The Commodification of Disability on Facebook Author's Note

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The Commodification of Disability on Facebook Author's Note MEDIA REVIEW: Liking for Like’s Sake – The Commodification of Disability on Facebook Author’s Note Volume 20, Number 3, 2014 This review uses the terms “disabled people” and “disabled per‑ son” rather than people first terminology such as “people with disabilities” or “person with a disability.” This reflects the posi‑ Author tion that disability is a valued (but not sole) part of a person’s identity and that “disabled” comes from a place of pride rather than shame. I also use the term “impairment” to refer to the Kirsty Liddiard physiological condition of the body (I recognize this term is also both contested and contestable), and the term “disability” to refer 1 School of Disability Studies, to the social,cultural and material factors that can mediate the Ryerson University, experience of impairment. Toronto, ON This review is a modest attempt to critically explore domi- 2 University of Sheffield, School of Education, nant representations of disability on social media, or more Sheffield, UK specifically, Facebook. These are very specific images – or internet “memes” – of disability which have been labeled “inspiration porn” and “cripspiration” by disabled people. The terms “inspiration porn” and “cripspiration” refer to typically ableist images of disability which represent either a person with disability as “inspiring” (usually doing an every- day activity, rather than anything actually heroic or inspir- ing) or which rely upon disability in order to inspire or other- wise shape the behaviours and/or attitudes of the audience or viewer. Interestingly, disability scholars and activists have given little attention to disability imagery on social media, despite the fact that these are wide scale technologies which have become “thoroughly embedded and routinized in the societies where they are most widely used” (Livingstone & Lievrouw, 2006, p. 1). This is further problematic because of Correspondence the significant presence and visibility of people with dis- abilities online, where new forms of citizenship are being [email protected] claimed due to the Internet (or “online spaces”) providing more accessible avenues for participation, communication, education, entertainment, and employment than in the “real life world” where significant barriers to these areas of social Keywords life forcefully prevail (Hollier, 2012; Seymour, 2001). Just to clarify, Internet memes are “small units of culture, anal- disability, ogous to genes, which flow from person to person by copying social media, or imitation” (Shifman & Thelwall, 2009, p. 2567); therefore, Facebook, memes flourish through being shared via social media, as they memes of disability, are passed from person to person. On Facebook, this takes inspiration porn, place through a user “Liking” and “Sharing” the meme. The cripspiration, meme then enters the user’s Newsfeed – the Facebook user’s ableist “main page” (through which they learn the activities, events, comments, and images of their Facebook Friends) – and is potentially further “Liked” and “Shared” by Facebook Friends, and so on. Regardless of specific content, there are striking similarities in the ways in which many disability memes main- © Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities Liking for Like’s Sake 95 tain ableist notions of our lives: that we’re seldom consequences of this for people with the label more than objects of pity, in need of sympathy; of intellectual impairment, and people with dis- that if we just try hard enough we can make our ability more broadly. I conclude by looking at lives “better”; that we need to be told that we are the ways in which disabled people are speaking beautiful (usually a disabled woman or girl fea- back to – or cripping – such ableist representa- tures in these images) or worthy; or that we are tions of their identities, lives and bodies. brave, courageous and plucky in our “overcom- ing” of disability. These images are the classic ableist narratives of disability reproduced and Gendering and Psychologizing (re)told in social media form. the Dis/Abled Subject While some disability memes are created in, at One of the most widely circulated, or “viral,” best, good faith, many others are created and distributed merely for profit – a “Facebook memes on Facebook and Twitter is a photo- Scam” (Pearce, 2012). These memes are part of graph of Paralympian and Olympian Oscar an underground Facebook “Like” trade culture, Pistorious in a running race with a disabled which is unique to a social media context, and young girl. Fittingly, both have J-shaped car- serves to (re)produce the disabled identity as bon-fibre prosthetics (more popularly known as something for sale; an ableist commodity for Cheetah Flex-Foot prosthetic limbs). The tagline consumption. It is seldom known that when reads “The only Disability is A Bad Attitude” – Facebook users click “Like” on certain images, a quote from Scott Hamilton, a former figure they are simultaneously joining the fan page skater and testicular cancer survivor. The young which hosted the original meme. This