E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2012 No. 146 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- petition can be signed through my Web called to order by the Speaker pro tem- utes. site at jones.house.gov. And, Mr. pore (Mr. FARENTHOLD). Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, this after- Speaker, I am pleased to tell you that f noon, a group of Members from both in just 3 weeks, we have over 2,000 parties are going to meet together to Americans that have signed this peti- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO discuss the possible legislative options tion. Our goal is to reach as many peo- TEMPORE to start a process of bringing our ple as possible to put the pressure on The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- troops from Afghanistan in 2013. our leadership to stop the loss of life fore the House the following commu- Yesterday I was on the floor speaking and treasure in Afghanistan. nication from the Speaker: about Army Specialist Joshua Nelson, Congress, let’s get together and work WASHINGTON, DC, November 15, 2012. from my home county, who was killed on legislation to bring our troops home I hereby appoint the Honorable BLAKE by the very Afghans he was sent to before the current timeline of Decem- FARENTHOLD to act as Speaker pro tempore train. Specialist Nelson is just one of 60 ber 2014. on this day. U.S. servicemembers who have been Mr. Speaker, before I close, this is JOHN BOEHNER, one of the many posters that I have Speaker of the House of Representatives. killed this year by the Afghans that they were sent to train. that I bring to the floor. There’s a flag- f I don’t know where the outrage is by draped coffin. There’s a group of Army MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the United States Congress. I am very officers. There’s a woman holding the hand of a child. And you can see in the A message from the Senate by Ms. disappointed in both parties and their face of the child, Why is my daddy in Curtis, one of its clerks, announced leadership to allow our young men and women to stay in a war that has no end that flag-draped coffin? that the Senate has passed without Congress, let’s wake up. Let’s come amendment bills of the House of the to it. This makes no sense to the Amer- ican people. In fact, Mr. Speaker, the together. Let’s start the process of following titles: bringing our troops home in 2013. H.R. 6118. An act to amend section 353 of American people have said time after time, in poll after poll, that they want Please, God, continue to bless our men the Public Health Service Act with respect and women in uniform. Please, God, to suspension, revocation, and limitation of to bring our troops home now—not in continue to bless America. laboratory certification. 2014, but now. H.R. 6131. An act to extend the Under- On October 7, there was a national f taking Spam, Spyware, And Fraud Enforce- article written, and the title was, ‘‘A BEYOND ‘‘BIKE-PARTISANSHIP’’ ment With Enforcers beyond Borders Act of Mother Mourns a Grim Milestone,’’ re- 2006, and for other purposes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ferring to the 2,000th American cas- f Chair recognizes the gentleman from ualty from the Afghan war. Lisa Free- Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE man, who was interviewed in the arti- utes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cle, lost her son Captain Matthew Free- Mr. BLUMENAUER. For years, I ant to the order of the House of Janu- man in 2009. He was shot by a sniper in have traveled the country preaching ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- Afghanistan. Ms. Freeman said: ‘‘bike-partisanship,’’ using bicycle and nize Members from lists submitted by I just sat here, reliving the pain and won- pedestrian facilities to help people the majority and minority leaders for dering: Where is America’s outrage? Where is burn calories, not fossil fuel, improve morning-hour debate. America’s concern that we’re still at war. their health, have fun, and enrich the The Chair will alternate recognition And, Mr. Speaker, I made reference community. Red State, blue State, Re- between the parties, with each party to this yesterday. The October 14 New publican, Democrat, Independent, it limited to 1 hour and each Member York Times editorial, ‘‘Time to Pack doesn’t matter; the public gets it and other than the majority and minority Up,’’ with the subtitle, ‘‘It should not has been part of an amazing renais- leaders and the minority whip limited take 2 more years for the United States sance. Let’s redouble our efforts at cre- to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall to leave Afghanistan.’’ ating a stronger Federal partnership to debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. ‘‘It should not take 2 more years for help more communities realize this vi- f the United States to leave Afghani- sion. stan.’’ Since I strongly agree with that But let’s not stop with bike-partisan- AFGHANISTAN statement, I have started an online pe- ship. Are there other areas that are low The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tition to start bringing our troops or no cost that enjoy broad public sup- Chair recognizes the gentleman from home in the summer or fall of 2013. The port, solve problems, and bring people

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15NO7.000 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 together rather than divide them? There is new legislation to person- They work; and they work hard, often What about rebuilding and renewing alize people’s health care so that they in jobs that are the hardest to fill, America? Certainly the need is there. get the information they need to make picking grapes and garlic, caring for Until recently, the T&I Committee these difficult, sometimes painful, de- young children in day care centers, was an island of congressional con- cisions and make sure their decisions, sweeping and cleaning as janitors, and, sensus. Since we merely extended the whatever they are, are respected by yes, digging ditches and making sure last transportation reauthorization doctors and hospitals. This refined leg- our dishes are washed. You know what and the new Congress must act in islation could easily be achieved now else they do? They pay taxes, regard- about 97 weeks, let’s work on a bolder that we’re implementing health care less of their legal status. vision of investing in America, one reform. But here’s one last fact you should that puts people to work, improves the These are all bipartisan, cost-effec- know about Latinos. They love Amer- economy, the environment, and saves tive initiatives that are overwhelm- ica. And, my Republican friends, I money in the long run. Congress can ingly embraced by the public. Is it per- promise you, in time, you’ll love us, begin on this now. haps time to have a Legislators’ Cau- too. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, cus, where Members in both parties I hope this introduction is helpful, Congress can’t ignore the near bank- who just want to get something done but I know it’s a little late. The Repub- rupt flood insurance program. While we can come together with ideas like lican Party really met Latinos on Elec- fix the short-term problems, however, these? Who knows? Working together tion Day. At about 11 p.m., when the let’s make it more effective, efficient, to get something done might become race was over, pundits, political strate- and actuarially sound so that it will habit-forming. gists, and Republican candidates spare lives, property, and the Federal f opened their eyes to discover who real- Treasury. Overhauling the flood insur- ly lives and votes in the U.S. It looked ance program would solve the most im- LOOK OUT FOR OUR FINANCIAL liked we were watching Columbus mediate challenges caused by extreme FUTURE stumble across America. Latino voters, weather events likely due to global The SPEAKER pro tempore. The who knew? Demographic changes mov- warming. We may even be able to dis- Chair recognizes the gentleman from ing as slow as glaciers, but this one cuss climate change in a more thought- Texas (Mr. OLSON) for 5 minutes. seemed to sneak up on the news media ful and rational way. Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I want to like a sudden thunderstorm. Based on the work I’ve done in the share a plea from home, from Tony, I’ve been trying to introduce my col- past with Congressman PAUL RYAN and about the impending fiscal cliff. leagues to real Latinos and immigrants Senator-elect JEFF FLAKE, I know agri- Tony writes: for some time. I’ve worked on bipar- cultural reform is a ripe opportunity. We are going to have to go over the fiscal tisan comprehensive immigration re- Taxpayers cannot afford to lavish un- cliff and see the economy crumble before the form bills and stayed at the table to necessary subsidies on large agri- majority of the people realize how much work out a compromise even after all business while harming the environ- trouble we are really in. Republicans had left the table. But the ment and shortchanging small farmers I have end-stage renal failure, am on Medi- care, and receive disability each month. I do Republican Party seemed much more and ranchers. interested in the imaginary Latinos Surely Tea Party Republicans and dialysis three times a week. That said, I will they tried to use as a wedge issue, so members of the Progressive Caucus can willingly and gladly take a reduction in my they crafted messages aimed at the come together to improve nutrition, benefits if it means we can reduce our def- icit. I have two young nieces, and I am look- wildlife habitats, hunting, and fishing very few Americans who are not of- ing out for their financial future. In fact, if fended when immigrants are referred to while strengthening family farms. I knew that taking away all my benefits And since Big Bird dodged a bullet as criminals, gang-bangers, freeloaders, would get rid of our debt, I would do that and lawbreakers whenever they are during the Presidential campaign, today. maybe it’s time to address the vital spoken about in America. Mr. President, hear Tony’s plea. The party nominated a Presidential role that the Federal support for public Don’t take us over the fiscal cliff. Tony broadcasting plays, which we all rely candidate who carried around a to-do and his nieces need you to lead. They list of creative ways to offend Latinos. on—not just for news and information, need it now. but education for our kids and, as illus- It called for the deportation of more trated by Hurricane Sandy, emergency f than 10 million families and say to self- communication. b 1010 deport, check; celebrate the extreme Arizona post-immigration laws, check; With incredibly broad public support AMERICA’S LATINOS from Americans regardless of political threaten to veto the DREAM Act and party, Congress should make a long- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The let hundreds of thousands of young term financial commitment to funding Chair recognizes the gentleman from people who have applied for deferred the most trusted brand in broadcasting Illinois (Mr. GUTIERREZ) for 5 minutes. action fear for their future, check; so it can plan for the future. Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I’m stand with other Republicans and The last 10 years have been charac- here today to make an introduction. I begged for their endorsement when terized by bipartisan cooperation to would like the Republican Party to they have called for electrified fencing promote access to safe drinking water meet America’s Latinos. There are to keep out immigrants because ‘‘that and sanitation around the globe. My more than 53 million of us. But let me works on livestock,’’ check, check, 2005 legislation, cosponsored by Henry tell you a little bit about who we are check. Hyde, Bill Frist, HARRY REID, saved and what we do. I believe Election Day was a check- lives and made friends for America. First of all, most Latinos are citi- mate for extreme, unfair, and intoler- In this Congress we have another bi- zens; and, in fact, most of us have been ant anti-immigrant policies. Now, we partisan bill, Water for the World, here for many generations. We live all need to come together to make which is cosponsored by my friend TED over the United States, and our popu- progress. POE, which would build on that founda- lation is growing fast. In fact, every In truth, some Democrats did not tion and accelerate progress. It’s all single year, 500,000 young Latino citi- seem to really see this new electorate teed up and ready to go and could be zens turn 18 and become eligible to either or see the change coming. Too easily passed next week. vote. Of Latinos under the age of 18, 93 many Democrats did not see immigra- Mr. Speaker, 86 percent of Americans percent are already citizens of the tion reform as an urgent issue or recog- think getting full information about United States of America. In this last nize the need for change in a country their situation as a loved one faces the election, one in 10 voters were Latino. that deports 1,000 people a day. end of life should be a top priority for In another decade, we will be 25 percent We need to set aside the mistakes of health care. Before the 2009 political of the voting age population in this both parties and do what is right for ‘‘lie of the year’’ about ‘‘death panels,’’ great Nation of ours. the American people, including Latino this provision in the health care reform Here’s a key fact about the more immigrants. We need to invite Demo- enjoyed broad bipartisan support. than 16 million Latino immigrants. crats and Republicans to sit at a big

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.033 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6373 table to work out immigration reform and half of you are dead, and we are ing the Clinton-era tax increases, 1993, as soon as possible. going to be heading back to England. opposed by every Republican. I have suggested that President And I recommend that you get on the Did their predicted doom and gloom Obama set up that big table at Camp Mayflower because you don’t have ade- come true? Well, kind of not, actually. David and invite leaders from both par- quate supplies, and you don’t have We balanced the budget, we paid down ties to discuss how we forge the coali- really a knowledge of how you’re going debt, and we had 3.8 percent unemploy- tion to pass comprehensive immigra- to be able to deal with the wilderness ment while the millionaires and bil- tion reform. I think after the Election that you are living in. lionaires were paying a slightly higher Day wake-up call, there are more and So it was that the Mayflower’s cap- rate of taxes. more of us willing to come to that tain gave the commands, the old sea- Fast forward to today’s debate: re- table and negotiate, including friends weed-covered anchor cable was hauled store the Clinton-era tax rates to mil- in the Republican Party. onboard, the yardarms were trimmed lionaires and billionaires. Republicans We have heard from Republican lead- to the wind, and first large and then have dusted off the nineties rhetoric— ers who want to be at that table. I small, the Mayflower disappears over economic collapse, devastation, at know some Republicans want to come the horizon. The wind is blowing least 700,000 jobs. The job-creator mil- to the table because they want the im- through the trees, and 55 courageous lionaires and billionaires, they’re liv- migration issue off the table. They men, women, and children stood on the ing on the edge. They have no discre- want it off the table because they are beach. tionary income. Any modest increase worried about Democrats running the Why did they stay? They stayed be- in taxes to them will stop them from table in statewide and national elec- cause they believed in the dream that making productive, job-creating in- tions for the foreseeable future. they had in their hearts, of making a vestments, like the hundreds of mil- But listen, whatever your reason for new nation. And by staying, they gave lions of dollars they spent on super coming to the table, please come. To- us some things that we should be PACs in the last election to try and gether, we can fight for justice for im- thankful for, not just the Thanksgiving elect a President and a Congress that migrants. Together, we can reestablish turkey. will bend to their will and lower their the rule of law. Together, we can make First of all, they came with the idea taxes even further while cutting mid- immigration one of the greatest and that civil government and church gov- dle-income families’ programs that are most defining aspects of American so- ernment were separate types of govern- essential, like Social Security and stu- ciety instead of something that divides ments, and the civil government dent financial aid. us. Together, we can make Americans shouldn’t run the church or the other Now, after their impassioned defense see that we can work together—Repub- way around. of tax breaks for millionaires and bil- licans and Democrats—as Americans lionaires, Republicans do have a second b 1020 first. So, please, join us and do what’s priority—they’re not a one-note party, right for this great Nation of ours. So they were what was called in so you’ve got to give them credit for f those days ‘‘separatists’’ because they that—and that is to somehow kill So- wanted to separate from the King of cial Security, which they’ve never sup- THANKSGIVING England who was running the Church. ported. They think it makes people The SPEAKER pro tempore. The So the first thing they gave us was lazy. Well, there are millionaires and Chair recognizes the gentleman from the concept of separating civil and billionaires that don’t ever expect they Missouri (Mr. AKIN) for 5 minutes. church governments. But the second will need it, so they don’t care. Mr. AKIN. Mr. Speaker, in just about thing that happened was, when they ar- And under the guise of deficit reduc- a week or so, we’re going to be sitting rived in Massachusetts, they were tion, the Republicans are saying, well, down at tables celebrating Thanks- blown off course by the storms; and so we’ve either got to privatize Social Se- giving and eating turkey and getting a they had no government. So a group of curity, got to increase the retirement little sleepy maybe afterwards. But as free people, under God, wrote a docu- age, or we’ve got to reduce the already we think about Thanksgiving and we ment called the Mayflower Compact. It inadequate COLA that seniors get. think about the holiday of Thanks- starts: ‘‘In the name of God,’’ and it Let’s chain the CPI. That’s their re- giving Day, it may be interesting and goes on to say to frame just and equal frain: we must cut entitlements. Well, it may add a little richness to that hol- laws. guess what, Social Security has never iday if we remember how it came about So what happened was a group of free contributed one penny to the deficit or and what we have to be thankful for. people, under God, created a civil gov- the debt of the United States of Amer- There were originally a group of peo- ernment, and that of course was the ica. It is a program which pays for ple that came to this country on the foundation of our Declaration of Inde- itself. Mayflower, and a number of them on- pendence. And all of American civil So why this single-minded focus on board had the dream of building a new government we can trace back to these cutting Social Security? Yeah, it does kind of country, something that Eu- courageous 55 people who stayed on the have a projected problem of about 23 rope had never seen before. They be- beach. percent to pay full benefits starting in lieved that they would take principles So as you’re having your turkey, 2036. So, yeah, there’s a long-term that they found in the Bible and that think about how they gave us the idea problem; but, actually, that’s quite they would apply them in a new way of separating civil and church govern- easily fixed. All we have to do is close and create a new structure of what a ments, and also how it was that they the tax loophole. And maybe we agree country could look like. gave us the idea that our Creator gives there. So they came to America. And after us life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- Here’s a loophole I’d like to close: landing, within the first 4 months, half piness. Why does a millionaire pay one-tenth of them had died. And you would think Have a great Thanksgiving. God bless the rate of taxes to Social Security of they would pretty much give up on a you. a cop on the beat, or a soldier in the dream at that point. The Mayflower f field, or a teacher in the classroom? I had stayed to give them some protec- don’t know. That’s what the law says. tion and shelter, so it was in the early OLD REPUBLICAN REFRAIN Well, how about we lift the cap and springtime that this group of the peo- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The have the millionaires and billionaires ple that were left—about 55 of the Pil- Chair recognizes the gentleman from pay the same percent of their income grims—had to make a decision. You Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) for 5 minutes. to Social Security as cops and teachers could think of it as actually voting, Mr. DEFAZIO. Well, the Republican and soldiers in the military. Seems fair only voting with their feet. refrain is quite familiar: these tax in- to me. There’s a loophole we could They were approached by the captain creases will cause economic devasta- close. And that would give Social Secu- of the Mayflower, and the captain of tion, a recession, millions of lost jobs. rity assets adequate to pay 100 percent the Mayflower said, Things aren’t Is that today’s fiscal cliff? No. Actu- of benefits for at least 75 years into the going so well. I’ve lost half my crew, ally, that’s the Republicans in oppos- future, as far as the actuaries will

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.004 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 guarantee. So there’s a loophole we can ers. We’ve made great gains in advanc- roes receive the support that is their agree on closing, hopefully. ing trade interests for the U.S. and pro- due when they get back. We must make But they are going to have to give up moting new market opportunities for sure that they have access to housing, on this lame argument that somehow our companies. medical care, employment, educational making millionaires and billionaires An ambitious trade agenda must con- opportunities that they deserve, and pay taxes at the rate of the Clinton tinue for us to successfully lower the we must take care of all of our vet- era, when we had record low unemploy- unemployment rate and restore our erans. ment, will hurt our economy. place as the global economic leader, The war in Afghanistan has lasted 11 f and I’m glad we have the opportunity long years, and it must not last an- to pass another part of that plan today. other. It’s time to bring our troops GRANTING PERMANENT NORMAL If we’re going to jump-start our econ- home. And as we do so, we must turn TRADE RELATIONS TO omy and get Americans back to work, our attention to rebuild America’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. The we have to find ways to increase global economy. One way to do this is to focus Chair recognizes the gentleman from market access for American companies on enhancing our green energy sector. Michigan (Mr. WALBERG) for 5 minutes. and to advance economic freedom. The American wind energy industry Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, as the I encourage my colleagues to support is in jeopardy. The production tax cred- Representative of a district that re- this legislation today. it will end December 31, 2012. It must corded more than $2 billion in exports f be extended or else 30,000 jobs will be last year, I know full well the signifi- lost and 450 manufacturing businesses cance of expanding market access for CALLING FOR AN END TO WAR IN will close. American companies and ensuring that AFGHANISTAN Two additional measures must also our businesses are competing on a level The SPEAKER pro tempore. The be considered. First, we could apply the playing field. That’s why I believe it’s Chair recognizes the gentleman from master limited partnership and the important to support passage of H.R. California (Mr. GARAMENDI) for 5 min- real estate investment tax programs to 6156, which will grant permanent nor- utes. the green energy sector and, thereby, mal trade relations to Russia. Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I bring significant financing opportuni- This past August, Russia joined the join my colleagues here in Congress ties along with the production tax World Trade Organization, giving its from both sides of the aisle to call for credit. members full access to Russia’s rapidly an end to the war in Afghanistan. After f growing market, reduced tariffs, and more than a decade of war, with now ensured transparency when imple- more than 2,000 lives lost and hundreds AVOIDING THE FISCAL CLIFF menting trade measures. However, of billions of American tax dollars The SPEAKER pro tempore. The while foreign competitors are currently spent, it’s time for our troops to come Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from benefiting, the U.S. will not receive home to their families. Tennessee (Mrs. BLACK) for 5 minutes. any of these benefits until Congress au- I represent the military communities Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Speaker, while the thorizes the President to grant Russia of Travis Air Force Base, and come President returned from the campaign permanent normal trade relations. January I will represent the commu- trail last week with a slightly more Simply put, American companies, nity of Beale Air Force Base as well. I conciliatory tone, his insistence on a workers, and farmers are being put at a can tell you from firsthand experience year-end tax hike on small businesses competitive disadvantage. that the men and women who serve in is unchanged, and frankly, that is com- Last year, my home State of Michi- our Nation’s military and their fami- pletely unacceptable. gan exported $225 million worth of lies are America’s finest. They are not It is unacceptable for more than 23 goods to Russia, despite many of its afraid of . They joined the million Americans struggling for work best products facing tough competition armed forces because they love our right now. It’s unacceptable for mil- from foreign competitors. With this country and they are willing to give lions of middle class Americans strug- agreement in place, farmers and pro- everything to keep our Nation safe, but gling to support their families with ris- ducers in my district will be assured of their sacrifice must be for a reason. If ing gas prices and higher health insur- more predictable market access for we’re going to ask them to risk life and ance costs. And it’s unacceptable be- their crops and agricultural goods, limb on the other side of the world, it cause it will destroy jobs and hurt our while manufacturers will enjoy reduced must be for a mission that is vital to economy. tariff rates for Michigan-made vehicles our Nation’s security. We can no longer Yesterday, the President said that and equipment. say that about the mission in Afghani- his reelection victory is a mandate to As a World Trade Organization mem- stan. help the middle class. He can start ber, Russia has agreed to comply with Our brave soldiers are continuing to with helping the middle class by stop- the rule of law. Though these reforms die in Afghanistan for what is now a ping his job-killing tax hike on small won’t happen overnight, Russia’s ac- war of choice. We sent them to elimi- businesses. cession to the World Trade Organiza- nate the terrorists responsible for the The President continues to call for tion requires their compliance with all terrible 9/11 tragedy, and they did it increased tax rates for the top two of the organization’s rules and duties. with remarkable courage and com- brackets, which hit more than 1 mil- This includes addressing discrimina- petence. The al Qaeda training camps lion small businesses and 53 percent of tory practices, enforcing intellectual have long been eliminated; most of al all small business income. That’s a big property rights, and increasing trans- Qaeda’s top leaders have been killed or problem, considering that small busi- parency. If it does not comply, mem- captured; Osama bin Laden is long nesses create two out of every three bers can enforce them through dispute dead. jobs in America. mechanisms. According to the Ernst & Young re- Of further importance, this legisla- b 1030 port, the President’s plan will result in tion includes critical human rights Terrorism remains a global threat, the elimination of 700,000 jobs. provisions which will hold foreign offi- and we must combat it. But keeping The position of the congressional Re- cials accountable for gross human tens of thousands of troops in a coun- publicans on extending current income rights abuses and prevent them from try the size of Texas is no way to tax rates for all Americans is far from entering the U.S. or accessing our fi- achieve this objective. Rather, we must extreme. It is actually the same exact nancial systems. continue to use our superb intelligence position that President Obama es- House Republicans have worked tire- capabilities and our special operation poused 2 years ago when he agreed to lessly during the 112th Congress to ad- forces to root out the terrorist net- extend all Bush-era tax rates for 2 vance pro-growth legislation which works and destroy their leaderships years on the basis that raising tax provides greater certainty for Amer- wherever they may be. rates would hurt our weak economy. ican companies and helps our Nation’s When we do bring our troops home, That logic still stands. In fact, our businesses hire more American work- we must ensure that our returning he- economy is even weaker today than it

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.006 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6375 was in 2010. GDP growth is lower than nitive treatment, to the tune of $75 bil- b 1040 in 2010, in large part due to the loom- lion of deficit reduction. They under- POISONOUS PARTISANSHIP ing cost of the President’s health care stand the principle of shared sacrifice law and his administration’s dramatic and have patiently been waiting for ev- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The increase in regulations. erybody else to actually share in it. Chair recognizes the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. CLEAVER) for 5 minutes. With more than 23 million Americans Mr. Speaker, our chances for success Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. Speaker, one of struggling to find work, that is not the in fending off the fiscal cliff become the reasons I rarely come to the floor time to be raising taxes on anyone, pe- even slimmer if we start removing op- to make such comments is that it is so riod. tions from the table, as my friend from troublesome to me that we will have We must also find common ground on Tennessee just did, before we’ve even fact-free debates. One of the problems the defense sequester to ensure that sat down at that table. America voted is that we are talking in a parallel uni- spending cuts are implemented, but in for and deserves a divided government verse. There are small businesses that a way that does not weaken our mili- that actually works. will pay more taxes, but I think it is tary or threaten our national security. The last time I checked, divided gov- Both the tax and spending issues we important to say to you that the top ernment doesn’t mean it’s going to be hedge fund managers last year earned face in lame duck are a microcosm of my way or the highway, or your way or our Nation’s massive fiscal and eco- $22 billion and then paid a 15 percent the highway, or Grover Norquist’s way tax rate as small businesses. So I am nomic long-term challenges. Entitle- or the highway. Divided government ment reform and comprehensive, pro- troubled when we are not being accu- can and has succeeded in the past when rate and factual with the American growth tax reform in the 113th Con- leaders have done that thing which we gress are key to addressing our Na- public. have not been able to achieve very Mr. Speaker, my concern today—and tion’s greatest challenges. often in these last 2 years: compromise. The policy outcome and the nar- I believe it is the concern of many That is the singular message from rative that transpire from this lame Americans—is the situation in which our voters this year, compromise. duck session will set the stage for what we find ourselves. The American people Work together to move the economy, is possible in 2013 and beyond. We have have elected a government wherein our families, and our Nation forward. a critical opportunity right now to only cooperation can bring progress. I’ve repeatedly heard that mantra from avert the fiscal cliff and lay the We have a House of Representatives across my community, whether it’s groundwork for bipartisanship with that is predominantly Republican, and from seniors, teachers, small busi- policies that reflect our economic and we have a Democratically controlled nesses or my own neighbors. our fiscal realities. Senate. It would not take a 3-year-old And now the Nation’s business lead- f a great deal of time to figure out that ers are starting to echo that call. In the only way we can do the work of the DELIVERING ON VOTERS’ DEMAND fact, the head of the Business Round- American people is if we stop this ri- FOR BOTH PARTIES TO COM- table, the former Republican Governor diculous partisanship—this poisonous PROMISE of Michigan, and other top CEOs are partisanship—that is damaging the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The asking Congress to do just that, com- country and creating a level of anger. Chair recognizes the gentleman from promise. There are State legislators in at least Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) for 5 minutes. In addition, the Task Force of Amer- 13 States who have introduced legisla- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Those of ican Innovation, comprised of our Na- tion for secession from the Union based you watching on C–SPAN just heard tion’s top technology companies, is on the fact that they didn’t particu- from my friend from Tennessee the un- urging us to preserve Federal invest- larly like the President who was elect- willingness of the Republican side of ments in education and R&D, which ed. One of the reasons, I think, is that the aisle to even recognize that elec- are the bedrock of future innovation we are exporting hate. If it’s not hate, tions have consequences, that, in fact, and competitiveness. And this week it’s certainly anger, and ‘‘anger’’ is the President won reelection deci- even the U.S. Chamber of Commerce just one letter short of ‘‘danger.’’ sively. Democrats made gains in the said it was open to a compromise that The American people gave us a man- Senate and gains here in the House. included revenue. date to do the simple things, and that It’s time to put aside the talking These are the constructive voices I is to lead. We understand that the chal- points. It’s time to come together for hope my colleagues listen to as we ap- lenge before Congress in the coming this country. proach negotiations on the fiscal cliff. weeks is no simple task. I would be Mr. Speaker, Speaker BOEHNER actu- Politics is the art of compromise and, wrong if I said that what we need to do ally said it well. He said the mandate working together, we can reduce our is simple. We have some major chal- from the election of last week is ‘‘for Nation’s deficit and preserve strategic lenges: us to find a way to work together on investments in those programs that The Postal Service is losing $25 mil- solutions to the challenges we face as a fuel economic growth and competitive- lion a week, and we are running around Nation.’’ ness. here acting as if the most important I can’t agree more. Elections have Even in the midst of the Civil War, thing in the world is remaining faithful consequences, and our ability to avert President Lincoln and the 38th Con- to our ideology. Ideology, tragically, the fiscal cliff, in which expiring tax gress authorized the Transcontinental has trumped logic in this place, and cuts and across-the-board spending Railroad, the Homestead Act, and the that cannot continue. Right now, we cuts are on a collision course to derail land grant college and university sys- are facing hundreds of billions of dol- this economy, requires us to respect tem. They understood we had to invest lars in expiring tax cuts. It might be that directive from voters. in the future, while also dealing with important, Mr. Speaker, for all of us to Yet, once again, lines are being the crisis of the present. keep in mind that, if we fail to deal drawn—you just heard it—over what with the sequestration issue, 90 percent No doubt, we all have something to types of revenue will be considered or of the people in this country will have lose if we do not succeed. So perhaps, what cuts are considered too steep. I their taxes raised. by each of us giving a little, we can re- hope I was not the only one astounded But there is another problem. vive this economic recovery, restore by the comments of the CEO of the We have three major credit rating faith in our ability to govern respon- American Petroleum Institute, who re- agencies in this country—actually, for sibly, and deliver on that mandate we cently said, ‘‘the oil and gas industry the world, essentially—Standard & just got last week from the voters. will not be singled out for punitive Poor’s, Moody’s and then Fitch. We treatment.’’ ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE have been warned as a Congress and as How fascinating. Perhaps I could in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- a Nation that if we walk up to this troduce him to the Federal workforce, bers are reminded to address their re- precipice again as we did two Augusts our Federal employees who are, so far, marks to the Chair and not to a per- ago that we will suffer another down- the only group to be singled out for pu- ceived viewing audience. grading of our credit rating. The

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.008 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 United States of America—the most omy and our country forward. We have supplemental poverty measure. Devised a technologically powerful and economi- got to stop this. Just 10 years ago, in year ago, this measure provides a fuller pic- cally powerful Nation on the planet— the year 2000, our Nation had a bal- ture of poverty that the government believes can be used to assess safety-net programs by will have a credit downgrading. anced budget, projected surpluses, and factoring in living expenses and taxpayer- This should cause every American to a robust economy. The passage of a se- provided benefits that the official formula be angry enough to put aside petty par- rious tax cut rapidly ended those sur- leaves out. tisanship and understand that this pluses and began to, quite frankly, ex- Based on the revised formula, the number body will not function and that our plode the debt. The Bush-era tax cuts of poor people exceeded the 49 million, or 16 government will not function unless we have already cost over $2.2 trillion in percent of the population, who were living below the poverty line in 2010. That came as work together. We’ve got to come to Federal revenue since they were en- more people in the slowly improving econ- the conclusion that compromise does acted, and we cannot afford to allow omy picked up low-wage jobs last year but not equal capitulation. them to be made permanent. Let’s not still struggled to pay living expenses. The re- f forget, Mr. Speaker, that this Congress vised poverty rate of 16.1 percent also is has already voted to cut $1.5 trillion in higher than the record 46.2 million, or 15 per- POVERTY discretionary spending enacted cent, that the government’s official estimate The SPEAKER pro tempore. The through the 2011 Budget Control Act. reported in September. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Due to medical expenses, higher living Low-income Americans are already costs and limited immigrant access to gov- California (Ms. LEE) for 5 minutes. hurting from multiple rounds of cuts to ernment programs, people 65 or older, His- Ms. LEE of California. As the founder programs and benefits that they rely panics and urbanites were more likely to be of the Congressional Out of Poverty on. Our middle class and our working struggling economically under the alter- Caucus, I rise today to continue talk- poor have already done their part, and native formula. Also spiking higher in 2011 ing about the ongoing crisis of poverty we cannot continue to attempt to bal- was poverty among full-time and part-time in our country. workers. ance the budget on the backs of the As a result, the portrait of poverty broken Yesterday, unfortunately, with the most vulnerable Americans—our poor, down by state notably changes. California supplemental poverty report, we our seniors, our children, and our dis- tops the list, hurt by high housing costs, learned that poverty continues to im- abled. large numbers of immigrants as well as less pact nearly 50 million Americans, in- So I hope all Members of Congress generous tax credits and food stamp pro- cluding 16 million children all across will follow the President’s lead and grams to buoy low-income families. It is fol- our country and in every congressional support his call for ending the Bush tax lowed by the District of Columbia, Arizona, Florida and Georgia. district. My home State of California cuts above $250,000, ending the billions In the official census tally, it was rural tops the list, followed by our Nation’s in subsidies for Big Oil, and closing the states that were more likely to be near the capital—the District of Columbia—Ari- countless loopholes that allow huge top of the list, led by Mississippi, New Mex- zona, Florida, and Georgia. corporations and the super rich to ico, Arizona and Louisiana. On this election day, low-income avoid paying what they owe. In addi- ‘‘We’re seeing a very slow recovery, with increases in poverty among workers due to Americans, the working poor, middle- tion, we can find billions in additional income Americans—every American— more new jobs which are low-wage,’’ said savings by making smart and targeted Timothy Smeeding, a University of Wis- spoke loudly and clearly. They voted cuts to our defense budgets. Our mili- consin-Madison economist who specializes in for strengthening the middle class and tary leaders have already outlined cuts poverty. ‘‘As a whole, the safety net is hold- for putting people back to work, and that will not put at risk our brave men ing many people up, while California is they voted for Congress to get back to and women in harm’s way or weaken struggling more because it’s relatively hard- doing the work of the American people: the national security of our Nation. We er there to qualify for food stamps and other to strengthen our economy for all benefits.’’ know that there are billions in waste, Broken down by group, poverty was dis- Americans and to create economic op- fraud, and abuse in the defense budgets proportionately affecting people 65 and portunities that will lift millions of that can be saved if we can just ac- older—about 15.1 percent, or nearly double families out of poverty and into the count for the hundreds of billions in the 8.7 percent rate calculated under the offi- middle class. Most importantly, the spending by ensuring the Pentagon can cial formula. That’s because they have high- American people voted to reject job- pass an audit. er medical expenses, such as Medicare pre- killing cuts and a tax on Medicare, miums, deductibles and drug costs, that b 1050 aren’t factored into the official rate. Medicaid, and Social Security. While poverty rates for older Americans as What they don’t want is for our coun- Mr. Speaker, we face many chal- a whole are higher, the new measure does try to be rushed into urgent budget de- lenges, but we must not allow our po- show improvement in their income levels— cisions by the false threat of a so- litical crisis to create an economic cri- about 15.1 percent were poor last year, down called ‘‘fiscal cliff.’’ Mr. Speaker, I sis for millions of Americans who are from 15.8 percent in 2010. Smeeding at- don’t buy it, and the American people struggling. Now is not the time to turn tributes that to a wave of more affluent, don’t believe it either. our backs on struggling families just to still-working baby boomers in dual-income preserve tax giveaways to millionaires households who are beginning to turn 65 and, This economic and political gridlock as a result, are slowly raising overall income is just another political cliff created by and billionaires. We must come to- levels for seniors. the hostage-taking obstructionism of gether to wage a war on poverty and Working-age adults ages 18–64 saw an in- the Tea Party-controlled Congress. The end the war on the poor. crease in poverty from 13.7 percent based on real cliff that anyone is facing today is Finally, as 350 economists have said, the official calculation to 15.5 percent, due a human cliff, and far too many Amer- we need jobs first. With recovery, def- mostly to commuting and child care costs. icit reduction will come by its own ac- In contrast, the new measure showed de- ican families are standing on the edge clines in poverty for children, from 22.3 per- as I speak. If we don’t strengthen our cord thanks to increased revenues in cent under the official formula to 18.1 per- economy for all Americans, millions an improving economy. They went on cent. Still, they remained the age group will be cut off from the only lifeline to say that public outlay for jobs and most likely to be economically struggling by keeping them from falling off that recovery come first, growth is restored, any measure. human cliff and into poverty—unem- and revenues follow. Budget cuts only ‘‘These new numbers only reinforce what lead to a deeper slump. AARP and AARP Foundation hear from real ployment compensation. Far too many people every day: older Americans are strug- people will be cut off from vital pro- CENSUS: FULLER POVERTY PICTURE FINDS gling to make ends meet,’’ said Deb Whit- grams like employment insurance, the 49.7M ARE POOR, FACTORING IN MEDICAL man, executive vice president of AARP, an Child Tax Credit and the Earned In- AND WORK EXPENSES advocacy group. ‘‘Policymakers need to un- come Tax Credit if this Congress fails (By Associated Press, November 14, 2012) derstand that not every senior is well off and to act. WASHINGTON—The ranks of America’s poor the critically important role Social Security It is long past time to come together, edged up last year to a high of 49.7 million, or Medicare plays as providing a safety net based on a new census measure that takes to keep even more older Americans out of to work to find a balanced approach into account medical costs and work-related poverty. As Washington debates what should and, as Chairman CLEAVER just said, to expenses. happen during the lame duck, we cannot af- get past the partisan obstructionism The numbers released Wednesday by the ford to undermine the current safety net that has kept us from moving our econ- Census Bureau are part of a newly developed that allows many to live with dignity.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.010 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6377 Hispanics and Asians also saw much higher PRAYER organization has been giving gas to rates of poverty, 28 percent and 16.9 percent, hospitals and batteries, food, and gen- respectively, compared with rates of 25.4 per- Reverend Dr. Alan Keiran, Office of the United States Senate, offered the erators to superstorm Sandy victims. cent and 12.3 percent under the official for- We’ve been there for many countries mula. Their poverty levels rose after the following prayer: government took into account safety-net Father God, as the Psalmist says, ‘‘I in the world. We send them our money, programs such as food stamps and housing, will extol the Lord at all times; His but it’s no secret that many of them which have lower participation among immi- praise will always be on my lips. My hate us. They betray us, and yet we grants and non-English speakers. soul will boast in the Lord; let the af- still write them checks. While the In contrast, African-Americans saw a mod- United States needs to reevaluate giv- est decrease in poverty, from 27.8 percent flicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name to- ing foreign aid to nations that hate us, under the official rate to 25.7 percent based thanks should be given to our faithful on the revised numbers. Among non-Hispanic gether.’’ (Psalm 34:1–3) whites, poverty rose from 9.9 percent to 11 We depend on You, King of Heaven’s ally Israel. percent. armies, to reveal to our Nation’s lead- And that’s just the way it is. Economists long have criticized the offi- ers Your plans to prosper our Nation f cial poverty rate as inadequate. Based on a and its people, Your plans to give us half-century-old government formula, the of- COMBAT DRONE PROGRAMS hope and a bright future. Inspire every ficial rate continues to assume the average (Mr. KUCINICH asked and was given public servant to seek Your wisdom family spends one-third of its income on permission to address the House for 1 and pray for Your daily favor to fall food. Those costs have actually shrunk to a minute.) much smaller share, more like one-seventh. upon our country and our world. Mr. KUCINICH. American drones in The official formula also fails to account And may You, Lord, be with those Pakistan have killed as many as 3,378 for other expenses such as out-of-pocket who are in harm’s way and their fami- medical care, child care and commuting, and people. Drones in Yemen have killed as lies. This I ask in the Name above many as 1,952 people. Drones in Soma- it does not consider noncash government aid, every name. such as food stamps and tax credits, when lia have killed as many as 170 people. calculating income. Amen. We’ve not declared war on any of these In reaction to some of the criticism, the f nations, but our weapons have killed government in 2010 asked the Census Bureau innocent civilians in all of them. High- to develop a new measure, based partly on THE JOURNAL ly reputable research shows that the recommendations made by the National The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Academy of Sciences. It released national number of high-level targets killed as a Chair has examined the Journal of the percentage of total casualties is esti- numbers based on that formula for the first last day’s proceedings and announces time last year. This year’s features a mated at about 2 percent. 50–state breakdown on poverty, prompted in to the House his approval thereof. According to The Washington Post, part by local officials such as New York City Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- the Obama administration is working Mayor Michael Bloomberg who have argued nal stands approved. on efforts to institutionalize the prac- that the official measure does not take into f tice of targeted killings by unmanned account urban costs of living and that larger cities may get less federal money as a result. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE drones abroad. The volume of these killings challenges the morality and The goal is to help lawmakers to better The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the gauge the effectiveness of anti-poverty pro- the legality of the attacks. We are cre- grams, although it does not replace the Cen- gentlewoman from Illinois (Mrs. ating a precedent for other nations sus Bureau’s official poverty formula. BIGGERT) come forward and lead the that are developing the same tech- Among the findings: House in the Pledge of Allegiance. nology. China has just unveiled a new —If it weren’t for Social Security pay- Mrs. BIGGERT led the Pledge of Al- drone. ments, the poverty rate would rise to 54.1 legiance as follows: percent for people 65 and older and 24.4 per- The drone program has thus far been cent for all age groups. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the conducted with no oversight from Con- —Without refundable tax credits such as United States of America, and to the Repub- gress or any judicial body. Congress the earned income tax credit, child poverty lic for which it stands, one nation under God, has a constitutional responsibility to indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. would rise from 18.1 percent to 24.4 percent. ensure that programs that are being —Without food stamps, the overall poverty f conducted in the name of our Nation rate would increase from 16.1 percent to 17.6 percent. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER are legal, transparent, and account- ‘‘These figures are timely given the loom- PRO TEMPORE able. We are holding a briefing tomor- ing expiration of two key measures that ac- row about this exact matter. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The count for part of these programs’ large anti- f poverty impact: federal emergency unem- Chair will entertain up to 15 requests ployment insurance and improvements in re- for 1-minute speeches on each side of NICHOLAS DOMINGUEZ, A TRUE fundable tax credits’’ such as the Earned In- the aisle. HOMETOWN come Tax Credit, said Arloc Sherman, a sen- f (Mrs. BIGGERT asked and was given ior researcher at the Center for Budget and permission to address the House for 1 Policy Priorities, a liberal-leaning think- ISRAEL TO THE RESCUE tank. ‘‘Letting these measures expire at minute and to revise and extend her re- year’s end could push large numbers of fami- (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was marks.) lies into poverty.’’ given permission to address the House Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, today I f for 1 minute.) rise to applaud a true hometown hero— Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, as Nicholas Dominguez of Lockport, Illi- RECESS waves crashed across the east coast a nois—for saving a woman who nearly The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- few weeks ago, taxpayer dollars were drowned in Lake Michigan. ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair still being funneled as foreign aid Earlier this year, Nicholas was enjoy- declares the House in recess until noon around the globe. And while families ing time with his mother on a beach on today. watched as superstorm Sandy washed the Indiana shore when he noticed an Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 50 away their homes and the livelihoods empty raft and swimmers in distress. minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- they had built for many years, over 158 Thanks to his quick thinking and self- cess. countries were still busy cashing less instincts, Nicholas was able to res- f checks from America. cue Evelyn Hernandez, pulling her safe- b 1200 Mr. Speaker, out of all the countries ly to a sandbar. we give aid to, I understand Israel was Several years ago, I had the privilege AFTER RECESS the only country to send a lifeboat in of nominating Nicholas to the U.S. The recess having expired, the House the wind and rain and flood to help our Naval Academy, and I was pleased to was called to order by the Speaker pro victims in America. Israel took the ini- congratulate him on his recent gradua- tempore (Mr. BASS of New Hampshire) tiative to help the victims during this tion. Today, as a second lieutenant in at noon. natural disaster. The Israel Flying Aid the Marines, he has already put on full

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15NO7.004 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 display his commitment and dedication under such threatening conditions. THE COUNTRY NEEDS TAX RELIEF as a U.S. officer. His actions in Lake Certainly, we here in the United States (Mr. COHEN asked and was given per- Michigan reflect the marine motto would not. mission to address the House for 1 ‘‘Semper Fi’’—or ‘‘always faithful.’’ I f minute.) applaud Lieutenant Dominguez for PASS THE FARM BILL Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, we are in- making his country and his Corps deed back here in a lame-duck session proud. (Mr. COSTA asked and was given per- with the most important issue facing f mission to address the House for 1 us, which is a deadline on taxes and minute and to revise and extend his re- revenue. By previous action, we have ISRAEL’S RIGHT TO DEFEND marks.) HERSELF to act or certain conditions will be cre- Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, it’s time to ated that will cause us to lose jobs and (Mr. DEUTCH asked and was given get to work. When Congress recessed hurt our economy and raise taxes on permission to address the House for 1 for the election, we left much undone, everybody. minute and to revise and extend his re- including the farm bill, which is crit- The President, the Senate, the Demo- marks.) ical to the economy of my district and crats, and the House are all in agree- Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, in the to our country. ment that 98 percent of the country past 24 hours alone, terrorists along Just this weekend, The Fresno Bee needs tax relief that has been given the Gaza Strip have launched more got it right when they wrote: through the Bush tax cuts, and they than 250 rockets into southern Israel. There are some in Congress who suggest should be extended. That’s 250 rockets in 1 day since Hamas delaying the farm bill until after new Mem- I think everybody agrees that we bers begin serving in January. That’s the began its strikes. don’t need to make draconian cuts to Imagine 250 rockets raining down in 1 easy way out, but it does not serve the inter- ests of the Nation’s farmers. services for people, Social Security or day on your community anywhere in Medicare, or defense. The only issue is It also doesn’t serve the families in the United States. We would expect our my colleagues on the other side, the need and children who depend upon the government to act to protect our citi- Republicans in the House, who seem to nutrition programs in the farm bill. zens. Israel is acting to protect her continue to want to give tax relief to It’s time to get back to representing citizens. Israel has the right to protect the upper 2 percent. That’s what di- the interests of our constituents, not her citizens from terrorist attacks. In vides this Nation and this Congress partisan politics. Dairymen are having the early hours of this morning, three right now, tax cuts for the richest 2 a tough time in California. Our farmers Israeli civilians died when a rocket percent. need certainty, and only a 5-year farm from Gaza struck the top floor of an I call on my Republican colleagues to bill can provide that. Both versions of apartment building. Later in the day, a work with Speaker BOEHNER and allow the farm bill also save billions of dol- rocket hit just 10 miles from Tel Aviv. him to lead this country in working lars. The United States mourns the loss of with President Obama and to resolve We have bipartisan agreement on life at the hands of Hamas terrorists. this situation. this bill. We need to pass this bill so We will not waver in our support of f Israel’s right to defend herself against that we can go to conference com- these and other attacks. The right of mittee to resolve the differences. RECOGNITION OF DAVE WHITE, any nation to defend its citizens can f CHIEF OF THE NATURAL RE- SOURCES CONSERVATION SERV- never be called into question. Mr. b 1210 Speaker, at this challenging time for ICE our great ally, the United States WE CAN AVOID THE FISCAL CLIFF (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania stands with Israel. (Mr. YODER asked and was given asked and was given permission to ad- f permission to address the House for 1 dress the House for 1 minute and to re- minute and to revise and extend his re- vise and extend his remarks.) ISRAEL’S RIGHT TO DEFEND marks.) Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. ITSELF Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, the Amer- Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize Mr. (Mr. DOLD asked and was given per- ican people are breathing a cautious Dave White, chief of the Natural Re- mission to address the House for 1 sigh of relief now that the long election source Conservation Service at the minute.) season is finally over. The House and U.S. Department of Agriculture. After Mr. DOLD. I rise today to address the Senate are both in session, and the a career with NRCS that spanned near- recent events in the Middle East. Our American people are watching. We ly four decades, this week he an- ally Israel, like every nation, must have much work to do and not much nounced his plans to retire. have the right to defend itself and its time to do it. Chief White has spent his career citizens against ongoing acts of terror. With unemployment hovering near 8 working to improve the Nation’s land We know now that the international percent, our economy is still strug- management policies and practices. community frequently looks for oppor- gling. To get America back on track, Over the years, Dave has been an indis- tunities to delegitimize Israel’s ac- we must work together, Democrats and pensable resource of experience and tions, which is why it is essential that Republicans, to find solutions to our knowledge, from helping to craft the we here in the United States of Amer- economic challenges. 2008 farm bill conservation title, to his ica loudly and publicly express our sup- We all know it’s not until small busi- leadership in implementing and im- port for Israel’s right to defend itself in nesses begin growing and creating jobs proving these programs at NRCS. the face of Hamas’ terror. that our economy will recover. The key Dave’s work has helped the Nation Hamas is responsible for over 800 to our future lies in new start-ups, achieve our shared objectives for sus- rocket attacks on Israel in 2012—with innovators, and entrepreneurs. taining agriculture and the natural re- over 250 rockets indiscriminantly fired Working together in a bipartisan sources upon which we all depend. on Israel’s citizens in the past 5 days way, we can avoid the fiscal cliff, pro- One area in particular is voluntary alone. Because of this escalation, 1 mil- vide certainty to these small busi- incentive-based conservation programs lion men, women and children in south- nesses, remove barriers to success, and where Chief White has delivered a dem- ern Israel have been forced to live help renew the prosperity of the Amer- onstrated track record in leveraging under the threat of attacks and must ican people. resources to maximize limited re- now know where the nearest rocket Last week our constituents spoke, sources. In my home State of Pennsyl- shelter is located. As I speak, thou- and the mandate they gave us was a vania, these efforts are helping to im- sands of Israelis are sleeping in bomb mandate to work together. We must prove the health of the Chesapeake Bay shelters out of fear for their lives and listen to them and work with open ears Watershed, while also keeping farms the lives of their children. and open minds to arrive at bipartisan profitable and ensuring that these Mr. Speaker, no nation would sit solutions to the very serious issues fac- farms remain in agriculture over the back and tolerate its population living ing our country. long term.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.015 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6379 I want to thank Dave White for his LET’S GET THE PEOPLE’S WORK Rental assistance for the poor would dedicated service. Best of luck in your DONE fall by $2.3 billion. Nutrition programs retirement, Chief. (Ms. HANABUSA asked and was for women, infants, and children would given permission to address the House lose $543 million. Those who provide f for 1 minute.) services to persons who get Medicare— Ms. HANABUSA. Mr. Speaker, the doctors—would lose about $4 billion. A TRAGIC MARKER: 2,000-PLUS U.S. election is over for this cycle, and it is Mr. Speaker, if we are to have an act FATALITIES IN AFGHANISTAN time to do the people’s work. of Congress, we have to have a Con- The President is reelected, and he is gress willing to act. It is time for us to (Mr. MCGOVERN asked and was our President for the next 4 years. Our act, to protect the least, the last, and given permission to address the House constituents are tired and upset with the lost, as well as others. for 1 minute and to revise and extend our dysfunction. They can’t begin to f his remarks.) comprehend how we’ve allowed the fis- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on Oc- b 1220 cal cliff to happen. Many of them don’t tober 2, while Congress was cam- even understand what the fiscal cliff is AVOIDING THE FISCAL CLIFF paigning, the Pentagon registered the about. All they know is that things (Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia asked and 2,000th fatality in Afghanistan, the like unemployment can rise to 9.1 per- was given permission to address the longest war in American history. cent unless we act. It is time to put the House for 1 minute and to revise and Today, that number has risen to 2,026. elections behind us and work together. extend his remarks.) It is imperative that we all remember Mr. Speaker, we must focus on the Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- the terrible human price that has been people, especially the constituents of er, I rise to urge Congress to deal with paid, is being paid, and will continue to our colleagues who are suffering from the fiscal cliff. The majority of Ameri- be paid by our troops in Afghanistan the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. We cans cast their ballots in support of the and their families. have got to work together and do the President and a balanced solution to This year there have been 60 so-called people’s work. Isn’t that what we’ve our fiscal challenges that protects the ‘‘blue on green’’ killings of U.S. troops been sent here to do? middle class by asking everyone to pay by Afghan soldiers that we’re training. Mr. Speaker, let’s get the people’s their fair share. Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan kill work done. Our job is to act. We should extend themselves at a rate of one every 80 f the middle class tax cuts now while we minutes. More Active Duty U.S. mili- work on a long-term solution. We must tary personnel have died by suicide LET’S GET THIS THING DONE work together because failure would since the war in Afghanistan began (Ms. HAHN asked and was given per- have dire consequences for middle class than have died fighting there. Nearly mission to address the House for 1 jobs, the military, and crucial pro- 18,000 have been wounded in Afghani- minute.) grams that help the middle class and stan alone. Ms. HAHN. Mr. Speaker, last Tues- the poor. Let us bring them all home. Let us day, our President said something that f provide our veterans and active mili- I think this Congress needs to hear: the tary the care and benefits that they people of our districts sent us here to FIXING OUR ECONOMY have so bravely earned. Let’s end the focus on their jobs, not our own. (Mrs. CHRISTENSEN asked and was war in Afghanistan now. We’re racing towards a serious dead- given permission to address the House line, towards higher taxes on strug- for 1 minute and to revise and extend f gling families and slashed investments her remarks.) in things like food for mothers and in- Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, DOING WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THE fants, education, and our infrastruc- the election is over. The people of this AMERICAN PEOPLE ture. We’re dragging people’s jobs to- country have spoken and said loudly ward the brink and playing chicken and clearly that they want us to work (Mrs. CAPPS asked and was given with workers’ and entrepreneurs’ live- together to create jobs and fix our permission to address the House for 1 lihoods. economy. minute and to revise and extend her re- I know I’m not the only one here who I agree with economists who say that marks.) spent time with the families that miss- the threat of a fiscal cliff, like the need Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, we have ing this deadline will hurt. I know I’m to immediately reduce the deficit, is just a few short weeks left in the 112th not the only one who has visited the being overblown. And it is done like Congress, but our work here is far from businesses that would collapse if this the debt ceiling debacle to create a do- done. happened. The people in our districts or-die situation where it is hoped that Sadly, partisan games and gridlock need us to come together. They’re Democrats would agree to cuts in pro- have made this Congress one of the counting on us to do the right thing, to grams that would lose jobs and lock least productive in history; but with leave our partisanship at the ballot box more people into poverty. That is unac- the election finally behind us, I hope and to get to work. ceptable in this, the greatest country we will put aside our differences and So I say to all my friends and col- in the world, and we cannot agree to it. get back to work. leagues, Democrats and Republicans, We are being asked to cut the deficit That means passing a bipartisan let’s get this thing done. by $4 trillion over 10 years. Through farm bill to support our farmers and f cuts and caps put in place already, over ranchers. It means extending the pro- the next 10 years we are projected to duction tax credit to create jobs in a THE LEAST, THE LAST, AND THE cut that deficit by $1.7 trillion. That growing wind industry and reduce elec- LOST leaves $2.3 trillion. If we allow the tricity bills for consumers. It means (Mr. AL GREEN of Texas asked and growth in the economy to continue, passing the Violence Against Women was given permission to address the even at its present slow pace, that can Act to protect women from abuse. And House for 1 minute and to revise and help to reduce the need for that level of it means extending tax cuts for middle extend his remarks.) cuts even more. class families and small businesses now Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- The poor and the middle class are al- and passing a balanced plan to avert er, we hear a lot of talk about the con- ready doing their part through the cuts sequestration. sequences of the fiscal cliff on the that are already in place. Now it is We must address these critical issues, wealthy, the well-off, the well-heeled, time for everyone else to do theirs. The and the only way to do that is by com- and the well-to-do. We don’t hear a lot rest of the deficit reduction must come ing together and doing what’s right for of talk about how it will impact the primarily from eliminating tax cuts for the American people. least, the last, and the lost. Permit me the wealthy who have continued to do Mr. Speaker, the election is over. It’s today to share just a bit of informa- very well during the recession while ev- time to get back to work. tion. eryone else suffered.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.016 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 This Congress can avoid taking us to PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION gotten. The President says he has a yet another fiscal cliff and avoid se- OF H.R. 6156, RUSSIA AND mandate to increase taxes. Some Re- questration by working together in the MOLDOVA JACKSON-VANIK RE- publicans say we have a mandate to balanced way that the American people PEAL AND not increase taxes. Lots of people have asked us to. RULE OF LAW ACCOUNTABILITY throw this word ‘‘mandate’’ around. f ACT OF 2012 I believe that the mandate is for us to focus on job creation and economic RESOLVING ISSUES AND WORKING Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, by direc- growth. And while we still embrace the TOGETHER tion of the Committee on Rules, I call up House Resolution 808 and ask for its Madisonian vision of the clash of (Mr. DREIER asked and was given immediate consideration. ideas—it’s a very, very important no- permission to address the House for 1 The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- tion put forward by the author of the minute and to revise and extend his re- lows: U.S. Constitution—at the end of the marks.) H. RES. 808 day, it’s important for us to do some- Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Resolved, That upon the adoption of this thing. And I think that the mandate today to say to our colleagues that it resolution it shall be in order to consider in from the election is that the American is very gratifying that in just a few the House the bill (H.R. 6156) to authorize people want us to do everything that minutes we are going to begin to ad- the extension of nondiscriminatory treat- we can to create jobs, get the economy dress the first issue that will come be- ment (normal trade relations treatment) to growing, and deal with many of the so- fore us as a lame-duck Congress, and products of the Russian Federation and cietal challenges that we face. it’s an issue that is going to be ad- Moldova and to require reports on the com- Mr. Speaker, that’s why I say it is pliance of the Russian Federation with its dressed in a bipartisan way. I’m very very gratifying that the first item out happy to see my friend from Worcester obligations as a member of the World Trade Organization, and for other purposes. All of the chute after the election is some- here, who has joined with me in doing points of order against consideration of the thing we will be able to do in a bipar- a ‘‘Dear Colleague’’ in support of pas- bill are waived. An amendment in the nature tisan way. Not that it hasn’t been con- sage of permanent normal trade rela- of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules troversial, and I will admit, Mr. Speak- tions for Russia and Moldova. Our com- Committee Print 112-33 shall be considered er, that there is controversy that sur- mitment to economic growth and as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be rounds this issue, and I’m going to talk human rights is one which has led us to considered as read. All points of order about it, but I will say that it is great against provisions in the bill, as amended, this point, Mr. Speaker. that we’ll be able to do something, And I think that the idea with the are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amend- with Republicans and Democrats in the mandate from the election was for us ed, and on any further amendment thereto to House, Democrats and Republicans in to resolve issues and work together, final passage without intervening motion ex- the Senate, and the President of the and we are going to have a chance to cept: (1) 90 minutes of debate, with 60 min- United States on the same page in sup- do that. And so as I get ready to call up utes equally divided and controlled by the port of Russia’s accession to the WTO the rule in just a moment, Mr. Speak- chair and ranking minority member of the and, most particularly, the oppor- er, I want to say to my colleagues that Committee on Ways and Means and 30 min- tunity for the United States of Amer- utes equally divided and controlled by the this is a great day for us to take on the ica, our workers, to have access to 142 very, very serious challenges. And I be- chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs; and (2) one million consumers in that country. lieve that the success we are going to motion to recommit with or without instruc- So, Mr. Speaker, on August 22, Rus- have, with the bipartisanship that is tions. sia became a member of the World going to be demonstrated on this issue, SEC. 2. On any legislative day during the Trade Organization. Again, a huge should lay the groundwork for the period from November 19, 2012, through No- economy. In fact, the last large econ- work of the rest of this Congress and I vember 23, 2012—(a) the Journal of the pro- omy to actually become a member of hope very much for the next Congress ceedings of the previous day shall be consid- the WTO, and that’s a good thing. It’s as well. ered as approved; (b) the Chair may at any time declare the House adjourned to meet at a good thing because is f a date and time, within the limits of clause not a good guy. It’s a good thing be- SUPPORTING WIND PRODUCTION 4, section 5, article I of the Constitution, to cause we are going to, not only with TAX CREDIT be announced by the Chair in declaring the accession of the WTO but also with the adjournment; and (c) bills and resolutions in- multifarious provisions that are in- (Ms. LEE of California asked and was troduced during the period addressed by this cluded in this measure, call on the given permission to address the House section shall be numbered, listed in the Con- United States Trade Representative, for 1 minute.) gressional Record, and when printed shall call on the State Department, and call bear the date of introduction, but may be re- Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, on other entities to focus on things let me thank Mr. ISRAEL, Mr. CON- ferred by the Speaker at a later time. SEC. 3. The Speaker may appoint Members like intellectual property violations, NOLLY, and Mr. TONKO, as well as all of to perform the duties of the Chair for the du- negotiations, sanitary and the members of the Sustainable Energy ration of the period addressed by section 2 of phytosanitary agreements, the infor- and Environment Coalition, for being this resolution as though under clause 8(a) of mation technology agreement, and the such strong advocates for a responsible rule I. government procurement agreement. and sustainable energy future. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- b 1230 Today I rise to speak in favor of the tleman from California is recognized wind production tax credit and urge for 1 hour. There are a wide range of provisions my colleagues to support its extension. Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, let me say in here that will force Russia to live Wind power and other sources of renew- how great it is to see you in the Chair, with a structure that it does not have able energy are a vital and central part and I wish you well. today and will not have until we take of a sustainable energy future, and Mr. Speaker, for the purpose of de- this very important action. they can be harvested right here in bate only, I yield the customary 30 Now one of the reasons that I have America. minutes to my very good friend from been such a strong proponent of this In my own district, for example, I am Worcester, pending which I yield my- issue has to do with a name, and it’s very proud to say that there are cur- self such time as I may consume. not the name we’re going to be talking rently six companies operating wind (Mr. DREIER asked and was given about in a minute. The name is Mi- power plants. These power plants not permission to revise and extend his re- khail Khodorkovsky. only generate energy but also jobs and marks.) Mikhail Khodorkovsky is a business- manufacturing right here at home. Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, let me man who was jailed and at this mo- I urge this Congress to support the say, as I just mentioned in my 1- ment is incarcerated in the midst of a extension here because it will put peo- minute, it is very gratifying that, as 7-year additional extension of his sen- ple to work in good paying jobs, help we look at this election, we have many tence for so-called ‘‘tax evasion.’’ rebuild our manufacturing base, and people who have used the term ‘‘man- Now I mention those two words in ex- help us achieve energy independence. date’’ to describe what it is they have plaining why I’m here because I met

