Power to Gas
LOCATIONAL STUDY — POWER TO GAS RAPPORT 2015:120 ENERGIGASER OCH FLYTANDE DRIVMEDEL Locational study – Power to gas KARIN BYMAN ISBN 978-91-7673-120-8 | © 2015 ENERGIFORSK Energiforsk AB | Telefon: 08-677 25 30 | E-post: kontakt@energiforsk.se | www.energiforsk.se Förord This project, performed during the period 01-05-2014 – 30-04-2015, has had a reference group consisting of the following persons, who have read and given their comments on the report: Johan Zettergren, Swedegas Saila Horttanainen, Swedegas Tina Helin, E.on. Gas Sverige Bertil Klintbom, Region Gotland Stefan Sandelin, Cementa Jens Melin, Falkenberg Energy Erik Persson, Piteå kommun Ulf Westerberg, Piteå Science Park Lars Göransson, Öresundskraft Anna-Karin Jannasch, Energiforsk (former Svenskt Gastekniskt Center) Martin Ragnar, Energiforsk (former Svenskt Gastekniskt Center) Lena Berglund, Energigas Sverige Björn Aronsson, The Swedish Hydrogen Association Anders Hjörnhede, SP Anna Alexandersson, SP The project has been financed by the following organisations: The Swedish Energy Agency through Energiforsk, The ÅForsk Foundation, Swedegas AB, E.on. Gas Sverige AB, The Region of Gotland, Falkenberg Energy AB, The County of Piteå, Cementa AB and Öresundskraft AB. 3 Summary The task was to identify a suitable location for a demonstration plant for Power to gas in Swe- den. The following three municipalities participated in the study; Gotland, Falkenberg and Piteå. They have in common large scale plans to expand wind power and aim for increased use of biofuels. Otherwise, the conditions in their energy systems differ regarding the infra- structure and local energy balances, illuminating the concept of Power to gas from different perspectives. In a large scale expansion of wind power, its share of the electricity production can become so large locally, that all the electricity cannot be consumed due to limitations in the electricity network.
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