Malta Pursuant to Section 29 of the Ombudsman Act, 1995 11/12 St Paul Street, Valletta VLT1210 Email: Office@Ombudsman.Org.Mt Tel: +356 2248 3200, 2248 3216

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Malta Pursuant to Section 29 of the Ombudsman Act, 1995 11/12 St Paul Street, Valletta VLT1210 Email: Office@Ombudsman.Org.Mt Tel: +356 2248 3200, 2248 3216 PARLIAMENTARY OMBUDSMAN ANNUAL REPORT 2016 For THE period JANUARY - DECEMBER 2016 Presented to the House of Representatives Malta pursuant to Section 29 of the Ombudsman Act, 1995 11/12 St Paul Street, Valletta VLT1210 Email: Tel: +356 2248 3200, 2248 3216 The Office is open to the public as follows: October – May 08:30am – 12:00pm 01:30pm – 03:00pm June – September 08:30am – 12:30pm Facebook: Ombudsman Malta OMB/6/9/20 March 2017 The Honourable Dr Angelo Farrugia President of the House of Representatives Parliament of Malta Freedom Square Valletta Mr Speaker In terms of Section 29 of the Ombudsman Act 1995, I am hereby submitting the Annual Report concerning the performance of the Office of the Ombudsman for the period January to December 2016. The Annual Report includes an oversight of the activities and initiatives taken during that year as well as relevant data regarding the conduct of the investigation of complaints. It also includes reports by the Commissioners for Education, Health and Environment and Planning covering the same period. Yours sincerely Anthony C. Mifsud Parliamentary Ombudsman contents A YEAR OF TRANSITION AND CONTINUITY Introduction .........................................................................................................................09 Of visibility ...............................................................................................................................11 Of relevance ..........................................................................................................................22 Of effectiveness ...................................................................................................................25 Notes FROM THE 2016 Diary ..........................................................................................31 PERFORMANCE REVIEW ......................................................................................................53 ANNUAL REPORT BY THE Commissioner FOR EDUCATION Dealing with bureaucracy ................................................................................................73 Performance Review ..........................................................................................................77 ANNUAL REPORT BY THE Commissioner FOR ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING Caseload ................................................................................................................................ 85 Implementation of recommendations ....................................................................... 89 Own Initiative Investigations ......................................................................................... 89 Joint investigations ........................................................................................................... 89 Collaboration with NGOs ................................................................................................90 MEPA Demerger .................................................................................................................. 91 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 92 ANNUAL REPORT BY THE Commissioner FOR HealtH Introduction ..........................................................................................................................97 Performance Review ..........................................................................................................97 Own initiative investigations ........................................................................................102 Preliminary Investigations .............................................................................................102 Entitlement to the supply of medicinals under the Social Security Act .................................................................................103 Toxic Fumes affecting Ta’ Xbiex resident ............................................................... 104 Collective Agreements .................................................................................................. 104 Cases concerning the Public Service Commission ............................................. 104 Allowance given for Health Hazard ...........................................................................105 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................105 APPENDICES Appendix A ..............................................................................................................................106 The Ombudsman’s dual role – Defending the citizen and promoting the right to good administration Appendix B ................................................................................................................................116 Association of the Mediterranean Ombudsman – Malta declaration on migration Appendix C ...............................................................................................................................120 Speech by the President of Malta, H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca at the 9th Meeting of the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsman Appendix D ...............................................................................................................................124 Speech by the Commissioner for Environment and Planning, Perit David Pace at the SBE16 Malta Appendix E ...............................................................................................................................128 Correspondence from the Commissioner for Environment and Planning on the MEPA demerger Appendix F ...............................................................................................................................136 Correspondence from the Commissioner for Environment and Planning on the Paceville Masterplan Appendix G .............................................................................................................................. 140 Organisation Chart as at 31 December 2016 Appendix H ...............................................................................................................................142 Report on the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 A YEAR OF TRANSITION AND CONTINUITY Annual Report by THE Parliamentary Ombudsman A YEAR OF TRANSITION AND CONTINUITY INTRODUCTION 2016 was a year of transition and continuity. In March 2016 the outgoing Ombudsman, Chief Justice Emeritus Joseph Said Pullicino concluded his second term and passed on the baton of office to his successor. Anthony C. Mifsud is the third Ombudsman to head this constitutional authority, vital to ensure good governance fully respecting principles of proper administrative behaviour. It is significant that the new Ombudsman, like his predecessors, enjoys the unanimous support of all the Members of the House of Representatives. Parliament is to be commended on a smooth, swift and seamless transition fully respecting the 2007 Constitutional amendment which provides that there shall be in Malta at all times a Commissioner for Administrative Investigations to be called the Ombudsman. The prompt consensus on the choice of a new Ombudsman and his unanimous approval are not only positive signs of political maturity but also evidence a recognition that a good public administration can only be ensured if its actions are subject to the supervision, investigation and audit of independent authorities like the Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Auditor General. While it is imperative that these authorities have adequate structures, facilities and human resources to perform their functions effectively, it is the persons who are appointed to these high offices that determine policies, define investigative processes and conduct investigations into allegations of maladministration on the complaints of injured parties or on their own initiative. It is for this reason that the appointment of a new Parliamentary Ombudsman necessarily involves a time of transition during which the new incumbent has the opportunity to familiarise himself with the intricate and complex nature of his office. This is by no means an easy task. The Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsman in Malta has, since it was set up in 1995, been fortunate to have three Ombudsman hailing from diverse educational and professional backgrounds who have served in various high administrative and judicial offices. This diversity enriches the investigative 10 Parliamentary Ombudsman capability of the Office since every Ombudsman is influenced by his professional experience and draws from the knowledge gained throughout his career. Every Ombudsman invariably instils his style and character on the way the Office exercises its functions. However, the dual objectives of the Ombudsman to protect individuals against abuse and bad governance and to serve as the conscience of the public administration remain constant. From this perspective the year under review was not only a year of transition but also a year in which every effort was made to ensure continuity. Whatever direction of policy and style of management are adopted it is essential to ensure continuity to keep in mind three fundamental objectives that must be pursued. The Office of the Ombudsman must remain: • visible, • relevant, and • effective. The first part of this Annual Report attempts to analayse how these essential objectives
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