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:32 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.018 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6381 Mr. Khodorkovsky, who was the head Last year, we exported $11 billion to sia’s WTO membership other than this of Yukos Oil and was widely respected. Russia. The projection is that by 2017, change to the 1974 trade law. This is in I’m sure he was a great businessman. our exports will be $22 billion, twice contrast to bilateral free trade agree- But he was widely respected and was a what we have today. And there are a ments where the United States is re- great philanthropist in Russia. He was number who anticipate that they will quired to provide duty-free treatment. a critic of Vladimir Putin’s. And as we go actually beyond that. If that were all there was to H.R. all know, and as I said, he is incarcer- So, Mr. Speaker, let me just say that 6156, it would pass or fail along famil- ated today for one thing and one thing this is a win-win all the way around. iar lines of trade-related legislation. only: being a critic of Vladimir Putin’s. It’s a win for the cause of human But, Mr. Speaker, H.R. 6156 will be- That’s really why he’s in prison. rights. It’s a win for the cause of those come known as a landmark piece of Well, the reason I am standing here of us—Democrats and Republicans trade legislation not because it grants and am such a strong proponent of the alike—who want to create good Amer- PNTR for Russia and Moldova but be- action that we’re about to take is that ican jobs so that we can have access to cause it includes title IV, the Sergei after I had met with Mr. Khodorkovsky 142 million consumers. And it’s a win Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability in Moscow, he sat in my office right for the people of Russia, who deserve Act of 2012. upstairs here in the Rules Committee. better than they have gotten and, Let me share with my colleagues just a little bit about the life and death of And in that meeting that I had with through the U.S. access to that mar- Sergei Magnitsky, in whose honor this him, Mr. Khodorkovsky—a great phi- ket, will have an opportunity to see section of the bill is named. lanthropist, one of the wealthiest peo- their standard of life and quality of life ple in Russia—said to me, I’m con- After exposing the largest tax fraud improve, because I believe passionately in Russian history, tax lawyer Sergei cerned about my safety and well-being. in the interdependence of economic and I think that there might be action Magnitsky was wrongly arrested and political liberalization. tortured in a Russian prison. Six taken against me. This accession to the WTO will en- Mr. Speaker, I am embarrassed to months later, he became seriously ill. hance economic liberalization, and it say that my reaction was to laugh at He was denied medical attention de- will create an opportunity. I hope and him. I said, There’s no way that a man spite 20 formal requests. On the night pray for the kind of political reform of your stature, doing the kinds of good of November 16, 2009—3 years ago to- that is desperately needed. things that you’ve been doing in Rus- morrow—his condition became critical. With that, I reserve the balance of sia, will face anything other than Instead of being treated in a hospital, my time. broad-based support. he was taken to an isolation cell, Mr. Speaker, I was wrong. The Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield chained to a bed, and beaten by eight human rights violations which have myself such time as I may consume. prison guards for 1 hour and 18 min- Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the taken place against Mikhail utes, which resulted in his death. Khodorkovsky and a wide range of gentleman from California, the honor- Sergei Magnitsky was 37 years old. other people are one of the other rea- able chairman of the Rules Committee, He left behind a wife and two children. sons that we are here, pushing very, for yielding me the customary 30 min- Those responsible for his abuse and very strongly for permanent normal utes. murder have yet to be punished. And trade relations to force Russia to do I want to thank him for his eloquent sadly, he is not alone. His story is em- something that they might not want to statement, and I want to thank him for blematic of corruption, human rights do, and that is to live with a rules- bringing this to the floor. As he men- abuses, and impunity in Russia. based trading system. tioned, he and I both coauthored a Since the death of Sergei Magnitsky, The other name that leads us here, of Dear Colleague and supported the un- the human rights situation inside the course, is Sergei Magnitsky, a young derlying legislation. And it was a Russian Federation has continued to lawyer who was simply raising ques- pleasure to work with him on this im- deteriorate. tions, a so-called whistleblower, a portant bill. Russia’s parliamentary elections last whistleblower who was beaten to death And I know that there will be other December were marked by mass pro- 3 years ago . Tomorrow opportunities to say this before he de- tests over alleged electoral fraud. marks the third anniversary of Sergei parts. But I want to thank him for his Since Vladimir Putin was reelected Magnitsky’s death. And it is out- service to this House of Representa- president in May of 2012, his govern- ment has taken a harsh and rageous, Mr. Speaker, that this kind of tives, which I know he loves very deep- confrontational approach to ongoing action in this 21st century still exists ly. And I want to thank him for his protests, cracking down on the Russian in a country that claims to be a democ- service to our country. people’s growing discontent with cor- racy. It is horrendous, and it is unac- Mr. Speaker, H.R. 6156 joins together ruption and creeping authoritarianism. ceptable. And that’s why I believe cou- two pieces of legislation that deal with Russian authorities have used exces- pling the permanent normal trade rela- trade and human rights in the Russian sive force to break up peaceful dem- tions for Russia and Moldova along Federation. The distinguished chair- onstrations and detained and raided with the Magnitsky language—and I man has provided a clear description of the provisions in this bill that grant the homes of opposition leaders. want to congratulate our Senate col- Russian civil society has also been a leagues BEN CARDIN and JON KYL, and I permanent normal trade relations, or PNTR, to the nations of Moldova and target of increasing repression. Begin- know my colleague from Massachu- ning in June and with astonishing the Russian Federation. It is fairly setts (Mr. MCGOVERN) has been in- speed, the Russian Duma passed a se- straightforward. volved in pushing this. I strongly sup- ries of draconian laws that restrict Simply put, after 18 years of negotia- port the effort that we have had that freedom of expression, freedom of asso- tions, Russia joined the World Trade will ensure that those who are respon- ciation, and freedom of assembly. Organization in August. That member- sible for Sergei Magnitsky’s tragic, Many observers fear that these laws ship will require Russia—for the first brutal beating, which led to his death 3 will be used as a political weapon to years ago tomorrow, will be followed time—to play by the same rules of stifle criticism of the government. and be brought to justice. trade as the United States and vir- They make it harder for Russian civil So, Mr. Speaker, this is a great bipar- tually every other nation in the world. society to operate effectively and cre- tisan effort. It’s one that I think will But under WTO rules, the United ate a climate of fear and self-censor- inure to the benefit of the people of States cannot take advantage of Rus- ship. Civil society’s sense of isolation Russia and the people of the United sia’s WTO membership unless and until is only compounded by the Russian States. And I would like to say that, Congress grants Russia permanent nor- Government’s recent decision to expel remember, we’re not giving up a thing. mal trade relations, replacing the 1974 organizations like USAID from the We’re not lowering a single tariff. special bilateral agreement with Rus- country. There is not a single sacrifice that’s sia known as the Jackson-Vanik being made here in the United States amendment. b 1240 of America. What we’re doing is we’re The United States is not required to In addition, journalists and human breaking down the barriers there. change any U.S. law as a result of Rus- rights activists continue to face grave

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.021 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 dangers in pursuing their work. Just the underlying legislation, H.R. 6156, ices to another country are on an equal last month, Tanya Lokshina with the and I reserve the balance of my time. basis is important. Moscow office of Human Rights Watch Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, let me This PNTR vote will mean that we’re received a series of threats to herself again express my appreciation to my expected to double exports to Russia in and her unborn child, most likely in good friend from Worcester, and it’s just 5 years and to help create and connection to her efforts to expose im- been a great honor and privilege to strengthen jobs in this country while punity for human rights abuses. Her work in a bipartisan way with him on providing Russia with a great product experience is not unique. While Rus- this, as I’ve been privileged to work at the right price, whether it’s in man- sian authorities have tried to silence with many Democrats in this House on ufacturing, agriculture, or the service critics, NGOs, and independent media, many different bipartisan issues over industry. I believe this is an important the world is still awaiting justice for the years. bill for us to move on a bipartisan many violent attacks on dissidents and And I’m getting ready to leave this basis. journalists. place, Mr. Speaker. I’ll be in January, Russia is the ninth largest economy I would like to note for my col- as you will, moving on to another life. and has a population of about 142 mil- leagues that today at 2 p.m. the Tom For me, it’s after nearly three-and-a- lion people. It has a large and growing Lantos Human Rights Commission will half decades, and we’ve got lots of work middle class. And Russia holds out- be holding a hearing on human rights ahead in the next 4 weeks. To have this standing potential for the United in the Russian Federation, and Ms. trade issue as one there is something States, not just in the business inter- Lokshina will be one of the witnesses. that is very gratifying for me. ests, but also for goods and services to In this context, the story of Sergei As I mention that I’m leaving, for his make the lives of the Russian people Magnitsky remains especially impor- first speech since being named chair- even better. tant. At a time when the human rights man of the Rules Committee for the My home State of Texas is the top situation in the country is going from next Congress, I’m very happy to yield exporter to Russia among U.S. States, bad to worse, it is all the more impor- such time as he may consume to the and Texas imports to Russia are grow- tant to hold Russian human rights vio- very thoughtful, dedicated, and hard- ing faster than its exports for the rest lators accountable. working gentleman from Dallas (Mr. of the world. Specifically, Texas ex- Mr. Speaker, the Sergei Magnitsky SESSIONS). ported $1.6 billion worth of goods to Rule of Law Accountability Act, which Let me say, Mr. Speaker, that there Russia in 2011. We, in Texas, value this is title IV of H.R. 6156 as reported by are lots of hard workers in this House, relationship, the jobs, the exporting, the Rules Committee, places an asset and we all learned as kids there is a and the ability to have better products freeze and visa ban on those individuals differentiation between a workhorse and services in Russia, with the Rus- responsible for Sergei Magnitsky’s tor- and a show horse. And I’ve got to tell sian people making those decisions to ture and death, as well as on Russian you something, Mr. Speaker—and you buy these products and services. This officials engaged in corruption and know this very well—there is no Demo- legislation today will only help us gross violations of human rights. This crat or Republican in the United States build on that success, growing not just is beyond just Sergei Magnitsky. These House of Representatives who works more jobs, but, really, the American measures provide a degree of account- any harder than PETE SESSIONS, and economy. ability and reinforce the administra- I’m very pleased, Mr. Speaker, that he So I will say this on behalf of all of tion’s toolkit to respond to crimes by is going to be succeeding me as chair- us. This is an important bill. We need- individual government officials. man of the House Rules Committee. ed to work together. We need leader- Passage of the sends a Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, to my ship of this body, all the Members, as clear message to the Russian people dear and distinguished friend, the gen- well as the Senate and the President to that we support their fundamental tleman, the young chairman of the make this happen. human rights. Importantly, it also Rules Committee, DAVID DREIER, thank Mr. DREIER. Will the gentleman sends a strong message to those Rus- you very much. yield? sian officials who support the rule of It is DAVID’s leadership, not just in Mr. SESSIONS. I will yield to the law and who reject corruption and the Rules Committee but, I believe, to gentleman. human rights abuses. It lets them all of us here in the House of Rep- Mr. DREIER. I thank my friend for know that their efforts and their resentatives, that DAVID has led us to yielding. achievements are valued by the United be a more open, thoughtful body; a per- And, Mr. Speaker, as I was sitting States and the international commu- son who used his time and position, here listening to the very thoughtful nity. Only individuals within the Rus- power of the Rules Committee in the remarks of my successor as chairman sian Government who abuse their office committee that’s upstairs, to speak of the House Rules Committee, it re- and engage in corruption and human with all the Members of this body minded me of what really got him onto rights crimes will find their assets and about their ideas that they represent the Rules Committee and got him en- visas under scrutiny and subject to and to make this a more open body. gaged with me, and interesting enough, U.S. sanction. This institution is better because of Mr. Speaker, it was this issue. It was So let me be clear, Mr. Speaker. I DAVID DREIER. And I am very aware of the issue of breaking down barriers to would not be supporting PNTR for the what lies ahead for me, but, DAVID, you allow for the free flow of goods and Russian Federation if it did not include have done a great job, and thank you. services and capital. title IV, the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Thank you very much. When he first came to this body, Mr. Law Accountability Act. Mr. Speaker, I rise today really to Speaker, we were in the midst of our And, Mr. Speaker, let me just close support what Chairman DREIER and the battle on China’s accession to the by again thanking not only the gen- gentleman, Mr. MCGOVERN, have been World Trade Organization and estab- tleman from California, the distin- speaking for, and that is a rule and the lishing PNTR at that juncture, which guished chairman of the Rules Com- underlying legislation. has been a great thing; not that it’s mittee, but I want to thank the Repub- There are over 23 million Americans been problem free—I acknowledge lican leadership, the Speaker of the right now looking for work that are ei- that—but it’s been a great thing to be House; the Democratic leadership, the ther over- or underemployed in our able to take the steps that we have. minority leader and our minority whip; country, Mr. Speaker. So today is a And it was PETE SESSIONS, Mr. Speak- as well as the chairwoman of the For- jobs bill, another jobs bill that is im- er, who came to me and said, I want to eign Affairs Committee and the rank- portant, and permanent normalized help you with this. I actually gave him ing member of the Foreign Affairs trade relations with Russia and an assignment, and it was to talk to a Committee for working together to Moldova will provide that much-needed half dozen Members about how impor- come up with an agreement here that I boost, just a little bit. But a boost to tant this was. think deserves bipartisan support. the direction of adding jobs and mak- Mr. Speaker, in less than an hour he So I urge all my colleagues to sup- ing sure that the jobs we have here in came back to me, having done the job port the Magnitsky act by voting for this country to provide goods and serv- right then, and that’s why I describe

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:46 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.023 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6383 him as the person—as I say, there are a Mr. DREIER. Will the gentleman one should think that it’s easy to do lot of hardworking people here, there yield? business in any country where there are a lot of hardworking people on both Mr. LEVIN. I will yield to the gen- isn’t a rule of law. It isn’t easy to do sides of the aisle, but no one has been tleman. business—and we should hesitate to more diligent and worked harder than Mr. DREIER. When you said ‘‘many simply blindly do business—with a my friend PETE SESSIONS, and I thank years,’’ you are my junior colleague by country which really imposes restric- my friend for yielding. one term. tions on the rights of their citizens. Mr. SESSIONS. I thank the gen- I thank my friend for yielding. That’s what Mr. MCGOVERN has done tleman. Mr. LEVIN. You believe in this insti- and what Mr. CARDIN and others have And reclaiming my time, this is the tution, and I think that’s been re- done. And there has been bipartisan co- kind of energy and leadership that flected. operation on this point, strong bipar- DAVID DREIER expects from Members as So let me just say a few words—we’ll tisan cooperation, to place in this bill he gives them not just tasks but oppor- debate it, perhaps, longer tomorrow— the Magnitsky legislation that sends a tunities, and the young chairman gave why this trade bill should be passed. I clear signal to the Russian Govern- me that opportunity, and I took full think we need to take each trade bill ment and to everybody in Russia that advantage of that. As I recall, we were on its own merits. When you look at we care about the rights of the citizens 10 out of 10. All of them voted for it. So the need to move here today to grant there, and as we do business, we care I didn’t just make up ‘‘all of them.’’ PNTR, I think the answer is we clearly about the rights of others. That’s the Mr. Speaker, this is an important bill should. strength of this legislation, in addition we’re doing today. This is worthy of First of all, Russia is now in the to opening their markets for goods our time, and I’m delighted that we’re WTO, and it has gone in with certain made in America joined by our friends. requirements; for example, no export The SPEAKER pro tempore. The subsidies are allowed. That’s a change, b 1250 time of the gentleman has expired. and that’s beneficial to those of us who Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield the gen- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield want to trade with them so they don’t tleman 1 additional minute. myself such time as I may consume rig the deck against us and for them. Mr. LEVIN. So I really urge that ev- first of all to thank the gentleman And there are major reductions in tar- erybody look at this legislation on its from Texas for his statement, but also iffs. own merits. Whatever the feelings are to take this opportunity to publicly Also, now that they’re in the WTO, about other trade agreements, we need congratulate him on his new appoint- there is a dispute settlement system. to take each of them on their own, the ment. I look forward to working with So when they violate the requirements, pluses and the minuses. In this case, I him. So congratulations. there’s a dispute settlement system think—especially now that Russia is in Mr. Speaker, I just want to again that can be enforced. If we don’t grant the WTO—it works so much to our ad- point out that trade bills oftentimes PNTR, we can’t access that dispute vantage in terms of the economy here, are very controversial. There’s often a settlement system. in terms of jobs here, in terms of our resistance to attach any additional Also, it’s so important that there be businesses and our workers. And also, I language, whether it be human rights strong enforcement. A number of my think we can vote for this legislation, language or labor rights language, to colleagues put forth some legislation if I might say so, with good conscience. trade bills. But in this case, again, that proposed that we beef up the en- Mr. MCGOVERN, you have led. It’s a working in a bipartisan way, I think forcement provisions within this bill, tribute to your devotion to the human the attachment of the Sergei and that’s been done. Our staff on the rights of people as we advance trade Magnitsky bill to this trade bill is Democratic side worked assiduously not only in this legislation, but in probably the most significant piece of with the Senate, and the essence of other legislation. I think it’s also a human rights legislation attached to those provisions are now in this bill. So recognition of our ability to work to- any trade bill since I’ve been here in that’s another reason to vote for it, be- gether. Congress. cause strong enforcement is critical to So I urge passage, and tomorrow we This is a big deal. This sends a mes- good trade legislation. speak together to urge passage of the sage to human rights violators in Rus- Also, I would urge everybody to look legislation. sia, those who are guilty of corruption, at what are the exports from this coun- Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I want to that there’s a consequence. And even if try and the imports from Russia. When thank my friend, Mr. LEVIN, for his that consequence is not bringing you you look at those, it’s a good reason very thoughtful comments and to say I to justice within Russia, the United for us to vote for this legislation, be- was very pleased to join with Mr. States—and we will be joined, hope- cause the top three exports from the MCGOVERN—as Mr. MCGOVERN has fully, by our allies—will make sure U.S. are machinery, motor vehicles, mentioned and as I did earlier—a joint that there are visa bans that are put in and aircraft—made in America by Dear Colleague to focus on the benefits place and that assets are frozen, that American workers. And so, in a sense, of this legislation as we tackle this im- there is a consequence. Again, our hope this is a ‘‘Make It in America’’ piece of portant challenge of human rights. is that this language will prop up those legislation. I happen to believe very fervently in Russia who want to push for reform, The dominant import from Russia is that economic liberalization is a key who believe in accountability and be- in petro, in oil, and in that sense, part of ensuring the ability of human lieve in tackling issues like impunity. they’re not directly competing with rights to be recognized. That’s why I Mr. Speaker, at this time I’d like to our workers. So we have, in terms of think this legislation is very, very yield 4 minutes to the gentleman from what flows, an advantage being a full complementary in addressing not just Michigan (Mr. LEVIN), who is the rank- partner. job creation, economic growth, and im- ing member of the Ways and Means But let me say one other thing, be- proving quality of life for people, but I Committee, who was incredibly helpful cause I think those of you who have believe both aspects—the Magnitsky to me in making sure that these two followed this know I don’t believe that aspect and the permanent normal trade pieces of legislation were brought to- trade legislation is only about flow of relations—together work to enhance gether and I think in a way that makes goods. It also has to be embedded in a the human rights situation that is as it possible for me to be able to support structure to make sure that there are devastating as it is. this bill. benefits for our companies and for our Mr. Speaker, I know I have talked (Mr. LEVIN asked and was given per- workers and that there is a structure about a number of other Members, but mission to revise and extend his re- to try to make sure there’s a rule of I’d like to say that for nearly a decade marks.) law, because if there isn’t a rule of law and a half I’ve been very privileged to Mr. LEVIN. First, if I might, let me in another country, it is not beneficial work on a wide range of issues, but one congratulate Mr. DREIER on your serv- for their citizens or for our companies. of the most important has been the ice of many years. You believe in this So here I want us to pay attention to issue of trade liberalization with my institution. the Magnitsky legislation, because no friend from Hinsdale, Illinois. is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.024 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 going to be leaving this institution, as Rules Committee, who’s done some Russia have had to say specifically you, Mr. Speaker, are and as I will as great work over his many years. about PNTR and its impact on human well. But I’ve got to say that this insti- I rise in support of this legislation. I rights. tution is a better place. The issue of think it is important to see, as this I thank my friend for yielding. ensuring economic opportunity here in continuum moves, our relationship Mr. Speaker, with that I’m very the United States and around the world with Russia change and now moving happy to yield 3 minutes to my very is brighter for the work that has been into a circumstance of additional trade good friend from Huntington Beach, done by JUDY BIGGERT. I’m happy to and enhanced trade. my fellow Californian, Mr. ROHR- yield 21⁄2 minutes to the gentlewoman I’m one that’s very focused on im- ABACHER. And pending that, let me say from Illinois (Mrs. BIGGERT), Mr. proving manufacturing here in the that he and I have been great friends Speaker. United States, and this is going to open since he was a speech writer for Ronald up tremendous opportunities for our Reagan. We’ve worked closely on a b 1300 manufacturers. So I want to commend wide range of things. And I just told Mrs. BIGGERT. Thank you so much, those who’ve worked together on this him, Mr. Speaker, since I’m leaving Mr. Chairman, for your kind words, but and the Obama administration for Congress, he’s taught me one thing and also for what you have done for this their continuing efforts to open up one thing only and that is how to make country as far as trade and how you trade opportunities so that we can margaritas. have really worked so hard to make make it here and sell it everywhere, So with that, I’m happy to yield to sure that all of the Members of Con- which I think should be our focus. my friend, Mr. ROHRABACHER. gress realize the impact that trade has In addition to that, I think it shows Mr. ROHRABACHER. I rise in sup- for our economy and for our place in how, over time, old wounds can be port of the rule and of this legislation, the world. Either bilateral agreements, healed and new relationships can be and note that the classified nature of multilateral commitments, you were built. that margarita formula should never always there to make to sure that we I spoke earlier today with the con- be disclosed to an enemy of the United moved forward on that, and I really sulate general for the State of Israel in States, of course; but we will be glad to thank you. Philadelphia, offering my support and transmit that information to col- I do rise in support today of this rule concern for the unfortunate cir- leagues on the other side of the aisle in and H.R. 6156, to grant permanent nor- cumstances that are taking place in a spirit of bipartisanship. mal trade relations to Russia. This im- the Middle East now, in which hun- I do rise in support of this rule and portant legislation is a small step to- dreds of bombs or rockets have been H.R. 6156, the legislation to grant per- ward a big reward. Without it, the shot at Israel, some of its largest cities manent normal trade relations status United States exporters and service as the targets. This is a matter for ob- to Russia. providers will continue to lose business viously much higher levels in our gov- During the 1980s, as it was just men- to our foreign competitors that already ernment. There have been communica- tioned, I worked for Ronald Reagan in have trade relationships with Russia. tions and the assurance that Israel has the White House and was part of a And once we lose those markets, our the right to defend itself. team dedicating ourselves to bringing competitors will only become stronger But I think that we can see in this down the Soviet dictatorship. I might and better-positioned to surpass the Russia trade agreement that if we can add that Dave Dreier was an ex officio U.S. in a critical marketplace of the get to the point where there can be re- member of that team. 21st-century global economy. lationships that are built on self-inter- Today’s Russia is not yesterday’s So- According to the National Associa- est and economic development, that we viet Union. That’s the most important tion of Manufacturers, Russia imported can put the weapons aside and move to- message. Over 20 years of reform have over $500 billion in goods last year; and ward a circumstance in which people created an imperfect country, yes, but of that total, only 5 percent came from are focused on economic activity. also a new Russia with a relative free U.S. exports. So we see in this crisis a cir- press and churches that were once This bill will lift outdated policies cumstance that we hope will resolve closed by the Communists which are that restrict American access to Rus- itself. Obviously, we stand with our now filled with those who would gather sian markets. As a result, studies show ally, but we also hope for a day in to worship God. that U.S. producers can expect to which peace will reign, and economic Many here in the United States have achieve double-digit increases over the opportunities, I agree with DAVID not appreciated the dramatic change next decade in exports of heavy ma- DREIER, really is the way in which and continue to view Russia as if it chinery, agricultural machinery, eventually we can create a cir- were the Soviet Union 30 years ago. chemicals and services. This is particu- cumstance in which people will not Well, what we do today is long over- larly critical for my home State of Illi- have the necessity to resort to vio- due. Our protracted refusal to grant nois, where we have fallen behind lence. Russia permanent normal trade rela- Japan and Korea in these export cat- So I thank the gentleman for yield- tion status has been counterproductive egories. ing me the time, and I thank the and hypocritical. Counterproductive Most importantly, granting Russia House. And I hope that we will favor- for years because it’s been an unneces- permanent normal trade relations ably pass this bill. sary barrier to better bilateral rela- gives the U.S. a level playing field on Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, will the tions between our two countries. Hypo- which we can compete from a position gentleman yield? critical because over a decade ago we of strength in terms of intellectual Mr. FATTAH. I will be glad to yield had rushed to give most favored nation property and agricultural exports, and to the gentleman. status to Communist China, which still it will provide a reliable forum for Mr. DREIER. I just wanted to express continues to be the world’s worst trade dispute resolution. to my very dear friend from Philadel- human rights abuser. I would urge my colleagues to vote phia, express my appreciation, Mr. All the arguments made to refuse it for the rule and the bill, to grow Amer- Speaker, for his very kind words and to to Russia have always applied one ican exports and create good jobs here say that the recognition that economic hundredfold to Communist China. How- in the United States by supporting this liberalization is one of the greatest ever, I have not heard the critics of rule and the underlying bill. keys to our goal of enhancing human this bill calling for an end to our trade Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, it’s rights, the standard of living, and the status with Communist China, which I my pleasure to yield 3 minutes to the quality of life for our fellow human might add, human rights in China is gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. beings is a very, very important point; worse today than when we granted FATTAH). and I just want to underscore that most favored nation status to them. Mr. FATTAH. I want to thank the point that was made. If we want to have a real debate gentleman for his great work on this Yes, the Magnitsky legislation is im- about trade, the place to start is with legislation; and also my colleague, who portant, but I’m going to talk in just a Communist China and not be looking will be leaving us, the chairman of the moment about what some leaders in at a democratic Russia. PNTR for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.026 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6385 China has cost millions and millions of when we think they’re wrong in trade there is always a problem when you jobs over the decade. Our trade rela- disputes at the World Trade Organiza- have a country that doesn’t abide by tions with Russia will benefit both of tion. Absent this normalization, we the rule of law, where impunity rules us, both the people of the United don’t have that leverage. Furthermore, the day. In cases like that, I think it is States, as well as the Russian people. the committee needs to be really com- important to have a tool like the So how then can we justify such a mended, as does my colleague from Magnitsky legislation to make it clear pro-Communist China policy, which Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN), for to those in Russia—not just those in- has had no political reform, and not creating a statutory framework for ad- volved with the Sergei Magnitsky trag- giving it to Russia, which has had dra- dressing one of the most egregious edy, but with other terrible human matic political reform? human rights violations in modern rights crimes, those who are involved Two decades ago, while I was work- Russian history. It involves Sergei in corruption—to make it clear to ing in the White House, I was arguably Magnitsky. them that there is a consequence and one of the Soviet Union’s worse en- Now, this framework could ulti- that, even if within their own countries emies. But my boss, Ronald Reagan, mately be a model, frankly, as we move they are not brought to justice, the never wanted the people of Russia and forward in other parts of the world as world will know who they are and take the people of the United States to be well, but it certainly marries a positive appropriate action. There will be visa enemies. He envisioned, once the Com- trade relationship possibility with vigi- bans, and we will go after their assets. munist Party had been discarded, that lant and vigorous human rights en- To me, this is a very, very powerful our two peoples would one day be forcement and vigilance. So I commend tool that complements the benefits of friends and trading partners and, yes, the committee for marrying the two, PNTR for Russia. even allies. for allowing us positively to go forward I would say to my colleagues that Russian society has moved far from in our relationship—troubles and all— this does represent a genuine com- promise—the Sergei Magnitsky Act, the Cold War. It is past time that we do with modern-day Russia. I urge the which I am the author of in the House the same. We need to reach out to passage of the underlying legislation, and Senator CARDIN is the author of in them, stand together against an alarm- H.R. 6156. the Senate. In the House, we originally ing rise of power in Communist China Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, at this wanted this to be global in its ap- and against radical Islamic terror, juncture, I have no further requests for proach, but in the spirit of com- which targets Russians as well as time. If the gentleman would like to promise, it has been narrowed down to Americans. close, I will then offer some closing re- Russia. I think, if this proves to be a Thus, I encourage my colleagues to marks. good tool and if it is implemented join me in voting and pass this legisla- Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield myself the properly, hopefully, we can broaden it, tion. balance of the time. Mr. Speaker, I would like to insert because I do think that it is important b 1310 two articles into the CONGRESSIONAL for the United States to make it clear to the world that, if we stand for any- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, at this RECORD—one of The New York Times, time, it is my pleasure to yield 2 min- entitled, ‘‘Russia plans to retry dead thing, we stand out loud and four- utes to the gentleman from Virginia lawyer in tax case,’’ and the other from square for human rights. With regard to the rule, I just want (Mr. CONNOLLY). The Washington Post, entitled, ‘‘The to say that I’m a little bit disappointed Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. I thank Kremlin’s blacklist.’’ that this rule on a bipartisan bill in- my colleague from Massachusetts. I Mr. Speaker, from the beginning, the cludes lockdown provisions that re- also want to praise my colleague from Magnitsky Act has been a bipartisan strict the rights of the minority in this California. This is one of the last rules and bicameral effort. The final body. I would have preferred that this Mr. DREIER will be managing here on Magnitsky language in title IV of H.R. rule have only included procedures for the floor. 6156 is the result of genuine collabora- the bipartisan PNTR-Magnitsky bill, Mr. DREIER. Will the gentleman tion and compromise. I want to again but in the spirit of bipartisanship, I’m yield? thank the chairman of the Rules Com- not going to dwell on that. I’m just Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. I yield mittee, Mr. DREIER. I would like to going to point it out for the record. to the gentleman from California. thank Speaker BOEHNER, Majority In conclusion, let me just make this Mr. DREIER. I’d like to ask my Leader CANTOR, Majority Whip MCCAR- one observation. This is an example of friend if he has looked at the schedule THY, Democratic Leader PELOSI, Demo- bipartisanship, of people coming to- that we have for the next 4 weeks. I cratic Whip HOYER, House Foreign Af- gether and of our supporting an impor- think it’s light years away until I deal fairs Committee chairwoman ILEANA tant piece of legislation. I hope that with the last rule here if you look at ROS-LEHTINEN, and our ranking mem- some of this rubs off on some of the our legislative schedule. I thank my ber, Mr. BERMAN of California, as well bills that we’re going to be considering friend for yielding. as Mr. LEVIN, who has been so very in the days and weeks to come, but this Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. When it helpful on the Ways and Means Com- really is how this House of Representa- comes to the fiscal cliff, I actually mittee, for all of their support in draft- tives should be run. hope you’re right. I hope you will be so ing the bill under consideration by the Again, my compliments to the lead- busy that you will have no time to House this week. It has been a pleasure ership of the Republican Party and to think of anything else. But I do want to work with all of these individuals. the leadership of my own party. It was to congratulate you on this rule and on Mr. Speaker, I believe the Magnitsky not just gratuitous. I meant it. This your tenure here in the House. You will provisions are strong, flexible enough was a process by which those of us who be missed. to be well implemented and will allow care about the issue of human rights The Jackson-Vanik amendment, Mr. us to have a cooperative relationship felt that we were included. As a result, Speaker, was a product of the Cold War with Russia on trade and other issues I think we’ve come up with a bill that when the Communist threat was ever- while holding human rights violators deserves support. I think it will make a present and when Communist countries accountable, including those respon- positive difference in the lives of a lot had little or no emigration rights. As sible for the brutal treatment and of people in Russia. In terms of trade, our friend from California, Mr. ROHR- death of Sergei Magnitsky. As I stated I think it will result in a situation ABACHER, just said, we need to recog- earlier, I would not be supporting where there is a more level playing nize that today’s Russia, while hardly PNTR for the Russian Federation if field, where we have an agreement that a perfect place when it comes to human this bill did not include a Sergei just doesn’t benefit the few at the ex- rights and political expression, is not Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability pense of the many; we may have an the Soviet Union. We need a positive Act. agreement here that will help benefit framework—economic, political, so- I agree with what has been said about the many. cial—to move forward. the importance of increased trade in Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to This PNTR, normalizing trade rela- terms of promoting more positive re- support the bill, and I yield back the tions, allows us to wrangle with Russia forms in countries like Russia, but balance of my time.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:50 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.028 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 [From the New York Times, Feb. 7, 2012] Washington, the on-duty officer had some rallies and the requirement that Russian RUSSIA PLANS TO RETRY DEAD LAWYER IN unexpected news. ‘‘I cannot let you in,’’ he nongovernmental organizations that receive TAX CASE said through an intercom. ‘‘You are forbid- funding from abroad be tagged as ‘‘foreign (By Andrew E. Kramer) den to enter the embassy.’’ Being a Russian agents.’’ That the targets of retaliation are citizen and a credentialed Russian jour- Russian is hardly surprising: A ‘‘reciprocal’’ MOSCOW.—The police in Russia plan to re- nalist, and having been to my country’s em- submit for trial a tax evasion case in which visa ban for U.S. sponsors of the Magnitsky bassy on numerous occasions, I was natu- the primary defendant died in detention Act would have drawn only laughter. Offi- rally curious. Yevgeny Khorishko, the em- more than two years ago, his former em- cials in Moscow had long promised that the bassy’s press secretary, whom I called for an ployer said Tuesday. response to the bill would be ‘‘asymmet- of the defendant, Sergei L. explanation, was brief: The directive to rical.’’ Magnitsky, would be the first posthumous ‘‘strike’’ my name from the list of The Kremlin’s blackmail must not be al- prosecution in Russian legal history, accord- credentialed Russian journalists came from lowed to succeed. The hysterical reaction ing to a statement by the former employer, Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. No reason was from Putin’s regime shows beyond doubt Hermitage Capital. given. In an interview later with Slon.ru, a that the legislation hits precisely where it The death of Mr. Magnitsky, a lawyer, in Moscow news Web site, the press secretary hurts. The prospect of losing access to the November 2009 drew international criticism explained that the decision reflected the fact West and its financial systems (initiatives over Russia’s human rights record, espe- that I am ‘‘no longer a journalist.’’ similar to the U.S. bill are already being The explanation would seem passable, ex- cially after accusations arose that he had considered in European Union parliaments cept for one detail: The ambassador’s direc- been denied proper medical care. The State and in ) may well be, for now, the Department has barred officials linked to tive came before it was publicly announced that I had been dismissed as Washington bu- only serious disincentive to corruption and Mr. Magnitsky’s prosecutions from entering human rights violations by Russian officials. the United States. Parliaments in nine Euro- reau chief of RTVi, as Russian Television International is known, effective Sept. 1. Symbolically, the adoption of the Magnitsky pean countries are considering similar bans. Act has been tied to the repeal of the anti- Police officials reopened the case against How Kislyak could have known this in ad- vance remains a mystery. quated Jackson-Vanik Amendment, thus re- Mr. Magnitsky last summer, saying it would placing trade sanctions against a nation provide a chance for relatives and supporters Around the same time, two trustworthy sources in Moscow informed me that my with personal sanctions against specific to clear his name. criminals. Perhaps the most pro-Russian Relatives, though, said they had not asked name has been placed on a ‘‘blacklist,’’ mak- ing me unemployable not only by RTVi but piece of legislation ever put before the U.S. for that, and executives at Hermitage said Congress, the Magnitsky Act offers Wash- the motive was something else entirely: to also by other, even privately owned, Russian ington an opportunity to speak with a uni- vindicate the officials Mr. Magnitsky had ac- media outlets. This was quickly verified, as fied voice and with unquestioned moral clar- cused of corruption. one editor after another indicated that co- Hermitage Capital’s executive director, operation at this stage is impossible. From ity. I hope that it will be signed into law be- William F. Browder, who lives in London, his own sources, opposition leader and fore the end of the year. will be a co-defendant in the case; he will be former deputy prime minister Boris Nemtsov Mr. DREIER. I yield myself the bal- tried in absentia, a procedure used only found out the name of the Kremlin official ance of my time. intermittently in the post-Soviet period but who has supposedly blacklisted me: Alexei restored under a Russian law that took ef- Gromov, President Vladimir Putin’s first Mr. Speaker, let me offer some clos- fect in 2006. deputy chief of staff. As for the reason for ing remarks and say that, as I remi- The statement from Hermitage said that the Berufsverbot, my interlocutors were un- nisce, having spent virtually my entire even in the Soviet period, no defendant had equivocal: It was my advocacy for the Sergei adult life as a Member of this body, been tried after death. But a Russian Su- Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act, privileged to stand in this well for preme Court ruling last summer allowed the currently being considered by the U.S. Con- nearly three-and-a-half decades—mak- police to conduct posthumous investigations. gress. Calls to the press service of the Investiga- This bill, a rare example of congressional ing arguments, engaging in debate—as tive Committee of the Interior Ministry, bipartisanship, proposes to introduce a tar- I said, I’m very gratified that we were which is handling the case, were not an- geted visa ban and asset freeze for Russian able to work on one of the many final swered on Tuesday. officials ‘‘responsible for the detention, issues, which is the first issue of the Mr. Browder maintains that the post- abuse, or death of Sergei Magnitsky’’—an lame duck session, in a bipartisan way humous case against Mr. Magnitsky, who anticorruption lawyer tortured to death in a as my friend from Worcester just said. died in pretrial detention when he was 37, is Moscow prison in 2009—as well as for any I was privileged to work with him and intended to intimidate his family and dis- ‘‘extrajudicial killings, torture, or other to have him as a cosigner of this Dear courage them from pressing for the prosecu- gross violations of internationally recog- tion of the police and tax officials who they nized human rights’’ (among them, ‘‘the free- Colleague letter that we sent out in say orchestrated his imprisonment. A con- doms of religion, expression, association, and support of this legislation. viction of Mr. Magnitsky might also appear assembly, and the rights to a fair trial and I am reminded, in having listened to to vindicate the officials he had accused of democratic elections’’). The Magnitsky Act remarks from both sides of the aisle— wrongdoing. would bring a much-needed measure of ac- my California colleague (Mr. ROHR- The Hermitage statement said a police in- countability to corrupt Russian officials and ABACHER) and others—that on the 6th vestigator had offered to drop the case in a human rights violators who prefer to rule in letter to Mr. Magnitsky’s mother last week, the manner of Zimbabwe or Belarus but opt of November 1979, Ronald Reagan an- but only if relatives stated that they had no for such destinations as the United States or nounced his candidacy for President of ‘‘desire to protect the honor and dignity of Britain when it comes to storing and spend- the United States. He offered lots of the deceased.’’ ing their ill-gotten gains. eloquence and lots of brilliance, but he Mr. Browder said in the statement, ‘‘If the Along with many other representatives of said something that at the time was Russian Interior Ministry thinks that run- Russia’s civil society, political opposition seen as absolute heresy, not only here ning a show trial against me and Sergei will and independent media, I have been a vocal in the United States but around the stop our campaign for justice, they are dead supporter of the legislation, urging its pas- wrong.’’ sage in public speeches and in private meet- world and within this hemisphere. Mr. Magnitsky was detained in 2008 on sus- ings with Washington policymakers. In au- On the 6th of November 1979, Reagan picion of helping Hermitage Capital evade thoritarian systems that maintain their envisaged this notion of eliminating $17.4 million in taxes. That accusation came power by stifling free initiative and free tariff barriers among all of the Amer- after Mr. Magnitsky testified against Inte- speech, the line between journalism and icas so that we could have the free flow rior Ministry officials, saying they had used civic activism is not—and cannot be—as Hermitage companies to embezzle $230 mil- of goods and services and capital and rigid as it is in democratic societies. Col- ideas, and yes, people as well. That’s lion from the Russian Treasury by filing leagues have long warned that my support false corporate tax returns. for the bill would, sooner or later, catch the aspirational. That’s a notion that he Mr. Magnitsky’s supporters say they be- Kremlin’s attention. The timing is not sur- put forward. A few years later in the lieve that the prosecution was retaliatory, prising, as the bill is nearing passage. Congress, I was privileged to be elected and that investigators assigned to his case, My case is just one in a series of ‘‘retalia- the day Ronald Reagan was elected including individuals he had accused, denied tory’’ measures Putin’s regime has taken him medical care before his death. President. I joined with my colleagues against Russian supporters of the Magnitsky Mr. Colby and Mr. Lewis, and intro- legislation. Other examples include the re- [From the Washington Post, July 26, 2012] duced legislation calling for the elimi- cent early-morning raids on the homes of op- THE KREMLIN’S BLACKLIST position leaders and a series of new repres- nation of tariff barriers among Canada, (By Vladimir V. Kara-Murza) sive laws directed against Russia’s already- the United States, and Mexico, which On July 12, as I stopped at the gate of the besieged civil society, including the 150-fold led to the North American Free Trade Russian Embassy compound in northwest increase in fines for ‘‘violations’’ at public Agreement.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15NO7.001 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6387 b 1320 languishing in a Russian prison for and nonunion jobs, by opening up these Mr. Speaker, the idea behind this simply criticizing Vladimir Putin. I’m markets. diminution—in fact, elimination—of here today in large part because I want I also have to say that I know people tariff and nontariff barriers is so we Mikhail Khodorkovsky to be freed. I like to malign the 87 newly elected Re- can enhance freedom, enhance oppor- want to see an end to that kind of publican Members, this Tea Party class tunity, and improve the quality of life treatment of individuals. of crazy people. You read that. You and the standard of living for people Similarly, tomorrow marks the third hear that in the media on a regular not only here in the United States, but anniversary of the tragic death of basis. Frankly, I have to say, Mr. around the world, as well. We under- Sergei Magnitsky. It was absolutely Speaker, the leadership that they have stand that even in repressive societies, horrible that this 37-year-old lawyer, a shown on this issue and on the issues of that if we can proceed with economic young man with, as my friend pointed Colombia, Panama, and South Korea liberalization, political liberalization out, a wife and small children, was im- are very important issues. Mr. Speak- will follow. prisoned for simply being a whistle- er, let me just say that I express my I have to counter the statement that blower. He was tortured, abused, and appreciation to the fact that 73 of them was made by my California colleague, left to die 3 years ago tomorrow. signed a letter to the President saying Mr. ROHRABACHER, about China. I am Again, in the 21st century, that is in- that this needed to be brought forward. not going to stand here on the day that tolerable. It can’t be accepted. That’s We want to work in a bipartisan way to Xi Jinping has become the new leader why we need to continue to pursue this make this happen. of China and claim that things are per- effort on economic liberalization. I urge support of this rule, and then fect in China, but I will argue that per- I’m not going to counter what my tomorrow when we have the vote on manent normal trade relations and friend said about the importance of the PNTR, a strong bipartisan support in China’s accession to the World Trade Magnitsky component to this legisla- behalf of the efforts of Messrs. CAMP Organization has been beneficial. Why? tion, but I would like to share the and LEVIN and BRADY and others. Because if one looks at the great leap words of some formerly incarcerated With that, I yield back the balance of forward in China, there were tens of Russians, some of whom were incarcer- my time, and I move the previous ques- millions of people who were killed. ated human rights leaders in Russia tion on the resolution. During the cultural revolution, well who long before we did the Magnitsky The SPEAKER pro tempore. The over a million people were starved to language talked about how important question is on ordering the previous death. this is. Let me just read a bit of this question. So you look at the great leap for- letter that is signed by seven human The question was taken; and the ward, you look at the cultural revolu- rights activists. It goes down the line Speaker pro tempore announced that tion in China, and you look today at of these Russians who have been oppo- the ayes appeared to have it. the horrendous human rights viola- sition leaders in the forefront. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on tions that exist in China, and my goal Before we did this, understanding that I demand the yeas and nays. is still to see us move towards political how important PNTR and China’s ac- The yeas and nays were ordered. pluralism, the development of demo- cession to the WTO would be, they The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cratic institutions, a greater sense of said: ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- the rule of law. But there are a few The persistence on the books of the Jack- ceedings on this question will be post- thousand political prisoners in China. son-Vanik amendment does not help to solve poned. It’s horrible. It’s not acceptable. But, the problems with democracy and human f Mr. Speaker, I argue that that is rights in modern Russia at all. Moreover, it progress. brings direct harm. This helps Mr. Putin and RECESS his cronies. It was 10 years ago that I was very The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- He is basically saying that repeal of privileged to work with President Clin- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Jackson-Vanik is something that is ton in seeing China’s accession to the declares the House in recess subject to going to help undermine Putin and his World Trade Organization and perma- the call of the Chair. nent normal trade relations estab- cronies. They go on to say: Accordingly (at 1 o’clock and 26 min- lished. We were able to do that right utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. here in a bipartisan way, and things Those who defend the argument that Jack- are better than they were. They’re not son-Vanik’s provisions should still apply to f great; they’re not acceptable; but, Mr. Russia in order to punish Putin’s antidemo- b 1705 cratic regime only darken Russia’s political Speaker, they are better than they future, hamper its economic development, AFTER RECESS were. and frustrate its democratic aspirations. I know there are some who—and Mr. We, leading figures of the Russian political The recess having expired, the House ROHRABACHER thoughtfully did point to opposition, strongly stand behind the efforts was called to order by the Speaker pro the fact that Russia is obviously not to remove Russia from the provisions of the tempore (Mr. DOLD) at 5 o’clock and 5 what it was like under the Soviet Jackson-Vanik amendment. minutes p.m. Union. I mean, we can all think back This is exactly what this measure f to the refuseniks. I remember adopting has done before. refuseniks, Jews who were unable to While I’m gratified that we’ve been PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION emigrate from Russia. You think about able, in a bipartisan way to include OF H.R. 6156, RUSSIA AND all of the military expenses that were Magnitsky, there is recognition that MOLDOVA JACKSON-VANIK RE- involved throughout the Cold War, sto- simply repeal of Jackson-Vanik would PEAL AND SERGEI MAGNITSKY ries—I just came back from Georgia go a long way towards undermining the RULE OF LAW ACCOUNTABILITY and the , overseeing their elec- political repression that exists in Rus- ACT OF 2012 tions, having been throughout Eastern sia today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Europe and Central Europe and heard Mr. Speaker, I also have to say on finished business is the vote on order- stories about the kind of repression this overall issue of trade, thanks are ing the previous question on the reso- that existed. As bad as Russia is today, being spread around. I want to express lution (H. Res. 808) providing for con- it’s still a marked improvement over my appreciation to my very good sideration of the bill (H.R. 6156) to au- what existed during the Cold War and friends and colleagues, DAVE CAMP, the thorize the extension of nondiscrim- the time of the Soviet Union. chairman of the Ways and Means Com- inatory treatment (normal trade rela- A lot of us held out a great deal of mittee, and KEVIN BRADY, who chairs tions treatment) to products of the hope for Russia, more so than we have the Trade Subcommittee. I’ve worked Russian Federation and Moldova and right now, just a few years ago, and be- with them for many years on the im- to require reports on the compliance of cause we’ve seen backward steps. I’ve portant issue of trade liberalization the Russian Federation with its obliga- talked about my friend Mikhail and in our pursuit of ensuring that we tions as a member of the World Trade Khodorkovsky, who, at this moment, is can create good American jobs, union Organization, and for other purposes,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:50 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.031 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 on which the yeas and nays were or- Thompson (PA) Walden Wolf COMMUNICATION FROM THE dered. Thornberry Walsh (IL) Womack CLERK OF THE HOUSE Tiberi Webster Woodall The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Tipton West Yoder The SPEAKER laid before the House tion. Turner (NY) Westmoreland Young (AK) Turner (OH) Whitfield the following communication from the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Young (FL) Clerk of the House of Representatives: Upton Wilson (SC) Young (IN) question is on ordering the previous Walberg Wittman OFFICE OF THE CLERK, question. NAYS—164 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Pursuant to clause 8 and clause 9 of Washington, DC, November 8, 2012. Ackerman Fattah Pallone Hon. JOHN BOEHNER, rule XX, this 15-minute vote on order- Andrews Fudge Pascrell ing the previous question will be fol- Baca Garamendi Pastor (AZ) The Speaker, House of Representatives, Wash- lowed by 5-minute votes on adoption of Baldwin Gonzalez Paul ington, DC. House Resolution 808, if ordered, and Barber Green, Al Pelosi DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have the honor to Barrow Green, Gene Perlmutter transmit herewith a scanned copy of a letter suspending the rules and concurring in Bass (CA) Gutierrez Peters received from The Honorable Kimberly M. the Senate amendments to H.R. 2453. Becerra Hahn Peterson Guadagno, Lieutenant Governor/Secretary of Berkley Hanabusa The vote was taken by electronic de- Pingree (ME) State, State of New Jersey, indicating that, Berman Hastings (FL) Polis vice, and there were—yeas 243, nays Bishop (GA) Higgins according to the unofficial returns of (NC) Bishop (NY) Hinchey Special Election held November 6, 2012, the 164, not voting 25, as follows: Quigley Blumenauer Hinojosa Honorable Donald M. Payne, Jr. was elected Rahall [Roll No. 605] Bonamici Hirono Rangel Representative to Congress for the Tenth YEAS—243 Boswell Hochul Congressional District, State of New Jersey. Brady (PA) Holden Reyes Adams With best wishes, I am Frank (MA) McHenry Braley (IA) Honda Richardson Aderholt Franks (AZ) McIntyre Butterfield Hoyer Richmond Sincerely, Alexander Frelinghuysen McKeon Capps Israel Ross (AR) KAREN L. HAAS, Altmire Gardner McKinley Capuano Johnson (GA) Roybal-Allard Clerk. Amash Garrett McMorris Carnahan Johnson, E. B. Ruppersberger Enclosure. Amodei Gerlach Rodgers Carney Jones Ryan (OH) Austria STATE OF NEW JERSEY, Gibbs Meehan Carson (IN) Kaptur Sa´ nchez, Linda Bachmann EPARTMENT OF TATE Gibson Mica Castor (FL) Keating T. D S , Bachus Gingrey (GA) Miller (FL) Chandler Kildee Sarbanes Trenton, NJ, November 8, 2012. Barletta Gohmert Miller (MI) Chu Kissell Schakowsky Hon. KAREN L. HAAS, Barton (TX) Goodlatte Miller, Gary Cicilline Kucinich Schiff Clerk, House of Representatives, The Capitol, Bass (NH) Gosar Mulvaney Clarke (MI) Langevin Schrader Benishek Gowdy Murphy (PA) Washington, DC. Clarke (NY) Larsen (WA) Schwartz Berg DEAR MS. HAAS: This is to advise you that Granger Myrick Clay Larson (CT) Biggert Scott (VA) the unofficial results of the Special Election Graves (GA) Neugebauer Cleaver Lee (CA) Bilbray Scott, David Graves (MO) Noem Clyburn Levin held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, for Rep- Bilirakis Serrano Griffin (AR) Nugent Cohen Lipinski resentative in Congress from the Tenth Con- Bishop (UT) Sewell Griffith (VA) Nunes Conyers Loebsack gressional District of New Jersey, show that Black Sherman Guinta Nunnelee Cooper Lofgren, Zoe Donald M. Payne, Jr. received 141,714 of the Blackburn Sires Guthrie Olson Costello Lowey Bonner Slaughter total number of voters cast for that office. Hall Palazzo Courtney Luja´ n Bono Mack Smith (WA) It would appear from these unofficial re- Hanna Paulsen Critz Lynch Boustany Speier sults that Donald M. Payne, Jr. was elected Harper Pearce Crowley Maloney Brady (TX) Sutton Harris Petri Cuellar Markey as Representative in Congress from the Brooks Hartzler Pitts Cummings Matsui Thompson (CA) Tenth Congressional District of New Jersey. Broun (GA) Hastings (WA) Platts Curson (MI) McCarthy (NY) Thompson (MS) To the best of our knowledge and belief at Brown (FL) Hayworth Poe (TX) Davis (CA) McCollum Tierney this time, there is no contest to this elec- Bucshon Heck Pompeo Davis (IL) McDermott Tonko Buerkle tion. Hensarling Posey DeFazio McGovern Tsongas Burgess As soon as the official results are certified, Herger Price (GA) DeLauro McNerney Van Hollen Burton (IN) to this office by the Essex, Hudson and Union Herrera Beutler Quayle DelBene Michaud Vela´ zquez Calvert Himes Reed Deutch Miller (NC) Visclosky County Clerks involved, an official Certifi- Camp Huelskamp Rehberg Dicks Moore Walz (MN) cate of Election will be prepared for trans- Campbell Huizenga (MI) Reichert Dingell Moran Wasserman mittal as required by law. Canseco Hultgren Renacci Doggett Murphy (CT) Schultz Sincerely, Cantor Hunter Ribble Doyle Nadler Waters Capito KIMBERLY M. GUADAGNO, Hurt Rigell Edwards Napolitano Watt Carter Lieutenant Governor/ Issa Rivera Ellison Neal Waxman Cassidy Secretary of State. Jenkins Roby Engel Olver Welch Chabot Johnson (IL) Roe (TN) Farr Owens Wilson (FL) Chaffetz Johnson (OH) Rogers (AL) f Coble Johnson, Sam Rogers (KY) NOT VOTING—25 Coffman (CO) Jordan Rogers (MI) SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE Akin Heinrich Pence Cole Kelly Rohrabacher DONALD M. PAYNE, JR., OF NEW Bartlett Holt Conaway Kind Rokita Rothman (NJ) Boren Jackson (IL) JERSEY, AS A MEMBER OF THE Connolly (VA) King (IA) Rooney Rush Buchanan Jackson Lee Costa King (NY) Ros-Lehtinen Sanchez, Loretta HOUSE Filner (TX) Cravaack Kingston Roskam Shuler Forbes Lewis (GA) Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Crawford Kinzinger (IL) Ross (FL) Towns Gallegly Manzullo Crenshaw Kline Royce Woolsey Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Grijalva Meeks Culberson Labrador Runyan Yarmuth the gentleman from New Jersey, the Grimm Miller, George DeGette Lamborn Ryan (WI) Honorable DONALD M. PAYNE, Jr., be Denham Lance Scalise permitted to take the oath of office Dent Landry Schilling b 1729 DesJarlais Lankford Schmidt today. Diaz-Balart Latham Schock Messrs. CUELLAR, GARAMENDI, His certificate of election has not ar- Dold LaTourette Schweikert SMITH of Washington, LARSON of rived, but there is no contest and no Donnelly (IN) Latta Scott (SC) Dreier Lewis (CA) Scott, Austin Connecticut, ISRAEL, JONES, MUR- question has been raised with regard to Duffy LoBiondo Sensenbrenner PHY of Connecticut, CLAY and CAR- his election. Duncan (SC) Long Sessions NEY, and Ms. PINGREE of Maine The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Duncan (TN) Lucas Shimkus changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to the request of the gentleman from New Ellmers Luetkemeyer Shuster Emerson Lummis Simpson ‘‘nay.’’ Jersey? Eshoo Lungren, Daniel Smith (NE) So the previous question was ordered. There was no objection. Farenthold E. Smith (NJ) The result of the vote was announced The SPEAKER. Will Representative- Fincher Mack Smith (TX) Fitzpatrick Marchant Southerland as above recorded. elect PAYNE and the members of the Flake Marino Stark Stated against: New Jersey delegation present them- Fleischmann Massie Stearns Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall 605, I selves in the well. Fleming Matheson Stivers was away from the Capitol due to prior com- All Members will rise and the Rep- Flores McCarthy (CA) Stutzman Fortenberry McCaul Sullivan mitments to my constituents. Had I been resentative-elect will please raise his Foxx McClintock Terry present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ right hand.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.036 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6389 Mr. PAYNE appeared at the bar of the ments that he’s made himself for the of Newark. That was my next elected House and took the oath of office, as Newark and the other towns office. follows: that he now represents in the congres- He won his first time in Congress in Do you solemnly swear that you will sup- sional district. the middle of his second term as a New- port and defend the Constitution of the But I do have to say your father ark municipal councilman. I’m in the United States against all enemies, foreign would be so proud. He’s looking down middle of my second term as a Newark and domestic; that you will bear true faith today. And you must know, for all of municipal councilman. and allegiance to the same; that you take you who loved his so much, that he And when he was sworn into Congress this obligation freely, without any mental is very much like his father in every he was 54 years old. When I’m sworn in reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the du- respect in that he respects everyone. for the 113th Congress I will be 54 years ties of the office on which you are about to He has the sympathy—your father al- old. We will both be fortunate and priv- enter, so help you God. ways talked about simpatico, the ileged to serve in the 112th Congress, The SPEAKER. Congratulations, you Italian sympathy, because he grew up and we have both been privileged to are now a Member of the 112th Con- in the Italian section of Newark, and serve with President Obama. gress. that’s something that’s shared very When his father died he was 77 years much by DON as well. He will be some- old, and he died on March 6. My father f one that you will all learn to love the was 77 years old, and he died on March WELCOMING THE HONORABLE way you learned to love his father. 6. So God has a plan for your life. And DONALD M. PAYNE, JR., TO THE Congratulations. I think if I am half the man he was and HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. I yield to the public servant, I’ll consider myself the gentleman from New Jersey. a success. The SPEAKER. Without objection, Thank you very much. the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. b 1740 Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. SMITH) is recognized for 1 minute. Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, it is an Speaker, I yield back the balance of There was no objection. honor and a privilege to be a Member my time. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. of the U.S. House of Representatives Speaker, I just want to say how happy and to represent the people of the 10th f I am, and the New Jersey delegation, Congressional District of the State of ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER and what a privilege it is to welcome New Jersey. DON PAYNE to the U.S. House of Rep- I’d like to take this opportunity to The SPEAKER. Under clause 5(d) of resentatives, a Member from the 10th thank my wife, Beatrice, for being rule XX, the Chair announces to the Congressional District. here, my three children, who did not House that, in light of the administra- DON is a former city councilman come, my triplet children, who were tion of the oath to the gentleman from where he served in Newark as president the apple of my father’s eye, Donald New Jersey, the whole number of the of that council, a county freeholder. III, Jack, and Yvonne, for always sup- House is 434. And of course he takes over after the porting me and encouraging me. I f very tragic passing of his dad, Don could not have done this without you. Payne, who all of us have worked with I also want to thank my uncle, the PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION over the years. I personally, as chair- former assemblyman William Payne, OF H.R. 6156, RUSSIA AND man of the Africa Committee, Don be- who gave my father his undying love, MOLDOVA JACKSON-VANIK RE- fore me, we worked side by side on guidance, and strong support his entire PEAL AND SERGEI MAGNITSKY issues related to Africa. Again, I will life. Without his encouragement, I RULE OF LAW ACCOUNTABILITY be very brief, but he takes over, of would not be standing here today. ACT OF 2012 course, after the tragic passing of Don Our Nation faces many challenges, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Payne, who all of us loved, admired and both at home and abroad, but the most DOLD). Without objection, 5-minute respected. immediate concern for all of us is to voting will continue. I sat next to Don for years on the help New Jersey recover from the dev- There was no objection. Foreign Affairs Committee. He was the astating effects of Hurricane Sandy. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The chairman of Africa, I chaired it and do You have my word that I will continue question is on the resolution, H. Res. so today; and we worked side by side on to work every day to ensure that the 808. malaria and a whole host of other very 10th Congressional District of the The question was taken; and the important issues relevant to the health State of New Jersey and the entire Speaker pro tempore announced that and well-being of the people of Africa, State receives all the Federal support the ayes appeared to have it. global health, and human rights. So, we need until we reach full recovery. RECORDED VOTE DON, you have very big shoes to fill. Nearly 2 years ago, my father was Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I de- I’m sure you’ll do it, and it is a great sworn into his 11th and final term in mand a recorded vote. pleasure. Congress. I look forward to continuing A recorded vote was ordered. Members should know DON has been to build on his legacy and serving the The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a an activist on a number of issues, in- people of the 10th Congressional Dis- 5-minute vote. cluding Embracing Arms. He works trict of New Jersey, the Nation, and The vote was taken by electronic de- very strongly on job creation in New- the world. And finally, I look forward vice, and there were—ayes 253, noes 150, ark, which has been very hard hit by to working with all of my colleagues not voting 30, as follows: the recession. So it’s great to welcome on both sides of the aisle. [Roll No. 606] you, DON. And, again, I look forward to For those of you that knew my fa- AYES—253 serving with you in this Congress and ther, I’d just like to end, and it’ll prob- Adams Bishop (UT) Campbell the next. ably be the last time I mention it. As Aderholt Black Canseco I yield to my friend and colleague, I went through the campaign and was Alexander Blackburn Cantor FRANK PALLONE. successful in my candidacy, after the Amash Blumenauer Capito Mr. PALLONE. I want to thank my campaign I had time to reflect on what Amodei Bonner Carney Austria Bono Mack Carter colleague for those remarks. And just all of this meant to me, and I realized Bachmann Boustany Cassidy very briefly, if I can say as a senior that there were many parallels in our Bachus Brady (TX) Chabot Member of the Democrats, DON, Jr. has lives, and I’ll just end with this. Barletta Brooks Chaffetz Barton (TX) Broun (GA) Coble excelled in his own right. As was men- When my father was 8 years old, his Bass (NH) Brown (FL) Coffman (CO) tioned, he’s been a councilman in the mother died. My mother died when I Benishek Bucshon Cole city of Newark for a while. He has also was 4. He was first elected an Essex Berg Buerkle Conaway been a county freeholder in Essex County freeholder. That was my first Berman Burgess Connolly (VA) Biggert Burton (IN) Cooper County, New Jersey. And I could go elected office. He then went on to the Bilbray Calvert Costa through the long list of accomplish- Newark Municipal Council in the city Bilirakis Camp Cravaack

