Document of Expertise
JULY 2019 KNOW-HOW AND REFERENCES YTES YTES is a consulting agency specialized in European funding. YTES was founded in February 2005 in Lille, close to Brussels, by Alexandra Debaisieux. In 2007, a second office was opened in Strasbourg. Since March 2016, YTES has joined the D.L. DEVEOPPEMENT Group to extend its activity across the country and in French overseas departments. D. L DEVELOPPEMENT is an auditing and operational consulting company for companies and associations, specialized in reducing expenses (payroll, general and financial expenses, taxes) and in seeking private and public funding. YTES comes from the Finnish word, “yhteys”, which means “link”. For YTES consultants, developing a European project and receiving funding for its realization means creating links and synergies between different European actors of all kinds in order to support their cooperation and their capacity to work together. Since 2011, we also advise associations for the development of corporate fundraising strategies. OUR PARTNERS YTES is a member of initiativesETcité which is the 1st French cluster of social enterprises structuring a support sector for local and sustainable development. InitiativesEtcité gathers 19 enterprises that offer a large panel of services towards local actors (associations, local authorities, elected representatives, inhabitants, chief executives…). The cluster is leader of the “Lille MétroPôle solidaire” project; Territorial Pole of Economic Cooperation promoted by Lille Métropole. The cluster won the national call for proposals: “Support the dynamics of Territorial Poles of Economic Cooperation” (2013). YTES is also part of the Cross-border Economic cooperation pole KaleidosCOOP, based in Strasbourg. Actors of KaleidosCOOP are developing in partnership for several years’ innovative projects in response to the specific needs of the territory: boosting cross-border employment, promotion and support of the social economy, development support to entrepreneurship.
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