¸2013 Energy & Environmental Newsletters (1200± Studies, Reports & Articles on Energy, Environment, Education, etc.)

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies, world-wide. Our premise is that technical matters (like climate change, our energy options, etc.) should be addressed by using Real Science. (Please see WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 2-4 weeks we put together a Newsletter to try to balance what is found in the mainstream media about Energy and Environmental issues. (More recently we have also included articles about Science and Education.) We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing the Newsletters.

Note 1: The Newsletters are intended to complement what’s on our website: WiseEnergy.org.

Note 2: For links to other excellent sources of articles on Energy and Environmental matters please see the “Current News” page on our website.

Note 3: The purpose of this extensive compilation is to make it easier to search for pertinent studies, reports and articles on a specific topic (e.g. wind energy interference with the military). It is advisable to try multiple search words — e.g. military, army, navy, etc. (Search terms are case insensitive over this HTML document.)

Note 4: We originally verified that all the links below worked. — but over time these can change. If you find any errors, please email John Droz [aaprjohn at northnet dot org] and we will try to make corrections. This is Rev: 12-30-19. ------

Sent 1/9/13 Friends:

Breaking good news!

In a somewhat obscure local NNY newspaper (not online) there is a story today about Iberdrola canceling a wind project in Hammond, NY. A local blogger picked it up, and reprinted it.

Why this is a rather major piece of news is the following sentence: "Iberdrola Business Development Manager Jenny Briot has stated that her company is canceling 100 projects in the United States..."

Thought you'd want to know this tidbit, as it may affect a proposed project in your area... ------

Regarding the PTC...

To get a better understanding of how politics work (and an appreciation that current politics are actually not the worst) see the movies Lincoln and Amazing Grace. Speaking of how our legislative process works, please watch this short on-point video. Two good background documents (here & here) about how the PTC got extended. This article shows that the PTC proponents were surprised at their success. Wind Energy’s Celebration will be Short Lived. An encouraging perspective on the PTC extension. The wind industry says that the PTC renewal won’t help much. Crony Capitalist Blowout. Special Interests well served. Battle Over PTC Leaves Industry Bruised. XCEL may leave AWEA. Grassley behind the PTC. Regarding the US PTC extension (H.R.8), we are investigating: 1) how to have a more restrictive definition of “construction” in H.R.8 (Section #407 (b), p 29). This would save taxpayers considerable dollars. 2) how to get the PTC extension cancelled. This can not be stand-alone legislation, but might be able to be added to some larger bill (e.g. the upcoming debt-reduction matter). Our chances of success are low as the $12+ Billion at stake is still tiny compared to the Trillions we have as a deficit regards, john droz, jr.

------Sent 1/14/13

As we start a new year, and face new challenges, one of our most pressing issues is to do a better job with Public Relations. We need a few good people who have PR experience, and are willing to commit some time to helping us formulate and implement a better PR plan. If you are interested, or know someone else who would be, please email me directly at [email protected].

In my post-mordem email, I should have added another goal for 2013: 4) To get EIA to have more accurate levelized costs for wind energy.

I’ve put together a new page about fixing the RPS situation. We will be working with citizens where the political atmosphere is receptive to fixing some of these charades. If you have solid evidence that your state is such a case, please let us know by emailing me, ASAP.

Our proposed national energy slogan is “All of the Sensible” (in contrast to the absurd “All of the Above”). Please pass it on.

More reports about greed energy economics: PTC Related — Representative Mike Pompeo is reinstituting his “Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act” which will include removing the PTC.

Select Senators are working on a proposal for getting rid of the “under contstruction” loophole in the H.R.8. Naturally, wind proponents are resisting financial sensibility. An important study showing the real costs of wind energy. A fascinating Bloomberg article that says that the DOE is projecting that US coal use will increase, natural gas prices will stay low, etc. Feel The Healing That Higher Taxes Bring. A good new site focused on property value losses due to turbines. Turbines wear out much sooner than expected. Wind energy capacity factors less than claimed.

More reports about turbine health matters: An excellent new report (Wisconsin) about wind acoustics. (Some subsequent news reports about this study are here and here.) Health Experiments on People without their Consent. Massachusetts residents take town to court re turbine. NYS Report Concluded that Fracking is Safe. Nuclear Radiation is Not a Big Deal.

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: A superior wildlife article written by an independent wildlife expert. Dear Carl Pope.

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: An interesting (unexpected) perspective on Obama’s energy plans. Greenpeace Wind Energy Claims are Blown Away. An important courtcase that rules that wind is not baseload power. A powerful story about indigineous Mexicans fighting wind development. Poland and Czech Republic Ban German Green Energy. Courageous Engineer fights Ireland’s Energy Policy. Wind Can’t Replace Nuclear Power. China Blazes Trail of Thorium Nuclear. Absolutism in the Church of Green. Government Of, By and For Activists. Biofuels cause pollution, not as green as thought. Who’s Afraid of Fracking? Tidal Power has Huge Potential.

Some recent global warming articles of interest — Are we Slowly Waking up to Reality? Britian’s Met Office revises their global warming projections down. Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago. Russia Will Not Renew Kyoto. A Russion view: Global Warming – a Tool of the West. A Barrage of Lawsuits Shuts Down Science Whistleblower Site. [Although the site was primarily about problems with medical science, the exact same issues are going on in the energy and environmental areas.] NYTimes is Dismantling its Environmental Desk!

Some other recent articles of general interest — Please watch this video which puts everything into perspective.

Please pass this information on to other open-minded, science-oriented people. If anyone would like to be added to or removed from the email list, please let me know.

Thank you for your support. john droz, jr. physicist & environmental advocate ------

Sent 1/29/13

AWED has a new Twitter account. Please follow us! Please vote for Windfall for this important award. ScienceUnderAssault.info is now live.

More reports about greed energy economics: Yet another report that says offshore wind is too expensive. Wind Energy Distortions. Pork & Fat in H.R.8. Virginia backs off in their support of Renewables. EPA Kills 3900 Texas jobs. Carbon Trading Money Tree. A new US Govt report: American Taxpayer Investment - Foreign Corp Benefit. Europe: rising energy costs result in more forest thefts.

More reports about turbine health matters: Big Wind is today’s Big Tobacco.

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: Trampling on people, environment, science and ethics Some local environmental groups speak out against wind energy. Vandals Target Ontario Turbines (note: we do not advocate doing this)

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: An important story in the US, about PURPA A detailed video about why Oregon’s RPS is a bad idea. Towards Sound Energy Policy (Part I – Current Flaws) Towards Sound Energy Policy (Part II – Sensible Approaches) Obama’s Wishful Thinking on Green Energy. Top 10 Energy Questions for DOE nominee Jack Lew. A powerful letter by James Lovelock against wind energy. Mafia Involvement with Wind Energy. Court Says EPA Overestimates Biofuels Production. What’s The Cornwall Alliance about? [We endorse them.] Turning platic garbage into oil.

