Vol. 30, No. 157 U.S. Nival Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Friday, September 19, 1975

Gitmo breathes sigh of relief as Eloise skirts Naval Base

Hurricane Eloise, an unladylike 10 miles per hour. Indications at apparition whose journey left death that time were that the hurricane and destruction at two tropical would pass between 20 and 40 miles islands, became little more than north of the base, with winds of 45 an unwanted soggy visitor by the to 55 knots. time she reached Gitmo. Shielded by its protective moun- Torrential rain began to fall tains, Gitmo tensely watched and after midnight Thursday, and a waited Thursday morning as the brutal electrical storm sent bolts hurricane advanced toward the base of lightning flashing through the in what appeared to be a collision sky. course. But as military personnel, Despite the apparent approach civilians and non-U.S. residents of the hurricane many base resi- of the base remained inside hurri- dents maintained what seemed al- cane proof quarters and hurricane most a nonchalant attitude, pro- shelters, the potentially-deadly bably because of the extensive weather system began to dissipate advance preparations made to in- early yesterday morning. sure the safety of residents and The base remained in hurricane property. condition one while weather watch- At least two of the base's ers kept a wary eye on a cloud high-ranking officers injected mass which settled south of the somber notes into the situation, base. though. But Eloise wasn't able to un- Capt. Frank T. Watkins, command- leash her full fury on the base. ing officer of the Naval Station, She sent one intense lightning noted, "This is no fancy party. storm that knocked out power to It's a life saving drill." about half the base for more than And Capt. George Barton, chief an hour, and she dumped almost staff officer for ComNavBase, four inches of rain here, but at announced "Tomorrow will not be 12:47 p.m. yesterday, base offi- business as usual. Schools will cials decided that conditions remain closed. Ferries will pro- ELOISE RUMBLES - Hurricane Eloise never did get to roar its full fury merited downgrading the situation bably not run, and personnel will at the Naval Base, but it did rumble. The ocean at Windmill Beach to hurricane condition two. At remain in shelters until the all churned violently against the shore as Eloise passed harmlessly past 6 p.m., condition four, the nor- clear is sounded." He further in- the base. This was the scene late yesterday afternoon. (Photo by PH2 William Chesterfield) mal readiness posture for this dicated that the all clear would time of the year, was re-set. not be sounded until there had The drama began to unfold early been a check for safety and it this week when it became obvious had been determined that it was that Eloise was moving in a dir- safe for personnel to leave the Interview feature starts today ection that could bring it close shelters. to Gitmo. The hurricane struck When the sun rose shortly before How does the average Citmo resi- had a chance to be ComNavBase, Puerto Rico Tuesday and moved to 7 a.m. yesterday, the skies re- dent really feel about the various what changes would you make, or the Dominican Republic and Haiti mained dark and foreboding, but it issues and policies that affect attempt to make, in the base?" Wednesday, causing deaths, injur- was beginning to look as if Eloise is or her life while serving here? Since the series makes its debut ies and property damage. might not hit the base after all. "Gitmo's Pulse," the Gazette's today, the responses of 12 per- Wednesday, indications were that The weather system remained sta- newest community input feature, sons were selected to appear in Eloise was not going to veer to tionary to the south of the base, will attempt to see how a cross- print. the north, but was going to con- but was gaining in intensity, section of Gitmo residents feels tinue in the direction of Gitmo. and winds at the time were from about various aspects of life Base residents were alerted to the the east-southeast at 20 miles here. "Gitmo's Pulse" starts on possibility of going into hurri- per hour. The weather service was page 3 of today's Gazette. cane condition one. having problems locating the PH2 Dave Clarke each week will be No Entertainer Condition one was set at 10:30 eye of the hurricane. asking a number of persons a ques- Wednesday night. Families who did At 12:55 p.m., AFRTS radio and tion which could come from today's not live in hurricane proof quar- television announced that the Because the movie schedule was news headlines, or could be gene- ters either went to stay with threat of the hurricane had passed not available this week, The En- rated by a local issue of general friends who occupied hurricane and base residents began leaving tertainer was not published. interest. About six of the most proof housing, or they went to the shelters and returning to their Next week's TV schedule is on representative responses will be hurricane shelters. Transportation normal routine. page 4 of today's Gazette. The published eacr week. was provided for those who need- Eloise had skirted the base, movie schedule will be printed Tody's euestinr was: "If you ed it. bringing heavy local rains, but as soon as it becomes available. At 9:40 p.m. Wednesday, the wea- no damage was reported. ther service here reported that The hurricane was downgraded Eloise was located 92 miles east to a tropical storm, and Gitmo of Gitmo and was moving west at breathed a sigh of relief.

