaud. Eggs, as required.

20th M ar-, 1927 S.S. '' Cham bord ''. 8th April, 1927. Tendet-s should be m arked < < Foodstuffs for Sehools ' ' ancl shoultl reach this oftlee not later than 12 noon, on Saturday, the 16th April, 1927.

General Post Om ce, The Treakurz, Nairobi, P.O. Box 591, Nairobi, 9th April. 1927. Qn( t A pr il , 1927. '

1R. C. M . W OOD , ., Seorç'tavy, ' centval Té,OJJé,O. Boavd.. G ENERAL NOTICE NO. 318 the proportionate ren.t to the end. of the year. Applications will be dealt with in ord.e'r of priority THE. CTLOW N LAND S ORDINANCE . of receipt. to/l/.zpfc?' 140 oj 'the Renised .KtDff(?'p,.l T'he grant will be allofted as from 1st Maï, 1927, M ACITAIO S PTZOTS VNS/LD AT ATJCTNN OF and will be subjeet to the terms ancl conditlons set FE.BRUARY 18TH, 1927 . . forth in General Notice No. 57 ol the Oëcial Gazette of 9th February, 1927, except as varied by APPLTCATIONS to purehase the grants of the this notiee. thirteen plots at M achakos, describetl in the Schedule bereto, which rem ained unsold at the auction held at M achakos, on February, 18th, 16427, Nairobi, will now be eonsidered. 3 0th Afarch, 1927. Applieations m ust be subm itted to the under- signed on or before Saturtlay, 231-d April, and m ust C. E. M ORTIM EI) , be accompanied by 25% of the stand premium and /0?* Aciing C'oFnf88iow,6r o.f Landn.

SCH EDULE ItEFEIRI4ED 130. Proporttonate Rent per Upset Survey Rent from Situation. Annum. Price. Fees. 1-5-2: to Seotion No. Shs. Shs. Shs. ,'3t-t2-27. Shs. (11( . . . 700 70 II1 ... 700 70 1TI 70 112 IT1 700 700 112 112 800

'11BG4 VI 700 7() 70 700 . . . 70 700 70 VTT .11478 700 70

GEXERAL N OTICE NO, 319. EASTLE,TGH TOW NSH TP. SALE ob- PruoTs. TH E underm entioned plots situaled in Eastleiglï Township have been attaehed on aceount of the non-paym ent of township rates levied under the Eastleigh T'ownship Assessment and Rating Rules. 1 92.2, and will be offerecl 1or rale by publie auction by the Court Broker, M r. .C. Denovazl at his ofllce

in Standard. Street, Nairobi, on Saturday, 30'th of April, at 10 a .m . Se cf iOn . Regi8t trrcd O'wner. 933 (ITT Inder Narain s/o Nanoo T'tam Vol. No. N. 12, Volio 1004 Tnder Narain s/o Nanoo 14am . . . Vol. No. N. 13,. Folio 252. * . N airobi, 2nd April, 1927. R. W . RIDOUT, Superintendent, 5'u51t:5c?z Areas. ' J ' 1 . . . . GEXEBAL NorlcE No; 320. To ensure eases beïng' set down for ht?aring /.' t these sesskip' nq the record.s slzgtlld be reeeivecl 1.')),7 tho R e gi Str stl- y rgl j, S A, rf a.'j - es j 5g ; s ' (. ;0t11, t ' t) f ' ./j .J7' J)(' 4 t y j ' f o r I-IIS AIAJESTY'S COUIIT OF APPEAL FO'1) Eastern A friea, at N' airobi, .on or. before the 2B!'(.1 EASTERN AVRICA. day of M ay, 1927 . ' 7i('HE. . nekt Sessions of l-lis Aiajestl-'s Court of N' airobi , Appeal for Eastern Africa , ha'vp b. qen ftxetl to be 31st A,f arch, 1927 . holden at Afombasa, and. to eolklrne/ce, on Af on/ay , the 13t 1 rlay of J'una , 1927, at 10. a . m . ör tls soon ihere af ter as cases can è)e heard .