Some recent global warming articles of interest — Whatever happens, it's all 'climate change' The UN’s Global Warming War on Capitalism. The Changing Climate of Climate Change Researchers Puzzled about Global Warming Standstill NASA warns that we may be entering a period of global cooling. A Warming Australia: Fact or Fiction? Government Issues Warnings, but… Black Carbon and Global Warming. Tiny Solar Changes affect Earth’s Climate. Obama Declares War on Reality Obama’s Covert Plan on Climate. Obama’s Speech – Climate Change Misdirection. A Single NASA Scientist vs More than Twenty.

Some other recent articles of general interest — The Spoiled-Brat Syndrome DC Passes Silicon Valley for Highest Median US Income.

One of the good AWED people is Mike Bond, whose fifth novel has just been published. It's a strong condemnation of the wind industry. Called SAVING PARADISE, it's an "eco-thriller" based on the experiences of an ex-Special Forces vet who gets tied up in the murder of a journalist by a wind energy company.

He says the reason he wrote the book was to educate people about the wind scam. All royalties and net proceeds are going to anti-wind funding. He has worked out a process with his publisher that if an anti-wind group wants to offer the book to its members, we can provide it at cost, and the group makes about $8 per book. Contact Mike at [email protected].

Our proposed national energy slogan is “All of the Sensible” (in contrast to the absurd “All of the Above”). Please pass it on. US citizens should make sure to get up- to-speed with what is on our PTCFacts.Info pages, as this is still a political issue.

Please pass this information on to other open-minded, science-oriented people. If anyone would like to be added to or removed from the email list, please let me know.

Thank you for your support. john droz, jr. physicist & environmental advocate ------

Sent 2/18/13

Several articles this issue are about the President’s proposed energy and environmental policies. Since none of these appear to be based on genuine science, it means that we will be having to speak up, in a load, clear and unified voice, about how our representatives need to do the right thing.

My apologies as to who suggested it recently, as I forgot. In any case I want to pass on a good PR move. The suggestion was that from now on instead of using the term “renewables” (which is an unscientific and inaccurate characterization anyway), to instead call wind and solar: unreliables.

An important, new, professionally made film about wind energy is Wind Rush. Although the direstor makes the obligatory inaccurate statements about wind energy “benefits” (the media has to be balanced!), the message is inescapably that wind is not everything it’s made out to be.

I’ve updated my page about fixing the RPS situation. We will be working with citizens where the political atmosphere is receptive to fixing some of these charades. If you have solid evidence that your state is such a case, please let us know by emailing me, ASAP.

More reports about greed energy economics: Another PTC storm Brewing. A fine article on the underreported costs of wind energy Another US tactic being proposed to subsidize the wind industry An important FERC case: Windpower Tax. Wind Energy as a major electricty Consumer. Very important Ontario matter re wind energy costs. Wind in your hair, sun on your skin – and ebb in your wallet. Economist Kevin O’Leary (Shark Tank) nails wind energy. Obama Unveils His Economy-Killing Cap-And-Tax Plan. The List of Green Energy Failures. European wind energy facing subsidy and legal issues. Germany and Spain Move to Curb Green-Energy Supports Wind Turbine collapses.

More reports about turbine health matters: I may have mentioned this before but this is an exceptionally well done critique of the Massachusetts “health” report, by an MIT PhD with impeccable credentials. As he accurately says: it’s all about the science — and what they did was junk. Very important Canadian Turbine Health Study Update A Wisconsin state agency rejects a wind development due to noise concerns. Wind turbine complaints foreboding. Global Wind Energy — The Human Impact

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: Two US Senators call the Justice Dept hypocritical re turbines bird kills. A fine piece about environmental hypocricy.

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: A NH state agency rejects a wind application based on aesthetics. Falmouth (MA) Selectmen vote to take turbines down. Committee of Heath (MA) citizens conclude that wind is a waste. Hawaii wind project defeated by citizens. Some lessons from wind energy in NY. A site to report government or wind energy malfeasance. Windpower Propoganda — at a School Near You? Nuclear power is our only hope, or, the greatest environmentalist hypocrisy of all time Al Gore’s Nuclear Hypocrisy. A good assessment of the reign of Dr. Chu. Britian has enough shale gas for 1500 years. Methane Hydrates and the Potential Natural Gas Boom. World Coal Consumption. Solar Industry Grapples with Hazardous Waste. A short video about the problems with ethanol. Wind energy facing challenges in Texas.

Some recent global warming articles of interest — More breaks in the IPCC front. Global Warming: Manmade or Not? is a superior summary of the AGW situation. Real Sustainability vs Activist Sustainability. Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis. Emergent Phenomena. Another Climate Driver Just Discovered. A new study about how volcanoes may affect AGW. In their Own Words, Alarmists Debunk Their Science. A report worth reading: Climate of Deception? Climate change or global luke-warming? Point-by-Point Cimate Rebuttal of Obama Talk. Obama’s Climate Team. EPA's Secret And Costly “Sue And Settle” Collusion With Environmental Organizations

Some other recent articles of general interest — Least expensive Obamacare plan is set for $20,000 per year. This is a related, Must See short video: Doorbell.

Please pass this information on to other open-minded, science-oriented people. If anyone would like to be added to or removed from the email list, please let me know.

Thank you for your support. john droz, jr. physicist & environmental advocate ------

Sent 3/11/13

A sordid story of wind energy in Rhode Island. This is very representative of what is going on everywhere. Watch this video carefully!

Our proposed national energy slogan is “All of the Sensible” (in contrast to the absurd “All of the Above”). Please pass it on. US citizens should make sure to get up- to-speed with what is on our PTCFacts.Info pages, as this is still a political issue.

More reports about greed energy economics: Very significant: How AWEA’s Job Claims are Bogus. More evidence of extra costs required by wind energy. Ontario may “solve” wind’s intermittency with a Battery Five Times the Size of Niagara Falls. The cost — who cares? NREL — secret “lab” wasting your money. Germany’s Unaffordable Wind Energy. Germany’s “Green revolution” may cost Taxpayers well over $1 Trillion. Sequester is a Manufactured Crisis. Sequestration might hamper development of unreliables Sequestration results in 8.7% cut in wind 1603 grants. More good commentary re sequestration and energy impacts. Wind project’s $30 million in subsidies to be reviewed. Despite high wind development, Texas has had a net loss in green jobs since 2010! MPs on the Pay of Subsidized Eco-firms… BC Hydro’s Billion Dollar Climate Bill. Investors may sue when handouts stop. Maryland’s Offshore Wind Fiasco. The latest in the removal of the Falmouth Turbines.

More reports about turbine health matters: An excellent list where health professionals have expressed turbine concerns. Health Effects of Infrasound can Cause Death. Sleep duration predicts cardiovascular outcomes. (Peer reviewed.) Deaths from various Energy Forms Compared. Turbine Noise at Fairhaven Massachusetts. More evidence of Green Energy Pollution. Health Effects part of WindRush movie.

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: USF&WS and 30 year Eagle killing permits. Sierra Club Promotes Industry Over Wildlife. John Muir and Wind Turbines.

