Milwaukee Zen Center Newsletter
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milwaukee zen center newsletter volume 27, no.6 november 2010 An Emptying Mind physical impossibility of to eradicate thoughts, force of will. We hold a monthly killing all thought this we merely relinquish our Life itself demands the “Introduction to Zen” side of death, what grasp and let them go by. free flow of thoughts and evening at the Milwaukee would we have achieved? So, in this case, is our images. To be at peace is Zen Center and those Is blankness desirable? mind empty or filled? to allow this free flow, yet who attend often make Do we confuse the I think that it is simulta- be untouched by it…no interesting comments. absence of thought neously empty of fixed need to grasp, hold, or On a recent evening, a and feeling with the notions and full of the fear. When we do not young woman who had presence of peace? How evanescent flow of control our thoughts and done a bit of meditation can absence be identified thoughts. In itself, it they do not control us, practice here and there with anything at all? is an empty space that is that is shikantaza. commented, “I have In truth, an effort to always open to the fresh In the Shôbôgenzô fasci- difficulty achieving an achieve an empty mind flow of thoughts. When cle, Zenki (Total Function) empty mind. I can’t seem seems to run counter to you examine this, it Dôgen uses the image of to do it.” By expressing the earliest teaching of makes sense. While a person and a boat as a her understanding that the Buddha that we suffer we can perhaps do two metaphor for the way in the goal of zazen is because we cling to things things at once, we cannot which we and our life to empty the mind and crave conditions. think of two things at define each other: the completely, she was Our unease derives from once. Each thought fills boat is the boat because touching on what I our attempts to stop the our mind and it must it carries a person, the feel is a widespread free-flowing life within flow away before it person is a person misunderstanding which we exist. And can be replaced by because he sails the boat. concerning the nature is not attempting to a new thought. The interaction of cause of zazen. There is an all eliminate all thought It is a mistake to and condition is what too common notion that just another attempt at think, “I must have creates a “being” or a the goal of zazen is to control? Another attempt a mind empty of all “thing.” They themselves empty our mind of all to achieve a situation of thought,” for this in itself are empty of any fixed thought. Against our our ego’s choosing? becomes a huge thought nature, for if they were very nature, we struggle How different is the squatting right there in not, they could not to quell the workings practice of shikantaza or our mind, a thought become what life is of our brain. “just sitting” as taught we cannot let go of. On making them. In some ways, this by Dôgen, in which we the other hand, as we sit In a somewhat similar concept of an empty sit quietly in an upright quietly in shikantaza, way, our minds function mind seems enticing. posture, allowing every- thoughts may come and as the causes and condi- We would be free of all thing – sounds, sensa- go, unforced, and our tions for the conception anxieties and unsettling tions and above all, practice is to leave them of things. It is we who memories. Still, setting thoughts – to come alone rather than trying give them names and aside for a moment the and go. We do not try to obliterate them by continued on page 2 continued from page 1 something else.” the working of true reality often operate with inten- functions. Something So to have an empty is called Mind. I’ve tion and Mind does not. before me rests upon mind can be thought of always struggled a bit We busily fabricate ideas, something else, which as having a mind open to with that designation, while Mind simply is in turn rests upon some- whatever ideas arise, not since there is a back- what is, a space that thing else. My mind tells stuffed with so many ground implication in enables the process of me it is my empty coffee preconceived notions the word “Mind” of a the universe. cup holding open my that no further thinking will behind its activity, Rather than an empty copy of Shobogenzo, is possible. Most of us are but this is, I think, an mind, I would like to which rests upon my familiar with the story of unintended consequence have a spacious mind, desk. For me to under- the professor who visited of the use of the word. a mind as boundless as stand this, my mind a Zen master, ostensibly Rather, Mind, sometimes the blue sky within which must be empty enough to receive teachings, but described as like space, clouds ceaselessly form, to allow the concepts who talked incessantly is the emptiness within unhindered. Rather than “cup”. “book” and about his own ideas. The which the fullness of an empty mind, I would “desk” to enter it. And at Zen master, pouring tea, causes and conditions rather have a mind in times there is something allowed the professor’s come together through which thoughts come else in the way. We are cup to overflow and the workings of imperma- and go, unhindered. all familiar with those when the professor asked nence and interdepend- An emptying mind. moments when we realize him to stop, said mildly, ence. We call it Mind, –Tonen O’Connor we haven’t heard a word “The cup is like your because, like our small mind. It is too full for minds, its process is (With acknowledgment to Linda our friend is saying and Gee, who gave me the idea.) say in apology: “Oh, I’m me to add anything.” endlessly creative, sorry. I was thinking of In some Zen literature although our small minds Milwaukee Zen Center – Schedule INCREASE IN PRICE OF INCENSE November We purchase our Eiheiji incense directly from 3 Introduction to Zen Japan and the extraordinary weakness of the U.S 20 All-day sitting dollar against the Japanese yen and the increased 21 All-day sitting cost of U.S. postage have forced us to raise the 25 CLOSED for holiday cost of both incense and shipping. Beginning immediately, the cost of Eiheiji incense, December both short and long sticks, will be $8.00 per box 1 Introduction to Zem and the cost of shipping for the first 2 boxes will 10, 11, 12 Rohatus Sesshin increase to $4.00. The shipping cost for addition- 24 & 25 CLOSED for holiday al boxes will remain $.50 per box. January 3 Introduction to Zem 20 All-day sitting 21 All-day sitting 25 CLOSED for holiday To see the 2010 Schedule and more information on Two-day sitting, visit our web site at Happenings two-day mini-sesshins From the latter part and look forward to of September through continuing these days the early part of of concentrated practice November Tonen made and a quieting of heart presentations at Pius XII and mind. High School, the Sacred Heart School of Theology, On October 19, Pilgrim United Church Tonen administered of Christ (Fond du Lac), the Buddhist precepts to and gave five Friday Craig Helker at the afternoon lectures at WSPF, and he received flowers for the altar we hope many will join the Schlitz Audubon the name Tôyô, or “cave through November 6. in. There will be three Nature Center. She also of acceptance, tolerance.” dharma talks: made her usual visits to Craig has been studying November 8 and 9 Dec. 10-Tonen, Oshkosh Correctional with Tonen for some time ten members of the December 11- Tomon Institution, Green Bay and it was a pleasure to sangha gathered to (who will be here from Correctional Institution, pass this milestone practice “Tracing the Albuquerque) and Racine Correctional together. Sutras” or Shakyo, December 12-Tonen. Institution, Dodge copying beautiful Correctional Institution, The “big Midwest templates of the and the Wisconsin wind” of October 26, which registered the Heart Sutra that were My road’s beyond blue emptiness... Secure Program Facility There’s no place the white clouds can’t go. power of a Category 2 supplied by the Soto Zen in Boscobel and a Here, there’s a trunkless tree: International Buddhism pastoral visit to Rogers hurricane, tore siding the wind gives all of its yellow leaves back. Center. Three others will Memorial Hospital. off the third floor of the west side of our building. practice at home -Shu Shan K’uang-jen October 6-10, Tonen Fortunately, we are (China, 9th-10th century) SAVE THE DATE- attended the bi-annual insured and though -translation by J.P. Seaton Rohatsu Sesshin – national conference of there will be some December 10, 11 & 12 the Soto Zen Buddhist financial bite from On these three Association, held at the the deductible, we days, we celebrate Great Vow Monastery hope to have the together the Buddha’s in Oregon. She will now siding replaced before Great Awakening and serve for a couple of winter’s storms arrive. dedicate our practice to years on the Nominating the welfare of all beings.