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Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 10-21-1964 The aB tes Student - volume 91 number 04 - October 21, 1964 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 91 number 04 - October 21, 1964" (1964). The Bates Student. 1464. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. [i "Bates Stu&nt Vol. XCI, No. 4 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, OCTOBER 21, 1964 By Subscription Oxford ■ Bates Debate In Chapel Tonight On The Topic: Television In Politics Oxford University meets Bates College in an international debate tonight at GRADUATE 8:00 in the Chapel. The resolution to be debated is: The power of television in poli- .STUDY tics is increasing, has increased, and ought to be diminished. Man The opposing teams will be ADVICE mixed. Supporting the affirm- A survey made by the Fac- ative are Michael Beloff, Eton Unlimited and Magdalen Colleges, Ox- j *ulty Committee on Graduate "Man Unlimited" is the title Study indicates that close to ford, and Richard Rosenblatt | of a lecture to be given on 75% of the men and about '66, Bates. The negative will be maintained by Jonathan October 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the 142% of the women in the Class of 1965 plan to enter either W. P. Aitken, Eton and Christ Filene Room by William Hen- graduate or professional Church. Oxford, and Jeffrey ry Alton of The Christian Sci- Rouault '65, Bates. Harry W. schools. The strong trend to- ence Board of Lectureship. ward graduate study is shown Rowe '12, Secretary of Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha by what actually occurred to Everyone is under compul- the Class of 1964 as compared Debating Fraternity, is chair- to the class which graduated man of the debate. sion to develop his "deeper capacities" says Alton, and just five years earlier. In 1959, The debate will be conduct- ,43% of the men and 19% of ed in the style of the British the lecture is an exploration the women attended graduate Parliament, significantly dif- of how this development takes schools, whereas in 1964, 59% ferent from the usual Ameri- place through a spiritual per- of the men and 24% of the can type of debate. The par- ception of life and its purpose. women did so. liamentary style is used in the • However, the Faculty Com- Oxford Union Debating So- Alton was born in Mexico mittee also points out that un- ciety, in which the audience is City, graduated from Dart- fortunately some of the Class appealed to for the decision. of 1965 who now intend to go American debates proceed in mouth, and managed various 4to graduate school will fail courtroom style, in which a oil industry and other devel- to do so for reasons which are single judge may decide the opment enterprises in North often quite avoidable. Some debate. student plans and objectives Africa and Europe, as well as are quite unrealistic; some There will be no decision the United States. During apply to inappropriate schools; after tonight's debate, but World War II, he received sev- others fail to seek faculty ad- members of the audience will eral decorations as a Captain vice and treat recommenda- be able to question the debat- of Military Intelligence with tions lightly; others fail to ex- ers. plore sufficiently for financial the Airborne Corps, serving on Bates College initiated in- help; but the most common General Ridgeway's staff. ternational debating in 1921, ' problem is probably procras- when a Bates team traveled tination and failure to turn More recently, he was an abroad visiting, among others, 'good intentions into construc- Oxford University. The fol- administrator for the Rocke- tive action. lowing year, Oxford returned feller Brothers Governmental Five Steps the visit, debating Bates in studies. He left this position to Probably the first step to the first Anglo-American de- enter the Christian Science 'turn thought into action is to bate in this country. seek advice from appropriate faculty members. Since 1921, three other Bates A second step is to learn teams have gone abroad—in 1925, '28, and '46. After 1950, RICHARD ROSENBLATT 4 about the various graduate JEFFREY ROUAULT schools offering instruction in only National teams have rep- the area of one's interest. A resented America abroad. good reference book for this & Placement Office in Chase Bates has had members on Bates Director of Debate, purpose is "A Guide to Grad- Hall. two of these teams, most re- Brooks Quimby, has arranged • uate Study" by Ness which