Convicts Darwin of 2Nd Deg Ree Murder

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Convicts Darwin of 2Nd Deg Ree Murder .U.' ... ;; * ■ .. Pi»^.s£tTEEN TUESDAY, MARCH. 84, 1964 / Average Defly Net Preea Ron i iianrlf^Btpr ^aj^ning For the Week ended ■ T h e - ^ March, 31, JM4 Fure— t at V . B. \ Ths Holy Family Retreat Mrs. Francla Aldrich at Wad' Bartbotemsw's Church, with pariah houN of Son BvanfeHe- Lmizuele will meet toniiiit at 8 Student Tickets dril; Hip. William Mohr at confssslons from 4 to 5:80 snd ai Lutheran Church at 7 p.m. ramiNT Oleiilty. e iiL ^ e |^]out Town at the Knights Of Columbus Washington, and Mrs. Robert -13,922 Services Set 7:80 to 0 pjn. Mtess will be Araa Catholic diurch ssrvlcss S Mid M y i . l i ^ M«nb«r at the Audit cMuce ef ONwera. LqW.jfiB Home. An officers, parish chali^ For ‘Rigoletto’ Donnelly at Nathan Hate. celebrated at 6:80 {un. at S t Vcmban of tho Htdy^amo men anid "fishermen" are re> Mrs. Powell and Mra James tomorrow taiotade St. Francis cf Burraa at Obm iUtta Boeltty of 8 t Jornos* C3iurieh Jamas' Church, and confessions AstisI Church, South W ln ^ . 86 ludb idM#, ptdM M n, High «#■. ; minded to attend. To Go on Sale LeSure will sell tickets tomor­ In Churches will bs hsard from 8:80 to 0:30 Mtmehmatmr^A City of ViUagm Charm art^Nmlnded to contact John row for the matinee to Grade 7 Mass at 8:46 am. and 7:16 p. SUAds, «8 BattiaU Rd., to vol- and 7:30 to 8 p.m. S t John’s m.; Sacred Hefirt CSiurch, Ver­ WILOON DRUi CO. The publicity committee and 8 students at Dllng Junior Tomorrow soms of the Polish NaUonal Catholic Ml Mala MMMl nntaar for Adorations on Good Two special performances of High School. Mrs. Francis Hri- non, Maas at 6 pm. TxUky moRita«. the Junior Century Club "Rlgoletto’ by Verdi will be churches in Manchester and the Church wQl have Bitter Lamen­ TOU Lzagn. MO. 14» (TWrorr-WaHT fAOZS. ^ 0 zzcnoiw ) MAKCHZgTZR, CONN, WKDNMDAY, MARCH IS 19M («u -«w ^ ^ h, Manchester will meet tonight frick will sell matinee tickets tations at 7 pm. Services in Protestant church­ PRICE SEVEN ven at Bushnell Memorial, to Grade 7 and 8 pi^ils and Burrounding area will begin es Include S t George’s Episco­ Tho Women's Fellowahip of at 8:S0 at tlie home of Mrs. artford, for Manchester stu­ Protestant church seivicss Charles McKenxie, 177 Gardner g tickets for the evening perform­ Holy Week obeervances. pal Ohimsh, Boltcm, Holy Com­ aWsi tlM Second ConsrsgaUon&l dents, by the Connecticut Operaance to Grade 9 pupils at Bm- Catholics ars reminded that tomorrow wUl include a prayer munion at 10 a.m.; St. .John's CSnmdi wlD hold a workshop S t Guild. On Monday, April 6 at they may receive Holy Com­ and praise service s i 7:80 p,m. 3:30 p.m., a slightly condensed net Junior High School. Episcopal Church, Vernon. Holy meeting tomomirw at 10 am . In Mrs. James LeSure will sell munion on any of the last days at the Oiurrii of the Nasarene; Obmmiinion at 7 and 10 a.m. McArthur Alert, Speaking^ Ftilowahlp Ban. David E. Baker, son of Mr. version of the opera will be of Lent by fasting from solid Ctelvaiy Church has scheduled and Mrs. Vance D. Baker, 28S given for. Grades 6, 7 and 8, tickets Thursday, during lunch hour, at Manchester High foods for three hours and from a prayer, praise and BOrie stu­ PAINTINGS STOLEN Porter St., was elected a state with commentary by Ivor Hugh. liquids for one hour. Holy Sat­ dy for 8 p.m.; there will be an councilor of the Connecticut A complete evening perform- School, for the matinee and eve­ MILAN, Italy. (AP) — While ning performance, to all stu­ urday 1s a full day of Lent, and Ujqier Room silent supper for State Society, Children of the suice will be given Wednesday, the regulations of fqat and ab­ women at 0:80 p.m. at North industrialist Mario Busclni Progress Rated Favorable Convicts Darwin dents at the high school, includ­ was at a soccer game, burglars Personal Notices American Revolution, at an an­ April 8 at 7:16 p.m. for high stinence are to be observed. and junioi high students. ing Grade 9 pupils of lUing Methodist Ci|iuroh; Holy Com­ broke Into his apartment and nual conference laet Saturday Junior High. At the Church of the As- munion wtti given at 6 and XO OPEN AM IN! at Waverly Inn, Cheshire. Matinee tickets will be sold took three paintings valued at Card Of Thanks Pupils of East Catholic High sumpUon, there will be Mass at a.m. at St. Mary’s Episcopsl $208,0C3 police reported Monday. WASHINGTON (AP) — “He la alert and converalng."