GOING HOME - When hurricane condition two was set yesterday afternoon, the base residents who had spent the night in the hurricane shelters were glad to be able to go home. And they were especially glad be- cause Eloise had not hit the base. (Photo by PH2 Dave Clarke) Two born as Eloise threatens

As Gitmo tensely watched the Robin Lynn Avery, the new daughter forces of Mother Nature at work of Janet and Gary Avery, weighing during Hurricane Eloise, as wind 7 pounds, 13 1/2 ounces and 20 and rain lashed the base, Mother inches long, greeted the overcast, Nature also revealed her gentle more brutal side of nature. She side. was born on her mother's birthday. Two examples of her gentler But while these tender dramas naturewere observed at the U.S. unfolded inside the hospital, Mother Naval Hospital here yesterday Nature also worked outisde. Clouds morning. massed above the Naval Base and Matthew Jacob Faulkner, 19 inches rain pelted Gitmo's normally dry tall and 6 pounds, 14 1/2 ounces soil. THE CALM DURING THE STORM - Oblivious to the forces of nature at work heavy, was born at 2:55 p.m. Wed- And Mother Nature stood apart from outside, these two babies were born here during the hurricane watch. nesday to Maria and -r. F l'ner. the proceedings, watching disinter- At top is Matthew Jacob Faulkner. Below is Robin Lynn Avery. (Photos As dawn was breaking yesterday, estedly as man wondered. by PH2 Dave Clarke) Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, September 19, 1975

Page 2 Cuantanamo Gazette Friday, September 19, 1975 Everyone worked together to prepare for Eloise, but it was a no-show r

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The whole base worked together to prepare to face Eloise. While the 2,i full force of the hurricane did 0 not hit, PH2 William Chesterfield's photo of Windmill Beach, top left, WE shows some of the storm's fury. Dave Clarke took the other photos of the base preparing for the N hurricane. Palm trees along Sher- E man show the wind gradually gain- S ing in intensity, top right. At left, AG3 Martha Brumley of the U weather service monitors the equip- ment keeping tabs on Eloise. The hospital brought five cars into the lobby for protection. Two young- sters, Mike and Cheryl Cummings, Imbo age 5 and 9, listen to 1340 radio '10 for the latest weather information. Below, left, PHAN Mark Lowe and PH2 Tom Sargent pick up material around the photo lab. And Owen Scott, center, checks "mud hog" to be sure they are working. Persons who used the Windjammer for a shelter wait for developments, below right. A dam was built behind Turnkey by PWD, bottom left, and two Seabees feed on C-rations, bottom right.

Local ForecastA -ATER STATUSa)_.8 Cloudy to mostly cloudy, Y1 The broken line in the graph 1,380,000 gallons allowed becoming mostly clear to- shows the amount of fuel al- 0jolznte night. Winds SE 12 knots, looted for September, which - gusting to 22 knots, re- also represents the projected turning to N after sun- P 5 per cent fuel reduction. set. High 88, low 75. Bay TNSOAE:71600U at o~as.Watertideiatres: z conditionss7nr i s p~t oP RO DU. C 2-4E D, :5 feet. 4.12,00 7 97 ,0 00se the actual amount of fuel 131,000 used through Sept. 14. inches -of rainC.A fell-_ _ __-1yes- CONSUMED:IWATERLOSS: I-928II000 terday. Sunset tonight at5 , g s

'M=y I- g-m- at 6:49. High tide at 9:26 I - SEPTEMBER - 30 tonight, low tide at 3:08 p.m. tomorrow. Friday, , September 19, 1975 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3

JO2 DEB GALLOWAY, Public Affairs Office: "The change that I would make on this base is that if there are two military personnel on this base 1*A and they are married, let them have some kind of Gitmo's pulse housing together, whether it's in the barracks or wherever." Compiled by PH2 Dave Clarke

This week's question: ETR3 LORNA HUNTER, AAWC: "I would have open bar- racks so you could have any visitors to your room that you want." 'If you could be ComNavBase, what changes would you make LT. GARY TYSON, Personnel Patient Affairs Offi- cer at the Naval Hospital: "I'd like to see a in the base?' little bit better mail service down here. I think it's entirely within our capabilities."

