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The Bates Student Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 12-1903 The aB tes Student - volume 31 number 10 - December 1903 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 31 number 10 - December 1903" (1903). The Bates Student. 1911. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. XXXI. DECEMBER. No. 10. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THE LARGEST and best equipped retail drug store D. P. MOULTON in this section. The prescription department espe- cially complete and satisfactory, as Registered Apothecary, our flies With almost UK),000 on record will testify. 213 Lisbon Street, Corner Pine, - LEWISTON, ME. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL offers 400 electivcs, under 140 instructors, leading to the degrees of A.M., S.M., Ph.D., and S.D. One Hundred Fellowships and Scholarships. Harry L Plummer The University Library contains about 600,000 volumes. PHOTO AND For information and circulars apply to ART STUDIO JOHN" II. WEIGHT, LL.D., DEAN, Journal io UNIVERSITY HALL, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Building LEWISTON, MAINE ELEVATOR SERVICE The EDUCATORS' EXCHANGE of PORTLAND AND BOSTON ATTWOOD £ BARROWS, Rarely fails to secure positions for those LEADING capable of filling them. Send for Manual and Register Early. Hatters and Haberdashers. C. WILBUR CARY, Special Prices to Schools and Clubs ft - on anything in our line. V. ■M. C. A. Building:, Portland, Me. Telephone Connection 682-55. E. J. EDMANDS, 60 Court Street, AUBURN, ME, 101 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. N. WOOD CO., DKALERS IN Coal and Wood, 25 Middle St., LEWISTON. Telephone 159-2. 212 Court St., AUBURN. Telephone 15-3. «. H. MEffRS, IF YOU WISH TO BUY Manufacturer of ... Fine GonreGtioneru Wholesale and Retail. BOOKS 223 Main St., LEWISTON. " Send to us for Prices or other Information We carry the largest stock of any store American In New England, and can furnish any hooks In prim at the shortest notice. Steam Laundry, WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Catalogue of Special Bargains C. E. HEALY, Proprietor, mailed free. 41 Lisbon St., LEWISTON, ME. DE WOLFE, FISKE k CO., HARRY E. FORTIER, 44 Parker Hall, Agent. 361 & 365 Washington St., Work Collected Tuesdays and Fridays. Delivered Thursdays and Saturdays. BOSTON, MASS. Bearce, Wilson & Co., Wholesale and Retail COflLt, WOOD flfiD ICE. OFFICES: No. 9 Minot Avenue, AUBURN, Near Court Street. 138 Main Street, LEWISTON. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. The Bridge Teachers' Agency C. A. SCOTT & CO., Proprietors, 2 A Beacon Street, BOSTON. MJ We have secured 205 positions for graduates of Bates. ^U» 79 positions at salaries from $1,000 to $2,200, and 126 positions at salaries less than $1,000. Agency Manual and Registration Form Free on Application. L. A. HUE. M. E. BRESNAHAN. THE THE M England Teachers' Agency Gloves, Hosiery, Infants' 93 Lisbon St. receives direct calls from Wear. Lewiston, Me. school boards for principals and assistants. Our recom- mendation counts. Send for new circular. W. B. ANDREWS, Manager. 80 Exchange Street, PORTLAND, HE. 23/45 YES, SURE, Most L'p-to-Date Funeral Outfit In the Slate. Baggage Transtcrred tu all parts of the City. you want to look at our GEO. H. CURTIS, Come In Proprietor of the whether you wish to buy Hats and Caps DeWitt Hack and Livery Stable.. or not. Telephone Connections. 201 Middle Street, LEWISTON, ME. Sr> n f\ DIC Masonic Hacks to and from all trains, day or night. ■ ". KUDIC, Building, Lewiston, Men's Furnishings, Ilats, Athletic (httfits. '3 • • ESTABLISHED 1892. WE GUABANTEE IT. STEPHEN LANE FOLGER, 180 Broadway, SMITH, The Druggist, Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry. Cor. Main and Bates Sts., Club and College Fmi and Singi. NEW YOEK. Gold and Silver Modals. LEWISTON. THE BATES STUDENT. Vol. XXXI. December, 1903. No. 10. Published by the Class of 1904. Bates < nil.-:-,.-, Lewiston, Maine. Board of Editors. ALBION KEITH SPOFFORD, Editor-in-Chief. JUDSON CARRIE BRIGGS. ALICE LAURA SANDS. LEVERETT IIOWELL CUTTEN. BESSIE LUCILE RUSSELL. ALICE IMOGENE FROST. Business Manager. FRANK WENDELL ROUNDS. A jfe CONTENTS. J& A LITERARY: My President 272 Oratory 272 Oren Burbank Cheney 274 The Loyalty of East Tennessee 275 A Mathematical Genius 276 Peepsie's Surprise 280 From Four Till Five 281 CARBONETTES: A Heart 284 ALUMNI ROUND-TABLE: Communications—William F. Garcelon, '90 286 Alumni Notes 287 AROUND THE EDITORS* TABLE. EDITORIALS 289 LOCAL DEPARTMENT: Oren Burbank Cheney, D.D., Founder and First President of Bates College 291 Bates College Catalogue 295 Glimpses of College Life 298 EXCHANGES 299 Entered at Lewiiton I'ost-Olnce as Second-Claa* Mall Matter. 