Like Machines in the Fields: Workers Without Rights in American Agriculture SHIHO FUKADA
Like Machines in the Fields: Workers without Rights in American Agriculture SHIHO FUKADA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Like Machines in the Fields: Workers without Rights in American Agriculture would not have occurred without the contributions of many hands. First of all, Dina Mesbah, a rural development specialist, coordinated the research and wrote a large part of the report. Oxfam America is extremely grateful for her dedication, insights and patience throughout this eight-month process. Bruce Goldstein and James B. Leonard, of the Farmworker Justice Fund., Inc., ( provided original research that served as the basis for the Section IV on injustice in the law. At Oxfam America’s requests, Phil Mattera and Mafruza Khan of the Corporate Research Project of Good Jobs First researched supply-chain dynamics in the fresh tomatoes and pickling cucumber sectors which is treated in Section III. A number of others made key contributions in research and/or writing. These people include: Beth Williamson, Ileana Matamoros, Simon Billenness, and Minor Sinclair. Others read portions of the draft and provided invaluable insights. These people are Greg Asbed, Baldemar Velásquez, Gilbert Apodaca, Bruce Goldstein, Bernadette Orr, Diego Low, Katherine Daniels, Chad Dobson, Judith Gillespie, Amy Shannon, Maria Julia Brunette, Laura Inouye, Larry Ludwig, Brian Payne, Beatriz Maya, Edward Kissam and Mary Sue Smiaroski. A particular word of thanks is due to Minor Sinclair who insists that rights for farmworkers is a core concern for a global development agency such as Oxfam America. And finally we are particularly grateful to three photographers—Andrew Miller, Davida Johns and Shiho Fukada—who graphically portrayed the reality of farmworkers in ways to which our words only aspired.
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