Mini Business World Teacher FAQs

What is a MINI Business World? What will my students do for Through fun and engaging hands-on activities and the day? dynamic speakers and guests, your students will • Students are broken into “companies” where leave our one-day MINI Business World program they will split into departments, including ad- with a stronger understanding of what it takes to ministration, production, marketing and finance. start a small business, the power of the free-enter- As a team, students will brainstorm an idea, prise system and with a firmer grasp on economic develop a product and discuss the best ways to and financial literacy. finance and market their idea. The day will end with a lively product tradeshow where the com- How much does the MINI Business panies will try to convince “investors” to fund World cost my school? their start-up. Because our programs are funded by generous • Why ? Students will watch a short donors and business partners, we only ask school video on some of the cool things that are made districts to provide the transportation to and from the right here Wisconsin. With workforce being one school to the venue where the MINI is held. All sup- of the key issues for employers, we want stu- plies, materials, lunches and snacks are provided by dents to discover all the reasons to stay and Wisconsin Business World and our supporters. work right here in our great state! We will finish off the video with an epic game of The Price is What are my responsibilities Right – Wisconsin Style, where the companies as a teacher during the MINI will against each other to guess the Business World? prices of Wisconsin-made products. Many teachers choose to participate in the day, • Finally, students will participate in a free-market acting as advisors to the students as they plan their trade exchange game, and will learn the values company launch and as final judges during the and importance of our free-market economy. final competition. But, it’s not required! You are able to participate as much, or as little, as you would like Do we need to bring along during the program. However, we request that you chaperones? stay nearby should we need assistance with one of Wisconsin Business World does not require chaper- your students. ones, but please refer back to your district for your own specific field trip requirements.

The Wisconsin Business World Program is the flagship program of the WMC Foundation. Founded in 1982, more than 20,000 future business leaders have participated in our programming. For more information, please contact Michelle Grajkowski, Business World Manager, at (608) 661-6904, or [email protected].