is then girl, whose white skin, blonde hair and excep- “Shared” with all of their Facebook Friends tional beauty offer a palatable embodiment of via their Newsfeed. Some creators of fan pages female disability and impairment, is Ellie May enlist the use of images or memes which evoke Challis; a 5 year old who became a four-limb sympathy, fear, anger or laughter, in order to amputee following infant meningitis. Challis accumulate “Likes.” It is important to state that is the youngest person to ever have been fitted Facebook users can also “Comment” under- with Cheetah Flex-Foot prosthetic limbs, which neath memes, which serves no other function- were funded by her local community after she al purpose than to generate interest in order experienced severe difficulty negotiating stan- to gain more “Likes.” Fan pages are then sold dard prosthetics (Bennett-Smith, 2012). She also on to companies and businesses as a means of represents the normative embodiment of happy reaching potential new customers; the higher childhood and girlhood: her gender presenta- the amount of “Likes,” the greater the value tion is appropriately feminine in a bright short of the fan page. Therefore, it is in the interest yellow dress (which reveals her prosthetics) of fan page creators to accumulate as many “Likes” as possible. There is real ambiguity sur- with matching colored hair ties securing her rounding how much revenue the sale of a fan ash blonde hair in cute pigtails; she appears page can generate; estimates range from tens, smiley, gregarious and confident as the centre to thousands, of dollars. Some memes are futile, of attention in the photograph, but is coy and employing taglines such as, “‘Like’ if you hate non-threatening with it. While Challis doesn’t cancer, ignore if you don’t” and “‘Like’ if you think have a label of intellectual impairment, she these puppies are cute.” However, others are far does embody and represent the notion of “eter- more exploitative and fraudulent, being linked nal innocence” which is routinely ascribed to to fake charitable organizations and used as a people with the label of intellectual impair- way to extort money in the form of donations. ment. Markedly, she also appears the “correct” weight for her age and size – essential in the In this review, then, I look at some of the most context of Western moral panics around child- common disability memes currently being hood obesity (Throsby & Roberts, 2010) – and shared on Facebook. I explore the ways in which appears appropriately active, agile, and sporty. these memes work to (re)produce sanctioned Importantly, for the audience, Challis counters (heteronormative) gendered disabled identities the very ableist constructions of disabled child- and subjectivities which are inherently saleable hood and girlhood: a pathologized childhood (or commodified) and which enable fan pages to of segregation, institutionalization, marginal- be sold for profit. Importantly, I reflect upon the ization, medicalization, hospitalization, bully- volume 20 number 3 LIDDIARD 96 ing, sadness, isolation, and the denial of play sonhood as a means to secure our citizenship. – an objectifying construction of childhood The supercrip only celebrates disability and which renders disabled children “environ- impairment which can be normalized through mentally vulnerable travelers on a biologically exceptionalism. determined road to adult status” (Priestly, 1998, p. 208). Challis, then, is the exception. The supercrip is a discursive construction of dis- ability to which most disabled people are implic- The same can be said for Pistorious who was, itly and explicitly measured, classified, marked, prior to his imprisonment for culpable homi- and “Othered.” Interestingly, however, people cide in October 2014, readily hailed as both with the label of intellectual impairment are an ableist symbol of overcoming and beacon seldom, if ever, positioned as supercrips within of exceptional hyper-masculine embodiment. in our popular culture and media – affirming Further, his use of Cheetah Flex-Foot prosthet- their Otherness and infantilized personhood. If ic limbs offers an ableist cultural imaginary the we think of popular supercrips – Christopher possibility that we “could reconstitute our bod- Reeve; President Roosevelt; Helen Keller; and ies, both as mechanical and organic” (Meekosha Stephen Hawking – we can see that the super- & Shuttleworth, 2009, p. 60); thus Pistorious is crip image is, for the most part, only bestowed hybridized, a mix of flesh and machine (see upon white, privileged, men with physical Haraway, 1991). Pistorious famously made his- impairments. While I am not advocating for tory by becoming the only sportsperson to ever people with the label of intellectual impairment compete in both the Paralympics and Olympics; to be revered as supercrips in such oppressive a notion overcoming officially sanctioned, then, ways, the lack of representation in the supercrip by the Court of Arbitration for Sport and image does offer important insights into dis- International Association of Athletics and, not ability hierarchies, as well as insights into who surprisingly, by global media.
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