Chapter 19 – 20 – 21 – 22

Saman Esmaeilpour C H A P T E R 19 Medical Terminology

Medicine 92 Integumentary System

integument : something that covers or encloses something such as a پوششی integumentary shell which covers something else

حفظ کردن ، محافظت shield to protect something from being harmed or damaged کردن

appearance (صاف و براق)oily glandular secretion that gives hair and skin its glossy چربی پوست sebum

to make something smooth or slippery چرب کردن lubricate EXAMPLE: sebum and sweat are secreted by the skin ; sebum lubricates and sweat cools

to be located in a particular place واقع شدن lie EXAMPLE: the dermis , or dermal layer , lies directly under the epidermis

to fix into a surrounding mass | to surround tightly or firmly ; envelop or جاسازی کردن ، نشاندن ، embed enclose | EXAMPLE: to embed stones in cement | the bullet embedded itself in the wall دور گرفتن ، کارگذاشتن unyielding very hard and not changing in shape or form | an unyielding substance or object does not bend or break when pressure is put on it | determined | rigid | tough | inflexible سخت (unyielding structure) | immovable | not changing or stopping | firm | hard | stiff | solid underlying existing under the surface of something else | basic or fundamental زیرین (underlying structure)

EXAMPLE: adipose tissue acts as insulation for the body عایق insulation

delicate easily broken or damaged ; easily injured , hurt , or made sick | ظریف ، لطیف ، حساس (delicate structure) sensitive | EXAMPLE: the sun can easily damage a child’s delicate skin glossy having a shiny , smooth surface | shiny and smooth براق (glossy appearance)

having no smell بی بو odorless

viscous ; having a high viscosity چسپنده viscid

one of the organs , as the brain , heart , or stomach , in the great cavities of the body of to (بکاربستن ، استعمال کردن ، اجرا کردن)an animal ; especially used in the plural , and applied احشا viscus plural viscera the organs contained in the abdomen

sweat | sweating عرق ، تعریق perspiration

subtle not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention | EXAMPLE: the pictures are similar , but there are subtle differences between them | EXAMPLE: the ظریف ، نازک ، ریز (subtle change) symptoms of the disease are so subtle that they are often ignored to separate something into smaller parts so that it is easier to do تقسیم بندی کردن break down or understand

a miscellaneous set of things include many different things that do مختلف ، گوناگون ، متفرقه miscellaneous not seem to be connected with each other

a hard layer of dried blood that forms over a cut or wound while it اثرزخم scab = hard crust is getting better

more than is needed or wanted | being more than is sufficient or زائد ، زیادی ، required | excessive | unnecessary or needless | extravagant غیرضروری superfluous

1 Medical Terminology CHAPTER NINETEEN Integumentary System a pink or red mark on the skin | a skin discoloration that may vary in لکه blotch severity from an area of pigmentation to large pustules or blisters قابل لمس ، آشکار و palpable capable of being touched , felt ; touchable | obvious or easily perceived ; noticeable واضح

to cancel or get rid of something that is no longer useful دور انداختن scrap scrapping

to injure or damage by rubbing across a surface | to remove something from a surface on a rock and scraped her (لغزش خوردن)using the edge of a knife | EXAMPLE: she tripped خراشیدن ، خراش scrape scraping knee | EXAMPLE: scrape the carrots and slice them thinly

injury to any part of the body after excessive exposure to extreme cold , سرمازدگی frostbite sometimes progressing from initial redness and tingling to gangrene

apply firm pressure to the surface of something , using a repeated سائیدن ، ساییده شدن rub back and forth motion فرسودن ، فرساییدن ، eats away to reduce or destroy something gradually ساییده شدن

a place in unpleasantly large numbers | to invade a host animal | if insects (ساکن شدن)to inhabit هجوم کردن infest , rats infest a place , there are a lot of them and they usually cause damage

plural form of louse) | louse : a small insect that lives on the hair or skin of human or animals) شپش ها lice

a large blister containing serous fluid تاول بزرگ bulla plural bullae

ریختن ، پوست انداختن shed to let something fall ; to drop something | if an animal sheds its skin , or plant sheds leaves , it loses them naturally ، پوست ریختن

the outer covering of grain which is left when the grain is made into سبوس bran flour

restricted | limited محدود ، محیطی circumscribed

سوراخ کردن ، پنهان burrow to dig a tunnel or hole شدن ، النه کردن داللت کردن بر ، معنی signify to mean | signal | denote | designate | represent دادن ، حاکی بودن از

an area of skin that is raised | a swelling on the skin caused by برآمدگی bump illness or injury

to pull the feathers off a dead chicken or other bird before cooking it چیدن ، کندن pluck

a small hard swollen area that sticks out from someone’s skin or grow توده lump in their body , usually because of an illness

a red or brown mark on a person’s skin that has been there since they were born خال مادرزادی birthmark

a small dark brown mark on the skin , sometimes slightly higher than خال mole the skin around it | بزرگ کردن ، اتساع dilate to become larger or wider | to enlarge | to make bigger | to expand دادن

(پایدار)continuous | constant | steady | sustained پایا ، مزمن ، مداوم persistent

extreme in degree | excessive | very severe قوی ، شدید intense

کم رنگ ، بی نور ، pale light in color رنگ پریده

2 Medical Terminology CHAPTER NINETEEN Integumentary System موی دراز و درهم ، hirsute | (درهم و برهم ، نامرتب)shaggy shaggy hair or fur is long and untidy پرمو و پشمالو

a large quantity that is more than enough | frequency وفور ، فراوانی abundance

| (مانع شدن)hamper | (مانع شدن)prevent | stop | to restrict or limit | hinder جلوگیری کردن از ، | (خودداری کردن و بازداشتن)contain | (ممنوع ساختن)proscribe | (منع و ممنوع کردن)restrain prohibit (مانع شدن)impede | (سرکوب کردن)repress | (مانع شدن)suppress مانع شدن

to become liquid , or make something become liquid تبدیل به مایع کردن liquefy

cutis root word meaning skin onych root word meaning nail (cutis anserina) (onychomycosis | paronychial) pilus root word meaning hair onyx root word meaning nail (pilonidal cyst) tricho root word meaning hair ungual root word meaning nail (hypertrichosis) hidr root word meaning sweat pruritus root word meaning itchiness (hyperhidrosis | hidradenitis) (antipruritic drugs) melanocytes true skin = dermis cells responsible for the relatively dark color of skin

(سخت)unyielding (زیرین) adipose tissue subcutaneous tissue containing fat , or section of subcutaneous tissue that contains fat layer of tissue connecting the skin with the underlying structures arrector pili muscle on end erect ; (راست و عمودی)allows the hair to stand on end (attached to the hair follicle) remarkably long ; continuously | upright cilia = eyelashes eyebrow hair on the ridge of the forehead | hair on the ridge over the eye (پلک ها)hairs on the edge of the eyelids hair follicle hair shaft portion of hair (میله مانند)small cavity in which the hair grows long polelike (موی کرک مانندی که جنین را می پوشاند)lanugo perspiration = sweat fine hair on the body of a newborn baby eccrine glands eccrine sweat gland glands found over most of the body , especially the hands and feet ordinary sweat gland that produce sweat from most of the surface of the skin , they function to cool the body ; it produces odorless sweat apocrine glands apocrine sweat glands and pubic area connected to hair follicles in the armpits and pubic area (زیربغل)glands found in armpits lunula sebaceous glands small , white , moon-shaped area at the base of the nail glands that open into hair follicles or directly onto the surface of the skin subungual cuticle the area under the nail small area of dead skin around the edge of the nail paronychial axillary hair the area around the nail hair in the armpit

(سایش) ecthyma = ulcerative impetigo erosion skin condition in which fluid rushes out of affected skin | skin skin condition in which there is loss of surface of skin , pressure , (اصطکاک)condition in which fluid rushes out of sores in the skin (superficial destruction of a surface by friction (or trauma , (زخم)ulcerative form of impetigo) ulceration (کم عمق و سطحی)a shallowly)

ichthyosis eschar = hard crust = scab condition in which the skin is dry and scaly like the skin hard crust or scab that forms over injured skin | hard crust over injured skin of a fish | dry , and scaly skin , resembling fish skin (skin (فلس مانند)a disease which gives the sufferer a dry , scaly)

3 Medical Terminology CHAPTER NINETEEN Integumentary System زردی و یرقان = icterus = jaundice = yellow (برآمدگی که در محل التیام زخم پدید می آید) keloid condition in which the skin becomes yellow scar formation that is elevated and looks like a tumor characterized by yellowness of the eyes , skin (a red , raised formation of fibrous scar tissue caused by excessive (حالت مرضی)a morbid condition) , (حالت تهوع)queasiness , (یبوست)and urine , whiteness of the feces , constipation tissue repair in response to trauma or incision) ((بی حالی)and lassitude , (سستی)and general languor , (اشتها)loss of appetite lichen papule lichen planus flat papular skin eruption that is sometimes flat flat papules , (بنفش)any of various skin diseases in which the lesions are (an inflammatory skin disease with wide , flat , violaceous) (patches (محدود و مشخص)typically small , firm papules set close together) shiny papules in circumscribed

macule nodule on the skin small , palpable node (لکه)small spot or a blotch (a discolored spot on the skin that is not raised above the surface | a small , (a small node which is solid and can be detected by touch | a small node , discolored patch or spot on the skin , neither elevated above nor depressed bump , swelling , protuberance | a small mass of tissue or aggregation of cells) below the skins surface)

papule petechia small , pointed lesion not filled with pus small hemorrhage under the skin that appears as a small spot round , nonraised hemorrhage in the skin or in a mucous or , (کوچک)a small , solid , usually inflammatory elevation of the skin (a minute) that does not contain pus) serous membrane) scar purpura mark left on the skin by a healed wound condition characterized by purple spots under the skin or mucous membranes (a condition characterized by hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes (a mark remaining after the healing of a wound | the fibrous tissue that result in the appearance of purplish spots or patches | a large , purplish-red that replaces normal tissue destroyed by injury or disease | a mark circle on the skin and mucous membrane , caused by the leakage of blood out of that is left on the skin after a wound has healed) a vessel and under the skin) suppuration ulcer process by which pus is produced open wound of the skin (an open sore of the skin or mucous membrane , often caused by an , of pus , also called pyesis (تخلیه و ترشح)the formation or discharge) and generally maintained by an (خراش و ساییدگی)initial abrasion pyopoiesis , and pyosis) inflammation and/or an infection)

(wheal(hive تاول = vesicle = blister small raised area of skin that contains fluid appearance of very itchy , raised patches elevation of the (a localized area of edema on the body surface , often attended with severe itching and usually (محدود و مشخص)a small circumscribed) (it is the typical lesion of urticaria ; (ناپایدار ، محو شونده)epidermis containing a serous fluid) evanescent abrasion contusion scraping away of the surface of the skin tissue beneath the skin is injured , but skin is not broken کبود )a superficial wound caused by scraping ; an area of skin where the cells on the surface have (an injury of a part without a break in the skin | a wound , such as a bruise) in which the skin is not broken ; often having broken blood vessels and , (شدگی been scraped or worn away | superficial injury to skin or mucous membrane from scraping or rubbing | an excoriation or circumscribed removal of the superficial layers of skin or mucous discoloration | an injury in which the skin is not broken , often characterized by membrane | the rubbing away of the skin surface by friction against another rough surface) ruptured blood vessels and discolorations ; a bruise) decubitus ulcer = bed sore excoriation sore on the skin of a person that is caused by prolonged lying down process in which there is removal of or loss of skin by trauma , in one position burns and other causes | removal of a layer of skin by trauma (injury to skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the (an injury to a surface of the body caused by trauma , such as the scratching , ischemic necrosis of skin and underlying tissues at sites of (موضعی)skin | focal abrasion , or a chemical or thermal burn) pressure or friction in patients confined to bed or immobilized by illness) frostbite laceration condition of the skin caused by excessive cold , in which it injury characterized by an irregular tear appears that the skin has been bitten (an irregular open wound caused by a blunt impact to soft tissue | a (دوختن)a condition in which skin and the tissue just below the skin freeze | injury to deep cut or tear in skin or flesh | EXAMPLE: the doctor sewed up) tissues due to exposure to cold | skin and subcutaneous tissue damage caused by prolonged exposure to extreme cold) the laceration in his arm) miliarea = heat rash = prickly heat acne rash with eruptions the size of very small millet seeds | rash the size disease condition of the skin in which the lesions are pointed of small seeds ; prickly heat rash (a skin condition , usually of the face , that is common in adolescents and is caused by the , (جوش)an inflammatory skin condition caused by obstruction of the ducts of the sweat glands , resulting ; it is characterized by red pimples) from exposure to high heat and humidity and characterized by the eruption of small , red papules accompanied by an itching or prickling sensation) inflammation of sebaceous glands through bacterial infection)

acne rosacea acne vulgaris form of acne in which the nose , forehead , and the cheeks appear to be rose common form of acne colored | pointed lesions on the face that are rose colored (vulgaris : ordinary ; common)

