Vegetation Classification, Descriptions, and Mapping of The
Vegetation Classification, Descriptions, and Mapping of the Clear Creek Management Area, Joaquin Ridge, Monocline Ridge, and Environs in San Benito and Western Fresno Counties, California Prepared By California Native Plant Society And California Department of Fish and Game Final Report Project funded by Funding Source: Resource Assessment Program California Department of Fish and Game And Funding Source: Resources Legacy Fund Foundation Grant Project Name: Central Coast Mapping Grant #: 2004-0173 February 2006 Vegetation Classification, Descriptions, and Mapping of the Clear Creek Management Area, Joaquin Ridge, Monocline Ridge, and Environs in San Benito and Western Fresno Counties, California Final Report February 2006 Principal Investigators: California Native Plant Society staff: Julie Evens, Senior Vegetation Ecologist Anne Klein, Vegetation Ecologist Jeanne Taylor, Vegetation Assistant California Department of Fish and Game staff: Todd Keeler-Wolf, Ph.D., Senior Vegetation Ecologist Diana Hickson, Senior Biologist (Botany) Addresses: California Native Plant Society 2707 K Street, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95816 California Department of Fish and Game Biogeographic Data Branch 1807 13th Street, Suite 202 Sacramento, CA 95814 Reviewers: Bureau of Land Management: Julie Anne Delgado, Botanist California State University: John Sawyer, Professor Emeritus TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. 1 BACKGROUND...........................................................................................................................................
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