CAPT. JOSEPH SANDERLIN, commanding officer, Job opportunities Naval Hospital: "What I would like to see done if I were ComNavBase is to procure more housing so that the wait for housing would be much less U.S. CITIZENS than it is right now, so everybody could bring their family down in a reasonably short time." POSITION GRADE SALARY COMMAND Transportation Eauip. Oper. General Foreman WS-13 $8.24 ph PWD Supervisory Pro. Controller GS-09 $12,481 pa PWD W.H. CHESTERFIELD, Fleet Photo Center: "I Office Appliance Repairer WG-09 $5.44 ph SRD think the biggest thing is to try to standard- IPH2got Planner and Estimator (Ship.) WD-08 $7.35 ph SRD ize things within the commands. You've Ordnanceman (Ammunition and FTG, NAS, all the rest of the commands, and Explosives, Misc.) WS-07 $7.14 ph ORD there are no standards within the command. Budget and Accounting Officer GS-13 $21,816 pa COMPT Other than that, close it (the base)." Occupational Health Nurse GS-7 $10,520 HOSP

Applications will be accepted forIthe following permanent registers: Telephone Operator GS-2 $5,996 pa Clerk-Typist GS-3 $6,764 pa "If I were ComNav- Accounts Maintenance Clerk GS-3 $6,764 pa PNSN SUSAN SESTOKAS, Admin: I'd also Store Worker (Intermittent) WG-4 $4.33 ph Base, co-ed barracks would be nice. duty around Library Aid (Intermittent) GS-2 $5,996 pa look into why there is so much here."


The Soul Unlimited Band will ap- There will be a yard sale at 81 pear at the COMO Club tonight A Granadillo Circle from 9 a.m. SN BARBARA SULLIVAN, GHB: "If I were commander from 9 p.m. til 1 a.m. Then Sat- til 3 p.m. tomorrow. change the housing urday they will appear at the Mar- of the Naval Base, I would situation. I'm one of the military couples here ine Family Restaurant for anyone There will be a yard sale at and I live in one barracks and my husband in who wants to come. 1186 Center Bargo from 11 a.m. another. I'd have a place for the military til 4 p.m. this Sunday. Call couples like the hospital couples have got 99283 DWH. where they can stay together." OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY NOTE There will be a yard sale at Classes for the Guantanamo Bay 603 A Villamar from 9 a.m. til Extension of Old Dominion Univer- 1 p.m. tomorrow and Sunday. sity will begin Monday and Tues- day at 6:30 p.m. Students may BM1 IRVING R. WILLIAMS, Port Services: "Changes report to the high school anytime GOLD HILL BARBER SHOP I would make if I were ComNavBase is try to between 5 p.m. and the start make sure families with dependents would have of classes to make book purchases The Navy Exchange announces due a better chance of getting a house a lot soon- and tuition payments. On Monday to the lack of patronage, Gold er than what they normally have to go through." the classes will be: English 102, Hill Barber Shop located at the Business Management 319, History BEQ Barracks will curtail its 204, Spanish 101 and Sociology 204. operating hours. Effective this Tuesday classes are English 101, Saturday, it will no longer be Business Management 325, and opened on Saturdays. Operating Sociology 201. Anyone who is un- hours are now as follows: Monday able to attend the first night of through Friday from noon til 9 BMC WALTER KREYSSIG, SRD Diving Locker: "If I class should contact Capt. Wood p.m. Closed on Saturday and Sun- was the commander of the Naval Base, I would at 95562. day. improve on the Commissary, mainly, and the Navy I Exchange. They can get more stuff in, sooner, than they get it now. I think people in Guam rc7~ get it faster than we get it here." Cooking

RMSA JANETTE HAHN, Communications: "If I were the commander, I would get more Waves down here so the girls would not be so bombarded by the Around the World- guys who are out roving around. I'd make it a little more even between everybody." With J. T. Savoia