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.039 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 Crawford Kelly Reed Matsui Polis Smith (WA) gether, they need a united Congress be- Crenshaw Kind Rehberg McCarthy (NY) Price (NC) Speier hind that effort. For others, the re- Crowley King (IA) Reichert McCollum Quigley Stark Culberson King (NY) Renacci McDermott Rahall Sutton building has not yet begun as they still Denham Kingston Ribble McNerney Rangel Thompson (CA) wait more than 2 weeks for power and Dent Kinzinger (IL) Rigell Michaud Reyes Thompson (MS) fuel to be restored to them. For far too Miller (NC) Richardson DesJarlais Kissell Rivera Tierney many, we grieve at the ultimate loss— Diaz-Balart Kline Roby Moore Richmond Tonko Murphy (CT) Roybal-Allard Dold Labrador Roe (TN) Tsongas precious men, women and, yes, children Donnelly (IN) Lamborn Rogers (AL) Nadler Ruppersberger Van Hollen who are no longer with us as a result of Dreier Lance Rogers (KY) Napolitano Ryan (OH) Vela´ zquez this storm. Duffy Landry Rogers (MI) Olver Sarbanes Visclosky Duncan (SC) Lankford Rohrabacher Owens Schakowsky Lastly, we must acknowledge the Duncan (TN) Latham Rokita Pallone Schiff Walz (MN) constant heartfelt support from all of Wasserman Ellmers LaTourette Rooney Pascrell Schwartz our public servants, including all the Emerson Latta Ros-Lehtinen Pastor (AZ) Scott (VA) Schultz Eshoo Levin Roskam Paul Scott, David Waters firefighters and volunteer fire depart- Farenthold LoBiondo Ross (AR) Payne Serrano Watt ments, the police departments, the Na- Fattah Long Ross (FL) Pelosi Sewell Waxman tional Guard, FEMA, and particularly Fincher Lucas Royce Perlmutter Sherman Welch Fitzpatrick Luetkemeyer Runyan Peters Sires Wilson (FL) our sanitation workers, who are clean- Flake Lummis Ryan (WI) Pingree (ME) Slaughter ing the mounds of sand and debris from Fleischmann Lungren, Daniel Scalise NOT VOTING—30 people’s homes. We continue to learn of Fleming E. Schilling incredible heroic acts that are moving Flores Lynch Schmidt Akin Grijalva Miller, George Fortenberry Mack Schock Andrews Grimm Pence but that are in keeping with the best of Foxx Marchant Schrader Bartlett Heinrich Rothman (NJ) America’s traditions. Franks (AZ) Marino Schweikert Boren Holt Rush I also want to point out that my Frelinghuysen Massie Scott (SC) Buchanan Jackson (IL) Sa´ nchez, Linda mother’s hometown of Rockaway Gardner Matheson Scott, Austin Costello Jackson Lee T. Garrett McCarthy (CA) Sensenbrenner DeGette (TX) Sanchez, Loretta Beach was devastated by this storm Gerlach McCaul Sessions Filner Lewis (CA) Towns and, particularly, a community known Gibbs McClintock Shimkus Forbes Lewis (GA) Woolsey as Breezy Point, where our good friend Gibson McGovern Shuler Frank (MA) Manzullo Yarmuth Gingrey (GA) McHenry Shuster Gallegly Meeks and our colleague BOB TURNER lost his Gohmert McIntyre Simpson entire home. It burned to the ground. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Goodlatte McKeon Smith (NE) Please join me in keeping all of those Gosar McKinley Smith (NJ) The SPEAKER pro tempore (during we have lost in your thoughts and Gowdy McMorris Smith (TX) the vote). There is 1 minute remaining. Granger Rodgers Southerland prayers, and remember them in the Graves (GA) Meehan Stearns b 1750 weeks and the months ahead as they Graves (MO) Mica Stivers Griffin (AR) Miller (FL) Stutzman Mr. CROWLEY changed his vote from begin to rebuild their lives. Griffith (VA) Miller (MI) Sullivan ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ I now yield to my colleague, my Guinta Miller, Gary Terry friend from New York, BOB TURNER. Guthrie Moran Thompson (PA) So the resolution was agreed to. Hall Mulvaney Thornberry The result of the vote was announced Mr. TURNER of New York. Mr. Hanna Murphy (PA) Tiberi as above recorded. Speaker, I rise to recognize those who Harper Myrick Tipton lost their homes, livelihoods and, most Harris Neal Turner (NY) A motion to reconsider was laid on Hartzler Neugebauer Turner (OH) the table. tragically, their lives during the most Hastings (WA) Noem Upton Stated against: devastating storm ever to hit the Hayworth Nugent Walberg Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall 606, I Northeast. For the heroic efforts of Heck Nunes Walden New York’s police, fire department and Hensarling Nunnelee Walsh (IL) was away from the Capitol due to prior com- Herger Olson Webster mitments to my constituents. Had I been sanitation workers, who were on the Herrera Beutler Palazzo West present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ scene immediately, forsaking their Huelskamp Paulsen Westmoreland own personal interests and safety, and Huizenga (MI) Pearce Whitfield f Hultgren Peterson Wilson (SC) for all of those affected by the hurri- Hunter Petri Wittman MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEM- cane, I ask that the House stand and Hurt Pitts Wolf BRANCE OF VICTIMS OF HURRI- engage in a moment of silence. Issa Platts Womack CANE SANDY Jenkins Poe (TX) Woodall Johnson (IL) Pompeo Yoder (Mr. CROWLEY asked and was given f Johnson (OH) Posey Young (AK) permission to address the House for 1 Johnson, Sam Price (GA) Young (FL) minute.) Jordan Quayle Young (IN) MARK TWAIN COMMEMORATIVE Mr. CROWLEY. Thank you to all of COIN ACT NOES—150 my colleagues from the Northeast who stand with us today. I want to particu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Ackerman Cohen Hastings (FL) objection, 5-minute voting will con- Altmire Conyers Higgins larly thank my colleague from New tinue. Baca Courtney Himes York (Mr. TURNER) for helping to ar- Baldwin Critz Hinchey range this bipartisan moment of sup- There was no objection. Barber Cuellar Hinojosa The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Barrow Cummings Hirono port and to demonstrate to our country Bass (CA) Curson (MI) Hochul how we should all come together at a finished business is the vote on the mo- Becerra Davis (CA) Holden time of crisis. tion to suspend the rules and concur in Berkley Davis (IL) Honda the Senate amendments to the bill Bishop (GA) DeFazio Hoyer This storm, known as Sandy, was ut- Bishop (NY) DeLauro Israel terly devastating, not only to property (H.R. 2453) to require the Secretary of Bonamici DelBene Johnson (GA) and to homes but to families, commu- the Treasury to mint coins in com- Boswell Deutch Johnson, E. B. nities and neighborhoods—entire memoration of Mark Twain, on which Brady (PA) Dicks Jones the yeas and nays were ordered. Braley (IA) Dingell Kaptur neighborhoods. Our hearts are with Butterfield Doggett Keating those in places like City Island, The Clerk read the title of the bill. Capps Doyle Kildee Edgewater and Locust Point, which is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Capuano Edwards Kucinich Carnahan Ellison Langevin in my district in the Bronx, for those question is on the motion offered by Carson (IN) Engel Larsen (WA) in lower Manhattan, Staten Island, Ho- the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. Castor (FL) Farr Larson (CT) boken, coastal New Jersey, Fairfield LUETKEMEYER) that the House suspend Chandler Fudge Lee (CA) the rules and concur in the Senate Chu Garamendi Lipinski County, parts of Philadelphia, and Cicilline Gonzalez Loebsack other parts that were affected by this amendments. Clarke (MI) Green, Al Lofgren, Zoe horrific storm. This is a 5-minute vote. Clarke (NY) Green, Gene Lowey For many, recovery has already The vote was taken by electronic de- Clay Gutierrez Luja´ n Cleaver Hahn Maloney begun; but as they begin to piece their vice, and there were—yeas 370, nays 19, Clyburn Hanabusa Markey lives and their communities back to- not voting 44, as follows:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15NO7.010 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6391 [Roll No. 607] Roe (TN) Sewell Van Hollen URGING PASSAGE OF FARM BILL Rogers (AL) Sherman Vela´ zquez YEAS—370 Rogers (MI) Shimkus Visclosky (Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois asked and Rokita Shuler Ackerman Dold Lankford Walberg was given permission to address the Rooney Shuster Adams Donnelly (IN) Larsen (WA) Walden House for 1 minute.) Ros-Lehtinen Simpson Aderholt Doyle Larson (CT) Walsh (IL) Roskam Sires Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois. Mr. Speak- Alexander Dreier Latham Walz (MN) Ross (AR) Slaughter er, I rise today to urge this House to Altmire Duffy LaTourette Wasserman Roybal-Allard Smith (NE) Schultz come together and support a new com- Amodei Duncan (SC) Latta Royce Smith (NJ) Waters prehensive farm bill. Farmers in my Austria Duncan (TN) Lee (CA) Runyan Smith (TX) Baca Edwards Levin Ryan (OH) Smith (WA) Watt district are the most efficient pro- Bachmann Ellison Lipinski Ryan (WI) Southerland Waxman ducers in the world; however, their pro- Bachus Ellmers LoBiondo Sarbanes Speier Webster ductivity and efficiency could be hin- Baldwin Emerson Lofgren, Zoe Welch Scalise Stark dered if this body does not act on a new Barber Engel Long Schakowsky Stearns West Barletta Eshoo Lowey Schiff Stivers Westmoreland farm bill. Barrow Farenthold Lucas Schilling Sutton Whitfield After facing a historic drought this Barton (TX) Farr Luetkemeyer Schmidt Terry Wilson (FL) year, farmers saw a tremendous drop in Bass (NH) Fattah Luja´ n Schock Thompson (CA) Wilson (SC) yields. Crop insurance was there to Becerra Fincher Lummis Schrader Thompson (MS) Wittman Benishek Fitzpatrick Lungren, Daniel Schwartz Thompson (PA) Wolf keep them afloat; however, there is so Berg Flake E. Scott (SC) Tiberi Womack much uncertainty that, if we don’t act Berkley Fleischmann Lynch Scott (VA) Tierney Woodall soon, the producers in my district and Biggert Fleming Mack Scott, Austin Tipton Bilbray Fortenberry Maloney Yoder across the country could be facing un- Scott, David Tonko Young (AK) Bilirakis Foxx Marchant Sensenbrenner just consequences when going to buy Tsongas Young (FL) Bishop (GA) Frelinghuysen Marino Serrano Turner (NY) Young (IN) their seed, fertilizer, and other inputs Bishop (NY) Fudge Markey Sessions Upton Bishop (UT) Garamendi Matheson for the 2013 crop. Black Gardner McCarthy (CA) NAYS—19 There are differences between the bill Blumenauer Gerlach McCarthy (NY) Amash Graves (GA) Ribble that was passed by the House Ag Com- Bonamici Gibbs McCaul Blackburn Huelskamp mittee, of which I’m a member, as Bonner Gibson McClintock Rigell Brady (TX) Kucinich Bono Mack Gingrey (GA) McCollum Ross (FL) compared to that of the Senate. That’s Brooks Massie Boswell Gohmert McDermott Schweikert why we need to bring the House bill to Flores Mulvaney Boustany Gonzalez McGovern Thornberry Franks (AZ) Paul the floor for a vote, so that we can go Brady (PA) Goodlatte McHenry Garrett Poe (TX) Braley (IA) Gosar McIntyre to conference committee and work out our differences just as we did last year Broun (GA) Gowdy McKeon NOT VOTING—44 Brown (FL) Granger McKinley in the highway bill. Bucshon Graves (MO) McMorris Akin Grimm Rogers (KY) Certainty is what the farmers need Buerkle Green, Al Rodgers Andrews Heinrich Rohrabacher Burgess Green, Gene McNerney Bartlett Herger Rothman (NJ) right now in order to continue to Burton (IN) Griffin (AR) Meehan Bass (CA) Holt Ruppersberger produce the safest and most affordable Butterfield Griffith (VA) Mica Berman Jackson (IL) Rush food in the world. I urge both sides to Calvert Guinta Michaud Boren Jackson Lee Sa´ nchez, Linda come together and pass a new 5-year Camp Guthrie Miller (FL) Buchanan (TX) T. farm bill before the end of the year. Campbell Gutierrez Miller (MI) Carney Keating Sanchez, Loretta Chandler Lewis (CA) Canseco Hahn Miller (NC) Stutzman f Costello Lewis (GA) Cantor Hall Miller, Gary Sullivan DeGette Loebsack Capito Hanabusa Moore Towns b 1810 Capps Hanna Moran Filner Manzullo Turner (OH) Capuano Harper Murphy (CT) Forbes Matsui VIOLENCE IN THE MIDDLE EAST Woolsey Carnahan Harris Murphy (PA) Frank (MA) Meeks Yarmuth The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. TIP- Carson (IN) Hartzler Myrick Gallegly Miller, George Carter Hastings (FL) Nadler Grijalva Pence TON). Under the Speaker’s announced Cassidy Hastings (WA) Napolitano policy of January 5, 2011, the gen- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Castor (FL) Hayworth Neal tleman from Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) is Chabot Heck Neugebauer The SPEAKER pro tempore (during recognized for 60 minutes as the des- Chaffetz Hensarling Noem the vote). There is 1 minute remaining. Chu Herrera Beutler Nugent ignee of the majority leader. Cicilline Higgins Nunes Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, vio- Clarke (MI) Himes Nunnelee b 1802 lence is continuing to erupt in the Mid- Clarke (NY) Hinchey Olson dle East. Unfortunately, it remains Clay Hinojosa Olver So (two-thirds being in the affirma- true that for every action there is a re- Cleaver Hirono Owens tive) the rules were suspended and the Clyburn Hochul Palazzo action. So when this administration Senate amendments were concurred in. Coble Holden Pallone decided to push its ally, President Mu- Coffman (CO) Honda Pascrell The result of the vote was announced barak, out of leadership in Egypt, it Cohen Hoyer Pastor (AZ) as above recorded. Cole Huizenga (MI) Paulsen was assisting in creating instability Conaway Hultgren Payne A motion to reconsider was laid on around our other ally, Israel. And that Connolly (VA) Hunter Pearce the table. instability continues to grow. Conyers Hurt Pelosi Cooper Israel Perlmutter Stated for: One of the things that was helpful Costa Issa Peters Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall 607, I from Egypt while President Mubarak Courtney Jenkins Peterson was away from the Capitol due to prior com- was in charge, at least there were some Cravaack Johnson (GA) Petri Crawford Johnson (IL) Pingree (ME) mitments to my constituents. Had I been efforts to restrict the transfer of rock- Crenshaw Johnson (OH) Pitts present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ ets into the Gaza Strip. So there were Critz Johnson, E. B. Platts some tunnels that would be found. The Crowley Johnson, Sam Polis f tunnels had to be kept small, so they Cuellar Jones Pompeo Culberson Jordan Posey were able to get smaller rockets into Cummings Kaptur Price (GA) GENERAL LEAVE Gaza. But now that there is a new re- Curson (MI) Kelly Price (NC) gime, apparently the bigger rockets are Davis (CA) Kildee Quayle Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I ask getting into Gaza, and they pose more Davis (IL) Kind Quigley unanimous consent that all Members DeFazio King (IA) Rahall and more of a threat as they continue DeLauro King (NY) Rangel may have 5 legislative days in which to to be fired into Israel. DelBene Kingston Reed revise and extend their remarks and in- The action is not only the fall of an Denham Kinzinger (IL) Rehberg clude extraneous material on H. Res. Dent Kissell Reichert ally, President Mubarak, but the as- DesJarlais Kline Renacci 808. sistance in bringing to power in Egypt Deutch Labrador Reyes The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the Muslim Brotherhood. They want to Diaz-Balart Lamborn Richardson objection to the request of the gen- see Israel gone, and they would also Dicks Lance Richmond Dingell Landry Rivera tleman from Texas? not mind seeing the United States Doggett Langevin Roby There was no objection. gone.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:46 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15NO7.012 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 It’s important when formulating for- nuclear weapons pursuit, and become rockets, striking the outskirts of Tel eign policy that the United States, par- an ally. I have seen individual family Aviv as Israel continues airstrikes. ticularly the Obama administration, members of Muammar Qadhafi here in And there has been a problem: Since decide are we going to be assisted with Washington to meet with administra- this administration helped create the our own personal security here in the tion officials. And then, lo and behold, environment in north Africa and in the United States by the actions that we a year and a half or so ago, this admin- Middle East where those who want to take, or are the reactions that are istration sides with the enemies. And see Israel destroyed could take power, going to be caused by our actions actu- at the time we knew al Qaeda was con- more violence has occurred, not less; ally going to cause greater threats to tained within the revolt, and we sided more people’s lives are in danger, not our closest allies and to ourselves. And, with the al Qaeda-backed revolt to less. There’s less freedom of worship, unfortunately, that’s what we’re see- drive out Qadhafi. That appears to not more. The things that we believe ing. In fact, I saw an article in May of have inspired the violence in Tunisia. in—freedom of worship of all people or 2010 which indicated that this adminis- And so we have seen Israel’s enemies no worship if people choose not to wor- tration, the Obama administration, and our own enemies actually grow in ship—these kinds of things should be sided with Israel’s enemies in demand- strength—Tunisia, Libya, Egypt—com- kept inviolate. ing that Israel disclose any nuclear ing on to surround Israel, and any And yet we’ve seen, as this Nation weapons. We’d never sided with Israel’s threat to Western values that are took over Afghanistan, more Ameri- enemies in trying to push Israel into found in Israel is a threat to our own cans have died in about half the time doing something against its own inter- existence. And it’s important that under Commander in Chief Obama as ests. When you’re a very small country someone in this administration make died during the 7 years and 3 months surrounded by countries that want to repeated note of that because the re- under President Bush in Afghanistan, see you go away, it is important that sult here recently has been further vio- American military. Over 70 percent of they not know all of your defenses. lence to our friend and ally, Israel. those killed in Afghanistan have been Going back in the Old Testament, So we have this report, November 15, under Commander Obama in about half you find history, King Hezekiah show- 2012, three people were killed as rock- the time. We’ve seen violence esca- ing all of their treasure and all of their ets fired from Gaza struck southern lating against Americans in Afghani- defenses. All of their defenses they had Israel escalating violence. They died stan. We’ve seen the last Christian in their armory, he showed them to the when a four-story building in the town church, public Christian church pull leaders of Babylon. As a result, ulti- of Kiryat Malachi was hit. There had out of Afghanistan. mately that kingdom was lost to the been about 200 rockets fired into Israel. This administration should be en- Babylonians. Israel’s Iron Dome was able to inter- couraging freedom of worship, encour- You don’t show other nations, even cept many of them, but couldn’t pos- aging the liberation of women, of chil- people you think are friends at the mo- sibly intercept as many as 200. dren. And yet for all its help, it’s cre- ment; they may turn into enemies. It ated environments in Libya, in Egypt, b 1820 is important that your enemies, and in Afghanistan, in Iraq where there is even your friends, not know all of your ‘‘Hamas’ political leader Khaled more and more violence, more and defenses. And yet we sided with Israel’s Mashaal vowed to continue the ‘resist- more oppression against women, enemies, or at least this administra- ance’ against Israel,’’ Reuters news against children, against Christians, tion did. agency reported. against Jews, against anyone who The result we saw within 2–3 days, This ‘‘resistance’’ is just another wants to worship other than in a rad- the flotilla head from Turkey to chal- word for ‘‘violence.’’ They’re inflicting ical Islamist way. lenge the blockade of the Gaza Strip. It violence on Israel and then turning Sometimes we wonder who’s in was a legitimate, lawful blockade that around and blaming Israel for defend- charge in this administration because was trying to keep rockets out of Gaza ing itself and trying to continue to somebody’s got to figure it out. So I that would inflict death and terror grow world opinion against the tiny was glad to hear President Obama say upon Israel. A legitimate blockade. nation of Israel when it’s not Israel yesterday, Don’t be accusing Ambas- The only things being kept out were that is demanding the total annihila- sador Rice of going out and lying. weapons, rockets, things that would tion of its enemies in surrounding And we know that something is not a kill the Israelis and terrorize our ally. countries. They just want to live in lie unless somebody knows that it’s not But that’s what happens. You have peaceful coexistence. But this adminis- true when they say it. The President challenges to a nation when that na- tration has helped its enemies take apparently indicated that she was tion’s enemies see their strongest ally over the countries surrounding it. given the information that was untrue, pull away and siding with that nation’s And now we’re aware of enemies com- to go out and spread those untruths. enemies. ing into Jordan, beginning to incite a And if she didn’t know that the state- That’s why it was so important, and potential revolt there against another ments she was told by the White House I began pushing at that time, to have ally who must wonder is this adminis- to go out and tell were not truths, then Prime Minister Netanyahu invited to tration going to turn on him next. she was not lying. And she should be speak here in this Chamber. And a year King Abdullah has not been someone given credit for not lying if she didn’t later, to his great credit, Speaker with whom we’ve agreed on all things, know those untruths she was telling BOEHNER, at the urging of many of us, but he has kept a relatively very peace- were not true. invited Prime Minister Netanyahu, and ful border with Israel. So necessarily But then it raises more and more he gave the best speech I’ve heard here he would wonder, Because I’ve kept the questions. You know, who is in charge in Congress. It helps when a nation’s peace with Israel on their border, am I there? enemy sees their strongest ally siding going to be targeted next? And the an- Woodward’s book raises the issue of with them. swer needs to come very loudly and the President coming to meetings over On the other hand, when a nation’s very clearly—and it doesn’t seem to be crises and not even knowing who’s enemies see the strong ally, in this much of a muffle at all—that we sup- going to be coming to brief him on case the United States, turning on an port those who will prevent violence things; whereas, a strong leader would ally, as this administration had with against Israel, against their Western come in and, I want to hear from this President Mubarak, and helping people values, against their desire to just live person, this person, this person. who want to see Israel gone from the in peace and be left alone. And yet Who’s making the decisions? Who map take power, it encourages Israel’s we’ve helped their enemies build vio- does know what’s true and not true in enemies. lence and potential for more violence this administration? Who can we de- This administration also had rela- around it. pend on at 3 in the morning when we tions with Qadhafi, who had opened This story from Sky News reported have public servants who have been up—he had blood on his hands from that the rockets hit near Tel Aviv sent into harm’s way to do this admin- prior years, not a good man, but he had deeper into Israel. Palestinian mili- istration’s bidding, who is going to an- opened up his country, abandoned any tants target Israel with nearly 150 swer that phone and say, The people

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.045 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6393 that we ordered into harm’s way on our honorable in the way that that was tion takes actions to make sure that behalf are in trouble? Right now, get pursued. If he knew the answer as to people who are illegally voting have them all the help we can give them. who had outed Valerie Plame, that it the chance to illegally vote, we need to Who’s going to answer that call? Why was not Scooter Libby, it was not Karl look at what areas we are funding does it take 8 hours to get the people Rove, he should have been honorable there. Because if there’s a Justice De- ordered into harm’s way some help? enough to own up to that instead of partment that is assisting—complicit— We’re stronger than that. We’ve got ve- asking for more money and trying to in seeing that people not legally al- hicles, planes, things that can get set up other individuals. lowed to vote, vote, then we have the there faster. So with those kinds of things going power of the purse strings to do some- So why are people trying to cover up on, it’s understandable how people thing about it, and we should. And if who makes those decisions? Who de- would expect that having an inde- the Senate fails to rein in injustice, cides not to help the people we have in pendent counsel might not be a good they need to be exposed, those who harm’s way? And if we don’t figure that idea. But when there are clearly con- stand in its way. Because that’s the out, how can we expect anybody to flicts of interest, when you have an great thing about America. When ever come forward and sign up to put FBI that is investigating information Americans get the truth, they stand on their lives on the line for their coun- that involves the Director of the CIA, the truth and stand for justice. They try? when you have an Attorney General always have. But they’ve got to get the We have the greatest military in the that has information that needs to go truth. history of this country. The men and immediately to the Commander in And sometimes these days it’s hard women who have served this country Chief, to the President of the country, to know what’s true. When you have an throughout our history have been ex- we need to find out, did it go there, and administration sending out different traordinary, but never with the power if not why not. And, if so, what in the stories, and then we find out that they and the ability of the military that we world is the President doing with this knew all along that it was a violent, have now. It’s extraordinary. information because now he’s saying coordinated attack on our Ambassador, But when this administration creates they didn’t get it until after the elec- that the two former SEALs that were rules of engagement that even go one tion. Why so long? Where are the prob- killed were not killed seeking cover, as step worse than telling our people, lems here? Why are the stories dif- this administration released that they When you’re fired on, you can defend ferent? Why are the stories that were were. You had one on the top of a yourself, but if you’re not fired on and told different from the evidence those building using a machine gun, fighting somebody raises a weapon and they’re people had in their hands when they to the end to protect others. That’s not going to shoot at you, they look like told their stories? The answers need to a man seeking cover. That’s a man giv- they’re going to shoot at you, you have be found, and there’s clearly a conflict ing cover to others. That’s a man lay- got to wait to make sure they’re going of interest. ing down his life for his country. And to shoot at you before you shoot back, We do not need to return to the days this administration did not serve him that’s the kind of impression our mili- of an FBI Director who investigates, as he served it. tary has gotten in the field in the past. not to report to the Commander in We need to get to the bottom of But as I’ve talked to military mem- Chief, but to gather information so what’s going on. Whatever it takes, bers in Afghanistan, it’s their impres- that he can get it and use it or provide lawfully, ethically, we need to get to sion that the rules of engagement are it to someone else who can use it to the bottom of it. We need to require such that now when they’re fired at, force people to do what they want. that if this administration is going to they can’t fire back if they think there So what happens when an FBI Direc- continue getting funding, it better might be a civilian somewhere that tor comes into office honorably, with start protecting those who are pro- might get hit, because if they do and the best of intentions, as it appears J. tecting it. And if that means that in they hit a civilian, even defending Edgar Hoover did, to battle organized order to protect those who are in themselves in what in America would crime that was such a blot on this harm’s way, then let’s fund those who be self-defense, sent into harm’s way country. When you’re in power too are in harm’s way protecting us and might get them sent to prison when long, as Stalin, who should have not fund the rest until they are com- they get home. So they are tasked with known, said, With power dizziness. mitted to protecting those of us who an unenviable position of deciding, Do So there has to be accountability. are in harm’s way. We can do that. I want to defend myself against death It’s what the Founders had in mind. Social Security, despite the lies that and risk going to prison when I get Checks and balances. We’ve seen with were told by some in the last couple of home, being jailed by the country that the Supreme Court’s decision in years that, oh gee, if there’s a shut- I’m trying to defend, to serve? ObamaCare that they’re going to allow down, Social Security recipients, We’ve got to get some answers of unconstitutional laws to go forward. you’re not going to get a dime. Gar- who’s making the decisions that are They’re not going to be the ones to bage. Those are lies. And people need getting our military killed, that have rein in violations of the Constitution to know if and when those things start gotten an Ambassador killed, that got that are contained in bad legislation: getting told, they are lies, whoever two former SEALs killed. We have got You guys in Congress need to figure would tell them, because the law has to get some answers. Who’s covering that out. Our Chief Justice punted on been passed previously that if there is this stuff up? Somebody is. We can’t that one. a government shutdown, Social Secu- get the story straight. So it’s back to us. Members of Con- rity recipients will get their Social Se- gress have the purse strings. And if the curity checks. They will be coming. Be- b 1830 administration will not properly ap- cause the money will continue to come General Petraeus is supposed to ap- point a special prosecutor to inves- in. Just because there has been a gov- pear tomorrow. tigate, not with the intent of putting ernment shutdown in the past did not We need an independent prosecutor someone in jail but to see if there is mean that people didn’t have to send in to do an investigation, not with the in- something that needs to be prosecuted, their tax payments. They have to tention, as apparently Fitzgerald had, if they’re not willing to do that, then come. You commit a crime if you in- of ‘‘getting somebody,’’ so that he goes we need to cut off funds to those areas tentionally refuse to pay taxes. into the investigation into whether or that are refusing to do justice. Because So the money comes in. Social Secu- not Valerie Plame was outed and he an Injustice Department should not be rity checks will go out. We’ve had bills finds out the answer and decides to do funded, at least the parts of it that are in the past, and we’ll have them as what he can to get somebody inside the doing injustice. There are parts that soon as we start a new Congress, that Bush administration, even though he are serving nobly and well. Fund those will ensure that those Americans who knew that Scooter Libby was not re- parts. are standing in the gap, who are in sponsible and was set up. He should We have the power of the purse to harm’s way for us, those men and have been truthful. You should always check and balance an administration women wearing uniforms, should never be truthful. But the prosecutor was not running amok. So when an administra- have to worry about whether or not

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:09 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.046 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 their paycheck will be forthcoming; those American forefathers, under the proverbial bus. It’s got to that regardless of what kind of games foremothers, they agreed, look, we stop. People have got to know in other get played here in Washington, they’re made a promise to pay back our loans countries they can trust our word. going to get paid. They ought to know to the banks in England, we’re going to And just like the West African told that. We ought to pass that bill like we stand good for our word, despite the me when I was there 2 years ago, have with Social Security to make sure fact that their country destroyed so you’ve got to tell the people in Wash- those in harm’s way don’t have to much of ours. ington to quit getting weaker. We were worry about that. And it was after the world took note so excited when you elected a black And then the message needs to be that Americans had such incredible President, but we’ve seen America get loud and clear that an administration honor, that even after a war with Great weaker. You’ve got to tell people in that refuses, whether it’s intentional Britain they would stand behind their Washington to quit letting your coun- or neglect, negligence, that fails to en- commitments to pay back their loans try get weaker, because if America sure the protection of those protecting to the British banks, people said: Wow, grows weak, we have no chance of us, you’re not going to get funded until this is a country we can do business peace in this life. That was echoed by we get commitments to make sure it’s with, and American economic power others, other West Africans. done in the future. And when you ob- began to grow to where it is now the It’s time to stop growing weaker. It’s fuscate the truth and you keep us from strongest economic power in the world. time to stop breaking our word to our finding out who made these decisions Now, people are beginning to wonder: allies. It’s time to make clear to that got our people killed, what in the Should we end the dollar as an inter- Israel’s enemies that Israel is our heck were they doing over there in the national currency because we’re not friend, you better back off or you’re first place? sure you can trust the United States? going to have us militarily to answer Our embassy’s not in Benghazi. What It’s time people quit wondering wheth- to. was going on? Who gave the order for er they can trust the United States. Is it any surprise more rockets are Ambassador Stevens to be there in There’s only one way that will happen, flying at Israel? This administration harm’s way? Until we can start finding and that is when we have an adminis- wins 4 more years and the violence just out those answers, it’s going to be im- tration—and this one’s been reelected gets greater against Israel, Israel then possible to make sure that we protect for 4 years, so it has to be this one— forced to defend itself when they just those who are protecting us in the fu- stops playing games, stops covering up want to live in peace. They want the ture. And what kind of message does truth, stops giving mixed signals, and countries around them to stop demand- that send to our allies? is forthcoming: Here are our policies; ing their obliteration from the map. we have made agreements; we stand by If the U.N. is going to persist in help- b 1840 our agreements. King Abdullah, we ing those who want to see a member of In Israel, a year ago, a minister told may disagree with you on a bunch of the United Nations wiped off the map, me that they routinely get visits from things, but we have agreements, and then the U.N. does not need to continue Chinese diplomats who say: Hey, have we will keep our agreements. This ad- to have the United States as a member. you figured out you can’t trust the ministration needs to make those That’s the way it ought to be. It ought United States yet? Because we’ll be things clear. to be clear. We joined the U.N. The your great ally. We’ll be a lot better When someone attacks an ally of U.N. has a charter that will protect its ally than the United States has been. ours with whom we have agreements, member states. And if you’re going to All you’ve got to do is let us know we stand by our agreements. That’s the assist those who want to obliterate when you figure it out. You can’t trust way you prevent wars. Because what Israel, then we will no longer be a part the United States; they’ll break their we’re seeing right now in Israel, with of the United Nations because it’s not word, you can’t count on them. When this enhanced and heightened violence united, it’s anti-Semitic. It’s not you find that out, let us know. We’ll that’s beginning to occur, people have united, and we will not be part of an keep coming around because you’ll find seen this administration pulling back un-United Nations. out at some time. from our commitments to Israel. It’s time to get serious because peo- Listen, there never needs to be a That’s the way it appears to Israel’s ple are dying around the world, includ- time again ever when a United States enemies. So of course the rockets have ing our own Ambassador. It’s time to ally is betrayed by the United States. gotten bigger that they’ve been able to quit covering for the truth. Let us get When we make an agreement with an smuggle in and construct there in down to what the truth is. Let the ally, with a friend, that agreement Gaza. The rockets are flying farther chips fall where they may. Let us find needs to be kept. People need to know into Israel—right now up to their cap- out who did what wrong so we can cor- that this country keeps its word. Even ital at Tel-Aviv—because this adminis- rect it for the future. And I hope and when it hurts, we keep our word. And tration has not stood firmly enough pray there was no criminal activity— that seems to be a problem lately. with our ally. We need to make that certainly there was negligence, but you You want to go back to when Amer- clear. don’t know until we get a proper inves- ica began to grow economically and be- This Secretary of State should not be tigation. come a power economically? After the authorized by the President to tell An Attorney General cannot properly War of 1812 that dragged on for 2 years Egypt, sure, the Muslim Brotherhood investigate himself. An Attorney Gen- really destroyed so much, including the appears to be back in charge; sure, eral cannot properly investigate his fire in this very building—this section Israel is our ally; sure, you want to see boss. One department, the FBI, cannot was not here yet, but the central part Israel wiped off the map; but here’s a properly investigate another agency of the Capitol, fires were set. The billion and a half dollars. That’s not unless that department’s ultimate smaller Federal offices out here in the message that should be coming. boss, the President, is aware and co- what we now consider the Mall, they The message that should be coming ordinates. And now that we know that were burned. The White House was set from this administration is: not one did not happen—according to the Presi- on fire—even though the interior was more dime until you start keeping dent, he knew nothing. Like Sergeant completely destroyed, the exterior your agreement to protect the border Schultz from the old Hogan’s Heroes, I shell was left in place. But that also of Israel, not another dime. That ought know nothing, I know nothing, not was true of much of the country, dev- to be the message. Because Israel is our until after the election. My adminis- astated. But there were loans that had ally. And if you, Egypt, are going to be tration kept me from knowing any- been taken out by Americans from our ally, you’re going to have to pro- thing that was going on so I didn’t British banks before the War of 1812. tect our allies as well. That’s not an make these decisions, somebody else Those in British banks might have sus- entangling alliance; that’s a country made those decisions. I didn’t know pected that as a result of our war with that stands by its agreements. Don’t anything until after the election. They Great Britain, 1812 to 1814, that at the make agreements unless we intend to kept all this stuff from me, so I had end of the war we would not pay our keep them. Yet we’ve seen this admin- plausible deniability. I didn’t know of debts. But instead what happened, istration repeatedly throw our allies this stuff.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:32 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.047 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6395 b 1850 ited personnel practices, require a statement ting a proposed change to the Fiscal Year in non-disclosure policies, forms, and agree- 2011 National Guard and Reserve Equipment It’s time somebody knew, but we’re ments that such policies, forms, and agree- Appropriation (NGREA) procurement; to the not going to get to the bottom of it ments conform with certain disclosure pro- Committee on Armed Services. until we have an independent inves- tections, provide certain authority for the 8340. A letter from the Attorney, Legal Di- tigation by someone with the power to Special Counsel, and for other purposes. vision, Bureau of Consumer Financial Pro- do that properly. And if the executive S. 1956. An act to prohibit operators of tection, transmitting the Bureau’s final rule branch will not do what the Constitu- civil aircraft of the United States from par- — Defining Larger Participants of the Con- sumer Debt Collection Market [Docket No.: tion would require in a conflict of in- ticipating in the European Union’s emissions trading scheme, and for other purposes. CFPB-2012-0040] (RIN: 3170-AA30) received Oc- terest situation like this, then we need tober 31, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. a select committee to do the investiga- f 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Financial tion, get to the bottom of it, just as ADJOURNMENT Services. 8341. A letter from the Attorney, Legal Di- the Watergate committee did. Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I move Let the chips fall where they may, vision, Bureau of Consumer Financial Pro- that the House do now adjourn. tection, transmitting the Bureau’s final rule because when people, in government The motion was agreed to; accord- — Electronic Fund Transfers (Regulation E) and out of government, see that the ingly (at 6 o’clock and 51 minutes [Docket No.: CFPB-2011-0009] (RIN: 3170- government is actually interested in p.m.), the House adjourned until to- AA15) received October 31, 2012, pursuant to truth, then government gets the truth. 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Fi- morrow, Friday, November 16, 2012, at 9 nancial Services. People have more faith in the govern- a.m. ment, and we have a better country. 8342. A letter from the Attorney, Legal Di- f vision, Bureau of Consumer Financial Pro- And I hope and pray that day will tection, transmitting the Bureau’s ‘‘Major’’ come. OATH OF OFFICE—MEMBERS, final rule — Electronic Fund Transfers (Reg- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance RESIDENT COMMISSIONER, AND ulation E) [Docket No.: CFPB-2011-0009] of my time. DELEGATES (RIN: 3170-AA15) received October 31, 2012, The oath of office required by the pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- f mittee on Financial Services. sixth article of the Constitution of the REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER 8343. A letter from the Chief Counsel, De- United States, and as provided by sec- partment of Homeland Security, transmit- AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 6511 tion 2 of the act of May 13, 1884 (23 ting the Agency’s final rule — Suspension of Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina (dur- Stat. 22), to be administered to Mem- Community Eligibility (Region III, Philadel- ing the Special Order of Mr. GOHMERT). bers, Resident Commissioner, and Dele- phia City, Philadelphia County, PA) [Docket Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent gates of the House of Representatives, ID: FEMA-2008-0020] [Internal Agency Docket No.: FEMA-8093] received October 19, 2012, that Representative MIKE ROGERS from the text of which is carried in 5 U.S.C. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Michigan be removed from H.R. 6511 as 3331: mittee on Financial Services. an original cosponsor. ‘‘I, AB, do solemnly swear (or af- 8344. A letter from the Chairman and Presi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there firm) that I will support and defend dent, Export-Import Bank, transmitting a objection to the request of the gen- the Constitution of the United report on transactions involving U.S. exports tleman from South Carolina? States against all enemies, foreign to Germany pursuant to Section 2(b)(3) of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as There was no objection. and domestic; that I will bear true amended; to the Committee on Financial f faith and allegiance to the same; Services. that I take this obligation freely, 8345. A letter from the Director, Office of LEAVE OF ABSENCE without any mental reservation or Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- By unanimous consent, leave of ab- purpose of evasion; and that I will ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- well and faithfully discharge the tion’s final rule — Annual Stress Test (RIN: sence was granted to: 3064-AD91) received November 2, 2012, pursu- Mr. HEINRICH (at the request of Ms. duties of the office on which I am ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee PELOSI) for today and November 16. about to enter. So help me God.’’ on Financial Services. Mr. HOLT (at the request of Ms. has been subscribed to in person and 8346. A letter from the Deputy Secretary, PELOSI) for today and November 16. filed in duplicate with the Clerk of the Securities and Exchange Commission, trans- Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas (at the re- mitting the Commission’s final rule — Clear- House of Representatives by the fol- ing Agency Standards (RIN: 3235-AL13) re- quest of Ms. PELOSI) for today on ac- lowing Member of the 112th Congress, ceived November 5, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. count of business in the district. pursuant to the provisions of 2 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Financial f 25: Services. DONALD M. PAYNE, Jr., New Jersey 8347. A letter from the Administrator, De- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Tenth. partment of Energy, transmitting A report Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, on ‘‘The Availability and Price of Petroleum f and Petrol Products Produced in Countries reported and found truly enrolled bills Other Than Iran’’, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. of the House of the following titles, EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 68513(a) Public Law 112-81, section 1245(d)(4); which were thereupon signed by the to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Speaker: Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive 8348. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, H.R. 2606. An act to authorize the Sec- communications were taken from the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Re- retary of the Interior to allow the construc- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: liability, Department of Energy, transmit- ting the Department’s 2011/2012 report on the tion and operation of natural gas pipeline fa- 8337. A letter from the Director, Policy economic dispatch of electricity, ‘‘Economic cilities in the Gateway National Recreation Issuance Division, Office of Policy and Pro- Dispatch and Technological Change’’; to the Area, and for other purposes. gram Development, Department of Agri- Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 4114. An act to increase, effective as of culture, transmitting the Department’s final 8349. A letter from the Assistant General December 1, 2012, the rates of compensation rule — Summary of the Final Rule, Addi- Counsel for Legislation, Regulation and En- for veterans with service-connected disabil- tional Changes to the Schedule of Operations ergy Efficiency, Department of Energy, ities and the rates of dependency and indem- Regulations received October 13, 2012, pursu- transmitting the Department’s final rule — nity compensation for the survivors of cer- ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee Energy Conservation Program Test Proce- tain disabled veterans, and for other pur- on Agriculture. dures for Residential Dishwashers, Dehu- poses. 8338. A letter from the Chairman and Chief midifiers, and Conventional Cooking Prod- f Executive Officer, Farm Credit Administra- ucts [Docket No.: EERE-2010-BT-TP-0039] tion, transmitting the Administration’s final (RIN: 1904-AC01) received October 13, 2012, SENATE ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED rule — Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- The Speaker announced his signature Policies and Operations, and Funding Oper- mittee on Energy and Commerce. ations; Investment Management (RIN: 3052- 8350. A letter from the Director, Sustain- to enrolled bills of the Senate of the AC50) received November 7, 2012, pursuant to ability Performance Office, Department of following titles: 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy, transmitting copy of the Depart- S. 743. An act to amend chapter 23 of title Agriculture. ment’s Energy Fleet Alternative Fuel Vehi- 5, United States Code, to clarify the disclo- 8339. A letter from the Acting Principal cle Acquisition Report for Fiscal Year 2008; sures of information protected from prohib- Deputy, Department of Defense, transmit- to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:59 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15NO7.049 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 8351. A letter from the Director, Regu- Transmittal No. 12-57, pursuant to the re- priations and other funds for the period April latory Management Division, Environmental porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012, pursuant Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- the Arms Export Control Act, as amended; to to Public Law 109-55, section 1005; (H. Doc. cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation the Committee on Foreign Affairs. No. 112—155); to the Committee on House Ad- of Implementation Plans; North Carolina 8359. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, ministration and ordered to be printed. Portion of the Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, Legislative Affairs, Department of State, 8373. A letter from the Acting General North Carolina-North Carolina 1997 8-Hour transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 12-0138, Counsel, National Indian Gaming Commis- Nonatainment Area; Reasonable Further pursuant to the reporting requirements of sion, transmitting the Commission’s final Progress Plan [EPA-R04-OAR-2010-0019(a); Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control rule — Definition of Enforcement Action re- FRL-9741-2] received October 11, 2012, pursu- Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ceived November 8, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee 8360. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural on Energy and Commerce. Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Resources. 8352. A letter from the Director, Regu- transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 12-071, 8374. A letter from the Director, Office of latory Management Division, Environmental pursuant to the reporting requirements of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, National Oce- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control anic and Atmospheric Administration, trans- cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. mitting the Administration’s final rule — of Implementation Plans; Portion of York 8361. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone County, South Carolina Within Charlotte- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Off Alaska; Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Gastonia-Rock Hill, North Carolina-South transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 12-146, Management Area; Amendment 97 [Docket Carolina 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment pursuant to the reporting requirements of No.: 110620343-2450-02] (RIN: 0648-BB18) re- Area; Reasonable Further Progress Plan Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control ceived November 5, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. [EPA-R04-OAR-2008-0177; FRL-9740-9] re- Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural ceived October 11, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 8362. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Resources. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Legislative Affairs, Department of State, 8375. A letter from the Clerk, Court of Ap- Commerce. transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 12-133, peals, transmitting an opinion of the United 8353. A letter from the Director, Regu- pursuant to the reporting requirements of States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Cir- latory Management Division, Environmental Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control cuit, Duron-Ortiz v. Holder, No. 11-3851, (Oc- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. tober 15, 2012); to the Committee on the Judi- cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation 8363. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Con- ciary. Legislative Affairs, Department of State, 8376. A letter from the Assistant Adminis- necticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hamp- transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 12-144, shire; Infrastructure SIPs for the 1997 and trator for Procurement, National Aero- pursuant to the reporting requirements of nautics and Space Administration, transmit- 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Standards Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control [EPA-R01-OAR-2011-0317 and EPA-R01-OAR- ting the Administration’s final rule — Com- Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. mercial Acquisition; Anchor Tenancy (RIN: 2011-0321 (CT); EPA-R01-OAR-2011-0318 and 8364. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, EPA-R01-OAR-2011-0322 (ME); EPA-R01-OAR- 2700-AD64) received November 8, 2012, pursu- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee 2009-0459 and EPA-R01-OAR-2011-0323 (MA); transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 12-140, EPA-R01-OAR-2009-0460 and EPA-R01-OAR- on Science, Space, and Technology. pursuant to the reporting requirements of 8377. A letter from the Assistant Adminis- 2011-0324 (NH); A-1-FRL-9740-1] received Octo- Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control ber 11, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); trator for Procurement, National Aero- Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. nautics and Space Administration, transmit- to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. 8365. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, 8354. A letter from the Director, Regu- ting the Administration’s final rule — Cross Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Waivers of Liability Clauses (RIN: 2700-AD55) latory Management Division, Environmental transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 12-130, Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- received November 8, 2012, pursuant to 5 pursuant to the reporting requirements of cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Penn- Science, Space, and Technology. Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. sylvania; Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley Non- 8366. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, f attainment Area Determinations of Attain- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, ment of the 1997 Annual Fine Partulate REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 12-121, Standard [EPA-R03-OAR-2012-0370; FRL-9738- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS pursuant to the reporting requirements of 3] received October 11, 2012, pursuant to 5 Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on En- Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ergy and Commerce. committees were delivered to the Clerk 8367. A letter from the Executive Director, 8355. A letter from the Director, Regu- for printing and reference to the proper latory Management Division, Environmental Federal Retirement Thrift Investment calendar, as follows: Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Board, transmitting the Board’s Report of FY 2012 Audits and Significant Findings; to Mr. UPTON: Committee on Energy and cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation Commerce. H.R. 1206. A bill to amend title of Implementation Plans; Alabama; Dis- the Committee on Oversight and Govern- ment Reform. XXVII of the Public Health Service Act to approval of 110(a)(2)(E)(ii) Infrastructure Re- preserve consumer and employer access to li- quirement for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particu- 8368. A letter from the Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, censed independent insurance producers late Matter National Ambient Air Quality (Rept. 112–694). Referred to the Committee of Standards [EPA-R04-OAR-2012-0343; FRL- transmitting the System’s Semiannual Re- port to Congress for the six-month period the Whole House on the state of the Union. 9739-3] received October 11, 2012, pursuant to Mr. SMITH of Texas: Committee on the Ju- 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on ending September 30, 2012, as required by the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended; to diciary. S. 285. An act for the relief of Energy and Commerce. Sopuruchi Chukwueke; with an amendment 8356. A letter from the Director, Regu- the Committee on Oversight and Govern- (Rept. 112–695). Referred to the private cal- latory Management Division, Environmental ment Reform. endar and ordered to be printed. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- 8369. A letter from the Associate General cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation Counsel for General Law, Department of f Homeland Security, transmitting a report of Implementation Plans; North Carolina PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 110(a)(1) and (2) Infrastructure Requirements pursuant to the Federal Vacancies Reform for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter Act of 1998; to the Committee on Oversight Under clause 2 of rule XII, public National Ambient Air Quality Standards and Government Reform. bills and resolutions of the following [EPA-R04-OAR-2010-1015; FRL-9739-2] re- 8370. A letter from the Auditor, Office of titles were introduced and severally re- the District of Columbia Auditor, transmit- ceived October 11, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ferred, as follows: 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and ting a report entitled, ‘‘Review of the Dis- Commerce. trict of Columbia’s Performance Measure- By Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia (for 8357. A letter from the Director, Regu- ment System’’; to the Committee on Over- himself and Mr. LANGEVIN): latory Management Division, Environmental sight and Government Reform. H.R. 6590. A bill to provide incentives for Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- 8371. A letter from the Auditor, Office of States to invest in practices and technology cy’s final rule — Revisions to the California the District of Columbia Auditor, transmit- that are designed to expedite voting at the State Implementation Plan Sacramento ting a report entitled, ‘‘Audit of the Ac- polls and to simplify voter registration; to Metropolitan Air Quality Management Dis- counts and Operations of ANC 2D for Fiscal the Committee on House Administration, trict [EPA-R09-OAR-2012-0754; FRL-9740-7] re- Years 2009 through 2011’’; to the Committee and in addition to the Committee on the Ju- ceived October 11, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. on Oversight and Government Reform. diciary, for a period to be subsequently de- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and 8372. A letter from the Director, Office of termined by the Speaker, in each case for Commerce. Financial Management, United States Cap- consideration of such provisions as fall with- 8358. A letter from the Director, Defense itol Police, transmitting the semiannual re- in the jurisdiction of the committee con- Security Cooperation Agency, transmitting port of receipts and expenditures of appro- cerned.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:32 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L15NO7.000 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6397

By Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California being for all children; to the Committee on H.R. 2257: Mr. GUTHRIE. (for himself, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Education and the Workforce. H.R. 2514: Mr. WOMACK. Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Mr. CON- By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY: H.R. 2524: Mr. COHEN. YERS, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. BLUMENAUER, H. Res. 810. A resolution urging the Federal H.R. 2547: Mr. FITZPATRICK. Ms. BONAMICI, Mrs. CAPPS, Ms. CAS- Aviation Administration to continue its co- H.R. 2679: Ms. WATERS, Mr. GONZALEZ, Mr. TOR of Florida, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. operation with airports across the United ANDREWS, and Mrs. DAVIS of California. COSTA, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. DAVIS of States seeking to implement noise mitiga- H.R. 2885: Mr. LABRADOR. Illinois, Ms. DELAURO, Ms. ESHOO, tion plans, and for other purposes; to the H.R. 2950: Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, Mr. FARR, Mr. Committee on Transportation and Infra- H.R. 3032: Ms. BORDALLO. FILNER, Mr. GARAMENDI, Mr. GON- structure. H.R. 3053: Mr. CICILLINE. ZALEZ, Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. By Mrs. BIGGERT (for herself, Mr. KIL- H.R. 3102: Mr. MORAN and Mr. DAVID SCOTT GRIJALVA, Ms. HAHN, Mr. HONDA, Mr. DEE, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. GRIMM, and of Georgia. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. Mr. PLATTS): H.R. 3238: Mr. SARBANES, Mr. PETERS, Ms. LARSEN of Washington, Mr. LARSON H. Res. 811. A resolution supporting the SEWELL, and Mr. OLVER. of Connecticut, Ms. LEE of California, goals and ideals of American Education H.R. 3506: Mr. PERLMUTTER. Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California, Ms. Week; to the Committee on Oversight and H.R. 3679: Mr. CICILLINE and Mr. DOGGETT. MATSUI, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. Government Reform. H.R. 3713: Mr. HARRIS. MCGOVERN, Ms. MOORE, Mrs. NAPOLI- By Mr. ROHRABACHER (for himself H.R. 4077: Mr. LANCE. TANO, Ms. NORTON, Mr. PETERS, Ms. and Mr. NADLER): H.R. 4122: Mr. NADLER. PINGREE of Maine, Mr. POLIS, Mr. H. Res. 812. A resolution commending the H.R. 4137: Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. RANGEL, Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey, Albanian people on the 100th anniversary of H.R. 4165: Mr. MARCHANT. Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. RYAN of the declaration of their independence from H.R. 4202: Mr. RUSH. Ohio, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- the Turkish Ottoman Empire on November H.R. 4228: Mr. FORBES. fornia, Mr. SARBANES, Ms. SCHWARTZ, 28, 1912, and commending Albanians in Alba- H.R. 4296: Mr. BASS of New Hampshire and Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. SMITH of nia and Kosova for protecting and saving the Ms. TSONGAS. Washington, Mr. STARK, Mr. VAN lives of all Jews who either lived in Albania H.R. 4306: Mr. GALLEGLY. HOLLEN, Mr. WAXMAN, Mr. WELCH, or sought asylum there during the Holo- H.R. 4323: Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. Mr. LUJA´ N, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, caust; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. H.R. 5817: Mr. POE of Texas. Ms. DEGETTE, Mr. COHEN, Ms. SCHA- f H.R. 5871: Ms. NORTON, Mrs. DAVIS of Cali- KOWSKY, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. TONKO, fornia, Mr. LARSEN of Washington, Mr. CAR- Mr. HIMES, and Mr. DINGELL): CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY SON of Indiana, Mr. CLAY, and Mrs. MALONEY. H.R. 6591. A bill to amend the Help Amer- STATEMENT H.R. 5903: Mr. AKIN. ica Vote Act of 2002 to require States to es- Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of H.R. 5943: Mr. GARDNER. tablish a minimum period of 15 days for H.R. 5969: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. early voting prior to the date of an election the Rules of the House of Representa- H.R. 5970: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. for Federal office and to ensure that no indi- tives, the following statements are sub- H.R. 6047: Mr. ROSS of Florida. vidual will be required to wait for longer mitted regarding the specific powers H.R. 6107: Ms. LEE of California and Mr. than one hour to cast a ballot at a polling granted to Congress in the Constitu- ROE of Tennessee. place in an election for Federal office; to the tion to enact the accompanying bill or H.R. 6149: Mr. DOYLE, Ms. CHU, and Mr. Committee on House Administration. joint resolution. FARR. By Ms. NORTON: H.R. 6592. A bill to ensure that the Metro- By Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia: H.R. 6209: Mr. THORNBERRY. politan Washington Airports Authority com- H.R. 6590. H.R. 6273: Mr. COURTNEY. plies with the Federal Acquisition Regula- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6299: Mr. FLORES. tion; to the Committee on Transportation lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6311: Mr. MICHAUD. and Infrastructure. Article I, Section 4. H.R. 6388: Ms. SPEIER, Ms. JENKINS, and Mr. By Mrs. BACHMANN (for herself, Ms. By Mr. GEORGE MILLER of Cali- MCKEON. BASS of California, Mr. LANGEVIN, fornia: H.R. 6439: Mr. WOMACK. Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. H.R. 6591. H.R. 6441: Mr. SABLAN. GARY G. MILLER of California, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6445: Mr. BARLETTA. ´ BRADY of Texas, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 6454: Mr. LUJAN. Mr. GARRETT, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Ms. Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution of H.R. 6470: Mrs. HARTZLER. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. FRANKS of Ari- the United States grants Congress the au- H.R. 6482: Mr. MCKEON. zona, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. RAN- thority to enact this bill. H.R. 6524: Mr. MCKEON. GEL, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. GRIMM, Mr. By Ms. NORTON: H.R. 6575: Mr. MCKEON. WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. COBLE, H.R. 6592. H.R. 6579: Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. HANNA, Mr. THOMP- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 6587: Mr. THOMPSON of California, Mr. SON of Pennsylvania, Ms. CLARKE of lation pursuant to the following: ROHRABACHER, Mr. GARY G. MILLER of Cali- New York, Mr. JONES, Mr. GALLEGLY, clause 18 of section 8 of article I of the fornia, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. SCHIFF, and Ms. Ms. JENKINS, Mr. ROGERS of Michi- Constitution. WOOLSEY. H.R. 6588: Mr. MORAN and Mr. MCDERMOTT. gan, Mr. FARENTHOLD, Mr. SESSIONS, f Mr. KING of New York, Mr. H.J. Res. 13: Mr. LAMBORN. NUNNELEE, Mr. ROSS of Florida, Mr. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.J. Res. 106: Mr. JONES. WOLF, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. CICILLINE, Mr. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H. Con. Res. 116: Mr. GERLACH, Mr. CROW- LEY, and Mr. GARDNER. GRIJALVA, Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas, were added to public bills and resolu- H. Res. 583: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. tions as follows: HUIZENGA of Michigan, Mr. MCGOV- H. Res. 774: Mr. GEORGE MILLER of Cali- ERN, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. WAXMAN, H.R. 321: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. fornia, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. BASS of New Mr. COOPER, and Mr. YOUNG of Alas- H.R. 718: Mr. COOPER. Hampshire, and Mr. BARLETTA. ka): H.R. 1041: Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. H. Res. 809. A resolution supporting the H.R. 1044: Mrs. HARTZLER. f goals and ideals of National Adoption Day H.R. 1054: Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. and National Adoption Month by promoting H.R. 1498: Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- national awareness of adoption and the chil- fornia. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM dren in foster care awaiting families, cele- H.R. 1675: Mr. DIAZ-BALART. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS brating children and families involved in H.R. 1802: Mr. GUTHRIE, Mr. LOEBSACK, and Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors adoption, recognizing current programs and Mr. ISRAEL. were deleted from public bills and reso- efforts designed to promote adoption, and en- H.R. 1810: Ms. RICHARDSON. couraging people in the United States to H.R. 1833: Mr. CICILLINE. lutions as follows: seek improved safety, permanency, and well- H.R. 1897: Mr. MARINO. H.R. 6511: Mr. ROGERS of Michigan.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:59 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L15NO7.100 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2012 No. 146 Senate The Senate met at 9 a.m. and was Mr. BLUMENTHAL thereupon as- agree on a plan to avoid a massive called to order by the Honorable RICH- sumed the chair as Acting President year-end tax hike. I truly believe we ARD BLUMENTHAL, a Senator from the pro tempore. can. I believe the two parties can avoid State of Connecticut. f the so-called fiscal cliff, and in the process I even believe we can agree on PRAYER RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY a framework for a bipartisan plan to LEADER The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- address the even bigger problem of our fered the following prayer: The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Nation’s fiscal solvency. Let us pray. pore. The majority leader is recog- But there are clear obstacles to suc- Eternal Lord God, today let Your nized. cess. If we are going to succeed, if we favor rest upon the Members of our f want to avoid a job-killing tax hike and put the country on a path to sol- government’s legislative branch. Es- NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- tablish the works of their hands and vency, we need to be clear about what TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR the obstacles are. strengthen them to honor You by serv- 2013—MOTION TO PROCEED ing others. Let Your lifegiving spirit The first obstacle is a very vocal and move them to feel greater compassion Mr. REID. Mr. President, I now move very determined group of extremists on for those in need. Lord, use them to re- to proceed to Calendar No. 419, S. 3254. the left who are rooting for us to go off move barriers that divide us. May they The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the fiscal cliff. They want this to hap- strive to be agents of healing and hope, pore. The clerk will report the motion. pen. These are the folks the President as they help us all live in greater jus- The legislative clerk read as follows: invited to the White House earlier this tice and peace. Motion to proceed to the bill (S. 3254) to week and who seem to have gotten a We pray in Your holy Name. Amen. authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2013 number of Democrats in the Senate to for military activities of the Department of embrace this reckless idea themselves. f Defense, for military construction, and for Make no mistake, the goal of these PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE defense activities of the Department of En- folks is not to do what is best for the ergy, to prescribe military personnel The Honorable RICHARD BLUMENTHAL strengths for such fiscal year, and for other middle class. It is not to create jobs. It led the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: purposes. is not even to balance the books, since the taxes they would hike would not I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the SCHEDULE even come close to covering current United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. REID. Mr. President, the filing spending. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, deadline for all second-degree amend- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. What they want is to sock it to those ments to S. 3525, the Sportsmen’s Act, whom they define as rich, regardless of f is 9:10 a.m. today. At 9:15 a.m., there the impact on jobs or the broader econ- will be a cloture vote on S. 3525. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING omy. That is what motivates this I suggest the absence of a quorum. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE crowd. They are not serious about The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tackling the Nation’s fiscal problems. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The pore. The clerk will call the roll. If we are serious about helping middle- clerk will please read a communication The assistant legislative clerk pro- class Americans and helping this econ- to the Senate from the President pro ceeded to call the roll. tempore (Mr. INOUYE). omy grow, their radical approach, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I frankly, should be ignored. The assistant legislative clerk read ask unanimous consent that the order The other obstacle to success is a the following letter: for the quorum call be rescinded. mindset that says the President of the U.S. SENATE, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- United States is somehow a bit player PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, pore. Without objection, it is so or- Washington, DC, November 15, 2012. in this whole thing, that he is just a dered. To the Senate: bystander sitting around waiting on Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER other people to act. This is a mindset of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby The Republican leader is recognized. that thinks leadership consists of tell- appoint the Honorable RICHARD FISCAL CLIFF ing other people to ‘‘work it out,’’ BLUMENTHAL, a Senator from the State of Connecticut, to perform the duties of the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, while they continue to run a campaign Chair. with the new year fast approaching, all to make sure they cannot. DANIEL K. INOUYE, eyes are on Washington and whether This is ludicrous. The only way—I re- President pro tempore. the two parties can come together and peat—the only way we are going to

