Prenylated (iso)flavonoids as an�microbial agents Invitation Prenylated (iso)flavonoids as You are cordially invited to attend the public defence an�microbial agents of my PhD thesis entitled Produc�on, ac�vity and mode of ac�on Prenylated (iso)flavonoids as antimicrobial agents Production, activity & mode of action on Friday 28 May 2021 at 11:00 a.m. in the Aular of Wageningen University, Generaal Foulkesweg 1A, Wageningen Sylvia Kalli-Angel
[email protected] Sylvia Kalli-Angel Paranymphs Alexandra Kiskini
[email protected] Katharina Duran
[email protected] 2021 Sylvia Kalli-Angel Propositions 1. Mono-prenylated isoflavonoids can serve as promising antimicrobials against Gram-positive bacteria and yeasts. (this thesis) 2. The concepts of priming and elicitation cannot be distinguished on the basis of defence metabolite production. (this thesis) 3. The exponentially growing developments in genetic engineering will revolutionize the way we approach the Human Enhancement Question ("what do we want to become?"). based on Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind 4. The olympic motto - Citius, Altius, Fortius (faster, higher, stronger) - is getting increasingly applicable to science. 5. Emotional intelligence should be raised through compulsory activities already in early stages of education. 6. Music disturbs inertia and comforts chaos. Propositions belonging to the thesis, entitled: Prenylated (iso)flavonoids as antimicrobial agents Production, activity and mode of action Sylvia Kalli-Angel Wageningen, 28 May 2021 Prenylated (iso)flavonoids as antimicrobial agents Production, activity and mode of action Sylvia Kalli-Angel Thesis committee Promotor Prof. Dr J.-P. Vincken Professor of Food Chemistry Wageningen University & Research Co-promotor Dr C.