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: Wind Running from Demand. Winds of Change — how communities are destroyed. ’s Role Overestimated. Power Density Separates Wheat from the Chaff. Wind Facts from a Different Angle. No Wind, No Sun, No Power. Wind Permits revolked in NYS. NY State Judge dismisses lawsuit by wind developer. Renewable Energy’s Big Secret. Wind farms will create more carbon dioxide, say scientists. Grass Roots Revolt on Green Energy. Is Your Church Bowing to the Green Dragon? An Ill Wind Blows in New Hampshire. German “Reaches the Pain Threshold”. Peak Oil vs Peak Government —> please follow. Keystone Pipeline — Pyrrhic Victory Ahead? Solar energy can be a large consumer of water: see here and here. An article about the new head of DOE. Two important hearings were held this week at the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. See here for details.

Some recent manmade global warming articles of interest — A new solution to global warming, that might actually make sense! Climate Change Poised to Enter Classrooms. Survey says: Decades of climate alarmism have had little effect on attitudes. Normative Science (really good) by Dr. Judith Curry. Some scientists conclude that CO2 follows global warming. IPCC head acknowledges 17 year pause in global warming. Time To Jail The Climate Scamsters? It’s the Sun, Stupid. Keystone Pipeline Will Not Affect Climate. Sierra Club resorts to civil disobedience to promote their religion. Our Real Manmade Climate Crisis. Can Global Warmists Get Their Story Straight? You’ve probably heard that environmentalists (and their media associates) were making dire warnings about global cooling in the 1970’s. This is a fascinating list of dozens of such claims.

Some other recent articles of general interest — An excellent article on the situation with flood insurance. A superior short video about Obamacare and morality.

Please pass this information on to other open-minded, science-oriented people. If anyone would like to be added to or removed from the email list, please let me know.

Thank you for your support. john droz, jr. physicist & environmental advocate


Published 4/1/13

Matt Ridley on How Fossil Fuels are Greening the Planet.

There is a good effort here to collect the names of all the “anti-wind” groups in the world. Over 700 have been identified. Please look this list over. If you see any in your area that are missing, please email Lori.

A far reaching lawsuit: a few pro-wind NYS citizens have sued two local bloggers who were allegedly “anti-wind” for defemation of their character, etc.

More reports about greed energy economics: Testimony before Science Committee on Federal Energy Subsidies. Some Federal Wind Handouts Duplicative. Maryland’s “Wind Powered Welfare” US Energy Boom Ripples Through Economy RECs are a Feel Good Scam. I changed my RPS summary page to a new location. Wisconsin’s RPS costing Hundreds of Millions States Cooling on RPS’s. California’s Coming Greenouts (due to their RPS). Maine’s Governor warn’s citizens about RPS impacts.

More reports about turbine health matters: NY Residents sue Turbine Leaseholders.

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: Feds say proposed wind project could kill up to 20 bald eagles a year. Big Wind and Avian Mortality – 1. Big Wind and Avian Mortality – 2. Hiding the Slaughter (regarding turbine bird kills) Eagle Killed by Turbine Brings Federal Scrutiny

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: A Climatologist Speaks Out Aginst Wind Energy. U.S. Nuclear Plants Safer After Japan Crisis. Modern Wind Turbines Generate Dangerously "Dirty" Electricity Natural Gas is Better then Wind. Methane Hydrates: Energy for 1000 Years. Environmental Groups Endorse “None of the Above” Energy Cities Weigh Taking Over Electricity From Private Utilities. Forecast Dims for Wind Energy Growth. Nuclear Exit and CO2 Emissions. Some basic facts about wind energy: It Doesn’t Work! Mafia Involvement with Wind Energy. Renewable Energy: The Vision and a Dose of Reality. An environmental leader objects to Vermont’s renewable policies. Apple’s 100% Renewable Energy Claims Fails Sunlight Test. 1200 Coal Plants are Scheduled to be Built.

Some recent manmade global warming articles of interest — An Engineer’s Take on Global Warming Global Warming Standstill. Global Warming Forecasts Were Wrong. Sustainability: Never Waste a Good Cliché. Higher CO2 benefits some crops.

Two important hearings were held recently at the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. See here for details?

Some other recent articles of general interest — Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street. The financial meltdown inside story. Renewable Fuel Standard (e.g. Ethanol)

Our proposed national energy slogan is “All of the Sensible” (in contrast to the absurd “All of the Above”). Additionally we should be using the term “unreliables” when speaking of renewables. Please pass these on. US citizens should make sure to get up-to-speed with what is on our PTCFacts.Info pages, as the PTC is still a political issue. Please pass this information on to other open-minded, science-oriented people. If you know anyone who would like to periodically like to get AWED emailings, please email me.

Thank you for your support.

{List prior AWED newsletters} ------

AWED 4/22/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter by john droz

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy & environmental policies. Our basic position is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using real science.

Instead of a science-based approach, our energy and environmental policies are typically written by those who stand to economically or politically profit from them. As a result, anything genuinely science-based in these policies is usually inadvertent and accidental.

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 3 weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and environmental matters. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information. ------

Other than the not-so-good title, this is a brief summary of the Science situation.

More reports about greed energy economics: All About RECs (another part of the scam) Wind Subsidies Spinning Out of Control. A study says a new wind project could reduce property values from 25-60%. Major wind developer stating that artificial govt supports are counterproductive. IRS Gives Big Cash to Big Wind. A Study showing Arizona’s RPS doesn’t make sense. How Taxpayer Money Gets Lost in the Wind. Germany waking up to Renewable realities. The High Cost of Surplus Wind Power Beyond Puff Power. Wonderful: Tales of Government Investment US Carbon Tax: a Dumb Idea AWEA Misconstrues the Facts on Subsidies. MIT: Turbulent Turbine Interactions Challenge the Economics of large Wind projects

More reports about turbine health matters: Wind Turbine Noise and Human Perception: superior. Falmouth: Tabulation of Torture list. Public Letter re Maine Superior Court… A good video (short) about medical isotopes. Australian Commissioners confirm turbine health impacts. Michigan Citizens sue Wind Developer over health issues.

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: Experts says Turbine Bird Deaths may be Underreported.

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: Important Questions for Obama Energy & EPA Nominees. A NC county rejects a lax wind turbine ordinance. BP Selling US Wind Arm. Environmental and Economic Consequences of Ontario’s RPS. BP: Back to Petroleum and Beyond Puff Power. Some fascinating charts of world information. The New Normal — Living Sustainable, but Not Free. Congressional Testimony about Why is a Very Bad Idea. A NYS town’s law restricting turbines is upheld in court. A new US bi-partisan energy efficiency bill. European Cap & Trade Collapses. Czech Grid Absorbs German Wind Surges.

Some recent manmade global warming articles of interest — We’re Not Screwed? The Real Climate Change Deniers Climate Change Fallacies (video) Global Warming & Climate Change — Science & Politics Trust Us – Skeptics are Crooks. Record amounts of sea ice. Ex NASA Scientists Study: why global warming is false

Some other recent articles of general interest — Some good food for thought in thie one-minute sermon. ------

AWED 5/13/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter by john droz

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy & environmental policies. Our basic position is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using real science.

