
New York State Attorney General Resources Eric T. Schneiderman NEW YORK STATE OFFICE of the Dear New Yorkers: Office of the Attorney General 800-771-7755 ATTORNEY GENERAL To many people, indoor tan- ning seems like a harmless www.ag.ny.gov activity. It’s not. Each ses- If you would like to know more about the health sion increases your risk of skin and safety risks of indoor tanning, please check cancer and contributes to pre- some of these sources. mature aging, eye damage, al- New York State Department of Health Indoor Tanning: lergic reactions and more. www.health.ny.gov Know the Risks, Know the Facts www.health.ny.gov/environmental/indoors/tanning/ There are many myths and U.S. Food and Drug Administration misconceptions concerning the safety of “tanning,” www.fda.gov many of them perpetrated by the indoor tanning sa- www.fda.gov/radiation-emittingproducts/radiationemit- lon industry. If you engage in indoor tanning or are tingproductsandprocedures/tanning/default.htm thinking about it, it’s important to make sure you American Academy of Dermatology know the significant associated health risks. www.aad.org/ https://www.aad.org/spot-skin-cancer/understand- This brochure outlines the facts about indoor tan- ing-skin-cancer/dangers-of-indoor-tanning ning to help you make more informed decisions about taking these risks. We have also provided Centers for Disease Control & Prevention links to more information. www.cdc.gov Is Indoor Tanning Safe? http://www.cdc.gov/can- It’s important to be well informed about all consum- cer/skin/basic_info/indoor_tanning.htm er and health decisions. If you would like to know more about these or any other issues, please go to our website: www.ag.ny.gov. The following leading national organizations recognize the high cancer Sincerely, risk associated with indoor tanning:

American Academy of Dermatology American Academy of Ophthalmology Eric T. Schneiderman American Academy of Pediatrics American Cancer Society New York State Attorney General American Medical Association The State Capitol Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Albany, New York 12224 1-800-771-7755 www.ag.ny.gov Indoor Tanning: Know The Risks Know the Facts : Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions (UV) radiation is a form of ener- “Indoor tanning is less dangerous”FALSE “Indoor tanning is a safe way to acquire gy from natural or artificial . Excess Some people argue that indoor tanning is less .” FALSE UV radiation can damage the DNA in your dangerous than outdoor tanning because the Scientific studies have proven that most people intensity of the and the time spent tan- receive enough vitamin D from food and natu- skin and increase the production of the skin ning are controlled. The truth is: ral sunlight. If additional vitamin D is needed, pigment melanin, which causes your skin to • UV output of tanning devices is much great- a supplement containing vitamin D corrects change color. Here are some of the serious, er — up to 15 times greater — than natural this deficiency safely, without the UV expo- identified risks: sunlight and the bulbs are very close to your sure risk associated with cancer. skin; • — Using tanning • Not all tanning devices emit the same amount “A prevacation — or ‘base’ — tan protects beds before age 35 can result in an esti- of UV radiation, so exposure is inconsistent you from getting a .” FALSE mated 59% greater risk of developing this and not as controlled as advertised; The truth is that indoor tans provide a sun pro- sometimes deadly skin cancer. Melanoma • Tanning salon operators are not typically tection factor (SPF) of 3, which is way below the generally recommended 30 SPF to protect is a common cancer in young people. health care professionals and lack the train- against . So, not only are prevacation • The World Health Organization has placed ing and knowledge associated with UV over tanners exposed to UV radiation at indoor tan- indoor tanning in its highest cancer risk exposure. In fact, according to the U.S. ning salons prior to their trip, they also are not category, “carcinogenic to humans,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, protected from sunburns while they are vaca- same category as tobacco; 1,800 injuries requiring visits to the emer- tioning. The U.S. Food and Drug Administra- • Premature aging (“”) can cause gency room are attributed to UV radiation tion has found no evidence that getting a “base the skin to look leathery and wrinkled, and from tanning beds each year. tan” reduces the risk of skin cancer. can result in dark spots forming on the Tanning and Minors: The Law Take Precautions if Taking the Risk skin; Teenage girls and young women are often tar- • and injury to the skin and eyes; geted by advertising that promotes indoor tan- People who choose to expose themselves to • Allergic reactions; ning as safe. Research clearly demonstrates UV radiation from indoor tanning and ignore • Immune suppression. that the earlier an individual indoor tans, the the health warnings associated with this dan- greater the risk for skin cancer in later years. gerous activity should take certain safety pre- The American Academy of Pediatrics even Additional factors can increase these risks: cautions, including: states, “Tanning salons are not safe and should • Wear FDA-certified protective goggles • Light complexions that easily; not be used by teenagers or others.” provided at no charge by the tanning sa- • Family member who has had skin cancer; New York State Public Health Law prohibits lon, making sure they fit snugly and are not • Teenagers and younger — indoor tanning persons under age seventeen from using UV tan- cracked; at young ages increases risk later in life; ning devices. It also requires that persons seven- • Follow manufacturer-recommended expo- • Immune deficiencies, chronic diseases, teen years of age have a parent or legal guardian sure times for your skin type (and do not and certain medications may make you sign a consent form before using them. Those exceed your prescribed time limit); eighteen or older must provide a driver’s license more sensitive to UV radiation. • Seek immediate medical attention for se- or other government or school issued photo iden- vere burns, allergic reactions and unusual tification before using UV radiation devices. skin lesions or sores.