OID_ SHEET_NO SPECIES CONSCODE SITE VEGETATION LOCALITY LAT LONG_ DATE_ PERTH 00920320 Acacia benthamii 2 E [of] Wanneroo -31.74833 115.79972 23 09 1965 PERTH 00718297 Acacia benthamii 2 East Wanneroo -31.74833 115.79972 23 09 1965 PERTH 703656 Acacia benthamii 2 Wanneroo -31.75 115.8 09 1975 Banksia menziesii - Banksia attenuata - Banksia woodland (30-50% cover < On gentle slope above 6m in height) over Regelia inops (2- ca 300 m E of Perry Road in Chitty 1 dampland, deep grey 10% cover <1.2 m in height) mixed Road bushland (Bush Forever Site Calectasia sp. Pinjar quartz sand. Last fire ca 20- low shrubs (10- 30% cover <0.5 m in No. 398), Pinjar (City of PERTH 07215363 (C. Tauss 557) 30 years ago. height) rushes, sedges, perennial Wanneroo) -31.66653 115.83444 08 11 2005 Ca 300 m E of Perry Road within Calectasia sp. Pinjar 1 Flat to gentle slope. Grey With Banksia attenuata, Banksia Chitty Road Nature Reserve. PERTH 08008213 (C. Tauss 557) sand. menziesii, Stirlingia latifolia. Pinjar, City of Wanneroo -31.66652 115.83444 11 12 2008 Jarrah with Banksia attenuata, B. Remnant Banksia woodland menziesii, Burchardia congesta, (Block 9471), ca 2 km S of Burns 3 Hibbertia hypericoides, Acacia spp., Beach Road, E side of Lake PERTH 05305691 Conostylis bracteata Plain near lake. Grey sand. Ehrharta calycina. Joondalup, Yellagonga Regional -31.75 115.78333 06 11 1997 Low forest, Melaleuca preissiana, Cyathochaeta 3 Astartea fascicularis, Hypocalymma PERTH 06808077 teretifolia angustifolium, Banksia littoralis. Gnangara Mound -31.688 115.826 02 12 2002 1 PERTH 07579101 Drosera x sidjamesii Pinjar Road, Wanneroo -31.67488 115.81759 04 12 1984 1 PERTH 07881525 Drosera x sidjamesii Pinjar Road, Wanneroo -31.67611 115.81611 04 12 1984 ESE aspect. Lower ridgetop Melaleuca huegelii, Xanthorrhoea Ridge State Forest, 260 metres T slope. Sheet sand/brown preissii, Dryandra sessilis/nivea, along Hopkins Road, from junction PERTH 1123661 Eucalyptus argutifolia boulder. Completely open Hakea trifurcata, Hibbertia of Wesco Road [Near Lake Pinjar]. -31.63616 115.76167 06 08 1990 Dune slope, grey sand over Mallee, Eucalyptus petrensis over T PERTH 04110544 Eucalyptus argutifolia limestone. heath. Mindarie South, 30 km N of Perth -31.69972 115.73333 22 04 1991 Slight gully situation nestles Completely open and treeless with between two limestone dense scrubland. Dryandra's nivea/ Quarry Reserve 5204, 250 m from T ridges. sessilus, Hakea trifurcata, Melaleuca junction of Myrtle road and 380 m PERTH 2160765 Eucalyptus argutifolia Sand/boulder/brown/ huegelii, Blackboys (Xanthorrhoea at 195 deg. -31.65277 115.77361 15 11 1991 Slight gully situation Completely open & treeless with nestled between two dense scrubland. Dryandra's nivea/ Quarry Reserve 5204, 250 m from T limestone ridges. sessilus, Hakea trifurcata, Melaleuca the junction of Myrtle road and PERTH 2117223 Eucalyptus argutifolia Limestone/boulder/ huegelii, Blackboys (Xanthorrhoea 380 m at 195 deg. to rare mallees -31.65277 115.77361 15 11 1991 Within Beaumarks Park, Mindarie. Approch population T Slight slope/ridge. With Acacia cyclops, Hakea prostrata, from Beaumarks Court as park is Grey/white sand over Lomandra maritima, rhagodia fenced at the back. Population PERTH 08153302 Eucalyptus argutifolia limestone. baccata, Spyridium globulosum. faces Long Beach Promenade -31.6973 115.70861 08 01 