4 Medical Terminology CHAPTER NINETEEN Integumentary System variation of carbon blackhead carbuncle discolored plug at the opening of a sebaceous gland small , painful inflammation of the skin , usually containing pus that is red , similar (a small plug of sebum blocking the duct of a sebaceous gland especially on the to burning coal | small . painful eruption that is red like burning coal face | a plug of keratin and sebum within a hair follicle that is blackened at the (a painful local purulent inflammation of the skin and deeper tissues with multiple openings for the surface | a plug of sebum in a hair follicle , darkened by oxidation) discharge of pus and usually necrosis and sloughing of dead tissue)

cellulitis inflammation of the cells of the skin | inflammation of the cells under the skin dermatitis (plural dermatitides) (an inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue caused by a bacterial infection | skin general term meaning inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue infection that causes redness , swelling , local heat , and pain | inflammation of the soft or connective tissue , in which a thin , watery exudate spreads through (dermatitis is a general term used to describe inflammation of the skin) the cleavage planes of interstitial and tissue spaces ; it may lead to ulceration and abscess)

eczema ecthyma = ulcerative impetigo condition in which there is flowing out of fluid from the affected skin (an inflammatory condition of the skin attended with itching and the exudation of skin condition in which fluid rushes out of affected skin | serous matter | an acute or chronic noncontagious inflammation of the skin , skin condition in which fluid rushes out of sores in the skin characterized chiefly by redness , itching , and the outbreak of lesions that may (a shallowly ulcerative form of impetigo) discharge serous matter and become encrusted and scaly) impetigo furuncle = boil (a painful , pus-filled bump under the skin caused by infected , inflamed hair follicles | boils start condition in which the skin is invaded by bacteria as red , tender lumps ; these fill with pus , grow , then rupture and drain | a painful skin lesion (a bacterial skin infection marked by vesicles or bullae that becomes pustular , caused by infection of a hair follicle , characterized by a central core surrounded by inflamed rupture , and form yellow crusts | a contagious skin infection caused by tissue | a painful nodule formed in the skin by circumscribed inflammation of the dermis and staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria and characterized by the eruption of subcutaneous tissue , enclosing a central slough or core) superficial pustules that rupture and form thick yellow crusts) intertrigo = chafing superficial inflammation between the folds of skin , usually caused by rubbing | inflammation between the folds of skin lupus vulgaris (chafing or dermatitis occurring between two folds of skin | an erythematous skin eruption tuberculosis of the skin ; a common condition that eats away occurring on opposed skin surfaces | dermatitis occurring between folds or juxtaposed warmth , and the the skin in a wolf like manner | tuberculosis of the skin , (رطوبت)surfaces of the skin and caused by sweat retention , moisture microorganisms | inflammation caused by the rubbing of one (مقیم ، مستقر)overgrowth of resident area of skin on another)

pediculosis pediculosis pubis condition in which there is infestation of lice in body hair | infestation of lice (an infestation with blood-sucking lice ; pediculosis capitis is infestation of the lice in the pubic hair scalp with lice ; pediculosis corporis is infestation of the skin of the body with lice (infestation of the pubic hair region with lice) ; pediculosis pubis is infestation of the pubic hair region with lice)

pediculosis capitis pediculosis corporis lice in the hair on the head lice in the hair of the body (infestation of the scalp by head lice) (infestation of body skin with lice)

pityriasis rosea pustule skin disease marked by shedding of reddish branlike scales of epidermis small circumscribed elevation of the skin containing pus | small , (pityriasis : any of various skin diseases characterized by the formation of fine , circumscribed lesion with pus branny scales | any of various skin diseases characterized by epidermal shedding of flaky scales) (a small , elevated , circumscribed , pus-containing lesion of the skin) scabies skin disease caused by parasitic mites that burrow under the skin and cause a severe itchiness | infestation of parasitic mites seborrheic dermatitis (an infestation of parasitic mites , Sarcoptes scabiei , causing intense itching caused by the inflammation of the skin in which there is excessive flow of mites burrowing into the skin of humans and other animals | a contagious disease caused by Sarcoptes scabiei , the human itch mite , characterized by intense itching of the skin and sebum | inflammation with excessive flow of sebum excoriation from scratching | a contagious , intensely itchy skin condition caused by a tiny , burrowing mite) tinea = ringworm skin disease caused by a fungus tinea barbae (a superficial infection of the skin , hair , or nails , caused by a fungus and commonly known as ringworm | any of several contagious fungal diseases of ringworm near the bread the skin , hair , or nails of humans and domestic animals that are characterized by ring-shaped discolored skin patches covered with vesicles and scales)

tinea capitis tinea corporis ringworm of the head ringworm of the body

tinea unguium tinea pedis = athlete’s foot fungus infection of the nails ringworm of the feet (ringworm of the nails | onychomycosis)

5 Medical Terminology CHAPTER NINETEEN Integumentary System

onychomycosis (=tinea unguium) angioma = hemangioma (signifying that blood vessels are in the tumor) condition of the nails caused by a fungus | fungus infection of the nails tumor consisting mainly of blood vessels that appear on the skin | tumor filled (a fungal infection of the fingernails or toenails that results in thickening , with blood vessels (a benign tumor made up of small blood vessels or lymph vessels | a tumor composed chiefly of roughness , and splitting of the nails | a nail fungus causing thickened , lymphatic vessels or blood vessels | a benign tumor made up of dilated or newly formed blood ((nails) vessels (hemangioma) or lymph vessels(lymphangioma (زبر ، خشن)or ragged , (ترد ، شکننده)crumbly , (ترد ، شکننده)brittle پینه = callus condition in which an area of skin becomes hardened plantar keratosis (a thickened and hardened part of the skin or soft tissue , especially in an area that has been subjected to friction | a toughened area of the skin which has become relatively thick and hard condition in which there is hardening of the skin of the sole of the foot in response to repeated friction , pressure , or other irritation ; rubbing that is too frequent or forceful will cause blisters rather than allow calluses to form) scleroderma cheilitis condition characterized by hardening of the skin inflammation of the lips (a collagen disease characterized by the deposition of fibrous tissue into the skin and often other organs , causing tissue hardening and thickening | a (cheil : root word meaning lip) chronic disease characterized by excessive deposits of collagen in the skin or (chole : root word meaning bile) other organs) cutis anserina = goosebumps condition of the skin in which bumps appear and the skin resembles diaphoresis the texture of a plucked goose condition in which there is an excessive amount of sweat carried through the skin roughness of the skin caused by erection of the erector pili | excessive amount of sweating carried through the skin (زودگذر)momentary) muscles in response to cold , excitement or fear | small raised areas that appear on the skin because of cold , fear or excitement)

sweat hyperhidrosis hidr aden itis gland condition in which there is excessive sweating | excessive sweating inflammation of sweat glands

erysi variation of erythro skin erysi pelas erythema nodosum disease in which there is a spread of a deep red color to the condition in which reddened lumps appear on the skin skin | disease with spread of deep red color to skin

erythromelalgia gangrene condition in which the skin of the extremities becomes red and painful condition in which soft tissue , including skin , becomes necrotic (paroxysmal , bilateral vasodilation , particularly of the limbs , with burning pain and increased (localized necrosis of body tissue , resulting from obstructed skin temperature and redness | paroxysm : a sudden recurrence or attack of a disease ; spasm ; outburst ; eruption) circulation or bacterial infection)

epithelioma melanoma tumor of epithelial tissue tumor involving the black pigment cells of the skin

mottled skin nevus = birthmark mark on the skin , including various types of birthmarks and all types of moles condition in which the color of skin changes because of underlying blood (a birthmark or a mole on the skin , especially a birthmark in the form of a raised vessels , and therefore the color varies | color of skin changes because of red patch | a congenital circumscribed growth or mark on the skin , such as a changes in blood vessels mole or birthmark , colored by hyperpigmentation or increased vascularity)

Coin-shaped ; flattened , psoriasis nummular with rounded form , as disk chronic condition characterized by scaly patches skin inflammation characterized by the formation of coin- (a noncontagious disease whose main symptom is gray or salivary flaky patches on the skin shaped lesions | skin lesions in the shape of coins which are red and inflamed underneath when scratched | a chronic , hereditary , recurrent red macules , or plaques covered with (روشن ، واضح)vivid (مجزا)dermatosis marked by discrete (scales (تیغه ای)silvery lamellated rhinophyma ichthyosis condition in which the nose grows in size because of an increase in the thickness of the skin (a form of rosacea marked by redness , sebaceous hyperplasia , and nodular swelling and condition in which the skin is dry and scaly like the skin of a congestion of the skin of the nose | hypertrophy of the nose with follicular dilation resulting from fish | dry , and scaly skin , resembling fish skin hyperplasia of sebaceous glands accompanied by fibrosis and increased vascularity | a form rosacea in which there is sebaceous hyperplasia , redness , prominent vascularity , swelling , and distortion of the skin of the nose) telangeictasis sebaceous cyst = wen the ends of blood vessels are dilated , especially the capillaries under the skin of the sebaceous gland is closed and becomes a saclike the nose and face , causing persistent redness (permanent dilation of groups of superficial capillaries and venules | a condition characterized by structure filled with sebum | saclike structure full of sebum dilation of the capillaries causing them to appear as small red or purple clusters , often (in appearance , on the skin or the surface of an organ (شبیه تار عنکبوت)spidery

6 Medical Terminology CHAPTER NINETEEN Integumentary System

urticaria = nettle rash wheal(hive) (because a known cause of this response is contact with the nettle weed) skin reaction in which there is intense itchiness near pale , irregular , condition of the skin characterized by the appearance of very raised patches of skin | intense itchiness itchy , raised patches

verruca = wart vitiligo (a benign , viral , warty skin lesion with a rough , smooth , white patches of skin characterized by lack of pigmentation (chronic pigmentary anomaly of the skin manifested by the depigmented white patches that may papilomatous surface | a small , fleshy bump on the skin or be surrounded by a hyperpigmented border | a progressive skin disorder that is a form of mucous membrane caused by human papillomavirus) leucoderma caused by the localized or generalized destruction of melanocytes and marked by sharply circumscribed white spots of skin)

hirsute hypertrichosis excessive hairiness ; the body is covered with shaggy hair excessive growth of hair | excessive distribution of shaggy hair (covered with hair ; hairy ; shaggy) (growth of hair in excess of the normal)

pilonidal cyst superfluous hair sac filled with hair that grows in a hidden place ; the location condition in which there is an abundance of hair , especially for a pilonidal cyst is usually the base of the spine where on parts of the body that are not usually covered by hair in the left and right buttocks start the female , such as the upper lip or chin debridement antipruritic drugs action that results in the removal of dead tissue that restrains the healing of a medicines used against or to control itchiness lesion ; this can be done by surgical means or by the use of drugs | (a medical agent that stops itching | an agent that prevents procedure to remove dead tissue (the removal of dead , damaged , or infected tissue to improve the healing potential of the or relieves itching) remaining healthy tissue | removal of dead or infected tissue or foreign material until surrounding healthy tissue is exposed ; this is done to facilitate healing) dermabrasion depilatory scraping of the skin , usually to remove acne scars agent for the removal of hair (a cosmetic medical procedure in which the surface of the epidermis of the skin is removed by of the skin (صاف کردن)abrasion , typically to remove scarring or sun-damaged skin | planning acne scars or pits | a (پاک و محو کردن)a preparation that removes hair from the body | depilate : to remove hair from done by mechanical means | operative procedure to efface) such as scars , by abrading the , (عیب و نقص)the body ; epilate = depilate) surgical procedure designed to remove imperfections surface of the skin) electrolysis destruction of hair follicles by means of an electrical current through emollient a needle inserted into hair follicles medicinal preparation used to soften the skin to (موضعی)the destruction of hair roots by means of an electric current applied with a (a hydrating agent composed of fat or oil applied topically) needle-shaped electrode | the process of removing unwanted hair by killing the soften skin) hair root with an electric current)

epilating wax incision and drainage use of liquefied wax to pull out hair procedure involving the cutting into of an inflamed area to (epilate : to remove hair from the body by mechanical , chemical or remove pus | cutting into a part and removing pus other means ; depilate = epilate)

keratolytic lotion lumpectomy liquid preparation used to break down a layer of hard skin surgical removal of an isolated tumor (an agent that dissolves or breaks down the outer layer of skin | a substance (surgical excision of only the palpable lesion in carcinoma of the breast | surgical excision of a that promotes the softening and peeling of epidermis ; keratolytic therapy is tumor without removing large amounts of surrounding tissue | removal of either a benign or | of surrounding tissue (حفظ و نگهداری)treatment to remove warts and other lesions in which the epidermis produces malignant lesion from the breast , with preservation excess skin) lumpectomy is a partial mastectomy) scabicide skin graft procedure in which a living portion of skin from one part of the body , or from a preparation used to kill the organism that causes donor , is transplanted to replace lost skin scabies | preparation that kills scabies germs (a piece of skin transplanted to replace a lost portion of skin | a piece of skin that is surgically removed from a donor area to replace skin in a defective or denuded area | a surgical operation (a substance that kills mites of the genus Sarcoptes , which cause scabies | a drug that in which a piece of healthy skin is transplanted to a new site on a patient’s body or to a different (agent that kills scabies mite (موضعی)destroys the itch mite that causes scabies | topical individual) pemphigus mammography disease characterized by the appearance of vesicle and x-ray examination of breasts | test that uses low bullae that resemble bubbles under the skin | disease characterized by bubble like eruptions on the skin levels of x-rays to product pictures of breast tissue

mammoplasty mastectomy plastic surgery done on breasts removal of a breast

7 Medical Terminology CHAPTER NINETEEN Integumentary System

C H A P T E R 20 Medical Terminology

Medicine 92 Eye

if glass or water refracts light , the light changes direction when it passes through the glass or water شکست ، انکسار refraction ظریف ، حساس ، delicate easily damaged or broken | fragile | easily damaged or requiring careful handling | sensitive | EXAMPLE: the sun can easily damage a child’s delicate skin لطیف تشخیص دادن ، distinguish differentiate | determine | EXAMPLE: the eyes distinguish the size , shape , placement , color , and distance of an object تمیز دادن expanding or contracting opening in the center of the iris | the dark circular شاگرد ، دانش آموز ، pupil opening in the center of the iris of the eye , which varies in size to regulate the amount of light reaching the retina مردمک چشم دربرداشتن ، شامل comprise consist of | be made up of | contain | be composed of constitute | make up | form | account for بودن

two movable folds of tissue located in front of the eye that protect the eye from (ضربه)light , dust , and impact (شدید ، قوی)intense پلک چشم eyelid

thin layer of mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of each eyelid and covers the exposed surface of each eyeball ; a continuous membrane with opposed surfaces that slide past each other when the eyelids close and ملتحمه conjunctiva open ; it is the membrane that serves to connect the globe of the eye to the eyelids structures of the eye that secrete tears and drain them from the surface of the , eyeball ; these parts include the lacrimal glands , lacrimal ducts , lacrimal canals دستگاه اشکی lacrimal apparatus lacrimal sacs , and nasolacrimal ducts

having the shape of a cone , tapering from a round base to a point مخروطی شکل cone-shaped

to cover the inner surface of something پوشاندن line

بالشتک ، محافظت cushion soften the effect of an impact on | protect | shield کردن

working together هماهنگ coordinated با هم ، یکدفعه ، immediately | now | (با هم ، همزمان)at once together | at the same time | simultaneously (ناگهان)abruptly | (فورا ، بی درنگ)instantly | (بی درنگ ، فورا ، زود)promptly | همزمان to closely connect two things | to link or join | to connect | وصل کردن yoke they were yoked together (مثل اینکه)EXAMPLE: the eyes move as if

extreme | severe | strong | potent | vigorous شدید ، قوی intense

effect ; influence ; impression | (ضربه ، تصادف ، برخورد)collision ضربه ، تاثیر impact

either corner of the eye , where the eyelids meet | either of the angles formed by هر یک از دو گوشه چشم که the meeting of an eyes upper and lower eyelids | corner of the eyelid در آن پلک ها یکی می شوند canthus

row a line of things next to each other | EXAMPLE: the edges of the eyelids are lined سطر ، ردیف (two rows of eyelashes) with two or three rows of eyelashes , which protect the eye flat cartilage of the eyelid ; a plate of fibrous tissue that is located at the edge of بافت همبند نگهدارنده ی the eyelid ; the tarsus gives the delicate skin of the eyelid shape and firmness | a پلک چشم tarsus thin sheet of fibrous connective tissue which supports the edge of each eyelid glands in the tarsal plate that secrete an oily substance that acts as a barrier to (keep tears in the eyes | (=tarsal glands غدد تارسال meibomian glands