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 solve this present crisis and get past it actually leads to a solution. We do Reid amendment No. 2881 (to (the instruc- the political stalemate is for the Presi- not happen to think the government tions) amendment No. 2880), of a perfecting dent himself to lead. needs more revenue. The government nature. To illustrate the point, let me re- spends too much as it is. But if Demo- Reid amendment No. 2882 (to amendment mind everyone of something that hap- crats are willing to reduce spending No. 2881), of a perfecting nature. pened just 2 years ago next month— and strengthen entitlement programs, CLOTURE MOTION just 2 years ago next month—because which we all know are on an The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- it says a lot about the power of Presi- unsustainable path that threatens pore. The cloture motion having been dential leadership in critical moments their own long-term viability and the presented under rule XXII, the Chair such as this. Less than 2 years ago, the economic well-being of our children directs the clerk to read the motion. President said he was not going to and grandchildren, then we will be The assistant legislative clerk read allow tax rates to go up on anyone be- there. as follows: cause, as he put it, you do not raise What we will not do is raise tax rates CLOTURE MOTION taxes in the middle of a recession. and kiss goodbye more than 700,000 So let’s leave aside for a second that good jobs in the process. What we will We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- if it was a good idea then, it is an even not do is embrace a tax policy that ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move better idea now, since the economy is disincentivises saving and work. What to bring to a close debate on S. 3525, a bill to growing even more slowly now than it we will not do is agree to revenue in protect and enhance opportunities for rec- was in late 2010. Let’s leave that aside. exchange for reforms that we know will reational hunting, fishing, and shooting, and The point is that the moment the not ever happen. That is not a good for other purposes. President of the United States said deal for anybody, certainly not the Harry Reid, Jon Tester, Kent Conrad, Joe those words—the moment he signaled middle class, which the President says Manchin III, Jeff Bingaman, John D. he was OK to keep rates where they he has a mandate to protect. Rockefeller IV, Benjamin L. Cardin, were—40 Democrats, including many If the President wants to help the Ben Nelson, Max Baucus, Jeanne Sha- heen, Mark Pryor, Christopher A. who had spent the previous decade middle class, he will accept a basic out- Coons, Al Franken, Amy Klobuchar, campaigning against them, got in line line that Speaker BOEHNER proposed Jim Webb, Mark R. Warner, Michael F. and followed his lead. last week and convince his fellow Bennet. That is an example of Presidential Democrats to do the same. Ignore the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- leadership, and that is just what is reckless voice of those on the far left pore. By unanimous consent the man- needed now. The President is the only who are calling for fiscal calamity. Ig- datory quorum call has been waived. person in America—the only 1 out of nore the extremists who want to cover 315 million—who can sign a bill into their eyes and do nothing to protect The question is, Is it the sense of the law. He is the only one who can lead and strengthen entitlement programs Senate that debate on S. 3525, a bill to the members of his own party to do for the future and propose a plan that protect and enhance opportunities for something they would not ordinarily both sides can actually accept. recreational hunting, fishing, shooting, do. But first he needs to decide it is That is how we get out of this. That and for other purposes shall be brought time to put away the talking points is how we succeed. The scope of this to a close? and do something good, something challenge calls for Presidential leader- The yeas and nays are mandatory really good for the country. ship. That is what the American people under the rule. Ronald Reagan understood this, Bill should be able to expect. That is all Re- The clerk will call the roll. Clinton understood this, and President publicans are calling for. It is the The assistant legislative clerk called Obama seemed to understand it, too, in President’s turn to propose a specific the roll. December 2010. So I will say it again. plan that brings both parties together. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the The only way we succeed is if the That is what Presidents are elected to Senator from Hawaii (Mr. INOUYE), the President steps up and leads. It starts do. That is what he pledged to do. It is Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. by showing that he is serious about precisely the sort of leadership we KERRY), and the Senator from West success. need. Virginia (Mr. ROCKEFELLER) are nec- Let’s be clear. An opening bid of $1.6 I yield the floor. essarily absent. trillion in new taxes just is not serious. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Mr. KYL. The following Senator is It is more than Simpson-Bowles or any The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- necessarily absent: the Senator from other bipartisan commission has called pore. Under the previous order, the Illinois (Mr. KIRK). for. It has been unanimously rejected leadership time is reserved. The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 84, in the House and Senate. It is twice as f nays 12, as follows: much as the White House seemed ready to agree to during last summer’s debt SPORTSMEN’S ACT OF 2012— [Rollcall Vote No. 203 Leg.] ceiling talks and looked at in the con- Resumed YEAS—84 text of the spending cuts that are yet The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Akaka Feinstein Mikulski to be enacted from the President’s pore. The clerk will report the pending Alexander Franken Moran Ayotte Gillibrand Murkowski other proposals. It amounts to about 20 business. Barrasso Graham Murray cents in cuts for every new dollar in The assistant legislative clerk read Baucus Grassley Nelson (NE) tax hikes. In other words, no cuts at as follows: Begich Hagan Nelson (FL) all. It is a joke—a joke. A bill (S. 3525) to protect and enhance op- Bennet Harkin Portman portunities for recreational hunting, fishing Bingaman Hatch Pryor Look, people I talk to across Ken- Blumenthal Heller Reid tucky do not want any more political and shooting, and for other purposes. Blunt Hoeven Risch fights. They would like to see us get Pending: Boozman Hutchison Roberts Reid (for Tester) amendment No. 2875, in Brown (MA) Inhofe Rubio somewhere. They want the two parties Brown (OH) Isakson Sanders to work together to find a solution to the nature of a substitute. Burr Johanns Schumer our fiscal problems, and that is just Reid amendment No. 2876 (to amendment Cantwell Johnson (SD) Shaheen No. 2875), to change the enactment date. what we are proposing. Yesterday, the Cardin Johnson (WI) Shelby Reid amendment No. 2877 (to amendment Carper Klobuchar Snowe President said he had an open mind No. 2876), of a perfecting nature. Casey Kohl Stabenow when it came to finding a solution to Reid amendment No. 2878 (to the language Chambliss Landrieu Tester those things. He said he is happy to lis- proposed to be stricken by amendment No. Coats Leahy Thune 2875), to change the enactment date. Cochran Levin Udall (CO) ten to other people’s ideas. I think that Collins Lieberman Udall (NM) is a good sign. Reid amendment No. 2879 (to amendment No. 2878), of a perfecting nature. Conrad Lugar Vitter Coons Manchin Warner If the President has an open mind, Reid motion to commit the bill to the maybe he will see that Republicans are Corker McCain Webb Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Crapo McCaskill Whitehouse the ones who have expressed a willing- sources, with instructions, Reid amendment Durbin McConnell Wicker ness to step out of our comfort zone if No. 2880, to change the enactment date. Enzi Merkley Wyden

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6831 NAYS—12 reached the limit of borrowing that the for us to fix this problem so we are not Boxer Kyl Paul United States can incur—but we will passing a bill that violates the budget. Coburn Lautenberg Reed reduce our projected spending in- Under the bill, it would authorize Cornyn Lee Sessions $142 million in new direct spending DeMint Menendez Toomey creases over 10 years by $2.1 trillion. Part of the agreement in the Budget over the next 10 years. Some may say NOT VOTING—4 Control Act limited spending in var- that is not a lot, but if that is so, they Inouye Kirk ious accounts, and this violates it. have been in Washington too long. Mr. Kerry Rockefeller You might say, JEFF, that is your President, $142 million is a lot of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. opinion. No, it is not my opinion. I money, and it is a very important prin- UDALL of New Mexico). On this vote, raised this with Chairman CONRAD of ciple because this is not the first time the yeas are 84, the nays are 12. Three- the Budget Committee, of which I am we violated the Budget Control Act. fifths of the Senators duly chosen and ranking member. He and his staff have If we stay with our agreement that sworn having voted in the affirmative, looked at it, and they certify that this we made with each other, that we made the motion is agreed to. budget violation actually occurs; with the American people 15 months Cloture having been invoked, the mo- therefore, the legislation is subject to a ago when the Budget Control Act was tion to commit falls. budget point of order. It cannot go for- agreed to, we will at least save $2.1 tril- VOTE EXPLANATION ward because it violates the deemed lion over 10 years. But if we keep nib- ∑ Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, I was budget that we agreed to. bling away at it and eroding what we necessarily absent for the cloture vote If the budget point of order is raised, agreed to, we not only undermine our on the Sportsmen’s Act (S. 3525). If I which will happen, then my colleagues own credibility, but we weaken our were able to attend today’s session, I will have a choice: They can either ability to balance the budget. And if we would have supported cloture on this place the bill on a sound financial path reach a new agreement—which we need legislation.∑ that does not violate the Budget Con- to do as we deal with the fiscal cliff Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I sug- trol Act; or, they can say, Well, we then don’t the American people need to gest the absence of a quorum. won’t pay any attention to that objec- know we will stand by the agreement The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion. We will waive the budget and just we make? Don’t they need to know an clerk will call the roll. spend more than the budget allowed, agreement is something more than a The legislative clerk proceeded to because this is really important. It is momentary event to get past a crisis call the roll. really important that we raise revenue and then the next year we can just ig- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, I ask and spend more on the duck program. nore it? There is too much of this atti- unanimous consent that the order for I have been supportive, and the duck tude in this Congress. That is one rea- the quorum call be rescinded. stamp is important. But this is not the son this country is in such a dire finan- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without right way to do this. If you are going to cial condition. The Reid amendment objection, it is so ordered. spend more money, you need to reduce would violate the committee spending Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, the spending somewhere else. allocations in the deemed budget and Reid substitute, S. 3525, the Sports- Also, I would point out the legisla- would do it not only next year but men’s Act of 2012, is legislation that tion was changed from the time it every year over the next 10 years. This has a lot of very good things in it. Sen- came out of committee. Part of the violation does not need to happen. ator REID attempted—although outside legislation at least when it was pro- You say: This is technical. It is tech- the normal committee process—to put posed in the Committee on Environ- nical because it is paid for. We raise together a package of bills that could ment and Public Works of which I am the revenue and we spend the revenue, do some good things. I generally am a member, we observed that the pro- but new spending is paid for by rev- supportive of the package. I think it posal was to give bureaucrats—govern- enue—the tax increase on duck hunt- has some very good qualities to it, and ment officials, unelected—the power to ing—and therefore what are you wor- I very much want to support it. But meet with special interests, or whoever ried about, Sessions? there is a problem with it. It is a small they chose to meet with or not meet What are we worried about? The but important problem, and it needs to with, and set the amount of fees— agreement was that this whole area of be fixed. taxes, you might call it—that would be spending would be capped at a certain That is that, once again, after the required of Americans before they level. The way to do this is, if you are Budget Control Act agreement reached could hunt ducks. That has never been going to spend more on the duck pro- in August, 15 months ago, the majority so. Previously, the Congress set how gram, then reductions ought to be has brought forth a bill that violates much you could charge for a duck made somewhere else in this vast the Budget Control Act, in which we stamp. spending program or else you tax and agreed to a deemed budget as part of So this was raised in committee, and spend. That is what we are doing. It is that process, and we are now spending our able chairwoman Senator BARBARA just tax-and-spend. more than we agreed to spend. BOXER agreed and by a voice vote it They say: We cannot cut anything Fifteen months ago, we agreed to was accepted that Congress would set else in the budget in dealing with inte- limit spending each year for the next 10 the limit on how much you could raise rior, environment, and those issues. years and to stay within a limited for duck stamps and burden duck hunt- There is no way we can save another amount of spending. Because we are ers with. That is an important prin- dime. We can’t save $14 million a year borrowing virtually 40 percent of every ciple, in my opinion. That is violated over ten years anywhere. dollar we spend, this country has a by the bill that was brought up—not Of course we can. There are plenty of debt crisis staring us in the eye. With- the one that passed committee, but the places to save it there and in any of the out any doubt, the most obvious threat one brought up by the leader. other items of this government that to America’s future is the surging debt: I grew up in the country. When I go waste money. What are they really $4 trillion-plus increased debt in just 4 back home, I love to be in the woods. I saying? What they are saying is that of years, and the end is not in sight. don’t hunt anymore, but I have been a all the money we are currently spend- So we agreed, as part of raising the big supporter. Many of my friends are ing, all of that is more important than debt ceiling, to limit spending. This hunters and fishermen and conserva- finding $14 million to spend on more bill violates that agreement, and we tionists. So it is sad that we are having duck preservation programs. I am not need not do that. This is not the first a dispute over this legislation, because sure that is correct. I am a believer in one; it is the fourth one. That irrespon- we are so close to being able to work the duck stamp program, and I would sibility is one of the things that has out the problems. My request to Sen- like to see if we can figure out a way to placed us into this fix. ator REID and to our colleagues would do more to make sure we preserve We looked the American people in be: Let’s fix this. Now it looks as those migratory bird habitats and the the eye 15 months ago and said, Okay, though the bill will not be brought up duck population in America, and I am we will raise the debt ceiling $2.1 tril- until Monday when we come back, and prepared to be pretty aggressive as a lion—because the administration had I hope there will be ample opportunity Member of the Senate in developing

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 policies to do that. But you do not late the Constitution explicitly, it vio- ization bill up for a vote. We can actu- have to tax and spend more. That is lates the spirit of the Constitution. ally bring it up and we can have a vote, the point. Moreover, by increasing the price of and this is great news, and we have to If you look at it and say that we can- the duck stamp, if you think about it, do it in 3 days and very limited amend- not cut any other spending in the en- in this amendment—it is an amend- ments, but if you Republicans will tire Federal Government to find $142 ment, a revenue-raising amendment to agree with that, we can get the bill up. million for the duck program, I will an S. numbered bill. Senator REID, This is the first time in 50 years we just say to my colleagues, that is what therefore, by doing that, has put up a have not passed a Defense bill prior to we are paid to do. We are paid to make revenue enhancement bill originating the September 30 fiscal year end. We those tough choices. I don’t like them in the Senate. The Constitution says are already into the new fiscal year. It sometimes, but it should not be hard in revenue bills have to originate in the should have been passed long ago. More this instance to find this kind of pay- House. That places the bill in jeopardy. than that, we could have spent 3 weeks ment. The idea that we can just up a The House is very jealous—rightly so— on the Defense bill. We did nothing in fee and spend more money and violate of their constitutional prerogative of September. We are doing nothing next the budget and nothing is going to hap- commencing all tax revenue bills in week. pen and we are going to just go along the House. The Congressional Budget What is this about? It is about the and do that without objection, that Office, our objective analysis team, management of the Senate defeating time is over because we are in a debt scores the duck stamp provision as an the historic ability of Members of the crisis. increase in revenue. If the House ex- Senate to actually participate in the We have run up trillion-plus deficits erted its privilege under the Constitu- great issues of our time. One of them is for the last 4 years. President Bush’s tion, this bill would be subject to a the Defense Department budget and last deficit was huge. It was one of the blue slip, a rejection based on the rev- policy. The Defense authorization bill largest we had in—maybe ever, $470 bil- enue clause. came out of the Armed Services Com- lion. We have averaged about $1,300 bil- Also, amazingly, we have no amend- mittee unanimously, but several of us lion the last 4 years. The year before he ments. There is no process to even in committee said that we have amend- left office, there was a $160 billion def- bring up amendments to vote. So we ments we want to bring up on the floor. icit. So we have $160 billion, $470 bil- are stuck with the position of either Other Members not on the Armed Serv- lion, a trillion-plus, 4 consecutive supporting the bill as is in all its com- ices Committee have a right to talk years. We are on the road in just a few plexity or not. If we fixed this matter, about this $540-some-odd billion ex- years to double the debt of the United I would be supportive of the bill. We penditure, the largest single expendi- States again. This cannot be sustained. tried to study it. I think it is OK and ture outside of Social Security and That is all I am saying. We have had pretty good, actually. It is a positive Medicare in the entire budget. We are similar budget problems on the postal step in the right direction if we simply supposed to be thankful we did nothing reform bill, the highway bill, and the fix this. So the proper remedy for this in September, we are going to do noth- ing next week, but you now only have veterans jobs corp bill. We have had situation is to allow amendments or 3 days and just a very few amendments, problems with spending violations on send the bill back to committee and and Senator REID will pick and choose those bills too. figure out how to pass legislation that which ones you Republicans get to I really hope we will use this period is within the budget limit. of time to work out some language I will not mention all the good things offer. That is why we are having prob- that fixes this problem. My budget about this bill. There are a lot of them: lems. Senator REID continues to assert staff can provide a long list of things the National Fish and Wildlife Act; the that Republicans are filibustering. that would save us this much money North American Wetlands Conserva- What Republicans are saying is we are and have no real impact on the produc- tion Act has some good provisions in prepared to move to these bills, but we tivity of our government. it. A number of the other pieces of leg- would like the leader to tell us how The Migratory Bird Habitat Invest- islation are excellent. I do not think ment and Enhancement Act—that is a many amendments we can get. He has that is in dispute. It is supported by a figured out a way to fill the tree—what good name, sounds like something we lot of great wildlife organizations. I should be for—would actually give the we call the amendment tree—to a de- support that. gree that has never been done before, Interior Department a blank check to On September 22 the Senate voted 84 and that allows him to pass legislation increase the price of the duck stamp. It to 7 to invoke cloture on a motion to gives the Interior Department— without any amendment. proceed, with the full expectation that So we say we would like to have unelected bureaucrats—the power to when the Senate returned this month, amendments, Mr. Leader. This is the set how much we pay. Currently, it is an opportunity would be provided to Senate. $15. They could make it whatever fig- address the budget concerns and to im- OK. Submit a list of them to me. You ure the Secretary decides it should be, prove the bill. But now we see that my can have two, and it can’t be this without any limit whatsoever. We dis- friend the majority leader has decided amendment, it can’t be this amend- cussed this in committee. The com- to move forward without confronting ment, and it can’t be this amendment. mittee said: No, this is not the way we these issues. It can only be these kinds of amend- want to go. We have not done this be- I hope we can figure out a way to ments. We will be nice to you. Well, fore. Congress has stepped up to the avoid this situation. Maybe people did maybe three. Ok, you get three—on a plate and been responsible and decided not think about it clearly. Maybe they $540 billion defense bill that sets the how much we are going to extract from just thought it is paid for, therefore it policy for our military, that decides the American people before we allow cannot be a problem with the budget. what weapons systems we are going to them to go duck hunting. Granting But even though it is paid for, it really invest in with billions of dollars? that power to the Secretary is a sig- is a problem with the budget, and we Some people in this Senate have nificant change from what the com- do not need to delegate to some opinions about it and they want to mittee voted on. unelected official, even if it is constitu- come to the floor. Maybe when they The duck stamp is purchased by all tional—about which I have doubts—the were campaigning they said: I am duck hunters in the United States. It ability without limit to raise fees for a against such and such in the Defense was established in 1934. Since its begin- normal historic right of Americans to bill, and they want to come here—and ning, it has always been set by Con- go hunting ducks. I believe that has to it is in the bill and they are against it gress, not somebody in the bureauc- be fixed, too, and we should do that. and they want to offer an amendment racy. This is an unchecked power. I Finally, I understand the intent is to and explain why it shouldn’t be in the think it is a delegation of power to a recess for the rest of the day and all bill. They want to offer an amendment person not accountable to the people, next week. However, in the Armed to take it out. and it might violate the Constitution Services Committee yesterday, we Sorry. We don’t have time. because only Congress can appropriate were told we can get the armed serv- I think this is a dangerous trend. I money and raise taxes. If it doesn’t vio- ices authorization, the Defense author- believe we shouldn’t be recessing

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That is not just a sta- pen if we don’t take some action. We am a cosponsor of Senator KERRY’s tistic. That is not just a statement. have all these people talking, secretly amendment to remove this provision Those jobs have affected real Ameri- planning and talking and working, and from the bill. cans. These job losses were completely so about Christmas Eve I suspect they I also oppose the current bill’s ex- preventable. It is time for us to get will walk in here with a plan we will be emption of ammunition and fishing back to work and extend the produc- told we have to support or else we will tackle from regulation under the Toxic tion tax credit so our wind industry work through Christmas or on January Substances Control Act. Many people can also get back to work. 1 we will be here, and we will have a ca- are concerned that wildlife in heavy- One of the things I have done is I tastrophe if all these bad things hap- hunting regions is being poisoned as have come to the floor some 20-plus pen. they consume prey that contains lead times to focus on an individual State. The President will not even say what ammunition fragments. The U.S. Fish Today I wish to speak about a State he is for. He will not even lay out a & Wildlife Service banned the use of that has an incredible potential for wind power; that is, Montana, the plan. Congressman RYAN laid out a lead shot for hunting waterfowl nation- plan. He has defended it all over the wide in 1991 because of concerns that ‘‘Last Best Place’’ as Montanans like country and is prepared to discuss it lead shots were causing sickness and to describe their amazing State. Simi- lar to almost every State in the coun- and explain it. What is the President’s death in migratory birds that end up try, Montana has seen the jobs, clean plan? What is Senator REID’s plan? ingesting the shots. And several states energy, and economic benefits of wind Does the majority leader have any plan have banned the use of lead ammuni- tion in areas where protected bird spe- power. to confront our pension programs for I wish to take the viewers on a little cies live. Exempting ammunition and Social Security and Medicare that are bit of a tour of Montana. ‘‘Big Sky tackle from EPA regulation doesn’t going broke? Does he have any plan to Country’’ is home to wind resources fix them? What is it? Isn’t this impor- make sense when we know these prod- that could mean the State’s current tant? Does he have any plan to get us ucts are harmful to game and birdlife. electricity needs 210 times over. When off this trillion-dollar debt course? I hope the Senate will adopt Senator we compare that to other States, we What are we going to do? LAUTENBERG’s amendment, which I co- see that Montana then has the third Growth is going down. We were at 2.4 sponsor, to remove this provision from highest wind resource potential in the percent in 2010; we had that much GDP the bill. country. So it is a prominent player in Ensuring adequate funding for con- growth. We have had a very slow recov- the future progress of our Nation’s servation programs and access for ery from the 2007–2008 recession. But wind industry. Therefore, it is no won- then did it go up in 2011? No; it dropped sportsmen to recreational lands is im- der that Montana has seen strong de- to 1.8. What about the first three quar- portant. There is no doubt about that. velopment in the wind industry sector. ters of this year? It was 1.77. The I support that. But these goals should Looking at this map, Toole County, growth is not occurring. We are bor- not be achieved at the expense of ani- up here in the northwest corridor of rowing and spending, but we are not mal welfare or public health and safe- Montana, is the site of a new wind creating growth. I think we need to ty. farm, the Rim Rock Wind Farm, north deal with this crisis we face and the I thank the Chair and yield the floor. of Cut Bank. It has 126 turbines. They The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- uncertainty of policies is hurting completed the project in September of ator from Colorado. America’s economy also. this year. What is most important is Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Presi- I am disappointed we are not dealing when we think about the jobs for local dent, I listened with interest to my col- with these important issues. I am dis- workers, the generation of $2 million in league from Alabama, and I have great appointed we are recessing, and we tax revenue which contributes to the confidence that we will have a robust need to do better. $5.7 million in property taxes from debate on the National Defense Au- Mr. DURBIN. Today the Senate voted wind farms across the State, it all goes thorization Act over the next few to end debate on S. 3525, the Sports- to those local communities for schools, weeks and that we will keep our record men’s Act of 2012. Along with 84 of my roads, and social services to enhance intact that has now been in place for colleagues, I voted to support cloture the quality of life for Montanans. The in an effort to move this bill forward. some 50 years of putting in place a na- Rim Rock Wind Farm will power thou- It is a compilation of almost 20 dif- tional defense authorization act. We sands of Montana homes and, along ferent pieces of bipartisan legislation did so at this time last year and we did with other wind farms across the that are important to the sportsmen’s so the previous year and I have every State, as I have mentioned. it provided community. The Sportsmen’s Act will confidence that we will have a com- great construction jobs as the project increase habitat conservation while prehensive national defense authoriza- was built. improving access to recreational fish- tion act that will direct the Pentagon So Montana will continue to be an ing and hunting lands. These are laud- and all the men and women in uniform attractive State for wind development. able goals that are worth supporting. who serve us so well as to the policies However, with the expiration of the However, the bill also contains trou- of the United States. I know I will PTC looming—literally, within a few bling provisions allowing the importa- work with my colleague from Alabama weeks the PTC will expire—the future tion of polar bear trophies and lead am- to see that accomplished. growth of this important industry in munition that I hope will be changed WIND PRODUCTION TAX CREDIT Montana is in jeopardy. before final passage of the bill. I come back to the Senate floor, as I We have seen how important this in- In its current form, the bill would have on many occasions, to urge all of dustry is to our energy and manufac- allow several hunters who killed polar us to take action on a policy that is bi- turing future. If it is sidelined by par- bears in Canada before a ban was put in partisan in its support and in its rami- tisan wrangling, that would truly be a place to bring those bear hides back to fications, and that policy is the produc- tragedy. I know—as does the Presiding the United States. This provision tion tax credit for wind energy. We Officer in his State of New Mexico as would reward hunters who unethically need to renew that production tax well as my State of Colorado—and the killed polar bears despite multiple credit. Why? It has encouraged billions people in Montana know we need an warnings of an imminent ban on im- of dollars in investment and it has all-of-the-above energy strategy to im- ports and the imminent listing of polar helped create tens of thousands of prove our overall energy security, and bears as an endangered species. If en- good-paying American jobs all across wind is playing a major role in that ef- acted, this provision could easily lead our country. fort.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6834 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 We know Montana’s two Senators, The legislative clerk proceeded to things that has gotten my attention is Senator BAUCUS and Senator TESTER, call the roll. that it addresses a number of issues re- are hard-working. They are very effec- Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I ask unani- lated to Federal public lands. It ad- tive. They have always supported the mous consent that the order for the dresses a number of other issues re- production tax credit for their State quorum call be rescinded. lated to wildlife conservation and wild- and for the country. Senator BAUCUS, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. life management and other issues that as the chairman of the Finance Com- BROWN of Ohio). Without objection, it are important to hunters and other mittee, pushed forward bipartisanly is so ordered. outdoor enthusiasts across the country supported tax extenders in early Au- Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I stand and in my State in particular. gust that included the extension of today to explain my ‘‘no’’ vote on clo- One of the reasons this bill is espe- PTC. It is crucial we take up this pack- ture this morning in connection with cially important to me is that I rep- age as soon as we possibly can and pass the sportsmen’s bill, S. 3525. resent the great State of Utah—a State it. I wish to acknowledge the work of This is a large bill. It is made up of that has a lot of Federal land. In fact, Senator BAUCUS and his focus on cre- a number of legislative proposals that two-thirds of the land in my State is ating American jobs and securing true have been put together. In many set- owned by the Federal Government. For energy security. However, his work— tings this is a good way to legislate. In that and other reasons I would like the our work—isn’t finished. We have to many respects it is, and we utilize this opportunity to address this piece of legislation by offering amendments— get the PTC over the finish line and af- procedure on an almost constant basis amendments that would make a good firm our solemn commitment in this in order to make the laws of our coun- try. Like many other pieces of legisla- bill better. Chamber to Made-in-America energy But this process—a process whereby and American manufacturing. It is this tion that come before us that have been formed in this fashion, this is a the majority leader rules this body by simple. If we fail to extend the produc- dictate—is not good for the Senate. We tion tax credit, we are, in effect, ship- bill as to which I can say I support it in part and I don’t support it in part. have come to expect the Senate will be ping thousands of jobs overseas to a great deliberative body. In fact, the places such as China and Europe and There are parts of it I like a lot, and there are other parts I like a lot less. Senate has long prided itself on being our foreign competitors. the world’s greatest deliberative legis- So I come to the floor again to im- That is exactly why we have an amend- ment process. True debate in this coun- lative body. plore all my colleagues to stop this There are a number of realities about try, especially in this body, pre- possibility from becoming a reality. I the Senate that make this possible—far supposes and depends for its existence wish to reiterate this isn’t a partisan more possible than it might be in the on the availability of an open amend- issue. There is broad support in this House of Representatives. Here in the body for wind energy. There is also ment process. Senate we have only 100 Members. Just You see, when people go into a store, support in the House. So there is bi- down the hall, in the House of Rep- they can decide which items they want cameral support as well as bipartisan resentatives, they have 435 Members. to buy. They can decide to buy bread support. We risk losing thousands of In that body it is not always possible and milk and eggs or any combination jobs and crippling an industry that is to have an open amendment process. In just now establishing itself as a very of the three or other products they this body it is assumed this is the important part of our economic port- might want. It would be disturbing if usual order. This is how we are sup- folio. they got to the grocery store counter posed to operate, to have an oppor- I think the Presiding Officer would and were told they may not buy bread tunity for Members to offer and debate agree we are sent by the people of our and milk and eggs unless they also buy and discuss amendments in advance of States to make smart, informed deci- a bucket of nails, a half a ton of iron voting for the bill at the end of the sions about the future on behalf of the ore, a book about cowboy poetry, and a day. Yet we have not had such an op- American people. If we let this impor- Barry Manilow album. Sometimes that portunity in this case because the lead- tant production tax credit expire, it is what we are told when we get to the er filled the tree. would be a decision we would all re- table to vote in the Senate. In order to This is significant, and I want to em- gret. I wish to underline as well that get some things we want, we have to phasize this point. It is true, of course, the tax credit is applied once that buy a whole bunch of other things we that majority leaders from both polit- power is produced. This isn’t a specula- might not want. ical parties have utilized this proce- tive subsidy. This isn’t based on hoping That is a reality of the legislative dure from time to time, for one reason something will happen. It actually is process. It is a reality that goes along or another—perhaps out of a professed based on power that is produced and with compromise, and it is one we live need to expedite the legislative process that tax credit is directed to the util- with every day. But, again, this is why in certain instances. But this majority ity or the power company and, in some it is important for us to have an leader has utilized this procedure a lot cases, the community power agency amendment process, so that we can at more than others. In fact, he has uti- that provides the power. So it is based least debate the relevant merits of lized it, by my count, a total of 67 on actually producing those electrons each piece of legislation. More impor- times, more than any other majority through wind energy. tantly, so that we might figure out how leader in history. Why, I ask, has he Let’s show America and the world we to take a good piece of legislation and done this? Why did he do it in this cir- are as committed to energy independ- make it better or how to take a bad cumstance? Why has he done it in so ence and job creation as we often say. piece of legislation and make it good. many other circumstances throughout Wind is key to reaching that goal. In this circumstance, the majority this Congress and throughout his serv- Wind is the path to that goal. Let’s put leader has used a procedure known as ice as majority leader? action behind our words and pass the filling the tree. He filled the tree, Is it because the Senate has dem- production tax credit as soon as pos- which means, in effect, that we can’t onstrated an inability to debate and sible. offer amendments. We can’t offer any discuss bills and amendments to bills It is as simple as this: The produc- amendments other than those few the in a reasonable, responsible manner? I tion tax credit equals jobs. Let’s pass it majority leader decided could be of- don’t think so. Let’s point to a couple as soon as possible. Let’s pass it ASAP. fered. This shuts down debate. There of examples. For example, the National Thank you. I look forward to sharing can be no significant debate beyond Defense Authorization Act, which this some perspectives on the great State of that which will lead to a vote once the body passed toward the end of last New Mexico soon in the future, and I tree has been filled. This is a problem. year—the NDAA of 2011. It passed out thank the Presiding Officer for his at- Now, Republicans in this body, my- of this body overwhelmingly, notwith- tention. self included, voted recently to proceed standing the fact there were a number I yield the floor, and I note the ab- to this bill believing in good faith of amendments introduced. I believe sence of a quorum. there would be an opportunity to there were dozens of amendments that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amend this bill. The bill is important were introduced, debated, discussed, clerk will call the roll. to me in many respects. One of the and ultimately voted upon.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6835 Another example involved the farm thing to spend a lot of money on spe- the introduction of amendments. We bill. It was passed by this body earlier cies outside the United States, on crea- need an open amendment process. Our this year. If I am not mistaken, we had tures that have never entered our bor- status as the world’s greatest delibera- over 70 amendments to that bill. I ap- ders and never will. That is something tive legislative body requires nothing preciated the majority leader’s willing- I think Americans are concerned less. ness in that circumstance to allow us about, and it is something I think we Mr. President, I suggest the absence to have a pretty open, robust debate ought to have a chance to debate as of a quorum. and an open amendment process. We long as we are debating and voting on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The still passed the bill, even though we this legislation. clerk will call the roll. had to conduct a lot of debate and have I have another piece of legislation The assistant legislative clerk pro- a lot of discussion and have a lot of that would require State legislative ap- ceeded to call the roll. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I votes. But this, you see, is what makes proval for any new Federal land des- ask unanimous consent that the order this the greatest deliberative body in ignations. As I said a few minutes ago, with the Federal Government owning for the quorum call be rescinded. the world. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without This is what separates us from other two-thirds of the land in my State, I objection, it is so ordered. legislative bodies around the country am especially concerned about the pos- and throughout this planet. So it is not sibility of, for example, the President CYBER SECURITY Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, last the case the Senate simply isn’t re- deciding to just designate a new na- evening the majority leader had a sec- sponsible enough to be able to handle tional monument within my State. ond cloture vote on S. 3414, the Lieber- something such as an open amendment This happened a few years ago when man cyber security bill. This vote to process because it has demonstrated its President Clinton designated the Grand end debate on a comprehensive, com- ability to do so time and time and time Staircase Escalante National Monu- plex bill that was never reported out of again. ment inside Utah. He didn’t go to Utah committee or subject to a markup Now, let’s talk about some of the to announce it, he went to Arizona to came despite the fact that not a single things I like in this bill. I support the announce it. amendment, except for those used to fact that this bill would increase access This is beautiful land. It is beautiful fill the amendment tree, was allowed to public lands and remove some bur- territory. But all of this was accom- to be made pending to the bill. densome regulations on some activities plished by the stroke of a pen from one The majority leader had made prior occurring on those lands. On the other Chief Executive without any oppor- commitments to allowing a free and hand, I am not as wild about the fact tunity or input from Utah, from its 3 open debate on cyber security, a mat- that this bill devotes $6.5 million on million residents, from its elected offi- ter that Republicans acknowledge neotropical migratory birds on a pro- cials. I think anytime the Federal Gov- must be addressed, especially in the gram that would require 75 percent of ernment takes this kind of action—ac- areas of information sharing, and pro- those funds to be spent outside the tion that will have a profound impact viding some degree of liability protec- United States. I know in the big pic- on the State, on its sovereign rights, tion to those companies that do share ture of things this is a very small fig- on its ability to raise revenue, on its cyber threat information with one an- ure in terms of our total national budg- ability to encourage and promote eco- other and the Federal Government. et. Nevertheless, this is a lot of money. nomic activity within its boundaries— Yet, despite this commitment, the ma- It is a lot of money to hard-working there ought to be input and approval jority leader triggered this second clo- Americans who are paying their taxes from the State legislature. I have an ture vote on the bill and filled the in order to fund programs like this. We amendment that would address this amendment tree throughout floor con- ought at least to have an opportunity concern. sideration of cyber security legislation. to debate amendments so that Ameri- I have another amendment that Now the Senate will hopefully move cans can feel as if their money is being would offer certain Federal lands for to a full and open debate of the na- spent in the United States for causes disposal by a competitive sale process. tional defense authorization bill. Dur- that are important to Americans and We have an enormous amount of land ing the time that that bill is consid- not on birds outside the United States. in this country. Some of it is being put ered on the floor—and I do expect that Other Senators have other dif- to good use; other land is being set bill to be subject to an open amend- ferences with the bill, other concerns. I aside because of its wilderness charac- ment process—my hope is that the ma- agree with some of those concerns; I teristics; still other land is just sitting jority leader will work with me to disagree with others. Each of them there not doing anything. I think some reach agreement on allowing a debate should have an opportunity to have of that land could be sold and some of on cyber security legislation with Re- those concerns aired, to have them de- that money could be used to fund our publican amendments in order, espe- bated in connection with amendments programs—programs that are cash cially since the ranking members of they might choose to introduce. We strapped, along with everything else in Armed Services, Intelligence, Com- should be debating all of them. Instead, this country right now. merce, and Judiciary are all cosponsors in effect, we are debating none of them. These and other amendments need to of a cyber security bill that needs to be That kind of process is especially im- receive consideration. I am not saying considered as part of this debate. portant in this circumstance because, every one of them has to pass in order My expectation is that sometime in you see, this bill, as I understand it, for this legislation to proceed, but December after we have completed has never gone through committee. every one of them ought to be debated, floor debate on the Defense authoriza- Normally, in committee we have an op- and the American people should have tion bill, and then disposed of the In- portunity to put a bill through the an opportunity to have their input telligence authorization bill, we will markup process, to make amendments through their own elected Senators. then attempt to get an agreement on in committee. This didn’t go there. All I would deeply regret it if this were amendments to the cyber security bill. the more reason we should have an somehow an indication that our major- TRIBUTE TO ERNIE ALLEN open amendment process right here. ity leader intends to operate the Sen- Mr. President, I rise to pay tribute to So I have introduced several amend- ate this way, not only throughout the a close personal friend of mine of over ments, and I will refer to just a few of duration of this Congress but into the 40 years, a Kentuckian who is a hero to them. One of them would involve a pro- next Congress as well. I want to be his country and an inspiration to many posal to not spend money we don’t clear that I have great respect and ad- for his work on behalf of children have in order to support the conserva- miration for our majority leader. I where he has made a national impact. tion of multinational species. It will have known him for most of my life— In his 23 years of service as president cost $150 million over 5 years. In other since I was 11 years old, in fact. I con- and chief executive officer of the Na- words, it is one thing to spend money sider him a friend. tional Center for Missing and Exploited on habitat preservation and species re- I ask him—I implore him—as my Children, Ernie Allen has saved thou- habilitation for species that actually friend to reconsider this practice of sands of lives and reunited thousands exist in the United States. It is another filling the tree and thereby forestalling of families.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 Today, November 15, Ernie retires Ernie was an integral part of the during his career. I am honored to say from the helm of the National Center founding of the National Center. He that I have watched and admired his for Missing and Exploited Children, a then became its president and CEO in work for many years, and I am honored private nonprofit center which he co- 1989. He has been a nationally recog- to call him a friend. founded. Under his leadership, the Na- nized authority in combating child ab- Thank you, Ernie, for your great con- tional Center assisted in the recovery duction and exploitation for decades. tribution to the cause of justice. of more than 178,000 missing children. The U.S. Justice Department sought I wrote Ernie a letter congratulating They have trained almost 300,000 law out his expertise in the wake of the him on his career and wishing him well enforcement and criminal justice pro- tragic child murders in Chicago and on his retirement, and I ask unanimous fessionals in policy and protocols for Atlanta, Congress has sought his ex- consent to have that letter printed in missing children investigations. And pert testimony many times on issues the RECORD. they have achieved a missing child re- ranging from international child ab- There being no objection, the mate- covery rate of 97.7 percent. duction, to missing children, to online rial was ordered to be printed in the Losing Ernie’s talents at the Na- crimes against children. RECORD, as follows: tional Center will be a loss for Ken- Ernie worked to secure the passage of NOVEMBER 15, 2012. tucky as well as for the Nation. Ken- the National Child Search Assistance ERNIE ALLEN, tucky was proud to have one of our Act, which prohibits waiting periods President & CEO, National Center for Missing & own leading this important cause. I for initiating missing child investiga- Exploited Children, Prince Street, Alexan- have known Ernie for over 40 years, tions. Previously, some law enforce- dria, VA. dating back to our days at Manual ment agencies refused to take reports DEAR ERNIE: It is an honor to express to you my gratitude for your dedication to pro- High School in Louisville. On the same of missing children until a certain pe- day I won election as president of the tecting America’s children. You’ve brought riod of time had elapsed. Now, thanks peace to thousands of families, and your re- student body of the high school, he was to Ernie, there are no unnecessary bu- elected president of the junior high tirement from the National Center for Miss- reaucratic delays in cases where any ing & Exploited Children will be a great loss. portion of the same school. We both hesitancy can be the difference in re- When you took the reins at the National went on to attend the University of turning an abducted child to their par- Center in 1989, it was easier to track down a Louisville and were actually fraternity ents or opening a murder investigation. missing car than a missing child. Now, brothers there. Ernie advocated for the AMBER thanks to your efforts, the National Center Knowing Ernie so well, I can assure boasts a 97.7 percent recovery rate. Alert Program, which has to date saved you that his dedication to rescuing As your friend of over 40 years, I’ve been 600 abducted children. Today there is missing children runs very deep. Over inspired by your career and character. an AMBER Alert plan in every single 25 years ago, when I was judge execu- Thank you, Ernie, for serving this mission of State. Ernie has always recognized the tive in Jefferson County—a position justice. critical role technology plays in these Sincerely, that is the head of the executive rescue efforts, from the AMBER Alert, MITCH MCCONNELL, branch of county government—Ernie United States Senator. was the director of the Louisville/Jef- to his spearheading the launch of the Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, ferson County Crime Commission. Lou- National Center’s CyberTipline in 1998. This so-called ‘‘911 for the Internet’’ is I suggest the absence of a quorum. isville, of course, is the major city lo- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. cated within Jefferson County, and in a clearing center for reports on crimes against children on the Internet, and HAGAN). The clerk will call the roll. fact these days the city and county The bill clerk proceeded to call the governments have merged. That was so far has received more than 1.5 mil- roll. not the case, however, in those days, lion reports. Ernie is a lawyer and a member of Mr. WARNER. Madam President, I and we in the county government had ask unanimous consent that the order to coordinate and work with officials the Kentucky bar. He is also a teacher, for the quorum call be rescinded. in city government. This Louisville/ having held faculty positions at the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Jefferson County Crime Commission University of Louisville, the University objection, it is so ordered. was one of the best examples of co- of Kentucky, and Indiana University. (The remarks of Mr. WARNER per- operation between city and county gov- He has been honored by his alma taining to the introduction of S. 3635 ernment back in those days. mater, the University of Louisville, as That commission was the first of its a distinguished alumnus of the Louis are printed in todays RECORD under kind to bring police officers and social D. Brandeis School of Law, and as an ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and workers together on behalf of kids. Outstanding Alumnus of the College of Joint Resolutions.’’) Just one innovation Ernie came up Arts and Sciences. I yield the floor. with back then was to make a finger- I am pleased to report to my col- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- print card for as many Kentucky kids leagues that Ernie will not be leaving ator from Vermont. as possible, and send that card home to the fight for America’s kids. No, his Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, what the child’s parents to use to assist in- passion won’t allow him to take a typ- is the parliamentary situation? Are we vestigators in the awful event their ical retirement. We are lucky that in morning business? child ever went missing. even as he is stepping down from his The PRESIDING OFFICER. We are Ernie’s work in Kentucky established role at the helm of the National Center postcloture on S. 3525. him as a national leader in his field as for Missing and Exploited Children, he Mr. LEAHY. I thank the distin- early as 1981. At that time, no nation- will now focus exclusively on his new guished Presiding Officer. I ask unani- wide organization existed to share and role as president and CEO of the Inter- mous consent to proceed for no more distribute information on missing chil- national Center for Missing & Ex- than 5 minutes as in morning business dren. If a child was abducted and taken ploited Children. and then resume in the regular order. over a State line, or even a county line, If there was some way for me to ex- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the chances that law enforcement in press the gratitude that literally thou- objection, it is so ordered. the new jurisdiction had all the infor- sands of American families have for VERMONT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE’S CITIZEN OF mation necessary to save that child Ernie and the National Center, I cer- THE YEAR were quite small. tainly would, but that seems impos- Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, Ernie led the effort to lobby Congress sible. Imagine the relief of just one Vermont is a small State, but it is to establish laws so that police could family who fears the worst about a filled with very big people. Perhaps talk to each other across boundaries missing son or daughter and then, none are better known or more well about these missing children. His work thanks to the National Center for Miss- liked or more respected than Antonio and patience bore fruit in 1984, when ing and Exploited Children, is reunited Pomerleau. He is the Vermont Cham- President Reagan signed the bill cre- with their child safe and sound. Mul- ber of Commerce 2012 Vermont Citizen ating the National Center for Missing tiply that by tens of thousands, and of the Year. Vermonters know Tony and Exploited Children as a public-pri- you will only just begin to see the Pomerleau by many names. They ei- vate partnership. enormous difference Ernie has made ther call him Mr. P or Tony. My wife

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6837 Marcelle and I have the good fortune of The bill clerk proceeded to call the over into the lameduck session issues calling him Uncle Tony. He is my roll. that we should have dealt with months wife’s uncle. They have a family bond Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask ago in the regular order of things with- that I admire. But no matter what we unanimous consent that the order for out the imminent pressure of the fiscal call him, we all agree that the best the quorum call be rescinded. cliff or other things that threaten to term to describe Uncle Tony is ‘‘gen- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. put our country into a recession. erous.’’ CARDIN.) Without objection, it is so or- But the fact is, divided government This is not the first time I have come dered. has yielded some very positive develop- to the floor of the Senate to share sto- THE FISCAL CLIFF ments for the American people in the ries of Tony Pomerleau’s good deeds. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, the past. In 1986, it produced landmark tax Only 6 years ago, the Burlington Free American people have spoken, and once reform when Democrats and Repub- Press named him the 2006 Vermonter of again they have given us divided gov- licans—Ronald Reagan as President, the Year. After that editorial, I came ernment. In that sense, we can say this worked together to make our Tax Code to the floor to tell the story of a suc- was a status quo election. Before the more logical, more equitable, and more cessful real estate magnate turned phi- election, just a week or so ago, we had efficient. Ten years later, divided gov- lanthropist who touched the lives of President Obama in the White House, ernment produced a sweeping overhaul thousands of Vermonters for the past Democrats controlling the Senate, and of our welfare system under then-Presi- several decades. At that time, he was Republicans controlling the House of dent Bill Clinton. Conservative Repub- 89 years old. Representatives. licans joined with a Democratic Presi- This year Tony has undertaken a se- After the election, we have President dent to help millions of lower income ries of good deeds so substantial that it Obama in the White House for another people break free of the cycle of de- would be irresponsible if we 4 years, Democrats controlling the pendency and despair. Vermonters did not acknowledge him Senate, and Republicans with the ma- Of course, we know we have divided with additional recognition and praise. jority in the House. What that tells me government. As I said earlier, we had a In addition to his unwavering philan- is the American people do not com- status quo election in that sense. We thropic commitment to Vermont, this pletely trust either political party to have had divided government since year Tony has demonstrated why he is come up with all the answers. They January 2011 when Republicans re- seen as a pillar of our community—I want those kinds of checks and bal- gained the majority in the House of might say a granite pillar of our com- ances that divided government brings; Representatives. The result over the munity. When Tropical Storm Irene de- that is, conducive of consultation, de- last 2 years sadly is it has produced stroyed people’s homes, Tony imme- liberation, negotiation, and com- legislative stalemates and bitter re- diately donated $1 million to put them promise, not the kind of compromise criminations. Why should anybody back together. When a decade-long that violates one’s most fundamental think things will be different going for- struggle to save a mobile home park in principles. ward? Shelburne, VT, seemed destined to fail, That would be wrong. But as one of I think what is different now from Uncle Tony showed up to rebuild the my colleagues had told me who actu- then is that Republicans and Demo- neighborhood and donate it to the resi- ally—Senator ENZI, I will use his name, crats alike recognize we are at a cross- dents. And when his hometown, New- from Wyoming, one of the most con- roads, that our current fiscal path is port—Marcelle’s birthplace—began dis- servative Members of the Senate on unsustainable, and that we are either cussing plans to reinvigorate its beau- our side from Wyoming, he worked fa- going to send the economy back into a tiful waterfront, Tony offered to lead mously with that—I say this with all recession unless we deal with the fiscal the way. due respect—liberal lion of the Senate, cliff and the sequestration or the alter- Any one of these three activities over Teddy Kennedy, worked very produc- native is—and being an optimist by na- a lifetime would warrant a lifetime tively to produce a lot of legislation ture I think we have an opportunity to achievement award. But Tony out of the HELP Committee. address some of our Nation’s most Pomerleau did them all in 1 year—at One time I asked Senator ENZI how challenging fiscal issues. the age of 95. was it that he and Teddy Kennedy—in But the fact is this. I would love to This year’s very public good deeds go other words, one of the most conserv- have someone tell me I am wrong. I hand in hand with a lifetime of public ative Republicans and one of the most would love to understand any reason and private philanthropy. His gen- liberal Democrats—how did they work they would disagree with this. But I erosity has touched tens of thousands together so productively to come to- would say it should be stipulated by of Vermonters, from college students gether to pass legislation. He said it is Republicans and Democrats alike that at St. Michael’s College, where he has easy. It is easy. He said it is the 80–20 we cannot continue to run trillion-dol- been a leading benefactor, to the strug- rule. I know it sounds simplistic, but lar annual deficits. We cannot continue gling families who attend his commu- there is a lot of wisdom there. If two to run the Federal Government bor- nity Christmas parties, to the families people are trying to work together in a rowing 42 cents out of every $1 the Fed- of our deployed Vermont National bipartisan way to try to advance solu- eral Government spends. We cannot do Guard members who are able to come tions to our Nation’s problems, neither it. together in celebrations with Tony’s side is going to get all they want. The The only reason we can do it now is support. only way perhaps to come up with because interest rates are at historic Perhaps the best gift Tony moving the ball down the road or ad- lows. Because of what is happening in Pomerleau has given Vermont is the vancing solutions is to say: You know Europe, the American dollar is prob- sense of community and work ethic he what. Do not let the perfect become ably the only safe currency, safe har- has instilled in his family and employ- the enemy of the good, and let’s take bor in the world now for people worried ees. He and his wife Rita had 10 chil- the 80 percent we can agree upon and about protecting their savings. But we dren, 8 of whom remain with us today. leave the 20 percent we cannot agree cannot continue along this path. If, for And often one of his many grand- upon for another day and another bat- example, interest rates go up, the children travels with him when he goes tle. amount of money we must pay to our around the State. A lot of wisdom in that it strikes me. creditors such as China simply to keep Vermont is a better place thanks to The fact is that divided government buying our debt—if it were to go up to Tony and his good deeds. On behalf of means that neither Democrats nor Re- historic norms, our national debt all Vermonters, I thank the Vermont publicans are going to get everything would spiral out of control. Chamber of Commerce for spotlighting they want. No legislation can pass. It Right now we see this on our savings, Antonio Pomerleau’s good works on be- cannot pass, no legislation can, strictly on money market accounts or savings half of his beloved fellow Vermonters. along partisan lines. It means bipar- accounts. If we want to save some I suggest the absence of a quorum. tisan compromise is the only avenue to money, about the best interest rate we The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. avoid further gridlock. can get is less than 1 percent return on MCCASKILL). The clerk will call the This Congress has kicked a lot of our savings because the Federal Re- roll. cans down the road. We have punted serve has worked to keep interest rates

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 very low in order to help juice the In 2010, President Obama agreed with was sworn in—4 years after he was first economy and, hopefully, keep us from Republicans and our Democratic sworn in—he has not yet given us a re- going into recession again. But we can- friends agreed with us. As a matter of alistic plan for dealing with the deficit not continue down this path. If interest fact, the extension of the so-called and debt reduction. You might say: rates were to return to their historic Bush tax rates was passed with 81 votes Well, he was unwilling to stick his toe norms, we would spiral out of control in the Senate in 2010. At the time, into those difficult waters knowing he and into a recession or worse. President Obama made what I thought was going to have to run for election Secondly, we cannot continue to put was a perfectly sensible observation. again because all of this is controver- off structural changes in Social Secu- He said, in 2010, with the economy sial, no question about it, on both sides rity and Medicare. I would think Re- growing so slowly, with economic of the aisle. publicans and Democrats alike would growth down around 3 percent, which I would think now that the President agree that we want to save and pre- was producing high unemployment be- has been reelected for another 4 years serve Social Security and Medicare for cause the economy was not growing and he doesn’t have to stand before the our seniors. We may have different fast enough, he said: It make no sense voters again, he would feel flexibility, ideas about how to do that, but I would to raise taxes during that kind of frag- he would feel as though he has the po- think we could agree on the goal. So ile economic recovery. That makes me litical freedom to try to address this far we have heard nothing from the wonder what has changed between now problem in a bipartisan way. President to deal with our broken pro- and 2010, except for the fact that eco- Last February Secretary Geithner grams such as Social Security and nomic growth is even slower. The econ- told the Republican chairman of the Medicare. omy is even worse today than it was in House Budget Committee, ‘‘We’re not Unless we are happy with the Tax coming before you to say we have a de- Code that wastes economic resources, 2010. President Obama has said—contrast finitive solution to our long-term prob- that stifles job creation, and promotes what he said in 2010. He said: Raising lem. What we do know is we don’t like crony capitalism, we cannot delay gen- taxes will help solve our long-term yours.’’ That strikes me as a strange uine tax reform. So we have an oppor- debt problems. He says: Raising taxes response given the responsibility we all tunity. We do not have to speculate on will help us solve our long-term debt have to protect the interests of our what bipartisan tax reform looks like. problems. But it is hard to take that country and the American people when We do not have to speculate. We do not argument seriously if we look at it it comes to keeping us on a sound eco- have to start from scratch. That is be- closely. nomic path and hopefully putting cause in 2010 two separate bipartisan First, according to the President’s America back to work. commissions recommended lowering own Treasury Department, the tax in- It is easy in a campaign season for the rates and broadening the base and creases he is advocating would gen- the President to talk about the need eliminating a lot of tax expenditure de- erate about $85 billion a year in new for a ‘‘balanced approach’’ when it ductions and credits which, in order to net revenue. These tax increases would comes to the budget. Of course, we all get the revenue the Federal Govern- generate about $85 billion in new net have our own ideas about how that bal- ment needs to operate every time we revenue. By comparison, the monthly ance should be struck, but a truly bal- grant a new tax expenditure, deduction budget deficit in October was $120 bil- anced approach would include reining or credit, what it means is we need to lion. The President says raised taxes in Federal spending and preserving and raise marginal tax rates, the percent- would generate $85 billion; Treasury is protecting Social Security and Medi- age of tax people need to pay out of saying $85 billion doesn’t close the gap care. As a matter of political reality, it their net worth. Why is that impor- to $120 billion, which is the current should include revenue, and our side of tant? level of monthly deficits. the aisle has identified ways that addi- Because the higher we raise marginal As we know, the Federal Government tional revenue might be put on the tax rates, it operates as a disincentive has run annual deficits in excess of $1 table, but that is simply not enough by on small businesses and individuals trillion for at least each of the last 4 itself to address the whole problem and whom we are depending upon to grow years, leading to a $16 trillion national jobs. Many small businesses do not op- is not a serious proposal in terms of debt, roughly the size of our entire erate as a corporation, a big C corpora- solving the complex economic situa- tion, they operate as a subchapter S economy. These are dangerous waters tion in which we find ourselves. There is nothing balanced, though, corporation. They operate as a sole we are navigating. The President has proprietorship or a partnership. The argued that we need to raise taxes, but about continuing to spend money we point is they pay business incomes, the he has not provided a prescription for don’t have and piling up trillions of people who run those small businesses, closing the gap between what the Fed- dollars in new debt. It is irresponsible they pay flowthrough income on a per- eral Government spends and what we for our generation to impose on the sonal tax return not on a corporate tax take in, even with these tax increases. generation of these young people sit- return. He has proposed nothing, absolutely ting in front of me the debt they are So higher marginal rates nothing to deal with our unsustainable going to have to pay. We are kidding disincentivize these smaller businesses entitlement programs so we can keep ourselves if we think there is not a from spending money to hire new staff the promise we have made to our sen- price to be paid for spending money we or to start or expand their existing iors that when they qualify for Medi- don’t have. We ought to be big enough, business. That is why keeping marginal care and Social Security, those pro- we ought to be responsible enough to rates down low for as long as we can grams will be there for them. these young people, to our constitu- for everybody is so important. Yet be- I don’t believe we can tax our way ents, and to the American people to fore we get to this important point of back to budget surpluses and economic deal with this in a responsible way. dealing with our broken Tax Code, be- prosperity. I am not a Ph.D. in eco- That doesn’t mean threatening Amer- fore we can implement this, support nomics, but I do think it is a matter of ica with a recession and almost 1 mil- this sort of comprehensive tax reform common sense to say that we cannot lion people being put out of work if we that they did in 1986 with President tax our way back into prosperity with- drive off the fiscal cliff. It strikes me Reagan and Democrats in Congress, we out a major reining in of Federal as the height of irresponsibility for the need to stop America from driving off spending and entitlement reforms, President or anyone else to say: If I the fiscal cliff. which will continue to run up huge don’t get what I want, we are going to If we do not act between now and the deficits, which cumulatively will add put America into a recession. end of the year, Republicans and Demo- to that $16 trillion of debt. That will Can you believe that? It is com- crats alike, we will see the single larg- happen regardless what we do on the pletely irresponsible. est tax increase in American history. revenue side, which is the only part of If the President is going to claim a How is that possible? As you know, the that equation the President has ad- mandate for governing, then he has a so-called Bush tax provisions that were dressed so far. responsibility to offer a genuine solu- passed are getting ready to expire. That brings me to my second point. tion to America’s fiscal challenges. I Those only lasted for 10 years. Nearly 4 years after President Obama am not saying he is going to offer a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6839 plan that this side of the aisle is going look back and keep pointing the finger will hinder his ability to grow his busi- to embrace, but what it does is it be- of blame. We need to say that this is ness, he assuredly will tell you they gins the negotiations we know we have the hand we have been dealt, this is the will. He understands that the more the to engage in between the different sides job we have volunteered for and gotten government takes from him, the less of the argument to try to come up with a vote of confidence in the election he has to put back into his business. that 80/20 proposition, that we can ac- that our constituents have enough con- This is in line with the general un- tually address these problems and fidence in us that we will act respon- derstanding around here that taxes can leave some of our other fights and dif- sibly and not kick the can down the be used as both a carrot and a stick to ferences for a future day. road and make the price for our inac- affect behavior. If you want to discour- Unless the President offers a plan, tion and irresponsibility paid for by age behavior you impose a tax. If you his posturing over the national debt the American people or these young want to encourage behavior you pro- cannot be taken seriously. And if he people who sit here before me. I hope vide a tax incentive. threatens that ‘‘if I don’t get what I we seize that opportunity. I want to be For example, the excise tax on ciga- want, we are going to go off the cliff part of the solution. I am willing to rettes has been increased to reduce the and put America in recession and cast tough votes, and I am willing to number of people smoking. A tax has Americans out of work,’’ that is irre- stand before my constituents and say: been imposed on individuals for not sponsible and I submit it would be a You know what, we had to solve this purchasing insurance, so more will. violation of the oath of office. problem. As long as people are still en- Our tax code is littered with tax incen- A few final thoughts. gaged in campaigning rather than gov- tives to get people to do more of the None of us came to Washington to erning, as long as we are playing to the things we like and less of the things we try to play small ball. We came here to television audiences and the peanut don’t like. Individuals and businesses try to do important work. I accept the gallery rather than trying to solve have and do respond to these incen- fact that 100 Senators from every part these problems, we won’t do it. But I tives. of the country, from all political phi- hope we will seize it. I am optimistic Yet, if we are to believe the other losophies came here because they we will. side, when it comes to marginal income wanted to do the right thing for their Mr. President, I yield the floor and tax rates the influence of taxes ceases constituents and the American people. suggest the absence of a quorum. to exist. According to them, we can I would stipulate to that. Granted, we The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. raise income taxes on the wealthy as all have different philosophies of gov- SHAHEEN). The clerk will call the roll. high as we want with no ill effects for ernment and the role of government The legislative clerk proceeded to jobs and the economy. that might lead us in different direc- call the roll. Well I have news for my colleagues; tions. That is what our debate is all Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I high marginal tax rates influence about. It is irresponsible for anyone to ask unanimous consent that the order many factors that contribute to eco- suggest that we should not tackle for the quorum call be rescinded. nomic growth. Capital accumulation these problems in an open, transparent, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and the availability of a well trained and responsible sort of way. objection, it is so ordered. labor force are two important factors Why would we want to play small THE FISCAL CLIFF influenced by taxes. Just as an increase ball? Why would we want to refuse to Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, in the excise tax on cigarettes leads to tackle the Nation’s most serious fiscal in less then 2 months, American tax- fewer packs of cigarettes being pur- problems? Why would we want to con- payers are set to experience one of the chased, increasing taxes on capital re- tinue to see 23 million Americans ei- largest tax increases in American his- duces capital accumulation. Likewise, ther out of work or underemployed, tory. With the elections behind us, it is the more you tax labor the fewer hours with people taking part-time jobs be- time for us to work together to reach worked you will get. In other words, cause they can’t find full-time employ- an agreement that can pass both cham- taxes matter. ment? Of course, more Americans back bers of Congress and be signed by the Some of my colleagues on the other to work means more people who actu- President. side have pointed to a Congressional ally pay taxes, which is part of the so- Reaching an agreement won’t be Research Service report they claim lution to closing that gap between easy, but it must be done to avoid proves raising the top marginal tax what we spend and what we bring in. going head first off the fiscal cliff. By rate does not impact economic growth. I realize and I don’t want to mini- this time we are all aware of the Con- There has been ample criticism of this mize the importance of the daunting gressional Budget Office warning that one analysis that I will not go into challenges we face. We were sent here failing to come together threatens to here. to face them, not go hide under our send us into another recession. But, even if one gives any credence to desk, not say: Well, I don’t want to do An agreement is certainly doable, this one analysis, it must be viewed in that; I don’t want to vote on that issue but all we hear about is what revenues light of a larger body of economic re- because I might get an opponent in the Republicans are willing to put on the search that indicates higher taxes do next election. I believe these enormous table. hinder economic growth. challenges are enormous opportunities We need to hear what the President This research confirms that high in disguise. I admit I come from Texas and my colleagues on the other side are marginal rates reduce the hours and we are optimists by nature. We be- prepared to tackle in regard to reform- worked and are a disincentive to small lieve that for every challenge, every ing entitlements that are the long- business owners and entrepreneurs. complication, every problem, some- term drivers of our fiscal problems. Among this research is a 2007 study where in there is an opportunity for us That being said, we will not be able by Christina Romer that found that a to deal responsibly and in an account- to reach an agreement if the other side tax increase of 1 percent of GDP re- able sort of way to our constituents to continues to insist on punishing entre- duces economic growth by as much as pass the long-overdue reforms that preneurs and small businesses in the 3 percent. According to this study, tax would balance our budget, revitalize name of raising taxes on the increases have such a substantial effect our economy, restore American com- ‘‘wealthy.’’ on economic growth because of the petitiveness, and put Americans back My colleagues on the other side of ‘‘powerful negative effect of tax in- to work. the aisle seem to believe that tax in- creases on investment.’’ None of us came here to play small creases, particularly on high-income The last thing we need to do now is ball. We now have a momentous oppor- individuals, do not matter. They argue discourage business investment. Busi- tunity to maybe swallow a little bit of that raising taxes on the so-called ness investment has been stagnate. our pride, to show a little humility, wealthy will return us to the economic This has directly contributed to slower maybe. Something you don’t think of growth experienced at the height of the economic growth than in past eco- when you think about politicians is hu- 1990s. nomic recoveries. It has also contrib- mility. But I think we all have to real- This defies common sense. If you ask uted to weak job creation and wage ize the hand we have been dealt, not a business owner if raising his taxes growth.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 Raising marginal tax rates on entre- Further research confirms that high Based on 2009 tax returns, if you raised preneurs and business owners, thereby marginal tax rates leads to fewer hours the top tax rate on income over $200,000 reducing their after-tax rate of return worked. A 2008 study that appeared in to 100 percent, you would still come is not the answer. the Journal of Monetary Economics short of covering the the $1.1 trillion We need to give entrepreneurs and and a 2004 study conducted by the Fed- budget deficit for fiscal year 2012. business owners the certainty they eral Reserve Bank of Minneapolis ex- This back of the envelope calculation need to start investing again. amined how taxes impact the labor assumes that people will not work less The Organization for Economic Co- supply across time and across coun- or engage in tax planning or fraud to operation and Development has issued tries. avoid such a confiscatory tax. I imag- several reports analyzing how different Both of these studies found that ine my colleagues on the other side forms of taxation impact economic countries with higher marginal tax would even concede this would be the growth. This OECD research found that rates generally worked fewer hours. case with such a high rate. income taxes significantly impact eco- Conversely, those with low marginal For people out there who think they nomic growth. rates worked more hours. In fact, these don’t have to worry about the Presi- According to this research, the most studies, controlling for other variables, dent’s proposals because you are not damaging tax was the corporate in- found that the marginal tax rate ac- wealthy, my message to you is this: come tax followed by the individual in- counted for the ‘‘vast majority’’ or You should be worried, because in come tax. The study further noted that ‘‘preponderance’’ of the difference in order to tackle the deficit and pay for highly progressive individual income hours worked. all his proposed new spending; the tax rates are negatively associated Research by economist Michael President will have to increase taxes with economic growth. Keane has highlighted that high mar- on individuals well under $200,000. The United States of course relies ex- ginal rates have the biggest impact on The President of course claims that tensively on both corporate and indi- labor over the long-run. This is because he wants a balanced approach to deficit vidual income taxes. Our corporate of the effect of marginal rates on life- reduction. He says we should do a com- rate of 35 percent is the highest in time decisions. bination of tax increases and spending OECD countries, which is bad in its While a sudden increase in taxes may cuts. So far he has been rather specific own right. But a large number of not lead to an immediate shift in cur- about his tax increases. However, he American businesses are taxed at the rent hours worked, it will impact fu- has not said much about entitlements individual rate, not the corporate rate. ture decisions. that are going to be the main drivers of For instance, higher marginal rates We also already have a highly progres- our national debt over the coming will discourage the accumulation of sive tax system. In fact, according to a years and decades. 2008 OECD study we have ‘‘the most human capital through work experi- The President needs to lead in this ence and training. His review of re- progressive tax system and collect the area to get a serious discussion rolling. search in this area further concluded largest share of taxes from the richest He needs to begin offering serious solu- that the effect of high marginal tax 10 percent of the population.’’ tions, not just attacking those that rates is especially pronounced when it Currently, the top individual rate of have been offered up by Congressman comes to women’s participation in the 35 percent is the same as the top cor- RYAN in his budget proposal. workforce. porate rate. Starting in 2013, if the Given my tenure in Congress, I have There are many more examples of learned to be skeptical when people President has his way, the top rate economic research that point to high goes up to 39.6 percent with the second tax rates hindering economic growth. around here start saying we will reduce highest rate scheduled to go up to 36 For the sake of time, I am not going to the deficit by raising taxes now and percent from 33 percent. When you con- go through all of them. Instead, I will cutting spending later. Especially when sider the effects of the personal exemp- ask unanimous consent to place a list no specifics are articulated regarding tion phase-out and limitation on what programs can be cut or what re- of more than 20 studies in the RECORD. itemized deductions, the marginal ef- This is by no means an exhaustive list, forms they will accept for addressing fective tax rate jumps to over 41 per- but I believe these provide a good entitlements. It’s been my experience cent. starting point for my colleagues who in these situations, the taxes always go These tax increases will hinder the are interested in learning the truth up, but the spending cuts never happen. growth of small businesses, and of about taxes. Professor Vedder of Ohio University, course, slower business growth means In sum, this research suggests that who has studied tax increases and slow job growth. soaking the rich through an ever more spending for more than two decades, Evidence of this is documented by a progressive tax code will only reduce confirms this in recent research. Pro- 2001 study available from the National incentives for work and entrepreneur- fessor Vedder looked at tax increases Bureau of Economic Research. This ship thereby reducing economic and spending spanning from the end of study looked at how the marginal rate growth. It means that for a couple de- WW II through 2009 and discovered that cuts in the 1986 tax reform affected the ciding whether or not a spouse who left ‘‘each dollar of new tax revenue has growth of small firms. the workforce should go back to work, been associated with $1.17 in new The study showed that businesses taxes matter; spending’’. that experienced the largest marginal for an Individual who is considering If we are ever going to get a handle rate cuts saw their businesses grow the investing in their own human capital on the deficit, we are going to need to fastest. Conversely, the study con- through education or training to in- learn to live within our means. Spend- cluded that when marginal tax rates go crease their earning potential, taxes ing as a percent of GDP has averaged up, the growth of small businesses goes matter; about 20.5 percent since 1970. From down. for a small business owner consid- 1998–2001, when we did balance the Similarly, a 2005 study conducted by ering hiring employees, purchasing budget, spending as a percent of GDP the Small Business Administration equipment, or expanding their busi- averaged 18.5 percent. In fact we have found that ‘‘lower marginal rates on ness, taxes matter; never balanced the budget with spend- entrepreneurial income encourage for an entrepreneur deciding whether ing as percent of GDP exceeding 20 per- more entrepreneurial entry and lower or not a business venture is worth pur- cent. Spending under President Obama rates of exit, and lengthen the duration suing, taxes matter. has averaged 24.5 percent of GDP. We of spells of activity.’’ This means that Let me turn to another argument must curtail our spending if we ever if my colleagues are successful in rais- used by my colleagues on the other hope to balance the budget in the fu- ing the top two marginal rates there side to support increasing taxes. This ture. will be less entrepreneurial activity. argument is that tax increases on the Some around here insist that cutting Fewer people will seek to start their ‘‘wealthy’’ are necessary to reduce the spending will be as damaging, if not own business and more current busi- deficit and balance the budget. more so, than increasing taxes. They ness owners will be looking to close up The truth is there are not enough so- use the rationale of spending multi- shop. called rich people to make this happen. pliers pushed by some economists that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6841 suggest for every dollar of spending by 3. Michael Keane. 2011. ‘‘Labor Supply and The assistant bill clerk proceeded to the government we will get more than Taxes: A Survey,’’ Journal of Economic Lit- call the roll. a dollar in economic activity. erature. Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask This theory is deeply flawed. Even if 4. Christina D. Romer and David H. Romer. unanimous consent that the order for 2010. ‘‘The Macroeconomic Effects of Tax we assume the government spends Changes: Estimates Based on a New Measure the quorum call be rescinded. money wisely with no fraud, waste or of Fiscal Shocks,’’ American Economic Re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without abuse—and that is a big if—it means view. objection, it is so ordered. one less dollar to be spent by the pri- 5. Robert Barro and Charles Redlick. 2010. Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask vate sector. ‘‘Macroeconomic Effects from Government unanimous consent that on Monday, If this was solid economic theory our Purchases and Taxes,’’ Mercatus Working November 26, it be in order for Senator economy should be booming given all Paper. SESSIONS or his designee to be recog- the money we have been spending 6. Andreas Bergh and Martin Karlsson. nized in order to raise a Budget Act 2010. ‘‘Government Size and Growth: Ac- point of order against the Reid for around here. The truth is spending is counting for Economic Freedom and not the solution to our problems, it is Globalization,’’ Public Choice. Tester amendment No. 2875 and that it our problem. It is what got us into this 7. Andrew Mountford and Harold Uhlig. be in order for Senator REID or his des- mess in the first place. 2009. ‘‘What Are the Effects of Fiscal Policy ignee to make a motion to waive the For my colleagues who are still wed- Shocks?’’ Journal of Applied Econometrics. point of order; further, that at 5:30 p.m. ded to the idea that tax increases are 8. Alberto Alesina and Silvia Ardagna. 2009. on Monday, November 26, the Senate preferable to spending cuts, I rec- ‘‘Large Changes in Fiscal Policy: Taxes vs. proceed to vote on the motion to ommend reading a recent study by Har- Spending,’’ NBER Working Paper. waive, if raised; that if the motion to 9. Jens Arnold. 2008. ‘‘Do Tax Structures waive is successful, the Reid amend- vard Economist Alberto Alesina. Given Affect Aggregate Economic Growth? Empir- the fiscal shape of many countries, ical Evidence From a Panel of OECD Coun- ments Nos. 2876, 2877, 2878, and 2879 be Professor Alesina studied the impact of tries.’’ Organisation for Economic Co-oper- withdrawn en bloc; the Reid for Tester spending and tax policies put in place ation and Development Working Paper. substitute amendment No. 2875 be to address fiscal imbalances. 10. Lee Ohanian, Andrea Raffo, and Rich- agreed to; that no further amendments His research concluded that ‘‘fiscal ard Rogerson. 2008. ‘‘Long-term Charges in or motions be in order prior to a vote adjustments based upon spending cuts Labor Supply and Taxes: Evidence from on passage of S. 3525, as amended, with are much less costly in terms of output OECD Countries, 1956–2004,’’ Journal of Mon- no intervening action or debate; and losses than tax based ones. In par- etary Economics. 11. Diego Romero-A´ vila and Rolf Strauch. that if the motion to waive is not suc- ticular, spending-based adjustments 2008. ‘‘Public Finances and Long-Term cessful, Senator HARRY REID be recog- have been associated with mild and Growth in Europe: Evidence from a Panel nized. short-lived recessions, in many cases Data Analysis,’’ European Journal of Polit- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there with no recession at all. Instead, tax- ical Economy. objection? based adjustments have been followed 12. Donald Bruce and Tami Gurley. 2005. Without objection, it is so ordered. by prolonged and deep recessions.’’ ‘‘Taxes and Entrepreneurial Activity: An DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION This research paper comes on the Empirical Investigation Using Longitudinal Mr. REID. Madam President, we have heels of a paper he released in 2009. Tax Return Data.’’ Small Business Adminis- tration Office of Advocacy. had a number of individuals come to This paper similarly found that poli- 13. Edward Prescott. 2004. ‘‘Why Do Ameri- the floor over the last several months cies favoring spending cuts over tax in- cans Work So Much More Than Europeans?’’ and say they want to move to the De- creases are more likely to reduce the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quar- fense authorization bill. So yesterday I deficit. terly Review. said: Fine, let’s move to it. What Sen- In the words of Professor Alesina, fis- 14. Steven J. Davis and Magnus Henrekson. ator LEVIN and Senator MCCAIN said cal adjustments ‘‘based upon spending 2004. ‘‘Tax Effects on Work Activity, Indus- they wanted are relevant amendments. cuts and no tax increases are more try Mix and Shadow Economy Size: Evidence I said: Fine, we will do it. But my likely to reduce deficits and debt over from Rich-Country Comparisons,’’ National Bureau of Economic Research. friends can’t take ‘‘yes’’ for an answer. Gross Domestic Product ratios than 15. William M. Gentry and R. Glenn Hub- So we will come back after a recess for those based upon tax increases.’’ bard. 2004. ‘‘Success Taxes, Entrepreneurial Thanksgiving and look at it again, and These studies confirm what through Entry, and Innovation,’’ National Bureau of maybe by then they will take ‘‘yes’’ for shear common sense Winston Churchill Economic Research. an answer. knew more than a half century ago, 16. Emanuela Cardia, Norma Kozhaya, and If we are going to move to these bills ‘‘for a nation to try and tax itself into Francisco J. Ruge-Murcia. 2003. and have amendments offered—that is prosperity is like a man standing in a ‘‘Distortionary Taxation and Labor Supply,’’ what they want, and that is what I said bucket and trying to lift himself up by Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. 17. Olivier Blanchard and Roberto Perotti. they could do, so I don’t fully under- the handle.’’ 2002. ‘‘An Empirical Characterization of the stand the problem. But I am not filing In the coming weeks, I hope to work Dynamic Effects of Changes in Government cloture on a motion to proceed. I am with my colleagues and the President Spending and Taxes on Output,’’ Quarterly not going to do that. It is an important to reach a bipartisan agreement to help Journal of Economics. bill. But I want the record to be very put our country back on sound fiscal 18. Fabio Padovano and Emma Galli. 2002. clear. I am not the cause. We are not footing. However, as I said in the be- ‘‘Comparing the Growth Effects of Marginal the cause of this Defense authorization ginning, it can’t be just one side of the vs. Average Tax Rates and Progressivity,’’ bill not being brought to the floor. I aisle that is expected to come to the European Journal of Political Economy. 19. Fabio Padovano and Emma Galli. 2001. have agreed to do it, as I was requested table. My colleagues on the other side ‘‘Tax Rates and Economic Growth in the to do by both Senator LEVIN and Sen- must be willing to put real reforms to OECD Countries (1950–1990),’’ Economic In- ator MCCAIN. address entitlements and our out of quiry. I yield the floor. control spending on the table. 20. Robert Carroll, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- I ask unanimous consent the list to Mark Rider and Harvey S. Rosen. 1998. ‘‘En- pore. The Senator from New Jersey. which I referred be printed in the trepreneurs, Income Taxes, and Investment,’’ SUPERSTORM SANDY RECORD. National Bureau of Economic Research. Mr. MENENDEZ. Madam President, I 21. Eric Engen and Jonathan Skinner. 1996. There being no objection, the mate- rise to celebrate the people of New Jer- rial was ordered to be printed in the ‘‘Taxation and Economic Growth,’’ National Tax Journal. sey, many of whom lost everything in RECORD, as follows: 22. Nada Elissa. 1995. ‘‘Taxation and Labor Superstorm Sandy but who came 1. Alberto Alesina, Carlo Favero, and Supply of Married Women: The Tax Reform through one of the most devastating Francesco Giavazzi. ‘‘The Output Effect of Act of 1986 as a Natural Experiment,’’ Na- storms in our State’s history battered Fiscal Consolidations.’’ National Bureau of tional Bureau of Economic Research. but not broken. Economic Research. 2. Michael Keane and Richard Rogerson. Mr. GRASSLEY. I yield the floor. The storm struck New Jersey with 2012. ‘‘Micro and Macro Labor Supply Elas- I suggest the absence of a quorum. extraordinary force. It was the entry ticities: A Reassessment of Conventional The PRESIDING OFFICER. The point of Superstorm Sandy, and the Wisdom.’’ Journal of Economic Literature. clerk will call the roll. surge came quickly, destroying whole

