2011 – Northern Sierra Nevada Foothills Vegetation Mapping Report
Northern Sierra Nevada Foothills Vegetation Project: Vegetation Mapping Report Prepared by: John Menke, Ed Reyes, and Debbie Johnson And Aerial Information Systems 112 First St. Todd Keeler-Wolf and Rosie Yacoub, Redlands, CA 92373 Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program Julie Evens and Kendra Sikes, Department of Fish and Game Vegetation Program 1807 13th Street, Suite 202 California Native Plant Society Sacramento, CA 95811 2707 K Street, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95816 February 2011 Acknowledgements: We are grateful to the following agencies and organizations for financially supporting this effort: California Department of Fish and Game’s Wildlife Conservation Board, Resources Legacy Fund Foundation, and Sierra Nevada Conservancy. We want to thank individuals at AIS who provided GIS services from photo-interpretation to map compilation: John Fulton, Arin Glass, Anne Hepburn, Mike Nelson, Ben Johnson, Janet Reyes, Lisa Morse, and Lisa Cotterman. We also thank the following CNPS staff who provided GIS and field expertise during the map accuracy assessment: Jennifer Buck, Rebecca Crowe, Melinda Elster, Betsy Harbert, Theresa Johnson, and Lisa Stelzner, and in particular Suzanne Harmon and Danielle Roach. We are indebted to the CDFG staff who provided significant input and field checks: Rachelle Boul, Melanie Gogul-Prokurat, Diana Hickson, Anne Klein, Cynthia Roye, Steve Schoenig, and Jerrad Swaney. Table of Contents Introduction....................................................................................................................................1
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