8 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye EXAMPLE: the conjunctiva is a continuous membrane with opposed مقابل ، روبرو ، مواجه opposed surfaces that slide past each other when the eyelids close and open ، ضد و متضاد (opposed surfaces)

to move smoothly along a surface لغزیدن ، لیز خوردن slide

EXAMPLE to flow gradually | to lose liquid | : as the fluid drains from the جریان یافتن drain lacrimal gland , it washes over the conjunctiva to the inner canthus punctum a small , distinct point | lacrimal punctum : hole at the inner angle of the eye Plural through which tears drain around the eyeball ; this opening lead to the lacrimal (puncta) canaliculus منزل دادن ، منزل house EXAMPLE: the internal structures of the eye housed within the orbital cavity گزیدن ، قرار گرفتن

watery circulating fluid in the front part of the eye or in the anterior cavity of the eye زاللیه aqueous humor

transparent , gelatinous substance or fluid in the posterior cavity of the eye behind the lens زجاجیه vitreous humor

strong | firm | hard | rigid | stiff | inflexible سفت ، محکم ، tough having an uneven or irregular surface : (زبر و خشن)rough سخت (tough layer)

(بطور واضح ، بطور مشخص)allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen شفاف transparent

circular , pigmented , muscular organ or diaphragm in the front of the eye ; the term iris means rainbow and is used because the colors of the iris vary عنبیه iris مقداری انحنا به slight outward EXAMPLE: the cornea has a slight outward curvature بیرون curvature

circular edge where the sclera joins the cornea لبه ، حاشیه ، کناره ، limbus )محل اتصال قرنیه و صلبیه( اتصال ، محل اتصال ، juncture a place where things join ; a junction مفصل venous sinus = space through the sclera where the inside fluids of the eye of the eye drained into canal of schlemm the venous system ; excess aqueous humor is drained through this space middle layer of the eye ; if the outer layer were peeled off , exposing the middle layer , the eye would resemble a grape دومین الیه چشم uvea = uveal tract آویزان شدن ، آویزان suspend to hang کردن

peel off to remove an outer layer or covering of something

مخصوصا ، به طور chiefly especially | primarily | mainly | principally | almost entirely عمده

to become adjusted to new condition | accommodate سازش یافتن adapt

feeling of severe dejection | a sunken place or hollow on a surface ; cavity ; hole افسردگی ، گودی depression

keen : sharp ; having a fine edge or point | highly developed | sensitive دید دقیق keenest vision

gelatinous substance or fluid in the posterior cavity of the eye behind the lens زجاجیه vitreous humor

the ability to perceive spatial relationships , especially distances between objects , in three dimensions درک عمقی depth perception

adaption | adjustment | the adjustment of the eye to a change of the distance from an observed object | accommodate : to get used to a new situation | EXAMPLE: her eyes took a تطابق accommodation while to accommodate to the darkness

9 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye the design of having two slightly different views دید دوچشمی binocular vision

the area in the brain where there is a crossover of some of the optic nerve fibers from left to right کیاسمای بینایی optic chiasm

result in to make something happen | cause | bring about

result from if something results from something else , it is caused by it

split into to divide something into different parts | to separate

EXAMPLE: match | some terms related to diseases of the eye do not fit گنجیدن fit into exactly into one of these sets

EXAMPLE: to hang or bend down | to become sad or weak | her eyelids افسردگی ، پژمردگی ، drooping began to droop (=close because she was sleepy افتادگی

a kind of grain used for food and to make beer جو ، بذر جو barley seed

a small rising or inflammation گل مژه stye

to become difficult to see , or to make something difficult to see , محو شدن ، تار کردن blur because the edges are not clear

opaque glass or liquid is difficult to see through and often thick ناشفاف ، کدر ، مبهم opaque

make or become less | decrease | reduce | lessen | grow smaller کم شدن ، تقلیل یافتن diminish

to move off or ahead کنار رفتن pull away

خاکستری مات dull-gray

نورضعیف ، gleam a small pale light سوسوزدن

iridocyclitis inflammation of the iris and the ciliary body that goes around the iris

the quality that something has when it is difficult to see through or understand کدورت opacity

قدری ، تاحدی ، تا somewhat more than a little but not very | slightly | relatively | fairly اندازه ای ، نسبتا

drift apart to separate | grow apart | to lose contact

difficult to see , hear , smell تیره ، ضعیف ، خفیف faint

dull vision ; lazy eye , because the dullness of vision results from not amblyopia using the affected eye , but rather dependent totally on only one eye

to come from different directions and meet at the same point to become one thing متقارب شدن converge

a concave surface is curved inwards in the middle مقعر ، کاو concave

curved outwards , like the surface of the eye کوژ ، محدب convex

10 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye the condition of being unable to focus on near objects | hyperopia | دوربینی farsightedness hypermetropia عدم تحمل ، عجز و intolerance extreme to a food or drug etc ; allergy ناتوانی

fear ترس ، بیم ، وحشت dread

(at a lower level than the surrounding area | EXAMPLE: sunken eyes(endophthalmia فرورفته ، گودافتاده sunken

esotropia a turning in of the eyes ; cross-eyed

a regular movement of something from side to side نوسان oscillation

to move your head up and down , especially in order to show agreement

nod or understanding ; shake میوه مغز دار مانند nut a dry brown fruit inside a hard shell , that grows on a tree بادام و پسته و فندق

abnormal alignment of the eyes | inability of one eye to attain binocular

strabismus vision with the other because of imbalance of the muscles of the eyeball تضمین کردن ، مطمئن ensure to make certain that something will happen properly make sure ساختن

a long , narrow piece of something باریکه ، نوار strip

to fasten something | to become bent under pressure or heat خم شدن buckle

the muscles of the eyes are coordinated in such a way that normally both eyes conjugated manner move together ; the eyes move as if they were yoked together

ophthalmo- combining form meaning eye oculo- combining form meaning eye (ophthalmoplegia , ophthalmoscope) papilla- combining form denoting the nipple like appearance at blepharo- root word meaning eyelid the optic disk (papillitis , papilledema) (blepharitis , blepharoptosis , blepharoplasty) dacryo- combining form meaning tears kerato root word denoting relationship to the cornea (dacryoadenitis , dacryocystitis) (keratitis , keratoconjunctivitis , keratoconus)

irido- combining form meaning iris opia , ops root words meaning a condition of sight(vision) (amblyopia , ametropia , anisometropia , anopia , diplopia , hemianopia , (iridodialysis , iridectomy) nyctalopia)

scopic root word pertaining to the of vision (esotropia , exotropia , hypertropia , hypotropia = tropia means turning)

bulb globe = eyeball rounded , onionlike shape of the eye rounded part of the eye (another name for eyeball) the bulb is the rounded part of the eye the globe is the rounded part of the eye fundus oculi optic EXAMPLE: optic chiasm | optic disk | optic nerve the eye or sight (مربوط به)the body of the eye or the portion of the eye opposite the entrance pertaining to , or the pupil orbital cavity retrobulbar fat that contains and protects the eyeball thick , fatty cushion of tissue in back of the eyeball (حفره ، کاسه)round bony socket conjugate eye movement as if : as though | in a way that suggests sth the eyes move as if they were yoked together | the eyes move EXAMPLE: it’s her birthday. As if he didn’t know! مثل اینکه : together | rotation of the two eyes in the same direction as if canthus inner canthus corner of the eyelid | angle made by the eyelids that is located at the corner corner of the eye toward the midline of each eye caruncle outer canthus small piece of flesh at the inner corner of the eyelids or eyes corner of the eye away from the midline

11 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye

palpebra = eyelid cilia = eyelashes palpebrae = eyelids blepharo : root word meaning eyelid tarsus tarsal glands = meibomian glands flat cartilage of the eyelid | a plate of fibrous tissue that gives the delicate skin of the eyelid glands in the tarsal plate that secrete an oily substance that acts as a barrier to shape and firmness | the plate of connective tissue forming the framework of an eyelid keep tears in the eyes conjunctiva دستگاه اشکی = thin layer of mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of each eyelid and covers the lacrimal apparatus exposed surface of each eyeball , it is the membrane that serves to connect the globe of the eye group of structures involved in lacrimation to the eyelids lacrimal gland lacrimal punctum (plural puncta) tissue mass that secretes tears | tears are produced in the lacrimal gland , hole at the inner angle of the eye through which tears drain around which is lateral and superior to each eyeball the eyeball lacrimal canaliculi (singular canaliculus) lacrimal sac small canals that transport tears from the eye to the duct in the nose pounchlike area at the beginning of the nasolacrimal duct or to the nose nasolacrimal duct lacrimal fluid = tears tube that transports tears down the nose fluid from the lacrimal glands lacrimation cornea circular structure covering the front of the eye; covers the iris , (شفاف)transparent (انحنا)and pupil and it has a slight outward curvature (اشک ریختن)act of shedding tears limbus = sclerocorneal junction sclera = the white of the eye covering of the eye (نسبتا سخت)circular edge where the sclera joins the cornea white , dense , relatively hard

venous sinus = canal of schlemm uvea = uveal tract = middle layer of the eye layers that make up the eye; it is pigmented and (متحدالمرکز)space through the sclera where the inside fluids of the eye drain into the venous the middle of the three concentric of the choroid , the ciliary body , and the iris (شامل بودن)system; excess aqueous humor is drained through this space vascular , and comprises choroid ciliary body dark , thin membrane that contains the arteries and veins nourishing the eye; it covers the back circular band of muscle and fiber that holds , suspends and controls the shape (عدسی)of the lens (انحنا)of the eye and is continues with the ciliary body and curvature (سه چهارم)three quarters

iris = rainbow (it is used because the colors of the iris vary) pupil = little doll (it is used because of the small images reflected on the pupil) circular , pigmented , muscular diaphragm in the front of the eye expanding or contracting opening in the center of the iris optic disk = blind spot macula lutea = yellow spot circular area at the back of the eye where the optic nerve and blood vessels enter the eye yellow spot at the back of the eye fovea centralis (contains only cones) retina small pit or fovea or depression in the center of the macula lutea | inside layer of the eye that receives images of external objects | small pit in the center back of the eye membrane lining the inside of the eye rods and cones aqueous humor receptors of light in the retina so named because of their shape; each watery circulating fluid in the front part of the eye or in the anterior cavity of the eye a different type of sight aqueous humor (تشخیص دادن)distinguish

hyaloid canal (vitreous=glass | hyaline=glass | hyaloid=glasslike) vitreous humor = vitreous body (because it is a physical mass) a tubelike space in the glasslike vitreous humor that is involved in the early fluid or gelatinous substance in the posterior cavity of the eye behind the lens that is as development of the eye transparent as glass; It gives the eyeball shape and helps hold the retina in place انکسار = refraction تطابق = accommodation action of adjusting the thickness of the lens to focus the image on the retina | act of breaking up light rays as they enter the eye and redirecting the angle of the focusing of rays of light by the lens that makes an image on the retina the rays to focus on the retina | breaking and redirecting of light rays هر بیماری ناشی از انکسار معیوب نور در چشم = emmetropia = normal vision (because the image lies on the retina) ametropia correct measure of the distance from the lens to the focused image in the eye | the condition of general term meaning refractive disorder | any of several disorders refractive ability (معیوب و ناقص)the normal eye when parallel rays are focused exactly on the retina and vision is perfect of the eye resulting from faulty peripheral vision binocular EXAMPLE: binocular vision | a binocular microscope area around the point directly in front of the eyes that is visible without moving the eye | the area visible without moving the eyes involving both eyes | refers to both eyes | using two eyes orthoptic binocular vision condition in which there is normal position of the eyes in which the eyes are straight and not the design of having two slightly different views turned inward or outward (vision using two eyes with overlapping fields of view , allowing good perception of depth) orthoptic training optic chiasm instructions in exercises aimed at straightening the direction of the eyes the area in the brain where there is a crossover of some of the optic nerve fibers from left to right

blepharoptosis blepharitis of the eyelid (خمیدگی ، پژمرده شدن)drooping inflammation of the eyelid (the drooping of the upper eyelid | =ptosis)

chalazion plural chalazia conjunctivitis lump in the tarsal glands(meibomian glands) of the eyelid (a small , nonmalignant , localized swelling of the eyelid resulting inflammation of the conjunctiva from obstruction and retained secretions of the meibomian glands | (inflammation or redness of the lining of the white part of the =meibomian cyst) eye(sclera) and the underside of the eyelid | =pink eye , red eye)

12 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye

Lacrimal sac Tears Lacrimal dacryo aden itis Gland dacryo cyst itis inflammation of the tear gland inflammation of the saclike structure that holds tears (inflammation of the lacrimal gland) (inflammation of the tear sac(lacrimal sac) at the inner corner of the eye)

ectropion as of the eyelid is turned out and does not protect the eyeball | eyelid turns outward from | at | used to show the time or date from which (eversion or turning outward , as of the margin of an eyelid | a condition of something starts loose eyelids , characterized by the turning outward of the lower eyelid)

angle entropion epi canthus the vertical fold of skin covers over the inner angle of the eye (ساییدن)the eyelid is turned inward and rubs against eyeball | eyelid turns in (a condition in which a fold of skin that stretches from the upper to the lower eyelid partially (inversion , or the turning inward , as of the margin of an eyelid | an covers the inner canthus | a vertical fold of skin on either side of the nose | a vertical fold of skin over the angle of the inner canthus of the eye | =epicanthic fold) inversion(turning inward) or infolding of the margin of the eyelid

epiphora stye a small rising or inflammation excessive tearing ; tears are brought on the cheek (a circumscribed abscess caused by bacterial infection of the glands on the edge of the eyelid ; (overflow of tears due to obstruction of lacrimal duct | watering of the eyes due hordeolum | inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid , usually caused by bacteria ; a to a blockage of the lacrimal ducts or the excessive secretion of tears) chalazion and a stye are both lumps in or along the edge of an eyelid ; styes are similar to chalazia , but they(styes) tend to be smaller and more painful) گل مژه = hordeolum = stye on the edge of the eyelid (دانه ی جو)eruption resembling a small barley seed (an infection of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid ; this is distinguished from a chalazion , which is not infected , but a cyst formed an impacted meibomian gland of the eyelid | a localized , purulent inflammatory infection of a sebaceous gland(meibomian) of the eyelid) pterygium ophthalmoplegia small , winglike fold of conjunctiva extending from the inner corner laterally over the eye paralysis of one or more muscles of the eye (a triangular fleshy mass of thickened conjunctiva occurring usually at the inner (paralysis of one or more of the muscles that control eye movement) side of the eyeball , covering part of the cornea , and causing a disturbance of vision) eyelash trichiasis the eyelashes grow inward subconjunctival hemorrhage (a condition in which the eyelashes due to entropion , blepharitis or injury , are of the cornea (خراش ، زخم)bleeding under the conjunctiva directed towards the globe(=eyeball) and cause irritation and conjunctiva | a turning inward of the eyelashes often causing irritation of the eyeball | ingrown eyelashes)

aphakia Phakia lens there is no lens either from birth or following surgery to remove the lens , as occurs during cataract surgery | condition in which the lens is missing (absence of the lens of an eye , occurring congenitally or as a result of trauma or surgery ; as a result the eye has no accommodative power and is usually highly hyperopic | lenslessness) hyperopia = hypermetropia = farsightedness = myopia (a disorder of the vision where the eye focuses images behind the retina instead of on it , so that myopia = nearsightedness distant objects can be seen better than near objects | a condition of the eye in which parallel rays are focused behind the retina , distant objects being seen more distinctly than near ones | a condition in which the object being viewed is focused in front of the retina condition of the eye where incoming rays of light reach the retina before they converge into a (a disorder of the vision where distant objects appear blurred because the eye focused image ; it results from the eyeball being too short for light rays to properly focus on the focuses their images in front of the retina instead of on it) retina , thus forming a blurred image) arcus senilis cloudelike appearance around the iris , associated with age | a ring resembling a cloud appears around persons ; edge of the iris blurs with the cornea (مسن ، سالخورده)the cornea(or iris) in elderly (an opaque , greyish ring at the periphery of the cornea just within the sclerocorneal junction(limbus) | an opaque ring , gray to white in color , that surrounds the periphery of the cornea)

cataract senile lens becomes cloudy like a flood of water | lens becomes opaque indicates old age ; it especially refers to the decline flooded with a rush of water , thus the amount of light (مثل اینکه)as if of mental functioning that may develop in old age (کاهش می یابد)that passes through the lens is diminished

detached retina corneal ulcers the retina pulls away(move ahead) from its normal sores on the cornea attachment to the choroid layer of the eye ; the retina is then (= ulcerative keratitis) floating in the vitreous humor (the retina peels away from its underlying layer of support tissue)