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 communities, taking homes from their Here is another photograph of the ex- All of these cars were floating, some foundations, changing the topography traordinary power of Sandy’s surge of them crashing into each other, ren- of the coastline, devastating some of that lifted boats on to a rail bridge dered largely useless, and, of course, the most densely populated commu- along the north Jersey coastline. stopping a major thoroughfare for days nities in the country, taking lives and Amazingly, through the hard work of in terms of anybody being able to get taking property, leaving New New Jersey Transit workers, this dev- through. Jerseyans without power but not pow- astated rail line might be able to re- And if the images do not give you a erless, without the personal posses- sume limited service by the end of this sense of the destruction and the loss sions accumulated over a lifetime but week. families have suffered, then this next with their families and their memories But this line, like many other com- photograph encapsulates the power of intact. Their memories are the founda- muter lines in New Jersey, will need the storm to take away all that people tion upon which New Jerseyans are re- much more extensive work to get serv- had worked for all of their lives. It is in covering and rebuilding their lives and ice levels back to normal and to make the faces of the people I met. their communities. They are rebuilding more permanent repairs to ensure long- Here in Pleasantville, NJ, which is with the help of FEMA and other Fed- term reliability. right outside Atlantic City along a sec- eral agencies, including the American But beyond the transportation dam- tion there, the mayor of Pleasantville Red Cross and countless volunteers age, it is important to remember that took me to meet a series of residents from around the country, State and some lost everything in the storm and whose homes had been ripped apart. local officials,working overtime to some lost their lives. Our thoughts and In this picture, I am standing outside help. New Jersey will come back prayers go out to all the families who of the person’s home, almost as if it were a dollhouse, looking in. I would stronger and better, and we are more lost loved ones to Super Sandy. I toured some of the worst hit areas love to have said that it was only this determined than ever to rebuild and re- with President Obama and Governor poor gentleman, but it was an entire store our communities to where they Christie and spoke to New Jerseyans community where homes had been were. The people of New Jersey withstood who suffered extraordinary loss and ripped apart and you could see into were hit the hardest. the unbridled power of nature—the their homes. It shows the nature of, the Some of these photos I am about to breadth and scope of, the devastation. power of nature strengthened by man- show now I took myself. They may not It is not that this gentleman lost a made climate change—to create an un- be the best photographs and I may not shingle, it is that he lost the whole side precedented storm and unprecedented be the best photographer, but they of his home, now exposed to the ele- . I wish to share with my col- show a small part of the overall de- ments and, of course, everything ripped leagues some of the photos showing the struction my State has suffered. apart. devastation and why New Jersey needs You can see in this photograph from The other aspect about this picture, a strong Federal partner if we hope to the Coast Guard plane I was aboard in addition to the incredible destruc- rebuild. some of the destruction at Sandy tion, is the resiliency. When I went to As my colleagues can see, Sandy Hook, NJ. These homes are deeply share my sentiments and my concern mixed all forms of transportation with under water, many of them rendered with this gentleman, he asked me: How a force we haven’t seen in many years. impossible to return to for a signifi- are you doing, Senator? I said: Well, This is a shipping container and a large cant period of time. There are other sir, what is more important is, how are pleasure boat tossed onto the Morgan homes I will show you where people you doing? He said: I’m doing fine. I’m rail bridge on the North Jersey coast- cannot return to what was their home. here, I’m alive, and I still have part of line along with tons of debris. The This is a photograph of the flooding my home. photo shows the container from the in the Mantoloking area north of Sea- So sometimes when we think about shipping lines and the boat on a bridge side Heights that submerged cars and how difficult our lives might be at any that obviously was a rail bridge. caused millions of dollars of damage given moment, I think about this gen- You can see, we have a lot of work to and thousands to be displaced from tleman and the extraordinary resil- do with scenes like this up and down their homes. This bridge actually col- iency he has had in the midst of prob- the coast. lapsed at the end there, leaving this ably one of the most difficult times in In this photograph, you can see the whole section in difficulty in terms of his life. And there are so many other kind of damage that our rail lines have exit off the barrier islands. New Jerseyans whom I met like that. suffered—heaved from the railroad beds I took the next two photographs I met a young woman in Hoboken and buckled. This again is along the while touring northern New Jersey. I whose entire basement apartment was north Jersey coastline, which had have shown most of the pictures from flooded—totally gone. She lost every- miles of track damaged just like this, the shore area, which took the hardest thing she had worked for in her young as shown in this photograph, and in hit, because that was the entry point professional life. In the midst of that need of millions of dollars in repairs. largely for Superstorm Sandy, but it tragedy for her, she was at a shelter, In fact, 40 percent of the Nation’s was not just along the shore. Here is an running the shelter, helping everybody transit riders from Washington to Bos- example of the type of flooding that else who had been displaced—some not ton had their service interrupted. Doz- took place in Hoboken, NJ. On the as badly as her, not thinking about her ens and dozens of New Jersey Transit’s night of the storm, this flooding was tomorrow, but thinking about her fel- locomotives and rail cars were dam- just beginning, and it only got worse, low citizens in Hoboken, NJ. aged by flooding. So today I am proud so much so that it took the National I met some poor families who were to announce that we expedited $25 mil- Guard to rescue residents from their not badly affected by the storm who lion in transportation funding to help homes, days—days—after the storm. It opened their homes and their kitchen ease that situation. filled the streets with overflow from tables to individuals who were their But some commuters into New York, sewage plants. Gasoline was reeking in neighbors who were hurt very badly. for example, from my home State of the air—a danger to the health and And even though they did not have a New Jersey are still suffering 4-hour well-being of residents. And it made lot to put around the kitchen table, commutes, with rail service only about the damage even worse than anyone they were sharing what they had. half of what it normally is, largely be- had imagined possible. I saw citizens risk their own lives to cause there still is not enough power The next photograph I took is of Ob- save their neighbors’ lives in the rush- for all the trains. server Highway. This is a major thor- ing water and heard their accounts. So In the meantime, New Jersey has oughfare between two significant parts I saw the better angels of people in the added subsidized ferry service to make of the metropolitan area, between the midst of a storm. up the difference, with the Federal De- city of Hoboken and the city of Jersey The fact is, despite the damage and partment of Transportation providing City, the second largest city in our displacement, the human suffering and over 300 buses to help serve those new State. I cannot remember ever seeing loss of property, possessions, personal ferry lines, including one out of Lib- the area so expansively under water, photographs and family memories, the erty State Park. and I hope to never see it again. people of New Jersey held together.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6843 Neighbors came together to help one I asked the President and Secretary Without a doubt, those have been another. As much as they were shaken LaHood for emergency funds to repair trying times for New Jersey. But now, and mourned their own loss, they highways and bridges and to expedite just because those scenes may no worked together to help each other, to assistance to all impacted modes of longer be showing in living rooms save each other, to begin the recovery, transportation. across the country does not mean that to get New Jersey back on its feet, and I called on the President to dispatch the recovery is over. Federal, State, and local governments emergency fuel and power supplies to Thousands of families are still dis- were there to help. New Jersey to ease the fuel shortage placed from their homes and will be for The Federal response was quick, and and to keep emergency vehicles run- months to come. it was effective, but there is still so ning in the immediate aftermath of the Transit lines are still out. Commu- much more that we need to do, and storm. nity infrastructure still has to be re- still more that we can do to help those To ensure critical infrastructure— built. Now is not the time for the Fed- families who are still without shelter, water treatment and sanitation facili- eral Government to walk away. It is still without a place to return to, to ties—we received the help of the Army more crucial now than ever for the call home, and without a clear picture Corps of Engineers to have these facili- Federal Government to help devastated of what the future holds. ties remain operable. communities rebuild, help families get The storm was unprecedented in the The Federal Government also re- the assistance they need to repair their breadth of its devastation. While our sponded with $10 million in emergency homes, and put their lives back to- shoreline was hard hit, that does not funding, with some of those critical gether. begin to describe the full impact. Some transportation needs, freed up 2 million I for one will not rest until the re- of our Nation’s most densely populated gallons of fuel from the Northeast Oil building is done. This is one country, communities were also hit very hard, Reserve, and the EPA took action that the United States of America. That is requiring one of the biggest rescue and rerouted this fuel to New Jersey when why, when there was destruction in recovery efforts we have seen. A re- it needed it the most. New Orleans with Katrina, in Florida, sponse that size, obviously, takes time, The Federal response also included a in Joplin, or crop destruction in the but we acted quickly and will continue grant for New Jersey to hire 1,000 Midwest, I came along with other col- to do what needs to be done. workers to help communities clean up leagues to support those communities. After surveying Sandy’s damage with from the storm. I viewed it as my time to stand with President Obama and Governor But, despite all of that, many fami- my fellow Americans in distress. Christie on October 31, Senator LAU- lies in my State are still suffering. Now it is time for my fellow Ameri- TENBERG and I called for increased sup- They have lost much, and many are cans to stand with New Jersey. New port from the Federal Government to displaced, some permanently, from Jersey has been battered, but we are deal with the cost of response efforts. their homes. That is why I have called not broken. We are stronger and more In a letter to the President, we asked for the immediate suspension of fore- united in our efforts to work together that the Federal share for disaster re- closures and evictions for all New Jer- to recover, rebuild, and recommit our- sponse be increased from the standard sey homeowners who faced financial selves to uniting around our common 75 percent to a much higher possibly difficulties before the storm and now concerns and shared values rather than 100 percent because of the devastating are suffering additional difficulties in divided by our differences. That is the impact of what meteorologists have the wake of it; and for swift action to lesson we learned. And together we will called a perfect storm. The President initially issued a dis- expand emergency mortgage payment rebuild and the Garden State will aster declaration for eight New Jersey relief to all New Jersey homeowners bloom once again. who have lost income as a result of I yield the floor and I suggest the ab- counties and, along with Senator LAU- Hurricane Sandy. sence of a quorum. TENBERG, we requested additional coun- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ties be included, and they were. That is why we must work to give Before walking with the President them certainty of what the Federal pore. The clerk will call the roll. and the Governor through Brigantine, Government will do to help them re- The bill clerk proceeded to call the NJ, I had an opportunity to tour the build their lives so they can make crit- roll. destruction in Pleasantville, Hoboken, ical decisions as to their futures. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask Jersey City, and communities in Ber- What I take away from this experi- unanimous consent that the order for gen County. What I saw was unlike ence is the fact that we are all in this the quorum call be rescinded. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- anything I had ever seen in my lifetime together, one community, each of us pore. Without objection, it is so or- in those communities. dependent on the other—each of us I am very grateful that the President working to rebuild and recover for the dered. came to New Jersey with the full force benefit of all of us in New Jersey, but OVERSIGHT ON ENERGY DRINKS of the Federal Government to see and I believe all of us in the country. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, over the to respond firsthand to the devastation That is what community is all about. past few years we have seen a dramatic the hurricane left in its wake. It is the heart of our motto: E Pluribus increase in the sale of energy drinks in I have proudly lived in New Jersey Unum; From Many, One. We have just America. Energy drinks are now com- all of my life, and seeing the Garden gone through an election at the heart mon fixtures in grocery stores, vending State in ruin is heartbreaking. The of which we debated the role of govern- machines, gas stations, convenience shore of my youth is gone. Much of it ment in our lives. I would submit we stores, and everywhere we turn. They lies in the ocean for the ages. But it need to focus on what government does target young people with flashy ads made me realize that, in times of trag- to rebuild the spirit of community that and names such as Monster and Rock edy, in times of storms like Sandy, we we have seen in action in the after- Star and with claims to increase atten- need government at all levels to come math of this devastating storm. tion stamina and even to help with together, all of us rolling up our Americans across the country were weight loss. According to one study, 30 sleeves to help our neighbors recover riveted by the stories of the immediate to 50 percent of adolescents, teenagers, and rebuild and reclaim their lives. We aftermath of the storm—the pictures of consume energy drinks. need to make certain that we secure all communities under water, homes Sadly, as the sale of energy drinks of the resources necessary to help New moved blocks down the road, homes has grown, so has the alarming evi- Jersey, and every community affected and trains blocking Federal highways, dence that these energy drinks pose a by this horrible storm, to rebuild and hospitals closed, gas lines miles long, potential threat to our Nation’s health. emerge stronger than before. people waiting hours for fuel to run Yesterday, the New York Times fea- Since the storm, I have requested generators and keep their homes heat- tured an article that found that the emergency funding for New Jersey’s ed, weeks of fuel rationing, and no Food and Drug Administration has re- transportation network—highways, transit or Amtrak service for the en- ceived 13 adverse event reports for peo- rail lines, ports, and airports—that was tire region for people to get to work or ple who died—who died—after con- devastated by the storm. visit their families. suming 5-hour ENERGY drinks. Just

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 last month, news reports found that milligrams of caffeine in a 12-ounce But when it comes to dietary supple- five people died—five—after consuming serving. As we all know, most energy ments that go beyond that type of sup- Monster Energy drinks. drinks are not sold in 12-ounce cans. plement, things that include dramatic This last May, I met the mother and They are sold in 16-, 24-, and 32-ounce increases in caffeine, we have to take family of 14-year-old Anais Fournier cans. Two 24-ounce Monster Energy the next step. from Maryland. This lovely young drinks took the life of Anais Fournier. I managed a few years ago to pass a teenager lost her life last December These drinks, of course, contain more law—over some objection—that re- when she went into cardiac arrest— than caffeine. We don’t know all the quires the makers of dietary supple- caused by caffeine toxicity—after she products included, but they include ments to report adverse events. In drank two—two—24-ounce Monster En- many other stimulants, such as other words, if people call from getting ergy drinks in less than 24 hours. Anais guarana and ginseng. The FDA has the sick—or worse—from your product, you was an honor student. She was a good authority to regulate caffeine levels in have to tell the FDA so we can gather student and a great writer, and she beverages and to require beverage man- this together and pick up any trends used to watch movies with her mom. ufacturers, such as soda pop, to prove that are alarming or worrisome. Well, An American Academy of Pediatrics additives are safe. But most energy they have been doing it but not as vigi- study recommends adolescents con- drinks, such as 5-hour ENERGY, avoid lantly as they should, and the compa- sume no more than 100 milligrams of the FDA’s regulation and oversight by nies have not been reporting them as caffeine each day. Remember the num- marketing their products not as bev- often as they should. But now we know, ber—100 milligrams a day. According to erages but as dietary supplements. as I said at the outset of my remarks, Consumer Reports, a 24-ounce can of We will not see it on the front of this that young people and others are dying Monster Energy drink contains 276 mil- little container. We have to flip it from these energy drinks, 5-Hour En- ligrams of caffeine, almost three times around and look down at the bottom, ergy drinks and Monster Energy the amount this academy recommends and in the tiniest lettering we see die- drinks. They died after they ingested as the limit an adolescent would con- tary supplement. Why? Because as a di- these, and it has raised serious ques- sume in a day—276 milligrams in less etary supplement they are not regu- tions as to whether there was causa- than 24 hours. Anais Fournier con- lated. They can sell what they like. tion between them. sumed 552 milligrams of caffeine by And, unfortunately, they sell products To find there were 13 adverse-event drinking two Monster Energy drinks that contain so much caffeine they are reports for people who died after con- within 24 hours. That is the equivalent dangerous. suming 5-Hour Energy drinks and 5 of drinking 16 12-ounce Coca-Cola Now, my colleague, Senator people who died after consuming these sodas. BLUMENTHAL of Connecticut, who is on Monster Energy drinks—for goodness’ Mounting evidence shows that tragic the Senate floor tonight, and I have sakes, these are for sale to kids across stories such as the one involving Anais sent the Food and Drug Administration America. We wouldn’t sell these kids Fournier are becoming more common. letters three times calling on this alcohol over the counter without ask- A recent report by SAMHSA shows agency to take action to ensure caf- ing how old they were, whether they that energy drinks pose potentially se- feine levels and ingredients in energy reached an age where they are eligible rious health risks. Emergency room drinks are safe, particularly for kids. to buy alcohol products, but we are visits due to energy drinks have in- We have urged the agency to issue final selling products that could be more le- creased tenfold between 2005 and 2009— guidance distinguishing beverages and thal than alcohol to these young kids 1,128 ER visits in 2005 to 13,114 emer- liquid dietary substances to close the without the necessary oversight and gency room visits in 2009 linked to en- loopholes that allow some energy supervision. ergy drinks in America. drinks to avoid FDA oversight. We I thank the Senator from Con- There are serious health concerns have called on that agency to regulate necticut for joining me in this effort. about ingesting high levels of caffeine energy drinks that have caffeine levels We have to continue it. The New York in energy drinks and, I might also add, well above the 71 milligrams per 12- Times yesterday made a report that I many added ingredients that are also ounce threshold in soft drinks. think puts us on notice. There is a lot stimulants and contain even additional Today, Senator BLUMENTHAL and I more to be done. caffeine that is added to the drinks. asked FDA Commissioner Margaret The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. The Food and Drug Administration Hamburg to personally meet with us FRANKEN). The Senator from Con- currently limits the level of caffeine in after Thanksgiving to discuss the steps necticut. soda—the kind you would buy over the the FDA is taking to ensure the safety Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I counter—to no more than 71 milli- of energy drinks. Every other week we am very honored to stand with my dis- grams in a 12-ounce can. Remember the are seeing mounting evidence that en- tinguished colleague from Illinois on number for the 24-ounce can of Mon- ergy drinks pose safety risks. We learn this vitally important issue. I thank ster—276? That is almost four times about young people hospitalized or se- him for his leadership, and I am very the limit of what can be sold legally as riously hurt after consuming what proud to work with him on a problem a beverage regulated by the FDA in they are marketing as innocent little that really shows dramatically that ne- America. energy pick-me-ups. glect and disregard by government reg- Let me show this 5-hour ENERGY We look forward to working with ulators and enforcers can have real-life picture. I really don’t have to show it. Commissioner Hamburg to discuss the consequences. Everyone is pretty familiar with it be- Food and Drug Administration’s strat- The FDA has, very simply, failed to cause they are everywhere—literally egy to protect our children and to pro- address this issue, and I believe it has everywhere. I watched on television tect everyone in America from these failed even to respond to the alarms last week when they were advertising dietary supplements, whether it is 5- Senator DURBIN and I have sounded on promotions of 5-hour ENERGY drinks Hour Energy or the Monster Energy this issue. saying, in the commercials, that some drink that led to the death of this 14- Yesterday the New York Times fea- of the sales would go to promote re- year-old girl in Maryland. tured an article reporting that the search for breast cancer. There is al- It has been many years since I came Food and Drug Administration re- most the suggestion there is something to this floor and argued about dietary ceived 13 adverse-event reports of fa- healthy about this product. supplements. We all know what is in- talities following the consumption of 5- Well, let’s talk about that for a mo- volved. I always preface my remarks by Hour Energy, which is a highly ment. Compare that limit of 71 milli- saying: When I got up this morning, I caffeinated energy shot. But this re- grams of caffeine in a 12-ounce can of took my vitamin pill, and I took my port is really only the latest of a series soda or pop to the 215 to 242 milligrams fish oil pill. I believe I should have the of reports that two popular energy of caffeine in the small 2-ounce bottle right to do that. I don’t know if it drinks—Monster Energy and 5-Hour of 5-hour ENERGY or the 135 milli- helps, but I think it does, and I Energy—have been cited in deaths and grams in a 12-ounce can of Monster En- shouldn’t have to have a prescription injury. These drinks have been cited in ergy. Some energy drinks contain 300 to have a vitamin pill. Enough said. reports of dozens of serious adverse

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6845 events such as heart attacks and con- sumption patterns among young people ambassador and three other American vulsions. And these events are not the or take into account safe levels of caf- lives. It was awful. It has been nearly a only concern that has been raised feine consumption among children. decade since we lost an ambassador in about energy drinks. I will cite a few. And these energy drinks are marketed service to our country, and it is some- A report by the Substance Abuse and to young people, including children. As thing we are looking at with a great Mental Health Services Administration an example, although the FDA states deal of sadness and sorrow that these found that the number of emergency that adults can safely consume up to individuals who dedicated their lives to room visits due to energy drinks in- 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, the America were killed in the course of creased tenfold between 2005 and 2009, American Academy of Pediatrics rec- duty. But this has gone from a tragedy from 1,128 to 13,114 visits. ommends that adolescents consume no in Benghazi to a major political debate More recently, a study of energy more than 100 milligrams per day—less in America. drinks by Consumer Reports found that than what is contained in one dose of Part of it was explainable because it some energy drinks contain high levels an energy drink. And Consumer Re- was in the closing days and weeks of a of caffeine—in some cases, twice as ports recommends that children con- Presidential campaign when many much as a cup of coffee. sume no more than 45 to 85 milligrams times issues that don’t reach national The Consumer Reports study found per day, depending on their weight. prominence become prominent because that labels of many energy drinks com- I wish to associate myself with the of the attention being paid to the can- pletely failed to disclose how much caf- very persuasive and compelling re- didates. And a lot has been said back feine is contained, and, even worse, 5 of marks made by Senator DURBIN today. and forth, and I have tried, as have the 16 drinks Consumer Reports stud- Again, his leadership on this issue has other Members of Congress, to under- ied contained more than 20 percent been so valuable. stand exactly what happened on Sep- more caffeine than what was stated on I would close by making this point. tember 11 in Benghazi. It is difficult be- the label. There is a lot of rhetoric that is pur- cause there wasn’t a gathering of evi- These reports are profoundly and portedly based on principle and convic- dence immediately. Investigations deeply troubling, and the FDA—the tion that somehow government rules were undertaken. It was chaotic at the agency in charge of regulating the safe- and consumer protections are a frivo- scene that evening, and, sadly, many of ty of these products—needs to deter- lous nuisance or a burden without a the witnesses who could help us under- mine whether energy drinks are safe benefit or an unwarranted intrusion in stand have disappeared into the night. and, if necessary, take action about the free market. The experience that But the effort has been undertaken to their safety. was dramatically portrayed in the find out what occurred, to find out Senator DURBIN and I have written hearing of the Health, Education, whether there was adequate protection two letters—one on September 11, the Labor, and Pensions Committee today for the Ambassador and his staff and, if other on October 26 of this year—call- offers a tragic lesson on how not, what we should have done. I un- ing on the agency to take action ad- compounding pharmacies and the fail- derstand these tragedies require care- dressing the rising public health con- ure of government regulators to act ful examination. cerns around energy drinks and to pro- dispositively and promptly led to inju- I was a Member of the U.S. House of tect consumers. Have we heard any- ries and deaths across the country. Representatives when 235 U.S. marines thing back? Nothing. No response. My colleague Senator ALEXANDER died in a Marine Corps barracks bomb- In today’s letter, we reiterate our re- was present and very perceptively ing in Beirut, Lebanon. You bet we quest for the FDA to investigate the asked some of the most pointed ques- asked questions of the Reagan adminis- interactions between caffeine and stim- tions this morning of the witnesses tration, as we should when we lose in- ulants in energy drinks, to assess the who came before us from the FDA and nocent American lives overseas as we health risks associated with caffeine other government agencies, including did in Lebanon and as we did in Libya. consumption by children and adoles- the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy. What troubles me is the level the de- cents, and to finalize and issue guid- That lesson this morning ought to bate has reached. It has now reached a ance that clearly distinguishes liquid sound an alarm for us here because the level of vilification and accusation dietary supplements from beverages. New England compounding pharmacy which is unwarranted by the evidence. This issue is as profoundly and deeply in that instance was a known risk to This week we met in the Senate For- important as the combination of caf- both Federal and State regulators—the eign Relations Committee in a closed, feine and alcohol, which Attorneys FDA and the Massachusetts Board of classified setting and went through me- General addressed during the time I Pharmacy—and both failed to take ef- ticulously the timeline that led up to held that job in the State of Con- fective action to protect the public. the death of the Ambassador and staff necticut. Alcohol makers, to their The FDA in this instance has an obli- as well as what followed. It is being re- credit, did the right thing and ad- gation to protect the public and take ported as it is being gathered, and dressed it on their own. Here, the in- action that will safeguard the health of there are additional reports that will dustry has failed in that obligation. our children and adolescents—the be forthcoming. The FDA has not just an opportunity health of everyone—in light of the po- but an obligation to address this issue. tential dangers posed by these energy Early next month we are I also believe the FDA has failed to drinks. the Accountability Review Board of consider the shifting trends in caffeine I close by again thanking my col- the Department of State to issue its re- consumption more generally and league from Illinois for being such a port. We know, following that, other broadly that is shown by the energy strong advocate of consumer interests committees of jurisdiction—the Intel- drink industry, particularly shifting and health in this area. I hope we will ligence Committee, Foreign Relations trends in consumption among adoles- have a meeting soon, as we have re- Committee, and others—will certainly cents. The industry has marketed re- quested, so that we can work together call in witnesses and ask questions, as lentlessly and repeatedly, which ac- to make sure these products are la- they should, as they must. counts for that dramatic statistic Sen- beled accurately and truthfully, mar- What troubles me is that on the floor ator DURBIN cited that 30 to 50 percent keted responsibly, and consumed safe- of the Senate during the course of this of adolescents are known and reported ly. week, there have been accusations to be using these drinks. Marketing Mr. President, I yield the floor. made of individuals that have gone far and that trend have a clear connection. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- beyond anything the evidence could It is no accident that caffeine con- ator from Illinois. suggest. sumption and the consumption of these CHARACTER ATTACKS AGAINST AMBASSADOR We owe it to the cause of justice and energy drinks is increasing. SUSAN RICE to the lives that were lost to do this But the FDA’s determination of safe Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I wish to professionally and honestly, without levels of caffeine seems to be based on say a word about the tragedy that oc- political rancor. The President was what is safe for adult consumption, not curred in Benghazi, Libya, on Sep- right yesterday when he said of our adolescent. It does not consider con- tember 11 where we lost a dedicated U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, she ‘‘has

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6846 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 done exemplary work. She has rep- It was a sad hearing, really. It was system with nuclear submarines. We resented the United States and our in- about the fungal meningitis—the Sen- have never had a nuclear related death terests in the United Nations with skill ator from Minnesota was there as on a nuclear Navy submarine since the and professionalism, with toughness well—the fungal meningitis outbreak 1950s. I think I know why. It is because and grace.’’ And ‘‘to go after the U.N. that in our State, Tennessee, has be- the Admiral interviewed every one of ambassador,’’ he said, ‘‘who had noth- come a nightmare. It has claimed thir- those captains of the submarines and ing to do with Benghazi, and was sim- teen lives, 81 very ill in many cases, the Navy made it clear to them if there ply making a presentation based on in- and a thousand others who worry they was a problem with a nuclear reactor telligence she had received, and to be- might become ill. that went unfound or unfixed on their smirch her reputation is outrageous.’’ It became obvious as we went submarines their career was in deep I agree with him. We owe it to her through the discussion that something, trouble, and so we have never had any and to everyone involved in every Fed- incredibly, slipped through the cracks. trouble. eral agency to get the facts before us We have more than 60,000 what I would WIND POWER before we point a finger of blame. If call drugstores, pharmacies in the If I may move to another subject, there is blame, let us make certain it is country; maybe more than a thousand there’s been a lot of talk this week apportioned to those who deserve it in Tennessee. Many of them are doing about the fiscal cliff. The President rather than to make wild charges this pharmaceutical compounding. You and Congressional leaders are meeting against many others. go in and get a prescription filled. They tomorrow, as they should, about how My good friend Senator JOHN might adjust the prescription, or an we can reduce our debt. That will re- MCCAIN—and he really is my friend; he FDA-approved drug based upon your quire, in my , reform of our and I debated on the floor many prescription. That is normal and nec- entitlement programs. Saving our times—but he said something I want to essary. Then over here on the other Medicare Program, for example. The quote from 2005, when there were criti- side are the big manufacturers of average couple who is 65 years of age cisms of Condoleezza Rice who was drugs. As the Senator from Con- when they retire pays $119,000 into the being considered for the office of Sec- necticut has pointed out, they are reg- Medicare Program. They will take out retary of State. He said, ‘‘So I wonder ulated by the Food and Drug Adminis- $357,000. That kind of program is not why we are starting this new Congress tration. sustainable. For the next generation of with a protracted debate about a fore- But then there are these entities in older Americans there will not be a gone conclusion. . . . I can only con- the middle, and there was one in Mas- Medicare Program unless we work on clude we are doing this for no other sachusetts that was apparently that. reason than lingering bitterness at the masquerading as a compounding phar- We need to work together to find a outcome of the elections. . . . We all macy—it was really a drug manufac- way to restrain entitlements, produce have varying policy views, but the turer, but it was not complying with revenues if that is what is necessary, President, in my view, has a clear right the rules of a drug manufacturer. As a and come to a result. In the meantime to put in place the team he believed result, it provided tainted medicine all we have to be saving money—42 cents would serve him best.’’ over the country. Had it not been for out of every dollar we spend is bor- I agree with Senator MCCAIN’s state- remarkable work by the Tennessee rowed—so that is what brings me to ment. Let’s get the facts together. Let Public Health Department in conjunc- the floor today. us find out what truly occurred. Before tion with Vanderbilt University and Supporters of wind power have used we point the finger of blame on any the Centers for Disease Control, there this week to proclaim it ‘‘Wind Week’’ person in our government, let’s make could have been many more deaths and in Washington, DC, launching an event certain we do so with the knowledge of many more injuries. to try to persuade us to extend one the facts and the evidence that we can We saw an example of government. more time—this would be the eighth gather. We owe it to the Ambassador, We saw an incompetent State Board of time—the Wind Production Tax Credit his family, and all the others who were Pharmacy in Massachusetts, a con- which, if we were to do so, just for 1 either injured or lost their lives in this fused Food and Drug Administration, year, would cost another $12.1 billion occurrence. and we saw a textbook model of what over 10 years. I urge my colleagues to focus on the ought to be done by the Centers for I want to suggest a different name report due in December from the Ac- Disease Control and the Tennessee De- for this week. Let’s call it the ‘‘Wind countability Review Board and to at- partment of Health. Down Wind Week.’’ It is time to end a tend the hearings that will undoubt- I am committed to work with Sen- 20-year-old temporary subsidy that has edly follow on this issue. We need a ator HARKIN, the chairman of our com- already been renewed seven times. The constructive discussion on how we can mittee, and other members of our com- reason is very simple. We can’t afford ensure that our brave diplomats can mittee throughout the rest of this year it. The Joint Tax Committee says the work effectively in some of the most on this issue. I hope the Senator from 1-year extension will cost that $12.1 bil- dangerous parts of the world. Minnesota and I, and the Senator from lion—but it is not just a 1-year exten- Susan Rice is a dedicated public serv- Connecticut, and Senators BURR and sion. The developers of wind power will ant who has tirelessly pursued the in- ROBERTS, who have been working on get the tax credit for 10 years. That is terests of the United States at the this for some time, can begin the new a lot of money. It is one-third of the United Nations, ranging from sanctions year with a bipartisan bill that can put Tennessee State budget. It is 2 times on Iran to advancing the actual effort somebody on the flagpole for this so we what we spend each year on energy re- in the Security Council to oust former can continue, when we go to the hos- search. This money could be used to Libyan strongman Muammar Qaddafi. pital or go to the pharmacy or out- help reduce the debt instead of fund She deserves fair treatment, as every- patient clinic, to not worry about this subsidy. The cost $12.1 billion is on one does in our government. whether the medicines we are receiving top of the $16 billion in Federal sub- I yield the floor. are tainted or unsafe. sidies and grants already given to wind The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I thought it was an excellent hearing. developers and their Wall Street back- ator from Tennessee. I look forward to working on it. I have ers between 2009 and 2013, according to Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I some ideas about a model for this regu- the Joint Tax Committee and the see the Senator from Louisiana. I know lation. Unites States Treasury. she expects to speak about 5:30. I want I found as Governor years ago, if you How can we justify this? We hear a to say to her through the Chair I will give a committee responsibility for lot about big oil. What about big wind? be finished by then. getting something done they often end Big wind received, according to the En- FUNGAL MENINGITIS up pointing fingers at each other. If ergy Information Agency, an $18.82 fed- I see the Senator from Connecticut I you put somebody on the flagpole, it eral subsidy per megawatt hour—25 believe is still here. I compliment him often gets done because you will know times per megawatt hour as all other on his participation this morning in a what happened. I think that is why Ad- forms of electricity production com- hearing in which we both participated. miral Rickover created such a good bined. Given our fiscal crisis we should