Vermicelli is a thin spaghetti. 1 3/4 cups vermicelli I Although there is not a large var- 1/2 T. grated nutmeg SKC GLEN HALL, BPTO: "If I was ComNavBase for ex- iety of such spaghetti at the Com- would initiate tropical working hours; missary, thin forms can neverthe- DIRECTIONS ample, 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily." less be found. Make a syrup of the honey, sugar min- SEVIAN and water. Boil for 3 to 4 utes. In a heavy skillet, melt PCC JOHN HERALD, FBPO: "I would institute a butter and fry vermicelli, broken (VERMICELLI DESSERT OF INDIA) base-wide cleanup campaign and continue it on in bits, till it is a rich brown. a periodic nature. I would try to institute INGREDIENTS Add syrup and boil together for more etuphasis on personal development such as three minutes. Lower heat and cook training courses; try to have the base popula- til all the moisture is dry. Be- 1 1/4 T. Honey tion instill more pride in their personal ap- sugar fore serving, add the nutmeg. Mix 1/4 cup pearance and performance. I would try to start and place 5 min. in medium oven. 1 cup water a monthly award for the best kept family hous- Serve hot for four. 6 T. butter ing area. Page 4 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, September 19, 1975 CHANNEL 8 TV

For the week of September 20 - 26 8 P.M. 4:00 Wild Kingdom. "Wolf Pack." 2:00 Sky King. ciety. 4:30 Three SATURDAY 2:30 My Three Sons. Passports to Adventure. 12:10 Sign Off. 9:30 Abbott and Costello (C). 3:00 Nanny And The Professor. 5:00 Gitmo Get-Together (C). 6:00 Newswatch (C) Evening 10:00 U.S.S. Kiddie Hour (C). 3:30 Julia (C). Edition. FRIDAY 6:30 Trivia Quiz (C). 11:00 Electric Company. 4:00 OTO Variety Special (C). 12:00 Newswatch (C) Noon Edition. 7:00 Notes 11:30 Make a Wish. "David Niven Magic Show." of Interest (C). 12:07 Cannon (C). See Thursday at 7:05 Texas Wheelers 12:00 Saturday Matinee. "Left Hand- 5:00 . (C). In this 8:00 P.M. ed Gun". 1958, star- 6:00 Newswatch (C) Evening Edition. premiere episode, Truckie 1:00 The Early Show (C). "School ring Paul Newman, John Dehner 6:30 Navy Spotlight (C). "Shark: Wheeler, is faced with a for Scandal." See Thursday and Lita Milan. Billy the Kid Danger In The Ocean." school mutiny by Doobie and at 10:15 P.M. avenges the murder of his em- 7:00 Notes of Interest (C). the return of their daddy af- 3:00 Peter Gunn. ployer. 7:05 Human Resources Special (C). ter four months from the Super- 3:30 Lucy Show. 1:45 Major League Baseball (C). 8:00 Monday Night Baseball (C). stition Mountains. 4:00 You Are There. San Francisco vs. Philadel- "Montreal vs. Philadelphia." 7:30 NBC Mystery Movie. "McCloud." 4:30 The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (C). phia. 10:25 Newswatch (C) Final Edition. A police informer intentional- 5:00 Shane (C). "The Big Fifty." 4:00 CBS Tennis Classic (C). Bjorn 10:40 Marcus Welby. This first of ly creates a barroom brawl with Shane is sentenced to death Borg faces Cliff Drysdale in the fifth season episode ex- McCloud inan effort to tip by Rufe Ryker's kangaroo a second round match. plores with delicate sensi- him off to an impending assas- court for the killing of 5:00 Boxing From The Olympic (C). tivity the problems of a man, sination of a local million- one of his ranch hands. 6:00 Newswatch (C) Weekend Edition. who finds himself impotent aire. 6:00 Newswatch (C) Evening Edi- 9:00 6:30 Buck Owens Ranch Show (C). with his wife. One Hour Information Special tion. 7:00 The Odd Couple (C). Felix is 11:35 Monday Night at the Movies (C). "Magazine." This special 6:30 Hot 1 Baltimore (C). From best man at a wedding - and (C). "The Last Child." 