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Issued Weekly. fllternd m Second-Clam Matter it tbe l'o»t- VOLUME LII, NO. 32. ottcc at Rid Bunt. N. J., under lt» Act of Harcli 0, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAH PAGES 1 TO WOiAN^OUBJVENTS. A SIGN OF PROSPERITY, DOMINIE IN A SMASH-t. NEW BILLING METHOD. HEADS CALDWELL ,MNK. Nest Wednesday, Febru- Telephone Toll Churgc Bills to he WERRENRATH TO APPEAR ary 12th, Lincoln's Birth- Rendered Wechly. TOBMER BED BANK BOY WINS LUNCHEON AT UTTXE SILVJEB day, will be a holiday. THE SEACOAST IKON WORKS ItEvl HARBY UOSSIN HURT IN AMOUS BARITONE TO SING UN- AN ORDINANCE (iEI'S A new method of rendering tele- DESEKVED PH0MOT1ON. NEXT TUESDAY, The Red Bank Register A COLLISION. phone bills will be instituted next DER OWN MANAGEMENT. TO THIS EFFECT. will be printed nest Tues- month according to an annouricc- James S. Throckrnorton, Son of Mr. It Will ha Known as a "Flvc-Flnger" t'heso Joba Aggregate $50,000 and the The Car In Which Ho Was Riding Concert to bo Presented Tuesday, It Passed Its First Heading ui » Company Has Added Twenty Em- ment made by George H. Merrill, nnd Mrs. John S. ThrocHmortmt, la Luncheon—Valentino Curd Party day night instead of on Was Owned by H, M. Brower of]•manager for the company at Red Marclt nth, at St. James Auditor- Meeting of tie Mayor ana Ceuneil the New President of Urn Cltlselifi February * 14th—Talks on Legisla- Wednesday morning, as ployees to Its I'iiyroll—Addition to Wtttt Long Branch and It Was Him ium—His Representative Reports a of Red Bank Monday l%Jst~Ho tion February 28th. , bo Built to I'lant, Into by State Troopers. Bank. Instead of sending all bills National BanK'e^Caldwell. usual. ut on the first of each month the Big Demand for Tickets. dates at Railroad Crossing, James S. Throckmorton, formerly Mrs. O. O.'Padelford, chairman of Advertisers are requested The Seacoast Iron Works company, Rev. Harry Itossin Is laid up at his subscribers' accounts will be divided A large and enthusiastic demand At the meeting of tho mayor and ot Hed Bank, has been elected Tires- tho civics committee of the New Jer- to hand in their advertise- which has its plant on Oakland homo, at Pine Brook, near Tin ton Into six different groups with a sep- or tickets for the concert to bo glv- council of Red Bank on Monday Idcnt of the Citizens national bank of sey, federation of Women's clubs, street at Red Bank, has added twen- Falls, with, Injuries which he re- late billing date for each group. m in St. James's hall on Tuesday tilRht the first reading of an ordi- , Caldwoll, in ESBOX county, which ta gava a general talk on civics and ments not later than next ty employees who live at Red Bank ceived one night last week. Rev. Mr. These dates are the 1st, 6th, 11th, jvening, March lltli, by Reinald nance was passed to buy an Inciner- the leading bank In that part of New community work at last week's meet- Tuesday night at six' and vicinity to Its payroll during Robsin ia pastor of a Seventh Day 16th, 21st and 26th ot each month. iVerrenrath, baritone, has developed ator for tho disposal of garbago at Jersey. He had been cashier .of tha Ing of the Ltttlo Silver Woman's o'clock in order to insure ho-past week in order to provide for '/.dventlst church at Asbury Park. Under the old method the bills in- iccordlng to Mr. Werrenrath's repre- a cost not to exceed $50,000. The or- bank since it was formed in 1009. club. A program waa given consist- structural contracts recently re- On the day he was hurt Mr. Rossin cluded one month's service charge in ientative. dmanco was recommended by Coun- ing of vocal solos by Mrs. Bronson "their insertion in nest ceived. Tho company is no\^ em- attended a religious meeting at New- Mr. Throckmorton la a eon of Mr. week's issue of* The Regis- idvaneo and toll charges up to tho Tho famous artist will sing under cilman Robert A. Kennedy end It oni) Mrs. John 8. Throckmorton of Butler of Holmdel and piano solod ploying 35 men. It is making esti- ark. On the Way home, after getting twentieth of the preceding month, Ms own management, the Arthur was unanimously passed. Council- Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank. Ha by Mrs. Jcsslo Sponcer of Llttlo Sli- ter. mates on a great deal of other work off the train nt Red Bank, he rode Tho new plan will include the Tuds"on corporation, one of the larg- man Thomas M. Gopslll