13 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye

episcleritis glaucoma inflammation of the tissue over the sclera an increase in pressure in the eyeball , which results in (خاکستری مات)episclera: the loose connective tissue between the sclera diminished vision , described as a dull-gray in the affected eye (نورضعیف ، سوسو)and the conjunctiva gleam hypopyon presence of pus under the cornea in the anterior chamber keratitis of the eye | pus under the cornea inflammation of the cornea (the presence of leukocytes and an accumulation of pus in the anterior chamber of the eye , which appears as a whitish or gray fluid between the cornea and the (= corneitis) iris) uveitis is an inflammation of the uveal tract(middle layer of the eye) ; the uveal tract has three parts : the iris , the ciliary body , the choroid uveitis is categorized according to the part of the uveal tract that is affected

Anterior uveitis Posterior uveitis Pan uveitis is an inflammation of the front part of the uveal tract Is an inflammation of the part of the uveal tract behind the lens of the eye Affects the entire uveal tract (= diffuse uveitis)

Inflammation of the iris Inflammation of the iris an the ciliary body Inflammation of the choroid Inflammation of the choroid an retina (iritis) (iridocyclitis) (choroiditis) (chorioretinitis)

iridocyclitis iridodialysis inflammation of the iris and the ciliary body that goes splitting of the iris ; circular ring of the iris is broken or split through and as a result around the iris ; an inflammation of the middle layer of the , the iris resembles the letter C instead of the letter O eyeball , part of the uveal tract (a localized separation or tearing away of the iris from its attachment to the ciliary body) cyclodialysis in the ciliary (شکاف)are made around the iris | procedure in which a split (شکاف و درز)a procedure in which slits body is made around the iris (surgical opening of a passage between the anterior chamber and the suprachoroidal space in order to reduce pressure within the glaucoma | separation of the ciliary body from the sclera) uveitis keratoconjunctivitis inflammation of the uveal tract , or the middle layer of the inflammation of the cornea and the conjunctiva ; eyeball | inflammation of the middle layer of covering inflammation extends from the cornea to the tissue in the eye over the eye cavity

keratoconus macular degeneration the macula cannot accept vision | the cells at the macula conelike bulging of the cornea degenerate and become incapable of accepting visual stimuli ; affect (conical protrusion of the central part of the cornea | a degenerative non-inflammatory disorder peripheral vision , since (به جای ، برخالف)of the eye in which structural changes within the cornea cause it to thin and change to a more the central vision as oppose to conical shape than its normal even curve | conical cornea | KC) the macula , since the macula is somewhat in the middle of the retina

leukoma nebula cloudlike opacity of the cornea , (ضعیف ، خفیف)of the cornea which can be caused by a tumor faint (کدورت)dense , white opacity (opacity of the cornea (اندک)an opaque are or scar on the cornea of an eye | a dense white opacity in the cornea of the eye) (slight) (if the opacity is faint , it is called a nebula) (if the opacity (in leukoma) is faint , it is called a nebula)

mydriasis = miosis or myosis myosis = miosis = mydriasis abnormal condition in which there is excessive constriction , or closing , of the abnormal condition in which there is excessive dilatation or drifting apart of the pupil of the eye , which can result from some drugs or disease pupil , which can result from some drugs or disease ; ‘‘my’’ means to shut , EXAPLE: Horner’s syndrome consists of miosis(=myosis) , eyelid thus rather than shutting , in mydriasis the pupil drifts from shut to open ptosis(=blepharoptosis) and absent forehead sweating

papillitis optic neuritis : inflammation of the optic nerve inflammation of the nipplelike structure where the optic nerve attaches to the eye at the optic disk (a form of optic neuritis involving the optic papilla (disk) | inflammation of the optic disk | inflammation of the optic nerve head | neuritis : inflammation of the optic nerve , which can occur anywhere along its course from the ganglion cells in the retina to the synapse of these cell fibers in the lateral geniculate body ; if the inflammation restricted to the optic nerve head the condition is called papillitis) papilla = optic nerve head = optic disk = combining form papilledema denoting the nipplelike appearance at the optic disk swelling around the nipplelike structure where the optic nerve attaches to the eye at the optic disk (a swelling of the optic disk caused by increased intracranial pressure | edema of the optic disk | a non-inflammatory edema of the optic nerve head produced by raised intracranial pressure)

14 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye retinitis retinopathy general term for diseases of the retina inflammation of the retina (any noninflammatory disease of the retina)

scleritis trachoma swellings on the surface of the (زبر و خشن)inflammation of the sclera disease that results in rough (inflammation of the sclera of the eye) eyeball (= granular conjunctivitis | a contagious bacterial infection of the eye , causing keratitis : inflammation of the cornea inflamed granulation on the inner surface of the eyelids)

vision dull تنبلی چشم = ambly opia = dull vision = lazy eye because the dullness of vision results from not using the affected eye , but rather depending totally on only one eye of vision without detectable organic lesion of the eye | dimness of sight especially in one eye without apparent change in the (تاری)dimness) eye structures called also lazy eye | weakness of sight , without any opacity of the cornea , or of the interior of the eye)

ametropia emmetropia = normal vision (because the image lies on the retina) correct measure of the distance from the lens to the focused image in the eye general term meaning refractive disorder | condition of the eye in (the normal refractive condition of the eye in which there is clear focus of light on the retina | which the measure of the distance from the lens to the focused normal vision | the normal refractive condition of the eye in which with accommodation relaxed image does not correspond to the distance to the retina , where the parallel rays of light are all brought accurately to a focus upon the retina | a state of proper correlation between the refractive system of the eye and the axial length of the eyeball , rays of focused image should be light entering the eye parallel to the optic axis being brought to focus exactly on the retina) نابرابر بودن قدرت انکسار دو چشم = anisometropia astigmatism focusing ability of each eye is different ; unequal distance to the to a point ; image not clearly (متقارب شدن)back of each eye light rays do not converge (inequality in refractive power of the two eyes ; there may be unequal amounts focused on any spot on the retina of nearsightedness , farsightedness , or astigmatism , so that one eye will be in (a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature , which results in distorted images , as light rays are prevented from meeting at a common focus) focus while the other will not) hypermetropia = farsightedness = hyperopia hyperopia = hypermetropia = farsightedness = myopia since the distance to focus an the distance to the focused image from the lens is greater than the length of the object is longer than the length of eyeball ; the image is focused in back of the retina | condition in which vision the eyeball of objects in the distance is better than vision of closer objects

myopia the object being viewed is focused in front of the retina myopia Literally means : a squinting of the eye , because person with myopia squints the eye in attempting to see distant objects Commonly referred to as : nearsightedness , because objects that are near can be seen more clearly than those far away

presbyopia refractive vision disorder associated with older persons (a visual condition which becomes apparent especially in middle age and in which loss of elasticity of the lens of the eye (for near vision (به سرعت)causes defective accommodation and inability to focus sharply

refractive disorder anopia disorder of vision caused by ‘‘breaking’’ of light rays | disorder of condition in which there is no vision , usually of one eye vision caused when light rays are broken and regrouped at such an (absence of sight , especially when due to structural defect in or angle that the point of crossing of the ray is not on the retina absence of an eye)

color blindness diplopia (=double vision) state of being unable to see or distinguish colors | inability condition in which there is double vision to distinguish color (a pathological condition of vision in which a single object appears double | the perception of two images of a single object caused by defective function of the (a reduced ability to distinguish between certain colors) extraocular muscles or a disorder of the nerves that innervate the muscles)

night nyctalopia = night blindness hemianopia there is blindness , or poor vision at night there is loss of vision in one half of the visual field | half vision in the visual field (a condition characterized by an abnormal inability to see in dim light or at night (blindness over half the field of vision | defective vision or blindness in half of the visual field of , typically caused by vitamin A deficiency) one or both eyes ; loosely , scotoma in less than half of the visual field of one or both eyes )

photophobia scotoma = blindspot there is intolerance or dread of light | dread of light loss of vision in part of the visual field | a condition in which a blind (symptom of excessive sensitivity to light and the spot , or dark spot , or dark spot , is seen (an area of depressed vision in the visual field , surrounded by an area of less depressed or of (to bright light) normal vision | a partial loss of vision or blind spot in an otherwise normal visual field (بیزاری ، نفرت)aversion

15 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye exophthalmia endophthalmia the eye is in an outward , or protruding , position | bulging eye the eye is in an inward or sunken-in position | sunken-in eyes of the (پسرفت)protrusion of the eyeball from the orbit , caused by disease , especially (backward displacement of the eye in the bony socket | recession) hyperthyroidism | an abnormal protrusion of the eyeball from its socket) eyeball within the orbit | a sinking of the eyeball into the orbital cavity)

= to nod = the eyeball appears to be nodding involuntary movement of the eyes | an involuntary oscillation or swinging movement of the eyeball (rapid involuntary moments of the eyes | rhythmic , oscillating motions of the eyes ; nystagmus can be a normal usually from side to side (horizontal) physiological response or as a result of a pathologic problem | a rapid , involuntary movement of the eyes that but sometimes up and down (vertical) typically occurs as a result of throughout and following the rotation of the body or following injureis to the vestibule of the or the cerebellum) and sometimes around (rotary)

strabismus of the eye from its normal position | disorder of vision because of the turning (چرخش)general term for turning of one or both eyes from their normal position so that both eyes are not aimed in the same direction ; term means ‘‘squinting’’ , which the person does in an attempt to focus ; condition can affect one or both eyes (a defect of vision in which one eye cannot focus with the other on an object because of imbalance of the eye muscles | strabismus is a the two visual axes of the eyes are not aimed at a (که در آن)condition in which the eyes do not point in the same direction | a condition wherein single object ; the visual axes assume a position relative to each other different from that required by the physiological conditions | a lack of parallelism of the visual axes of the eyes | abnormal alignment of the eyes | a disorder of vision due to a (آشکار)manifest (from normal orientation of one or both eyes so that both cannot be directed at the same object at the same time (انحراف)deviation

strabismus inward (esotropia or cross-eyed) esotropia outward ( exotropia or wall-eyed) a turning in of the eyes | cross eyed upward (hypertropia) right convergent strabismus left convergent strabismus downward (hypotropia) hypertropia exotropia a turning of the eye upward a turning out of the eyes ; wall-eyed right hypertropia left hypertropia right divergent strabismus left divergent strabismus

hypotropia repair of strabismus a turning of the eye downward surgical procedure done on the extrinsic ocular muscles to right hypotropia left hypotropia allow both eyes to move in the same direction at the same time in a conjugated manner

sympathetic ophthalmia orthoptic training condition in one eye that occurs when the other eye is injured ; the uninjured eye is affected with the same abnormal symptoms a the injured eye instructions in exercises aimed at straightening the direction ; both eyes tear when only one has a foreign object on it | unaffected eye of the eyes has the same symptoms as the affected eye

keratoplasty an example of keratoplasty surgical procedure performed on the cornea corneal transplant (surgery carried out on the cornea , especially corneal transplantation | surgical transplant of a cornea from one person to another replacement of an opaque portion of the cornea with a piece of cornea having the same size and shape)

keratoscope blepharoplasty (=tarsoplasty) device that measures the curves of the cornea surgical procedure done on the eyelid | plastic surgery performed on (an instrument for determining the symmetry of the the eyelid (a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes fat deposits , excess tissue , or curvature of the cornea) muscle from the eyelids to improve the appearance of the eyes)

cyclodialysis a procedure in which slits are made around the iris | procedure in which a split in the ciliary body is made around the iris (surgical opening of a passage between the anterior chamber and the suprachoroidal space in order to reduce pressure within the in glaucoma) (ایجاد ارتباط بین اتاقک قدامی چشم و فضای فوق مشیمیه ای در گلوکوم)

dacryocystorhinostomy surgical procedure in which an opening is made through the side of the nose to drain the sac that stores tears | a procedure done on the tear sac by going through the nose (a surgical procedure for restoring drainage into the nose from the lacrimal sac when the nasolacrimal duct is obstruct)