1971, includes "The Queen of Coun- the creator of "All in the when the groom fails to show Science-Fiction-Drama star- try Music," "Phone Call to Family" and "Sanford and up, the bride accuses him of ring Michael Cole, Van Hef- Moscow," and "Fox on Cats." Son," Norman Lear developed blowing the event. lin and Janet Margolin. A 10:00 Newswatch (C) Final Edition. one of the funniest shows 7:30 Sanford and Son (C). Lamont fantasy about a mythical 10:15 Elvis (C). "Roustabout." 1964, from Lanford Wilson's award and Grady think Fred has only government that issues a Drama-Musical starring Barbara winning play. A seedy hotel six months left to live. birth control edict which Stanwyck, , and harbors equally seedy char- Joan Freeman. 8:00 Carol Burnett. A no-guest limits a family to one child. A roving, reck- acters in this downtown ho- less singer joins a carnival show with all the skits and 12:50 Sign Off. tel which is destined for and romances the owner's songs handled by all the reg- demolition. daughter. ulars. TUESDAY 7:00 Notes of Interest (C). 12:00 Sign Off. 9:00 Police Story (C). An assis- 12:00 Newswatch (C) Noon Edition. 7:05 Rhoda (C). Bored with her tant manager of a large hotel 12:07 Marcus Welby. See Monday at life, Ida decides to be- THURSDAY calls the police when the ho- 10:40 P.M. come a "now" woman and sur- 12:00 Newswatch (C) Noon Edition. tel is threatened by a bomb- 1:00 The Early Show (C). "The prises Rhoda and Brenda by 12:07 Info Corner (C). ing. Last Child." See Monday at announcing she's launched 12:35 Alcohol: Drug of 10:00 Barnaby Jones (C). A man be- 11:35 P.M. Choice. a whole new career. 1:00 The Early Show (C). Elvis, hind bars, who believes he is 2:30 Biography. 7:30 All In The Family. "Roustabout." See Wednesday soon to die, confesses the 3:00 Family Affair. 8:00 (C). Miss Kitty at 10:15 P.M. details of a bizarre murder 3:30 Beverly Hillbillies. shot down on the streets of 2:45 The Locusts (C). to a well known author. 4:00 Animal World (C). Dodge. This could have been 3:00 Gentle Ben. 10:50 Night Gallery. 4:30 Lucky Jim (C). the headline when Matt Dil- 3:30 Green Acres. 11:20 Night Owl Special (C). Rock 5:00 Love, American Style (C). lon's woman was used for 4:00 Last of the Wild (C). blends with the occult in a "Love and the Safely Married vengeance by Jude Bonner, 4:30 Tombstone Territory. tale about a musician haunted Man" the leader of a terrorist 5:00 Voyage to the Bottom of the by a ghost of a turn-of-the- "Love and the Uncoupled Cou- band. Sea. century stage star. ple" 9:00 Mannix (C). A divorced mo- 6:00 Newswatch (C) Evening Edition. 12:30 Late, Late Show. "Behind "Love and the Many-Married ther's plea for the return 6:30 Gitmo This Week (C). Locked Doors." Couple." of her eight-year-old kid- 7:00 Notes of Interest (C). 1:30 Sacred Heart. 6:00 Newswatch (C) Evening Edi- napped son, leads Detective 7:05 Mary Tyler Moore (C). Phyllis 1:45 Sign Off. tion. Joe Mannix on a dangerous 6:30 Community Forum (C). This suffers the ultimate indigna- search for a desperate mur- tion when she's forced to SUNDAY week's guests will be mem- derer. seek a job after Lars sug- 10:00 Electric Company. bers of the Crisis Preven- 10:00 Newswatch (C) Final Edition. gests she live within a bud- 10:30 Spring Street (C). tion/Intervention Workshop 10:15 Creature Feature. "The Mon- on get. 11:00 Human Dimension. currently being conducted ster That Challenged The 7:30 Silent Service. "The Bergall's 11:30 Washington Week in Review (C). base. World." 1957, Science-Fic- Dilemma." The USS Bergall, 12:00 Sunday Matinee. "Behind Lock- 7:00 Notes of Interest (C). tion-Horror starring Tim damaged in action with Japan- ed Doors." 