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6847 eliminate special tax breaks for big oil Thanksgiving, in anticipation of as this might sound, who was adopted and big wind. Christmas and Hanukah, some of the in her forties because she was reunited The big wind tax break was put in other holidays that occur around this with a woman who used to care for her place in 1992. It was to be a temporary time. As families gather, our hearts when she was very young. She grew up measure. It was intended to boost a and minds automatically turn to fam- in foster care, amazingly became very new technology. Now, 20 years later, ily-related events. So the great coali- successful, but when they were re- President Obama’s respected Energy tion that tries to help educate and en- united, they loved each other as they Secretary says wind is a mature tech- courage people on the subject has cho- had 40 years earlier and decided to be- nology. What do we have after 20 years sen November as National Adoption come a family. It is a bonding of love and billions of dollars of subsidies? A Month. You might know—many people through adoption. puny amount of unreliable electricity. go home at night and turn on their My husband Frank and I are proud to Our country uses nearly 25 percent of televisions. There are any number of be the parents of extraordinary chil- all the electricity in the world. Wind television series by Hallmark and dren who happen to be adopted. We produces 3 percent of that. And of Home for the Holidays—lots of net- built our family through adoption. My course it only produces electricity works and cable companies are joining husband was adopted out of an orphan- when the wind blows and it is not easy in with the idea of promoting it be- age from Ireland when he was 5 years to store it. So it is of limited use in a cause it is so right. It is so natural for old. He still remembers the day when country that needs huge amounts of every child to need and want a family. the matron of this little Protestant low-cost, clean, reliable electricity. Re- I first want to say thank you to Sen- home for children came up to him and lying on wind power is the energy ators who have joined me in this effort: said: Ernest—that was his name—pack equivalent of going to war in a sailboat Senator BLUMENTHAL, Senator GRASS- your bags. Your mom and dad are here when nuclear submarines are available. LEY, Senator GRAHAM, Senator BLUNT, to take you home. He walked to the The wind subsidy is so large that Senator JOHNSON, Senator LEVIN, Sen- front of the orphanage and saw his wind developers are now paying dis- ator MURRAY, and Senator MORAN, adoptive mother and father, brother tributors to take their wind power, un- have cosponsored this resolution recog- and sister, and the rest is history. He dercutting the baseload energy plants nizing and supporting the goals of Na- came to America, received an excellent that are necessary to provide the reli- tional Adoption Month and in a variety education, and has gone on to be a able, low-cost electricity our country of different ways, not only by passing wonderful citizen and, of course, a needs. On top of that, there are better this resolution, which we hope will be great father and a loving husband. I am ways to produce clean electricity, bet- hotlined sometime in the very near fu- so grateful for that opportunity for ter ways than subsidizing a technology ture, to go through the Senate and the him. that destroys the environment in the House, but by participating in a vari- I think about the millions of children in orphanages where no one ever name of saving the environment. ety of different events at home and For example, it would take a row of knocks on their door to say your moth- here in Washington to raise awareness 50-story wind turbines along the entire er and father are here to take you and call attention to the needs of so length of the Appalachian Trail from home. No one ever comes to call for many. Georgia to Maine, 2,178 miles, to equal First of all, call attention and raise them. No one ever provides them an op- the energy production of 4 nuclear re- the awareness that there are in fact or- portunity for loving arms and a com- actors. The best way to produce cheap, phans in America, children whose pa- forting and safe place. clean energy in the United States is to That is why we fight. That is why we rental rights have been terminated, or let the marketplace do it. Let the mar- debate. Happily, we never fight about children who literally lost both parents ketplace produce large amounts of this among ourselves because there is and do not have an able or willing rel- clean, reliable energy for all businesses so much unity in the Senate and in ative and are in great need of a family. and households—not to just subsidize this Congress about promoting adop- The Presiding Officer knows these chil- jobs for a technology that can stand on tion. It is one of the issues where there its own and produces only a small dren as he has been very active in the is virtually no partisan view. amount of unreliable electricity. issue of child welfare. I wish to thank my colleagues for Let’s use this week to celebrate. But So we have several events through- joining me in the resolution. We want let’s celebrate the end of the tem- out this month. One of them is Na- to recognize this day, the Saturday be- porary 20-year-old wind production tax tional Adoption Day. That is going to fore Thanksgiving, as National Adop- credit and use the $12.1 billion saved to take place this month, always the Sat- tion Day. I thank the hundreds of cit- reduce the Federal debt. urday before Thanksgiving, where, hap- ies and hundreds of organizations, hun- I yield the floor. pily, thousands of children—I think dreds of communities that are going to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- last year we had over 4,000, and since be celebrating National Adoption Day, ator from Louisiana. 2000, when it started, over 40,000 chil- where groups of children—sometimes NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH dren have moved from foster care to a dozens, sometimes hundreds of chil- Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I forever family on adoption day, which dren—will, in fact, be adopted on Na- have come to the floor to speak briefly is quite a happy celebration. I have at- tional Adoption Day, and I thank those about a very exciting opportunity and tended several of them myself with my who started this day many years ago. occurrence that we celebrate and honor local judges. There is nothing more ex- We want to remember November as every November and that is the oppor- citing than a packed room of parents the month. It began in 1995 under tunity to adopt children. There are so and grandparents and aunts and uncles President Clinton and his then-First many children—Mr. President, you and sometimes siblings waiting to re- Lady Hillary Clinton, both of whom know, not only in Minnesota but in my ceive these young children in some put such an emphasis on adoption. This State, Louisiana—the Senator from cases, and teenagers in some cases, and is one of their initiatives that has gone Tennessee is here, in his State of Ten- even young adults in some cases being on and on and has become bigger and nessee—children all over our country adopted. bigger and we are excited about it. and the world who are in desperate I like to say one is never too old to Let me say for the record again that need of a family to call their own. need a family. There are holidays that there are over 400,000 children in foster There are millions of parents and happen every year. With whom do we care in America today, and over 100,000 adults who want to be parents who are celebrate those? There are joys and set- of them are, in fact, orphans. Their waiting and hoping for an opportunity backs in life that occur throughout parents are either deceased or the pa- to have a family of their own. So it every decade of a person’s life. A per- rental rights were terminated. Many of would make sense for us to do the very son needs a family there with them. I these children have siblings who are best job we can to try to build the am of the opinion that a person is still looking and hoping to be matched bridges to make these unions, these never too old to be adopted. In fact, I with families. The great thing people really extraordinary unions possible. have known individuals adopted in might not realize since our efforts of That is what November is about, a their twenties and thirties. I actually almost 15 years ago is that we have in- month we are getting ready for met a woman from California, as crazy creased the number of adoptions in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 America out of foster care from 14,000 a great heart and she, similar to so awareness about the many daily chal- children a year out of 100,000 15 years many other Americans, is trying to lenges faced by the Haitians ago, and from 500,000 to 700,000 in foster make a way for these children and give postearthquake. So not only did these care currently. We have reduced the them a place. individuals turn out to be great par- number of children in foster care which The next family is the Roberts fam- ents for these children, but they also— overall is very good but, most impor- ily. Former foster youth Marchelle I know because I talk to so many of tantly, we have substantially increased Roberts was one of my interns in my them—help these children understand the number of children adopted from office just last year, so this is such a and appreciate and respect the culture 14,000 to 50,000 a year. So we are mov- personal and touching story. She was a from which they came, and it builds ing in the right direction, but we will former participant in our foster youth awareness in America about the great- not rest until we have placed every intern program. Her parent is Lisa ness of our whole planet. Of course, we child with a responsible and loving Roberts from Camden, NJ. She is are proud of America, but there are family to call their own forever. adopted. Marchelle is now 22 years old many other countries where these chil- The sad news—and I have to unfortu- and is attending Temple University dren come from, and I know the adop- nately have a little sad point of this studying broadcast journalism. Besides tive parents are very respectful of the speech—is that internationally the Marchelle, her mother has adopted four sending countries. numbers are going in the wrong direc- other children out of foster care. What So on behalf of the children who are tion. America used to adopt about an extraordinary family, built by a still waiting, I hope people who have 20,000 children a year from around the mom who just had a great heart, had heard this can respond in some way. world. We are the largest receiving the will and the opportunity to adopt There are many opportunities for peo- country on Earth. Americans feel these four beautiful girls, and they are ple to reach out to our national organi- strongly, Americans of all races and now a wonderful family, truly loving zations, nonprofits, churches in com- backgrounds and religious affiliations the children to help them succeed in a munities, and people can always go to feel strongly that children should be world they were born into that had a our Web site and we have some addi- raised in families. Americans have very sad beginning but a very happy tional information about how to con- such open hearts and room in their ending. nect if people are thinking about how hearts and in their homes for children The third family I wish to share with to adopt or people who want to support and through many of our faith-based my colleagues is the Johnson family. the work of adoption and preservation organizations have stepped up to adopt. This is Senator THUNE’s 2012 Angel. of families such as these. Unfortunately, policies within our own The parents are Ryan and Amber John- Again, I urge my colleagues to pass executive branch of government and son from Sioux Falls, SD. Two boys S. Res. 595 as quickly as possible. I decisions that are being made are con- were adopted out of foster care. They thank those colleagues who have joined stricting the number of children who have one biological child, a little girl. with me in cosponsoring this. We wish are eligible for adoption or who are These two little boys were adopted out everybody a great day on Saturday for being adopted by Americans, and that of foster care. What a beautiful family National Adoption Day, and we look number has fallen dramatically, unfor- and what a way to build a family. That forward to the continued work to pro- tunately, from about 20,000 children is what I am saying; that I wish we mote laws and policies that help every down to 9,000 children. I am going to could eliminate every barrier. There child find a forever family. redouble my efforts every year to find are cultural barriers. There are finan- Thank you. I suggest the absence of a the problem areas and identify them, cial barriers. There are legal barriers. quorum. whether something has to be changed If we could just eliminate those bar- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The legislatively or whether some addi- riers and let Americans do what they clerk will call the roll. tional funding can be found to increase do best, which is to love children, we The assistant legislative clerk pro- efforts not just by the Federal Govern- would be a lot better off. So this is a ceeded to call the roll. ment but States and local governments beautiful family from Sioux Falls, SD. Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask and nonprofits. We are going to turn Our next family is the Duhon family. unanimous consent that the order for the corner and accelerate this situa- The parents, Troy and Tracy Duhon, the quorum call be rescinded. tion. are from New Orleans. I know this fam- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Let me conclude by showing some ily well and I am very proud of them. objection, it is so ordered. wonderful examples of families who Their little adopted child Annahstasia f have stepped up. First, this is the Mor- Grace was born in China last year. rison family. Fran is from Louisiana. They have three biological children, MORNING BUSINESS She has fostered over 22 children. She but they traveled to China just last Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask is a professional. This is what she does month to pick up this little baby girl. unanimous consent that the Senate in her professional life. She has fos- They have waited for her for quite proceed to a period of morning busi- tered 22 children. But these five she has some time. We are very grateful that ness, with Senators permitted to speak adopted out of the dozens of children the Chinese Government has been coop- for up to 10 minutes each. whom she has fostered. This one little erative. China is placing more children The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without baby, the latest one whom she adopted, domestically, which is good, because objection, it is so ordered. has a very special need. He was shaken many years ago they didn’t have any f as an infant. He was born completely process for domestic adoption. Of healthy, but because an adult lost their course, with their one-child policy, RECOGNIZING CAMPBELLSVILLE temper and didn’t know what to do— there were literally millions of chil- UNIVERSITY ATHLETICS adults sometimes may shake infants dren in orphanages, many little girls Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I because they are angry, because chil- because they weren’t as valued as little rise today to salute Campbellsville dren cry when they are hungry or they boys. But now that is changing. China University in Campbellsville, KY, for are cold or they are tired, and some- is doing more domestic adoptions, but what is quite a long list of achieve- times adults don’t like to hear that there are still children who need to ments they have received recently. crying. Sometimes babies get shaken have loving parents and many of them Campbellsville athletics has taken the or thrown against walls, and that is are finding them in the United States. country by storm. Recently, four what happened to this little child. This Then, finally, the last family is Jake Campbellsville students won national child is seriously disabled but has now and Amy Glover from Hays, KS. They championships in track and field, and been adopted by Fran Morrison, and have four adopted children, three from the Campbellsville men’s tennis team she says she has been blessed. The Lord Haiti and one from China. What a cute won a national championship. A school led her to become a foster parent and holiday card this is going to be for all would be proud of having any one of then, just one step at a time, she be- their friends who will receive it. Since these winning student-athletes as part came an adoptive mom. As we can see, adopting three children from Haiti, the of its number—for Campbellsville Uni- she has her hands very full, but she has Glovers are committed to raising versity to have them all is quite a feat.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6849 Campbellsville’s mascot is the Ti- Hyatt, Bradley Jeffries, Chase Padgett, mote diversity rather than suppress it, gers, and the school is part of the Na- and Austin Spalding. as the foundation of the United States tional Christian College Athletic Asso- Campbellsville University is a lead- is built on diverse cultures and back- ciation. Four students on the Tigers ing Christian university of more than grounds. While we pause to recognize track and field team won five indi- 3,500 students that is dedicated to edu- the strong contributions our tribes vidual national titles this year. P.J. cating its students and preparing them have made to this Nation, the Federal Randles won the triple-jump title at to be servant leaders. Their excellence government must uphold its respon- the NCCAA Men’s Indoor Track & Field in athletics is only matched by their sibilities to our tribal communities. National Championships in February. dedication to instilling character and a I hope students around the United Tiana Benjamin won the javelin title love of learning. I want to congratulate States take the opportunity this at the NCCAA Women’s Outdoor Track Campbellsville University president month to learn about the Thanksgiving & Field National Championships in Dr. Michael V. Carter, the school’s fac- story from the American Indian point May. Nathelie Zetrenne won the 100- ulty and staff, the athletics depart- of view. By observing and celebrating meter hurdles title at the NCCAA ment, and all these wonderful student National Native American Heritage Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Na- athletes for representing the very best Month, we are reaffirming our Nation’s tional Championships this May. And of what Kentucky has to offer. respect for American Indian people. I Tiosha Beasley won both the long-jump f would like to acknowledge and praise and triple-jump titles at the NCCAA the more than 70,000 American Indians NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE Women’s Outdoor Track & Field Na- in South Dakota who bring a unique MONTH tional Championships in May. and enriching culture to our commu- P.J. Randles is the first student at Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota. Mr. nities. I urge everyone in America to Campbellsville to win an indoor track President, each November we recognize participate in our celebration of Amer- and field national title. Tiana Ben- National Native American Heritage ican Indians, not only during the jamin is the first women’s track and Month to honor the tradition, culture, month of November, but through a field athlete to win a national title. contributions, achievements, and sac- daily commitment to advancing the And Tiosha Beasley was also an NAIA rifices of those that originally inhab- quality of life of American Indians, in All-American at both the NAIA Indoor ited this great Nation. With over five an effort for our Nation to move for- National Championships and NAIA million individuals of Native American ward with strength and resolve. Outdoor National Championships. descent in the United States, it is im- f The four women’s national titles are portant to celebrate the instrumental the most individual national titles won impact Native American culture has TRIBUTE TO DR. TAYLOR W. in one meet by any sport. They are also had on American history. National Na- LAWRENCE the most individual national titles of tive American Heritage Month is an Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, today I any sports program at Campbellsville opportunity to focus our attention on wish to pay tribute to Dr. Taylor Law- University. Since 2009, Campbellsville’s the beliefs of tribal sovereignty by en- rence, Jr. who, on Friday, October 12, men’s and women’s track and field has suring trust responsibilities and 2012, was honored as one of four won eight individual NCCAA national strengthening government-to-govern- ‘‘Hometown Heroes’’ at the City of titles. ment relationships with tribes across Montevallo’s 2nd Annual Mayor’s On top of these achievements are the the Nation. Breakfast Honoring Hometown Heroes. tennis champions. The Campbellsville Representing a State that is home to Taylor, who grew up in Montevallo, Tigers men’s tennis team are the 2012 nine treaty tribes, this month has AL, was the keynote speaker at the National Christian College Athletic As- added significance to me. I would like event and was honored along with sociation national champions, and they to personally acknowledge and honor former Montevallo Mayor Sharon An- are the first Tigers’ program to win a South Dakota’s nine treaty tribes: the derson, World War II veteran Grady team national championship, after the Cheyenne River Sioux, the Crow Creek Parker, and former University of school reached the semifinals in 2009 Sioux, the Flandreau Santee Sioux, the Montevallo English professor Dr. Eliza- and 2010. They swept through the Lower Brule Sioux, the Oglala Sioux, beth ‘‘Libbie’’ Rodgers. NCCAA Tournament in Mobile, Ala., the Rosebud Sioux, the Sisseton- He graduated first in his class from with a 5–0 record in the tournament Wahpeton Oyate, the Standing Rock the California Institute of Technology after finishing the 2012 season with a Sioux, and the Yankton Sioux. South with a bachelor’s degree in physics and school-record 19 wins and a 19–7 overall Dakota greatly benefits from the rich from Stanford University with a mas- record. heritage and culture each tribe brings ter’s degree and doctorate, both in ap- In addition to its NCCAA champion- to our State. plied physics. ship, this is the first time a Campbells- It is fitting that President Obama Taylor has had an accomplished pro- ville University men’s tennis qualified has declared November 23, 2012, the day fessional career in the defense field and for the NAIA Tournament as a team. after Thanksgiving, as Native Amer- has held positions as vice president of The team finished runner-up in the ican Heritage Day in an effort to fully Raytheon’s Engineering, Technology Mid-South Conference. appreciate the legacy American Indian and Mission Assurance and a vice presi- I want to particularly congratulate culture has had on our Nation since its dent and general manager for the head coach Kyle Caven, who was hon- infancy. I am pleased we have honored C4ISR and Space Sensors division for ored as the Mid-South Conference our Native American Indian and Alas- Northrop Grumman Electronic Sys- Coach of the Year and NCCAA National ka Native people with a day, week, and tems. He served as my staff director Coach of the Year. Several tennis team month of observance every year since when I was chairman for the Select members received honors as well. Car- 1976. Committee on Intelligence and prior to los Anton was named to the NAIA All- During this month’s commemora- that position, as the deputy director of America Second Team and the NCCAA tion, we must not only celebrate our the Information Systems Office of the All-America First Team. Pablo Native American Indian and Alaska Defense Advanced Research Projects Numbela and Sebastian Marot were Native’s past, but also emphasize Agency. named to the NCCAA All-America where improvements are needed for Currently, Taylor serves as the presi- First Team. Pontus Blom, Zac Maylon, their future well-being. I am proud the dent of Raytheon Company’s Missile and Alberto Diaz were all named to the Indian Affairs Committee has recently Systems business, the world’s leading NCCAA All-America Second Team. approved my legislation to reauthorize producer of weapons systems for the John Harbold was named a Mid-South the Native American Languages Pres- United States military as well as allied Conference Champion of Character. ervation Act, and I hope my colleagues forces of more than 50 countries. The assistant coaches were Kelly An- will consider this important measure, In 1996, Taylor was awarded the Sec- derson and Phil Carlisle. The team also as it is critical to preserve Native lan- retary of Defense Medal for Meri- includes Terry Caven, Austin Colvier, guages that have long influenced our torious Civilian Service due to his ex- Alfredo Bencid, David Castillo, Tyler history and culture. We should pro- emplary work in his field. He is a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6850 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 former member of the Defense Science ough reporter, and advocate for the TRIBUTE TO JACKIE KERBY Board and vice chairman emeritus of less fortunate, he was a man of the MOORE the Air Force Studies Board of the Na- highest integrity and was an inspira- ∑ Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, tional Academies, as well as a fellow at tion to me and to many in the jour- today I wish to recognize Jackie Kerby the American Institute of Aeronautics nalism and mental health commu- Moore for being named one of the 2012 and Astronautics. nities. My thoughts and prayers are Distinguished Alumni from New Mex- Taylor is extremely bright, highly re- with his family and friends, especially ico State University. This is an honor spected, and committed to excellence his wife, Gayle, his children, Alan, given by the New Mexico State Univer- in his field. I feel privileged to have Susan, and Chris, and his stepchildren, sity Alumni Association to individuals had the opportunity to work with him Roger, Keith, and Scott, as they mourn who have distinguished themselves and the loss of this irreplaceable man. during his time as my staff director in thus bring honor and distinction to Paul’s legacy will no doubt live on in the Senate, and am proud to represent NMSU. the community and in the hearts of a State that so many of today’s profes- Moore received an athletic scholar- sional leaders, Taylor included, also those who knew him. His contributions to journalism in Alabama and to the ship to play at NMSU and continued on call home. teams after college, winning the Wom- I congratulate Taylor on his ‘‘Home- causes that he believed in will forever be remembered. en’s Fastpitch National Championship town Hero’’ award, and know that it in 1984 with the Arrow Butane Flames was well-deserved. f from Las Cruces. f ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS I have had the honor to work with REMEMBERING PAUL DAVIS Moore in her role as the executive di- Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, today I rector of the Sandia Science & Tech- RECOGNIZING THE JUNEAU nology Park since its inception in 1998. wish to pay tribute to Paul Davis, who EMPIRE’S CENTENNIAL passed away in his home on Sunday, This 200+ acre technology community ∑ Mr. BEGICH. Mr. President, today we September 23, 2012, at the age of 74. He is located adjacent to and affiliated celebrate the 100th anniversary of the with Sandia National Laboratories in was an award-winning journalist whose Juneau Empire, a Morris Communica- contributions to the journalism indus- Albuquerque, NM. In her role as execu- tions publication that has been pro- tive director, she oversees all aspects try him the deepest respect from his viding news to southeast Alaska since peers and community. I am grateful of the park—including the manage- long before Alaska secured statehood. ment, marketing, recruiting of tenant that I was able to call Paul a longtime The newspaper was established in 1912, friend and mourn his passing. companies, and securing of funding for a year before Alaska’s territorial legis- infrastructure improvements. The park Born on September 3, 1938 in Clanton, lature first convened. Originally called AL, Paul enjoyed a long career as not now serves as home for 25 companies the Alaska Daily Empire, this news- employing almost 1,500 people, and only a journalist and publisher, but as paper has documented Alaska history an advocate for those who did not have total investment in the Park exceeds as it happened and continues to be a re- $253 million. a voice. He served as the owner and liable, prominent source of informa- publisher of the Auburn Bulletin and Under Moore’s leadership, the Sandia tion. Science & Technology Park has re- Tuskegee News for 25 years and for The city and borough of Juneau is many years authored a Sunday column ceived the Technology-Led Economic the capital of Alaska and covers more Development Award from the U.S. De- in the Opelika-Auburn News. Under his area than the entire State of Delaware. watch, the Auburn Bulletin and partment of Commerce Economic De- The Juneau Empire is an important velopment Administration, Out- Tuskegee News won dozens of awards chronicler of government and tribal af- for their quality news coverage. standing Partnership Award from the fairs in this city accessible only by air- Federal Laboratories Consortium Mid- One of Paul’s greatest achievements plane or ferry. For decades, there have Continent Region, President’s Award was his impeccable reporting on cases been efforts to move the capital closer from the National Association of In- of negligence and abuse of mentally to Anchorage, and the Empire has been dustrial and Office Properties, and disabled patients at the Partlow School a strong and successful advocate of pre- Roadrunner and Pin˜ on Awards from and Bryce Hospital for the mentally ill. serving Juneau’s status as Alaska’s Quality New Mexico. The park has also His stories on these injustices led to a capital. In a State with such vast geo- been recognized with Public/Private decision by the Federal court that re- graphic distances, responsible and ac- Partnership Awards from the New Mex- quired patients with disabilities re- curate news reporting from the capital ico State Land Office, Mid-Region ceive an equal standard of care. For is imperative, and the Juneau Empire Council of Governments, and the Inter- this work he was nominated for a Pul- has risen to that challenge time after itzer Prize and appointed by Governor time. national Economic Development Coun- Bob Riley to the Alabama Department Over the years, contributors to the cil. of Mental Health Board of Directors. Juneau Empire have won journalism Moore serves as an advocate for New Throughout his life and established awards from the Alaska Press Club and Mexico State University and lends her career, Paul was honored with numer- the Society of Professional Journalism. expertise for the advancement of the ous awards, among them the Alabama Past editors and leadership at the Arrowhead Research Park. She is a Press Association’s Lifetime Achieve- paper have included territorial gov- strong supporter of Arrowhead’s Entre- ment Award, the Community Service ernors and other prominent political preneurship Center and mentors staff Journalism Award from Auburn Uni- figures in Alaska history, making the and faculty. She has been an involved versity, a Lifetime Achievement Award Empire an historical figure in its own alumna by supporting College of Busi- from the Alabama Disabilities Advo- right. ness endeavors and engaging with fac- cacy Program, and the Meritorious As media has changed, so has the Ju- ulty. Service Award from the Auburn Uni- neau Empire. Its graceful transition I ask that my colleagues join me in versity Chapter of the American Asso- into the digital age has kept the publi- congratulating Jackie Kerby Moore ciation of University Professors. cation relevant and accessible. While and thanking her for her commitment Outside of the newspaper business, Alaska develops and builds a national to education and technology. It gives Paul was one of the founding members and global presence, the importance of me great pleasure to acknowledge her of the Food Bank of Lee County and reliable news and information about years of service and much deserved suc- served as the president of the organiza- our great State is vital. Today, I honor cess.∑ tion for 2 years. He continued to serve the hard work and dedication of the f on its board as it expanded into five ad- many Alaskans who have worked for ditional counties. He was also a mem- and contributed to the Juneau Empire TRIBUTE TO MATT WILLIAMS ber of the Auburn Church of Christ. over the past century. I hope the Em- ∑ Mr. JOHANNS. Mr. President, today Paul was one of my most trusted pire will be documenting history for I wish to congratulate and commend friends. An outstanding writer, thor- another 100 years.∑ Matt Williams, a life-long Nebraskan,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6851 as he recently began his term as chair- State of New York. Professor Todd Connecticut—Deborah A. Carroll, man of the American Bankers Associa- Pagano, associate professor and direc- professor of psychology and director, tion. tor of the Laboratory Science Tech- B.S. psychology, research specializa- Mr. Williams is the president and nology Program at the National Tech- tion, Southern Connecticut State Uni- chairman of Gothenburg State Bank, nical Institute for the Deaf at the versity; in Gothenburg, NE. Matt has led the Rochester Institute of Technology, is Washington, DC—Patrick Thaddeus bank for 39 years, an institution found- the 2012 Outstanding Master’s Univer- Jackson, associate dean for under- ed by his great-grandfather. I am fully sities and Colleges Professor of the graduate studies, School of Inter- confident that his strong work ethic, Year. In recognizing Professor Pagano, national Service, American University; fostered by working summers on the judges admired Todd Pagano’s program Florida—Pat Anderson, professor of family ranch, and his wealth of knowl- for deaf students in laboratory science aerospace engineering, Embry-Riddle edge of banking issues will lead him to technology, which he helped to design, Aeronautical University; much success in his new position. implement, and lead, coupled with the Georgia—Judith Lupo Wold, clinical An extremely active member of the opportunities he has created for under- professor and interim associate dean community, Mr. Williams has taken a graduate research and internships that for educational innovation, Nell Hodg- personal role in growing the local econ- are critical to his students’ success. son Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory omy. He has joined forces with other Not only has Professor Pagano helped University; local leaders to promote Gothenburg, a open up a new profession for an under- Idaho—Daniel Bukvich, distinguished small town of less than 4,000 people represented group, but he is also a professor, University of Idaho which is now home to operations of 4 scholar of science education for deaf Illinois—Gary Creasey, professor of Fortune 500 companies. Matt’s solid students, an editor of a leading journal psychology, assistant director, U.S. De- understanding of how access to capital in the field, and an advocate in the pro- partment of Education, can cultivate economic development fessional chemistry community for stu- TEACHER+PLUS Project, Illinois and job growth will be essential as he dents, scientists and technicians with State University; special needs. promotes the values of the banking Indiana—Michele T. Villinski, Hiram We need more professors and edu- L. Jome professor and associate pro- community. cators like Todd Pagano. He is a native Matt is also no stranger to advo- fessor of economics and management, of Rochester, NY, and decided to come cating on behalf of the banking indus- codirector of the Environmental Fel- home to educate the next generation of lows Program, DePauw University; try. In 2003 and 2004, he served as chair- New Yorkers and Americans. He has in- man of the Nebraska Bankers Associa- Kentucky—Tom McCollough, Nelson stilled not only a love and passion for and Martha McDowell Rodes professor tion and currently serves on the FDIC science, but he has given hope and di- Advisory Committee on Community of Religion Centre College; rection to students who are deaf or Massachusetts—Michael Barnett, as- Banking. The American Bankers Asso- hard of hearing. His work typifies the ciation is fortunate to have someone sociate professor of science education high educational standards at National and technology, Lynch School of Edu- with Matt Williams’ knowledge and Technical Institute for the Deaf, which leadership skills at the helm. He under- cation, Boston College; is a stellar institution that leads the Maryland—John Hamman, professor stands the important role banks can Nation in the technical education of all and chair, Germantown Mathematics play in an economic recovery. students, especially those that are deaf Department, Montgomery College; I am confident Matt will tackle the or hard of hearing. Michigan—Stephen DeBacker, Ar- obligations of this new position with Mr. President, I urge my colleagues thur F. Thurnau professor of mathe- the same tenacity that has brought to join me in recognizing and thanking matics, University of Michigan, Ann him so much success in his past en- Professor Pagano and all the winners Arbor; deavors. I wish him nothing but the for their leadership and passion for Missouri—Eric William Nelson, pro- best and look forward to working with educating. They have undoubtedly in- fessor of history, Missouri State Uni- ∑ him on the issues of the day. spired an untold number of students. I versity; f again offer my congratulations and Montana—Michael W. Morrow, pro- best regards. fessor of biology, University of Mon- RECOGNIZING PROFESSORS OF The four national award winners are THE YEAR tana Western; as follows: Nebraska—Rita M. Lester, professor ∑ Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, today Outstanding Baccalaureate Colleges of religion, Nebraska Wesleyan Univer- I wish to congratulate the four na- Professor of the Year; Christy Price, sity; professor of psychology, Dalton State tional winners of the Council for Ad- New Jersey—Kent Fairfield, asso- College. vancement and Support of Education ciate professor, Fairleigh Dickinson and the Carnegie Foundation for the Outstanding Community Colleges Professor of the Year: Lois Roma- University; Advancement of Teaching’s 2012 United New Mexico—Kenneth J. Martin, re- Deeley, professor of creative writing, States Professors of the Year Award. gents professor of finance, New Mexico Since 1981, this program has saluted Paradise Valley Community College. Outstanding Doctoral and Research University; outstanding undergraduate instructors Nevada—Alfredo Ferna´ ndez-Gonza´ lez, throughout the country. In addition to Universities Professor of the Year: Autar Kaw, professor of mechanical en- associate professor of architecture; di- the national winners, a State Professor rector, Natural Energies Advanced of the Year was also recognized in 31 gineering, University of South Florida. Outstanding Master’s Universities Technologies Laboratory, University of States. New York’s 2012 State winner is and Colleges Professor of the Year: Nevada, Las Vegas; Rees Shad, who is coordinator of the Todd Pagano, associate professor of New York—Rees Shad, coordinator of Media Design Programs at Hostos Com- science and mathematics, director of the Media Design Programs, Hostos munity College of the City University laboratory science technology pro- Community College of the City Univer- of New York. gram, Rochester Institute of Tech- sity of New York; These awards are recognized as one of nology/National Technical Institute for Ohio—Gillian Oakenfull, associate the most prestigious honors bestowed the Deaf. professor and director of experiential upon a professor. To be nominated for The 31 State winners are as follows: learning, Department of Marketing, this award requires dedication to the Arkansas—Stephanie Vanderslice, Miami University; art of education and excellence in professor, Department of Writing, Uni- Oregon—Juliet W. Brosing, professor every aspect of the profession. Profes- versity of Central Arkansas; of physics, Pacific University; sors personally vested in each student Arizona—Albrecht Classen, univer- South Carolina—Alliston K. Reid, shape the leaders of tomorrow. These sity distinguished professor of German Reeves family professor of psychology, individuals and every one of us should studies, University of Arizona; Wofford College; be proud of their accomplishment. Colorado—Barry Fagin, professor of Tennessee—Michael Pinter, director I am also particularly proud that one computer science, U.S. Air Force Acad- of the Teaching Center and professor of of the four national winners is from my emy; mathematics, Belmont University;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 Texas—Greg Sherman, professor of tion and operation of natural gas pipeline fa- Particulate Matter (PM2.5)’’ (FRL No. 9731–5) physics, Collin College; cilities in the Gateway National Recreation received in the Office of the President of the Utah—Michael Christiansen, pro- Area, and for other purposes. Senate on September 20, 2012; to the Com- fessor of music, Utah State University; H.R. 4114. An act to increase, effective as of mittee on Environment and Public Works. December 1, 2012, the rates of compensation Virginia—Robert Swap, associate EC–7989. A communication from the Direc- for veterans with service-connected disabil- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, professor, University of Virginia; ities and the rates of dependency and indem- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Washington—Karl Fields, professor of nity compensation for the survivors of cer- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- politics and government and Asian tain disabled veterans, and for other pur- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air studies, University of Puget Sound; poses. Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland- Wisconsin—Gregory S. Aldrete, The enrolled bills were subsequently Revision for the Control of Volatile Organic Frankenthal professor of history and signed by the Acting President pro Compounds Emissions from Vehicle Refin- ishing’’ (FRL No. 9731–7) received in the Of- humanistic studies, University of Wis- tempore (Mr. BLUMENTHAL). consin-Green Bay; and fice of the President of the Senate on Sep- f tember 20, 2012; to the Committee on Envi- West Virginia—Dan Hollis, associate ronment and Public Works. professor of journalism and mass com- MEASURES REFERRED EC–7990. A communication from the Direc- ∑ munications, Marshall University. The following bills were read the first tor of the Regulatory Management Division, f and the second times by unanimous Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- consent, and referred as indicated: ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air Messages from the President of the H.R. 5934. An act to amend title 18, United Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsyl- United States were communicated to States Code, to include certain territories vania; Adhesives and Sealants Rule’’ (FRL and possessions of the United States in the No. 9731–6) received in the Office of the Presi- the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- definition of State for the purposes of chap- retaries. dent of the Senate on September 20, 2012; to ter 114, relating to trafficking in contraband the Committee on Environment and Public f cigarettes and smokeless tobacco; to the Works. Committee on the Judiciary. EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED EC–7991. A communication from the Direc- H.R. 6116. An act to amend the Revised Or- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, As in executive session the Presiding ganic Act of the Virgin Islands to provide for Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Officer laid before the Senate messages direct appeals to the United States Supreme ting, pursuant to law, the Uniform Resource from the President of the United Court of decisions of the Virgin Islands Su- Locator (URL) for the Revised RD/RA Nego- States submitting sundry nominations preme Court; to the Committee on the Judi- tiations Timeline; to the Committee on En- ciary. which were referred to the appropriate vironment and Public Works. committees. f EC–7992. A communication from the Direc- (The messages received today are tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- printed at the end of the Senate pro- COMMUNICATIONS ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ceedings.) The following communications were titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- f mentation Plans; California; Determinations laid before the Senate, together with of Attainment for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE accompanying papers, reports, and doc- Standard’’ (FRL No. 9749–4) received during At 10:06 a.m., a message from the uments, and were referred as indicated: adjournment of the Senate in the Office of House of Representatives, delivered by EC–7985. A communication from the Direc- the President of the Senate on November 5, Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 2012; to the Committee on Environment and nounced that the House has passed the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Public Works. EC–7993. A communication from the Direc- following bills, in which it requests the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘2017 and Later Model Year Light- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, concurrence of the Senate: Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- H.R. 5934. An act to amend title 18, United Corporate Average Fuel Economy Stand- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- States Code, to include certain territories ards’’ (FRL No. 9706–5) received in the Office titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- and possessions of the United States in the of the President of the Senate on September mentation Plans; State of Idaho; Regional definition of State for the purposes of chap- 20, 2012; to the Committee on Environment Haze State Implementation Plan’’ (FRL No. ter 114, relating to trafficking in contraband and Public Works. 9750–1) received during adjournment of the cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. EC–7986. A communication from the Direc- Senate in the Office of the President of the H.R. 6116. An act to amend the Revised Or- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Senate on November 5, 2012; to the Com- ganic Act of the Virgin Islands to provide for Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- mittee on Environment and Public Works. direct review by the United States Supreme ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–7994. A communication from the Direc- Court of decisions of the Virgin Islands Su- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air tor of the Regulatory Management Division, preme Court, and for other purposes. Quality Implementation Plans; Common- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- H.R. 6570. An act to amend the American wealth of Pennsylvania; Section 110(a)(2) In- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and frastructure Requirements for the 1997 8- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act Hour Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 Fine Par- Quality Implementation Plans; New Hamp- of 2008 to consolidate certain CBO reporting ticulate Matter National Ambient Air Qual- shire; Reasonably Available Control Tech- requirements. ity Standards’’ (FRL No. 9731–9) received in nology Update to Address Control Tech- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED the Office of the President of the Senate on niques Guidelines Issued in 2006, 2007, and At 12:25 p.m., a message from the September 20, 2012; to the Committee on En- 2008’’ (FRL No. 9749–8) received during ad- House of Representatives, delivered by vironment and Public Works. journment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on November 5, 2012; Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, EC–7987. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, to the Committee on Environment and Pub- announced that the Speaker has signed Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- lic Works. the following enrolled bills: ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–7995. A communication from the Direc- S. 743. An act to amend chapter 23 of title titled ‘‘Disapproval and Promulgation of Air tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 5, United States Code, to clarify the disclo- Quality Implementation Plans; State of Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- sures of information protected from prohib- Utah; Revisions to Open Burning Regula- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ited personnel practices, require a statement tions’’ (FRL No. 9732–1) received in the Office titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air in non-disclosure policies, forms, and agree- of the President of the Senate on September Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware; ments that such policies, forms, and agree- 20, 2012; to the Committee on Environment Requirements for Prevention of Significant ments conform with certain disclosure pro- and Public Works. Deterioration and Nonattainment New tections, provide certain authority for the EC–7988. A communication from the Direc- Source Review; Fine Particulate Matter Special Counsel, and for other purposes. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, (PM2.5)’’ (FRL No. 9747–9) received during ad- S. 1956. An act to prohibit operators of Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- journment of the Senate in the Office of the civil aircraft of the United States from par- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- President of the Senate on November 5, 2012; ticipating in the European Union’s emissions titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- trading scheme, and for other purposes. mentation Plans; Alabama: General and lic Works. H.R. 2606. An act to authorize the Sec- Transportation Conformity and New Source EC–7996. A communication from the Direc- retary of the Interior to allow the construc- Review Prevention of Significant for Fine tor of the Regulatory Management Division,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6853 Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–8010. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air tor of the Regulatory Management Division, titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- mentation Plans; California; Revisions to Fredericksburg 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- the California State Implementation Plan Area Revision to Approved Motor Vehicle titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air Pesticide Element’’ (FRL No. 9723–1) re- Emissions Budgets’’ (FRL No. 9746–3) re- Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; De- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in ceived during adjournment of the Senate in ferral for CO2 Emissions from Bioenergy and the Office of the President of the Senate on the Office of the President of the Senate on other Biogenic Sources Under the Prevention October 23, 2012; to the Committee on Envi- October 23, 2012; to the Committee on Envi- of Significant Deterioration Program’’ (FRL ronment and Public Works. ronment and Public Works. No. 9745–5) received during adjournment of EC–7997. A communication from the Direc- EC–8004. A communication from the Direc- the Senate in the Office of the President of tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, the Senate on October 25, 2012; to the Com- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- mittee on Environment and Public Works. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–8011. A communication from the Direc- titled ‘‘Approval of Air Quality Implementa- titled ‘‘Revisions to the California State Im- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tion Plans; California; San Joaquin Valley plementation Plan, Mojave Desert Air Qual- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Unified Air Pollution Control District; Pre- ity Management District’’ (FRL No. 9737–2) ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- vention of Significant Deterioration’’ (FRL received during adjournment of the Senate titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air No. 9726–3) received during adjournment of in the Office of the President of the Senate Quality Implementation Plans; District of the Senate in the Office of the President of on October 23, 2012; to the Committee on En- Columbia; The 2002 Base Year Emissions In- the Senate on October 23, 2012; to the Com- vironment and Public Works. ventory for the Washington DC-MD-VA Non- attainment Area for the 1997 Fine Particu- mittee on Environment and Public Works. EC–8005. A communication from the Direc- EC–7998. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, late Matter National Ambient Air Quality tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Standard’’ (FRL No. 9746–1) received during Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on October 25, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘Implementation of the New Source 2012; to the Committee on Environment and titled ‘‘National Emission Standards for Haz- Review (NSR) Program for Particulate Mat- Public Works. ardous Air Pollutants for Chemical Manufac- ter Less Than 2.5 Micrometers (PM2.5): Amendment to the Definition of ‘Regulated EC–8012. A communication from the Direc- turing Area Sources’’ (FRL No. 9746–4) re- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ceived during adjournment of the Senate in NSR Pollutant’ Concerning Condensable Par- ticulate Matter’’ (FRL No. 9742–8) received Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- the Office of the President of the Senate on ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- October 23, 2012; to the Committee on Envi- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- fice of the President of the Senate on Octo- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air ronment and Public Works. ber 23, 2012; to the Committee on Environ- Quality Implementation Plans; New Hamp- EC–7999. A communication from the Direc- shire; Determination of Attainment of the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ment and Public Works. EC–8006. A communication from the Direc- One-Hour Ozone Standard for the Ports- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, mouth-Dover-Rochester and Manchester ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Areas’’ (FRL No. 9744–6) received during ad- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- journment of the Senate in the Office of the Quality Implementation Plans; Illinois; Indi- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- President of the Senate on October 25, 2012; ana; Michigan; Minnesota; Ohio; Wisconsin; mentation Plans; Texas; Revisions to the to the Committee on Environment and Pub- Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 2006 New Source Review (NSR) State Implemen- lic Works. PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Stand- tation Plan (SIP); Antibacksliding of Major EC–8013. A communication from the Direc- ards; Indiana NSR/PSD’’ (FRL No. 9742–4) re- NSR SIP Requirements for the One-Hour tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ceived during adjournment of the Senate in Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Stand- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- the Office of the President of the Senate on ards (NAAQS); Major Nonattainment NSR ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- October 23, 2012; to the Committee on Envi- (NNSR) SIP Requirements for the 1997 Eight- titled ‘‘Additional Air Quality Designations ronment and Public Works. Hour Ozone NAAQS; and Major NSR Reform for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particle National EC–8000. A communication from the Direc- Program’’ (FRL No. 9743–6) received during Ambient Air Quality Standards’’ (FRL No. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 9746–6) received during adjournment of the adjournment of the Senate in the Office of Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Senate in the Office of the President of the the President of the Senate on October 23, Senate on October 25, 2012; to the Committee ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- 2012; to the Committee on Environment and titled ‘‘Missouri: Final Authorization of on Environment and Public Works. Public Works. EC–8014. A communication from the Direc- State Hazardous Waste Management Pro- EC–8007. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, gram Revisions’’ (FRL No. 9744–4) received tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- fice of the President of the Senate on Octo- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘Revision to the South Coast Portion ber 23, 2012; to the Committee on Environ- titled ‘‘Partial Approval and Disapproval of ment and Public Works. of the California State Implementation Plan, Air Quality Implementation Plans; Arizona; CPV Sentinel Energy Project AB 1318 Track- EC–8001. A communication from the Direc- Infrastructure Requirements for Ozone and tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ing System’’ (FRL No. 9751–3) received dur- Fine Particulate Matter’’ (FRL No. 9745–8) ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- received during adjournment of the Senate ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- of the President of the Senate on November in the Office of the President of the Senate 8, 2012; to the Committee on Environment titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air on October 25, 2012; to the Committee on En- Quality Implementation Plans; West Vir- and Public Works. vironment and Public Works. EC–8015. A communication from the Chief ginia; Amendments to West Virginia’s Ambi- EC–8008. A communication from the Direc- of the Recovery and State Grants Branch, ent Air Quality Standards’’ (FRL No. 9745–7) tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the received during adjournment of the Senate Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the in the Office of the President of the Senate ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Endangered and on October 23, 2012; to the Committee on En- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removal of vironment and Public Works. mentation Plans; New Mexico; Albuquerque/ the Gray Wolf in Wyoming from the Federal EC–8002. A communication from the Direc- Bernalillo County: Motor Vehicle Inspec- List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tion’’ (FRL No. 9747–2) received during ad- and Removal of the Wyoming Wolf Popu- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- journment of the Senate in the Office of the lation’s Status as an Experimental Popu- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- President of the Senate on October 25, 2012; lation’’ (RIN1018–AX94) received during ad- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air to the Committee on Environment and Pub- journment of the Senate in the Office of the Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; lic Works. President of the Senate on October 17, 2012; Attainment Demonstration for the 1997 8- EC–8009. A communication from the Direc- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality tor of the Regulatory Management Division, lic Works. Standard for the Philadelphia-Wilmington- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–8016. A communication from the Assist- Atlantic City Moderate Nonattainment ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), Area’’ (FRL No. 9746–2) received during ad- titled ‘‘Revisions to the Arizona State Imple- transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rel- journment of the Senate in the Office of the mentation Plan, Arizona Department of En- ative to the Broward County Water Preser- President of the Senate on October 23, 2012; vironmental Quality and Maricopa County vation Areas project in Broward and Miami- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- Air Quality Department’’ (FRL No. 9740–2) Dade Counties, Florida; to the Committee on lic Works. received during adjournment of the Senate Environment and Public Works. EC–8003. A communication from the Direc- in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–8017. A communication from the Dep- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, on October 25, 2012; to the Committee on En- uty Commissioner of the Social Security Ad- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- vironment and Public Works. ministration, transmitting, pursuant to law,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 the Administration’s Annual Report of Pay- EC–8026. A communication from the Execu- proposed issuance of an export license pursu- ment Recapture Audits; to the Committee on tive Secretary, U. S. Agency for Inter- ant to section 36(c) of the Arms Export Con- Finance. national Development (USAID), a report rel- trol Act (Transmittal No. DDTC 12–134); to EC–8018. A communication from the Chief ative to a vacancy in the position of Assist- the Committee on Foreign Relations. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, ant Administrator, Bureau for Legislative EC–8038. A communication from the Assist- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the and Public Affairs, U.S. Agency for Inter- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the national Development (USAID), received ment of State, transmitting, certification of report of a rule entitled ‘‘Update of Weighted during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- proposed issuance of an export license pursu- Average Interest Rates, Yield Curves, and fice of the President of the Senate on No- ant to section 36(c) of the Arms Export Con- Segment Rates’’ (Notice 2012–66) received in vember 8, 2012; to the Committee on Foreign trol Act (Transmittal No. DDTC 12–144); to the Office of the President of the Senate on Relations. the Committee on Foreign Relations. November 13, 2012; to the Committee on Fi- EC–8027. A communication from the Assist- EC–8039. A communication from the Assist- nance. ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- EC–8019. A communication from the Pro- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to ment of State, transmitting, certification of gram Manager, Centers for Medicare and law, a report relative to the status of the proposed issuance of an export license pursu- Medicaid Services, Department of Health Government of Cuba’s compliance with the ant to section 36(c) of the Arms Export Con- and Human Services, transmitting, pursuant United States-Cuba September 1994 ‘‘Joint trol Act (Transmittal No. DDTC 12–136); to to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Medi- Communique’’ and on the treatment of per- the Committee on Foreign Relations. care and Medicaid Programs: Hospital Out- sons returned to Cuba in accordance with the EC–8040. A communication from the Assist- patient Prospective Payment and Ambula- United States-Cuba May 1995 ‘‘Joint State- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- tory Surgical Center Payment Systems and ment’’; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- ment of State, transmitting, certification of proposed issuance of an export license pursu- Quality Reporting Programs; Electronic Re- tions. porting Pilot; Inpatient Rehabilitation Fa- EC–8028. A communication from the Assist- ant to sections 36(c) and 36(d) of the Arms cilities Quality Reporting Program; Revision ant Secretary, Bureau of Political-Military Export Control Act (Transmittal No. DDTC to Quality Improvement Organization Regu- Affairs, Department of State, transmitting, 12–131); to the Committee on Foreign Rela- lations’’ (RIN0938–AR10) received during ad- pursuant to law, a notice of an addendum to tions. EC–8041. A communication from the Assist- journment of the Senate in the Office of the a certification of the proposed sale or export ant Secretary, Bureau of Political-Military President of the Senate on November 5, 2012; of defense articles and/or defense services to Affairs, Department of State, transmitting, to the Committee on Finance. a Middle East country; to the Committee on EC–8020. A communication from the Chief pursuant to law, an addendum to a certifi- Foreign Relations. cation, transmittal number: DDTC 12–135, of of the Publications and Regulations Branch, EC–8029. A communication from the Assist- the proposed sale or export of defense arti- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the cles and/or defense services to a Middle East ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to report of a rule entitled ‘‘ Discount country regarding any possible affects such a law, a report prepared by the Department of Factors and Payment Patterns for 2012’’ sale might have relating to Israel’s Quali- State on progress toward a negotiated solu- (Rev. Proc. 2012–45) received in the Office of tative Military Edge over military threats to tion of the Cyprus question covering the pe- the President of the Senate on November 13, Israel; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- riod June 1, 2012 through July 31, 2012; to the 2012; to the Committee on Finance. tions. EC–8021. A communication from the Pro- Committee on Foreign Relations. EC–8042. A communication from the Assist- EC–8030. A communication from the Assist- gram Manager, Centers for Medicare and ant Secretary, Bureau of Political-Military ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- Medicaid Services, Department of Health Affairs, Department of State, transmitting, and Human Services, transmitting, pursuant ment of State, transmitting, a correspond- pursuant to law, an addendum to a certifi- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Medi- ence from the President of the Lebanese Na- cation, transmittal number: DDTC 12–126, of care Program; Revisions to Payment Poli- tional Assembly; to the Committee on For- the proposed sale or export of defense arti- cies Under the Physician Fee Schedule, DME eign Relations. cles and/or defense services to a Middle East EC–8031. A communication from the Sec- Face-to-Face Encounters, Elimination of the country regarding any possible affects such a retary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Requirement for Termination of Non-Ran- sale might have relating to Israel’s Quali- dom Prepayment Complex Medical Review Union, transmitting, a report entitled ‘‘Rais- tative Military Edge over military threats to and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2013’’ ing the Profile of HIV and AIDS in Your Par- Israel; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- (RIN0938–AR11) received during adjournment liament’’; to the Committee on Foreign Re- tions. of the Senate in the Office of the President lations. EC–8043. A communication from the Sec- EC–8032. A communication from the Assist- of the Senate on November 5, 2012; to the retary of Health and Human Services, trans- Committee on Finance. ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a pe- EC–8022. A communication from the Pro- ment of State, transmitting, certification of tition to add workers who were employed at gram Manager, Centers for Medicare and proposed issuance of an export license pursu- the Ventron Corporation in Beverly, Massa- Medicaid Services, Department of Health ant to section 36(c) of the Arms Export Con- chusetts, to the Special Exposure Cohort; to and Human Services, transmitting, pursuant trol Act (Transmittal No. DDTC 12–140); to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Med- the Committee on Foreign Relations. and Pensions. icaid Program; Payments for Services Fur- EC–8033. A communication from the Assist- EC–8044. A communication from the Assist- nished by Certain Primary Care Physicians ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- ant General Counsel for Regulatory Services, and Charges for Vaccine Administration ment of State, transmitting, certification of Office of Elementary and Secondary Edu- under the Vaccines for Children Program’’ proposed issuance of an export license pursu- cation, Department of Education, transmit- (RIN0938–AQ63) received during adjournment ant to section 36(c) of the Arms Export Con- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- of the Senate in the Office of the President trol Act (Transmittal No. DDTC 12–0138); to titled ‘‘Race to the Top—Early Learning of the Senate on November 5, 2012; to the the Committee on Foreign Relations. Challenge; Phase 2 Notice of Final Require- Committee on Finance. EC–8034. A communication from the Assist- ments’’ (RIN1810–AB15) received during ad- EC–8023. A communication from the Assist- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- journment of the Senate in the Office of the ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- ment of State, transmitting, certification of President of the Senate on October 31, 2012; ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to proposed issuance of an export license pursu- to the Committee on Health, Education, law, a report consistent with the Authoriza- ant to section 36(c) of the Arms Export Con- Labor, and Pensions. tion for Use of Military Force Against Iraq trol Act (Transmittal No. DDTC 12–133); to EC–8045. A communication from the Dep- Resolution of 1002 (P.L. 107–243) and the Au- the Committee on Foreign Relations. uty Director for Policy, Legislative and Reg- thorization for the Use of Force Against Iraq EC–8035. A communication from the Assist- ulatory Department, Pension Benefit Guar- Resolution (P.L. 102–1) for the June 25, 2012 ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- anty Corporation, transmitting, pursuant to through August 23, 2012 reporting period; to ment of State, transmitting, certification of law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Benefits the Committee on Foreign Relations. proposed issuance of an export license pursu- Payable in Terminated Single-Employer EC–8024. A communication from the Acting ant to section 36(c) of the Arms Export Con- Plans; Interest Assumptions for Valuing and Secretary of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- trol Act (Transmittal No. DDTC 12–071); to Paying Benefits’’ (29 CFR Part 4022) received ant to law, a report relative to the export to the Committee on Foreign Relations. during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- the People’s Republic of China of an item not EC–8036. A communication from the Assist- fice of the President of the Senate on No- detrimental to the U.S. space launch indus- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- vember 7, 2012; to the Committee on Health, try; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. ment of State, transmitting, certification of Education, Labor, and Pensions. EC–8025. A communication from the Assist- proposed issuance of an export license pursu- EC–8046. A communication from the Assist- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- ant to section 36(c) of the Arms Export Con- ant General Counsel for Regulatory Services, ment of State, transmitting, certification of trol Act (Transmittal No. DDTC 12–146); to Office of Postsecondary Education, Depart- proposed issuance of an export license pursu- the Committee on Foreign Relations. ment of Education, transmitting, pursuant ant to section 36(c) of the Arms Export Con- EC–8037. A communication from the Assist- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal trol Act (Transmittal No. DDTC 12–121); to ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Edu- the Committee on Foreign Relations. ment of State, transmitting, certification of cation Loan Program, and William D. Ford

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6855 Federal Direct Loan Program’’ (RIN1840– EC–8058. A communication from the Chair- By Mr. TOOMEY (for himself and Mr. AD05) received during adjournment of the man of the Council of the District of Colum- CASEY): Senate in the Office of the President of the bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report S. 3634. A bill to require a report on the es- Senate on November 5, 2012; to the Com- on D.C. Act 19–473, ‘‘District of Columbia tablishment of a joint Army-Navy storage mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and School Reform Extension of Time Tem- and preservation facility at the United Pensions. porary Amendment Act of 2012’’; to the Com- States Army Heritage and Education Center, EC–8047. A communication from the Under mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- Carlisle, Pennsylvania; to the Committee on Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), trans- mental Affairs. Armed Services. mitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to EC–8059. A communication from the Chair- By Mr. COONS (for himself and Mr. the completion and release of the Depart- man of the Council of the District of Colum- WARNER): ment of Defense (DoD) Agency Financial Re- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report S. 3635. A bill to provide incentives for port (AFR); to the Committee on Homeland on D.C. Act 19–472, ‘‘Cogeneration Equipment States to invest in practices and technology Security and Governmental Affairs. Personal Property Tax Exemption Tem- that are designed to expedite voting at the EC–8048. A communication from the Chair- porary Act of 2012’’; to the Committee on polls and to simplify voter registration; to man of the Board of Governors, Federal Re- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- the Committee on Rules and Administration. serve System, transmitting, pursuant to law, fairs. the Inspector General’s Semiannual Report EC–8060. A communication from the Chair- f for the six-month period from April 1, 2012 man of the Council of the District of Colum- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND through September 30, 2012; to the Com- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report SENATE RESOLUTIONS mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- on D.C. Act 19–474, ‘‘District of Columbia mental Affairs. Public Schools Partnership Temporary Act The following concurrent resolutions EC–8049. A communication from the Asso- of 2012’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- and Senate resolutions were read, and ciate General Counsel for General Law, De- curity and Governmental Affairs. referred (or acted upon), as indicated: partment of Homeland Security, transmit- EC–8061. A communication from the Chair- By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself and Mr. ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a man of the Council of the District of Colum- BURR): vacancy in the position of General Counsel, bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Department of Homeland Security, received S. Res. 597. A resolution to permit the col- on D.C. Act 19–468, ‘‘Department of Health lection of clothing, toys, food, and during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Functions Clarification Temporary Amend- fice of the President of the Senate on Octo- housewares during the holiday season for ment Act of 2012’’; to the Committee on charitable purposes in Senate buildings; con- ber 25, 2012; to the Committee on Homeland Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Security and Governmental Affairs. sidered and agreed to. fairs. By Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and EC–8050. A communication from the Direc- EC–8062. A communication from the Chair- Mrs. BOXER): tor, National Gallery of Art, transmitting, man of the Council of the District of Colum- S. Res. 598. A resolution commending and pursuant to law, the Gallery’s Performance bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report congratulating the San Francisco Giants for and Accountability Report for the year on D.C. Act 19–469, ‘‘District Department of ended September 30, 2011; to the Committee winning the 2012 World Series; considered Transportation Bicycle Sharing Fund Tem- on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- and agreed to. porary Amendment Act of 2012’’; to the Com- fairs. By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself, Mr. mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- EC–8051. A communication from the Archi- KIRK, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. RUBIO, Ms. vist of the United States, National Archives mental Affairs. EC–8063. A communication from the Chair- MIKULSKI, Mr. RISCH, Mr. UDALL of and Records Administration, transmitting, man of the Council of the District of Colum- Colorado, Mr. WICKER, Mrs. FEIN- pursuant to law, a report relative to the Ad- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report STEIN, Mr. MORAN, Mr. COONS, Mr. ministration’s Fiscal Year 2012 Commercial on D.C. Act 19–480, ‘‘Retention Incentives for CRAPO, Mr. WARNER, Mr. HOEVEN, Ms. Activities Inventory and Inherently Govern- Chief of Police Cathy L. Lanier Amendment CANTWELL, Mr. COATS, Mr. NELSON of mental Inventory; to the Committee on Florida, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. CARDIN, Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Act of 2012’’; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. CASEY, Mr. ROB- fairs. ERTS, Mr. CORKER, Mr. MENENDEZ, EC–8052. A communication from the Spe- EC–8064. A communication from the Archi- vist of the United States, National Archives Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. cial Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruc- TOOMEY, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. COCHRAN, tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the and Records Administration, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on a proposed ar- Mr. CORNYN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. Quarterly Report for the period through Oc- SCHUMER, Mr. BURR, Mr. FRANKEN, tober 2012; to the Committee on Homeland chival depository for the Presidential records, artifacts and other historical mate- Mr. KYL, Mr. JOHNSON of South Da- Security and Governmental Affairs. kota, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. EC–8053. A communication from the Chair- rials of the George W. Bush administration; BLUMENTHAL, Mr. HELLER, Mr. BROWN man of the Council of the District of Colum- to the Committee on Homeland Security and of Ohio, Mr. JOHANNS, Mr. MANCHIN, bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Governmental Affairs. Mrs. HAGAN, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. LAUTEN- on D.C. Act 19–467, ‘‘Meridian Public Charter f BERG, Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, School-Harrison Campus Property Tax Ex- Mr. VITTER, Mr. THUNE, Mrs. SHA- emption Act of 2012’’; to the Committee on INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND HEEN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. PORTMAN, Homeland Security and Governmental Af- JOINT RESOLUTIONS Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. fairs. The following bills and joint resolu- TESTER, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. DURBIN, EC–8054. A communication from the Chair- tions were introduced, read the first man of the Council of the District of Colum- Mr. BENNET, Mr. KOHL, Mrs. MURRAY, bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report and second times by unanimous con- Mr. UDALL of New Mexico, Mr. on D.C. Act 19–470, ‘‘Career and Technical sent, and referred as indicated: PRYOR, Mr. BEGICH, Mr. REED, Mrs. Education Plan Establishment Temporary By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and HUTCHISON, and Mr. LEVIN): Act of 2012’’; to the Committee on Homeland Mr. GRAHAM): S. Res. 599. A resolution expressing vig- Security and Governmental Affairs. S. 3631. A bill to prohibit and deter the orous support and unwavering commitment EC–8055. A communication from the Chair- theft of metal, and for other purposes; to the to the welfare, security, and survival of the man of the Council of the District of Colum- Committee on the Judiciary. State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report By Mrs. GILLIBRAND: state with secure borders, and recognizing on D.C. Act 19–478, ‘‘Verizon Center Graphics S. 3632. A bill to amend the Emergency and strongly supporting its right to act in and Entertainment Amendment Act of 2012’’; Food Assistance Act of 1983 to provide for self-defense to protect its citizens against to the Committee on Homeland Security and the increased purchase of Kosher and Halal acts of terrorism; considered and agreed to. Governmental Affairs. food and to modify the labeling of the com- By Mr. REID (for himself and Mr. EC–8056. A communication from the Chair- modities list under the emergency food as- MCCONNELL): man of the Council of the District of Colum- sistance program to enable Kosher and Halal S. Con. Res. 60. A concurrent resolution bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report food bank operators to identify which com- providing for a conditional adjournment or on D.C. Act 19–479, ‘‘Compassionate Release modities to obtain from local food banks; to recess of the Senate and an adjournment of Authorization Amendment Act of 2012’’; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, the House of Representatives; considered and the Committee on Homeland Security and and Forestry. agreed to. Governmental Affairs. By Ms. MURKOWSKI: f EC–8057. A communication from the Chair- S. 3633. A bill to provide for the man of the Council of the District of Colum- unencumbering of title to non-Federal land ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report owned by the city of Anchorage, Alaska, for S. 154 on D.C. Act 19–471, ‘‘Health Benefits Plan purposes of economic development by con- Grievance Temporary Amendment Act of veyance of the Federal reversion interest to At the request of Mr. KOHL, the name 2012’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- the City; to the Committee on Energy and of the Senator from South Dakota (Mr. rity and Governmental Affairs. Natural Resources. JOHNSON) was added as a cosponsor of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 S. 154, a bill to authorize the Secretary ation therapy treatments safer, more port for the goals of National Adoption of Education to make grants to support accurate, and less costly. Day and National Adoption Month by early college high schools and other S. 3343 promoting national awareness of adop- dual enrollment programs. At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the tion and the children awaiting fami- S. 254 name of the Senator from New York lies, celebrating children and families At the request of Mr. FRANKEN, the (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a cospon- involved in adoption, and encouraging name of the Senator from New Hamp- sor of S. 3343, a bill to amend the Con- the people of the United States to se- shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- sumer Product Safety Act to require cure safety, permanency, and well- sponsor of S. 254, a bill to reduce the residential carbon monoxide detectors being for all children. rape kit backlog and for other pur- to meet the applicable ANSI/UL stand- AMENDMENT NO. 2874 poses. ard by treating that standard as a con- At the request of Mr. KERRY, the S. 629 sumer product safety rule, to encour- name of the Senator from Connecticut At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the age States to require the installation (Mr. LIEBERMAN) was added as a co- name of the Senator from New Mexico of such detectors in homes, and for sponsor of amendment No. 2874 in- (Mr. UDALL) was added as a cosponsor other purposes. tended to be proposed to S. 3525, a bill of S. 629, a bill to improve hydropower, S. 3407 to protect and enhance opportunities and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the for recreational hunting, fishing, and S. 648 name of the Senator from Rhode Island shooting, and for other purposes. At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, (Mr. REED) was added as a cosponsor of AMENDMENT NO. 2913 the name of the Senator from Con- S. 3407, a bill to amend the Public At the request of Mr. LAUTENBERG, necticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added Health Service Act to increase the the name of the Senator from Illinois as a cosponsor of S. 648, a bill to re- number of permanent faculty in pallia- (Mr. DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor quire the Commissioner of Social Secu- tive care at accredited allopathic and of amendment No. 2913 intended to be rity to revise the medical and evalua- osteopathic medical schools, nursing proposed to S. 3525, a bill to protect tion criteria for determining disability schools, and other programs, to pro- and enhance opportunities for rec- in a person diagnosed with Hunting- mote education in palliative care and reational hunting, fishing, and shoot- ton’s Disease and to waive the 24- hospice, and to support the develop- ing, and for other purposes. month waiting period for Medicare eli- ment of faculty careers in academic f gibility for individuals disabled by palliative medicine. Huntington’s Disease. S. 3538 STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS S. 1102 At the request of Mr. JOHANNS, the At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the name of the Senator from Missouri By Ms. MURKOWSKI: name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. (Mr. BLUNT) was added as a cosponsor S. 3633. A bill to provide for the WYDEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. of S. 3538, a bill to reform laws relating unencumbering of title to non-Federal 1102, a bill to amend title 11, United to small public housing agencies, and land owned by the city of Anchorage, States Code, with respect to certain ex- for other purposes. Alaska, for purposes of economic devel- ceptions to discharge in bankruptcy. S. 3542 opment by conveyance of the Federal S. 1872 At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the reversion interest to the City; to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- At the request of Mr. CASEY, the name of the Senator from South Da- name of the Senator from Maryland kota (Mr. THUNE) was added as a co- sources. Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor sponsor of S. 3542, a bill to authorize of S. 1872, a bill to amend the Internal the Assistant Secretary of Homeland rise today to introduce legislation to Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the Security (Transportation Security Ad- clear the title to three small parcels of tax treatment of ABLE accounts estab- ministration) to modify screening re- land owned by the Municipality of An- lished under State programs for the quirements for checked baggage arriv- chorage, in Alaska, my home State, so care of family members with disabil- ing from preclearance airports, and for that the land can be put to more pro- ities, and for other purposes. other purposes. ductive uses in the future. At different times between 1922 and S. 2620 S. 3567 1982, these three parcels of land, lo- At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the cated in downtown Anchorage, com- name of the Senator from Mississippi name of the Senator from Colorado prising 2.65 acres in total, were con- (Mr. COCHRAN) was added as a cospon- (Mr. BENNET) was added as a cosponsor veyed to either the former ‘‘City of An- sor of S. 2620, a bill to amend title of S. 3567, a bill to establish the Com- chorage’’ or more recently the ‘‘Mu- XVIII of the Social Security Act to mission to Study the Potential Cre- nicipality of Anchorage.’’ They were provide for an extension of the Medi- ation of a National Women’s History transferred by the Federal government care-dependent hospital (MDH) pro- Museum, and for other purposes. to the local government for a wide va- gram and the increased payments S. RES. 453 riety of specific purposes, but all were under the Medicare low-volume hos- At the request of Mr. HARKIN, the transferred for the overarching purpose pital program. name of the Senator from Washington of helping the then nascent City of An- S. 3237 (Ms. CANTWELL) was added as a cospon- chorage, which was, and largely still is, At the request of Mr. WHITEHOUSE, sor of S. Res. 453, a resolution express- surrounded by Federal lands, have suf- the names of the Senator from ing the sense of the Senate that sup- ficient land resources to provide mu- Vermont (Mr. SANDERS) and the Sen- porting seniors and individuals with nicipal services to the growing commu- ator from New Jersey (Mr. LAUTEN- disabilities is an important responsi- nity. For reasons that made sense dec- BERG) were added as cosponsors of S. bility of the United States, and that a ades ago, all of the deeds for these 3237, a bill to provide for the establish- comprehensive approach to expanding properties contain reversionary ment of a Commission to Accelerate and supporting a strong home care clauses, that should the land not be the End of Breast Cancer. workforce and making long-term serv- used for various general ‘‘municipal S. 3338 ices and supports affordable and acces- purposes’’ their ownership would revert At the request of Mr. ENZI, the name sible in communities is necessary to to the Federal Government. The prob- of the Senator from Mississippi (Mr. uphold the right of seniors and individ- lem is that in each case, the tracts are COCHRAN) was added as a cosponsor of uals with disabilities in the United no longer useful for the purposes origi- S. 3338, a bill to amend the Public States to a dignified quality of life. nally intended, the lands are not need- Health Service Act and title XVIII of S. RES. 595 ed by the Federal Government, the the Social Security Act to make the At the request of Mr. JOHANNS, his public purpose for which the reversion provision of technical services for med- name was added as a cosponsor of S. clause was put in price has long ago ical imaging examinations and radi- Res. 595, a resolution expressing sup- been fulfilled, and in any case, if they

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6857 were to be returned to the federal es- The third site at the corner of H year-old first-time voter in Miami- tate, it would cost the Federal Govern- Street and Christiansen Drive, .24 acres Dade County, Florida, was still waiting ment substantial sums to maintain the in size and obtained by the city in 1963, in line to cast his ballot. Andre had properties or prepare them for future again is too small for municipal or fed- been in line at the South Kendall Com- sale. eral office space, and unneeded for park munity Church for nearly five hours by These small tracts are not practical space, but might be of use for a retail the time he voted, just before mid- for the federal government to repossess establishment given its location near a night. Five hours—that is appalling. for several reasons: the Federal Gov- municipal parking facility. Likewise, Yet, some Florida voters waited even ernment is barely able to manage all it is zoned for business/commercial, but longer—as much as 7 or 8 hours—during the land it currently owns in Alaska, cannot be used and potentially con- the State’s condensed early-voting pe- including in Anchorage, let alone add- tribute to the local and federal tax riod. ing small tracts to burden its responsi- bases due to the federal reversion re- Rashell Hobbs, another first-time bility. After more than 50 years since quirement. It currently sits vacant and voter, waited for five hours in Chesa- the Statehood Act, and more than 40 idle. peake, Virginia. ‘‘This is just hor- years since the Alaska Native Claims In all cases, the best municipal use of rible,’’ Rashell said. ‘‘There is no rea- Settlement Act’s passage, the State the lands would be for sale to provide son it should take this long.’’ and our Native People still have not re- revenues to the Municipality of An- Rashell, I agree. Voting machine irregularities were ceived final patent to all their lands. chorage that could be used for provi- experienced in States across the coun- The public purposes for which the Fed- sion of municipal social services. In eral reversionary clauses were put in try by voters of both political parties. each case, reversion of the lands to the In Colorado, voters said they checked place have been met. These clauses federal government would result in fed- were added to insure that during its the box on the touchscreen panel to eral ownership of tracts unneeded for vote for Mitt Romney, but that the earlier, developmental stages, Anchor- federal purposes, but lands that would age would use the federal land con- machine kept switching their pick to produce greater conveyance and man- President Obama, while in Pennsyl- veyed to it to build the city and the agement costs to the federal treasury vania, voters reported the same prob- municipal and public infrastructure of than are likely to be recovered through lem in reverse, that their selection of the community. After decades of dedi- fair market sales. President Obama was registered as a cated public use of these properties, The Municipality of Anchorage and vote for Governor Romney. the ‘‘public purpose’’ basis for the its Mayor Daniel Sullivan have asked It wasn’t just new technology that clauses has been fulfilled. For these that the reversionary clauses be re- caused issues. Poll-watchers in David- properties, my legislation addresses pealed on the three tracts, the city ab- son County, Tennessee, could only the question of how long is long enough sorbing all costs connected with sur- stand by as would-be voters saw the for a reversionary clause to have veying, recording and other costs con- long line of people waiting to cast their served its purpose, by recognizing that nected with the properties. In these ballots and drove away. In Philadel- after decades of living up to its obliga- cases, lifting of the reversionary phia, long-time registered voters who tions under what are now outdated re- clauses on three of the literally thou- showed up to cast their ballots discov- strictions from the last century, it’s sands of acres conveyed to Anchorage, ered their names simply weren’t on the time to let the city move forward with partially as a result of the Alaska rolls any more. its vision for the new one. The com- Statehood Act, makes for good land More than a dozen states, including mercial use of the properties will add use, and economic and public policy Ohio, Wisconsin, South Carolina, New to the public municipal treasury, and sense for both the local government York and Montana, experienced some to the Federal treasury, hence con- and the Federal Government. The Mu- kind of breakdown in the administra- tinuing the public benefit of the lands, nicipality of Anchorage has already es- tion of their elections. albeit in a different way. tablished 223 parks containing 82 play- This is the United States of America. In 1922 the City of Anchorage re- grounds and 250 miles of trails, encom- The right to vote is in our DNA. We ceived a number of properties around passing 10,946 acres inside its bound- have to get this right. Anchorage for municipal/school pur- aries. There is no shortage of park and That is why today, I am introducing poses. One of the properties was the open space in the municipality. There the Fair, Accurate, Secure and Timely Voting Act of 2012—the FAST Voting 1.93-acre site in Block 42 downtown is no public policy purpose in the 21st Act. that since the early 1980s has been the Century not to permit these very lim- site of the William A. Egan Convention Making it harder for citizens to vote ited Federal reversion extinguish- is a violation of voters’ civil rights. Center. With the completion in 2010 of ments. the larger Dena’ina Civic and Conven- Long lines are a form of voter dis- Passage of this act would cost the enfranchisement. Running out of bal- tion Center, the tract is surplus to mu- Federal Government nothing, but nicipal needs, and could best be uti- lots is a form of voter suppression. The would aid the citizens of Anchorage by fact is, access is denied when registra- lized for sale to the private sector that allowing lands to be put on the city’s would then be best able to afford the tion is cut off months before the elec- tax rolls. I am introducing this bill tion and where early vote and vote-by- cost of conversion of the property for now to allow plenty of time for every- mail options are not widely available. future use, adding to the Federal in- one to review the merits of this bill This particularly matters for the men come tax base and local property tax prior to hopefully serious consideration and women of our armed services, who base. of this issue in the 113th Congress. are currently stationed overseas and The second tract is a lot of .48 acres have no choice but to vote by mail. at Seventh and I Streets downtown, By Mr. COONS (for himself and As widespread as the problem is, currently being used as a municipal Mr. WARNER): there are States that are getting it parking lot. The land, obtained by the S. 3635. A bill to provide incentives right. These states continue to be lab- city as part of a 1982 land exchange for States to invest in practices and oratories of democracy, and we need to that cleared the site for a major office technology that are designed to expe- learn from them. building across the street, is too small dite voting at the polls and to simplify The FAST Voting Act creates a com- for municipal or federal office space voter registration; to the Committee petitive grant program in the model of use, or for park construction, but on Rules and Administration. Race to the Top, which has encouraged might be properly sized for a commer- Mr. COONS. Mr. President, like so states to aggressively pursue education cial enterprise. It is zoned for business, many Americans, I stayed up late last reform. The states that demonstrated but cannot be used for business that Tuesday night to watch the election re- the most comprehensive and promising would contribute to the local property turns come in. reform plans win a greater portion of tax based or federal income tax base, It was 11:38 pm on the East Coast the grant funding. because of the inability of the Munici- when the Associated Press called the Instead of spurring education reform, pality to sell the property due to the election for President Obama, but at the FAST Voting Act would inspire federal reversion clause. that late hour, Andre Murias, an 18- election reform.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 This bill authorizes a federal pro- lina, but in Virginia it is remarkable This voluntary grant program also gram that would award grants based on that in 2012 people had to wait for requires the establishment of perform- how well states improve access to the hours in line to vote. In Prince William ance measures and reporting require- ballot in at least nine ways: flexible County, folks waited for up to 3 hours. ments to ensure a State’s progress in registration opportunities, including In Chesapeake, VA, folks waited for up eliminating statutory, regulatory, pro- same-day registration; early voting, at to 4 hours. It was remarkable that it cedural, and other barriers to expedited a minimum of 9 of the 10 calendar days was 5 days after the fact before we even voting and accessible voter registra- preceding an election; no-excuse absen- knew the results in Florida. In the 21st tion. tee voting; assistance to voters who do century, in the greatest democracy in This is a relatively small bill. I com- not speak English as a primary lan- the world, voting should not be this mend my colleague from Delaware, guage or who have disabilities, includ- much of a burden. Senator COONS, for taking the lead. I ing visual impairment; effective access In many ways, when you have those join him as a cosponsor. Regardless of to voting for members of the armed kinds of extraordinary lines, particu- which side of the aisle you stand on in services; formal training of election of- larly when you are working, what we 2012—and surely before 2016—we ought ficials, including State and county ad- have in effect created is a 21st-century not to have a repeat of this 21st-cen- ministrators and volunteers; audited poll tax. Those of us in the South have tury poll tax that is imposed on folks and reduced waiting times at the poor- a history where poll taxes were used to all across America by not being able to exercise their vote, having to pay too est performing polling stations; contin- restrict voters. What you in effect have high a price, or having the kind of em- gency plans for voting in the event of a by having these extensive lines is barrassment where it takes us literally natural or other disaster, such as when, if you work on an hourly basis or days and days for the public to get the Superstorm Sandy, which impacted can only get off a bit of time, you can- results. voting in New York and New Jersey, not afford to wait 3, 4, or 5 hours in line to vote. I hope my colleagues will join me in and would have only needed to take a supporting this legislation. slight turn to dramatically impact my This legislation, the Fair, Accurate, home State of Delaware. Secure and Timely Voting Act of 2012— f The stakes are high, and the impor- the so-called FAST Act—creates a SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS tance of achieving these electoral re- competitive grant program to encour- forms is paramount. When tens of age States to aggressively pursue elec- thousands, or even hundreds of thou- tion reforms. It would provide incen- SENATE RESOLUTION 597—TO PER- sands, of Americans have their right to tives for States such as Virginia to in- MIT THE COLLECTION OF CLOTH- vote denied or compromised, we have vest in practices and technology de- ING, TOYS, FOOD, AND to take action. signed to expedite voting at the polls HOUSEWARES DURING THE HOLI- The implications of these voting and simplify voter registration. DAY SEASON FOR CHARITABLE The FAST Voting Act addresses this irregularities are felt far beyond our PURPOSES IN SENATE BUILD- issue in a responsible way. It doesn’t shores. I am the chair of the Senate INGS add new mandates; it authorizes simply Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Mrs. MURRAY (for herself and Mr. additional resources for those States African Affairs, and I worked and stud- BURR) submitted the following resolu- which step up with commonsense re- ied in South Africa during its apart- tion; which was considered and agreed forms to make voting faster and more heid regime. One of the most inspiring to: accessible to voters. This is a rel- sights I have ever seen was during the Resolved, atively very small program, but a few first ever free and fair election in that SECTION 1. COLLECTION OF CLOTHING, TOYS, dollars spent to both improve the ac- nation, when South Africans stood in FOOD, AND HOUSEWARES DURING cess and increase the number of voting THE HOLIDAY SEASON FOR CHARI- line for up to two days to cast their machines at those polling places which TABLE PURPOSES IN SENATE BUILD- votes. Members of our subcommittee INGS. are so restricted would, I believe, re- (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any meet regularly with African heads of move some of the embarrassment Vir- State, and all of us, Democrats and Re- other provision of the rules or regulations of ginia and so many other States saw the Senate— publicans alike, stress with these lead- last week when people had to wait so (1) a Senator, officer of the Senate, or em- ers the vital importance of free and fair long. ployee of the Senate may collect from an- elections. So when we still have sub- I encourage Virginia’s elected leaders other Senator, officer of the Senate, or em- stantial voting issues in our own elec- to embrace this opportunity to im- ployee of the Senate within Senate buildings tions, that is a cause for deep concern. prove access for Virginia voters, who nonmonetary donations of clothing, toys, We have the opportunity to send a food, and housewares for charitable purposes should not have to wait in line for related to serving persons in need or mem- message to first time voters here at hours to exercise their most basic con- home, as well as those fighting for de- bers of the Armed Forces and the families of stitutional right—the right to vote. those members during the holiday season, if mocracy overseas, that every vote As I mentioned, this bill authorizes a the charitable purposes do not otherwise vio- counts and every voter will be counted. Federal program that would award late any rule or regulation of the Senate or When States prevent their citizens grants based on how well applicant of Federal law; and from exercising their fundamental States—again, States will be the deci- (2) a Senator, officer of the Senate, or em- right of ballot access, whether delib- sionmakers on whether they would ployee of the Senate may work with a non- erately through the law or regulations, want to apply for this program—are profit organization with respect to the deliv- ery of donations described under paragraph or accidentally because of incom- able to improve access to the polls in petence or lack of preparedness, it is a (1). at least nine specific ways. Let me (b) EXPIRATION.—The authority provided violation of voters’ civil rights. mention three of those. by this resolution shall expire at the end of The FAST Voting Act is one way to No. 1, provide absentee voting, in- the second session of the 112th Congress. try to fix our elections and make sure cluding no-excuse absentee voting. We f what happened across our country last in Virginia still have restrictions on week does not happen again. I look for- absentee voting. SENATE RESOLUTION 598—COM- ward to working with my colleagues of No. 2, provide assistance to voters MENDING AND CONGRATU- both parties to move this important so- who do not speak English as a primary LATING THE SAN FRANCISCO GI- lution forward. language. Virginia and North Carolina ANTS FOR WINNING THE 2012 Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I rise and other States are becoming more di- WORLD SERIES today to join my colleague and friend, verse, and we need to accommodate Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and the Senator from Delaware, CHRIS those voters. Mrs. BOXER) submitted the following COONS, in introducing legislation that No. 3, audit and reduce waiting time resolution; which was considered and would make voting faster and more ac- in polling stations. No one in the 21st agreed to: cessible to all voters. Here we are, century should have to wait 4 or 5 or, S. RES. 598 barely a week after a historic election as in some reported cases in Florida, up Whereas the San Francisco Giants defeated in 2012. I can’t speak about North Caro- to 7 or 8 hours to vote. the American League champions, the Detroit