16 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye dacryocystitis inflammation of the saclike structure that holds tears dacryoadenitis (inflammation of the tear sac(lacrimal sac) at the inner corner of the eye inflammation of the tear gland | an infection in the lacrimal sac that results from nasolacrimal duct (inflammation of the lacrimal gland) obstruction)

iridocyclitis iridodialysis inflammation of the iris and the ciliary body that goes splitting through the iris ; condition in which the circular ring of the iris around the iris ; an inflammation in the middle layer of the is broken or split through and , as a result , the iris resembles the letter eyeball , part of the uveal tract C instead of the letter O

enucleation intraocular surgery removal of the eyeball | action that results in the removal of the eyeball ; the any surgical procedure involving structures inside the eyeball eyeball is removed in total(totally) like a nut from its shell (the surgical removal of an intact organ , especially of the eye and of cysts and tumors) | a procedure done inside the eyeball

gonioscope keratoscope device that measures the angle between the corneoscleral device that measures the curves of/on the cornea junction and the iris (an ophthalmic instrument used to assess the shape of the anterior (an optical instrument for examining the angle of the anterior surface of the cornea | instrument for examining the front surface of chamber of the eye) the cornea | instrument for examining the curvature of the cornea) ophthalmoscope tonometer instrument used to view the inside of the eyeball device used to measure the degree of tension or pressure in the eyeball (an instrument for viewing the interior of the eye or examining the (an instrument used to measure tension or pressure inside the eye | an retina | a device for studying the interior of the eyeball through the instrument for measuring the pressure in part of the body , such as the eyeball (to pupil) test for glaucoma) or blood vessel)

refraction : changing the direction of light rays by means of an artificial lens to ensure the formation of the image on the retina

concave lens lens that is curved inward , thus bending the light rays to a lesser degree , allowing the image to be focused at a longer distance ; used to correct myopia , or nearsightedness

convex lens lens that is rounded outward , thus bending the light rays to a greater degree , allowing the image to be focused at a shorter distance ; used to correct hyperopia , or farsightedness

contact lens refractive device that comes in direct contact with the eyeball

irregular lens refractive lens that is neither concave nor convex , but a combination to accommodate the refractive condition of astigmatism

iridectomy sclerotomy removal of part of the iris | the removal of the iris cutting into the sclera (the surgical removal of part of the iris ; the main reasons for iridectomy are to reduce the intraocular pressure , to enlarge an abnormally small pupil , to excise an iris tumor and , to (incision through the sclera of the eye | the surgical procedure of prevent possible blockage of the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye) cutting , or making an incision in the sclera)

tarsorrhaphy suture vitrectomy procedure done to suture the eyelids together removal of some of the vitreous humor (a surgical procedure in which the eyelids are partially sewn together to narrow (a surgical procedure for removing the contents of the vitreous chamber of the eye , which are then replaced by air , oil , or a vitreous substitute | the surgical procedure of removing the vitreous the opening | a partial or complete suture of the eyelid margins performed to humor and replacing it with saline solution , performed to improve vision that has been impaired by shorten the palpebral fissure or to protect the cornea) opacities) phacoemulsification surgical procedure in which the lens of the eye is made somewhat liquid and thus can be easily removed through a needle | the surgical procedure in which the lens is more or less liquefied (the removal of a cataract by first liquefying the affected lens with ultrasonic vibrations and then extracting it by suction | a method of cataract extraction in which the lens is fragmented by ultrasonic vibrations and simultaneously irrigated and aspirated) laser photocoagulation use of laser light rays to coagulate tissue to treat a detached retina | the use of special light beams to correct a detached retina (condensation of protein material by the controlled use of an intense beam of light used specially in the treatment of retinal detachment and destruction of abnormal retinal vessels or intraocular tumor masses | the use of a laser beam or other intense light source to coagulate and destroy or fuse small areas of tissue , especially in the retina)

radial keratotomy keratoplasty : surgical procedure performed on the cornea cutting into the cornea all around the edges to allow a change the shape of the lens to improve vision | cutting into the cornea all around An example of keratoplasty is corneal transplant (surgical modification of corneal curvature to correct myopia by making symmetrical incisions corneal transplant : transplant of a cornea from one person to another (سطحی)into but not through the cornea | a surgical procedure in which a series of tiny shallow (reducing refractive error (که در نتیجه ی آن)incisions is made in the cornea to flatten it , thereby

17 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye scleral buckling operation removal of a strip of sclera near a site of a detached retina , followed by placement of a device around the sclera that is tightened to buckle the sclera next to the retina | the application of a device that is tightened around the sclera (a surgical procedure used to repair a retinal detachment)

sclerotomy scotometry cutting into the sclera use of special charts to measure blind spots in the field of vision | (the surgical procedure of cutting , or making an incision in scotometry is done to measure blind spots (the measurement of isolated areas of depressed vision (scotomas) within the the sclera) visual field) surgical orbital decompression surgical procedure done on the orbit of the eyeball to reduce the pressure on the eye and allow it to return to its normal position | surgical orbital decompression is done to allow the eye to return to its normal place in the orbit (surgical procedure in which some of the bony walls of the eye socket is removed so that there is more room and space for the entire eye as well as decreasing pressure within the eye socket)

miotic = myotic myosis = miosis drug that causes the pupil to constrict or shut | a drug that abnormal condition in which there is excessive constriction , or closing constricts the pupil , of the pupil of the eye , which can result from some drugs or disease

mydriasis mydriatic abnormal condition in which there is excessive dilatation or drifting apart of the pupil , which can result from some drugs or disease ; drug that is used to dilate the pupil ‘‘my’’ means to shut , thus rather than shutting , in mydriasis the pupil drifts from shut to open

orthoptic training repair of strabismus instructions in exercises aimed at straightening the direction of the surgical procedure done on the extrinsic ocular muscles to allow both eyes to move in the same direction at the same time in a conjugated manner | operation eyes | instruction in exercises done to straighten the eyes done on the extrinsic muscles of the eye

18 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY Eye

H A P T E R C 21

Medical Terminology Medicine 92 Ear

EXAMPLE: the ear functions as the organ of the sense of and the sense of balance , or equilibrium تعادل equilibrium

a small bone especially one of the three of the استخوانچه ossicle

ماده موم مانند cerumen wax found in the external meatus of the ear ; earwax داخل گوش غضروف جلو the small piece of thick cartilage of the external ear that is immediately in front of the گوش

first ossicle of the middle ear , which resembles a hammer استخوان چکشی

second ossicle of the middle ear , which looks like an anvil استخوان سندانی

third ossicle of the middle ear , which resembles a stirrup استخوان رکابی

to make two or more things the same in size , value , amount | EXAMPLE: auditory tube برابر کردن ، مساوی equalize allows for the equalization of the pressure in the middle ear with the external pressure کردن ، یکسان کردن

if a disease or illness flares up , it suddenly becomes worse | if a piece of clothing (or something) flare flares out , it becomes wider at one end | EXAMPLE: the salpingo has a narrow end and an opposite end that flares

to make a hole or empty space by removing the inside part of something | EXAMPLE : the bony hollow out labyrinth consists of a series of canals hollowed out of the

جمع شدن آب در اندام the abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in a tissue or cavity یا بافت ، خیز یا ادم (hydrops(uncountable

منقطع کردن ، متوقف interrupt to make a process or activity stop temporarily کردن ، قطع کردن غلیظ و سفت inspissate to make thick or thicker | EXAMPLE: inspissated cerumen : wax in the ear becomes very thick ; thickened earwax کردن

a condition in which a body orifice or passage in the body is abnormally closed or atresia absent | EXAMPLE: meatal atresia : condition in which the normal opening into the ear is closed

غرش کردن ، خروش to make a deep , very loud noise ، داد کشیدن roar

to make a high or musical sound by blowing air out through your lips | سوت زدن whistle EXAMPLE: he whistled happily on his way to school صدای تلپ ، thump the dull sound that is made when something hits a surface ضربت

a continuous sound like the one that a bee makes وزوز buzzing

an illness in which you hear noises , especially ringing , in your وزوز گوش tinnitus

and loss of balance , caused by (چرخش ، چرخیدن)a sensation of whirling سرگیجه vertigo looking down from a great height or by disease affecting the

19 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Ear auri root word meaning ear myringo root word meaning tympaning membrane

ot , oto root words meaning ear salpingo root word for a tube shaped like a trumpet

الله ی گوش = (acoustic = pinna (pinna=wing pertaining to the sense of hearing or the organs of hearing small (in relation to the head) projecting , outer part of the ear cerumen concha = shell wax found in the external meatus of the ear shell-shaped depression at the opening of the ear | depression at the opening of the ear

to the tympanic membrane) (منتهی شدن)external auditory meatus (it leads outside opening and passage through which sound waves pass to the ear channel rim of the ear | curved , rolled fold of cartilage and skin forming the rim of the ear pinna (pinna=wing) = auricle نرمه گوش = lobule = small , rounded projection of tissue hanging down from the ear winglike projection of the ear

tympanic membrane = tragus = hairy part of the ear (because it sometimes has hairs on it) at the opening of the ear | tissue between the external and middle ear that vibrates like (زائده ی گوشتی)fleshy prominence fleshy prominence at the front of the opening into the ear a drum in response to sound waves (the membrane of the middle ear , which vibrates in response to sound waves)

eardrum = tympanic membrane = middle ear myringo root word meaning tympanic membrane space behind the tympanic membrane | tiny cavity within the temporal bone that contains the tympanic membrane and the three auditory auditory ossicles small bones that transmit sound waves for hearing | bones of the middle ear opening into the inner ear to which the oval end of the stapes is connected round opening through which some sound waves travel into the inner ear (this window opens into the inner ear) (this window opens into the inner ear) auditory tube = labyrinth = structures in the inner ear = inner ear tube that leads from(=extends from) the middle ear to the nasopharynx (because of the combination of passages from which there is no exit) outside layer of tissue of the structures in the inner ear | it consists of a series membrane layer of tissue inside the bony labyrinth | it contains a fluid termed of canals hollowed out of the temporal bone | the outside layer of tissue | the inside layer of tissue hollow out endolymph to make a hole or empty space by removing the inside part of something | to fluid inside the labyrinth of the inner ear | fluid in the inner ear make something hollow | remove the interior of vestibule chamber at the entrance to the inner ear snail-shaped organ that is the organ of hearing | the organ of hearing

acoustic nerve = cochlear branch of the eights cranial nerve three half-circle organs in the inner ear that are the organs of balance or equilibrium | the the nerve responsible for the sensation of hearing organs of balance or equilibrium acous audio related to sense of hearing term related to the production and transmission of sound auditory nerve either one of the eighth pairs of , consisting of sensory fibers that auditory conduct impulses from the organs of hearing and from the semicircular canals to the pertaining to hearing , to the sense of hearing , or to the organs of hearing brain

aural barotrauma bilateral otitis media injury to the ear resulting from a change in air pressure , as inflammation of the middle ear on both sides or in both ears | during air travel middle ear inflammation on both sides (فرود)or descent (صعود)in ascent

external otitis Eustachian salpingitis inflammation of the external ear inflammation of the tube from the middle ear to the (inflammation of the external canal or the auricle of nasopharynx | inflammation of the auditory the external ear) tube(Eustachian tube)

labyrinthitis (=otitis interna) inflammation of the inner ear myringitis (= tympanitis) that inflammation of the tympanic membrane (سرگیجه)inflammation of the inner ear , sometimes accompanied by vertigo) is often a complication of otitis media)

20 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Ear mastoiditis furunculosis (furuncle = boil) inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone | condition in which many furuncles are present | condition of the inflammation of the bony process of the temporal bone external ear in which one or more furuncles are present (a condition marked by the presence of furuncles , often chronic and recurrent | (infection of the spaces within the mastoid bone ; it is almost always the simultaneous occurrence of a number of furuncles | a condition in which the associated with otitis media) patient suffers from recurrent episodes of boils) impacted cerumen inspissated cerumen earwax tightly packed in the ear | condition in which wax in the ear becomes very thick | thickened earwax wax is tightly packed in the ear (inspissated : being thickened , dried , or made less fluid by (or absorption of liquid component (تبخیر)a condition in which earwax has become tightly packed in the evaporation) external ear canal to the point that the canal is blocked) otorrhagia otalgia (=earache) bursting of blood vessels in the ear | bleeding from the ear pain in the ear (bleeding from the external auditory canal of the ear | hemorrhage from the ear)

otorrhea otosclerosis discharge of fluid from the ear | flow of fluid from the ear condition in which hard new bone develops around the oval window (a formation of spongy bone about the stapes and the oval window of (discharge of fluid from the external ear ; otorrhea may be the ear , causing progressive deafness | a hereditary disorder causing serous , or purulent or contain cerebrospinal fluid) progressive deafness due to overgrowth of bone in the middle ear)

preauricular node meatal atresia presence of a lump in front of the ear condition in which the normal opening into the ear is (preauricular : in front of the auricle of the ear) closed | closure of the normal opening into the ear

endolymphatic hydrops = Meniere’s disease abnormal accumulation of the fluid inside the membranous labyrinth perforated tympanic membrane = ruptured eardrum in the inner ear ; the accumulation of fluid interrupts the feeling of condition in which there is a hole through the eardrum or (سرگیجه)balance , and the person experiences dizziness (سرگیجه)vertigo vertigo = dizziness tinnitus sensation of noises in the ear , including hissing , ringing , buzzing , thumping , sensation of turning while immobile whistling , or roaring and loss of balance , associated particularly with (a sound in one ear or both ears , such as buzzing , ringing , whistling , occurring without an (چرخش)a sensation of whirling) looking down from a great height , or caused by disease affecting the inner ear external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition , such as an ear infection , the use of certain drugs , a blocked auditory tube or canal , or a head injury ; common causes include or the ) presbycusis , otosclerosis , Meniere’s disease , and labyrinthitis) ceruminolytic mastoidectomy substance used to dissolve earwax removal of parts of the mastoid process of the temporal bone into the external auditory canal to (a surgical procedure to remove an infected portion of the bone behind the ear (چکاندن)a substance instilled) when antibiotics are not effective ; mastoidectomy is performed to remove infected air cells within the mastoid bone caused by mastoiditis or an inflammatory (تجزیه)soften earwax | ceruminolysis : dissolution or disintegration of cerumen in the external auditory meatus) disease of the middle ear | excision of the or the mastoid process) myringoplasty = tympanoplasty myringotomy (=tympanotomy) surgical procedure done on the tympanic membrane | surgical cutting into the tympanic membrane repair of the tympanic membrane (the surgical procedure of making a tiny incision in the eardrum , to relieve pressure caused by the excessive buildup of fluid , or to drain pus | surgical incision of the eardrum , performed to relieve (surgical repair of a damaged tympanic membrane | the closure of the pressure and release pus or fluid from the middle ear | incision of the tympanic membrane , perforation of pars tensa of the tympanic membrane | a plastic operation for performed to relieve pressure and allow for drainage or irrigation of the middle ear behind the the repair of perforations in the tympanic membrane) tympanic membrane) otoplasty stapedectomy surgical procedure done on the external ear removal of the third ossicle in the middle ear (plastic surgery of the external ear | a procedure of plastic surgery (excision of the stapes of the middle ear | surgical removal of all or part of the stapes of the middle ear , followed by replacement with a prosthesis | the used to change the appearance or shape of a person’s ears | the removal of the stapes of the middle ear and insertion of a graft and prosthesis , surgical repair , restoration , or alteration of the auricle of the ear) performed to restore hearing in cases of otosclerosis) otoscope speculum instrument used to look into the ear ; this instrument is equipped a cone-shaped attachment used to make it easier to see inside a part by widening its opening with a speculum (a medical instrument used during an examination to dilate an orifice | an instrument inserted into (an instrument used for examining the eardrum and interior of the | an instrument for a body passage to facilitate visual inspection or medication | an instrument inserted into a body examining the interior of the ear , especially the eardrum , consisting essentially of a magnifying passage to facilitate visual inspection or medication | an instrument for opening or distending a lens and a light | an instrument for inspecting or auscultating the ear) body orifice or cavity to permit visual inspection) presbycusis hyperacusia condition in which there is impaired hearing because of old age condition in which there is an increase in the sharpness of the sense of hearing (a lessening of hearing acuteness resulting from degenerative changes in the ear that occur especially in old age)

