THE LONG RESISTANCE NGUYEN KHAC VIEN THE LONG RESISTANCE 1B5B - 1975 FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING I{OUSE HANOI - 7975 Foreutortl Tbe great oictory oI tlLr, .rltritt,q oI tt17 5, i,r;/Lich led to tbe contplete liberaliott ol Sorrtb Vit/. Nan, zp:as tbe result ot' tnore thart t c(tltt .), of rtt rr,qglc aaged by tbe Vietnarncse pcopk: to tr,llrritt tbcir in:d.epsr7.r.e and freedorn. 1'bis,qlc u)(t.\ .vtcces- sioely conducted against tbc Frcnch, t.bL' Japaruese occilp(ttion troops, /l.tost ol Cltirrttg Kai, sbek, British troops, aurl lrt.stly Altt'ricttt lrtrcc.r. It TDent througb matt1, .t/d.q.t. Wltilt: t/.tr' r'ttlirc Viet- nd,mese people took, pttrt itt il trt tll litttt's,'poLit- ical line aclopted, lik.c tl.n' tttt'll.torlt of rrctiott oruL tbe prospects for thc fttttrtt'. rliffr'rt'rl ftc,ttt onc stage to another accorrlitt.g to t/tr' sotitrl, par.sonalities, orgdnizdtion.r rturl Darli,'s tl /|tt hentl of thc national tilou(lilent. ln tbi.s /.took. u.:t: lty lo attul..ysc tbis cotnplex and cocntfrrl ptriorl. a'lLic/.t i., but arz introductory steD to Vict Nan'.r coil/()/)tpor(try bistory. Hanoi, lune r975 Contents I - The Loss of Independence 9 II - The Establishment of the Colonial Regime (r897-r9r8) z6 III - Economic Transfotmations and First Lanrlaratks of the National and Democratic Revolution (tgr9-r929) 47 IV - From the Economic Depression to World lVar II.
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