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RES. 60 Series championship in 3 years; MER, Mr. BURR, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. KYL, Whereas the San Francisco Giants won the Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- 2012 National League West Division title Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota, Mr. resentatives concurring), That when the Sen- with 94 wins; BARRASSO, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. HELL- ate recesses or adjourns on any day from Whereas the San Francisco Giants won 6 ER, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. JOHANNS, Thursday, November 15, 2012, through Fri- straight elimination games in the 2012 post- Mr. MANCHIN, Mrs. HAGAN, Mr. WYDEN, day, November 16, 2012, on a motion offered season, rallying from being down two games Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. pursuant to this concurrent resolution by its Majority Leader or his designee, it stand re- to none to defeat the Cincinnati Reds in the WHITEHOUSE, Mr. VITTER, Mr. THUNE, cessed or adjourned until 12:00 noon on Mon- National League Division Series, and from Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. being down three games to one to defeat the day, November 26, 2012, or such other time on PORTMAN, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. GRASS- defending World Series champions, the St. that day as may be specified by its Majority Louis Cardinals, for the National League LEY, Mr. TESTER, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. Leader or his designee in the motion to re- championship; DURBIN, Mr. BENNET, Mr. KOHL, Mrs. cess or adjourn, or until the time of any re- Whereas the San Francisco Giants won 7 MURRAY, Mr. UDALL of New Mexico, assembly pursuant to section 2 of this con- straight post-season games and allowed just Mr. PRYOR, Mr. BEGICH, Mr. REED of current resolution, whichever occurs first; 7 runs in that span; Rhode Island, Mrs. HUTCHISON, and Mr. and that when the House adjourns on any legislative day from Friday, November 16, Whereas third baseman Pablo Sandoval re- LEVIN) submitted the following resolu- 2012, through Friday, November 23, 2012, on a ceived the World Series Most Valuable Play- tion; which was consider and agreed to: er award after hitting .500 during the World motion offered pursuant to this concurrent Series and hitting 3 home runs in Game 1, S. RES. 599 resolution by its Majority Leader or his des- becoming just the fourth player to do so in Whereas Hamas was founded with the stat- ignee, it stand adjourned until 2:00 p.m. on World Series history; ed goal of destroying the State of Israel; Tuesday, November 27, 2012, or until the time Whereas all 25 on the playoff roster Whereas Hamas has been designated by the of any reassembly pursuant to section 2 of should be congratulated, including Jeremy Secretary of State as a Foreign Terrorist Or- this concurrent resolution, whichever occurs Affeldt, Joaquin Arias, Brandon Belt, Gregor ganization; first. Blanco, Madison Bumgarner, Matt Cain, Whereas Hamas refuses to recognize SEC. 2. The Majority Leader of the Senate Santiago Casilla, Brandon Crawford, Aubrey Israel’s right to exist, renounce violence, and and the Speaker of the House, or their re- Huff, George Kontos, Tim Lincecum, Javier accept previous agreements between Israel spective designees, acting jointly after con- Lopez, Jose Mijares, Guillermo Mota, Xavier and the Palestinians; sultation with the Minority Leader of the Nady, Angel Pagan, Hunter Pence, Buster Whereas Hamas has launched thousands of Senate and the Minority Leader of the Posey, Sergio Romo, Hector Sanchez, Pablo rockets and missiles since Israel dismantled House, shall notify the Members of the Sen- Sandoval, Marco Scutaro, Ryan Theriot, settlements and withdrew from Gaza in 2005; ate and House, respectively, to reassemble at Ryan Vogelsong, and Barry Zito; Whereas terrorists in the Hamas-controlled such place and time as they may designate Whereas the 2012 San Francisco Giants will Gaza Strip have fired approximately 900 if, in their opinion, the public interest shall be remembered for overpowering starting rockets and missile into Israel this warrant it. pitching, unflappable relief pitching, steady year, an increase from roughly 675 attacks in f defense, and timely hitting; 2011 and 350 in 2010; Whereas the San Francisco Giants are su- Whereas Hamas has increased the range of AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND perbly led by President and Chief Executive its rockets, reportedly with support from PROPOSED Officer Larry Baer, General Manager Brian Iran and others, putting additional large SA 2923. Mr. COATS submitted an amend- Sabean, and Manager Bruce Bochy; numbers of Israelis in danger of rocket at- ment intended to be proposed by him to the Whereas San Francisco is a city with a tacks from Gaza; bill S. 3254, to authorize appropriations for rich baseball tradition, where players such Whereas, on November 14, 2012, President fiscal year 2013 for military activities of the as Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Orlando Barack Obama condemned the rocket fire Department of Defense, for military con- Cepeda, Juan Marichal, Monte Irvin, and from Gaza into Israel and reiterated Israel’s struction, and for defense activities of the Gaylord Perry displayed exceptional skill right to self-defense; and Department of Energy, to prescribe military that eventually took them to the National Whereas Israel, a fellow democracy, has an personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New inherent right to self defense in the face of for other purposes; which was ordered to lie York; and terrorist attacks: Now, therefore, be it on the table. Whereas the San Francisco Giants inspired Resolved, That the Senate— SA 2924. Mr. MANCHIN submitted an the city of San Francisco and all Giants fans (1) expresses unwavering commitment to amendment intended to be proposed by him by showing unprecedented determination, re- the security of the State of Israel as a Jew- to the bill S. 3254, supra; which was ordered solve, and teamwork in winning the 2012 ish and democratic state with secure bor- to lie on the table. World Series: Now, therefore, be it ders, and recognizes and strongly supports SA 2925. Mr. MANCHIN submitted an Resolved, That the Senate commends and its inherent right to act in self-defense to amendment intended to be proposed by him congratulates the San Francisco Giants for protect its citizens against acts of terrorism; to the bill S. 3254, supra; which was ordered winning the 2012 World Series. (2) reiterates that Hamas must end Gaza- to lie on the table. linked terrorist rocket and missile attacks SA 2926. Ms. LANDRIEU (for Mr. ALEX- f against Israel, recognize Israel’s right to ANDER) proposed an amendment to the bill S. SENATE RESOLUTION 599—EX- exist, renounce violence, and agree to accept 1440, to reduce preterm labor and delivery PRESSING VIGOROUS SUPPORT previous agreements between Israel and the and the risk of pregnancy-related deaths and Palestinians; AND UNWAVERING COMMITMENT complications due to pregnancy, and to re- (3) urges the United Nations Security duce infant mortality caused by pre- TO THE WELFARE, SECURITY, Council to condemn the recent spike in AND SURVIVAL OF THE STATE maturity. Gaza-linked terrorist missile attacks against SA 2927. Mr. KYL (for himself and Mr. OF ISRAEL AS A JEWISH AND Israel, which risk causing civilian casualties UDALL of New Mexico) submitted an amend- DEMOCRATIC STATE WITH SE- in both Israel and Gaza; and ment intended to be proposed by him to the CURE BORDERS, AND RECOG- (4) encourages the President to continue to bill S. 3254, to authorize appropriations for NIZING AND STRONGLY SUP- work diplomatically with the international fiscal year 2013 for military activities of the PORTING ITS RIGHT TO ACT IN community to prevent Hamas and other Department of Defense, for military con- Gaza-based terrorist organizations from re- SELF-DEFENSE TO PROTECT ITS struction, and for defense activities of the taining or rebuilding the capability to Department of Energy, to prescribe military CITIZENS AGAINST ACTS OF launch rockets and missiles against Israel. TERRORISM personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and f for other purposes; which was ordered to lie Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself, Mr. on the table. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- KIRK, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. RUBIO, Ms. f MIKULSKI, Mr. RISCH, Mr. UDALL of Col- TION 60—PROVIDING FOR A CON- orado, Mr. WICKER, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. DITIONAL ADJOURNMENT OR RE- TEXT OF AMENDMENTS MORAN, Mr. COONS, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. CESS OF THE SENATE AND AN SA 2923. Mr. COATS submitted an WARNER, Mr. HOEVEN, Ms. CANTWELL, ADJOURNMENT OF THE HOUSE amendment intended to be proposed by Mr. COATS, Mr. NELSON of Florida, Ms. OF REPRESENTATIVES him to the bill S. 3254, to authorize ap- COLLINS, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. Mr. REID of Nevada for himself and propriations for fiscal year 2013 for CASEY, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. CORKER, Mr. Mr. MCCONNELL) submitted the fol- military activities of the Department

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 of Defense, for military construction, sized unit of the Army, including an assess- (1) MEMBERSHIP.—The advisory panel shall and for defense activities of the De- ment of the costs associated with the turn- be composed of 12 members appointed as fol- partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- over of Family Readiness Support Assistants lows: tary personnel strengths for such fiscal between deployments and an assessment of (A) Three by the chairman of the Com- the processes to be required to hire new mittee on Armed Services of the House of year, and for other purposes; which was Family Readiness Support Assistants for Representatives. ordered to lie on the table; as follows: units being deployed. (B) Three by the ranking minority member At the end of subtitle B of title III, add the (3) A description of the programs to be of the Committee on Armed Services of the following: funded using amounts, if any, saved through House of Representatives. SEC. 314. INDEMNIFICATION OF TRANSFEREES the elimination of the Family Readiness (C) Three by the chairman of the Com- OF PROPERTY AT ANY CLOSED MILI- Support Assistant position for non-deployed mittee on Armed Services of the Senate. TARY INSTALLATION. battalion-sized units of the Army. (D) Three by the ranking minority member Section 330 of the National Defense Au- (4) The rationale for the determination of of the Committee on Armed Services of the thorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993 (Public the Army to classify Family Readiness Sup- Senate. Law 102–484; 10 U.S.C. 2687 note) is amended— port Assistant positions for non-deployed (2) CHAIRMAN; VICE CHAIRMAN.— (1) in subsection (a)(1), by striking ‘‘pursu- units as non-mission essential. (A) CHAIRMAN.—The chairman of the Com- ant to a base closure law’’ and inserting (5) A detailed description of the employ- mittee on Armed Services of the House of ‘‘after October 24, 1988, the date of the enact- ment status of spouses of members of the Representatives and the chairman of the ment of the Defense Authorization Amend- Army who are eligible for service as Family Committee on Armed Services of the Senate ments and Base Closure and Realignment Readiness Support Assistants for battalion- shall jointly designate one member of the Act (Public Law 100–526; 10 U.S.C. 2687 sized units, including a detailed description advisory panel to serve as chairman of the note)’’; and of the manner in which the employment sta- advisory panel. (2) in subsection (f), by striking paragraph tus of such spouses was ascertained. (B) VICE CHAIRMAN.—The ranking minority (3). (6) An assessment of the anticipated effects member of the Committee on Armed Serv- of the use of volunteers as Family Readiness ices of the House of Representatives and the SA 2924. Mr. MANCHIN submitted an Support Assistants on non-deployed units of ranking minority member of the Committee amendment intended to be proposed by the Army. on Armed Services of the Senate shall joint- him to the bill S. 3254, to authorize ap- (7) A description of the input from com- ly designate one member of the advisory propriations for fiscal year 2013 for manders relied upon by the Army to cease panel to serve as vice chairman of the advi- military activities of the Department the use of Readiness Support Assistant posi- sory panel. of Defense, for military construction, tions for non-deployed units, including the (3) PERIOD OF APPOINTMENT; VACANCIES.— command level from which such input arose. Each member of the advisory panel shall be and for defense activities of the De- (8) An assessment of levels of stress among appointed for a term of one year and may be partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- families of members of the Army, including reappointed for an additional term of one tary personnel strengths for such fiscal information on divorce rates, suicide rates, year. Any vacancy in the advisory panel year, and for other purposes; which was and domestic violence and abuse. shall be filled in the same manner as the ordered to lie on the table; as follows: original appointment. On page 175, line 10, insert after ‘‘in order’’ SA 2926. Ms. LANDRIEU (for Mr. (c) COOPERATION FROM FEDERAL AGEN- the following ‘‘to provide for the standard- ALEXANDER) proposed an amendment to CIES.— ization of identification credentials required the bill S. 1440, to reduce preterm labor (1) COOPERATION.—The advisory panel shall for eligibility, enrollment, transactions, and and delivery and the risk of pregnancy- receive the full and timely cooperation of updates across all Department of Defense in- related deaths and complications due the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of stallations and’’. to pregnancy, and to reduce infant Energy, and any other Federal official in mortality caused by prematurity; as providing the advisory panel with analyses, SA 2925. Mr. MANCHIN submitted an briefings, and other information necessary amendment intended to be proposed by follows: for the advisory panel to carry out its duties him to the bill S. 3254, to authorize ap- On page 16, strike line 11 and all that fol- under this section. propriations for fiscal year 2013 for lows through line 6 on page 17. (2) ACCESS TO INFORMATION.—Members of military activities of the Department On page 17, line 17, strike ‘‘shall’’ and in- the advisory panel shall have access to all of Defense, for military construction, sert ‘‘may’’. information, including classified informa- and for defense activities of the De- tion, necessary to carry out the duties of the SA 2927. Mr. KYL (for himself and advisory panel under this section. The secu- partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- Mr. UDALL of New Mexico) submitted rity clearance process shall be expedited for tary personnel strengths for such fiscal an amendment intended to be proposed members and staff of the advisory panel to year, and for other purposes; which was by him to the bill S. 3254, to authorize the extent necessary to permit the advisory ordered to lie on the table; as follows: appropriations for fiscal year 2013 for panel to carry out its duties under this sec- tion. At the end of subtitle G of title V, add the military activities of the Department following: (3) LIAISON.—The Secretary of Defense and of Defense, for military construction, SEC. 577. REPORT ON CONTINUING MAINTE- the Secretary of Energy shall each designate NANCE OF ARMY FAMILY READINESS and for defense activities of the De- at least one officer or employee of the De- SUPPORT ASSISTANTS THROUGH partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- partment of Defense and the Department of DURATION OF COMBAT OPERATIONS tary personnel strengths for such fiscal Energy, respectively, to serve as a liaison of- IN AFGHANISTAN. year, and for other purposes; which was ficer between the department and the advi- (a) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 90 ordered to lie on the table; as follows: sory panel. days after the date of the enactment of this (d) REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later than 120 Act, the Secretary of the Army shall submit At the end of title XXXI, add the fol- to the congressional defense committees a lowing: days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the advisory panel shall submit to the report on the feasibility and advisability of Subtitle D—Other Matters maintaining the Family Readiness Support President, the Secretary of Defense, the Sec- SEC. 3141. CONGRESSIONAL ADVISORY PANEL ON Assistant position at the battalion level for retary of Energy, the Committee on Armed THE GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE OF Services of the Senate, and the Committee all battalion-sized units of the Army, regard- THE NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY less of deployment status, until the date ADMINISTRATION AND ITS RELA- on Armed Services of the House of Rep- that is 180 days after the end of combat oper- TIONSHIP TO OTHER FEDERAL resentatives a report on the feasibility and ations in Afghanistan. AGENCIES. advisability of revising the governance (b) ELEMENTS.—The report required by sub- (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established a structure of the Administration to permit section (a) shall include the following: congressional advisory panel (in this section the Administration to operate more effec- (1) An assessment of the costs associated referred to as the ‘‘advisory panel’’) to assess tively and independently of the Department with maintaining the Family Readiness Sup- the feasibility and advisability of, and make of Energy while reporting to the President port Assistant position at the battalion level recommendations with respect to, revising through the Secretary of Energy. The report for all battalion-sized units of the Army, re- the governance structure of the National Nu- shall include the following: gardless of deployment status, until the date clear Security Administration (in this sec- (1) Recommendations with respect to the that is 180 days after the end of combat oper- tion referred to as the ‘‘Administration’’) to following: ations in Afghanistan. permit the Administration to operate more (A) The organization and structure of the (2) An assessment of the costs and other effectively and independently of the Depart- Administration, including the roles, respon- consequences associated with the elimi- ment of Energy while reporting to the Presi- sibilities, and authorities of the Administra- nation of the Family Readiness Support As- dent through the Secretary of Energy. tion and mechanisms for holding the Admin- sistant position for non-deployed battalion- (b) COMPOSITION.— istration accountable.

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(B) The allocation of roles and responsibil- in support of ancillary national security mis- COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, ities with respect to the safety and security sions in a manner that mutually reinforces AND PENSIONS of the nuclear weapons complex. the stockpile stewardship mission of the Ad- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask (C) The relationship of the Administration ministration and encourages the retention of to the National Security Council, the Nu- top performers. unanimous consent that the Com- clear Weapons Council, the Department of (5) An assessment of how to better retain mittee on Health, Education, Labor, Energy, the Department of Defense, the na- and recruit personnel, including rec- and Pensions be authorized to meet, tional security laboratories, and other Fed- ommendations for creating an improved pro- during the session of the Senate, to eral agencies, as appropriate. fessional culture that emphasizes the sci- conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Pharmacy (D) The role of the Administration in the entific, engineering, and national security Compounding: Implications of the 2012 interagency process for planning, program- objectives of the United States. Meningitis Outbreak’’ on November 15, (6) Any other information or recommenda- ming, and budgeting with respect to the nu- 2012, at 9:45 a.m. in room 106 of the clear weapons complex. tions relating to revising the governance (E) Legislative changes necessary for revis- structure of the Administration that the ad- Dirksen Senate Office Building. ing the governance structure of the Adminis- visory panel considers appropriate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tration. (e) FUNDING.—Of the amounts authorized objection, it is so ordered. (F) The appropriate structure for oversight to be appropriated for fiscal year 2013 and of the Administration by congressional com- made available to the Department of Defense SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE mittees. pursuant to this Act, not more than Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask (G) The length of the term of the Adminis- $1,000,000 shall be made available to the advi- sory panel to carry out this section. unanimous consent that the Select trator for Nuclear Security. Committee on Intelligence be author- f (H) The authority of the Administrator to ized to meet during the session of the appoint senior members of the Administra- AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO tor’s staff. Senate on November 15, 2012, at 2:30 (I) Whether the nonproliferation activities MEET p.m. of the Administration on the day before the COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without date of the enactment of this Act should re- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask objection, it is so ordered. main with the Administration or be trans- unanimous consent that the Com- SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING ferred to another agency. mittee on Armed Services be author- (J) Infrastructure, rules, and standards ized to meet during the session of the Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask that will better protect the safety and health Senate on November 15, 2012, at 9:30 unanimous consent that the Special of nuclear workers, while also permitting Committee on Aging be authorized to those workers the appropriate freedom to ef- a.m. ficiently and safely carry out their mission. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without meet during the session of the Senate (K) Legislative or regulatory changes re- objection, it is so ordered. on November 15, 2012, at 2 p.m. in room quired to improve contracting best practices COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC 562 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- in order to reduce the cost of programs with- WORKS ing to conduct a hearing entitled out eroding mission requirements. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask ‘‘America’s Invisible Epidemic: Pre- (2) An assessment of how revisions to the unanimous consent that the Com- venting Elder Financial Abuse.’’ governance structure of the Administration mittee on Environment and Public will lead to a more mission-focused manage- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Works be authorized to meet during objection, it is so ordered. ment structure capable of keeping programs the session of the Senate on November on schedule and within cost estimates. 15, 2012, at 10:30 a.m. in Dirksen 406 to Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask (3) An assessment of the disadvantages and unanimous consent that Whitney Rice benefits of each organizational structure for conduct a hearing entitled, ‘‘A Legisla- tive Hearing on the Water Resources be granted floor privileges for the re- the Administration considered by the advi- mainder of the day. sory panel. Development Act of 2012.’’ (4) An assessment of how the national se- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without curity laboratories can expand basich science objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. FOREIGN TRAVEL FINANCIAL REPORTS In accordance with the appropriate provisions of law, the Secretary of the Senate herewith submits the following re- ports for standing committees of the Senate, certain joint committees of the Congress, delegations and groups, and select and special committees of the Senate, relating to expenses incurred in the performance of authorized foreign travel:


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Jason W. Maroney: United States ...... Dollar ...... 12,559.10 ...... 12,559.10 Japan ...... Yen ...... 1,838.68 ...... 1,838.68 William K. Sutey: United States ...... Dollar ...... 12,828.20 ...... 12,828.20 Israel ...... Shekel ...... 873.54 ...... 873.54 Germany ...... Euro ...... 769.34 ...... 769.34 France ...... Euro ...... 1,072.98 ...... 1,072.98 ...... Pound ...... 842.59 ...... 842.59 Senator Jim Webb: United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,218.00 ...... 10,218.00 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 1,920.00 ...... 1,920.00 Germany ...... Euro ...... 904.00 ...... 904.00 David Bonine: United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,218.00 ...... 10,218.00 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 1,920.00 ...... 1,920.00 Germany ...... Euro ...... 904.00 ...... 904.00 Senator John McCain: United States ...... 11,872.00 ...... 11,872.00 Lebanon ...... Dollar ...... 182.62 ...... 182.62 Libya ...... Dollar ...... 82.94 ...... 82.94 Monaco ...... Dollar ...... 631.85 ...... 631.85 Senator John Cornyn: England ...... Pound ...... 1,395.00 ...... 1,395.00 Beth Jafari: England ...... Pound ...... 1,395.00 ...... 1,395.00 Lucian L. Niemeyer: United States ...... Dollar ...... 12,720.10 ...... 12,720.10


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Japan ...... Yen ...... 1,312.57 ...... 1,312.57 Daniel A. Lerner: Greenland ...... Dollar ...... 75.50 ...... 75.50 Jonathan S. Epstein: Greenland ...... Dollar ...... 78.50 ...... 78.50 Adam J. Barker: United States ...... Dollar ...... 5,744.90 ...... 5,744.90 Peru ...... Dollar ...... 918.51 ...... 918.51 Honduras ...... Dollar ...... 438.00 ...... 438.00 Mexico ...... Dollar ...... 892.38 ...... 892.38 United States ...... Dollar ...... 9,320.30 ...... 9,320.30 Germany ...... Dollar ...... 450.00 ...... 450.00 ...... Dollar ...... 180.00 ...... 180.00 Daniel A. Lerner: United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,615.10 ...... 11,615.10 Norway ...... Krone ...... 790.27 ...... 1,423.20 ...... 2,213.47 United Kingdom ...... Pound ...... 201.25 ...... 201.25 Germany ...... Euro ...... 105.71 ...... 105.71 Jonathan S. Epstein: United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,615.10 ...... 11,615.10 Norway ...... Krone ...... 747.97 ...... 1,423.20 ...... 2,171.17 United Kingdom ...... Pound ...... 201.25 ...... 201.25 Germany ...... Euro ...... 62.32 ...... 62.32 Senator Lindsey Graham: United States ...... Dollar ...... 12,658.82 ...... 12,658.82 United States ...... Dollar ...... 16,119.40 ...... 16,119.40 Iraq ...... Dollar ...... 14.20 ...... 14.20 Italy ...... Dollar ...... 272.97 ...... 272.97 Ozge Guzelsu: United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,163.20 ...... 11,163.20 Germany ...... Dollar ...... 710.20 ...... 710.20 Senator John McCain: United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,773.30 ...... 10,773.30 Turkey ...... Dollar ...... 782.12 ...... 782.12 Iraq ...... Dollar ...... 14.20 ...... 14.20 Georgia ...... Dollar ...... 201.28 ...... 201.28 Italy ...... Dollar ...... 2,020.27 ...... 2,020.27 Senator James Inhofe: United Kingdom ...... Pound ...... 269.79 ...... 153.61 ...... 423.40 Anthony Lazarski: United Kingdom ...... Pound ...... 270.89 ...... 183.39 ...... 454.28 Joseph M. Bryan: United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,966.20 ...... 8.00 ...... 1,974.20 Germany ...... Dollar ...... 1,023.10 ...... 1,023.10 William G.P. Monahan: United States ...... Dollar ...... 9,480.03 ...... 9,480.03 Germany ...... Euro ...... 430.00 ...... 430.00 Kosovo ...... Dollar ...... 165.00 ...... 165.00 Michael J. Kuiken: United States ...... Dollar ...... 5,905.00 ...... 5,905.00 Peru ...... Neuvo Sol ...... 827.00 ...... 827.00 Honduras ...... Lempira ...... 572.00 ...... 572.00 Mexico ...... Peso ...... 881.00 ...... 881.00 Senator Joseph I. Lieberman: United States ...... Dollar ...... 15,088.00 ...... 15,088.00 Morocco ...... Dollar ...... 48.00 ...... 48.00 France ...... Dollar ...... 550.92 ...... 550.92 Czech Republic ...... Dollar ...... 2,144.26 ...... 2,144.26 Margaret Goodlander: United States ...... Dollar ...... 15,175.60 ...... 15,175.60 Morocco ...... Dollar ...... 447.00 ...... 447.00 France ...... Dollar ...... 562.00 ...... 562.00 Czech Republic ...... Dollar ...... 774.84 ...... 774.84 Senator Joseph I. Lieberman: United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,094.30 ...... 11,094.30 Turkey ...... Dollar ...... 835.03 ...... 835.03 Iraq ...... Dollar ...... 14.20 ...... 14.20 Georgia ...... Dollar ...... 201.28 ...... 201.28 Italy ...... Dollar ...... 2,097.67 ...... 2,097.67 Margaret Goodlander: United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,242.30 ...... 11,242.30 Turkey ...... Dollar ...... 905.00 ...... 905.00 Iraq ...... Dollar ...... 95.00 ...... 95.00 Georgia ...... Dollar ...... 313.28 ...... 313.28 Italy ...... Dollar ...... 978.42 ...... 978.42 Jason W. Maroney: United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,065.20 ...... 11,065.20 Germany ...... Dollar ...... 735.88 ...... 735.88 Vance Serchuk: United States ...... Dollar ...... 15,088.80 ...... 15,088.80 France ...... Dollar ...... 204.00 ...... 204.00 Morocco ...... Dollar ...... 274.00 ...... 274.00 Czech Republic ...... Dollar ...... 272.00 ...... 272.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,242.30 ...... 11,242.30 Turkey ...... Dollar ...... 362.00 ...... 362.00 Iraq ...... Dollar ...... 115.00 ...... 115.00 Georgia ...... Dollar ...... 148.00 ...... 148.00 Italy ...... Dollar ...... 681.00 ...... 681.00 Christian D. Brose: United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,872.00 ...... 11,872.00 Afghanistan ...... Dollar ...... 20.00 ...... 20.00 Lebanon ...... Dollar ...... 163.00 ...... 163.00 Libya ...... Dollar ...... 70.00 ...... 70.00 Monaco ...... Dollar ...... 189.00 ...... 189.00

Total ...... 42,841.57 ...... 281,828.75 ...... 8.00 ...... 324,678.32 SENATOR CARL LEVIN, Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, Oct. 3, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Patrick Toomey: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 668.91 ...... 668.91 United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,864.40 ...... 1,864.40 Dina Ellis Rochkind: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 1,083.94 ...... 1,083.94 United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,057.90 ...... 1,057.90 William D. Duhnke III: United Kingdom ...... Pound ...... 574.20 ...... 574.20 Kevin Kane: United Kingdom ...... Pound ...... 900.00 ...... 900.00 Total ...... 3,227.05 ...... 2,922.30 ...... 6,149.35 SENATOR TIM JOHNSON, Chairman, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Sept. 30, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Kent Conrad: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 415.75 ...... 415.75 Greece ...... Euro ...... 513.29 ...... 513.29 Italy ...... Euro ...... 542.31 ...... 542.31 Spain ...... Euro ...... 339.82 ...... 339.82 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 234.94 ...... 234.94 Sara Garland: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 323.98 ...... 323.98 Greece ...... Euro ...... 400.82 ...... 400.82 Italy ...... Euro ...... 471.29 ...... 471.29 Spain ...... Euro ...... 240.41 ...... 240.41 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 252.40 ...... 252.40 Mary Naylor: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 323.98 ...... 323.98 Greece ...... Euro ...... 363.62 ...... 363.62 Italy ...... Euro ...... 471.29 ...... 471.29 Spain ...... Euro ...... 240.41 ...... 240.41 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 252.40 ...... 252.40 Joel Friedman: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 337.18 ...... 337.18 Greece ...... Euro ...... 392.68 ...... 392.68 Italy ...... Euro ...... 483.64 ...... 483.64 Spain ...... Euro ...... 240.41 ...... 240.41 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 258.57 ...... 258.57 Brian Scholl: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 323.98 ...... 323.98 Greece ...... Euro ...... 372.33 ...... 372.33 Italy ...... Euro ...... 471.29 ...... 471.29 Spain ...... Euro ...... 240.41 ...... 240.41 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 184.20 ...... 184.20 Brian Monahan: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 323.98 ...... 323.98 Greece ...... Euro ...... 363.62 ...... 363.62 Italy ...... Euro ...... 471.29 ...... 471.29 Spain ...... Euro ...... 240.41 ...... 240.41 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 317.50 ...... 317.50 *Delegation Expenses: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 2,699.10 ...... 2,699.10 Greece ...... Euro ...... 2,116.62 ...... 2,116.62 Italy ...... Euro ...... 2,316.00 ...... 2,316.00 Spain ...... Euro ...... 1,274.04 ...... 1,274.04 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 1,704.36 ...... 1,704.36 Total ...... 10,408.20 ...... 10,110.12 ...... 20,518.32 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Section 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR KENT CONRAD, Chairman, U.S. Senate Budget Committee, Oct. 26, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Robert W. King: United States ...... Dollar ...... 637.40 ...... 637.40 Panama ...... Dollar ...... 1,282.60 ...... 1,282.60 Senator John Boozman: United Kingdom ...... Pound ...... 498.29 ...... 498.29 Senator Mark Pryor: Panama ...... Balboa ...... 304.97 ...... 195.50 ...... 710.76 ...... 1,211.23 Colombia ...... Peso ...... 921.33 ...... 112.00 ...... 335.70 ...... 1,369.03 Senator John Boozman: Panama ...... Balboa ...... 294.97 ...... 195.50 ...... 710.76 ...... 1,201.23 Colombia ...... Peso ...... 850.33 ...... 112.00 ...... 335.70 ...... 1,298.03 Andrew York: Panama ...... Balboa ...... 294.97 ...... 195.50 ...... 710.76 ...... 1,201.23 Colombia ...... Peso ...... 964.78 ...... 112.00 ...... 335.70 ...... 1,412.48 Matthew Sagely: Panama ...... Balboa ...... 294.97 ...... 195.50 ...... 710.76 ...... 1,201.23


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Colombia ...... Peso ...... 1,010.58 ...... 112.00 ...... 335.70 ...... 1,458.28 Ryan Vaart: Viet Nam ...... Dong ...... 1,061.00 ...... 1,061.00 *Delegation Expenses: Viet Nam ...... Dong ...... 220.11 ...... 220.11 Total ...... 7,778.79 ...... 1,867.40 ...... 4,405.95 ...... 14,052.12 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under authority 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954. SENATOR JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV, Chairman, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Nov. 7, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Isaac Edwards: Republic of Palau ...... Dollar ...... 499.60 ...... 499.60 United States ...... Dollar ...... 5,083.90 ...... 5,083.90 Allen Stayman: Republic of Palau ...... Dollar ...... 497.23 ...... 497.23 United States ...... Dollar ...... 5,143.74 ...... 5,143.74 Senator Lisa Murkowski: Iceland ...... Krona ...... 306.32 ...... 306.32 United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,608.66 ...... 1,608.66 Isaac Edwards: Iceland ...... Krona ...... 358.71 ...... 358.71 United States ...... Dollar ...... 3,501.97 ...... 3,501.97 *Delegation Expenses: Iceland ...... Krona ...... 2,228.68 ...... 2,228.68 Total ...... 1,661.86 ...... 15,338.27 ...... 2,206.00 ...... 19,206.13 * Delegation expenses include: interpretation, transportation, embassy overtime as well as official expenses in accordance with host country. SENATOR JEFF BINGAMAN, Chairman, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Oct. 17, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Max Baucus: New Zealand ...... Dollar ...... 1,076.03 ...... 1,076.03 Japan ...... Yen ...... 1,517.34 ...... 1,517.34 United States ...... Dollar ...... 16,798.00 ...... 16,798.00 Amber Cottle: New Zealand ...... Dollar ...... 97.80 ...... 97.80 Japan ...... Yen ...... 172.20 ...... 172.70 United States ...... Dollar ...... 17,384.20 ...... 17,384.20 Chelsea Thomas: New Zealand ...... Dollar ...... 1,096.49 ...... 1,096.49 Japan ...... Yen ...... 1,678.53 ...... 1,678.53 United States ...... Dollar ...... 17,384.20 ...... 17,384.20 Sean Neary: New Zealand ...... Dollar ...... 98.70 ...... 98.70 Japan ...... Yen ...... 1,766.91 ...... 1,766.91 United States ...... Dollar ...... 17,384.20 ...... 17,384.20 Bruce Hirsh: New Zealand ...... Dollar ...... 1,040.74 ...... 1,040.74 Japan ...... Yen ...... 1,707.01 ...... 1,707.01 United States ...... Dollar ...... 17,384.20 ...... 17,384.20 *Delegation Expenses: New Zealand ...... Dollar ...... 7,447.19 ...... 7,447.19 Japan ...... Dollar ...... 6,533.32 ...... 6,533.32 Total ...... 10,252.25 ...... 86,334.80 ...... 13,980.51 ...... 110,567.56 * Delegation expenses include: interpretation, transportation, embassy overtime, as well as other official expenses in accordance with the responsibilities of the host country. SENATOR MAX BAUCUS, Chairman, Committee on Finance, Oct. 26, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Bob Corker: Egypt ...... Pound ...... 227.00 ...... 227.00 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 518.00 ...... 518.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 6,079.20 ...... 6,079.20 Todd Womack: Egypt ...... Pound ...... 321.00 ...... 321.00


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Turkey ...... Lira ...... 1,052.00 ...... 1,052.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,833.70 ...... 11,833.70 *Delegation Expenses: Egypt ...... Pound ...... 841.99 ...... 841.99 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 2,804.00 ...... 2,804.00 Senator Johnny Isakson: German ...... Euro ...... 907.67 ...... 907.67 Sweden ...... Krona ...... 1,281.24 ...... 1,281.24 Norway ...... Krone ...... 729.79 ...... 729.79 Joan Kirchner: Germany ...... Euro ...... 907.67 ...... 907.67 Sweden ...... Krona ...... 1,395.24 ...... 1,395.24 Norway ...... Krone ...... 729.29 ...... 729.29 *Delegation Expenses: Germany ...... Euro ...... 978.96 ...... 978.96 Sweden ...... Krona ...... 2,581.48 ...... 2,581.48 Norway ...... Krone ...... 1,091.60 ...... 1,091.60 Senator Richard Lugar: Russia ...... Ruble ...... 884.80 ...... 884.80 Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 733.82 ...... 733.82 Georgia ...... Lari ...... 265.43 ...... 265.43 Thomas Moore: Russia ...... Ruble ...... 1,087.98 ...... 1,087.98 Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 745.55 ...... 745.55 Georgia ...... Lari ...... 400.43 ...... 400.43 Belgium ...... Euro ...... 257.82 ...... 257.82 Kenneth Myers: Russia ...... Ruble ...... 916.88 ...... 916.88 Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 825.18 ...... 825.18 Georgia ...... Lari ...... 249.44 ...... 249.44 Belgium ...... Euro ...... 333.77 ...... 333.77 *Delegation Expenses: Russia ...... Ruble ...... 1,194.57 ...... 1,194.57 Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 3,744.57 ...... 3,744.57 Georgia ...... Lari ...... 188.01 ...... 188.01 Belgium ...... Euro ...... 199.05 ...... 199.05 Senator Jeanne Shaheen: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 289.85 ...... 289.85 Greece ...... Euro ...... 371.29 ...... 371.29 Italy ...... Euro ...... 493.31 ...... 493.31 Spain ...... Euro ...... 318.07 ...... 318.07 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 283.84 ...... 283.84 Chad Kreikemeier: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 384.75 ...... 384.75 Greece ...... Euro ...... 574.29 ...... 574.29 Italy ...... Euro ...... 524.31 ...... 524.31 Spain ...... Euro ...... 363.32 ...... 363.32 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 256.34 ...... 256.34 *Delegation Expenses: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 889.70 ...... 889.70 Greece ...... Euro ...... 705.52 ...... 705.52 Italy ...... Euro ...... 772.00 ...... 772.00 Spain ...... Euro ...... 424.68 ...... 424.68 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 568.12 ...... 568.12 Paul Foldi: Guatemala ...... Quetzal ...... 353.19 ...... 353.19 United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,442.40 ...... 1,442.40 *Delegation Expenses: Guatemala ...... Quetzal ...... 362.00 ...... 362.00 Paul Foldi: Lebanon ...... Pound ...... 242.00 ...... 242.00 Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 1,530.00 ...... 1,530.00 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 1,234.65 ...... 1,234.65 United States ...... Dollar ...... 7,091.90 ...... 7,091.90 Lara Talverdian: Lebanon ...... Pound ...... 222.00 ...... 222.00 Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 1,534.00 ...... 1,534.00 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 1,239.65 ...... 1,239.65 United States ...... Dollar ...... 7,091.90 ...... 7,091.90 *Delegation Expenses: Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 202.80 ...... 202.80 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 411.00 ...... 411.00 Chad Kreikemeier: Russia ...... Ruble ...... 1,145.17 ...... 1,145.17 United States ...... Dollar ...... 2,150.00 ...... 2,150.00 *Delegation Expenses: Russia ...... Ruble ...... 182.72 ...... 182.72 Alex Lee: Guatemala ...... Quetzal ...... 609.51 ...... 609.51 El Salvador ...... Dollar ...... 520.59 ...... 520.59 Honduras ...... Lempira ...... 1,022.80 ...... 1,022.80 United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,108.93 ...... 1,108.93 *Delegation Expenses: Guatemala ...... Quetzal ...... 303.00 ...... 303.00 Shannon Smith: Dem. Republic of Congo ...... Dollar ...... 1,208.00 ...... 1,208.00 Rwanda ...... Dollar ...... 528.00 ...... 528.00 Burundi ...... Dollar ...... 324.00 ...... 324.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 9,492.00 ...... 9,492.00 *Delegation Expenses: Dem. Republic of Congo ...... Dollar ...... 228.00 ...... 228.00 Rwanda ...... Dollar ...... 536.47 ...... 536.47 Burundi ...... Dollar ...... 275.20 ...... 275.20 Fatema Sumar: India ...... Rupee ...... 1,355.78 ...... 1,355.78 Nepal ...... Rupee ...... 358.00 ...... 358.00 Bangladesh ...... Taka ...... 277.10 ...... 277.10 United States ...... Dollar ...... 14,985.00 ...... 14,985.00 *Delegation Expenses: India ...... Rupee ...... 112.36 ...... 112.36 Nepal ...... Rupee ...... 77.35 ...... 77.35 Bangladesh ...... Taka ...... 73.08 ...... 73.08


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Total ...... 32,333.81 ...... 61,275.03 ...... 19,748.23 ...... 113,357.07 *Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under the authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Sec. 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR JOHN F. KERRY, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Oct. 26, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Vance Serchuk: United States ...... Dollar ...... 2,150.00 ...... 2,150.00 Russia ...... Ruble ...... 1,152.98 ...... 1,152.98 Margaret Goodlander: United States ...... Dollar ...... 2,150.00 ...... 2,150.00 Russia ...... Ruble ...... 1,177.98 ...... 1,177.98 Total ...... 2,330.96 ...... 4,300.00 ...... 6,630.96 SENATOR JOSEPH I. LIEBERMAN, Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Nov. 7, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Peter Todd Webster: Uganda ...... Shilling ...... 161.82 ...... 161.82 Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 271.50 ...... 271.50 Tanzania ...... Shilling ...... 69.66 ...... 69.66 Egypt ...... Pound ...... 63.45 ...... 63.45 *Delegation Expenses: Uganda ...... Shilling ...... 414.29 ...... 489.57 ...... 903.86 Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 1,034.81 ...... 1,034.81 Tanzania ...... Shilling ...... 253.55 ...... 253.55 Egypt ...... Pound ...... 556.25 ...... 556.25 Greece ...... Euro ...... 40.57 ...... 40.57 Total ...... 566.43 ...... 454.86 ...... 2,334.18 ...... 3,355.47 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under the authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Sec. 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR PATRICK J. LEAHY, Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, Oct. 31, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Patrick Leahy: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 465.75 ...... 465.75 Greece ...... Euro ...... 613.29 ...... 613.29 Italy ...... Euro ...... 592.31 ...... 592.31 Spain ...... Euro ...... 389.82 ...... 389.82 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 284.94 ...... 284.94 John Dowd: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 465.75 ...... 465.75 Greece ...... Euro ...... 613.29 ...... 613.29 Italy ...... Euro ...... 592.31 ...... 592.31 Spain ...... Euro ...... 389.82 ...... 389.82 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 284.94 ...... 284.94 Kevin McDonald: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 465.75 ...... 465.75 Greece ...... Euro ...... 613.29 ...... 613.29 Italy ...... Euro ...... 592.31 ...... 592.31 Spain ...... Euro ...... 389.82 ...... 389.82 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 284.94 ...... 284.94 *Delegation Expenses: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 1,349.55 ...... 1,349.55 Greece ...... Euro ...... 1,058.31 ...... 1,058.31 Italy ...... Euro ...... 1,158.00 ...... 1,158.00 Spain ...... Euro ...... 637.02 ...... 637.02 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 852.24 ...... 852.24 Total ...... 7,038.33 ...... 5,055.12 ...... 12,093.45 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under the authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Sec. 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR PATRICK J. LEAHY, Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, Oct. 25, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Michael B. Enzi: Germany ...... Euro ...... 326.00 ...... 671.83 ...... 997.83 Sweden ...... Krona ...... 633.00 ...... 1,312.96 ...... 1,945.96 Norway ...... Krone ...... 452.00 ...... 472.18 ...... 924.18 Beth Buehlmann: Germany ...... Euro ...... 379.25 ...... 671.83 ...... 1,051.08 Sweden ...... Krona ...... 633.00 ...... 1,220.82 ...... 1,853.82 Norway ...... Krone ...... 452.00 ...... 472.18 ...... 924.18 *Delegation Expenses: Germany ...... Euro ...... 978.96 ...... 978.96 Sweden ...... Krona ...... 2,581.48 ...... 2,581.48 Norway ...... Krone ...... 1,091.60 ...... 1,091.60

Total ...... 2,875.25 ...... 9,473.84 ...... 12,349.09 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to The Department of State under the authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954 as amended by Sec. 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR TOM HARKIN, Chairman, Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Oct. 24, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total

Name and country Name of currency U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Olympia Snowe: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 323.98 ...... 323.98 Greece ...... Euro ...... 387.06 ...... 387.06 Italy ...... Euro ...... 498.57 ...... 498.57 Spain ...... Euro ...... 240.41 ...... 240.41 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 245.76 ...... 245.76 John Richter: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 323.98 ...... 323.98 Greece ...... Euro ...... 370.51 ...... 370.51 Italy ...... Euro ...... 471.29 ...... 471.29 Spain ...... Euro ...... 240.41 ...... 240.41 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 245.76 ...... 245.76 Scott McCandless: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 415.75 ...... 415.75 Greece ...... Euro ...... 375.59 ...... 375.59 Italy ...... Euro ...... 542.31 ...... 542.31 Spain ...... Euro ...... 339.82 ...... 339.82 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 234.94 ...... 234.94 *Delegation Expenses: Ireland ...... Euro ...... 1,349.55 ...... 1,349.55 Greece ...... Euro ...... 1,058.31 ...... 1,058.31 Italy ...... Euro ...... 1,158.00 ...... 1,158.00 Spain ...... Euro ...... 637.02 ...... 637.02 Portugal ...... Euro ...... 852.18 ...... 852.18

Total ...... 5,256.14 ...... 5,055.06 ...... 10,311.20 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under the authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Sec. 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR MARY L. LANDRIEU, Chairman, Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Oct. 26, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Kim Lipsky: Vietnam ...... Dong ...... 891.00 ...... 891.00 Dahlia Melendrez: Vietnam ...... Dong ...... 815.24 ...... 815.24 Ryan Evans: Vietnam ...... Dong ...... 677.44 ...... 677.44 John Crown: Vietnam ...... ong ...... 811.00 ...... 811.00 Diane DiSanto: Vietnam ...... Dong ...... 811.00 ...... 811.00 *Delegation Expenses: Vietnam ...... Dong ...... 1,100.54 ...... 1,100.54

Total ...... 4,005.68 ...... 1,100.54 ...... 5,106.22 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under the authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Sec. 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR PATTY MURRAY, Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Nov. 1, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Fred Turner: Austria ...... Euro ...... 1,418.00 ...... 1,418.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 4,712.00 ...... 4,712.00 Robert Hand: Monaco ...... Euro ...... 387.00 ...... 387.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 2,535.90 ...... 2,535.90 Total ...... 1,805.00 ...... 7,247.90 ...... 9,052.90 SENATOR BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, Chairman, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Oct. 11, 2012.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Nancy Erickson: Germany ...... Dollar ...... 875.07 ...... 875.07 Sweden ...... Dollar ...... 1,442.82 ...... 1,442.82 Norway ...... Dollar ...... 622.18 ...... 622.18 * Delegation Expenses: Germany ...... Dollar ...... 489.48 ...... 489.48 Sweden ...... Dollar ...... 1,290.74 ...... 1,290.74 Norway ...... Dollar ...... 545.80 ...... 545.80 Total ...... 2,940.07 ...... 2,326.02 ...... 5,266.09 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under the authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Sec. 22 of P.L. 95–384. SENATOR HARRY REID, h Majority Leader, Nov. 6, 2012.

EXECUTIVE SESSION proceed to the immediate consider- (3) enhancing the understanding of genetics ation of Calendar No. 516, S. 1440. as they relate to the underlying processes that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The lead to preterm birth to aid in formulating more EXECUTIVE CALENDAR clerk will report the bill by title. effective interventions to prevent preterm birth. Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask The assistant legislative clerk read SEC. 3. RESEARCH AND ACTIVITIES AT THE CEN- TERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND unanimous consent that the Senate as follows: PREVENTION. proceed to executive session to con- A bill (S. 1440) to reduce preterm labor and (a) EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES.—Section 3 of sider the following nominations: Cal- delivery and the risk of pregnancy-related the Prematurity Research Expansion and Edu- endar Nos. 345 and 519; that the nomi- deaths and complications due to pregnancy, cation for Mothers who deliver Infants Early nations be confirmed en bloc; the mo- and to reduce infant mortality caused by Act (42 U.S.C. 247b-4f) is amended by striking tions to reconsider be considered made prematurity. subsection (b) and inserting the following: and laid upon the table, with no inter- There being no objection, the Senate ‘‘(b) STUDIES AND ACTIVITIES ON PRETERM vening action or debate; that no fur- proceeded to consider the bill, which BIRTH.— ther motions be in order to any of the had been reported from the Committee ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Health on Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- and Human Services, acting through the Direc- nominations; that any related state- tor of the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- ments be printed in the RECORD; that sions, with an amendment to strike all vention, shall, subject to the availability of ap- the President be immediately notified after the enacting clause and insert in propriations— of the Senate’s action and the Senate lieu thereof the following: ‘‘(A) conduct epidemiological studies on the then resume legislative session. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. clinical, biological, social, environmental, ge- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Prematurity Re- netic, and behavioral factors relating to pre- objection, it is so ordered. search Expansion and Education for Mothers maturity, as appropriate; The nominations considered and con- who deliver Infants Early Reauthorization Act’’ ‘‘(B) conduct activities to improve national firmed en bloc are as follows: or the ‘‘PREEMIE Reauthorization Act’’. data to facilitate tracking the burden of preterm FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION SEC. 2. RESEARCH AND ACTIVITIES AT THE NA- birth; and ‘‘(C) continue efforts to prevent preterm birth, Martin J. Gruenberg, of Maryland, to be TIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH. including late preterm birth, through the identi- Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the The Secretary of Health and Human Services fication of opportunities for prevention and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for a may, subject to the availability of appropria- term of five years. tions, expand, intensify, and coordinate the ac- assessment of the impact of such efforts. Thomas Hoenig, of Missouri, to be Vice tivities of the National Institutes of Health with ‘‘(2) REPORT.—Not later than 2 years after the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the respect to research, including transdisciplinary date of enactment of the PREEMIE Reauthor- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. research, on the causes of preterm labor and de- ization Act, and every 2 years thereafter, the livery, tools to detect, prevent, or reduce preva- Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting f lence of preterm labor and delivery, and the care through the Director of the Centers for Disease LEGISLATIVE SESSION and treatment of preterm infants. Such activi- Control and Prevention, shall submit to the ap- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ties may include— propriate committees of Congress reports con- (1) investigating problems in clinical obstet- cerning the progress and any results of studies ate will now resume legislative session. rics, particularly those related to prevention of conducted under paragraph (1).’’. f low birth weight, prematurity, and medical (b) REAUTHORIZATION.—Section 3(e) of the PREEMIE REAUTHORIZATION ACT problems of pregnancy; Prematurity Research Expansion and Education (2) improving the care and outcomes of neo- for Mothers who deliver Infants Early Act (42 Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask nates, especially very-low-birth weight infants; U.S.C. 247b-4f(e)) is amended by striking ‘‘2011’’ unanimous consent that the Senate and and inserting ‘‘2017’’.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 6333 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6869 SEC. 4. ACTIVITIES AT THE HEALTH RESOURCES (A) examine research and educational activi- striking subsection (b) and inserting the fol- AND SERVICES ADMINISTRATION. ties that receive Federal funding in order to en- lowing: (a) TELEMEDICINE AND HIGH RISK PREG- able the plan to provide informed recommenda- ‘‘(b) STUDIES AND ACTIVITIES ON PRETERM NANCIES.—Section 330I(i)(1)(B) of the Public tions to reduce preterm birth and address racial BIRTH.— Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254c-14(i)(1)(B)) is and ethnic disparities in preterm birth rates; ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Health amended by striking ‘‘or case management serv- (B) identify research gaps and opportunities and Human Services, acting through the Di- ices’’ and inserting ‘‘case management services, to implement evidence-based strategies to reduce rector of the Centers for Disease Control and or prenatal care for high-risk pregnancies’’; preterm birth rates among the programs and ac- Prevention, may, subject to the availability (b) PUBLIC AND HEALTH CARE EDU- tivities of the Department of Health and Human of appropriations— CATION.—Section 399Q of the Public Health Services regarding preterm birth, including op- ‘‘(A) conduct epidemiological studies on Service Act (42 U.S.C. 280g-5) is amended— portunities to minimize duplication; and (1) in subsection (b)— the clinical, biological, social, environ- (C) reflect input from a broad range of sci- mental, genetic, and behavioral factors re- (A) in paragraph (1), by striking subpara- entists, patients, and advocacy groups, as ap- graphs (A) through (F) and inserting the fol- lating to prematurity, as appropriate; propriate. ‘‘(B) conduct activities to improve na- lowing: (4) MEMBERSHIP.—The Secretary shall ensure ‘‘(A) the core risk factors for preterm labor tional data to facilitate tracking the burden that the membership of the Advisory Committee of preterm birth; and and delivery; includes the following: ‘‘(B) medically indicated deliveries before full ‘‘(C) continue efforts to prevent preterm (A) Representatives provided for in the origi- term; birth, including late preterm birth, through nal charter of the Advisory Committee. ‘‘(C) the importance of preconception and pre- the identification of opportunities for pre- (B) A representative of the National Center natal care, including— vention and the assessment of the impact of ‘‘(i) smoking cessation; for Health Statistics. such efforts. (c) PATIENT SAFETY STUDIES AND REPORT.— ‘‘(ii) weight maintenance and good nutrition, ‘‘(2) REPORT.—Not later than 2 years after including folic acid; (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall des- the date of enactment of the PREEMIE Re- ‘‘(iii) the screening for and the treatment of ignate an appropriate agency within the De- authorization Act, and every 2 years there- infections; and partment of Health and Human Services to co- after, the Secretary of Health and Human ‘‘(iv) stress management; ordinate existing studies on hospital readmis- Services, acting through the Director of the ‘‘(D) treatments and outcomes for premature sions of preterm infants. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, infants, including late preterm infants; (2) REPORT TO SECRETARY AND CONGRESS.— shall submit to the appropriate committees ‘‘(E) the informational needs of families dur- Not later than 1 year after the date of the enact- of Congress reports concerning the progress ing the stay of an infant in a neonatal intensive ment of this Act, the agency designated under and any results of studies conducted under care unit; and paragraph (1) shall submit to the Secretary and paragraph (1).’’. ‘‘(F) utilization of evidence-based strategies to to Congress a report containing the findings and prevent birth injuries;’’; and recommendations resulting from the studies co- (b) REAUTHORIZATION.—Section 3(e) of the (B) by striking paragraph (2) and inserting ordinated under such paragraph, including rec- Prematurity Research Expansion and Edu- the following: ommendations for hospital discharge and fol- cation for Mothers who deliver Infants Early ‘‘(2) programs to increase the availability, low-up procedures designed to reduce rates of Act (42 U.S.C. 247b–4f(e)) is amended by strik- awareness, and use of pregnancy and post-term preventable hospital readmissions for preterm ing ‘‘2011’’ and inserting ‘‘2017’’. information services that provide evidence- infants. SEC. 3. ACTIVITIES AT THE HEALTH RESOURCES based, clinical information through counselors, Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask AND SERVICES ADMINISTRATION. community outreach efforts, electronic or tele- unanimous consent that the com- (a) TELEMEDICINE AND HIGH RISK PREG- phonic communication, or other appropriate NANCIES.—Section 330I(i)(1)(B) of the Public means regarding causes associated with pre- mittee-reported substitute amendment be agreed to and that the Alexander Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254c–14(i)(1)(B)) maturity, birth defects, or health risks to a post- is amended by striking ‘‘or case management term infant;’’; and amendment at the desk be agreed to. services’’ and inserting ‘‘case management (2) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘2011’’ and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without services, or prenatal care for high-risk preg- inserting ‘‘2017’’. objection, it is so ordered. nancies’’; SEC. 5. OTHER ACTIVITIES. The committee amendment in the (b) PUBLIC AND HEALTH CARE PROVIDER (a) INTERAGENCY COORDINATING COUNCIL ON nature of a substitute was agreed to. EDUCATION.—Section 399Q of the Public PREMATURITY AND LOW BIRTHWEIGHT.—The The amendment (No. 2926) was agreed Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 280g–5) is Prematurity Research Expansion and Education amended— for Mothers who deliver Infants Early Act is to, as follows: (1) in subsection (b)— amended by striking section 5 (42 U.S.C. 247b– (Purpose: To strike provisions relating to (A) in paragraph (1), by striking subpara- 4g). the National Institutes of Health) graphs (A) through (F) and inserting the fol- (b) ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON INFANT MOR- On page 16, strike line 11 and all that fol- lowing: TALITY.— lows through line 6 on page 17. ‘‘(A) the core risk factors for preterm labor (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary of Health On page 17, line 17, strike ‘‘shall’’ and in- and delivery; and Human Services (referred to in this section sert ‘‘may’’. ‘‘(B) medically indicated deliveries before as the ‘‘Secretary’’) may establish an advisory Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I committee known as the ‘‘Advisory Committee full term; on Infant Mortality’’ (referred to in this section know of no further debate on this ‘‘(C) the importance of preconception and as the ‘‘Advisory Committee’’). measure and ask that the bill be read prenatal care, including— (2) DUTIES.—The Advisory Committee shall for a third time and the Senate proceed ‘‘(i) smoking cessation; provide advice and recommendations to the Sec- to a vote. ‘‘(ii) weight maintenance and good nutri- retary concerning the following activities: The bill was ordered to be engrossed tion, including folic acid; (A) Programs of the Department of Health ‘‘(iii) the screening for and the treatment for a third reading and was read the of infections; and and Human Services that are directed at reduc- third time. ing infant mortality and improving the health ‘‘(iv) stress management; status of pregnant women and infants. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Hearing ‘‘(D) treatments and outcomes for pre- (B) Strategies to coordinate the various Fed- no further debate, the bill having been mature infants, including late preterm in- eral programs and activities with State, local, read the third time, the question is, fants; and private programs and efforts that address Shall the bill pass? ‘‘(E) the informational needs of families factors that affect infant mortality. The bill (S. 1440), as amended, was during the stay of an infant in a neonatal in- (C) Implementation of the Healthy Start pro- passed, as follows: tensive care unit; and gram under section 330H of the Public Health ‘‘(F) utilization of evidence-based strate- S. 1440 Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254c–8) and Healthy Peo- gies to prevent birth injuries;’’; and ple 2020 infant mortality objectives. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (B) by striking paragraph (2) and inserting (D) Strategies to reduce preterm birth rates This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Prematurity the following: through research, programs, and education. Research Expansion and Education for Moth- ‘‘(2) programs to increase the availability, (3) PLAN FOR HHS PRETERM BIRTH ACTIVI- ers who deliver Infants Early Reauthoriza- awareness, and use of pregnancy and post- TIES.—Not later than 1 year after the date of en- tion Act’’ or the ‘‘PREEMIE Reauthorization term information services that provide evi- actment of this section, the Advisory Committee Act’’. dence-based, clinical information through (or an existing advisory committee designated by SEC. 2. RESEARCH AND ACTIVITIES AT THE CEN- counselors, community outreach efforts, the Secretary) shall develop a plan for con- TERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND electronic or telephonic communication, or ducting and supporting research, education, PREVENTION. other appropriate means regarding causes as- and programs on preterm birth through the De- (a) EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES.—Section 3 of sociated with prematurity, birth defects, or partment of Health and Human Services and the Prematurity Research Expansion and health risks to a post-term infant;’’; and shall periodically review and revise the plan, as Education for Mothers who deliver Infants (2) in subsection (c), by striking ‘‘2011’’ and appropriate. The plan shall— Early Act (42 U.S.C. 247b–4f) is amended by inserting ‘‘2017’’.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 SEC. 4. OTHER ACTIVITIES. Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (a) INTERAGENCY COORDINATING COUNCIL ON unanimous consent that the motion to objection, it is so ordered. PREMATURITY AND LOW BIRTHWEIGHT.—The reconsider be considered made and laid Prematurity Research Expansion and Edu- The resolution (S. Res. 490) was upon the table with no intervening ac- cation for Mothers who deliver Infants Early agreed to. Act is amended by striking section 5 (42 tion or debate, and that any state- U.S.C. 247b–4g). ments relating to the bill be printed in The preamble was agreed to. (b) ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON INFANT MOR- the RECORD. The resolution, with its preamble, TALITY.— The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without reads as follows: (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary of objection, it is so ordered. Health and Human Services (referred to in S. RES. 490 this section as the ‘‘Secretary’’) may estab- f lish an advisory committee known as the Whereas Brittany Wilkinson, the first AMENDING THE AMERICAN RECOV- Youth Ambassador of the United ‘‘Advisory Committee on Infant Mortality’’ ERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT (referred to in this section as the ‘‘Advisory Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, joined Committee’’). OF 2009 AND THE EMERGENCY other Youth Ambassadors of the United (2) DUTIES.—The Advisory Committee shall ECONOMIC STABILIZATION ACT Mitochondrial Disease Foundation in work- provide advice and recommendations to the OF 2008 ing tirelessly to raise awareness about Secretary concerning the following activi- Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask mitochondrial diseases; Whereas mitochondrial diseases result ties: unanimous consent that the Senate (A) Programs of the Department of Health from a defect that reduces the ability of the and Human Services that are directed at re- proceed to the consideration of H.R. mitochondria in a cell to produce energy; ducing infant mortality and improving the 6570, which was received from the Whereas, as mitochondria fail to produce health status of pregnant women and in- House and is at the desk. enough energy, cells cease to function prop- fants. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The erly and eventually die, leading to the fail- (B) Strategies to coordinate the various clerk will report the bill by title. ure of organ systems and possibly the death Federal programs and activities with State, The assistant legislative clerk read of the affected individuals; local, and private programs and efforts that as follows: Whereas mitochondrial diseases can address factors that affect infant mortality. present themselves at any age, and mor- A bill (H.R. 6570) to amend the American (C) Implementation of the Healthy Start tality rates vary depending upon the par- Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and program under section 330H of the Public ticular disease; the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254c–8) and Whereas the most severe mitochondrial of 2008 to consolidate certain CBO reporting Healthy People 2020 infant mortality objec- diseases result in the progressive loss of requirements. tives. function in multiple organs, including the (D) Strategies to reduce preterm birth There being no objection, the Senate loss of neurological and muscle function, and rates through research, programs, and edu- proceeded to consider the bill. death within several years; cation. Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask Whereas mitochondrial diseases are a rel- (3) PLAN FOR HHS PRETERM BIRTH ACTIVI- unanimous consent that the bill be atively newly identified group of diseases, TIES.—Not later than 1 year after the date of read three times and passed, the mo- first recognized in the late 1960s, and diag- enactment of this section, the Advisory tion to reconsider be laid upon the nosis of mitochondrial diseases is extremely Committee (or an existing advisory com- difficult; mittee designated by the Secretary) shall de- table, with no intervening action or de- bate, and any statements related to the Whereas there are more than 100 identified velop a plan for conducting and supporting primary mitochondrial diseases, but re- research, education, and programs on bill be printed in the RECORD. searchers believe there are several hundred preterm birth through the Department of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without other types of unidentified mitochondrial Health and Human Services and shall peri- objection, it is so ordered. diseases and further research is necessary to odically review and revise the plan, as appro- The bill (H.R. 6570) was ordered to a help identify those diseases; priate. The plan shall— third reading, was read the third time, Whereas mitochondrial dysfunction is as- (A) examine research and educational ac- and passed. sociated with many diseases, such as Parkin- tivities that receive Federal funding in order son’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, to enable the plan to provide informed rec- f amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, autism, diabe- ommendations to reduce preterm birth and NATIONAL MITOCHONDRIAL tes, cancer, and many other diseases associ- address racial and ethnic disparities in AWARENESS WEEK ated with aging; preterm birth rates; Whereas research into primary (B) identify research gaps and opportuni- Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask mitochondrial diseases can provide applica- ties to implement evidence-based strategies unanimous consent the HELP Com- tions to biomedical research and a window to reduce preterm birth rates among the pro- mittee be discharged from further con- into our understanding of many other dis- grams and activities of the Department of sideration of S. Res. 490, and the Sen- eases, including possible treatments and Health and Human Services regarding ate proceed to its immediate consider- cures for diseases such as Parkinson’s dis- preterm birth, including opportunities to ease, Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lat- minimize duplication; and ation. (C) reflect input from a broad range of sci- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without eral sclerosis, autism, diabetes, cancer, and entists, patients, and advocacy groups, as ap- objection, it is so ordered. many other diseases associated with aging; propriate. The clerk will report the resolution Whereas researchers estimate that one in 4,000 children will develop a mitochondrial (4) MEMBERSHIP.—The Secretary shall en- by title. sure that the membership of the Advisory The assistant legislative clerk read disease related to an inherited mutation by 10 years of age, and recent studies of umbil- Committee includes the following: as follows: (A) Representatives provided for in the ical cord blood samples show that one in 200 A resolution (S. Res. 490) designating the original charter of the Advisory Committee. people could develop a mitochondrial disease week of September 16, 2012, as (B) A representative of the National Center in their lifetime; ‘‘Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week,’’ for Health Statistics. Whereas researchers also believe that reaffirming the importance of an enhanced (c) PATIENT SAFETY STUDIES AND REPORT.— those numbers could be much higher, given and coordinated research effort on (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall des- the difficulty associated with diagnosing mitochondrial diseases, and commending the ignate an appropriate agency within the De- mitochondrial disease and the many cases National Institutes of Health for its efforts partment of Health and Human Services to that are either misdiagnosed or never diag- to improve the understanding of coordinate existing studies on hospital re- nosed; mitochondrial diseases. admissions of preterm infants. Whereas there are no cures for (2) REPORT TO SECRETARY AND CONGRESS.— There being no objection, the Senate mitochondrial diseases, nor are there spe- Not later than 1 year after the date of the proceeded to consider the resolution. cific treatments for any of those diseases; enactment of this Act, the agency designated Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask Whereas human energy production in- under paragraph (1) shall submit to the Sec- unanimous consent the resolution be volves multiple organ systems, and therefore retary and to Congress a report containing agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, primary mitochondrial diseases research in- volves many Institutes at the National Insti- the findings and recommendations resulting the motions to reconsider be consid- from the studies coordinated under such tutes of Health; paragraph, including recommendations for ered made and laid upon the table, with Whereas, according to the National Insti- hospital discharge and follow-up procedures no intervening action or debate and tutes of Health, more than $600,000,000 is designed to reduce rates of preventable hos- that any statements relating to this being spent on research related to pital readmissions for preterm infants. measure be printed in the RECORD. mitochondrial functions, of which $18,000,000

