@ '* . 4 ). ,t . .% .% o o .. > qj'G o t'.ç = ,e* . * ï' . $ / Xr AON bl L u 1 . ppa) : x. w. , . z,. ., . ,. kt:u T H E 0 F F I C I A L GA Z ETT E 0 F T H E COLOdY AND PROTECTORATE 0F KENYA. Puhlished under the Auihoriiï ()f His Excellency the Geyernor of lhe Cclony and Prciecicraie of Kenya, Vol. XXlX .- No. 1 136 ) NAIROBI, April 13, 1927. g PRICE 50 CENTS. Rejisiered as a New spaper ai tie Q. P. 0a Published eyery W ednesday. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S . PA G E G ovt. Notice N o. zog- A rrivals, D epartures, A ppointm ents . 452 Bills for introduction into Legislative Council :- 210- The Custom s Tariff Bill . 453 21 1.-The Custom s R evenue A llocation B ill . 455 ,, 212- The Supplementary Appropriation (Railway) (Amendm ent) Bill . 457 ,, ,, ,, 213- Tl1e Town Planning (Am endm ent) Biil . 458 Ordinance No. 4 of 1927- The Companies (Amendment) 'Ordinance) 1927 . 462 ,, ,, 5 of 1927- The Bank (Amendment) Ordinance, 1927 462 Proclam ation N o. z3- lkleeting of L egislative Council . ' 463 24- T he Public H olidays O rdinance . 463 )p ,, 25- The D iseases of A nim als O rdinance . 464 G ovt. N otice N o. zl4- Legislative Council- A ppointm ent . 464 . ,, ,, 215- T he E uropean Education T ax O rdinance, 1926- D elegation of Pow ers . 464 , 21 6- The A siatic Education T ax O rdinance, l926- D e1egation of Pow ers . 465 217- T he D etention Cam ps O rdinance, 1925- K w ale . 465 21 8- T he R esident N ative L abourers' O rdinance. lgzs- R esignation . 465 )) ,, ,, 21 9- T he N ative A uthority O rdinance- A ppointm ent . 465 ,, . ,, ,, 22O- M edical D epartm ent- D eputy D irecror of Laboratory Services . 466 G eneral Notices N os 337- 357 . 466-471 45Q TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE April 13, 19Q7. GOVERNMENT NoerlcE No. 209. ' * Date of leaving M arseilles. f Dare of leaving Delagoa Bay. ' . ' , ( , ' 'D EPA RTU RES. ' A J. Davenport Leave 2nd April, 1927 C. H . Terry do do E- E. Biss do do W . M unro do do ,. J. F. A Greig d8' do' A. C. Taylbr do drj. ' Lt G. 'M urray do do A E Proctor do 4th April. 1927 J. H. Niblock-stuart do do R A. Bolton do do S. S Engzland d9 do C. W . Peaclaey do do Capt J. R. Phillips do do Lt.-comdr. J. L. M arshall? R.N.R. do 2nd April, 1927 G. T. Trigwell do 5th April, 1927 APPOIN TM ENTS. .? .; . , ' ' . , . s . ::c64/15. OAPTAIN CXILIL Gyioltqx Uszlltt, M.c., to be a Secretary, Secretariat, with effect from 231-d M arch, 1927. F RANCIS M ORTIMER LAMB to be District Cckniniiksioner M ertz ' District, Kikttyu Prov, ince, with effect f rom the, 16th M arch, 1.9.27. S. 20064 / 11. OAPTAIN Roy 'W HLITTST, M.c. , to be Acting Senior Assistatzt Game MFarden, witl) efject f rom the 25rd Febrpary, 1927. S. 20064 / 19. EoqAx BRINLEV Lru()vI), to be Registrar of Titles, Registrar of Urown Lands, Registrar of Documents and Registrar of Coast Land Titles'. with effect from the 1st Januarv, 1926. , . z u . I . *. ' .. ' ; . ' , .. 8. :0064 / 19. GEORGE JA>(às RosslNs, to be Regiptl'a: pf Titlçs, Reg' istirar of Crown Lands, Registrar of Document's and X egl:trar '($f ' ' , Coast Land Titles, ' with effect f'rom the 1st January, 1926. g. : . y gtjxyy y , MOXTAGTJE DARns, to be Acting Superintendent of Pilkons, ' Wîth effqct pff'om the 28th 'M arch. 1927. ' ' ' $ ' ' J . , ARTITL:R . E.I ; jv ARo ' HAMP, District Engineer, to be Act.i ng . ' ;' . Aslijtant Chief Engineer,' with effect f rorp 4th April, 1927, ' $t1 î', tl t, CAPT . T . F . LINNELL , re'veyf. l'd to' Distri )(l't En' gihF eer. ' <' i ' '' ' ' . l . u . , ' : . ' . ' . ' ' X . .. ' - .. ' . , . J.. .E: S. M ERIRTCK , ,. .. , f . ( z z . ' x ' . : . .!J ). , . .. jo'r zzlcff'n,g f-lolowlftz! SecTç,tqmy. @ k$3 ' Colony and Protectorate of K enva. ' . .. , . j GOVERNMENT NoT.lcE No. 210. ' . .' : r1-I1j ExctLtENc,v the àcting Govertaùr hb àjyrùked of t t'1 e follo.Aking Bills being' in f l- o d uced into Lèkislative Couneil :- ' G . 