Instead of a science-based approach, our energy and environmental policies are typically written by those who stand to economically or politically profit from them. As a result, anything genuinely science-based in these policies is usually inadvertent and accidental.

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every 3 weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and environmental matters. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information. ------

A fascinating technical study at Phys.Org concludes that turbines have adverse consequences to grid stability. For example: “wind turbines do not only transfer wind intermittency to the grid, but they also amplify it… The data also shows that wind power intermittency does not only affect the output of individual turbines, as previous research has shown, but it also extends to entire wind farms, which has not been observed before.”

A great (short) video about entitlement.

More reports about greed energy economics: MLP: more BS about “leveling the playing field”. Renewable MLPs and REITs. Fix or repeal the PTC. Senator Stabenow and Representative Pompeo spar over PTC. Two submissions to the US Tax Committee re PTC: Here and Here. Court: Turbines Have Reduced Property Values. Ending Economic Malaise. $11 Million per green job created. They’re Not Wind Farms, They’re Tax Farms. Wind Industry Seeks another Extension of Tax Credit.

More reports about turbine health matters: Vermont Legislators hear about some turbine health effects. Health Unit Hears Results of Turbine Study. Cutting the Spin (please vote on the poll).

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: Avian expert testifies before House Ways and Means Committee. Maryland wind project confronts Navy and Eagles. Condor Killers Won’t be Prosecuted.

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: The Coming Crisis in Electricity Generation. Hansen: Nuclear Power Saves Lives AWEA Names New CEO. A Chinese study concludes “China’s wind power system is not sound”. Assault on Energy. Green Tech Can Backfire. The Dark Side of US Energy Independence. Arkansas Legislators Reject Renewable Mandate. EIA Offers New Information for Consumers. Turbine Roadblocks in New Hampshire. FAA blocks a wind project for a NY town. So Much Wind — a handbook for anti-wind groups. Wind Industry sees Carbon Tax as Best Policy. New Renewable Energy Technologies: a monstrous boondoggle? Industrial Wind Turbines: No Voice, No Vote. Dr Soon’s video about the Realities of CO2

Some recent manmade global warming articles of interest — Dr. Curry’s Conressional Testimony about AGW. It’s Not About The Climate. Please consider contributing to this good cause. If you don’t like a book – burn it. In Defense of Carbon Dioxide. A Big Day for Transparency on Capitol Hill. Comments on the 2013 Draft National Climate Assessment. Greenland Glacier Melting — not what you have been told. US Tempertures over the last 100+ years — not what you think. Extreme Weather Events — now LESS frequent. ------

AWED 6/3/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

“How To Humble A Wingnut” is about an interesting study that pertains to our energy and environmental business. “The central finding is that if you ask people to explain exactly why they think as they do, they discover how much they don’t know -- and they become more humble and therefore more moderate.”

More reports about greed energy economics: Some Unintended Consequences of Energy Mandates A deceptive pitch for the insidious carbon tax $9± million in a month, to produce zero wind energy electrtcity “Affordable Energy” taking priority over CO2 “abatement” Wind Needs Subsidies more than other Alternatives EIA’s most recent electricity costs, by state An excellent study: Rich States, Poor States Environmentalists compare the economics of solar vs nuclear Solar clawbacks gaining momentum European experiences with Renewable Mandates

More reports about turbine health matters: Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbines Scientific Evidence of Turbine Infrasound Two Reports Confirm Excessive Turbine Noise

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: The Endangered Species Act — A Hypocricy Big Green Helps Big Wind Hide Bird & Bat Butchery Wind Projects Get a Pass on Eagle Deaths The Latest Wind Energy Outrage A fine editorial about wildlife hypocricy Condor Ruling a Slippery Slope NY Post Editorial: Ruffled Feathers

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: EPA has a Bias Similar to the IRS A good map of wind energy capacity factors, by state Citizens Object to a Rhode Island Offshore Wind Project Partial victory in turbine lawsuit An County bans Industrial Turbines Blade breaks off wind turbine China Eco-Boosterism, Revisited Deep Ecology vs Energy A study of turbines on school property Declining Student Interest in College Wind Curriculum Mindless “green” indoctrination of children Solar Business Anxious Over Failures (e.g. 80% Underperforming) US Forests being cut down in the name of going green Denmark Community Wind Energy Movement in Retreat Energy Policy Enough to Make America Fail U.S. posts the biggest increase in oil production in the world Exelon blames wind power for nuclear uprate project cancellations The Chaos of Germany’s Energy Policy

Some recent manmade global warming articles of interest — Sea Level Rise prediction is less than others. To debunk the latest “97% of Scientist…” claim, see this. Extreme Global Warming Seen Further Away than Previously Thought College corruption: Swarthmore, Vassar. Be very concerned! The disturbing College Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign In Defense of CO2 — an interesting short video. “Global Warming will cause an increase in prostitution” George Will has his usual good insights regarding climate change etc. Overheated rhetoric on climate change doesn’t make for good policies Climate Change not making Tornadoes stronger Who Are The Real Climate Deniers? DOE Secretary Speaks out about “Climate Change” We Are All Climate Skeptics Now CFCs appear to be more of a global warming cause than CO2 Rep McKinley hosts a Climate Change Discussion A Book Review – Is the IPCC Salveagable? ------

AWED 6/24/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Quiz: See how many of the “Mad Men” you know. (BTW I’ve never smoked and only drink beer [not mixed drinks] but accuracy wasn’t the objective here.)

Please read this excellent article about Common Core — and note that the first several paragraphs all exactly apply to global warming.

More reports about greed energy economics: Falmouth (MA) Real Estate — the Turbine Effect Know our opponent’s propaganda: The social cost of Carbon Trade War: Solar Panels vs Wine Spain Said to Be Poised to Cut Renewable Subsidies Tax lobbyists work to get on ‘The List’ Offshore Wind: The Enormously Expensive Option “The real meaning of clean energy is to clean out our wallets!” — Jelinski A new site on US energy subsidies. Court ruling called a game changer for renewable power DOE Green Energy Loans: $11.45 million per job Big Wind SLAPPs Critic America should learn from Europe on wind power Britian’s Wind Jobs cost over $150,000 (US) each Excellent Commentary on the proposed carbon tax idea Constitutionality of Renewable Energy Mandates in Question Positive news: Ontario ends it FIT program

More reports about turbine health matters: Couple Can’t Escape Shadow of Wind Turbines It Breaks My Heart Two New Studies show Turbines Affect Health Letter to Victoria Dept. of Health re: acoustics of wind turbine noise Wind industry complains against noise rules — boo hoo. Precautionary Double Standards

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: Raptors are attracted to wind turbines Killing Them Softly: How Wind Turbines Affect Waterfowl Nesting Numerous benefits of bats to humans German wind turbines kill over 200,000 bats a year Turbines are Bat Chomping, Bird Slicing… Spotted Owls & the Spotty Sciences that Spawned Them: 5 Questions

