Loan Cop'y Only
TOPOLOGICAL STRUCTURES FOR GENERALIZED BOUNDARY REPRESENTATIONS Leonidas Bardis and Nicholas Patrikalakis MITSG 94-22 LOANCOP'Y ONLY SeaGrant College Program Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge,Massachusetts 02139 Grant: NA90AA-D-SG424 Project No: 92-RU-23 RelatedMIT SeaGrant College Program Publications Featureextraction from B-splinemarine propeller representations. Nicholas M, Patrikalakis and Leonidas Bardis. MITSG 93-12J. $2. Cut locusand medialaxis in globalshape interrogation and representation. Franz-Erich Wolter. MITSG93-11, $4, An Automaticcoarse and fine surfacemesh generation scheme based on medial axistransform. Part I, Algorithms.Part II, Implementation.H. Nebi Gursoy and Nicholas M. Patrikalakis. MITSG93-7J, $2. Offsetsof curveson rationalB-spline surfaces and surfaceapproximation with rationalB-splines. L. Bardisand N. M, Patrikalakis.MITSG 91-24J. $4. Surfaceintersections for geometricmodeling. N. M. Patrikalakisand P.V. Prakash, MITSG 91-23J. $2. Pleaseadd $1.50 $3,50foreign! for shipping/handlingand nrail your checkto; MIT SeaGrant College Program, 292 Main Street, E38-300, Cambridge, MA 02139. Topological Structures for Generalized Boundary Representations Leonidas Bardis Nicholas M. Patrikalakis Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA Design Laboratory Memorandum 91-18 Issued: September 7, 1991 Revised: June 4, 1992 Revised: July 2, 1992 Revised: September 24, 1993 Revised: January 12, 1994 Revised: September 13, 1994 Copyright 994 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved Dedication To our families. Contents List of Figures nl Preface 1 Introduction 2 Mathematical Background 2.1 Topologica,l Concepts . 2.2 Graph Theoretical Concepts 14 3 Boundary Representation Modeling Systems 3.1 Euler-Based Systems .. 18 3.1.1 The Winged-Edge Structure.... 18 3.1.2 The Geometric Work Bench GWB! 21 3,1,3 The Hierarchical Face Adjacency Hypergraph HFAH! 22 3.1.4 Other Models .
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