272 THE BATES STUDENT. MY PRESIDENT. Snow on the bier and the campus is white: What is the vision that comes with the night? Long was the summer, the rose blossomed sweet, Hiding the thorn that sprang up at his feet. Clear was the springtime, thrilling the voice, Calling him unto the life of his choice. Pride and humility both marked his mien; With the high and the lowly his laurel is green. Slaves heard his voice, 'mid the pines' whispering boughs Rising to heaven in Freedom's firm vows; Mountains of gold and the plaudits of men Nothing availed to silence him then. A chivalry truer than knighthood of old Ever blazoned in light on escutcheon of gold Was his, for no sex in the wide realm of mind Would he bar of the culture that honored his kind: And this is the crown that his victory won, To foster the lowly, both daughter and son. Snow on the bier and the campus is white— Such is the vision that comes with the night. After a little verdure and bloom— Fragrance and beauty over his tomb. ~ , . —FRANKLIN F. PHILLIPS, Bates, '77. December 26,e 03. ORATORY. /^VRATORY, the significance of words; the spice of thought; V-/ the illuminator of ideas; the inspiration to action. No passion of the human heart, no aspiration of the immortal soul eludes its reflection. Memory and all that lies in the wondrous "to be" yield to the stillness their music as this master art lightly touches the keys. Life is the stone it chisels, and life ennobled is the monument it shapes. The voice throbbing with the earnest- ness of resolve, the eye which mirrors the soul, the every feature informed by the pent-up fire of high purpose within, are the mysterious translators of the orator's indefinable power. As the eye rests upon some face, which a master has painted, a feeling of reverence and admiration seems to invite a closer inspection, and as the observer with lingering glance finds new expressions revealing new thought, and as the artist's true con- ception gradually develops and unfolds from the dimly defined THE BATES STUDENT. 273 to the distinct and visible, he stands transfixed with awe and admiration. In the sculptured marble the finely chiseled limbs seem almost to swell and vibrate with life, while the expression of the features is so true to life that sympathy is excited spontaneous and irre- sistible. The master-musician lets his fingers wander over the keys till strains of sweet music flow into the troubled heart, speaking silence and mystery and forgetfulness. But if painting, sculpture, and music are works of art capable of producing ecstacy of sense, enduring enough to weave a spell about the imagination long after the master-hand has lost its cunning; there is another art more ravishing because eloquence charms both sense and soul; more life-like because it has been fashioned from life; more animated, itself being the embodiment of animation; more expressive, because its fairest production is a reflection of its own expression. The orator knows no rule of color, or unity of form; no prin- ciple of concord which is constant and inflexible, but with instant decision, he must apply with unfailing accuracy the wisest course to a human throng, wavering, discordant, hostile. Most delicate of all arts is the subject; appealing to a higher moral purpose in the treatment of its subject, oratory is the finest of the arts. JJut oratory has power. It fights its battles in the souls of men. It conquers by its charms. Would you gain a glimpse of its power? Listen— It is not an unusual day. Other days have been flooded by a brighter sun. Others, too, have been darkened by clouds heavier and blacker, if not less prophetic, than the small patches which now lace the Western horizon. Early morning is marked by an unwonted number on the streets. And as the day wears on the streets are thronged. The seriousness of every face indicates unusual excitement. A common interest seems to pervade all. From a little band yonder rises the agitated tremor of voices. Above the confusion are heard such words as home, fatherland, war. The surging crowd slowly moves toward the great market place. Suddenly as this jostling, huddled throng wavers and sways like a human ocean in a tempest, on a platform erected in front all behold a man step forward, and an expectant hush, like the wings of peace over a far-resounding sea announces—The Orator. "His look draws audience and attention still as night or summer's noontide air." How noble! What dignity! His very bearing inspires confidence. His first words, 274 THE BATES STUDENT. clear and firm, display the sovereignty of self-possession, tem- pered and refined by a gentleness that seems almost demonstra- tion.
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