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: Pandora’s Promise: A Sundance Film Selection about nuclear power President Obama commits to tough push on global warming And a response that we would endorse The New Prometheus Locals to get veto power over wind projects. England’s U-Turn on Turbines A good discussion of gas electrical energy being “clean” Renewable Energy’s Reversal of Fortune Shale Gas versus Ethanol: A Water Perspective Frac Gas and Wind Blindness We May Live on a Natural Gas Machine Conneticutt makes a sensible improvement to their RPS British Environmental Secretary: Wind Farms are a Complete Scam Good Hawaii TV commercial re wind energy Massachusetts group has national plans to fix wind energy Alliance for Responsible Siting for Alternative Energy Installations Fairhaven halts overnight use of turbines Good upstate NY newspaper energy editorial A superb letter to the editor about a NNY town supervisor and wind energy Another letter to the editor about NNY town legislators and wind energy "All of the Above" Must Be Weighted by Common Sense Study Finds No Evidence of Water Contamination from Shale Gas Drilling Wind Energy as a Supplement… The Rationale for Wind Power Won't Fly FERC head steps down: we can only hope A good wind energy editorial by an Ohio paper

Some recent manmade global warming articles of interest — Obama Quietly Raises 'Carbon Price' as Costs to Climate Increase An insightful piece by the Economics: The Cooling Consensus Cooling looms as Earth's true climate calamity NZCLIMATE Truth Newsletter No. 313 has some excellent insights Extreme Weather Report (If I had this before, it is worth a re-mention) Your’s Truly made it into the Mad Men of Climate Denial NOAA US 2013 Climate Highlights: a more reasonable assessment The New Normal: Sustainable Serfdom Could Global Warming Slow Sea Level Rise? EPA Honors Fake Employee EPA climatism: Dictating our lives, living standards and life spans How to Run a Really Bad Infowar Campaign China translates 1200 page IPCC rebuttle Two local meteorologists speak out against global warming Info on major lawsuit against EPA ------

AWED 7/15/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

More reports about greed energy economics: Renewables — a Fading Dream Disruptive Technology Hits Electric Industry Cheap energy: a human right for the public good Germany: Tilting at Senators begin drive for US tax reform by wiping the slate clean A Study about decommissioning turbines The Incompatibility of Wind and Crop Farming Ontario’s Green Energy Act a bad bargain for Ontarians It's Time To Sequester Green Energy Subsidies, Not Mythical Oil And Gas Tax Breaks End subsidies for wind power? Yes!

More reports about turbine health matters: Wind Farms Destroy the Environment: Human Health (video) Acoustics scientists criticize campaign U.S. DOE has known about Wind Turbine Syndrome since 1987

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: Minnesota Utility Commission pulls the plug on a wind project Rare Bird Killed by Turbine Wind Energy Kills Birds

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: Germany: Green Energy Bust An important Nevada Supreme Court case where a turbine was ruled a nuisance, etc. This is the National Association of Realtors commentary about it. A superior website about landowners and wind leases Hydropower as a backup for wind energy: the green perspective A Letter to the Editor I wrote regarding wind projects The Lunacy of Wind Energy Chinese wind-turbine firm charged with stealing US trade secrets Carbon Foolishness Toward a SMART meter Recall The Surprising Power of a Solar Storm Lack of health information could be the way out of wind leases Getting Energy From The Energy Store DOE Secretary Moniz Defends Fracking An Evidence Based Approach to Pricing CO2 Emissions Maine is going the right way with offshore wind “Wind farms couldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding” Electric cars don’t solve the automobile’s environmental problems The war for economic and energy freedom Shale Gas is Fraking Green US DOE’s Forecast of Fossil Fuel Use Study proposes; Restructure US govt to make huge green changes EIA: The U.S. met 89 percent of its own energy needs in March! Wind Energy and Military Airspace Case

Some recent manmade global warming articles of interest — Climate Change in 12 Minutes - The Skeptic's Case An excellent dissection of all the 97% climate claims Leading Climate Scientist fired for apparently not toeing the line Another Climate Expert terminated for not being politically correct Climate Change Roundtable: Christy The War Against Truth Revisiting Climategate as Climatism Falters American Geophysical Union Scraps Science, Now Faith Based NOAA published highest recorded temperatures Climate Sense and Nonsense CRU Abandons Yamal Superstick Netherland’s submission to the IPCC — some surprising points. Kerry urges India to do more with climate change Taxing Air is a new good book on global warming by Bob Carter Evidence, not consensus, is what counts Increased CO2 results in trees using water more efficiently

More on President Obama’s recent Energy/Climate speech: Obama's global-warming claims demolished Obama’s Plan: Emphasize What Won't Work; Penalize What Works Coal State Dems Chizel Away at Obama’s Plan Exposing the Global Warming Fraud Obama’s global-warming folly As The Earth Cools, Obama's Still Distracted By A Fraudulent Warming Narrative

Some other recent articles of general interest — Please respond to this to fight more ethanol in gas. Next Generation Science Standards Coming to YOUR State Soon! ------

AWED 8/5/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

The Competing World Views of Environmentalism and Christianity The real gold standard of science is not “peer review” — it’s “reproducibility” On confusing expertise and objectivity

More reports about greed energy economics: NH utility can’t get enough people to pay more for renewables War on Subsidies: Brussels Questions German Energy Revolution The Two-pronged Plug of High Electricity Prices due to Wind Energy Three good (short) anti-wind energy radio ads Glenn Schleede’s good comments re EIA and wind energy. N.J. Regulators Deal Major Blow To Fishermen's Energy Offshore Wind Project Ruinous green policies mean rising profits for energy companies Czech Government Votes to End Support for Renewables Louisiana Law Will Phase out Solar Tax Credit Billions spent in Obama climate plan may be virtually useless The Sustainable Markets Foundation Wheel of Fortune

More reports about turbine health matters: Dirty Diesel will kick in when wind diminishes Big Wind turbines, health and disease - a Danish perspective Wind turbines ARE a human health hazard: the smoking gun Health risks linked to wind turbines Lake township board hears turbine presentation

More reports about turbine wildlife matters: Angry Birds?

Misc energyenergy reports:reports: The main thing being produced by offshore Wind – Rust and CO2 FERC and Binz: be extremely concerned! President’s Energy Program Shows the Dishonesty of Climate Change Germany: Mutiny in the Land of Wind Turbines A fine comparison between wind and nuclear in Ontario Wind Turbines, the Facts is an excellent publication by the Scientific Alliance Senate Hearings on Climate had some good presentations. (Also see this commentary from a person who was present.) An interesting photo and map showing Energy Impact Electric Cars: Unclean at Any Speed! Learn To Stand Up To Government Gasland Part II: Same Misleading Images, New Conspiracy Theory New Government Fracking Study Fracking is Threat to Middle East Oil Nuclear's safety lesson for fracking EIA’s unprecedented power grab to reduce ozone Religious right objects to EIA’s restriction of power plant CO2 emissions FERC says JP Morgan manipulated electricity market “Occupied By Wind”: an interview with a Danish wind expert Orangeville Controversy Continues Bloom Leads San Jose Astray Siemens Exits Solar Business What was missing from Congress' ethanol debate?

