National Register of Historic Places Weekly Lists for 1992
United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE P.O. BOX 37127 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20013-7127 IN aEPLy a£F£K TO: The Director of the Natlonal Park service is pleased to Inform you that the fol lowing properties have been entered In the National Register of Historic Places. For further Information cal I 202/343-9542. JAN 3 1992 WEEKLY LIST OF ACTIONS TAKEN ON PROPERTIES: 12/23/91 THROJc:>1 12/27/91 KEY: state. county, ProPerty Name. Address/soundary, City, vicinity, Reference Nuntier N-IL status. Action, Date, MUitipie Name ARIZONA. c.ocoNINO co..NTY. Fjrst Baptist church, 123 s. Beaver St .• Flagstaff. 91001576, IIOMINATION, 12/23/91 ARIZONA, COCONINO COl.NTY. Pendley Homestead Historic District. us 89-A, 7 ml.Nor Sedona. Sedona vicinity, 91001857, NOMINATION, 12/23/91 CALIFORNIA, ALAMEDA COlNTY, The Bellevue-Staten. 492 Staten Ave .. 0akland. 91001896, NOMINATION. 12/27/91 CALIFORNIA, ORANOE CQU,ITY, Casa Romantica. 415 Avenlda cranada, San Clemente. 91001900. NOMINATION, 12/27/91 COLORADO, MONTEZUMA CQU,ITY, Mancos High school, 350 crand AVe., Mancos. 91001740. NOMINATION, 12/23/91 IDAHO. CARIBCX.J cou,rry_ Largllliere, Edgar waiter sr. HOuse. 30 west second south st .• soda Springs. 91001870. NOMINATION. 12/23/91 INDIANA, MARION oou,rTY. St. Clair. 109 w. ~t. Clair St., Indianapolis, 83000085. REMOVAL. 12/04/91 (Apartments and Flats of oowntown Indianapolis TR) IOWA. ALLAMAKEE cou,rry, Lans jng Fisher les Bui !ding. Between co. HWy. X-52 and the Miss lss lppi R.. south uns ing. Lans Ing, 91001832. NOMINATION, 12/23/91 <conservation Movement in 1owa MPS) IOWA.
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