C -X U S E L I S T

% ppellant. Respondent. Appeal from

K om be wa Randu


C. *I V'I )

C o u r t o f

Gordban Gopal do. do GENERAL NoTlcE No. 339. GENERAL NorucE No. 343. TH E BANKRUPTCY ORDIXANCE. 1925. P1tOBc&rrE AND ADM IN ISTRATION . A I)lllolcATl()x. SI/PREMB COLTRT CAIJSE No. 75 ()F 1926. llebtol'n' z?czzèctç. Baburam s /0 Partap Singla and Sewa Ptmsr-lc TnusTzis's CAvss No. 54 oF 1926. Sinyh s / o Baburam, trading as Baburarn alld Son , lx 'rUE MAT'I'X;R ()F K.'CJItJI VALLI, TDECE.&SED. Nalrobi. ' '. To all whom it m ay concern.

. -l.d(.lz'es,q. Victoriy' . Street, Naikobi. TAKE NOTT CE that the account of the estate of the - abeve-named Kurji Valli, deceased, has been lodged with Dtr.sc?'iplftpn..-Buildels and Contyacttsrs. the Eegistrar of the Supreme Court at Nairobi. and that lne Qïou l'f.- éujreme Court of Kenya, Nairobi. has appointed the 4th day of M ay, 1927, at. 2 o'elock i1) the h'ltm f? er oj mat t e.r. No. 5 of 1927. af ternoon, f or passing of such account. Datçf of (?r#6?'. 7th April, 1927. Dt'tf tr oj. //6.41f:1tl/.-14th February, 1927. Nairobi, N. ai robi , 8th April , 1927. 8th April, 1927. B . S T O N E , W . M . KEATINGE, jo r 13 k.f b l ?' c 77 r?.f ,8 t tt e. Ojjicial ffeceïrez. GENERAL NOTICE NO. 344. PEOBATE AND ADM IN ISTRATION . GENERAL NOTICE XO. 340. STJPREME Covs,:r CAcsyi No. 85 os- 1026. Pt-BLIC Tltusrsl's CAvsE No. 155 oF 1926. PROBATE AND -ADATIN' TSTRATION. IN TE:.z>: MAqtrzrzt okv ABOTJREaMAN BzN M OH.&:kIEz) Bzx AF'fJwA, STJPREME Coult:r C.&TJSE No. 54 oy- 1925. oEcEAsEp. PTJBLIC TltvsrsE's CAvsz No. 3 oF 1927. 'lxo al1 whom it may concern. TAKE N OTICE that the accounb of the estate of the IEN THE MATTER OF AISHA BINTI SAID MBARUK, DECEASED. allove-named Abdurehman bin M ohamed bin Afuwa, deceased, T0 all whom it may concern. has been lodged with the Registrar of tbe Stzpreme Court at PTJRSUANT to an order of the Supreme Court of Kenya, Nairobî . and that he has appointed the 4th day of . M p' dated the 24th day of M arch, 1S27, by whieh the undersiglzed 1027, at 2 o'clock fn the afternoon, for passing of sucln was appointed administrator of the estate of the late Aisba account. binti Said M baruk, who died on the 25rd day of May, 1925, af M ombasa. x a irobl TAKE N OTIGE that a11 persons having auy claims atj, against the estate of the said Aisha binti Said M baruk are j -zkprjl, lggcg. ' reqtlired to lodge and prove such claims before me the under- B. FTONE, signed on or bef ore the 15th day of June, 1927, af ter which ' (Iate only the claims so proved will be paid and the estate lïo r 1.A ?? /? l?' c 7.'.3. ?? 8 t et.r . distribated according to law. . Nairolli, . 7th April , 1927. . . GENERAI- N o'i'f CE N 0, 345 . . ' W . M . KEATINGE, ' P'ablic f'rzt8f 6:. PROBATE AND ADM IN ISTRATION . SIJPREME COCRT CAtTsz No. 101 ol- 1926. PIJBLIC Tltus1'l>l's CATJSE No. 148 oF 1926. IN :rI4E M.&T'JE'a oF AlluowTI.IlItc BINTI ABIIALLX BIN Ytrstrz', GENERAL NOTICE NO. 341. IlEcsAszo. To al1 whom it may concern. PXOBATE AND ADMINISTRATION. TAKE NOTICE that the account of the estate of the above-nazned A'fudathiru binti Aodalla bin Yusuf , deceased, STJPREME Covx:r CAvsE N o. 81 oF 1925. has been lodged with the Registrar of the Sttpreme Court at P'tTsrszc Txcszu 's CAuszl No. 98 oF 1S25. Nairobi ? alzd that he has appointed the 4th day of Afay, IN TRE MATTER 0F M WANA KOMBO BINTI MBAIW K )DECEASED. 1927, at 2 o ,clock in the af ternoon, f or passing of such To all whom it may concern. account. TAKE NOTICE that the account of the estate of tlae above-uamed M wana Kombo binti Mbaruk, deceased. has N' airobi, lneen lodged with the Registrar of the Supreme Court at 8th .&pri), lgz7. Nairobi. and tllat he has appoinied the 4th day of M ay, 1927, at 2 o'clock in the af ternoon, f or passing of sucb account. B. STONE, N ai ro'bi , jor f'rf/îfc Tvuutee. 8th April, 1927. B. STONE,

