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The Bates Student Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 11-1902 The aB tes Student - volume 30 number 09 - November 1902 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 30 number 09 - November 1902" (1902). The Bates Student. 1920. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FOOT-BALL NUMBER. Vol. XXX. No. 9. November CL.cJohkm. 'da Entered at Lewiston Post-Office as Second-Class Mail Matter. BUSINESS DIRECTOR}'. THK I. VKc.l -l and best equipped retail drug store D. P. MOULTON in this section. The prescription department espe- cially complete ami satisfactory, as Registered Apothecary, our files with almost 190,000 on record will testify. 213 Lisbon Street, Corner Pine, - LEWISTON, ME. A $5 EXAMINATION FREE OF CHARGE TUB Lakeside Press 11V A. W. ANTHOINE, BOOK AND J rmillPRINTING II1U, f A y Description. °B WORK Ophthalmic College Uraduate, Doctor of Optics. 0 n We correct every error of vision by our perfect- e, and Zinc fitting glasses. 2 2 years'experience. PHOTO-ENGRAVING, 8SJJJ SPECTACLES MADE TO ORDER. ffice station LITHOGRAPHING, °Jolor Work, Labels, etc. Satisfaction Guaranteed. c E BEST OPTICAL ESTABLISHMENT IN MAINE. BOOK-BINDING, Magazines,etc.; Paper Ruling and Blank Book Manufact- uring. Office and Works, nAnrn, , -»TT\ lrrl ANTHOINE OPTICAL MFG. CO., 117-119 Middle Street, PORTLAND, ME. 122 Lisbon St. (up stairs), Lewiston. NOVEM.O CHAFTS, Proprietor. The BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL. Isaac Rich Hall, Ashburton Place. EDUCATORS' MELVILLE M. BIGELOW, Dean. EXCHANGE OPENS OCTOBER 1, 1902. of BOSTON, = = MASS. PORTLAND AND BOSTON ATTWOOD £ BARROWS, Rarely fails to secure positions for those LEADING capable of filling them. Hatters and Haberdashers. Special Prices to Schools and Clubs C. WILBUR CARY, on anything in our line. Y. M. C. A. Building, Portland, Me. Telephone Connection 682-6. E. J. EDMANDS, 60 Court Street, AUBURN, ME. 1 10-130 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Buy your Base-Ball Goods of V. S. DARLING BICYCLE CO., 15 Court St., Auburn BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. N. WO 0D CO., DEALERS IN • • Coal and Wood, 25 Middle St., LEWISTON. Telephone 159-2. 212 Court St., AUBURN. Telephone 215-2. Frost & Small, Men's Tailoring, 165 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, ME. New Fall Goods for your inspection. Our prices will please you. Come and try us. H. M. FROST, E. N. SMALL, formerly HOLDER & FROST. formerly Cutter for J. Y. SCRUTON & SON. American S.P.ROBIE Athletic Outfitter to Bates College. EVERYTHING FOR Steam Laundry, BASE-BALL, GOLF, TENNIS, ETC., ETC. Do not Shirts, C. E. HEALY, Proprietor, fail to Collars, see our Neck-Wear, Gloves, 41 Lisbon St., LEWISTON, ME. SWEATERS Hosiery. before House Coats and buying. Bath Robes. HARRY E. FORTIER, 44 Parker Hall, Agent. SPECIAL GOOD VALUES AT POPULAR PRICES. Work Collected Tuesdays and Fridays. Men's Furnishings, Delivered Thursdays and Saturdays. S.P. Athletic Outfits. Bearce, Wilson & Co., Wholesale and Retail COflli, WOOD RfiD ICE OFFICES: No. 9 Minot Avenue, AUBURN, Near Court Street. 138 Main Street, LEWISTON. Bicycle Sundries. V. 8. DARLING BICYCLE CO., Auburn, Maine. BUSINESS DIRECTOBY. The Bridge Teachers' Agencies. C. A. SCOTT & CO., Proprietors. We have secured 190 positions for graduates of Bates at salaries aggregat- ing $170,370; 30 positions at salaries from $1,500 to $2,200; 47 positions at salaries from $1,000 to $1,500 ; 113 positions at salaries less than $1,000. Send for Agency Manual. If desired, registration in both offices for one fee. Offices: 2 A Beacon Street, BOSTON, and Y. M. C. A. Building, LOS ANGELES. DENTISTRY IF YOU WISH TO BUY With 14 years' experience I am pre- pared to do the best work. MODERATE PRICES. BOOKS Careful and courteous treatment assured. Send to ns for Prices or other Information. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. We carry the largest stock of any store in Now England, and can furnish any DR. A. J. BOWMAN books in print at the shortest notice. Greely Block, 171 Lisbon St. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Catalogue of Special Bargains Most Up-to-Date Funeral Outfit in the State. mailed free. Baggage Transferred to all parts of the City. GEO. H. CURTIS, Proprietor of the DeWitt Hack and Livery Stable.. DE WOLFE, F1SKE & CO., Telephone Connections. 