2009 Within Beaumarks Park, Mindarie. Approch population T Slight slope/ridge. With Acacia cyclops, Hakea prostrata, from Beaumarks Court as park is Grey/white sand over Lomandra maritima, rhagodia fenced at the back. Population PERTH 08153310 Eucalyptus argutifolia limestone. baccata, Spyridium globulosum. faces Long Beach Promenade -31.6973 115.70861 08 01 2009 Emergent large Banksia over Between Neerabup National Park 2 Macrozamia, Hibbertia, and developing suburb of Kinross, PERTH 05939658 Fabronia hampeana On trunk of Macrozamia. Xanthorrhoea, grasses, weeds and 28 km NNW of Perth -31.71666 115.75 14 09 1994 Private property in Banksia low open woodland with depression between occasional Eucalyptus decipiens, Lot 17 Marmion Avenue, Clarkson 2 limestone outcrops with Macrozamia riedlei, Acacia (along W boundary of the site), 34 PERTH 08076626 Fabronia hampeana yellow sand. Potential rostellifera and Hypocalymma km N of Perth CBD -31.69616 115.71854 12 01 2009 Hibbertia spicata Sea cliff. Grey-black sand Low Melaleuca cardiophylla closed 3 PERTH 03096424 subsp. leptotheca over limestone. heath. Burns Beach; 26 km N of Perth -31.73333 115.71667 21 09 1990 Hilltop, sand over Ocean Reef Road, Wanneroo, 30 4 PERTH 1131192 Jacksonia sericea limestone. Banksia low woodland. km N Perth -31.75 115.76667 20 01 1988 PERTH 1131176 Jacksonia sericea 4 Highly disturbed. Highly disturbed Tuart/Jarrah forest. Lake Joondalup (Edgewater) -31.75 115.78333 11 1979 Eucalyptus marginata, Banksia attenuata, B. menziesii Woodland. 4 Associated species: Banksia Slope/flat. Dry grey sand attenuata, B. grandis, Allocasuarina Lot 21, Flynn Drive, Neerabup, PERTH 06410731 Jacksonia sericea over limestone. fraseriana, Dryandra sessilis, Shire of Wanneroo -31.68333 115.76667 07 2001 Small remnant of Wanneroo road 4 PERTH 07400160 Jacksonia sericea near Lake Neerabup -31.66063 115.75007 24 04 2001 Lecania turicensis var. 2 PERTH 02973499 turicensis Coastal rocks, limestone. Burns Beach, N of Perth -31.72805 115.71333 28 08 1988 Leucopogon sp. Yanchep (M. Hislop 3 Low hill, grey sand over Neerabup [Lake] National Park; PERTH 01147773 1986) limestone. Limestone heath. 35 km N of Perth -31.64472 115.70972 30 05 1990 Dense Heath B. Coastal heath Iluka foreshore reserve, Iluka Limestone cliff with dry, vegetation including Spyridium sp., R47831, plants are located approx T brown sand. Exposed Thomasia sp., Melaleuca sp., Scaevola 575 m and 870 m S of Ocean PERTH 07782144 Marianthus paralius limestone outcropping. sp., Acanthocarpus sp. Parade along the pedestrian path -31.73586 115.72084 26 10 2006 Melaleuca sp. Wanneroo (G.J. 1 Rugged limestone ridge. Melaleuca cardiophylla, M. sp., M. Wanneroo Shire Reserve, Wattle PERTH 06972942 Keighery 16705) Mossy black sand. systena tall closed shrubland. Avenue, Neerabup -31.65467 115.76614 23 12 2004 Pithocarpa 3 miles N of Pinjar Forestry 3 PERTH 06209874 corymbulosa Headquarters, Wanneroo -31.61666 115.81667 06 06 1963 Iluka-Beaumaris Estate near Sales Grey sand over rocky Edge of Dryandra sessilis (Parrot Office, 100 m N of Miami Beach 3 limestone outcrops. Bush) heathlands and cleared area for Promenade, Location B (refer to PERTH 4583744 Sarcozona bicarinata Exposed sunny areas. housing. map attached) -31.73333 115.73333 02 03 1997 Grey sand over rocky limestone outcrops. Exposed sunny areas. Fire Iluka-Beaumaris