for J'zfhlic l'î.îlntee. Gsxsuas x o'rlcs No. 346. IN H IS M AJESTY 'S SUPREM E COUIRT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI. PROBATE AN D ADM INISTRATIOX . GENERAL NOTICE No. 342 CAcss No. 24 o:n 1927. NoTIcE oF APPLICATION F'oa AOMINIS:RATION ol- ESTATE os- PROBATE AN'D ADM INISTRATION . hfms. CozçsqrAx'cl AIIAXST M Alx 7IATE oy- X.&IROBI, STJImEMZI OOLYRT O.&rszl XO. 48 or 1926. DBCBASED. PIJBLIC Tltusrll's CArsE No. 60 o:n 1926, TAKE N-OTICE that application having been made in this Court by Arthur M ain, of Nairobi, f oy the administration (IN TI.IE MATTBR OF D. J. QRON'ES JIIECEASED. of the estatç of M rs. Constance M >ry M alrt, late of N airobi, To a1l whom it may concern. who' died at Nairobi on the 22nd day of February, 1927, this TAKE NOTTCE that the account of the estate of the Court will proceed f.o make a decree in the same unless cause above-named D. J. Groves, deceased, has been lodged with' be shown to the c'ontrary and appearance i,A this respect the Eegistrar of the Supreme Court at Nairobi, and that he entered on or bef ore the 27th day of April, 1027. has appointed the 4th day of M ay, 1927, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, f or passing of sueh account. . N airobi, N airobi, 8th April, 1927. 8th April, 1927. ' B. STONE , G. H. PICKEEING, /03. Pu blic tFw'tzdle6. .,/wff gLf - 470 TIIE OFW CIAL GAZETTE Apzil 13, 1927.

Gsxsnac Non cs xo. a47. G.XSRA'- Novlcs xo. :$s1. THE REGISTRATION OF TRADE M ARKS PROBATE ANb ADM INISTRATION . ORDINANCE. Scrz3ztEvs CotmT CAusx No. 1O2 ov 1926. P I/BIaIC Tnt7slu ' s Czrss No. 15O op 1926. APPLICATION No. 44/27. TRADE MAR K lx Tzty: MATTZIt oln Mxs. H . E. M . KILBV, rEcEAsxm. o?4* 'l'o a11 whom it may ccmcern. &C R.9 o #*' - .> 4N * A* R*o am 'z. k 'z. m * TAKE NOTICE that the account of the estate of the . / y<. ? razxz.- (p û. (, above-nam ed Mrs- H . E. Af. Kilby, deceased, has beeu iï< U o. - . - epw? yg pw. lodged with the Registrar of the Supreme Court at N airolli. exsG . % N . . exs and that he has appointed the 27th day of April, 1927, at 2 o'cloek i)t the afternoon, f or passing of sucl') account. 'ro al1 whom it may concem). TAKE NOTTCE that an applieation for the registration N a i ro 'i)ï , of the Trade M ark shown above in Class 50 of Part 111 of 8th .A pri 1 s 1927. the Schedule to the above-mentioned Ordinance, in respect of goods not included in other classes, has been lodged by B. STONE . John Paterson and Company, L'imited, of Clensel W orks, /03. I'îlblic (/'?'?/.sJcr'. Henrietta Street) Glasgow, E., Scotland ; Marmf aeturers, whose address f or service in the Colony is F. Hopley, Esq., ztdvocate, Nairobi. Registration is not claimed under the special provisions of paragraph 5 of Section 7 of the said Ordinance in regard GTINERAL NOTICE NO. 348 to names, Signaéllres Or Words. The said Trade Mark will be registered after the PROBATE AND ADAfINISTIRATION. expiration of the period mentioned in Secbion 13 of the said Ordinance, provided no notice of opposition is received. Prsrslc TxvsTxa's CAt'ss No. 575 osx 1927. A specimen of the Trade Mark the registration of wllicll IN THE MATTER oln KADER ALI DECEASED. ïs applïed for cau be seen a6 the omce of the undersignetl To all whom it' may concern. ' at Nairobi. TAKE NOTICE that on or after the 28th dav oF April . 1927, I intelld to apply to the Supreme Court of' Kenva at Nairobf, Nairolli . f or an order to administer the estate of the above. 15th Afarch, 1927. named Kader Ali, who died at Turbo on tlze 21st day of A'larch , 1927. N a i 1- o l') i , gtb -klaril . 1927.


