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OID SHEET NO SPECIES CONSCODE SITE VEGETATION LOCALITY LAT LONG DATE PERTH 00920320 Acacia Benthamii 2 E [Of] Wanneroo -31.74 OID_ SHEET_NO SPECIES CONSCODE SITE VEGETATION LOCALITY LAT LONG_ DATE_ PERTH 00920320 Acacia benthamii 2 E [of] Wanneroo -31.74833 115.79972 23 09 1965 PERTH 00718297 Acacia benthamii 2 East Wanneroo -31.74833 115.79972 23 09 1965 PERTH 703656 Acacia benthamii 2 Wanneroo -31.75 115.8 09 1975 Banksia menziesii - Banksia attenuata - Banksia woodland (30-50% cover < On gentle slope above 6m in height) over Regelia inops (2- ca 300 m E of Perry Road in Chitty 1 dampland, deep grey 10% cover <1.2 m in height) mixed Road bushland (Bush Forever Site Calectasia sp. Pinjar quartz sand. Last fire ca 20- low shrubs (10- 30% cover <0.5 m in No. 398), Pinjar (City of PERTH 07215363 (C. Tauss 557) 30 years ago. height) rushes, sedges, perennial Wanneroo) -31.66653 115.83444 08 11 2005 Ca 300 m E of Perry Road within Calectasia sp. Pinjar 1 Flat to gentle slope. Grey With Banksia attenuata, Banksia Chitty Road Nature Reserve. PERTH 08008213 (C. Tauss 557) sand. menziesii, Stirlingia latifolia. Pinjar, City of Wanneroo -31.66652 115.83444 11 12 2008 Jarrah with Banksia attenuata, B. Remnant Banksia woodland menziesii, Burchardia congesta, (Block 9471), ca 2 km S of Burns 3 Hibbertia hypericoides, Acacia spp., Beach Road, E side of Lake PERTH 05305691 Conostylis bracteata Plain near lake. Grey sand. Ehrharta calycina. Joondalup, Yellagonga Regional -31.75 115.78333 06 11 1997 Low forest, Melaleuca preissiana, Cyathochaeta 3 Astartea fascicularis, Hypocalymma PERTH 06808077 teretifolia angustifolium, Banksia littoralis. Gnangara Mound -31.688 115.826 02 12 2002 1 PERTH 07579101 Drosera x sidjamesii Pinjar Road, Wanneroo -31.67488 115.81759 04 12 1984 1 PERTH 07881525 Drosera x sidjamesii Pinjar Road, Wanneroo -31.67611 115.81611 04 12 1984 ESE aspect. Lower ridgetop Melaleuca huegelii, Xanthorrhoea Ridge State Forest, 260 metres T slope. Sheet sand/brown preissii, Dryandra sessilis/nivea, along Hopkins Road, from junction PERTH 1123661 Eucalyptus argutifolia boulder. Completely open Hakea trifurcata, Hibbertia of Wesco Road [Near Lake Pinjar]. -31.63616 115.76167 06 08 1990 Dune slope, grey sand over Mallee, Eucalyptus petrensis over T PERTH 04110544 Eucalyptus argutifolia limestone. heath. Mindarie South, 30 km N of Perth -31.69972 115.73333 22 04 1991 Slight gully situation nestles Completely open and treeless with between two limestone dense scrubland. Dryandra's nivea/ Quarry Reserve 5204, 250 m from T ridges. sessilus, Hakea trifurcata, Melaleuca junction of Myrtle road and 380 m PERTH 2160765 Eucalyptus argutifolia Sand/boulder/brown/ huegelii, Blackboys (Xanthorrhoea at 195 deg. -31.65277 115.77361 15 11 1991 Slight gully situation Completely open & treeless with nestled between two dense scrubland. Dryandra's nivea/ Quarry Reserve 5204, 250 m from T limestone ridges. sessilus, Hakea trifurcata, Melaleuca the junction of Myrtle road and PERTH 2117223 Eucalyptus argutifolia Limestone/boulder/ huegelii, Blackboys (Xanthorrhoea 380 m at 195 deg. to rare mallees -31.65277 115.77361 15 11 1991 Within Beaumarks Park, Mindarie. Approch population T Slight slope/ridge. With Acacia cyclops, Hakea prostrata, from Beaumarks Court as park is Grey/white sand over Lomandra maritima, rhagodia fenced at the back. Population PERTH 08153302 Eucalyptus argutifolia limestone. baccata, Spyridium globulosum. faces Long Beach Promenade -31.6973 115.70861 08 01 2009 Within Beaumarks Park, Mindarie. Approch population T Slight slope/ridge. With Acacia cyclops, Hakea prostrata, from Beaumarks Court as park is Grey/white sand over Lomandra maritima, rhagodia fenced at the back. Population PERTH 08153310 Eucalyptus argutifolia limestone. baccata, Spyridium globulosum. faces Long Beach Promenade -31.6973 115.70861 08 01 2009 Emergent large Banksia over Between Neerabup National Park 2 Macrozamia, Hibbertia, and developing suburb of Kinross, PERTH 05939658 