The Reverend Dr T J N Naish in Residence

11 MONDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Quire 15 FRIDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Quire 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt 12.00 Sacrament of Reconciliation (until 1pm) 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Holmes – Holy Innocents, Crypt Hooper Short service Psalms 59-61 Cast me not away – Wesley Hymn 116 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Statham Wood in G Psalm 78 Amicus meus – Victoria Hymn 130i 12 TUESDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Quire 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt 16 SATURDAY 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Holmes 9.30 Morning Prayer – Eastern Crypt Sumsion in A Psalms 65-67 Drop, drop, slow tears – Walton Hymn 119 3.15 EVENSONG Responses – Byrd with installation of the Canon Missioner SERVICE SUNG BY THE GIRLS AND MEN OF THE CATHEDRAL CHOIR Howells New College service Psalms 83; 133 13 WEDNESDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Quire Like as the hart – Howells Hymns 765; 748 t. HON 503 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt , 12.30 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt 7.30 King’s School Choral Concert - Nave th 84 Archbishop, 1757 Brahms German Requiem 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Harris Men’s voices Guerrero Magnificat octavi toni Psalms 69.1-19 THE SECOND 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) – High Altar O Lord, hear my prayer – Locke Hymn 779 17 SUNDAY OF p236, readings p88 LENT 7.00 Sacred Space – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt 9.30 Morning Prayer (said) – Quire Psalm 119.161-end

11.00 SUNG EUCHARIST – Quire 14 THURSDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Quire Byrd Mass for five voices Psalms 27; 103.8-13 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt Timor et tremor – Poulenc Hymns 669; 806; 118 Preacher: The Reverend Dr T J N Naish, Vice Dean 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Archer second set Boys’ voices 3.15 EVENSONG Responses – Statham Sumsion in G Psalm 74.1-12 Lent Prose in procession O bone Jesu – Dering Hymn 131 Morales Quarti toni Psalm 135.1-14 Lord let me know mine end Collection Hymn 526 7.30 St Edmund’s School Gala Concert – Nave – Greene Rutter Requiem 6.30 Eucharist The King’s School – Quire

Robert Willis, DL, DCL, DD, Dean Canterbury Cathedral Max Kramer, MA (Oxon), MA (Cantab), MPhil, Precentor Cathedral House, 11 The Precincts, Canterbury, CT1 2EH David Flood, MA, DMus, FRCO (Chm), FGCM, Organist Tel: +44 (0) 1227 762862 | Email: [email protected] THE CATHEDRAL AND METROPOLITICAL CHURCH OF CHRIST, CANTERBURY

The Reverend Dr T J N Naish in Residence

18 MONDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Quire 22 FRIDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Martyrdom 11.00 Funeral – Eastern Crypt 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Statham John Kempe, 12.00 Sacrament of Reconciliation (until 1pm) th 1st of Joseph 64 Archbishop, 1454 – Holy Innocents, Crypt Weelkes Sixth service Psalms 93; 94 Gaudent in coelis – Victoria Hymn 297ii 2.30 Memorial Service – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt

5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Radcliffe 19 TUESDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Quire Ayleward Short service Psalm 108 8.00 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt Salvator mundi – Tallis Hymn 602 Joseph of Nazareth 12.30 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt

Matthew Hutton, , 85th Archbishop, 1758 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Statham 23 SATURDAY 8.00 Holy Communion–St John the Evangelist South-East Transept Introit: The cherry tree carol – Arr. Willcocks 9.30 Morning Prayer – Jesus Chapel, Crypt , Noble in B minor Psalms 98-101 th 87 Archbishop, 1783 Justorum animae – Stanford Hymn 299i 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Radcliffe Howells Collegium regale Psalm 114 Vinea mea electa – Poulenc Collection Hymn 664 20 WEDNESDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom 8.00 Holy Communion – St Stephen, North-East Transept 7.30 Canterbury Choral Society Concert – Nave Cuthbert, 12.30 Holy Communion – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt Mozart Requiem Bishop of Lindisfarne, Missionary, 687 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Piccolo Men’s voices THE THIRD 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) – High Altar Tallis Short service Psalms 104.1-15 24 SUNDAY OF p236, readings p89 Lamentations I – Tallis Hymn 510 LENT 9.30 Matins – Nave The King’s School 7.00 Sacred Space – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt , Preacher: The Reverend Martin Robbins, th 15 Archbishop, 832 Chaplain, The King’s School

21 THURSDAY 7.30 Morning Prayer – Our Lady Martyrdom 11.00 SUNG EUCHARIST – Quire 8.00 Holy Communion – St Gabriel, Crypt Padilla Missa Ego flos campi Psalms 63.1-9; 103.8-13 , O vos omnes – Casals Hymns 820; NEH 72; 730i th 69 Archbishop, 5.30 EVENSONG Responses – Archer second set Preacher: The Reverend Dr E L Pennington, Canon Missioner Martyr, Boys’ voices 1556 Dyson in C minor Psalm 106.1-12 12.30 Holy Baptism – Eastern Crypt Stabat mater – Pergolesi Hymn 15 omit v.5 3.15 EVENSONG Responses – Radcliffe Lent Prose in procession Darke in F Psalms 12; 13 Salvator mundi – Blow Collection Hymn 135

6.30 Sermon and Compline – Our Lady Undercroft, Crypt Preacher: The Reverend Dr T J N Naish, Vice Dean

Robert Willis, DL, DCL, DD, Dean Canterbury Cathedral Max Kramer, MA (Oxon), MA (Cantab), MPhil, Precentor Cathedral House, 11 The Precincts, Canterbury, CT1 2EH David Flood, MA, DMus, FRCO (Chm), FGCM, Organist Tel: +44 (0) 1227 762862 | Email: [email protected]