4 () ' O GENERAI- Norlcyr No. 349. xy. -' 1 .ê.* -Cr tfcau ixpuw*% PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION. To a1l whom it may concern. PLTBLIC Txusqms's CArsE No. 58 obn 1927. TAKE NOTICE that an application f or the registration lx TJTS MATTI;X oy- RICHAXD C:lultrwzs ScltlMclsot:x ATJSTTN, of the Trade M ark slaown above in Class 43 of Part 11T of Dxczzksto. the Sehedule to the above-mentioned Ordinance, in respect of soap iucluded in Class 48, and washes aud preparations f or To all whom it xmay concern. the hair and similar goods, has been lodged by Komo TAKE NOTICE that on or af ter the 28th day of April . Chemical Company, of 'W eccacoe Avenue and Greenville 1.927, I intend to apply to the Supreme Court of Keuya at Street, in the City and County of , State of Nairobi, f or an order to admiuister the estate with will P ennsylvania, of America ; M anuf acturers and annexed of the above-named lkichard Charles Scrimgeour Aferchants, whose address f or service in the Colony is Austïn , who died at Nairobi on the 10t.h day of February. Alessrs. Atkinson and W right, Advocates, Alombasa. 1927. Registration is not daimed under the special provisions of paragraph 5 of Section 7 of the said Ordinance in regard (Nairolli, t() llam es , Si gnatures Or Words. 7th April, 1927. The said Trade M ark will be registered af ter the expiration of the period mentioned in Section 13 of the said Ordinance, provided no notice of opposition is received. W . M . KEATINGE, A specimen of the Trade M ark the registration of whicll Pu 6li'c T'rll8tee. is applied fgz. can btn seen at the oflice of the undersigueûf a t N ai rob i . (To be associated, Section 26.) N- a i 1- o b 1 , GENERAL NOTICE NO. 350. 29th Afarch, W . M . KEATINGE, PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION. llegi&trar 0'/ Tvade 2Vc?'l': lausywzc TltusTsE's CATJSE No. 59 o:n 1927. IN T1i>: MATTSR oF K oMso BlN AIGOMBA 7Dy:cE.&slr). To all whom it may coneern. TAKE NOTICE that on or after the 28th day of April, 1927, 1 intend to apply to the Supreme Court of Kenya at NOTICE. Nasrolai, f or an order to administer the estate of the above- THE basiness known as the Nanyuki Cash Store, named Kombo bin M gomba, who died at Pemba on or about hitherto owned by Col. L. Dening and 1Et. Gascoigne laas eight years ago. lleen sold as from April 1st, 1927, to Capt. W . 9. W illson, who will be responsible f or all debts incurred ilz the name Nairobi, of the Nanyuki Cash Store from that date. 8t1A April , 1927. R. GASCOIGNE. ' B. STONE, L. DENING. jor .P'è/ l)l'it? 7'3'??-sf e. e . W . 5r. W TLLSON . April 13, 1927. TH E OFFIOIAL GAZETTE 471

GENERAI- NOTICE NO. 354. GENERAL NOTICE NO. 355. TH E REGISTRATION OF TRADE M ARKS IN H IS M AJESTY 'S SUPREM K COURT OF KENYA ORDINANCE. AT NAIROBI. APPLICATION No. 15/27. Clvlc CASE No. 11 or 1927. IN TRE: MATTSR oy- Tlu COMPANISS ORDINANCES, 1921 ANo 1925, Ax IN :ruE IkcNTrTPl'm or S. JAcoBs, LlMzT>m ANI) R>mucRp. NOTICE is hereby given that the order made in Nairobi, e O e on the 14th day of' M arch, 1927, confirming the reduction of capital in the above-named Company by cancelling capital which has been lost ()r is unrepreseuted by available assets o @ to the extent of Shillings 9/50 upon each of the 71,015 shares which had been issued and are now outstanding, and by reduc- ing the nomilaal value of such shares accordingly ; and the minute approved by the Court showing with respect to the capital of the Company as altered the several particulars required by the above-mentioned Ordinances, was registered by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies on the 5th day of April, 1927. The said minute is in the words and figures f ollowingr nam ely :- 4 t The capital of S. Jacobs, Limited and Reduced is henceforth Shs. 325,357/50, divided into 71,015 Class <