Some recent manmade global warming articles of interest — Straight talk about “Sustainable” Planning Is the IPCC becoming more reasonable? How Little We Know About the Weather Networks Fail to Mention ‘Lull’ in Warming in All 92 Climate Change Stories Climatism is the ‘Greatest Global Delusion’ in History “Is What I Say Beyond the Boundaries of Reasonable Discussion?” “inability of climate scientists to admit their ignorance” An interesting new technical study about AGW and Solar cycles, etc. The EPA's Game of Secret Science We’re getting burned by phony science and authoritarian power grabs The Age of Hyperbole: How Normal Weather Became ‘Extreme’ How the Met Office lost touch with Reality Polar Ice Melts May Be Natural Events Antartica has near record sea ice for 2013 Global Warming Responsible for Epidemic of Rail Disasters?

Some other recent articles of general interest — The new GDP methodology Racism And Genocide Cloaked In Green Camouflage ------

AWED 8/26/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

How to win the wind energy war. A fascinating list of key materials needed in a typical 3 MW turbine, and how much of these are imported. Scientists and Motivated Reasoning

Greed Energy Economics: Wind Energy: Only When the Wind Blows and the Subsidies Flow Wind Energy Curtailment Wind and Solar are Parasitic Power Producers It's Not Gridlock That is Blocking a Carbon Tax, It's Science and Economics Radio Interview: Massachusetts’ Cape Wind — Beginning of the End

Turbine Health Matters: Vermont Suggests Fines, More Sound Monitoring For Wind Project Wind industry ignores, makes up the facts A good set of short Turbine health videos A new invention to clean fossil fuel pollution Sand Is The Latest Front In The War On Fracking

Turbine wildlife: Bird mortality: spilling the glass Obama's Climate Plan Would Kill Hundreds Of Millions Of Birds And Bats

Misc Energy: Parsing Through the Wind Energy Sector's PR Esther Wrightman - Eagles, Activism and NextEra DOE Misdirection on Wind Energy Renweable Energy: Not So Bright Lights Ill Wind Blows for German Offshore Industry Japan Extracts Gas from Methanes A very short video about energy, steam and CO2 Europe Pulls the Plug on its Green Future Wind farms creating an environmental divide Federal appeals court rules against Vermont’s efforts to close nuclear plant Court says Agency violating the law regarding Yucca Mountain Yarmouth board denies solar panel permit Is Greenpeace Deliberately Misleading Or Simply Deluded? Mafia Involvement with Wind Energy Europe: a Green Energy basket Case What’s wrong with Energy in Ontario? Conservatives for carbon tax campaign faltering IPCC doubles down: 95% sure on AGW, but… Green Energy is Part of the Past, not Fuel for the Future Don't believe claims about wind energy Access to energy Not the Entire Story Energy Strategy — Begin with Density

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Scientists and Motivated Reasoning Who Are The Deniers? Astronaut Walter Cunningham and Restoring Climate Science Integrity Rise in Violence linked to Poor Statistics Global Warming as Faith Climate Realism and Social Realism PR 101: Rebranding Global Warming Mann Made Science (simpy amazing) Cutting soot and methane may not give hoped-for climate help Warming Up To Warming? — a fascinating interview Why Did Sea Level Drop in 2010? "The Inconvenient Truth" Global Warming Revisited It’s Time to Restore EPA’s Original Purpose NASA Images Illustrate Sun as a Driver of Global Warming Carbon dioxide: The “gas of life” 2013 is a record low year for U.S. tornadoes Another Bizarre Form Of “The Science is Settled” Claim In The Climate Debate Environmental Sciences Independent Peer Review Institute Climate change violence study exposes ethical problems in science and the media Limiting Scientific Debate at AGU

Some other recent articles of general interest — Smoking Them Out: The theft of the Environment A Black Senator explains why he switched to be a Republican Putting Bicycles Ahead Of People ------

AWED 9/16/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Excellent Commentary about Science. And another: Science Says So, Suckers! The Great Climate Change Fraud Australia liberated from their long national green nightmare

Greed Energy Economics: How to Make Nuclear Cheap Electricity demand patterns matter for valuing electricity supply resources Wind Energy, The Devil and Local Representatives Debunking of Hoen’s latest turbine property value missive Environmental and Economic Consequences of Turbines (video) Another indicator that we will have to ratchet up our anti-PTC effort soon Good News: Green-Energy Preferences Via Partnership Status Stalls Germany's Energy Poverty Wind Turbines and the Promise of Money Paying Wind Developers Not To Produce Electricity DoD doles out $7 billion in wind-energy contracts Proof windfarms will cut Scots house prices How Renewable Portfolio Standards Can Subvert The Economy FERC Chair nominee targets natural gas

Turbine Health Matters: Epidemiologist concludes turbines are a health hazard A video about turbine neighbors in Fairhaven MA: Too Close (See the two wildlife noise studies, which have human pertinence.) Windmills No Thanks – nuclear plants are far safer

Turbine Wildlife Matters: Wildlife groups, wind industry meet on eagle permit rule Hiding Avian Mortality A NPS Study: The Impacts of Noise on Wildlife The Effect Of Noise On Wildlife: A Literature Review New Report about Eagles killed by Wind Turbines South Africa windfarms to kill rare bird species into extinction

Misc Energy: UN Ruling puts future wind development in question A citizen prevails against wind energy and her national government Green Lobbyist pitches UE Council of Ministers US nuclear projects face construction challenges Sides lining up in FERC nomination fight Troubled wind project target of FBI scrutiny, industry criticism State agencies ponder changes to wind-energy rules Kudos: NYS Town passes law prohibiting industrial wind turbines New York’s Ongoing Wind Energy Mistakes Small Modular Reactor (SMR) in ? Illinois County Improves their Wind Ordinance Renewable power falls as Texas wind underperforms

Manmade Global Warming Articles — The Main Problem with Climatism 65 million years of temperature swings Climate Science Exploited for Political Agenda Global warming may simply be an artifact of clean air laws The Importance of Length-of-Record in Assessing Sea Level Peer-Reviewed Study Indicates Recent Warming Is Natural 50:1 Project video Consensus — What Consensus? Stop Denying Climate Science and Act! Why are publicly-funded scientists allowed to keep their work secret? If you still believe in 'climate change' read this… Learning to Read Science Articles with a Critical Eye Climate scientists are wrong — and here's why Climate Theories Crumble as Data and Experts Suggest Global Cooling Greenhouse Gasses Cool the Earth? Dismantling the EPA's extremist views regarding CO2 Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year Coalition takes axe to climate programs Study: Climate models wildly overestimated global warming Dialing Back the Alarm on Climate Change NAS: climate models still ‘decades away’ from being useful Nuclear and Gas Saved the most CO2 German Emissions Rise due to Closing Nuclear

Some other recent articles of general interest — A fine essay: Re-education at George Mason The Common Core Curriculum: Education’s Final Frontier A Window Into Academia — A Resignation Letter ------

