Planning Committee Agenda Item: 8 28 September 2011 11/01500/S73 TO: PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE: 11/01500/S73 REPORT OF: HEAD OF DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATION AUTHOR: Andrew Benson TELEPHONE: 01737 276175 EMAIL:
[email protected] AGENDA ITEM: 8 WARD: Earlswood and Whitebushes APPLICATION NUMBER: 11/01500/S73 VALID: 7 September 2011 APPLICANT: Surrey & Sussex Healthcare AGENT: Andrews Sherlock & NHS Trust Partners LOCATION: EAST SURREY HOSPITAL, CANADA AVENUE, REDHILL DESCRIPTION: Erection of two storey modular office with enlargement of existing car park. Removal of condition No 2 of planning permission 07/01803/F requiring the building to be clad. DRAWING NUMBERS: 995-DW-06 This application is referred to the Planning Committee at the discretion of the Head of Development and Regulation due to its relevance to the other applications at the hospital being considered at Committee. Planning permission was granted in 2007, under reference 07/01803/F, for a two- storey modular office building within the parking area, south of the woodland, on the eastern part of the site. Condition two of the permission stated: “The developer shall by the 30 June 2008 have obtained the Local Planning Authority’s written approval of a specification for the materials to be used to clad the external surfaces of the building hereby permitted and have applied the cladding in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure that the Local Planning Authority may be satisfied with the detailed design of the proposal and with regard to policy Cf2 of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Local Plan 2005.” As a S73 application, relating to a condition only, this is not an application that would normally be brought to Committee.