-4.11 outstauding accounts due to the llrm at 31st M arch, N a irob i , 1.927, are to be paid to the said J. W . N ewton, and a1l 9tl) April, 1927. amouzlts due by the flrm at that date will be paid by him . W . M . KEATINGE. JAM ES W . NEW TON . Reqistrav oj r/'?.c#t! Mat.L.8 . W . H. SUTTON.




No. N am e.

180 Sasa H ivi Recruiting Co. 3-3-27 28- 12-27 28-3-27 18l W . J. Phillips 19-2-27 6- 2-27 5-5-27 l82 J. L. Riddoch 7-3-27 7- 3-27 7-6-27 1l3 M iran Bux 14-3-27 7- 3-27 6-6-27 184 Gulam M oham ed 1 1 -3-27 l 4- 3-27 13-6-27 185 Ramji Das 15-3-27 1- 3-27 31 -5-27 186 J. M axwell l 2-3-27 5- 3-27 4-6-27 187 Sasa H ivi Recruiting Co. 29-3-27 29- 3-27 ' 28-6-27

Kistlm u, C M . DO BBS, 6th April, 1 927. Sdnior fbz/zw zxxz//lee. Nyanza For one year ... sik m onths ...... :% three months (excluding postage) ?! three' months (intluding postage) Single copy (extluding postage) Single copy (including postage) (Subkcriptions rflust b.e prepaid'.)

.: . S'h. cts. Price of one cop# betkeen 1 and 3 months old . .'. 0 '60.

3 and 6, months 01c1 ... 1 00 6 m cmths and 1 year qld . .. 2 (0 . ' , , , , 1 and. i) years old...... 3 ' 0. J0 i'rice of one czopy over 2 years old ...... 4 U.0. fpoatal charges must be added to above if forwarded through the Post.)

NOTIOE S AN D ADV ERTTSEM EN TS. /1!1 N otices and zl.trlrtrzrfïtstryxtrzùf.v by P'rirate Adreïtisel's oztz?/ b: tettdered at ()?. sent Jïz:cà bp Post to f7zt$ O'cc oj tïte O/t/cïtz/ 'Gahétte', Naiïobi, jor ï'Hàèzfït?'n at f/zt? (iutltorised rates oj ptzpwzt''n,f . tl'h.e OFctl h'onn tzzc f'rom 9 tz.'m . ffl r.f. p.m . , closing at 1 o clock o'z Saturdays. .

z1!! N'otices and zlclrczfùtlpztlzzf,ç n'tn'st be pzcpfzïtf. To ,çtlzt?.: delttk Xtlfïtltld' and zzldlleczfùél-6Aff: sent direct by F'clyf sltould be accompanied by 'reztnïfftm cez. Mat'te.r joz p'/zblfccfït)'n, shvonld zetzc/z the Editol' 'not late'r fàlfl?z 3 o'clock on f onday ajteïnoon i'?z eacl't 'tcc6/f.

xtlTl-toulsysp sc-&Tul o:a CI-TARGES. Sl't. c/ . Fbz insertion in Offlcial Gazette (column) . . . 32 00 (half column) ...... 16 00 )# (quarter column or tesg) . . . 8 00

N OTIOE . Pzlblfctyfïrl'n.ç o j àtzfntzbltl j' rom f/z6 'Gorernment Press. Revised E ditio.n of the L aws of Ifenya, Oolony, 1926, în thzee volum es. Price : .,.0.7 7s. per set (carriage extra) . confereùce of Governors of tlie East Xfrican Dependencie' s, 1926. Summary of Proceedings. Price : Shs 2/50 ; Postage, Cts. 35.

' 2. : , .. . .: ,p . , . Nepoft of the Port Commissinp pf Tûquiry, 1925. (W. ith map.l Price : . . . ; . z l ; ! .. plïs-: 5/-,; Postage,. c? ts. :5. : , . , . .

Bonnd cppies of Ordinapces, . Vol. IV ,

: Shs. 7/50 ; y ovted' , Shs. 8/20., . K FE' ï' u ; ' . C ' '.