7:05 OTO Variety Special (C). Holt and Audrey Dalton. Na- ese warships, is on station 1:00 Meet the Press (C). "Dean Martin Celebrity val Intelligence discovers near Bali in the Lompoc Straits. 2:00 U.S. Men's Amateur Golf (C). Roast." Sammy Davis Jr. is that atomic experiments in 8:00 Cannon (C). Cannon helps a re- 3:00 Fight of the Week (C). the "Man of the Hour," being the Salton Sea have unearth- tired detective investigate 4:00 Pro Bowlers Tour (C). honored by host Dean Martin ed giant radioactive beasts. an unsolved homicide case that 5:10 America (C). Merchant adven- and a gathering of show 11:40 Night Owl Special (C). "1975 mars the old gumshoe's turers and social dissenters business personalities. Fashion Awards." Hosts are otherwise pour in from Elizabethan 8:00 Good Times (C). The Evans perfect record. John Davidson and Diahann family is elated when Thelma 9:00 Kojak. One of Kojak's own de- England to settle America's Carroll and guests are Carol breaks the news that she may tectives is the killer. East coast. Burnett, Cher, Hal Linden, have won a scholarship to an 10:00 Newswatch (C) Final Edition. 6:00 Newswatch (C) Weekend Edition. Juliet Prowse, and the list exclusive girls' school. 10:15 Theatre in America (C). 6:30 Pollution Is Everybody's Baby goes on. 8:30 Mash (C).Radar receives a "School for Scandal." Richard 1:00 Late, Late Show. "Buffalo (C). "Dear John" recording and Brinsley Sheridan's classic 7:00 Smothers Brothers (C). Tom Gun." comes unglued. comedy of manner. First per- and Dick do it up with all the 2:10 Sign Off. 9:00 Hawaii 5-0. Valuable air formed in 1777, this comedy right words. The Brothers are Channel 8 reserves the right i-argo, heavily insured, satirizes the extravagant and to make program changes. aided and abetted by guests turns up missing and people corrupt aspects of London so- Stanley Myron Handleman, Peter turn up dead. Lawford and Anne Murray. 10:00 Newswatch (C) Final Edition. 8:00 Star Trek (C). The Starship 10:15 Evil Touch (C). "Dear Cora Enterprise visits a dying plan- I'm Going to Kill You." et in search of Dr. Korby, a 10:40 Tuesday Night at the Movies. AV j missing for five Ar scientist "Story of Alexander Graham VIV years. Bell." 1939, Drama-Biography I- W-)lr4.A% 9:00 Mission: Impossible (C). The starring Don Ameche, Loretta IMF is matched with the ruler Young, Henry Fonda and Gene of a tiny principality in the Lockhart. This film portrays Mediterranean area. Bell's discouraging struggles, for sale 10:00 Six Wives of Henry VIII (C). his desperate battle against A first in a series of plays, public ridicule and his ulti- each portraying one of Henry mate triumph. Bronze crushed velvet sofa, hex- Two tennis r; ketk,*25 r SIr ea. VIII's wives. This week it's 12:20 Sign Off. "Catherine of Aragon." agon end table, maple colonel Call 95444 AWH. table with magazine rack, gold 11:30 Tonight (C). Johnny Carson raps WEDNESDAY hall runner. Call 952264 AWN with Sammy Davis Jr, comedian 12:00 Newswatch (C) Noon Edition. David Brenner, and bandies with 12:07 Variety Special (C). "Dean 1971 Docge Fa go 400, stake body One Miranda Senpn-et 35 mm camera, Carol Wayne. Martin Celebrity Roast." See truck. 1973 Dodge 12 ft. flatbed 51 mm lens, brand new, $150 12:40 Sign Off. Tuesday at 7:05 P.M. firm. truck with 12 ton dump. Call Call 95444 or the Hospital 1:00 The Early Show. "Story of Corps 85761 DWH. Bks AWH MONDAY Alexander Graham Bell." See 12:00 Newswatch (C) Noon Edition. Tuesday at 10:40 P.M. 12:07 Smothers Brothers (C). See 2:40 Laff Movie. Four Dynace A-35 speakers, $80 Sunday at 7 P.M. 3:00 The Flying Nun. 1973 2A 35 Honda best offer each, can be heard in room P-311 1:00 Star Trek (C). See Sunday at 3:30 And, Gr'!Ifith. Call F51907 DE or 15864 AWN. C Complex Gold ilComplex.