AWED 10/7/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: Wind industry lobbying for another extension of PTC Dr. Michaels Testifies against the PTC in Congress House Hearing on PTC Wind subsidies, déjà vu Credits to Spur Renewable Energy Sources Seen Set to End Renewables Religion is Dangerous — “it’s insanity” Ontario is Michigan’s and New York’s best friend Wind investments blow Pickens off the Forbes 400 list Dollar Migration Amounts for each US state Are we prepared to accept the cost of moving to renewables? German Economics Experts Say Enough to Costly ‘Green” Energy Global Warming 'Hiatus' Puts Climate Change Scientists On the Spot The Movie: An Inconsistent Truth Germany’s Green Dream Costs Spiral Out of Control “They’ve gone too far to admit they were wrong” Several organizations protest againt the wind PTC Ontario Failing Like Europe NYSERDA finances under scrutiny by comptroller, inspector general Housing values plummet in shadow of turbine developments The tax-exemption rip-off Bishop of Newcastle hits out at wind turbine tourism damage Chinese typhoon knocks out 17 wind turbines

Turbine Health Matters: Never Stops, Never Stops. Headache. Help! Residents file federal action against Keyser windfarm Wind project pollutes nearby water supplies Dr. Alex Salt responds regarding wind turbine noise

Turbine Wildlife Matters: Developers Ditch Disputed Minn. Wind Project (w video) National Audubon: By The Numbers Wind Energy Gets Away with Murder Windfarm Mortality: Environmental Disinformation Wind project could kill dozens of endangered bats

Misc Energy: Non-renewable Renewables A good study on wind energy intermittency, by a scientist Wind Energy: Chalk It Up as a Loss Australia Nixes Climate Change Ministry Ron Binz’ German Dream Binz nomination in trouble — good! Climate Tech Costly, Unproven Velocity rises in wind-power debate Metal requirements of low-carbon power generation Four Numbers Say Wind and Solar Can’t Save Climate Connecticut Moratorium On Wind Power Holds What is Energy? EPA Mandates That New Coal Plants Prevent Nonexistent Climate Problem With Unavailable Solution

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Obama's coming climate crackdown Scientific Study Shows Why Climate Change is Not a Crisis IPCC: Fixing the Facts IPCC diagnosis – permanent paradigm paralysis The IPCC Is Pretty Much Dead Wrong IPCC brings the good name of science into disrepute Warmism's Bellowing Dinosaurs James Hansen's Many and Varied False Alarms "Climate policy needs the element of fear…" Global warmism and the antiscientific method The Climate-Change Circus Alarmists Are In Way Over Their Heads On Rising Ocean Claims Antarctic Ice Sets Another Record Global Warming and the Chilling of Politics Warming Up for Another Climate-Change Report The Goreham - Taylor Global Warming Debate What Conservatives Can Teach Liberals About Global Warming Policy Is ocean acidification the new global warming? Top MIT scientist: Newest UN climate report is ‘hilariously’ flawed Global warming alarmism is no longer scientifically or politically sustainable Australia Shows Us the Way Sea Level Rise: Climate Change and an Ocean of Natural Variability Climate Change Ice Capped The Political Science of Global Warming Dams provide “ecological and engineering resilience” to AGW Climate of Uncertainty EPA's Emissions Rule Would Likely Increase Carbon Dioxide ------

AWED 10/28/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: American Renewable Energy — a National Kamikaze Mission? Energy Bosses Call for End to Subsidies for Wind, Solar Power Assessing the Cost of Wind Energy Which was then followed up by this MR article, with good comments. What Does it Really Cost Utility Customers to Subsidize Renewables? Electricity Demand, GDP, and Energy Policy Green Energy Swan Turning into Ugly Duckling How to lose half a trillion dollars Is our green energy dream falling apart? UK PM: “We need to roll back some of the green regulations and charges” Ontario Citizens on the hook for a wasted Billion± Ontario Sacks Large-Scale Wind A Classic: False claim of "homes served" by wind energy European Economic Stability Threatened By Renewable Energy Subsidies Rush to deploy clean energy tech is costly recipe for failure Challenging the Clean Energy Deployment Consensus Wind Power Costs in U.S. Are Six Times Higher Than Claimed

Turbine Health Matters: Major GMA report on Wind Turbine Syndrome Big Wind’s Dirty Little Secret: Toxic Lakes and Radioactive Waste Citizens win round one legal victory Citizens petition Massachusetts Health Agency for support A citizen’s complaints about a nearby wind project Wind project is dismantled

Turbine Wildlife Matters: Why isn't the wind industry subject to the Eagle Protection Act? Wind turbines: Birds at risk from growing wind power in Indiana

Misc Energy: Dismantling the West’s Energy-Climate Paradigm Intermittency of UK Wind Power Generation Parasitocracy Will Cooling Temperature Take The Wind Out Of Failed Energy Policies? Forty Years After OPEC Embargo, U.S. Is Energy Giant Follow the Money —Constitutional Barriers to Renewable Energy in the US OPEC and our energy sustainability A former wind energy professional criticizes wind energy developers Fallacious claims prop up ethanol API files suit against EPA’s unrealistic 2013 ethanol requirements Koch Brother Wages 12-Year Fight Over Cape Wind Major steps forward for renewable Ocean Thermal Energy A Classic: The Myth of Renewable Energy Using 'Sue and Settle' to Thwart Oil and Gas Drillers Why Electric Vehicles Have Stalled Some US Fracking History As Anti-Fracking Attitudes Evolve, What Will Industry Do? You shouldn't fear fracking — here's why I had an extensive interview on It’s Rainmaking Time

Manmade Global Warming Articles — ScienceDirect Study Disputes Accuracy of IPCC Models The climate alarmists have lost the debate… IPCC violated 72 of 89 relevant scientific forecasting principles Does Global Warming Science Matter? Climate Alarmists Seek Shelter From Public Storm Scientists like to think of science as self-correcting — it is not Cold spell near? Geologist digs deeper on climate change Suprising insights about Global Warming and Renewable Energy from a Congressional candidate — who happens to be a MIT physicist Socialist Science in the Climate Science Neighborhood Why climate change is good for the world The Positive Externalities of Carbon Dioxide Antarctic Ice reaches a record high — contrary to IPCC models The Science Fiction of IPCC Climate Models ------

AWED 11/18/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: “Property values are the new front line in the war over wind turbines” Another local wind project bites the dust N.J. Offshore Wind Project Reveals True Cost to Taxpayer Two US Senate bills advocating a national RPS — DOA The Wind Production Tax Credit Should Not Be Extended 100+ Organizations Petition Congress to end the PTC Developer backing out of Offshore project — not enough handouts A letter from 50+ US Congressal Members against the PTC Net Subsidy Analysis Europe's Renewable Energy Push Has Completely Backfired 32 Lawsuits against wind developer — incl property value loss

Turbine Health Matters: Maine law gives citizens new rights re wind energy Let’s Talk About Renewable Energy Wind Turbine Human Health Scandal - New Evidence Study Shows Turbines Impact Sleep Wind Turbine Noise, Sleep Quality, and Inner Ear Problems Resident Seeks State Regulations on Turbine Shadow Flicker Lawsuit for property 1.7 miles from turbines Proposed Winsconsin law itemizing legal claims citizens have against wind developers Industrial Wind Turbines, Human Variability, and Adverse Health Effects