*room of the Walter Reed Army Baker, a member of the Elihu tomorrow at elemenUiry schools. 7:45 a.m. tomorrow, and con­ Chfirch, and evening prayer at Under questioning, Campbell Medical Center, probably for We wijii to tfaenk our many Drake Society of Windsor, was The price will inci'ude chaper­ School may obtain tickets at Tho paintings wore "The Na­ 4M Hartford Rood Following out his own friends for their klndneu and aym- the school music department. fessions will be heard from 3 to 7 Concordia Lutheran tivity’’ by Venetian Francesco promise "to do the very said his language meant the 84- few days. pathy, noral and eplritual boil- also elected delegate to a na­ oned bus fare to and from Hart­ 5:30 and 7:30 to 9 pJn. There Caiurch, 7:80 p.m.. the Older of year.oId general was doing When his condition warrants, qaeta, care, drivers, meseajres. and tional convention In April at ford. Pupils will be excused early Guardi, "The Rape of Europe" vartous coortealee durlnc our re will be no high school instruc­ Public Confession; registration by a Flemish artist -•-<»d best I can,’’ General of the better than the average of the general will be ratumed to oeiat bereavem ent the Sheraton-Park Hotel and returned to their schools K of C Setback tion class. Maas will be cele­ 3b7MMdltTplia.Watf Army Douglas MacArthur patients who have been through his suits at rooms in the Ward Washington, D. C. about 6 p.m. for Communion on Good Friday Heinz, and a work of the Flem­ Of 2nd Degree Murder The HcOooe family brated at 6:15 and 9 am. at S t and Easter may be made at the ish school of Utrecht. was reported "alert” today the same kind of experience. 8 section, reserved by the Army Tickets for the evening per­ Doves, 2,290; Esquires, 2.211; The new report followed ear­ for Its most important patients. hfiss Susan Brown of 50 Oak- formance will be sold Thursday HHLCO, 2,147k Eighth District, and making satisfactory Sometime after his return, he Card Of Thanks outside the cafeteria at Man­ regress in recovery from lier word from doctors that W e wish to thank all of our neiah- wood Rd. and Miss Elizabeth 2,109; Markhams. 2,100; Ram­ whils the ouUook 1s sUU "guard­ will be allowed visitors. bora, friends, and relativea for the McLegmn of 65 Oxford St. left chester High Bchool. Bus fare blers, 2,087; North Ends, 2,067, 8tie shock of two major op­ ed," MacArthur was ‘nbetter A long hospitalUatlon is not many acts of kindnees and sym ­ by plane Saturday for a week will be included in the price. and Shamrocks, 2,022. than ws had any right to hope contemplated at present. Events pathy shown US in our recent be­ Financial aid for the perform­ erations in 17 days. reavement We eepeclally thank the In Bermuda They were accom­ High singles. Doves, 142, and Col, Donald A. Campbell, ex­ for.” MacArthur, who holds ths Life Sentence Special Care TTnlt of Maacheater panied by their roommate. Miss ances Is given by the Hartford Shamrocks, 107. At 10:15 a.m., a single sen­ Memorial Hospital and Drs. Thom­ Foundation for Public Giving, ecutive oHlctr of Walter Reed five-star rank of general of the Susan Zietz of Ridgewood, N. J. Army Medical Center, eald at tence was added to the brief Army, was 4n the recovery room as and Horiarty, and all those yrtm The girls are sophomores at the Hartford Bank and Trust In State To Be Given sent the beautiful floral tributes, Co., and Society for Savings. 8:50 a.m.; "Qen. MacArthur earlier report: "A snnall soon after surgery when ward apwitual bouquets, and sympathy Upsala College, East Orange, eontinuex to progroM RaUBfac- amount of food by mouth was personnel heard him say: “I am oards and loaned the use ot cars. N. J. Mrs. Theodore Powell, Man­ The Rooney family torily, indicating a better than started today.” going to do the very best I On April 7 chester chairman for the per­ sveraga poztKiperative courM. can.” formances, announced that A hospital spokesman said Eleventh Arrest In Memoriam The Gilbert and Sullivan Fogarty Brothors, this appeared to indicate "very MacArthur was recovering By A. J. o m n iA S I to lovlnK m em oir of laaae Bell, Workshop win meet tomorrow tickets will be sold tomorrow fine progress, but It was pre­ from a gall bladder operation erho died March af, 1994. at 7:30 p.m. at Cooper Hall, by Mrs. George Dickey at Bow­ In Roads Probe: ers School; Mrs. Norman Rich­ Inc. sumed that the intravenous March 6 and the Jaundice which Roy F.
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