OfficialJoumal of the NorlhAmerican Brass Band Association, June2003 lssue 92 OST-CONTESTISSUE 2OO www.nabba,otg lnside this issue . President'sPodium lllinoisto representNABBA at BritishOpen NABBA2003 Reviews Cuyahogaplay Severance Hall SleighBells with Magic BrassBand Programs AthenaBrass at IWBG BrassBand Recordings NewMusic for BrassBand :i :.) ll TheBrass Band Eridge June2003 Collnw. Holman,Editor Tho Bra!. Sand Bridg. 31 JosephLane Edito,'sNores GlendaleHeights, lL 60139 ColinHolman........,... ................4 Telephone(6:10) 66t{213 ErassEand News E-fi ail colin.w. hol m an@ un o. c o m submittedbyourreaders...............................-........... 4 Rrlph P. HoE BrcssBand Programs Adv€rtiBlngManeger submittedbyourreaders..........,.,,.,.,.,....................... 8 8144 South Oak Creek Drive NABBA2003 in Raview Sandy,UT 840936515 submittedbyourreviewers..............,.,.,.,.,..................10 T€l€phon€(801)739439 E-meilte noh oms ol@ao I.c om NewMusic for B'8,ssBand reviewedbyColinHo1man.....................................-.-..27 RoblnWeathorall S|eighBe s withMagic ABBAWebPage byTomMyers ............ ...............28 iIABBA lilemb€rshlp! NABBABoard Nomination Fotm Recordlng3 Revlswer 1326Waldron Avenus 31 StLouis.MO63130 Telephone(314)72t'1274 E-r,ailte no hom@ sbcAIob al. nat Ron!ldW.Holz Book Revlow€a AsburyCollege Music Dsparlment Wlmore,KY40390 Telephone(859) 858-351 t , Exl.2246 E-fi eilmn d ld. hoE @ a sbury. e d u Johnw. deSaltne NABBAConl$tControllor 2 NABBAVIc6-Pr€3idont 3718Cottag€ Pr€sorv€ Road NE DillonsMusic Solon,lA 52333-9225 NABBAXXII 6 Tel€phone(319) 624-2845 Acor.rstiCoil 7 E-mail Jwdesal
[email protected] AltissimoRecordings 10 Kanstul 12 lllidlandCDs 20 BernelMusic Solid Bra99 Pleasamentlon thls megazlnewhen rospondlng to adverllser3 TheBrass Band Bridge: OfficialJournal of the NorthAmerican Brass Band Association Foundedby J. PerryWalson in 1980. Theviews expressed by conhibutorsare notnecessarily those of the NodhAmeican Brass Band Associalion.