201 Middle Street, LEWIST0N, ME. 361 & 365 Washington St., Hacks to and from all trains, day or night. -*j*M. BOSTON, MASS. A BAD HEAD MADE GOOD WITH SMITH'S HEADACHE POWDER STEPHEN LANE FOLGER, 10 and 26c. Prepared and Sold by 200 Broadway, Ohb and Collogo Fina and Binga. SMITH, The Druggist, doll and Silver Uedala. NEW YOBK. Cor. Main and Bates Sts., LEWI8TON. Siamonda, Watchas, Jawelry. Bargains in Bicycles at V. B. DARLING BICYCLE CO., 15 Court Street, Auburn I, Junkins, sub. 2, Hriggs, f.b. ."(, Kendall, r.h.b. 4, Thurston, sub. ~>, Phillips, sub. 6, Turner, sub. 7, Lothrop, Manager. 8, Purington, Coach. 9, Spoffonl, Asst. Manager. 10, Cole, I.e. 11, Connor, r.e. 12, Heed, l.t. 13, Johnson, l.g. 14, Towne, l.h.b. (Capt.). 15, Hunt, r.g. 16, Howes, sub. 17, Cutten, c. 18, Libby, sub. 19, Bounds, q.b. 20, Piper, sub. 21, Itiirkhohlcr, sub. 22, Andrews, r.t THE BATES STUDENT. VOL. XXX. NOVEMBER, 1902. No. Q. Published by the Class of 1903, Bates College, Lewiston, Me. BOARD OP EDITORS. HOWARD CLINTON KELLY, Editor-in-Chief. NORRIS SAMUEL LOUD. LILLIAN ALICE NORTON. CLARENCE LOKINE JORDAN. HAZEL DONHAM. LUCY LOUISE FREEMAN. BUSINESS MANAGERS. BURTON WILLABD SANDERSON. OLIVE GRACE FISHER. CONTENTS. LITERARY : A Wish 236 Art in Education ........ 236 The Monkey's Tail 238 The Scarlet Letter 240 To See if He is Seen . .241 CARBONETTES : Out of the Mist 242 ALUMNI ROUND-TABLE : Cheney Club 246 Alumni Notes 246 AROUND THE EDITORS' TABLE. EDITORIALS 249 LOCAL DEPARTMENT : Y. M. C. A. Notes 252 Y. W. C A. Notes 252 The Foot-Ball Season .253 Glimpses of College Life ...... 257 EXCHANGES 260 OUR BOOK-SHELF 262 236 THE BATES STUDENT. ^ijepapy. A WISH. Oh, were I a voice I'd speed on the wings of the air And tell the world to look up and rejoice And rise from its blind despair. Oh, had I the power In the heart of the world I'd sing A sweeter song from hour to hour, Till men should know my King. —R. M. B., '06. ART IN EDUCATION. ON the Acropolis at Athens stand the ruins of that wonderful building, which has been alike the inspiration and the despair of sculptors and artists. Built of marble in the severe, pure Doric style, it is probably the most nearly perfect piece of architecture ever created by human hands. As the visitor gazes upon this magnificent ruin, not only is he thrilled by its beauty, but he is awed by the thought that this temple was designed and built nearly five hundred years before Christ. To-day after the light of knowledge has been diffused for centuries and the mod- ern world has reaped the rich harvests of the past, yet we cannot point with pride to a Parthenon, built by the present generation. The present is not a productive age in Art. Whatever is best in our Art and Architecture is but a copying and reproduction of old forms and models, and to-day in spite of our boasted advancement we still go to Greece and Rome for the study of the best in Art. Some people may say that if a nation pays too much attention to Art, other important branches of education will be neglected. Was this true of Greece? There is not a country in the world which is so noted for its Art. The Greek lived in an atmosphere of Art and beauty, but this did not make his development one- sided, as not alone in this branch did Greece excel, but she has given to the world a Homer, a Pindar, an- Aeschylus, a Socrates. In fact, what country has produced greater philosophers, rulers, athletes and generals than Greece? But the crowning glory of Greece was her Art. Modern education has lacked those elements which gave to Greece many of her famous men. In our efforts to attain the practical, the artistic has been disregarded. But a halt has been called, and our American schools are now seeing the many reforms and benefits that come from the furtherance of Art in the daily life of the scholar. Let us consider the function of Art in our public schools. It is important both for its instruction and its ornamentation. In THE BATES STUDENT. 237 pursuit of the first is taught or may be taught drawing, certain kinds of painting, modeling and to a certain extent sculpturing. In furtherance of the second purpose the American schools are filling their buildings with the most artistic productions. This is a movement of the utmost importance. Pictures by the most famous artists should adorn the walls of all our schools. Many are the benefits springing from the study of Art in the institutions of learning. Let us think of the moral effect which Art may have upon a boy coming to school from a poor home. We can hardly real- ize what the influence of the beautiful picture may be upon him. If the story of the picture is related in the most interesting man- ner, what a vast impression it may make.
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