21 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Ear anacusis condition in which there is a complete loss of hearing

deafness total partial progressive conductive perceptive sensory-neural deafness deafness deafness deafness deafness hearing loss loss of hearing that results from a problem in the inner ear , or from nerves person is unable to hear anything amount of partial deafness is increasing involved in the sensation of hearing and eventually may be total loss of hearing caused by a condition in which a person is unable to hear problem in the transmission of sound waves person is able to hear some selected sounds through the ear to the cochlea

anacusis deafness condition in which there is a complete loss of hearing condition in which a person is unable to hear (complete deafness | total deafness) (lack or loss , complete or partial , of the sense of hearing)

total deafness partial deafness person is unable to hear anything person is able to hear some selected sounds

progressive deafness conductive deafness amount of partial deafness is increasing and loss of hearing caused by a problem in the transmission of eventually may be total sound waves through the ear to the cochlea

audiometry perceptive deafness = sensory-neural hearing loss test done to measure the ability to hear sounds loss of hearing that results from a problem in the inner ear , or from nerves (measurement of the acuity of hearing for the various frequencies of sound of a person’s (ارزیابی و تعیین کمی و عددی)involved in the sensation of hearing waves | the quantitative assessment hearing ability , especially by means of an audiometer)

pure tone audiometry speech audiometry type of test to evaluate hearing in which an electrical instrument is test of hearing done using the spoken word used to produce clear sounds (hearing test in which the speech reception threshold in decibels and the ability to understand speech are measured)

sharpness testing of auditory acuity air conduction test hearing test done by the transmission of sound waves through the air test of the sharpness or the quality of hearing to the tympanic membrane and through the middle ear to the cochlea

bone conduction test electrocochleography hearing test in which sound waves are transmitted through the mastoid process recording of electrical activity in the cochlea | a test done to record the electrical or other skull bones to the cochlea | a bone conduction test is done by activity through the ossicles to the cochlea transmitting sound waves through the bones in the skull and/or through the (a measurement of the electrical potentials generated in the inner ear and auditory nerve as a bones in the middle ear result of sound stimulation | measurement of electrical potentials of the 8th cranial nerve in (bone conduction : the transmission of sound to the inner ear through vibrations applied to the response to acoustic stimuli applied by an electrode to the external acoustic canal , promontory , bones of the skull) or tympanic membrane)

22 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Ear

C H A P T E R 22

Medical Terminology

Medicine 92 Behavioral Health

there are degrees of mental health and mental illness , which are collectively سالمت رفتاری behavioral health referred to as behavioral health

giving a description of something | giving information about how something توصیفی ، وصفی descriptive looks , sounds | describing something

a large number or amount or extent زیاد great deal

to take the necessary action , especially in order to solve a problem ; handle سروکار داشتن ، رسیدگی deal with if a book etc deals with a particular subject , it is about that subject | کردن ، اقدام کردن

going on to continue doing something or being in a situation | to happen

continuing | permanent | presently or currently happening ; being in ongoing progress | continue to develop درخصوص ، regarding concerning | respecting | about درباره ی positive condition in which a person’s ongoing thinking , feeling , and actions سالمت روانی mental health are appropriate to his or her role in life and environment محترم شمردن ، esteem a feeling of respect for someone , or a good opinion of someone | great respect and admiration | self-esteem : a feeling of being happy with your own character and abilities ; self- worth قدر و اعتبار روش و رفتار ، attitude the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something EXAMPLE: as soon as they found out she was a doctor , their whole attitude changed نگرش

the absolute height of a location , usually measured from sea level بلندی ، ارتفاع altitude

a great number of things or people | EXAMPLE: a multitude of birds انبوه ، بسیاری multitude

واقعیت دادن ، actualize to make a plan or wish become true | to make something real | to make something happen | to | realize عملی کردن جمع کردن ، کامل integrate to combine two or more things to form or create something کردن ، درست کردن

the state of being complete or whole | unimpaired | the quality or condition یکپارچگی ، درستی ، of being complete ; pure | the quality of being honest امانت ، بی نقصی ، کمال integrity

the degree or amount of strength that something has | the strength of سختی ، شدت intensity something such as light or sound

very strong | very serious | very severe شدید ، قوی intense

the feeling of being annoyed , upset , or impatient ناامیدی ، ناکامی frustration

پیروی کردن ، conform to be similar to or the same as something | to obey or agree with something | to behave in a way that is accepted by most people | comply | accommodate | follow مطابقت کردن emotional | affective disorder : any of various disorders characterized by عاطفی affective disturbance in an individual’s mood

23 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health ادراک ، شناخت ، cognition the process of knowing , understanding , and learning something معرفت

the mental power or ability of choosing | the will اراده volition

حل کردن ، resolve to find a satisfactory of dealing with a problem or difficulty ; solve to make a definite decision to do something ; decide تصمیم گرفتن چیز درک شده ، percept something perceived | the object perceived چیز مفهوم

condition of the mind that may involves loss of contact with reality , bizarre thinking and behavior , or disorientation , (برگشت و پسروی)regression , (توهم ، خیال)hallucinations , (وهم)psychosis delusions

an impairment of personality in which excessive energy is directed to nonproductive activity and psychoneurosis includes types of affective or mood disorders | a state of mind that appears as a nervous condition

complete control over something | great knowledge about or understanding سلطه ، تسلط mastery of a particular thing اشاره کردن ، imply indicate | suggest | mean | denote | designate داللت داشتن a slight disorder of the brain that causes difficulty in reading and spelling , for

dyslexia example , but does not affect intelligence لغت نامه ، lexicon speech or words | the words used in a language or by a person | EXAMPLE: a lexicon of medical terms فرهنگ ، واژگان

impulsivity condition in which a person carries out an action before considering the outcome

organic brain a group of signs and symptoms that can be related to a physical change in

syndrome the organic structure of the brain a serious mental disorder caused by brain disease or injury, that affects the dementia ability to think , remember and behave normally وابسته به پیری ، in mind and body (زوال)senile of , or relating to old age | exhibiting the deterioration often accompanying old age سالخورده

or perceived as true (مجسم کردن)false idea portrayed هذیان delusion

wandering of the mind توهم hallucination

برگشت ، پسروی regress to go back to an earlier and worse condition , or to a less developed way of behaving EXAMPLE: the patient has regressed to a state of childish dependency ، پسرفت کردن

the act of returning to an earlier condition that is worse or less developed | the act of thinking or behaving as you did at an earlier time of your life , such as when you were a child پسروی ، برگشت regression

situation in which a person does not realize time , place , or personal identity گم گشتگی disorientation

involute to decrease normally , in size and functional activity

the process of decline that normally occurs after middle life انحطاط involution

a feeling of great sadness and lack of energy | extreme , persistent sadness melancholia or hopelessness | a condition of abnormal gloom or depression

different from each other واگرا ، مختلف divergent

if something has a tendency to do or become a particular thing , it is likely to do or become it | EXAMPLE: the drug is effective but has a tendency to cause headaches گرایش ، تمایل tendency

24 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health psychotic condition in which the mind is put aside | a mental illness that makes someone believe that paranoia they are very important and that people hate them and are trying to harm them

to ignore or intentionally forget something , temporarily or permanently | to save something or keep it available to use کنارگذاشتن put aside out to get deliberately causing another person problems someone the removal or stopping of something such as support , an offer , or a service | the period after عقب نشینی ، پس withdrawal someone has given up a drug that they were dependent on , and the unpleasant mental and physical effects that this causes کشیدن withdrawal the painful or unpleasant feelings someone has after they have stopped taking a drug that they were dependent on | any of a wide range of symptoms associated with the discontinuance of a drug by a symptom person who has become addicted to it نادرست تفسیر misinterpret to understand something wrongly | misunderstand | EXAMPLE: she had misinterpreted his silence as anger کردن

a condition in which a part of a person’s mind or body is damaged or does not work well اختالل impairment | EXAMPLE: mental impairment ; cognitive impairment ; hearing impairment

interfere with sth : prevent from continuing or being carried out properly مانع شدن ، دخالت interfere EXAMPLE: a psychoneurosis does not necessarily interfere with a person’s contact with reality ; the person’s mood is affected کردن ، مداخله کردن

worried | nervous | anxious | uncomfortable ناراحت ، مضطرب uneasy

depersonalization state in which the individual no longer perceives the reality of self or surroundings

:EXAMPLE درک کردن ، perceive to notice , see , or recognize something | to understand | the patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing | EXAMPLE: cats are not able to perceive color مشاهده کردن

excessively | exceedingly | excessive | too much زیاد ، بیش از حد overly

seriously | grave : serious به شدت gravely

psychoneurotic disorder characterized by violent emotional outbreaks | a medical condition that upsets hysteria someone’s emotions and makes them suddenly feel very nervous , excited , anxious etc

| (شدیدا روشن و واضح)violent feelings are strong and very difficult to control | intensely vivid سخت ، شدید violent very strong and sudden ; intense ; severe

general weakness as a result of nervous exhaustion | a condition in which neurasthenia somebody feels tired and depressed over a long period of time

thinking or worrying about something all the time in a way that is not normal وسواسی obsessive EXAMPLE: she worries obsessively about her exam اجباری ، compulsive compulsive behavior is very difficult to stop or control , and is often a result of or a sign of a mental problem | irresistible | uncontrollable | addictive اضطراری فکر و ذکر ، تمایل preoccupation thinking | concentration | concern | a state in which you give all your attention to something | something that you give all or most of your attention to ، شیفتگی

urge | a sudden strong desire to do something | a sudden strong wish or impulse need to do something , without stopping to think about the results

personality the total of the physical , mental , emotional , social , or behavioral characteristics of an individual personality a situation in which an aspect of personality is out of control and dominates the individuals behavior disorder

characteristic | feature ویژگی ، صفت trait

مخالف ، معکوس ، contrary opposite | different | incompatible مقابل

25 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health weakness ; loss of strength | abnormal physical weakness or lack of energy ضعف asthenia

بطورعکس ، vice versa conversely | used to say that the opposite of a statement is also true برعکس

a feeling of great happiness and excitement | elation ; euphoria نشاط exhilaration OPP dejection ; depression ; despondent

mild form of a manic-depressive state in which there is a cycle of feeling , cyclothymia such as exhilaration alternating with depression مصنوعی ، factitious artificially created or developed | artificial ساختگی :EXAMPLE وانمود کردن ، جعل feign to pretend to have a particular feeling or to be ill , asleep etc | the pupil feigned sickness on the day of his exam کردن

to make something larger or greater than normal | to think of or describe اغراق آمیز کردن exaggerate something as larger or greater than it really is

famous | generally thought to be something or to have done something , although this is not certain | according to what some people say , but not definitely | EXAMPLE: she is reputed to be the best heart مشهور ، گفته شده reputed surgeon in this hospital | EXAMPLE: the painting was sold for a reputed $2 million

to prove that something is not true | to deny the truth or correctness of something تکذیب کردن refute

personality disorder in which responses to any form of stress are not suitable

inadequacy to the situation

the state of being perfect | the process of making something perfect کمال perfection

the quality or state of being orderly نظم ، ترتیب ، منظم orderliness

physical or mental energy and determination | effort , energy and انرژی ، توان vigor enthusiasm | energy | strength | efficacy | potency

the state or quality of being sullen | sullen : angry and silent ; used to

sullenness describe an angry or unhappy person who does not want to talk , smile etc to make something weaker or less effective usually in a secret or gradual way | to undermine weaken or work against ; to hinder | to gradually make something less strong or effective | OPP improve , strengthen

compulsive uncontrollable | irresistible

impulsive spontaneous

causing even more problems , or causing exactly the same problems and

self-defeating difficulties that you are trying to prevent or deal with

made up of things that are different from each other | various متنوع ، گوناگون diverse

harmful ; unfavorable ; dangerous ; deleterious مضر ، مخالف adverse

the state or condition of being gloomy افسردگی gloominess

signs that something or someone will be good or successful نوید promise

sadness that is caused by failure , loss , etc اندوهگینی dejection

a feeling of having lost hope or confidence دلسردی ، ناامیدی discouragement

26 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health feeling of being without hope or promise ; a feeling of hopelessness , محزون despondent dejection , discouragement , gloom | depression

mild depression exhibited as being despondent ; the term means ‘difficult

dysthymia spirit’’ ; the person is said to be down in spirit

descriptive term used to describe sharp mental suffering over a loss ; sorrow سوگ ، غم ، ادوه grief or regret in which there is mental distress

done in a way that is planned or intended عمدی intentional

plan | purpose | be intended for sth : to be provided or designed for a قصد کردن intend particular purpose | EXAMPLE: the book is intended for children aged 5-7

drug abuser a person who uses drugs for a purpose for which the drug was not intended

mental وابسته به روان psychic

mental condition in which a person’s feeling are strong in two opposing directions ; good and bad ambivalence feelings toward a person or object exist at the same time ; for example , love and hate

amnesia condition in which there is a lack or loss of memory

loss of appetite , especially as a result of disease | a serious physical and emotional anorexia illness in which an abnormal fear of being fat leads to very poor eating habits and dangerous weight loss condition of being wholly self-centered in thought and behavior , shut off from autism other people and animate objects paying so much attention to yourself that you do not notice what is happening to other self-centered people | tending to think only about yourself and not thinking about the needs or feelings of other people

to cause | to make something happen | to bring about | to cause something to happen اجرا کردن effect

bulimia condition in which a person experiences extreme hunger followed by self-induced vomiting

illusion of having previously experienced something that has never occurred deja vu before a state of wild excitement and great happiness | an acute mental disturbance delirium characterized by confused thinking and disrupted attention usually accompanied by hallucinations

describe | to describe something in a particular way | depict | represent مجسم کردن portray

be accustomed to sth : to be familiar with something and accept it as normal عادت دادن ، خوگرفتن accustom EXAMPLE: her eyes quickly became accustomed to the dark ، آشنا شدن

irresistible so attractive , desirable etc that you cannot prevent yourself from wanting it