Fabronia hampeana On trunk of Macrozamia. Xanthorrhoea, grasses, weeds and 28 km NNW of Perth -31.71666 115.75 14 09 1994 Private property in Banksia low open woodland with depression between occasional Eucalyptus decipiens, Lot 17 Marmion Avenue, Clarkson 2 limestone outcrops with Macrozamia riedlei, Acacia (along W boundary of the site), 34 PERTH 08076626 Fabronia hampeana yellow sand. Potential rostellifera and Hypocalymma km N of Perth CBD -31.69616 115.71854 12 01 2009 Hibbertia spicata Sea cliff. Grey-black sand Low Melaleuca cardiophylla closed 3 PERTH 03096424 subsp. leptotheca over limestone. heath. Burns Beach; 26 km N of Perth -31.73333 115.71667 21 09 1990 Hilltop, sand over Ocean Reef Road, Wanneroo, 30 4 PERTH 1131192 Jacksonia sericea limestone. Banksia low woodland. km N Perth -31.75 115.76667 20 01 1988 PERTH 1131176 Jacksonia sericea 4 Highly disturbed. Highly disturbed Tuart/Jarrah forest. Lake Joondalup (Edgewater) -31.75 115.78333 11 1979 Eucalyptus marginata, Banksia attenuata, B. menziesii Woodland. 4 Associated species: Banksia Slope/flat. Dry grey sand attenuata, B. grandis, Allocasuarina Lot 21, Flynn Drive, Neerabup, PERTH 06410731 Jacksonia sericea over limestone. fraseriana, Dryandra sessilis, Shire of Wanneroo -31.68333 115.76667 07 2001 Small remnant of Wanneroo road 4 PERTH 07400160 Jacksonia sericea near Lake Neerabup -31.66063 115.75007 24 04 2001 Lecania turicensis var. 2 PERTH 02973499 turicensis Coastal rocks, limestone. Burns Beach, N of Perth -31.72805 115.71333 28 08 1988 Leucopogon sp. Yanchep (M. Hislop 3 Low hill, grey sand over Neerabup [Lake] National Park; PERTH 01147773 1986) limestone. Limestone heath. 35 km N of Perth -31.64472 115.70972 30 05 1990 Dense Heath B. Coastal heath Iluka foreshore reserve, Iluka Limestone cliff with dry, vegetation including Spyridium sp., R47831, plants are located approx T brown sand. Exposed Thomasia sp., Melaleuca sp., Scaevola 575 m and 870 m S of Ocean PERTH 07782144 Marianthus paralius limestone outcropping. sp., Acanthocarpus sp. Parade along the pedestrian path -31.73586 115.72084 26 10 2006 Melaleuca sp. Wanneroo (G.J. 1 Rugged limestone ridge. Melaleuca cardiophylla, M. sp., M. Wanneroo Shire Reserve, Wattle PERTH 06972942 Keighery 16705) Mossy black sand. systena tall closed shrubland. Avenue, Neerabup -31.65467 115.76614 23 12 2004 Pithocarpa 3 miles N of Pinjar Forestry 3 PERTH 06209874 corymbulosa Headquarters, Wanneroo -31.61666 115.81667 06 06 1963 Iluka-Beaumaris Estate near Sales Grey sand over rocky Edge of Dryandra sessilis (Parrot Office, 100 m N of Miami Beach 3 limestone outcrops. Bush) heathlands and cleared area for Promenade, Location B (refer to PERTH 4583744 Sarcozona bicarinata Exposed sunny areas. housing. map attached) -31.73333 115.73333 02 03 1997 Grey sand over rocky limestone outcrops. Exposed sunny areas. Fire Iluka-Beaumaris Estate (near 3 approximately 12 months Burns Beach), track off Burns prior to collection. The fire Dryandra sessilis (Parrot Bush) Beach Road, Location A (refer to PERTH 4583736 Sarcozona bicarinata most probably stimulates heathlands. map attached) -31.73333 115.73333 02 03 1997 Private property; limestone Open Banksia sessilis heathland. Lot 17, Marmion Avenue Clarkson outcrops with dry white Banksia sessilis, Opercularia vaginata, (NW corner of site near Marmion 3 sand. Potential threat by Scaevola crassifolia and Desmocladus Avenue and Neerabup Road PERTH 08039364 Sarcozona bicarinata urban development. Last flexuosus. intersection) 34 km N of Perth -31.69467 115.71733 12 01 2009 Low Forest B (Muir 1977) with Melaleuca Park, W of Bullsbrook, Stenanthemum 2 Sand plain. Littered white Banksia attenuata, Xanthorrhoea ca 3 km N of Neaves Road along PERTH 04916964 sublineare sand. preissii, Calytrix flavescens, walk trail -31.65072 115.88981 27 10 1997 Open Banksia attenuata/Banksia menziesii low woodland, over heath (Beaufortia elegans, Eremaea 2 pauciflora subsp. pauciflora, Regelia Proposed Nerrabup Infilitration Low rise on an undulating inops) Caltyrix