Toronto Toronto, ON
What’s Out There® Toronto Toronto, ON Welcome to What’s Out There Toronto, organized than 16,000 hectares. In the 1970s with urban renewal, the by The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) waterfront began to transition from an industrial landscape with invaluable support and guidance provided by to one with parks, retail, and housing—a transformation that numerous local partners. is ongoing. Today, alluding to its more than 1,400 parks and extensive system of ravines, Toronto is appropriately dubbed This guidebook provides fascinating details about the history the “City within a Park.” The diversity of public landscapes and design of just a sampling of Toronto’s unique ensemble of ranges from Picturesque and Victorian Gardenesque to Beaux vernacular and designed landscapes, historic sites, ravines, Arts, Modernist, and even Postmodernist. and waterfront spaces. The essays and photographs within these pages emerged from TCLF’s 2014 partnership with This guidebook is a complement to TCLF’s much more Professor Nina-Marie Lister at Ryerson University, whose comprehensive What’s Out There Toronto Guide, an interactive eighteen urban planning students spent a semester compiling online platform that includes all of the enclosed essays plus a list of Toronto’s significant landscapes and developing many others—as well overarching narratives, maps, and research about a diversity of sites, designers, and local themes. historic photographs— that elucidate the history of design The printing of this guidebook coincided with What’s Out There of the city’s extensive network of parks, open spaces, and Weekend Toronto, which took place in May 2015 and provided designed public landscapes.
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