Volume 2009 - Issue 4 Page 1 Volume 2009 Issue 4 $5.95 AMERICAN SUBMARINER OUR CREED: “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifi ce be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution” Just another Sub Vet See Page 2 Receive your American Submariner Electronically - More magazine, delivered earlier. Send an E-mail to
[email protected] requesting the change Page 2 American Submariner JUST ANOTHER SUB VET The 22nd of October was the normal meeting day for the San Diego WW-II Sub Vets. The USSVI (United States Submarine Veterans Inc) Sub Vets of LA Pasadena, Bowfi n, Scamp, San Diego, Trieste, and Bonefi sh Bases had arranged a little surprise ceremony for their elder WW-II “Brothers of the Phin”. It was meant to be a simple ceremony with maybe 25 Shipmates in attendance. Back row L-R: Dale Barkley, Harlan DeGood, Warren Krentz, It all came about as a result of Mike Williamson, Base Com- Bob Oswald, Johnny Meyer, Art Carter, Michael Bircumshaw, mander of Bonefi sh Base in Redlands, California feeling that Kent Weekly, Len Heiselt, Bob Cox, Bob Miller, Captain Paul the plaque on the Roncador memorial monument at the Sub Marconi. Front row L-R: George Kinnison, Bob Bissonette, Base in San Diego was not quite adequate. Well, it was the MCPON Rick West, Mike Williamson, C.J. Glassford size of an envelope - does it get any better than that? cret, to the WW-II Sub Vets, about the plaque and its recent Mike set about rallying the Bases in WD6 (USSVI Western placement.