flavescens, Scholtzia site, SE of Lake Pinjar, E of Stenanthemum plain. Dry, grey sand. involucrata, Bossiaea eriocarpa, Wanneroo Golf Club, adjacent to PERTH 07526989 sublineare Unburnt for 20 + years. Gompholobium tomentosum, Bush Forever site 398 -31.66368 115.8386 17 11 2005 Low Forest B (Muir 1977) with Melaleuca Park, W of Bullsbrook, Stenanthemum 2 Sand plain. Littered white Banksia attenuata, Xanthorrhoea ca 3 km N of Neaves Road along PERTH 04916972 sublineare sand. preissii, Calytrix flavescens, walk trail, -31.65072 115.88981 21 12 1997 Seasonal Wetland, flat SE end off Perry Road, Lake Pinjar ground. Dark brown clay Bushland (System 6 Area M8, 3 loam some peat, over Open Low Scrub A. Associated Bush Forever 382). Lake Pinjar, in PERTH 06511546 Stylidium longitubum ?clay. Poor drainage, wet species: Astartea fascicularis. System 6 Update quadrat pinj 02 -31.63872 115.81476 10 11 1994 On limestone outcrops in Area surrounded by low coastal Just N of the tavern on Wanneroo 3 PERTH 04430921 Stylidium maritimum crater-like depressions heath and open Banksia menziesii Road, Carabooda, -31.61666 115.73333 22 10 1995 Grey sand-loam, slope, Closed Tall Scrub of Melaleuca 3 ridge, limestone, private huegelii, Dryandra sessilis with Lot 8 Butler Street, Butler, City of PERTH 07836384 Stylidium maritimum property. occasional Spyridium globulosum. Wanneroo, Swan Coastal Plain -31.61666 115.73333 16 10 2007 Tetraria sp. Chandala 2 Mound spring, black peat Assoc. vegn.: Melaleuca Property on W side of Neaves PERTH 04864743 (G.J. Keighery 17055) over clay & humic sand. rhaphiophylla forest over sedges. Road, Wanneroo -31.74833 115.8 04 02 1997 On limestone hills towards 3 PERTH 00278696 Thelymitra variegata the coast. Wanneroo -31.74833 115.79972 09 1919 Seasonal Wetland, flat SE end off Perry Road, Lake Pinjar ground, black fine peaty Open Herbs. Associated species: Bushland (System 6 Area M8, 4 Tripterococcus clay loam sand, poor Lepyrodia muirii, Baumea articulata, Bush Forever 382), Lake Pinjar, in PERTH 06427405 paniculatus drainage, wet during Baumea vaginalis. System 6 Update quadrat pinj01 -31.64044 115.81481 10 11 1994.
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    Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 87:115–121, 2004 Seedling growth and physiological responses of two sandplain Banksia species differing in flood tolerance P K Groom Centre for Ecosystem Management, School of Natural Sciences, Edith Cowan University, 100 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup, WA 6027 Current address: Centre for Horticulture and Plant Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South DC, NSW 1797 [email protected] (Manuscript received: March 2004; accepted February 2005) Abstract Banksia littoralis (Proteaceae) inhabits winter-wet locations and wetland fringes that are prone to seasonal flooding events on the Swan Coastal Plain. To survive in these locations, B. littoralis seedlings must be able to tolerate periods of flooding or complete submergence if establishment is to be successful. Flood tolerance was assessed in seedlings of B. littoralis subjected to 104 days of continual soil waterlogging by comparing changes in seedling growth and leaf ecophysiology with those of well-watered plants. Flood tolerance was also assessed in seedlings of Banksia prionotes, a species that grows in drier locations on the Swan Coastal Plain. As expected, B. prionotes was unable to survive long periods of soil waterlogging or submergence (97% mortality after 72 days of flooding). Both species responded to flooding by closing their stomates and reducing photosynthetic capacity, although B. littoralis was able to recover lost photosynthetic potential when flooded conditions subsided. After 72 days of flooding, there was a substantial decrease in relative growth rate in flooded B. prionotes seedlings, compared to that of well-watered plants, although this was not associated with significant differences in biomass allocation.
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