KERN RIVER PARKWAY PLANT LIST (Only Plant Species Permitted for Projects Within the Kern River Parkway Area - Includes Streetscape and Parking Lots)
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KERN RIVER PARKWAY PLANT LIST (only plant species permitted for projects within the Kern River Parkway area - includes streetscape and parking lots) Scientific Name Common Name Type Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf maple Large tree Acer negundo ssp, californicum California box elder Large tree Aesculus californica California buckeye Large tree Alnus rhombifolia White alder Large tree Amelanchier pallida Western service berry Shrub or small tree Artemisia californica Coastal sage Shrub or small tree Artostaphlos densiflora Manzanita Shrub or small tree Artostaphlos glauca Manzanita Shrub or small tree Artostaphlos manzanita Manzanita Shrub or small tree Artostaphlos parryi Manzanita Shrub or small tree Atriplex lentiformis Quailbush Shrub or small tree Baccharis glutinosa Mulefat Shrub or small tree Baccharis pilularis "Twin Peaks" Dwarf coyote bush Flowering herb or groundcover Baccharis pilularis ssp. consanquinea Coyote bush Shrub or small tree Calycanthus occidentalis Western spice bush Shrub or small tree Carpenteria californica Tree anemone Shrub or small tree Castanopsis spp. Chiquapin Shrub or small tree Ceanothus cunneatus Ceanothus Shrub or small tree Ceanothus gloriosos Navarro ceanothus Flowering herb or groundcover Ceanothus griseus Carmel creeper Flowering herb or groundcover Ceanothus integerrimus Ceanothus Shrub or small tree Ceanothus leucodermis Ceanothus Shrub or small tree Ceanothus purpureus Ceanothus Shrub or small tree Ceanothus thrysiflorus Blue blossom Shrub or small tree Ceanothus thrysiflorus Ceanothus Shrub or small tree Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonwillow Shrub or small tree Cerciduim floridum Blue palo verde Shrub or small tree Cercis occidentallis Western redbud Shrub or small tree Cercocarpus betuloides Mountain-mahogeny, birchleaf Shrub or small tree Cercocarpus ledifolius Curl-leaf mountain-mahogeny Shrub or small tree Chilopsis linearis Desert willow Shrub or small tree Cowania mexicana stansburirna Cliff rose Shrub or small tree Dendromecon rigida Bush poppy Shrub or small tree Diplacus species Monkey flowers Shrub or small tree Encelia californica California bush sunflower Shrub or small tree Encelia farinosa Desert encelia Shrub or small tree Encelia virginensis Mountain bush sunflower, brittlebush Shrub or small tree Eriogonum arborescens Santa Cruz island buckwheat Shrub or small tree Eriogonum crocatum Conejo buckwheat Flowering herb or groundcover Fallugia paradoxa Apache plume Shrub or small tree Fraxinus dipetela Foothill ash Large tree Fraxinus latifolia Oregon ash Large tree Fraxinus velutina Arizona ash Large tree Fraxinus velutina "coriacea" Leather leaf ash Large tree Fremontia californica Flannel bush Shrub or small tree Fremontondendron Flannel bush Shrub or small tree Garrya elliptica James roof silktassel Shrub or small tree Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Shrub or small tree Heuchera maxima Island alum root Flowering herb or groundcover Iris douglasiana Coast iris Flowering herb or groundcover Isomeris arborea Bladder pod Shrub or small tree Lupinus albifrons Lupine Shrub or small tree Mahonia aquifolium Oregon grape Shrub or small tree KERN RIVER PARKWAY PLANT LIST (only plant species permitted for projects within the Kern River Parkway area - includes streetscape and parking lots) Scientific Name Common Name Type Mahonia nervosa Lingleaf Shrub or small tree Mahonia nevinii Nevin's barberry Shrub or small tree Mahonia pinnata California grape holly Shrub or small tree Mimulus aurantiacus Shrubby monkey flower Shrub or small tree Penstemon azureus Penstemons Flowering herb or groundcover Penstemon centranthifolius Penstemons Flowering herb or groundcover Penstemon eatonii Penstemons Flowering herb or groundcover Penstemon heterophyllus Penstemons Flowering herb or groundcover Penstemon palmeri Penstemons Flowering herb or groundcover Penstemon pseudospectabilis Penstemons Flowering herb or groundcover Penstemon spectabilis Penstemons Flowering herb or groundcover Pinus sabiniana Gray pine (digger) Large tree Platanus racemosa California sycamore Large tree Populus fremontii Fremont cottonwood Large tree Populus trichocarpa Black cottonwood Large tree Prosopis juliflora Mesquite Shrub or small tree Prunus ilicifolia Holly-leaf cherry Shrub or small tree Prunus lyonii Island cherry Shrub or small tree Quercus douglassii Blue oak Large tree Quercus dumosa Scrub oak Shrub or small tree Quercus engelmannii Englemann oak Large tree Quercus kellogii California black oak Large tree Quercus lobata Valley oak Large tree Quercus wislizenii Interior live oak Large tree Rhamnus californica Coffeeberry Shrub or small tree Rhus integrifolia Lemonadeberry Shrub or small tree Rhus ovata Sugar bush Shrub or small tree Romneya coulteri Matillja poppy Shrub or small tree Rosa woodsii ultramontana Desert rose Shrub or small tree Salix exigua Narrowleaf willow Shrub or small tree Salix goodingii Tree willow Large tree Salix hindsiana Sandbar willow Shrub or small tree Salix laevigota Red willow Large tree Salix lasiolepedis Arroyo willow Large tree Salvia apiana White sage Shrub or small tree Salvia clevelandii San Diego sage Shrub or small tree Salvia leucophylla Purple sage Shrub or small tree Salvia mellifera Black sage Shrub or small tree Sambucus caerulea Blue elderberry Large tree Sambucus mexicana Elderberry Shrub or small tree Simmondsia chinensis Jojoba Shrub or small tree Solanum xantii Purple nightshade Shrub or small tree Staneya pinnata Princes plume Shrub or small tree Trichostema lanatum Wooly blue curls Flowering herb or groundcover Umbellaria californica California bay Large tree Vitis californica Wild grape Shrub or small tree Vitis girdiana Wild grape Shrub or small tree Zauschneria californica California fuchsia Flowering herb or groundcover Zauschneria cana California fuchsia Shrub or small tree.