WHITLOW and ITS TREATMENT. [Talrjral 423 2
FIB. 24, 19o6.] WHITLOW AND ITS TREATMENT. [TaLrJRAL 423 2. Oral Sepsis in Relation to the Oceurrence of, the subsequent occurrence !ofl- tonsillitis, of., adenitis, and Secondary An?yina.-In 60 per cenit. of. -tlle eases having especially has undo,ubtedly', ,itflueneed the, severity. qf this oral sepsis ill whichl complicationss occurird, the oral the complications afterwards.- sepsis was noted to be very severe. The last ease I 'have The.practical outcome,.irrespective of imere etatistical lescribed to you illustrates that very wel Here is imy. considerations as to, whetler oral. sepsis, .:d,oes or niote of it. Rashi, moderate; aniginia, moderate:; adenitis, does not influence scarlet fever, is. tbat it. is absolutely moderate. Yet the one fact noted in connexion with' that necessary -to remove ;even, the -chance of it doing so. is that there was the severest degree of oral sepsis, witlh Therefore it is .to me a; very impiortant duty, in all cases an ab§cess rounid onle of her teethl. Tle 'subsequeint' course of fever coming under mny care, to ,endeavour to,eliminate of thi§ case was the severest angina, thek sevlerest adentitis, this factor as far ;as possible. So,L;ddilnot wait to find out and the severest cellulitis. She also 'iad' vomiting, and wlhat it is goinig to do, but. I remo.ve it,., as I .should she had diarrhloea, denoting " septic gastritis " and " septic remove any other possible source of.. trouble, just as I enteritis," anld afterwards lhyperpyrexia occurred and should give the patient fresh air, good food, or see that he deatlh.
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