1R. SAND FORD , Clerk to the Leqislatire (lokziicil A B ill to A m end the Custom s Tariff O rdinance. BE TT EN-YCTED by the Governor of the Colony of Kenya, with the advice and cortsent of the Tuegislative Cotm cil thereof , as follows :- EI. Tlais orclinanee may ba cited as ' ' the customs Tariff short tiue. Ordinapce, 1927,' ' and shall be read as one with the Custom s Tariff Ordinance (Ohapter 50 of the Revised Edition), herein- after referred to as d d the Principal Ordinance. ' ' 5 2. Ivheh any agre'em ent has been m ade with the xotification of Governm ent of any of the territories m entioned in section 263 agreement in of the Custom s M anagem ent Ordinance, 1926, m aking the aGpapzleitctaet ioann dof provision described in paragraph (2) of that section, the special G provisions fo overnor shall notify the fact in the Gazette and thereupon Import duty. 10 the following provisions slnall l'lave effect with respect to such territory :-- (1) No import duty shall be collected upon goods imported When no from stzch territory if im port cluty shall have import duty is COuected. previously been collected upon such goods in such 15 t erritory at a' rate' not lower than the rate prescribed by the Principal Ordinance in lzespect of the im/ ortation of such goods into the Colony ; (t2) Avheu duty shall have been collecteql upon the wlls a portion i l'l'lp 01t tation of goods into such territory at a rate Ff 'mport duty ls cojj eejyed . 20 lower than the rate prescribed by the Principal Ordinance in respeet of lhe im portation of such goods into tlae Colony, then, if such goods are subsequently removed from such territory into the Colony, im port duty shall be levied ancl collected to a.n amount equal to the difference between the sum apayable to the Governm ent o'f the Colony in respect of such goods under suc.h agreem ent as aforesaid and the full im port duty payable under the Principa'l Ordinance ; (tz) A'Vhen import duty shall have been collectedupon when a refund goods imported into the Oolcmy ahd. such goods shall in respect of h import duty ave subsequently been relùoved into such oth/ek may be made. territory, then, if the duty collectecl in the Oolon'y is reatef- thàn the arivutlt payable llfon the im portation of such goods into sucb other territory'., the Com m issioryer of Custom s m ay refund to the person from whom im port duty shall have been receivecl an a'm ount equal to the difference between the am ount payable by the Governm ent of the Colony under such apreement as aforesaid and the im port duty collected in the Colony ' (b) This sub-section shall apply only in the case of goods which either have paitl a specific import duty in the oolony, or are rem ovecl into such other territory in packages unbroken since im portation, and, in 45 either event, are removed into such other territory witbin twelve m onths from the date upon whicla im port duty shall have been collected in the Colony. OB,pllcr1's Axo lRs-xsox s . Section it!t3. of the Customs M anageïtlent Ortlinance , 1926 , em powers the Governor in Council to enter into a,n agreem ent with the Governm ent of any territory in Eastern Africa, being a poztion of the British D ominions or under the protection of the Crown 01' wllich is adm inistered by a m andate held by l-lis M a21' est'v providing. ï'l'ràt?,r (jlia that one party to the agree- .. z nlent. shall eollect on behalf of the otlner party tlle Oustom s duties ioap osed in respect of goods whicll , having been ilàaported into its territory, are reznoved into the territory of tlte other partyz. The object of arl agreeznent under tltis section is to avoitl the paynAent of double irnport tluty on goods p assing between the territories concerned. U ntler sucsll an agreen-tent tlle (T- overnllle tlt. of tlle territory in Mrlaich duty lllls been collected will nlake a paylaaent în respect of that duty to th e Governnaent of tlle tezaritory to wlliel' the gootls are subsequently ternovetl. Tllat pnym ent will b t? tl'le actual ayz-lotlnt of tlle cluty collected 'kvhen tlle circulustances al'e sucl) that this anlotlllt can tlorrnally l.)e aseertained. T14 other circunastances it will be a paynlent in respect of the dut-jr eollected, and 'will be calculated at a rate to be detel-m ined by the agreem elzt. yîccordingly, when an agreem ent laas beep zlaade between two Governm ents, the duty collected upoz) the importfttion of goods iuto the territory of one Goverrment will be tnkel'l into a'ecount in deternlining whether or not any f urther duty is payable upon the l'elnoval of those goods into the territory of the other Governm ent . 1. t is prqp. osetl by tlais Bill to prescribe tl).e provisions whicll 'witl apply ilz regard to tlle levy and collection. of il-nport duty as between this Governm ent and the (lovernm etzt of any territory urith wllî'.cll all agt-eeldlent has been entered in to.
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