is A fifth step is to arrange cently last year when Mar- to have the visiting debaters available at the reserve desk for transcripts and letters of jorie Sanborn '61 was a team available on campus tomor- in the library. recommendation from faculty alternate. row and Friday. A third step is to write for members. Some transcripts nan Several Oxford-Bates de- 'the catalogues and applica- be strengthened by sending bates have taken place here tion forms of a half dozen or them after first term Senior since the first one in 1922. more carefully selected grades can be included. Let- This year's team members are OUTING CLUE schools. After studying these ters of recommendation are Jonathan W. P. Aitken and I catalogues, and with faculty sometimes the deciding factor Michael Beloff. Both were born advice, apply to three or more in the acceptance or rejection in 1942 and are active in ath- The Council will discuss representing an appropriate of an applicant. Students of- letics, literary publications range in view of your study ten fail to give important in- boards, and of course the Ox- plans for Winter Carnival and formation or even to discuss , objectives and academic ford Union. WILLIAM HENRY ALTON reach. their plans with faculty mem- review the Winter Carnival Di- Christian Science Lecturer A fourth step is to arrange bers from whom they seek They will hold over 19 de- rectorship's report tonight at to take the Graduate Record recommendation. bates in the U.S.. sponsored by healing practice in 1957. He is Examinations if required by Where To Get Faculty Help the International Institute of 6:30 p.m. in the OC room in also an authorized teacher of Students expecting to do Education and the Committee • the schools to which one has the Gym. All those interested the religion, and is currently applied. The nature of these graduate work in an academic on International Debating of on tour as a member of the discipline will normally find the Speech Association of examinations and when and in any aspect of Winter Carni- Board of Lectureship of The where they are given is de- the most helpful advice from America. They come to Bates , scribed in materials available faculty members in the cor- after having debated a Nor- val are urged to attend. First Church of Christ, Scien- to students at the Guidance (Continued on Page 2) folk State Prison team. tist, in Boston, Massachusetts. TWO 31 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, OCTOBER 21, 1964 HOMECOMING CELEBRATION BATES WOMEN COMPETE WITH MAINE TEAMS Bates, Colby, and the Uni- SUCCEEDS DESPITE GAME instructor in the Women's versity of Maine will meet on The feeling on campus that Physical Education Depart- Over 1400 Bates alumni and the hockey field when the students attended the 1964 this year's Homecoming week- ment, is faculty advisor for Bates WAA sponsors a hockey Homecoming celebration last end was more successful and the event. weekend. The first Homecom- entertaining than in other sports playday Wednesday, ing of Bates' second century years is probably due to the October 28. "We are especial- The schedule for the com- included alumni reception, a efforts of Art Valiere, Bruce ly anxious to play this year petition includes both morn- pep rally, a football tilt with Kennedy, Al Harvie and others because the playday last year ing and afternoon games. The Middlebury, and a very suc- who arranged the pep rally hi- had to be called off due to in- playday will begin with reg- cessful Back-to-Bates dance. jinks and the dance. clement weather," reports Pen- istration in the Women's Gym ny Brown '66, student organ- at 9:30. After a warm up on izer of the playday. Miss Nell, the field, the morning games will begin. At 10:00 Bates will —;» play Colby; at 10:30, Maine Bates alumni and trustees. will play Bates; and at 11:00, A typically enthusiastic Colby will face Maine. In the Batesy crowd watched Middle- afternoon, play will resume at bury edge out the Bobcats 15- 12 that afternoon. At half-time 1:00 with Bates playing Col- There (S)he Goes . the Bates Marching band, di- by. Bates will again face winner on the basis of charm, rected by William Gosling '65, Maine at 1:30, and Maine will purity of mind, and physical entertained the full stands. play Colby at 2:00. From 2:30 assets. "Around the World" was to 3:00 refreshments will be John Noseworthy, Men's the theme of this Year's Back- served in the hall of the Wom- Council President, then de- to-Bates dance, Saturday clared John Bertram Hall win- en's Gym Building. night.