:EXAMPLE آرزو کردن ، طلب crave to have an extremely strong desire for something | she had a craving for some chocolate کردن

lack of feeling or emotion ; indifference بی احساسی apathy

ability to understand another person’s feelings because you take the feeling همدلی empathy into yourself

ability to have or express the same feeling’s , usually a suffering of another همدردی sympathy person

condition in which an individual’s mental development has stopped at an early تثبیت fixation point in life or at the point at which a severe traumatic event occurred

27 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health outgoing person , one whose feelings are turned outward برونگرا extrovert

description of the mental activity in which feelings are turned inward درون گرا introvert

kleptomania irresistible impulse to be a thief and steal something for the sake of stealing

| for the sake of sth/of doing sth : in order to get or keep something دلیل ، خاطر ، sake EXAMPLE: she gave up smoking for the sake of her health | purpose ; reason بمنظور

to avoid work by pretending to be ill | to feign illness , injury , or incapacitation in order تمارض کردن malinger to avoid work | to pretend to be sick or injured in order to avoid doing work

to imagine and act out a particular role | to deliberately behave as though وانمود کردن pretend something is true when it is not , either for fun or to deceive someone

haggard looking very thin and tired especially from great hunger , worry or pain

exhausted or fatigued | damaged or useless | very tired خسته و کوفته worn out

an order to do something امر ، فرمان command

a strong desire | a strong need or desire to have or do something خواستن ، میل urge

عهده دار شدن ، undertake to agree or promise to do something ; promise | to make yourself responsible for sth and start doing it EXAMPLE: to undertake a task | EXAMPLE: she undertook to pay the money back in six months | قبول کردن

preserve to keep something safe from harm or loss | protect | keep | conserve

detect | identify | (تشخیص دادن ، تمیز دادن)perceive recognize | see | discern

to replace or balance the effect of something bad | make up for | EXAMPLE: because her جبران کردن compensate left eye is so weak , her right eye has to work harder to compensate

موازنه کردن ، (متعادل کردن ، خنثی کردن ، جبران کردن(counterbalance to have an effect that is opposite but equal to | offset خنثی کردن

EXAMPLE: she attributes her success to hard work نسبت دادن attribute

extreme | excessive مفرط ، بیش از حد extravagant

process by which a person identifies the qualities of another person as his or

identification her own qualities

to think something is better , more important etc than really is | EXAMPLE: she زیادبراورد کردن overestimate tends to overestimate her own abilities توجیه کردن ، rationalize if you rationalize behavior that is wrong , you invent an explanation for it so that it does not seem as bad منطقی کردن تصدیق کردن ، justify show or prove to be right | rationalize توجیه کردن

something based on reasons rather than emotions منطقی ، معقول rational

منحرف کردن ، divert to change the direction or use of something | to take attention away from something معطوف داشتن the act of looking for or trying to find something | a hobby or : (به دنبال چیزی ، در پی چیزی)pursuit of sth پیگیری ، دنبال pursuit recreational activity , done regularly | EXAMPLE: the cat ran down the street with a pair of dog in pursuit | EXAMPLE: she traveled the world in pursuit of her dreams کردن

28 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health to go back to an earlier and worse condition , or to a less developed way of behaving | EXAMPLE: the patient had regressed to a state of childish dependency | OPP progress پس رفتن regress

if someone represses upsetting feelings , memories etc , they do not allow themselves to express or think about them | EXAMPLE: she had long ago repressed the painful memories of her childhood سرکوب کردن repress

to stop yourself from showing your feelings | to prevent something from growing or developing , or from working effectively | EXAMPLE: suppressed anger | EXAMPLE: the virus suppresses the body’s immune فرونشاندن suppress system

push back pull | EXAMPLE: she pushed her hair back from her forehead

تصفیه کردن ، پاک sublimate to direct your energy , especially sexual energy , to socially acceptable activities such as work , exercise , art کردن ، متعال کردن

attainable able to be achieved , accomplished or obtained

pastime ; hobby ; entertainment ; leisure | EXAMPLE: her only recreation is watching football سرگرمی recreation

alter ; change ; adjust ; adapt | to make partial changes to | to make small changes to

modify something in order to improve it and make it more suitable or effective

وانمود کردن ، assume suppose ; imagine ; presume | accept ; bear ; undertake | to pretend to have a particular feeling or (از پیش فرض کردن)presuppose | (وانمود کردن)put on | (پذیرفتن ، داشتن)quality | take on پذیرفتن

act out play a certain role | represent an emotion by action

behavior self-esteem , self-respect and a sense of عزت نفس observable responses of persons in their personal worth relationships all influences a person’s attitude toward himself or herself

درک واقعیت = integrative capacity perception of reality the ability to tolerate anxiety and frustration and the ability to have an accurate view of what is a happening and to be able to react to what is (درست کردن ، کامل کردن ، یکی کردن)bring together balance of behaviors | the ability to tolerate anxiety experienced without losing self-control خود شکوفایی = self-actualization the choice of what people plan to do with their abilities and what they actually do in relation to their ability it is an important factor in mental health | what people plan to do with their ability in relation to what they actually do (when someone achieves what they want through work or in their personal life | the fact of using your skills and abilities and achieving as much as you can possibly achieve)

autonomous behavior the actions of people who make their decisions independent of outside influence ; this is the ability to refuse to conform , to an action that is against personal values

emotional health fear , hate , happiness , and the , (غم و اندوه)sorrow , (خوشی ، لذت)of consciousness in which joy (یک حالت عاطفی)an affective state like is experienced ; this is distinguished from cognition (thinking) and volition (willing , choosing , or resolving)

mastery of the environment the ability to adapt , adjust , and behave , or be in control of surroundings and control behavior so that satisfaction is achieved in love , work , play , and interpersonal reactions

mental illnesses = mental disorders complex conditions in which a person demonstrates behavior that is considered to be a from the normal , or different from what is expected (انحراف)deviation (by brain damage or genetics (آغاز شدن)any of the various diseases affecting the mind onset)

29 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health developmental disabilities mild retardation (ماهر شدن)slowness or limitation in understanding , emotional a mildly retarded person can usually master and be (مهارت های حرفه ای)development , and intelligence social and vocational skills (راهنمایی)mental retardation is a term related to developmental disabilities self-supporting with some guidance

retardation severe retardation (مالیم و متوسط)moderate a moderately retarded person may be able to do a severely retarded person may be capable of self-care under supervision (جزئی)partial (نظارت و سرپرستی)semiskilled work under supervision

impulsivity retardation condition in which a person carries out an action before (عمیق ، جدی)profound (نتیجه ، پیامد)a profoundly retarded person may achieve some considering the outcome help (impulsive : someone who is impulsive does things without (دائمی و پایدار)limited self-care but needs constant considering the possible dangers or problems first)

attention deficit disorder ADD situation characterized by the inability to maintain attention ; this results in an inability to make learning associations (a condition in which someone (such as a child) has problems with learning and behavior because of being unable to think about or pay attention to things for very long) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD or AD/HD condition in which there is a combination of attention deficit disorder (ADD) and hyperkinetic(hyperactivity) disorder (HD) ; both situations occur at the same time pattern of impulsiveness and inattention , with or without a component of hyperactivity | a (مزمن)a developmental disorder in which a person has a persistent) medical condition , especially in children , that makes it difficult for them to pay attention to what they are doing , to stay still for long and to learn things | a medical condition that especially affects children ; it causes them to be too active and to be unable to pay attention or be quiet for very long) اختالل در توانایی خواندن و نوشتن کلمات علیرغم دیدن و تشخیص حروف = dyslexia condition in which a person has difficulty with language ; this condition is characterized by an inability to read or spell ; persons with this condition may have average or above average intelligence ; person with dyslexia has difficulty understanding language (a learning disorder that interferes with a person’s ability to recognize and understand written words | a learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to recognize and comprehend written words | a developmental disorder which can cause learning difficulty in reading and writing)

HD inattention hyperkinetic disorder = hyperactivity condition in which the person is unable to pay condition in which a person exhibits excessive activity to attention to a subject for periods of time the point where there is an inability to maintain order (lack of attention or failure to pay attention)

learning disability condition in which a person does not have the ability to learn , retain , or use specific skills or information ; the skills may involve coordination , such as cutting , and the information may involve reading , writing , math , or science

organic brain syndrome OBS a group of signs and symptoms(syndrome) that can be related to physical change in the organic structure of the brain ; the physical change may be from chronic alcoholism , aging , intracranial infection , brain trauma , tumors , toxins , degenerative diseases , or conditions of other systems of the body that influence the brain ; organic brain syndrome is sometimes accompanied by a psychosis | organic brain syndrome is caused by physical changes in the brain alcoholic dementia senile dementia condition in which a person loses mental capabilities condition in which old persons lose their mental capabilities because of prolonged use of alcohol (a serious medical condition that affects the minds of some old people , and (and makes them confused and behave in a strange way (وابسته به معرفت و شناخت و ادراک)of normal cognitive (زوال ، بدتر شدن ، خراب شدن)a deterioration) (functions associated with long-term alcohol abuse (ذهنی ، فکری)intellectual psychosis and (تفکرات عجیب)bizarre thinking , (عدم درک واقعیت)a condition of the mind that may involves loss of contact with reality or disorientation ; a psychosis is a major mental , (برگشت و پسروی)regression , (توهم)hallucinations (وهم)behavior , delusions illness (a psychoneurosis or neurosis is a minor mental illness)

involutional melancholia melan=dark cholia=bile psychotic state of depression in which the person’s feelings turn inward | a severe depressive mental disorder that may occur after middle life | feelings turned inward in a depressed person in early times was thought to be the cause of this illness

30 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health manic-depressive illness = bipolar affective disorder from excitement to depression ; this is a bipolar illness , meaning (تغییر کردن)condition characterized by mood swings tendencies ; one is manic and the other depressive , and they have opposite symptoms (مختلف)there are two widely divergent manic-depressive : severe mood swings

paranoia paranoid personality : condition resembling but not as severe as paranoia ; (خصومت)psychotic condition in which the mind is put aside ; a characteristic of this psychosis is the feeling of hostility paranoid people fear that others are ‘‘out to get them’’ | fear of other’s intentions , resulting in hostile behavior

schizophrenia schizoid personality : character exhibiting behavior that resembles , but is not as severe as , schizophrenia psychotic condition in which it is said that the mind is split ; there may by withdrawal from reality , misinterpretation of reality , and inappropriate actions and moods | split personality

psychoneurosis = neurosis an impairment of personality in which excessive energy is directed to nonproductive activity ; a psychoneurosis does not necessarily interfere with a person’s contact with reality ; the person’s mood is affected | state of mind that appears as a nervous condition | a psychoneurosis is a minor mental illness (a psychosis is a major mental illness)

anxiety depersonalization feeling caused by the state in which the individual no longer perceives the (ناراحت و مضطرب)uneasy fear of danger or misfortune | uneasy feeling reality of self or surroundings | loss of perception of of danger the reality of self

hypochondria Illusion of having a serious illness expression of emotional disturbance through the imagining of ills ; the term is used to describe the state of people who are ill when no evidence of disease (به سختی ، جدا)concerned about their health , believing that they are gravely (بیش از حد)overly can be found ; the term is related to the area under the ribs , where persons with this neurosis often complain of discomfort (chronic abnormal anxiety concerning the state of one’s health , even in the absence of any evidence of disease on medical examination)

emotional outbreak hysteria hyster=uterus emotional outbreaks ; the term is related to the term for (شدید)psychoneurotic disorder characterized by violent uterus because of an ancient belief that hysteria was observed only in women mild form of this condition hysterical personality characterized by attention-seeking behavior , excitability , and emotional instability neurasthenia = nervous breakdown general weakness as a result of nervous exhaustion (کج خلقی ، زود رنجی)headache , and irritability, (خستگی)fatigue , (سستی)an ill-defined medical condition characterized by lassitude) , associated chiefly with emotional disturbance)

obsessive-compulsive neurosis anxiety characterized by a preoccupation with a persistent idea accompanied by a strong impulse to perform a related act mild form of this condition obsessive-compulsive personality = the personality trait is characterized by a concern for perfection and orderliness and a push with vigor to accomplish goals

phobia condition in which a fear that has no basis exists claustrophobia : the fear of confined places phobophobia : the fear of fear itself

personality disorder personality a situation in which an aspect of personality is out of the total of the physical , mental , emotional , social , the individuals (تسلط و غلبه داشتن)control and dominates or behavioral characteristics of an individual behavior

antisocial behavior = sociopathic to normal social standards (مخالف ، مقابل)behavior that is usually against or contrary

31 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health asthenic personality person with low energy levels and difficulty in developing a sense of enjoyment (ضعیف اراده)weak-willed (a personality characterized by low energy , lack of enthusiasm , depressed emotions , and oversensitivity to physical and emotional stress ; a (بار مسئولیت ، بار و وزن)and may place the burden (دلسوزی به حال خود)person who has this kind of personality may be easily fatigued and self-pitying of physical and emotional difficulties on others)

codependency a situation in which the behavior of one person is dependent on the behavior of another , or vice versa (on a person , typically one with an illness or addiction who requires support (تکیه و اتکا)excessive emotional or psychological reliance)

cyclothymia alternating (نشاط)mild form of a manic-depressive state in which there is a cycle of feeling , such as exhilaration with depression | a mild form of manic-depressive psychosis (a mental state characterized by marked swings of mood between depression and elation | a mood disorder characterized by alternating episodes of depression and elation in a form less severe than that of bipolar disorder)

explosive behavior or physical aggressiveness (لفظی)with verbal (خشم)sudden outbursts of rage (outburst : a sudden strong expression of an emotion | a sudden short increase in an activity | eruption | paroxysm | spasm)

factitious disorder = Munchausen syndrome or (وانمود کردن ، جعل کردن)situation in which a person makes up a condition by either feigning illness or self-inducing illness (اغراق آمیز کردن)exaggerating or (نیابتی)of another person it is termed factitious illness by proxy (بابت ، از طرف)when these behaviors are done on behalf Munchausen by proxy | EXAMPLE: a mother who gives a child laxatives and seeks medical attention for the child’s diarrhea | produces symptoms of illness or feigns illness (از روی عمد ، عمدا)factitious disorder : a mental disorder in which the patient intentionally) producing , feigning , or exaggerating (از روی عمد ، عمدا)they have an illness by deliberately (مثل اینکه)condition in which a person acts as if symptoms | factitious illness by proxy : a psychiatric disorder in which a parent or other caregiver seeks attention from medical (signs or symptoms of illness in a child (ساختن ، جعل کردن)professionals by causing or fabricating

inadequacy personality disorder in which responses to any form of stress are not apathy suitable to the situation | an inadequate personality does not lack of feeling or emotion ; indifference respond suitably to situations

paranoid personality schizoid personality condition resembling but not as severe as character exhibiting behavior that resembles , but is paranoia not as severe as , schizophrenia

hysterical personality pertaining to hysteria ; this personality trait is characterized by attention-seeking behavior , excitability , and emotional instability

obsessive-compulsive personality the personality trait is characterized by a concern for perfection and orderliness and a push with vigor to accomplish goals

passive-aggressive personality disorder characterized first by nonparticipation and sullenness and later , once the person has decided to act , by aggressive and undermining activity | a person who appears to agree to do a task , yet undermines the completion of the task the indirect expression | (اخم کردن)pouting , (لجاجت)a personality disorder characterized by the passive expression of hostility and aggressiveness , as by stubbornness) stubbornness , sullenness , or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is , (تعویق)of hostility , such as through procrastination responsible) Irresistible | uncontrollable spontaneous pathological lying compulsive or impulsive lying that occurs on a regular basis ; it is a self-defeating action when the lies are resulting in negative consequences