Estate (near 3 approximately 12 months Burns Beach), track off Burns prior to collection. The fire Dryandra sessilis (Parrot Bush) Beach Road, Location A (refer to PERTH 4583736 Sarcozona bicarinata most probably stimulates heathlands. map attached) -31.73333 115.73333 02 03 1997 Private property; limestone Open Banksia sessilis heathland. Lot 17, Marmion Avenue Clarkson outcrops with dry white Banksia sessilis, Opercularia vaginata, (NW corner of site near Marmion 3 sand. Potential threat by Scaevola crassifolia and Desmocladus Avenue and Neerabup Road PERTH 08039364 Sarcozona bicarinata urban development. Last flexuosus. intersection) 34 km N of Perth -31.69467 115.71733 12 01 2009 Low Forest B (Muir 1977) with Melaleuca Park, W of Bullsbrook, Stenanthemum 2 Sand plain. Littered white Banksia attenuata, Xanthorrhoea ca 3 km N of Neaves Road along PERTH 04916964 sublineare sand. preissii, Calytrix flavescens, walk trail -31.65072 115.88981 27 10 1997 Open Banksia attenuata/Banksia menziesii low woodland, over heath (Beaufortia elegans, Eremaea 2 pauciflora subsp. pauciflora, Regelia Proposed Nerrabup Infilitration Low rise on an undulating inops) Caltyrix flavescens, Scholtzia site, SE of Lake Pinjar, E of Stenanthemum plain. Dry, grey sand. involucrata, Bossiaea eriocarpa, Wanneroo Golf Club, adjacent to PERTH 07526989 sublineare Unburnt for 20 + years. Gompholobium tomentosum, Bush Forever site 398 -31.66368 115.8386 17 11 2005 Low Forest B (Muir 1977) with Melaleuca Park, W of Bullsbrook, Stenanthemum 2 Sand plain. Littered white Banksia attenuata, Xanthorrhoea ca 3 km N of Neaves Road along PERTH 04916972 sublineare sand. preissii, Calytrix flavescens, walk trail, -31.65072 115.88981 21 12 1997 Seasonal Wetland, flat SE end off Perry Road, Lake Pinjar ground. Dark brown clay Bushland (System 6 Area M8, 3 loam some peat, over Open Low Scrub A. Associated Bush Forever 382). Lake Pinjar, in PERTH 06511546 Stylidium longitubum ?clay. Poor drainage, wet species: Astartea fascicularis. System 6 Update quadrat pinj 02 -31.63872 115.81476 10 11 1994 On limestone outcrops in Area surrounded by low coastal Just N of the tavern on Wanneroo 3 PERTH 04430921 Stylidium maritimum crater-like depressions heath and open Banksia menziesii Road, Carabooda, -31.61666 115.73333 22 10 1995 Grey sand-loam, slope, Closed Tall Scrub of Melaleuca 3 ridge, limestone, private huegelii, Dryandra sessilis with Lot 8 Butler Street, Butler, City of PERTH 07836384 Stylidium maritimum property. occasional Spyridium globulosum. Wanneroo, Swan Coastal Plain -31.61666 115.73333 16 10 2007 Tetraria sp. Chandala 2 Mound spring, black peat Assoc. vegn.: Melaleuca Property on W side of Neaves PERTH 04864743 (G.J. Keighery 17055) over clay & humic sand. rhaphiophylla forest over sedges. Road, Wanneroo -31.74833 115.8 04 02 1997 On limestone hills towards 3 PERTH 00278696 Thelymitra variegata the coast. Wanneroo -31.74833 115.79972 09 1919 Seasonal Wetland, flat SE end off Perry Road, Lake Pinjar ground, black fine peaty Open Herbs. Associated species: Bushland (System 6 Area M8, 4 Tripterococcus clay loam sand, poor Lepyrodia muirii, Baumea articulata, Bush Forever 382), Lake Pinjar, in PERTH 06427405 paniculatus drainage, wet during Baumea vaginalis. System 6 Update quadrat pinj01 -31.64044 115.81481 10 11 1994.

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