Turbine Wildlife Matters: Turbines killed 600,000 (possibly as many as 900,000) US bats in 2012 Wildlife concerns (esp bats) expressed Renowned International Wildlife Expert Joins ABC Bald and Golden Eagles Are Being Killed By Wind Turbines (short video) How Wind Turbines Kill Bats and Hurt Farmers Wind Farms Kill Many Rare Birds Feds Consider West Virginia Permit to Kill Endangered Bats Wind Turbines And The Double Standard: Slaughtering Endangered Species The secret, dirty cost of Obama's green power push Bats at the centre of turbine row Scientists assess effects of offshore wind farm construction Environmentalists lead opposition to Vermont wind project

Misc Energy: Oregon initiative would recognize hydropower as renewable A Nucear vs Wind Turbine video “US wind industry slows to a unprecedented crawl this year” Experts say nuclear power needed to slow global warming Here is a fine collection of videos on wind energy NOAA report on turbine radar interference Why Solar makes very little sense Town Supervisor Balks at Wind Project Ontario's "green religion" Canada Praises Australia’s Repeal of Carbon Tax A letter to a neighbor with a turbine lease Thousands object to proposed wind project

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Canadian Climate Predictions Fail by 590% Costing Consumers a Bundle The Supreme Court eyes the EPA A Sea Change for Climate Science? Obama uses executive order in takeover of nation's climate change policies Global warming 'pause' may last for 20 more years Peer-Reviewed Source: New Research Challenges Global Warming Theories One Religion is Enough The Weird Rhetoric of Environmental “Holocaust” Political Science and the IPCC’s Forecasts Australia rejects “socialism masquerading as environmentalism" Why Does the Global Warming Hoax Persist? Haiyan Won’t Hit The Top Ten Natural Disasters List Scientific Critique of IPCC’s 2013 'Summary for Policymakers Climate Research: Lessons from Typhoon 'Haiyan' A New Natural Temperature Cycle Says AGW Is Not So Much Climate Change denial is a Serious Sin Sea Level Rise has decelerated since 2004 Green Religion: relying on opinions, not science (i.e. beliefs not facts) ------

AWED 12/09/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

Greed Energy Economics: A More Realistic Cost of Wind Energy Parasitic Wind Killing its Host Battle brews over new energy mandates Estimating the State-Level Impact of Federal Wind Energy Subsidies Ending the wind tax credit

Turbine Health Matters: Prairies, Wind Turbines, Solar Panels, and Fried Birds Good news for Falmouth: Judge orders limited use of wind turbines ZBA Rules that Turbines are a Health Nuisance Waubra Foundation - Explicit Warning Notice IOA good practice guide, excess amplitude modulation and the failure of wind farm noise controls Two Die in Wind Turbine Fire

Turbine Wildlife Matters: Threat of bat fatalities stalls Maine wind project Wind energy company pleads guilty to killing eagles Fine for Bird Kills is All Show, No Substance Study: California Wind Power is the Worst For Wildlife Obama Administration About to Give "Kill As Many Eagles as You Want" Pass to Wind Farms

Misc Energy: Hydraulic Fracturing a Game-Changer for U.S. Energy and Economies Germany Joins Japan, Canada, Australia In Abandoning Useless Fight Against Climate Change UK PM “We’ve got to get rid of this green crap” Federal Judge: Michigan Renewable Energy Mandate Unconstitutional Wind Turbines Are Climate-Change Scarecrows Cold Winter & High Energy Prices Cause Steep Increase in Deaths “Democratize” Just the Latest Phony Campaign to Sell Renewables Premier met with boos over wind process Green energy versus a grid that's not ready Russia’s floating SMR concept making waves NuScale Passes 100-Patent Mark For Small Modular Reactor Technology America’s greenest energy source Obama orders more use of renewable energy sources Why every serious environmentalist should favour fracking

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Role of natural aerosols in climate uncertainties underestimated How the IPCC models human accumulating emissions of CO2 Climate and Human Civilization over the last 18,000 years Rahmstorf and the consensus of experts on sea level -vs- reality, reality wins The 97% consensus myth – busted by a real survey Global Warming — Extreme Weather LInk UN Climate Delegates Failing Everyone US Emissions continue to decline — China/India, no China/India outsmart the US in Poland The Positive Externalities of CO2 The Social Cost of Carbon American Meteorological Survey - the 52% Consensus Global Warming Standstill Not Due to Volcanoes Pragmatism needed on global warming Austrian Weather Service: “Natural factors substantial… Models inadequate” Britain's $130 billion bill for climate policies Global-warming ‘proof’ is evaporating ------

AWED 12/30/13 Energy & Environmental Newsletter

US Production Tax Credit (PTC): Sen Grassley re the PTC Democrats push to extend clean energy tax credits as deadline looms US Senators oppose a PTC extension Can the American Wind Energy Industry Survive Without the PTC? What the Proposed US Energy Tax Reforms Mean for Renewables Wind power developers race the clock to secure a subsidy

Greed Energy Economics: U.K. Offshore Wind Energy a Turnoff for Investors Green Energy Policy Conspiracy Players Brave Green World and the Cost of Electricity Scottish Power becomes third firm to scrap UK offshore wind farm Dr. Giberson Ohio testimony re wind cost and reliability Cape Wind's disappearing subsidies German Offshore Wind Industry Goes from Boom To Bust National Renewable Electricity Standard: Why raise electricity prices? Wind Project offers all neighbors’ compensation Wind Power Unclothed: ‘Economics in One Lesson’ Hundreds of businesses to be paid to switch off to prevent blackouts Measuring the Environmental Benefits of Wind Energy Communities blow millions on wind turbines with 190-year payback periods

Turbine Health Matters: New PhD health study about the adverse affects of noise Wind Lobby group 'influenced wind farm noise report’ Wind farm noise: a government cover-up Noise over non compliance Australian Senator complains about Noise Violations Dr Alan Watts – pure & simple: Wind energy is a fraud Rand Ohio testimony re wind Acoustic Limits The Nuremberg Code and Wind Energy Health Issues Biological Effects of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields Wind Turbine Syndrome, a matter of bad prevention?

Turbine Wildlife Matters: Maine Audubon on Wind Energy Payroll We have to kill eagles in order to save them OK to kill endangered birds? Yes if you are a windfarm Audubon Objects to NC Wind Project

Misc Energy: Hunger Games and Climate Games Death by Renewables Doldrums and Clouds Bring Renewable Electricity Production to a Halt Power Quality in Grid-Connected Wind Turbines Fear of Nuclear Technology is Mistaken Study: Fracking Saves Water, Prevents Droughts

Manmade Global Warming Articles — Nobel Science Winner Declares Boycott of Top Science Journals Quelling The Rising Tide Of Sea Level Alarmism Climate change expert's fraud was 'crime of massive proportion,' say feds The First Amendment Right to Nonpolitical Homework Dozens of Critiques of IPPC5 — some really good Don’t Silence the Deniers How Far Should We Trust Computer Models? Climate Change And Environmental Socialism

Some other recent articles of general interest — The Myth of America’s Decline