waa absent. |3 a aclf-mado man, and hla HBQ to ver. Mrs. HSnry Mader was chair- o ba done In this part of New Jer- to the Tinton Falls road, near Eaton- month's service charge in advance, ist booking firms in the world of man of tho refreshment committee. Correspondents should sey in the spring, and If only a small town, on a bus. Ho started to walk The third reading; wan passed for his present position was accom- tut all other charges will bo brought : today and for many years the the ordinance on the budget of ex- plished without the aM of a eollcKo On February 11th a "flve-flnger" also send in their news percentage of these contracts are re- home from this place, when he met up to the date of the bill. The new managers of the Philadelphia sym- ceived it Is certain that the company H. M. Erowcr of West Long Branch, penses. Tho amount to bo raised by education, or even a complete high luncheon will bo held at,, tho club- items earlier than usual for 'ills will be made out on a billing phony orchestra. It will not be spon- taxation ia $220,000, which ia $8,450 school education. He attended the house on Willow drive. Mrs. Edward will have to add many employees. who was driving nn automobile and machine instead of by hand. lored by tho Red Bank Woman's publication in The Register who gave a ride to Mr. Rossin as less than last yenr. little old aclioolhouso on Mechanic A. Bowman is chairman of tho com- Milton O'Haver, the manager of :!ub as had been previously stated. The first reading of an ordinance street, when the1 late R. VanDyUo mittee In charge of tho events. She for the next issue. the'Seacoast plant, predicts that the far as McLean's corner, near Tinton R. W. Robinson, a pc'rsonal friend Falls, v.ns passed to Increase tho salary of lield was principal. will bo assisted by Miss Annie Laurie, coming spring, summer and fall will f Mr. Werrcnrath. is representing Mis. Julia M. Kcougli, (ho boroti'iU Mr. Throckmorton had a desire to Mrs. Edward Simpson, Mrs. Bronson be the most prosperous that Mon- Mr. Rossin was getting out of the FIRE1EN CLEARED $500. he Judson bureau in directing the collector, from ?2,fi00 to 53,000 ami' leave school and go out into tho Butler, Mrs. J. Hllllard, Miss May mouth county and the central section car at tliis corner when Mr. Brower's :oncert. Mr. Robinson, who lias had to increase the salary of Assessor world to earn his living boforo hla Uendrlckaon and Mrs. B. J. Wlllard. WELCOME FOR A SOLDIER, of New Jersey have ever known. He r.utomobile \va3 hit by a Buick au- Til CIH ANNUAL BALL LAST .(in years experience in tho business, George W. Bray from $1,500 to $1,800, parents were willing for him to do A business meeting will follow and IH willing to stake his reputation as tomobile, in which several state 3 now a resident of Red Bank. Mr. thoro will bo a motion picture show WEEK WAS A BIG SUCCESS. A letter was received from A, W. so! He woa a Register newsboy in a business prophet that there will be troopor3 were riding. The Buick car Robinson states that the calls for Jainicon of Manasquan advocRtiiiii Ills early youth. Ono day, whon hla with Mrs. Fred Haslcr In charge. WILBUR WILLETT IS HOME a tremendous amount of building was going at a fast rate of speed In ickets from residents of this vicinity Tho Smolio Shop Was Decorated the extension of St. Mary's place to father walked through tho business A Valentino card party will be held FROM NICARAGUA. operations in this part of the state the tame direction as Mr. Brower's nd from Long Branch, Ashury Park, Erldge avenue. At present St Mary's section of Red Bank, ho wao sur- Friday afternoon, February 14th, at during the ensuing year. automobile. Mr. Rossin had one foot With Shields, iTIromen'B Helmels ...u **u... ~~.lt, ,......„, n^mi, > »i,,, j.nugeavenue. At present tjt Mary a prised to nnd his eon sweeping off a half-past two 'o'clock, at the club- A Duck and Opossum Dinner Wan Mr. O'Haver scoffs at pessimistic or the ground and one foot on the nnd American Flags—George A. Freehold and other towns have been | rl.ico is a dead-end ntrcet cxtendln- Moody, Jr., Was Chairman. jeyond expectations. He anticipates eastward from Shrewsbury avenue. crosswalk on Broad street. In thoso house. Mrs. Frank Giles Is in charge Given for Him and Hla Relatives talk about the Wall street stock mar- running board of the cur when the hat a capacity house will greet the Mr.