32 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health atypical depression depression can (افسردگی)condition in which a not usual feeling of gloominess persist for a few days , then the person is fine for a while or appears state of emotional withdrawal in which an a not usual feeling of individual’s mood is pushed down | (زودرنج ، کج خلق)anxious and irritable gloominess for a few days

despondent = depression , (افسردگی ، اندوهگینی)a feeling of hopelessness , dejection ; (نوید)feeling of being without hope or promise discouragement , gloom | feeling of being without hope

difficult dys thymia spirit mild depression exhibited as being despondent ; the person is said to be down in spirit (a form of clinical depression , characterized by low-grade depression which lasts at least two years | mild chronic depression | a mood disorder characterized by chronic mildly depressed or irritable mood often accompanied by other symptoms as eating and sleeping disturbances) endogenous depression condition characterized by depression without an obvious cause ; the depression comes from inside the person | depression from within the person (a severe form of depression usually characterized by insomnia , weight loss , thought to be of internal origin and not influenced by external events)

grief grief/grieve , a variation of grave (سوگ ، غم و اندوه و غصه خوردن)descriptive term used to describe sharp mental suffering over a loss ; sorrow in which there is mental distress | sharp mental suffering over a loss of a loved one (تاسف خوردن)or regret

postpartum depression condition in which a woman exhibits symptoms of depression after she has given birth | depression that occurs after a woman has given birth

psychotic depressive reaction major reaction in which the person exhibits depression to the point where he or she has a severe loss of contact with reality | severe depression with loss of contact with reality | severe depression in which the person loses touch with reality

seasonal affective depression depression that is affected by the season of the year ; it usually occurs in the winter SAD = SADD = Seasonal Affective Dysthymia or Depressive Disorder

situational depression depression that can be associated with a situation , such as the death of a loved one , a holiday with stress , or a traumatic event such as a loss of a job , an accident , or a divorce | depression that can be associated with a particular occurrence such as a loss of job

unipolar depression condition in which the symptom of depression is the only behavior being exhibited ; this is in contrast to bipolar disorder , in which two behaviors are being exhibited | term for a depression with one behavior exhibited , as opposed to a depression with two behaviors

drug abuser alcohol (مست کردن)a person who uses drugs for a purpose for fermented liquid capable of intoxicating wine , and whiskey , (آبجو)which the drug was not intended ; EXAMPLES are beer

antidepressants chemicals group of drugs that work against or control large variety of household or industrial chemicals that can be abused ; EXAMPLES include inhaling of fumes from cleaning products , or glue , (استشمام بوی رنگ ها)depression paints

33 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health hallucinogens hypnotics group of drugs that produce the effect of preparations that have an effect of causing sleep experiencing something that does not exist | drugs that causes sleep

sedatives tranquilizers preparations that have an ability to calm preparations that produce a feeling of well-being (sedate : to tranquilize by giving a sedative ; to calm ; to soothe ; to (a drug used for making someone feel less anxious | induce sleep) well-being: a feeling of being comfortable , healthy , and happy) psychotropic drugs psychostimulants class of preparations that change the psychological or mental drugs that increase awareness of the activity of the mind | activity of the individual ; these drugs are usually prescribed preparations that increase the activity of the mind for treatment of diseases but can be abused | preparations used to change the mental reactions of an individual

addiction amnesia state of being fixed to or dependent on a particular condition in which there is a lack or loss of memory | loss substance | state of being dependent on a substance of memory (loss of memory due usually to brain injury , shock , fatigue , repression or illness)

ambivalence mental condition in which a person’s feelings are strong in two opposing directions ; good and bad feelings toward a person or object exist at the same time ; for example , love and hate | good and bad feelings at the same time toward one thing (the coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings (such as love and hate) towards a person , object or idea)

anorexia nervosa anorexia : loss of appetite , especially as a result of disease condition characterized by a loss of the desire to eat caused by a nervous reaction | loss of the desire to eat a persistent , (چاق)an eating disorder usually occurring in young women , characterized by fear of becoming obese) (to food , and severe weight loss , often causing amenorrhea and other physiological changes (بیزاری و نفرت)aversion apathy empathy ability to understand another person’s feelings because you take the lack of feeling or emotion ; indifference feeling into yourself (complete lack of emotion or motivation about a person , (empathy means the ability to understand and share the feelings of another ; and sorrow for someone (رحم و دلسوزی)activity , or object ; lack of interest or enthusiasm) whereas sympathy means feelings of pity else’s misfortune) autism to avoid meeting and talking to other people condition of being wholly self-centered(egocentric) in thought and behavior , shut off from other people and other animate to other people or animate objects (بی توجهی ، فراموش کاری)objects | self-centered obliviousness (a condition or disorder that begins in childhood and that causes problems in forming relationships and in communicating with other people | mental disorder in which language and social and relational skills are undeveloped)

تلقین به خود = autosuggestion mental activity of making a suggestion to oneself , either consciously or subconsciously , to effect(to bring about ; to cause sth to happen) a change in behavior | subconsciously suggesting to oneself a change in behavior

bulimia condition in which a person experiences extreme hunger followed by self-induced vomiting (a serious physical and emotional illness in which people and especially young women eat large amounts of food and then cause themselves to vomit in order to not gain weight | a serious eating disorder that occurs chiefly in females , is characterized by compulsive overeating usually followed by self-induced vomiting)

consciousness state of being aware of one’s own existence , thoughts , or actions ; the act of having , or being with , knowledge about oneself | awareness of one’s own existence

subconsciousness state in which activity is carried out below the level of unconsciousness awareness ; actions and mental processes are performed state of being unaware of one’s own existence of which the individual is unaware

34 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health deja vu illusion of having previously experienced something that has never occurred before (the illusion of having already experienced something actually being experienced for the first time | a feeling of having already experienced the present situation)

delirium tremens state of violent excitement accompanied by tremors ; it is commonly induced by the rapid withdrawal of alcohol from a person who is an active , frequent , and heavy user | state of violent excitement with tremors

delusion dependence (the term means to hang from something) mental condition in which a false , or not true , idea state of needing something for aid or support ; in drug as true | false idea portrayed dependence a person needs a particular drug or combination (مجسم کردن)is portrayed or perceived as true of drugs to function | state of needing something for psychic support physical drug dependence in this condition a substance has been used repeatedly to the point where the psychic drug dependence users body has become accustomed to its presence ; stopping the drug will in this condition a substance has been used repeatedly so that the cause a physical illness referred to as withdrawal syndrome dependent person considers the mental state it induces as normal

withdrawal syndrome disorientation the group of symptoms that occurs when a drug is taken away situation in which a person does not realize time , place , or (any of wide range of symptoms associated with the discontinuance of a drug personal identify | inability to realize time , place , or identify by a person who has become addicted to it)

dipsomania insomnia irresistible craving for an intoxicating drink condition in which there is an inability to to satisfy thirst sleep

extrovert (extroversion) introvert (introversion) outgoing person ; one whose feelings are turned outward description of the mental activity in which feelings are (someone who is active and confident , and who enjoys spending time with turned inward other people | a friendly person who likes being with and talking to other (someone who is quiet and shy , and does not enjoy being with other people | one people) who focuses primarily on their own mind and feelings)

egocentric egocentricity hyperactivity condition in which an individual has excessive energy self-centered self-centered person and moves around to a great degree

fixation condition in which an individual’s mental development has stopped at an early point in life or at the point at which a severe traumatic event occurred | mental development has stopped at a particular point (a kind of mental illness in which someone’s mind or emotions stop developing)

hallucination mental act that occurs while a person is awake , in which something that does not exist is experienced in the wanderings of the mind | wandering of the mind | dreams are the occurrences of mental images or thoughts during sleep

kleptomania irresistible impulse to be a thief and steal something for the sake of stealing | irresistible urge to steal (a psychological disorder that causes an uncontrollable obsession with stealing without economic or material need)

malingering (تقریبا)to have bad health and appears to be more or less (وانمود کردن)situation in which a person pretends haggard or worn out | pretending to have poor health (malinger : to pretend to be sick or injured in order to avoid doing work | to feign illness , injury , or incapacitation in order to avoid work)

35 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health narcissism ( this condition is named for a mythological character , Narcissus) practice in which an individual demonstrates self-love (excessive love or admiration of oneself | excessive love of oneself)

negativism practice by individuals in which there is a tendency to resist command , to do the opposite of what is requested , or to do nothing | tendency to resist commands by doing the opposite or doing nothing

perversion pyromania condition in which an individual is said to turn irresistible urge to set things on fire | away from what is considered to be normal | irresistible urge to start fires general term meaning turning away from normal psychosomatic illness suicide illness of the body that is influenced by the mind act of killing oneself (a disorder in which the physical symptoms are caused or genocide : the act of killing a particular race of people exacerbated by psychological factors | psychosomatic : caused by patricide : killing of one’s father mental or emotional problems rather than by physical illness) sympathy somnambulism ability to have or express the same feelings , usually practice of walking during sleep | sleep-walking a suffering of another person (the feeling of being sorry for someone who is in a bad situation)

empathy defense mechanism ability to understand another person’s feelings an unconscious mental process used to seek relief because you take the feeling into yourself from emotional conflict and anxiety ; these actions (the ability to understand other people’s feelings) are undertaken to preserve one’s own mental health compensation effort to counterbalance a deficiency or fault by stressing an attribute or quality (when a someone behaves in a particular way in order to replace something that is missing or to balance the bad effects of something | the (a psychological difficulty by developing in another direction (جبران کردن)or offsetting (پنهان کردن)process of concealing conversion Psychosomatic illness : illness of the body that is influenced by the mind act of changing a mental problem into a physical illness (a mental disorder in which physical symptoms , occur without apparent physical cause and instead appear to result from psychological problems) denial pertaining to the mechanism of refusing to believe that something stressful exists (an unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge() painful realities , thoughts , or feelings | a condition in which someone will not admit that something sad , painful , etc is true or real) displacement mental activity of transferring an emotion from one object to another (a psychological defense mechanism in which there is an unconscious shift of emotions , affect , or desires from the original object to a more acceptable or immediate substitute)

fantasize to engage in making up extravagant daydreams (dream | to imagine doing things that you are very unlikely to do)

idealization mechanism in which a person overestimates the qualities of another individual (exaggeratedly positive qualities to the self or others (نسبت دادن)a mental mechanism in which the person attributes)

36 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health identification process by which a person identifies the qualities of another person as his or her own qualities

introjection subconscious process of turning toward oneself the feelings one has for another person (the process whereby ideas of another are unconsciously incorporated into one’s own psyche)

projection mental activity of introducing one’s own faults or qualities into one’s understanding of another person (the act of imagining that someone else is feeling the same emotions as you ; for example , if you have a strong dislike for someone , you might instead believe that he or she does not like you) rationalization act of deciding that a behavior is acceptable ; an attempt to defend or justify unacceptable attitudes , feelings , or behaviors so that they appear rational or acceptable | determining that one’s own unacceptable behavior is acceptable regression act of going backward to an earlier level of development ; acting like a child (the act of returning to an earlier condition that is worse or less developed | the act of thinking or behaving as you did at an earlier time of your life , such as when you were a child) repression mental act of pushing back into the subconscious a painful idea or memory , anxiety-producing thoughts (مستثنی کردن ، مانع شدن ، راه ندادن به)a process in which a person consciously exclude) feelings , or memories)

sublimation act of diverting energy from pursuit of an immediate goal to achievement of a higher goal | diverting energy from an immediate goal to a higher goal

compensate substitution act of making up for an area of deficiency by concentrating on another goal that is more easily attainable so as to reduce frustration

suppression action of stopping an impulse , feeling , or painful thought | stopping an impulse , feeling , or painful thought (to stop yourself from showing your feelings | a process in which a person consciously excludes anxiety-producing thoughts , feelings , or memories)

junct , variation of junction adjunctive therapy behavioral therapy = behavior modification treatment added to a plan of care ; EXAMPLES include therapy used to change or modify behavior and thinking patterns ; occupational therapy , recreational therapy , and special EXAMPLES include stress management , biofeedback , and education relaxation training | therapy used to modify actions and thinking patterns

conjoint therapy crisis-intervention therapy treatment aimed at both of two individuals or a group , treatment aimed at helping an individual to come through a crisis successfully | such as a family , involved in a problem helping a person come through a major emergency

detoxification family therapy therapy aimed at removing toxins from a person ; toxins include such things as alcohol , form of treatment involving the whole family | the form of drugs , or other chemicals that have poisoned a person and are having an effect on his or her behavior treatment involving members of a person’s family

37 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health group therapy hypnosis form of treatment in which several persons with problems are inducing of a sleeplike condition during which an individual involved | a form of treatment dealing with several persons is highly susceptible to suggestions with problems at the same time

Individual’s environment milieu therapy psychoanalysis form of treatment in which an individual’s environment systematic review of the thought processes of an is controlled individual

psychodrama psychosocial rehabilitation = psychiatric therapy form of group therapy in which persons assume and act out therapy directed to restoring the thought processes and behavior of roles of suggested characters to better understand their own an individual ; the goal is to reduce symptoms of emotional mental processes disorders and improve personal and social functioning

psychosurgery treatment of mental disorders by using surgical techniques ; an psychotherapy EXAMPLE is the old procedure referred to as frontal lobotomy , the general term meaning ‘‘the treatment of mental disorders’’ cutting into of the frontal lobe of the brain

psychotropic drugs preparations used to change the mental reactions of an individual | reality-oriented therapy class of preparations that change the psychological or mental activity treatment aimed at familiarizing a person with the of the individual ; these drugs are usually prescribed for treatment of real world diseases but can be abused

shock therapy transactional analysis form of treatment in which the individual is shocked with or method of treatment in which an attempt is made to by chemicals or electrical current | inducing a state of shock understand the interplay between the individuals by electrical current or chemicals

Good luck

38 Medical Terminology CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Behavioral Health