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6871 is being spent on actual primary PERMITTING THE USE OF SENATE fellow Giants fan Senator BOXER, to mitochondrial diseases research; OFFICE BUILDINGS FOR CHARI- support a resolution honoring Major Whereas the National Institutes of Health TABLE PURPOSES League Baseball’s 2012 World Series has taken an increased interest in primary Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask champions, the San Francisco Giants. mitochondrial diseases and has sponsored a Behind the best starting pitching in number of activities in recent years aimed at unanimous consent the Senate proceed advancing mitochondrial medicine, including to the consideration of S. Res. 597, baseball, a shutdown bullpen, brilliant incorporating research into functional vari- which was submitted earlier today. defense and timely hitting, our Giants ations in mitochondria in the Trans- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The are, once again, kings of the baseball formative Research Awards Initiative; clerk will report the resolution by world. Whereas, in March 2012, the National Insti- title. They defeated the American League tutes of Health convened a 2-day symposium The assistant legislative clerk read Champion Detroit Tigers 4 games to entitled ‘‘Translational Research in Primary none in the 108th World Series to win Mitochondrial Diseases: Obstacles and Op- as follows: A resolution (S. Res. 597) to permit the col- their second title in just 3 years. portunities’’, which brought together leading It is the seventh title in the long, government and private sector researchers lection of clothing, toys, food, and and drug developers to share information re- housewares during the holiday season for storied history of the franchise, and lated to primary mitochondrial diseases, de- charitable purposes in Senate buildings. their second since moving to San Fran- velop systems to facilitate future collabora- There being no objection, the Senate cisco in 1958. tion, survey obstacles, needs, and priorities proceeded to consider the resolution. Indeed, these are truly the glory days of primary mitochondrial diseases research, Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask of Giants baseball in San Francisco. and develop mechanisms to enhance trans- unanimous consent that the resolution The 2010 Giants were known as a lation of basic science discoveries to be agreed to, the motion to reconsider band of misfits and castoffs who diagnostics and therapeutics; and shocked the baseball world by winning Whereas, as a consequence of the sympo- be laid upon the table, with no inter- vening action or debate, and any state- the Giants’ first World Series title in 56 sium, a white paper has been developed that years. identifies current research challenges and ments related to the measure be print- impediments and a suggested course of ac- ed in the RECORD. This Giants team can only be de- tion to address those challenges: Now, there- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without scribed as resilient, a diverse collection fore, be it objection, it is so ordered. of veterans, rookies, and midseason ac- quisitions who banded together with a Resolved, That the Senate— The resolution (S. Res. 597) was (1) designates the week of September 16, agreed to, as follows: ‘‘never-say-die’’ spirit to overcome the 2012, as ‘‘Mitochondrial Disease Awareness S. RES. 597 greatest of odds to win it all. Down two games to none in the best Week’’; Resolved, (2) reaffirms the importance of an en- of five Division Series against the Cin- SECTION 1. COLLECTION OF CLOTHING, TOYS, hanced and coordinated research effort FOOD, AND HOUSEWARES DURING cinnati Reds, outfielder Hunter Pence aimed at improving the understanding of pri- THE HOLIDAY SEASON FOR CHARI- gathered his teammates together be- mary mitochondrial diseases and the devel- TABLE PURPOSES IN SENATE BUILD- fore the third game and urged them not opment of treatments and cures; INGS. to give up, to play for each other, win (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any (3) commends the National Institutes of each moment, and leave it all on the Health for its efforts to organize the sympo- other provision of the rules or regulations of sium entitled ‘‘Translational Research in the Senate— field so they could spend another day Primary Mitochondrial Disease: Obstacles (1) a Senator, officer of the Senate, or em- together. and Opportunities’’ to improve the under- ployee of the Senate may collect from an- He was not ready to go home, and standing of mitochondrial diseases and to en- other Senator, officer of the Senate, or em- neither were the Giants. They won that hance collaboration and chart a course for ployee of the Senate within Senate buildings game and the next two, stunning the the future with respect to research on nonmonetary donations of clothing, toys, Reds and advancing to the National mitochondrial diseases; food, and housewares for charitable purposes League Championship Series against (4) encourages the National Institutes of related to serving persons in need or mem- the defending World Series champion Health to place a greater priority on re- bers of the Armed Forces and the families of those members during the holiday season, if St. Louis Cardinals. search into primary mitochondrial diseases, In that series, the Giants once again to continue to explore the connections be- the charitable purposes do not otherwise vio- tween mitochondrial dysfunction and other late any rule or regulation of the Senate or found their backs against the wall, systemic diseases, and to promote collabora- of Federal law; and down three games to one in the best-of- tion and coordination among the Institutes (2) a Senator, officer of the Senate, or em- seven series. In game 5 at St. Louis, Gi- of the National Institutes of Health and with ployee of the Senate may work with a non- ants pitcher Barry Zito overcame years other organizations; and profit organization with respect to the deliv- of adversity to pitch the game of his (5) encourages the National Institutes of ery of donations described under paragraph life, bringing the series back to San (1). Health to consider the recommendations and Francisco. address research directions identified in the (b) EXPIRATION.—The authority provided by this resolution shall expire at the end of The Giants won the next two games white paper developed from the symposium to clinch the National League pennant described in paragraph (3), including— the second session of the 112th Congress. (A) enhanced emphasis on research regard- f in front of their loyal and passionate ing basic mitochondrial physiology, vari- fans. CONGRATULATING THE 2012 They became the first team in more ations in mitochondrial function in different WORLD SERIES CHAMPION SAN body tissues, and improvements in the ma- than 25 years to win six elimination nipulation of mitochondrial DNA; FRANCISCO GIANTS games in one postseason. (B) supporting research that will provide Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask So it was on to the World Series the basis for drug development, including unanimous consent that the Senate against the Tigers, a formidable team improved mouse models, efforts to achieve proceed to the immediate consider- that looked unbeatable to most base- breakthroughs in in vivo research capability, ation of S. Res. 598 submitted earlier ball experts. consensus development around assays, and next generation sequencing; today. But with all due respect to the Ti- (C) expansion and support of stable, long- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The gers—and my friends and colleagues term patient registries and biospecimen re- clerk will report the resolution by from Michigan—after the adversity positories in collaboration with patient ad- title. they had faced against the Reds and vocacy groups to promote enrollment and ul- The assistant legislative read as fol- the Cardinals, nothing was going to timately pave the way for natural history lows: stop the Giants. trials; and A resolution (S. Res. 598) commending and In game 1, World Series Most Valu- (D) the establishment of a working group congratulating the San Francisco Giants for able Player Pablo Sandoval became to develop a system for the continued inter- winning the 2012 World Series. just the fourth player in World Series action among the Institutes within the Na- tional Institutes of Health and with other or- There being no objection, the Senate history to hit three home runs in one ganizations and the establishment of a proceeded to consider the resolution. game as the Giants won 8 to 3. website on research on primary Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I In games 2 and 3, starting pitchers mitochondrial diseases. am thrilled, along with my friend and Madison Bumgarner and Ryan

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S6872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 15, 2012 Vogelsong were dominant as the Giants being down three games to one to defeat the The resolution (S. Res. 599) was both games by a score of 2 to 0. defending World Series champions, the St. agreed to. And in the deciding game 4, the Gi- Louis Cardinals, for the National League The preamble was agreed to. ants rallied as National League Series championship; Whereas the San Francisco Giants won 7 The resolution, with its preamble, MVP Marco Scutaro gave the Giants a straight post-season games and allowed just reads as follows: 4 to 3 lead in the 10th inning, knocking 7 runs in that span; S. RES. 599 home Ryan Theriot with a two-out Whereas third baseman Pablo Sandoval re- Whereas Hamas was founded with the stat- base hit. In the bottom of the inning, ceived the World Series Most Valuable Play- ed goal of destroying the State of Israel; Sergio Romo struck out the side and er award after hitting .500 during the World Whereas Hamas has been designated by the the Giants were champions once again. Series and hitting 3 home runs in Game 1, Secretary of State as a Foreign Terrorist Or- And what a run it was. becoming just the fourth player to do so in ganization; World Series history; Whereas Hamas refuses to recognize The Giants closed out the post-sea- Whereas all 25 players on the playoff roster son by winning seven straight games, Israel’s right to exist, renounce violence, and should be congratulated, including Jeremy accept previous agreements between Israel beating the Cardinals and Tigers by a Affeldt, Joaquin Arias, Brandon Belt, Gregor and the Palestinians; combined score of 36 to 7 with four Blanco, Madison Bumgarner, Matt Cain, Whereas Hamas has launched thousands of shutouts. Santiago Casilla, Brandon Crawford, Aubrey rockets and missiles since Israel dismantled In the World Series, Giants pitchers Huff, George Kontos, Tim Lincecum, Javier settlements and withdrew from Gaza in 2005; limited the Tigers to just six runs in Lopez, Jose Mijares, Guillermo Mota, Xavier Whereas terrorists in the Hamas-controlled four games and held them to a .159 bat- Nady, Angel Pagan, Hunter Pence, Buster Gaza Strip have fired approximately 900 Posey, Sergio Romo, Hector Sanchez, Pablo ting average. rockets and missile shells into Israel this Sandoval, Marco Scutaro, Ryan Theriot, year, an increase from roughly 675 attacks in I congratulate all the Giants players Ryan Vogelsong, and Barry Zito; for their heart, determination and 2011 and 350 in 2010; Whereas the 2012 San Francisco Giants will Whereas Hamas has increased the range of teamwork. be remembered for overpowering starting its rockets, reportedly with support from When your backs were up against the pitching, unflappable relief pitching, steady Iran and others, putting additional large wall, you epitomized the best of San defense, and timely hitting; numbers of Israelis in danger of rocket at- Francisco and came together as a Whereas the San Francisco Giants are su- tacks from Gaza; team, setting aside egos, sacrificing in- perbly led by President and Chief Executive Whereas, on November 14, 2012, President Officer Larry Baer, General Manager Brian dividual glory and battling for each Barack Obama condemned the rocket fire Sabean, and Manager Bruce Bochy; from Gaza into Israel and reiterated Israel’s other, one game at a time, until you Whereas San Francisco is a city with a were the last team standing. right to self-defense; and rich baseball tradition, where players such Whereas Israel, a fellow democracy, has an I would also like to congratulate as Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Orlando inherent right to self defense in the face of president and CEO Larry Baer, general Cepeda, Juan Marichal, Monte Irvin, and terrorist attacks: Now, therefore, be it manager Brian Sabean, manager Bruce Gaylord Perry displayed exceptional skill Resolved, That the Senate— Bochy and the rest of the coaching that eventually took them to the National (1) expresses unwavering commitment to staff for putting together this team Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New the security of the State of Israel as a Jew- York; and and establishing a culture of excellence ish and democratic state with secure bor- Whereas the San Francisco Giants inspired ders, and recognizes and strongly supports that is the envy of all of baseball. the city of San Francisco and all Giants fans Mr. President, I was privileged to be its inherent right to act in self-defense to by showing unprecedented determination, re- protect its citizens against acts of terrorism; mayor of San Francisco when the solve, and teamwork in winning the 2012 (2) reiterates that Hamas must end Gaza- 49ers—led by Eddie DeBartolo, Bill World Series: Now, therefore, be it linked terrorist rocket and missile attacks Resolved, That the Senate commends and Walsh, Joe Montana, Ronnie Lott and against Israel, recognize Israel’s right to many others—began their run of five congratulates the San Francisco Giants for winning the 2012 World Series. exist, renounce violence, and agree to accept Super Bowl titles that established the previous agreements between Israel and the 49ers as a dynasty. f Palestinians; With their second World Series win EXPRESSING VIGOROUS SUPPORT (3) urges the United Nations Security in just 3 years, the Giants are on their AND UNWAVERING COMMITMENT Council to condemn the recent spike in TO THE WELFARE, SECURITY, Gaza-linked terrorist missile attacks against way to establishing their own dynasty, Israel, which risk causing civilian casualties once again solidifying San Francisco’s AND SURVIVAL OF THE STATE in both Israel and Gaza; and status as not just a world-class city but OF ISRAEL (4) encourages the President to continue to a city of champions. Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask work diplomatically with the international Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent the Senate proceed community to prevent Hamas and other unanimous consent the resolution be to the immediate consideration of S. Gaza-based terrorist organizations from re- agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, Res. 599 submitted earlier today by taining or rebuilding the capability to launch rockets and missiles against Israel. the motion to reconsider be laid upon Senator GILLIBRAND and Senator KIRK. the table, with no intervening action The PRESIDING OFFICER. The f or debate and any statements be print- clerk will report the resolution by PROVIDING FOR A CONDITIONAL ed in the RECORD. title. ADJOURNMENT OR RECESS OF The assistant legislative clerk read The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without THE SENATE AND AN ADJOURN- as follows: objection, it is so ordered. MENT OF THE HOUSE OF REP- A resolution (S. Res. 599) expressing vig- The resolution (S. Res. 598) was RESENTATIVES agreed to. orous support and unwavering commitment The preamble was agreed to. to the welfare, security, and survival of the Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask The resolution, with its preamble, State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic unanimous consent that the Senate state with secure borders, and recognizing proceed to the immediate consider- reads as follows: and strongly supporting its right to act in ation of S. Con. Res. 60, submitted ear- S. RES. 598 self-defense to protect its citizens against lier today. Whereas the San Francisco Giants defeated acts of terrorism. the American League champions, the Detroit There being no objection, the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Tigers, 4 games to none to win the seventh proceeded to consider the resolution. clerk will report the concurrent resolu- World Series championship in the history of Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask tion by title. the Giants franchise, and the second World unanimous consent that the resolution The assistant legislative clerk read Series championship in 3 years; be agreed to, the preamble be agreed as follows: Whereas the San Francisco Giants won the to, the motion to reconsider be consid- A concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 60) 2012 National League West Division title providing for a conditional adjournment or with 94 wins; ered made and laid upon the table, with no intervening action or debate, and recess of the Senate and an adjournment of Whereas the San Francisco Giants won 6 the House of Representatives. straight elimination games in the 2012 post- that any statements related to the season, rallying from being down two games measure be printed in the RECORD. There being no objection, the Senate to none to defeat the Cincinnati Reds in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without proceeded to consider the concurrent National League Division Series, and from objection, it is so ordered. resolution.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6873 Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I ask when the Senate completes its business The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under unanimous consent that the concur- today, it adjourn and convene for pro the previous order, the Senate stands rent resolution be agreed to, the mo- forma session only, with no business adjourned until 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, un- tion to reconsider be laid on the table, conducted, on the following dates and less the Senate receives a message with no intervening action or debate, times, and that following each pro from the House that it has adopted S. and that any statements relating to forma session the Senate adjourn until Con. Res. 60, in which case the Senate the matter be printed in the RECORD. the next pro forma session: Friday, No- stands adjourned until 2 p.m. on Mon- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without vember 16, at 9:30 a.m.; Tuesday, No- day, November 26, 2012, under the pro- objection, it is so ordered. vember 20, at 12 p.m.; Friday, Novem- visions of S. Con. Res. 60. The concurrent resolution (S. Con. ber 23, at 3 p.m.; that the Senate ad- Res. 60) was agreed to, as follows: Thereupon, the Senate, at 6:01 p.m., journ on Friday, November 23, until 2 conditionally adjourned until Friday, S. CON. RES. 60 p.m. on Monday, November 26, unless November 16, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- the Senate has received a message resentatives concurring), That when the Sen- from the House that it has adopted S. f ate recesses or adjourns on any day from Con. Res. 60, which is the adjournment Thursday, November 15, 2012, through Fri- resolution, and if the Senate has re- day, November 16, 2012, on a motion offered NOMINATIONS pursuant to this concurrent resolution by its ceived such a message, the Senate ad- Majority Leader or his designee, it stand re- journ until Monday, November 26, at 2 Executive nominations received by cessed or adjourned until 12:00 noon on Mon- p.m. under the provisions of S. Con. the Senate: day, November 26, 2012, or such other time on Res. 60; that following the prayer and that day as may be specified by its Majority FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW pledge, the Journal of proceedings be COMMISSION Leader or his designee in the motion to re- approved to date, the morning hour be cess or adjourn, or until the time of any re- ROBERT F. COHEN, JR., OF WEST VIRGINIA, TO BE A assembly pursuant to section 2 of this con- deemed expired, and the time for the MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH two leaders be reserved for their use REVIEW COMMISSION FOR A TERM OF SIX YEARS EXPIR- current resolution, whichever occurs first; ING AUGUST 30, 2018. (REAPPOINTMENT) and that when the House adjourns on any later in the day; that the majority legislative day from Friday, November 16, leader be recognized and Senators be DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 2012, through Friday, November 23, 2012, on a permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes TIMOTHY J. FEIGHERY, OF NEW YORK, TO BE CHAIR- motion offered pursuant to this concurrent each; and that all postcloture time on MAN OF THE FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMIS- resolution by its Majority Leader or his des- SION OF THE UNITED STATES FOR A TERM EXPIRING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015. (REAPPOINTMENT) ignee, it stand adjourned until 2:00 p.m. on S. 3525, the Sportsmen’s Act, be consid- Tuesday, November 27, 2012, or until the time ered expired at 5:30 p.m. and the Senate THE JUDICIARY of any reassembly pursuant to section 2 of proceed under the previous order. WILLIAM S. GREENBERG, OF NEW JERSEY, TO BE A this concurrent resolution, whichever occurs The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without JUDGE OF THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR first. objection, it is so ordered. VETERANS CLAIMS FOR THE TERM OF FIFTEEN YEARS, SEC. 2. The Majority Leader of the Senate VICE A NEW POSITION CREATED BY PUBLIC LAW 100–389, APPROVED OCTOBER 10, 2008. and the Speaker of the House, or their re- f spective designees, acting jointly after con- PROGRAM sultation with the Minority Leader of the f Senate and the Minority Leader of the Ms. LANDRIEU. The next rollcall House, shall notify the Members of the Sen- votes will be on Monday, November 26, CONFIRMATIONS ate and House, respectively, to reassemble at at 5:30 p.m. such place and time as they may designate Executive nominations confirmed by if, in their opinion, the public interest shall f the Senate Thursday, November 15, warrant it. CONDITIONAL ADJOURNMENT 2012: f UNTIL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 2012, AT 9:30 A.M. ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER MARTIN J. GRUENBERG, OF MARYLAND, TO BE CHAIR- 16, 2012, THROUGH MONDAY, NO- Ms. LANDRIEU. If there is no further PERSON OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION FOR A TERM OF VEMBER 26, 2012 business to come before the Senate, I FIVE YEARS. ask unanimous consent that it adjourn THOMAS HOENIG, OF MISSOURI, TO BE VICE CHAIR- Ms. LANDRIEU. Finally, Mr. Presi- PERSON OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FEDERAL dent, I ask unanimous consent that under the previous order. DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:22 Nov 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 9801 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\S15NO2.REC S15NO2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1757 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

TRIBUTE TO SHIRLEY FORD Charleston Day Organization (NCDO) is a side American Samoa. The issue of tobacco nonprofit organization that has provided assist- smuggling matters to the loved ones and fam- HON. HEATH SHULER ance to communities around the country. Thus ily members of my constituents, and it has be- OF NORTH CAROLINA far the organization has ten chapters in the come a priority of mine, as well. I am proud IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United States in Atlanta, Georgia; Chicago, Illi- to stand with Congressman FALEOMAVAEGA, Thursday, November 15, 2012 nois; Cincinnati, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; De- and I thank him for his outstanding leadership. troit, Michigan; Indianapolis, Indiana; Mem- Mr. Speaker, the passage of the Stop To- Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to phis, Tennessee; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; St. bacco Smuggling in the Territories Act will be honor several of the volunteers who have Louis, Missouri and Charleston, Mississippi. an important step towards curbing this practice served in my District office over the past six The NCDO’s mission is ‘‘to contribute to the and restoring lost revenue back to local gov- years while I have been in office. A Member education, cultural development, health and ernments. I strongly support H.R. 5934, and I of Congress’ most important responsibility is to welfare of the citizens of Charleston, Mis- urge my colleagues to join me in strength- provide exceptional constituent services and sissippi and the surrounding area.’’ Since ening the capacity of Samoan tobacco en- these volunteers have assisted my staff in pro- 1980 the NCDO has annually awarded two forcement. viding the excellent assistance so many have education scholarships to graduates of f come to expect in our District. I take great Charleston High School. Over seventy thou- HONORING WORK OF DISTRICT V pride in the work that each one has done on sand dollars has been contributed to students, SUPERVISOR, JIM ALLEN my behalf and on behalf of everyone in the sports teams, and civic groups in Tallahatchie 11th Congressional District of North Carolina. County, through the NCDO. These volunteers have always treated our For the past three years the NCDO has HON. JEFF DENHAM constituents with the utmost respect and al- sponsored an event in Charleston called ‘‘Hu- OF CALIFORNIA ways made sure their needs were met in a mility Day,’’ that gathers all influential seg- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES timely fashion. I owe a debt of gratitude to ments of the community in a proactive effort Thursday, November 15, 2012 each one of them for the support and friend- designed to inspire character in individuals Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ship which they have shown me while I have and overcome the mindsets that leads to vio- honor the dedicated work of District V Super- served in Congress. lence and erratic behavior. visor, Jim Allen. Jim began his long and dedi- Shirley Ford has played a valuable role as During the NCDO’s thirty-eight year history, cated career in law enforcement with the a volunteer from the very beginning of my time leaders within the organization have worked Mariposa County Sheriff’s Department in May in Congress. Shirley had a special ability to hard inspiring people to provide philanthropic of 1976 as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff. He be- work with seniors in our District who were hav- assistance to the residents of the Charleston came a fulltime employee as a Jail Officer/Dis- ing difficulty with Medicare. Shirley’s wealth of area. patcher in July 1977; and in December 1979, knowledge about the Medicare system gave Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Jim became a Deputy Sheriff/Coroner. In May our constituents a much-needed assurance in recognizing The National Charleston Day of 2003, he was appointed Sheriff/Coroner by that their claims would be handled appro- Organization, a social and civic conscious the Board of Supervisors. Finally, in June priately. Shirley also shared my desire to help group of residents who are committed towards 2006, he was elected as Sheriff/Coroner/Pub- eliminate waste and fraud in the system and serving their community and the country. lic Administrator, where he retired in 2007. tirelessly worked with individuals to identify f After Jim’s successful career with Mariposa cases in these areas. County law enforcement, he was elected as Shirley should be proud of the service she STOP TOBACCO SMUGGLING IN District V Supervisor from 2009–2012. In has provided to our District and country. It has THE TERRITORIES ACT OF 2012 2011, he also served as Chair of the Mariposa been an honor to serve with her and as I retire County Board of Supervisors. Beyond Jim’s from office I wish her the very best in the fu- SPEECH OF work as Supervisor, he served as a member ture. Western North Carolina is a better place HON. LAURA RICHARDSON of the Local Agency Formation Commission because of her efforts and I will cherish the OF CALIFORNIA (LAFCo). memories of serving with Shirley and the team IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jim’s sense of community service and hard by my side. work ethic is evident through his work with Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Wednesday, November 14, 2012 many county committees including: Fish Camp in recognizing and thanking Shirley Ford for Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Community Planning Advisory Council, her hard work on behalf of all of Western strong support of H.R. 5934, the Stop To- Wawona Appeals Board, Wawona Town Plan- North Carolina and to wish her continued suc- bacco Smuggling in the Territories Act. This ning Advisory Committee, Juvenile Justice Co- cess in her future endeavors. important bill would prohibit the trafficking of ordinating Council, and Law Library Trustees, f contraband cigarettes and smokeless tobacco and the In Home Supportive Services (IHSS). HONORING THE NATIONAL in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana He served the county on the following agen- CHARLESTON DAY ORGANIZA- Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and Amer- cies and Board of Directors: Area 12 Agency TION FOR THEIR SERVICE TO ican Samoa. on Aging Joint Powers Authority Governing THE COMMUNITY This important and commonsense legislation Board, California State Association of Coun- was introduced by my great friend and col- ties, County Medical Services Program Gov- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON league, Congressman ENI FALEOMAVAEGA. erning Board, Mountain Valley Emergency Currently, the federal criminal code prohibits OF MISSISSIPPI Medical Services Agency as Chair, Regional the smuggling of tobacco in the states; how- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Advisory Board, and the San Joaquin Valley ever, tobacco products continue to be traf- Regional Association of California Counties. In Thursday, November 15, 2012 ficked through the territories by individuals addition, Mr. Allen has also served on the Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- looking to avoid paying taxes. This practice Mariposa County High School Student Loan er, I rise today in honor of the National does not only warp market prices and rob the Association and oversaw the establishment of Charleston Day Organization and its commit- government of thousands of dollars each year a separate Human Resources/Risk Manage- ment towards conveying the belief that we all in tax revenue. It also contributes to the public ment department. Additionally, he helped im- have some social and civic responsibility to health problems associated with smoking. plement the paperless agenda management our fellow man. I am proud to represent the 37th Congres- system. Founded in 1974 by Dr. Ethel Greene and sional District of California, which is home to Mr. Allen played an integral and significant her husband Mack Greene, the National the largest American Samoan population out- role on the following county projects: Yosemite

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.001 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with E1758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2012 West Community Plan, Wawona Specific Plan, needs of each and every one of our constitu- Public Education by the National Education Catheys Valley Community Plan, SilverTip Re- ents. They often go well beyond the call to Association Foundation; an honorary Doctor of sort project amended site plan application, make sure each constituent is treated fairly Agriculture degree from the University of Wis- construction of the new Human Services facil- and respectfully by our government agencies consin-Milwaukee; and also opened Growing ity, acquisition of new fire engines and water and that they receive appropriate resolution. I Power’s Deli and Food Market in Milwaukee’s tenders, funding and construction of three new owe a debt of gratitude to each one of them inner city. Will Allen is co-author of the book fire stations, obtaining a Fixed Base Operator for the support and friendship which they have The Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy to oversee the Mariposa/Yosemite Airport, Air- shown me while I have served in Congress. Food, People and Communities. port improvement projects, fuel load reduction Susanna Euston was an original member of Will Allen teaches inner-city youth the entire projects, road maintenance projects, Agri-na- my District staff and worked tirelessly to serve farming process from planting seeds to selling ture and Agri-tourism policy, Williamson Act/ the veteran community. Susanna developed produce at farmers’ markets. Partnerships with historical parcels, Tenaya Lodge wastewater immediate relationships with individual vet- Milwaukee Public School (MPS) and Growing treatment facility approval, and the Mariposa erans and leaders of veteran organizations Power have supplied 40,000 MPS school chil- Creek Parkway project. and quickly became the go-to person in West- dren in 75 elementary schools with the food it In 2010 and 2011, Jim helped his commu- ern North Carolina when any of our veterans grows. Over the past 20 years, Allen and his nity rebuild after heavy winter rains and a needed assistance. I could always count on team have been traveling the globe setting up motor fire in El Portal. Susanna to make sure each one of our vet- ‘‘hoop houses’’ that produce nutritious food Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring eran constituents was treated fairly and with and create inner city jobs. The hoop houses District V Supervisor Jim Allen for his out- the utmost respect. Susanna was a devoted are home to peppers, cabbage, mushrooms standing commitment to serve the community. member of the team, often arriving first in the and sprouts as well as Tilapia, Yellow Perch, Mr. Allen is a true public servant, and I wish morning and staying as one of the last ones Lake Perch and Coy. The headquarters and him continued success in his future endeav- out the door at the end of the day. main hoop house in Milwaukee feeds 10,000 ors. Susanna should be proud of the service she people and uses renewable energy. Every f provided to our District and country. It has January through June, people from all around been an honor to serve with her and as I retire the world attend informational and hands-on HONORING CHARLIE DAVIS from office I wish her the very best in the fu- training sessions to learn the techniques and ture. Western North Carolina is a better place skills involved with creating and maintaining a HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER because of her efforts and I will cherish the green house. Growing Power currently has OF LOUISIANA memories of serving with Susanna and the growing operations all across the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES team by my side. States and has made its presence felt outside Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Thursday, November 15, 2012 the states as well, establishing farms in in recognizing and thanking Susanna Euston Kenya, Ukraine, central London and the Neth- Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today for her hard work on behalf of all of Western erlands. in gratitude to honor the career of a man who North Carolina and to wish her continued suc- Mr. Speaker, for these reasons, I am hon- has given his whole professional life to serving cess in her future endeavors. ored to pay tribute to Will Allen and Growing the people of the United States. f Power, whose contributions have greatly ben- Charlie D. Davis, a Shreveport, Louisiana, efitted the citizens of the Fourth Congressional native was so bright he graduated from high TRIBUTE TO WILL ALLEN AND District and the world. GROWING POWER school at the young age of 16. In 1974, he f made the decision to join the U.S. Army that would shape the rest of his career. Davis was HON. GWEN MOORE HONORING ALPHA DELTA ZETA OF in the Army until 1977, and he then enlisted in OF WISCONSIN ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, IN- the Navy from 1982 to 1985. He spent the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CORPORATED FOR THEIR CON- next 11 years with the Department of Defense TINUED DEDICATION TOWARDS Thursday, November 15, 2012 in New Orleans, and then transferred to the SERVING IN THE COMMUNITY Department of Transportation, Federal Avia- Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tion Administration in Monroe, La. in 1996. He recognize a mentor, former professional bas- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON has been serving in this capacity ever since. ketball player, community leader, educator, OF MISSISSIPPI Charlie D. Davis is an exemplary public author, and one of the most influential leaders IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES servant, and on the occasion of his retirement, in the food security and urban farming move- Thursday, November 15, 2012 I ask my colleagues to join me and the people ment nationally and internationally. On No- of Louisiana in extending our thanks and rec- vember 17, 2012, Will Allen will be honored Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- ognition for the many years of hard work he for his many years of service and contributions er, I rise today to honor the Alpha Delta Zeta gave to keep our State and Nation strong and to the Greater Milwaukee Community by the Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incor- secure. Community Brainstorming Conference. porated. Organized and chartered on October f Mr. Allen was born in South Carolina to 14, 1938, it remains the oldest chapter of Zeta sharecropper parents. He grew up in Rock- Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. in the State of Mis- TRIBUTE TO SUSANNA EUSTON ville, Maryland where his parents relocated sissippi. and owned and operated a vegetable farm. He The Alpha Delta Zeta chapter, working in HON. HEATH SHULER relocated to Milwaukee, his wife’s hometown, conjunction with the sorority’s national pro- OF NORTH CAROLINA after completing both a professional basketball grams, has contributed much of the cultural, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and business career. In 1993, he began Grow- educational, religious, civic and social devel- ing Power, a national nonprofit organization opment of the State of Mississippi through var- Thursday, November 15, 2012 and land trust. Growing Power is the last ious activities in the Greater Jackson Metro- Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to working farm inside the Milwaukee city limits, politan Area. Since its inception in 1938, the honor the members of my Congressional Staff with six historic greenhouses, year-round Alpha Delta Zeta chapter has chartered seven who have served with me over the past six hoop-houses and farm animal pens, all orga- graduate chapters: Beta Xi Zeta-Biloxi, Mis- years while I have been in office. A Member nized within three acres. sissippi; Nu Zeta-Meridian, Mississippi; Delta of Congress’ most important responsibility is to The recipient of numerous awards and hon- Chi Zeta-Lorman, Mississippi; Gamma provide exceptional constituent services and ors including: the MacArthur Foundation ‘‘Ge- Gamma Zeta-Columbus, Mississippi; Zeta Up- my Staff is second to none in providing the nius Grant’’ in 2008 for his work on urban silon Zeta-Holly Springs, Mississippi; Zeta Psi best assistance to everyone in our District. I farming and sustainable food production; in Zeta-Clarksdale, Mississippi and (7) Gamma take great pride in the work that each one has 2010, Allen was named one of Time maga- Beta Zeta-Brookhaven, Mississippi. done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone zine’s 100 Most Influential People and worked The Alpha Delta Zeta chapter also sponsors in the 11th Congressional District of North with Michelle Obama to launch, ‘‘Let’s Move!’’ two undergraduate chapters: Lambda Beta Carolina. a program to fight childhood obesity. In 2012, Chapter on the campus of Jackson State Uni- Each District Staff member has shown a Allen was presented the Security Benefits Cor- versity (1948) and Nu Beta Chapter (1950) on strong sense of dedication in meeting the poration Award for Outstanding Service to the campus of Tougaloo College. In addition

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:13 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.004 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1759 to undergraduate and graduate chapters, working with a limited number of staff and an the U.S. Navy after the bombing of Pearl Har- Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter has sponsored four increased workload. Margie’s efforts have re- bor. Mr. Bolton served in the Pacific Theater auxiliary groups in the community. sulted in a several thousand dollar savings in as a Lt. Commander and later as a Com- Over the years the chapter has been publication costs. manding Officer of the U.S. Naval Section proactive in providing service to those in the Mrs. Williams has been responsible for Base in Burwood, La. community. The Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter has processing thousands of projects approved by As well as his selfless service to our coun- made contributions through everything from the Board, including but not limited to: formal try, Mr. Bolton loyally served the people of his dental health programs to a community center. resolutions; ordinances; General Plan updates; beloved community. Among the world’s 1.2 Thereby, continuing to use their organization Title 17 updates; the construction of the new million Rotarian members, he was recently as a beacon of service to all who seek help. Government Center, new County Library, and honored as the longest-serving as he marked Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me the new Human Services building; declara- his 77th year. Moreover, he was a member of in recognizing the Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter of tions of local emergencies; special meetings; the Board of Directors of the Louisiana-based Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated for their emergency meetings; public hearings; commu- Rapides Bank & Trust Company and Oliver continued dedication towards serving others in nity plans and service districts; Zones of Ben- Lodge No. 874 F&A.M, past-president of the need. efit; land divisions; a multitude of annual First Charter Commission of the City of Alex- f agreements and budget adjustments; the an- andria, Director of the Industrial Development nual mid-year and final budgets; the funding Board, and a Trustee of the Central Cities De- HONORING WORK OF MARIPOSA and construction of three new fire stations; velopment Corporation. It is plain to see that COUNTY CLERK OF THE BOARD construction of the new adult detention facility; as we reflect on Mr. Bolton’s fulfilling life, we MARGIE WILLIAMS creation of the Mining and Mineral Museum; see an overriding theme of true altruism. the acquisitions of fire trucks and water A lifelong member of Emmanuel Baptist HON. JEFF DENHAM tenders; the MOU with the Administrative Of- Church, Mr. Bolton was also a faithful servant OF CALIFORNIA fice of the Courts and the County of Mariposa to his church and to his family. A devoted hus- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the continued use of the historic Mariposa band and father, he will be dearly missed by Thursday, November 15, 2012 County Courthouse Superior Court; countless his wife, Sue, two children and step-child, other county facility construction and re-mod- eight grandchildren, and 10 great-grand- Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to eling projects; the creation of new county de- children. honor the dedicated work of Mariposa County partments (Technical Services, Child Support Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Clerk of the board Margie Williams. Since Services, Human Resources/Risk Manage- today in honoring the life of Roscoe A. Bolton. 1983, Margie has dedicated her professional ment, Fire, County Administration); and the re- To say that Mr. Bolton left his fingerprint on life to this position and has whole heartedly organization of numerous county departments. the world would be an understatement. He served the Mariposa community. It’s remarkable to note that Margie began was a leader, teacher, parent, husband, friend, In 1974, Margie began as a Justice Court her career prior to the use of copy machines. and example to all of us. Countless lives have part-time Clerk in Mariposa County. In that Even after their introduction to the workplace, been changed for the better by his efforts, and same year, she was appointed by the Board there were still forms in triplicate that were he will remain in our hearts forever. of Supervisors as Clerk of the Court and typed on the typewriter. She worked with no f oversaw all operations. In 1976, Margie voicemail and all notes were handwritten. worked in the Comprehensive Employment Margie has been relied upon by all for her HONORING WENDELL WHITE Training Act (CETA) Administration in decade’s worth of institutional knowledge and Mariposa. She oversaw employment grants steel trap memory. HON. HEATH SHULER and the adult and youth programs during her Mrs. Williams has been married to her hus- OF NORTH CAROLINA time there. band Tom for thirty-seven years and finds joy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Later in her career, Margie worked for the in their daughter, Michelle Williams, son, Tom Thursday, November 15, 2012 Monterey County CETA Administration, where and his wife, Dr. Jamie Williams, and their she did analysis work on various grant pro- grandson, Tommy. Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to grams and helped to prepare a one million Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring honor the members of my Congressional Staff dollar grant Monterey County received. This Mariposa County Clerk of the Board Margie who have served with me over the past six grant award is just one example of how invalu- Williams for her outstanding commitment to years while I have been in office. A Member able Margie’s work has been. In addition to serve her community. Mrs. Williams is a true of Congress’ most important responsibility is to her dedicated public service, she has also public servant, and I wish her continued suc- provide exceptional constituent services and served in private sector capacities throughout cess in her future endeavors. my team is second to none in providing the her career. In 1979, she was part of Red Car- f best assistance to all in our District. My Wash- pet Real Estate’s office and property manage- ington, D.C. office is also tasked with re- ment team. HONORING THE LIFE OF ROSCOE searching, processing, analyzing, and making As Clerk of the Board, Margie has attended A. BOLTON recommendations on an infinite number of re- thousands of Board meetings—including an ports, policies, and legislation. I could not ask 18-hour General Plan hearing. She has been HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER for a more talented or dedicated team, and I responsible for agendas; minutes; records OF LOUISIANA take great pride in the work that each staff management; processing documents, ordi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES member has done not only on my behalf, but nances and contracts; and maintaining Board- also on behalf of the 11th Congressional Dis- appointed committee records of over 55 com- Thursday, November 15, 2012 trict of North Carolina and the United States. mittees with over 550 positions. She was Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today My team has shown a strong sense of dedi- available for emergency declarations as the to honor the long life of Mr. Roscoe A. Bolton, cation to meeting the needs of our constitu- Assessment Appeals Clerk, and her knowl- who passed away on Wednesday, September ency. I owe a debt of gratitude to each one of edge of applicable local and state laws and 26, 2012, at the age of 99. He was a deep- them for the support and friendship which they regulations was often used. rooted Alexandria, La. businessman and one have shown me while I have served in Con- Margie has been a vital link in providing we shall never forget. gress. services to the Board of Supervisors, County Mr. Bolton was born in March of 1913, be- Wendell White joined my Washington, D.C. Departments, and the public. Her additional fore the First World War. A home-grown son office in November 2011. As the Coordinator duties expanded over the years to include: of Alexandria, he attended West End Gram- of Special Projects, Wendell has performed LAFCo Secretary, Proposition 218 ballot proc- mar School, Bolton High School, Culver Mili- with precision and care and sees every task essing, maintaining the website for the Board, tary Academy and Louisiana College. Addi- through with a careful eye for detail. I have posting the agenda and minutes to the tionally, he studied at the University of Penn- also entrusted Wendell with the management website, and scheduling public hearings. sylvania Wharton School of Business during of one of my chief initiatives, our business out- Margie’s accomplishments are varied and the Great Depression, but returned home to reach program. Wendell has demonstrated ex- rich. They include the implementation of the work alongside his father in the insurance traordinary resourcefulness and commitment MinuteTraq agenda management program and business. The only leave he took from this to the outreach effort, which has yielded un- the summary ordinance process, all while venture was in 1942, when he volunteered for paralleled results under his care. Moreover,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.007 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with E1760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2012 Wendell has shown a great deal of dedication Our thoughts and prayers go out to Judge rical productions enjoyed by thousands of New to understanding the intricacies of his legisla- Williams’ wife, Jane; his four daughters, York City tourists and residents every year, tive portfolio and has proven his ability to suc- Susan, Judith, Rebecca, and Melinda; his fam- and have invested in, co-produced and cessfully multi-task high priority projects. Wen- ily, friends, and many loved ones. May God booked countless others. dell is focused and employs a strong work give them comfort during this difficult time. James L. Nederlander has been a theater ethic, often keeping long hours to ensure that f owner since 1970 and has produced plays his job is done to the very best of his ability. since 1984. Former New York Mayor Rudolph Wendell should be proud of the service he IN TRIBUTE TO JAMES M. AND Giuliani appointed Mr. Nederlander to the has provided to our District and country. It has JAMES L. NEDERLANDER ON Trust for Cultural Resources of the City’s Visi- been an honor to serve with him and as I re- THE OCCASION OF THEIR REC- tors and Convention Bureau, the Mayor’s The- tire from office I wish him the very best in the OGNITION BY THE NEW YORK atre Advisory Council, and the Mayor’s Office future. Western North Carolina is a better LANDMARKS CONSERVANCY AS of Film, Theatre, and Broadcasting. He is also place because of his efforts and I will cherish LIVING LANDMARKS a member of several charitable and philan- the memories of serving with Wendell and the thropic organizations. He is on the Executive team by my side. HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY Committee of the League of American The- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me OF NEW YORK atre, the Board of Trustees of the Intrepid in recognizing and thanking Wendell White for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sea, Air & Space Museum, the Board of the his hard work on behalf of all of Western Thursday, November 15, 2012 Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foun- North Carolina and to wish him continued suc- dation, and the Board of the Wake Forest Uni- cess in his future endeavors. Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay versity Baptist Medical Center Comprehensive tribute to James M. and James L. Nederlander f Cancer. who are being honored by the New York The Nederlanders continue to present some HONORING U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE Landmarks Conservancy at its Living Land- of the most popular plays on Broadway in the GLEN WILLIAMS marks Celebration 2012. The Nederlander culture capital of the world. Current shows in- family has been a symbol of Broadway theater clude Peter and the Starcatcher, Evita, HON. H. MORGAN GRIFFITH for three generations. This year marks the Newsies, and Annie. Their contributions to OF VIRGINIA 100th Anniversary of The Nederlander Organi- Broadway and the broader theater community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES zation. James M. Nederlander, who celebrates across the country are truly legendary. The his 90th this year, is Chairman of the Thursday, November 15, 2012 achievements of the Nederlander family have Nederlander Producing Company. James L. earned them the distinction of being the Land- Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I, Nederlander serves as President of The Ne- marks Conservancy’s first father-son Living along with Representatives BOB GOODLATTE derlander Organization. Landmark honorees. and ROBERT HURT, honor U.S. District Judge James M. Nederlander, affectionately known Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Glen Williams, a devoted public servant to the as Jimmy, has had a remarkable 70-year ca- in congratulating my good friends, James M. Commonwealth of Virginia, who passed away reer in theater production and management. and James L. Nederlander on this remarkable on November 4, 2012. The Nederlander Organization, founded by his honor. They have entertained audiences for Born in Jonesville, Virginia, Judge Williams father, David T. Nederlander in Detroit, Michi- 100 years, and made significant contributions spent his childhood in his father’s grocery gan, now owns and operates nine theaters in to the arts and to New York City that will last store listening to stories of coal miners and New York City. Five of them—Brooks Atkin- for many years to come. farmers from across the region. It was these son, Neil Simon, The Palace, Lunt-Fontanne, f stories which helped instill Judge Williams with and Richard Rodgers—have been named New an understanding about the lives of everyday York City landmarks. The Nederlander Organi- IN HONOR OF INTERNATIONAL people. Undoubtedly, he maintained this foun- zation also owns several venues across the EDUCATION WEEK dation throughout his life and career. United States and in London. James M. Ne- Judge Williams courageously put his college derlander is credited with establishing the con- HON. SAM FARR education on hold when we were attacked at cept of an outdoor amphitheater. He has suc- OF CALIFORNIA Pearl Harbor. The day after that horrible ceeded in drawing new audiences and has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES event, he joined the U.S. Navy. He served in worked to keep a loyal audience through an the Atlantic, Pacific, and Mediterranean thea- Audience Rewards program. Thursday, November 15, 2012 ters as well as in the Allied invasion of south- Mr. Nederlander moved The Nederlander Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise in recognition ern France during WWII. After the war, he Organization to New York in 1964, recognizing of International Education Week which is a went back to school and received his bach- that there was greater opportunity for expan- joint initiative created by the U.S. Department elor’s degree from Milligan College, and in sion outside of Michigan. He became one of of State and U.S. Department of Education 12 1948 received his law degree from the Univer- New York’s preeminent producers, earning 11 years ago and, as of today, is celebrated in sity of Virginia’s School of Law. Tony Awards, including a Lifetime Achieve- more than 100 countries. Schools throughout Above all else, Judge Williams was dedi- ment Award he received on June 6, 2004. He the United States and the world are cele- cated to his work. He was a Commonwealth’s has also produced ballets, operas, and con- brating this week to promote and celebrate the Attorney for Lee County, Virginia, and later certs. Dedicated to the support of young per- benefits of international education and global served as a Magistrate Judge for the U.S. Dis- formers, Mr. Nederlander established The Na- exchange. trict Court for the Western District of Virginia tional High School Musical Theater Awards I saw firsthand the value of building inter- from 1963 until 1975. In 1976, he was nomi- (NHSMTA). The national competition, known national relationships during my time with the nated by President Gerald Ford to serve as a as the ‘‘The Jimmy Awards’’ in his honor, is Peace Corps. Learning a foreign language federal judge for the United States District being documented in a new PBS television se- opens minds to other worlds, builds lasting Court for the Western District of Virginia, ries called Broadway or Bust. positive relationships, and has been scientif- where he served until 2010. He also served as Under the leadership of Jimmy’s son, James ically proven to generate more flexibility in a member of the Virginia State Senate from L. ‘‘Jimmy, Jr.’’ Nederlander, the Nederlander thinking—something we are in great need of 1953–1955. Organization continues to maintain its trade- today. During all of my years representing the Judge Williams had a tremendous impact on mark standards of excellence. The production Central Coast of California, I have been an ar- our communities—in the Ninth District, the company is responsible for putting on some of dent supporter of culturally-based foreign lan- Sixth District, and the Fifth District—as well as Broadway’s most famous shows, including La guage education within our schools, univer- upon countless individuals all across the re- Cage Aux Folles, Hairspray, Wicked, Rent, sities, and within our government institutions. gion. Judge Williams was a man we all greatly Thoroughly Modern Millie, Chicago, and The Our future leaders must have strong global respected, a courageous public servant, and Lion King among many others. The company skills which are best attained by learning a for- an honorable defender of the rule of law. May has long-standing relationships with some of eign language and by studying or volunteering his spirit of strength and resilience continue the greatest companies and composers in abroad. I am proud to say that Monterey, Cali- with us. He will be greatly missed, but his leg- show business, including Lord Andrew Lloyd fornia, in particular is a great talent bank rich acy and influence will be long remembered Webber, Jerry Herman, and Disney. The in foreign language and cultural expertise across the entire western region of Virginia. Nederlanders have produced over 100 theat- thanks in much part to our secondary school

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.009 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1761 teachers, the Monterey Institute of Inter- Mosher, M.D., M.P.H. as the County Health Health and Disability Prevention Program. He national Studies, the Defense Language Insti- Officer for Mariposa County. Serving in this wrote grants and contributed to the Smart tute, the Joint Foreign Area Officers program position since 1988, Dr. Mosher has worked Start Visiting Nurse program and Tobacco at the Naval Post Graduate School, and the vigorously to make positive changes in the Cessation program. His dedicated work to National Virtual Translation Center. community. these programs, as well as others, has im- Mr. Speaker, I am confident that the Sec- Dr. Mosher is a graduate of the University of proved the lives of countless individuals. retary of State Hilary Clinton and the Sec- Notre Dame. He received his Medical Degree Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring Dr. retary of Education Arne Duncan would agree from the New York Medical College and con- Charles Mosher for his outstanding commit- with me that to compete in today’s global tinued his education at the University of Wash- ment to serve the health needs of those in his economy, students need an international edu- ington. While there, he earned his Master’s in community. In his retirement, he plans to con- cation paired with studying foreign languages. Public Health. tinue with his passion of writing and possibly The State Department and the Department of Chuck has dedicated his career to improv- travel to serve in other less developed coun- Education should be commended for devel- ing the health of those around him. While he tries. Dr. Mosher is a true public servant, and oping and supporting International Education was a physician, he volunteered for the Peace I wish him continued success in his future en- Week. Corps in both Paraguay and Washington, D.C. deavors. f He served as the Director of Emergency Medi- f cine for the State of Georgia; and here in the HONORING WALTER HILGART HONORING STEVE STANFIELD- Central Valley, he continued his career as the SWITZER Emergency Medical Services Medical Director and Health Officer for Merced County. In addi- HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS OF FLORIDA HON. HEATH SHULER tion, Chuck has passionately met the needs of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NORTH CAROLINA his community through his general private IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES practice in Mariposa County. He also served Thursday, November 15, 2012 Thursday, November 15, 2012 as Chief of Staff for the John C. Fremont Hos- Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pital. honor Walter Hilgart both for his service to our Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to On November 7, 1988, Dr. Mosher was ap- nation and for his continued service to the honor several of the volunteers who have pointed Mariposa County Health Officer. In community. served in my District office over the past six this position, he dedicated his time to man- Growing up during the Great Depression in years while I have been in office. A Member aging the day-to-day operations and budget of Wisconsin, Mr. Hilgart began his service ca- of Congress’ most important responsibility is to the Health Department, serving the public reer in the U.S. Army. By the end of World provide excellent constituent services and health needs of the residents and tourists in War II, he had flown 22 combat missions with these volunteers have assisted my staff in pro- Mariposa County. This dedication to fulfill the the Army Air Forces. He then left the service viding the exceptional assistance so many public health needs of so many people makes but quickly enlisted again—this time with the have come to expect from our District team. I Dr. Mosher an invaluable asset to the commu- U.S. Air Force. By the end of his service with take great pride in the work that each one has nity. the Air Force, he had risen to the top enlisted done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone As Public Health Officer, Dr. Mosher’s du- grade of chief master sergeant. in the 11th Congressional District of North ties not only covered infectious and commu- Mr. Hilgart’s service did not end there. As a Carolina. nicable diseases, including measles and retiree, he began substitute teaching in Pasco These volunteers have always treated our whooping cough outbreaks, Hantavirus, and County, Florida. He is now a familiar face on constituents with the utmost respect and al- H1N1 influenza; but everything from haz- Gulf High School’s campus, even celebrating ways made sure their needs were met in a ardous materials, air quality, aging septic sys- his 90th birthday in conjunction with the timely fashion. I owe a debt of gratitude to tems, toxic chemicals, underground storage school’s 90th birthday. During his time in the each one of them for the support and friend- tanks, endemic rabies, several wildfires, sew- classroom, he encourages students to make ship they have shown to me during my years age spills into the Merced River, floods, and the most of their education. Many students are of service in Congress. so captivated by his life experiences that they anthrax exposure. He even increased public Steve Stanfield-Switzer played a valuable work to quickly complete their assignments so awareness by writing a regular column in the role as a volunteer in my District office. I could there is time to hear his stories. local newspaper and speaking to local service always count on Steve to make sure visitors to Mr. Hilgart’s dedication to country and com- clubs and schools. our District office knew they were respected munity are truly inspiring. Throughout his life, During Chuck’s long, distinguished career, and recognized. Constituents were often com- he has selflessly demonstrated qualities of he has accomplished ambitious changes in forted by Steve’s calm confidence when they putting others before himself. His legacy will the emergency medical services, which in- visited or called in need of critical assistance. certainly live on through the many students he clude contracting with professional ambulance Steve showed a particular interest in assisting has inspired for years to come. companies, and coordinating and conducting our veterans and became a valuable resource emergency drills along with other public agen- f to our staff in diagnosing their problems and cies. He is a member of the Mariposa Emer- PERSONAL EXPLANATION helping to point them in the right direction. gency Medical Care Committee and the Qual- Steve should be proud of the service he has ity Improvement Subcommittee. Chuck has provided to our District and country. It has HON. XAVIER BECERRA overseen and maintained involvement and been an honor to serve with him and as I re- OF CALIFORNIA communications with numerous regional tire from office I wish him the very best in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES health and safety related committees and future. Western North Carolina is a better Thursday, November 15, 2012 agencies. place because of his efforts. Working within a community facing many Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me unique challenges, Dr. Mosher directed the ably detained and missed rollcall vote 604. If in recognizing and thanking Steve Stanfield- enforcement of state and county health and present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall Switzer for his hard work on behalf of all of sanitation laws and regulations and oversaw vote 604. Western North Carolina and to wish him con- environmental health. He worked to educate f tinued success in his future endeavors. and protect rural areas with the state’s imple- f HONORING THE JACKSON ADVO- mentation of septic tank regulations and effec- CATE NEWSPAPER FOR YEARS HONORING WORK OF CHARLES tively transitioned the environmental and nurs- OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY ‘‘CHUCK’’ MOSHER ing staff from the state to the county with the reorganization of the department. Dr. Mosher’s sense of citizenship and vol- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON HON. JEFF DENHAM OF MISSISSIPPI unteerism was recognized for his role in main- OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES taining public safety during the post 9/11 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES events of 2001. He organized clinic services, Thursday, November 15, 2012 Thursday, November 15, 2012 dental health programs, community health re- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sources, emergency medical services, and er, I rise today to honor a remarkable news- honor the dedicated work of Charles ‘‘Chuck’’ public health education—including the Child paper, the Jackson Advocate. Established in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:13 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15NO8.003 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with E1762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2012 1938 by Mr. Percy Greene, the Jackson Advo- lyn, Bronx, and Queens communities. Mr. hard work on behalf of all of Western North cate is a weekly newspaper covering issues Simpson has conducted numerous educational Carolina and to wish him continued success in affecting the African-American community. seminars on the topics of funerals, consola- his future endeavors. Founder, Mr. Greene was a veteran of tion, and city, state, and federal burial assist- f World War I and a Civil Rights leader in the ance programs. These seminars have been pi- HONORING GILDA GONZALES UPON 1940s and 1950s. Mr. Greene was determined loted on Career Days at schools, community HER RETIREMENT to make a contribution to the struggle of Afri- events, and at youth organizations. can-American people in the South during a Mr. Sampson currently serves on the min- time when they were severely oppressed by isterial and teaching staffs of the First Baptist HON. BARBARA LEE legal segregation and Jim Crow. Full Gospel Church of Brownsville, NY. He OF CALIFORNIA In 1940 Mr. Greene and thirty other pub- has received awards from Brooklyn Borough IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lishers formed a consortium of African Amer- President Marty Markowitz as well as the New Thursday, November 15, 2012 ican newspapers to bring relevant information York Men of Distinction award, and also Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise to black readers in the United States of Amer- served as a sponsor for Operation Get Ahead today to honor the extraordinary career of Ms. ica. That consortium led to the Negro News- in 2003, Annual Youth Explosion in 2003, and Gilda Gonzales and the tremendous accom- paper Publishers Association, which promoted the Coney Island Youth Alive sponsor in 2012. plishments of the Spanish Speaking Unity coverage of injustices against African Ameri- Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Mr. Council under her leadership. For nearly five cans as well as their accomplishments. In Sampson for his extraordinary accomplish- decades, the Unity Council has continued to 1978, Mr. Charles Tisdale became the owner ments as a funeral director in New York City. enrich families’ quality of life by helping them and publisher of the Jackson Advocate and re- Appreciation, comfort, and professionalism are build wealth and assets through comprehen- mained the owner and publisher until he paramount in his life and serve as guiding sive programs of sustainable economic, social passed in 2007. posts for the families and communities he and neighborhood development. We honor the The paper has received numerous awards serves. Unity Council along with its fearless leader, and citations in its 68 years of service in re- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join Mrs. Gilda Gonzales, who is stepping down porting news and events relevant to the Afri- me in paying tribute to Mr. Sampson. from her duties as Chief Executive Officer. can-American community, including the Mis- f This evening, supporters and friends gather sissippi Legislative Black Caucus Award for in the Fruitvale District of Oakland to bid fare- Excellence, the Southern Christian Leadership TRIBUTE TO TOM JONES well to Ms. Gonzales and to congratulate the Conference Journalism Award, and the Na- Unity Council for all of its many accomplish- tional Black Chamber of Commerce News- HON. HEATH SHULER ments. In 1964, what started as a political ac- paper of the Year. In 1988 the magazine OF NORTH CAROLINA tion group soon evolved into a social services Newsday referred to the Advocate as a ‘‘na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES assistance program to aid Latinos in the Fruitvale district. By 1967, the organization tional treasure.’’ Thursday, November 15, 2012 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me had become incorporated as a nonprofit orga- in recognizing Jackson Advocate for their Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nization and service agency. And, in the years dedication to serving and educating those in honor the members of my Congressional Staff that followed, the Unity Council became a Mississippi and around the country. who have served with me over the past six powerful catalyst for pervasive social change. In addition to securing resources for the f years while I have been in office. A Member of Congress’ most important responsibility is to Fruitvale district, the Unity Council gained re- TRIBUTE TO ERNEST A. SAMPSON provide exceptional constituent services and spectability and credibility within the Latino III my Staff is second to none in providing the community, as well as among local, state and best assistance to everyone in our District. I federal officials and private funding sources. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS take great pride in the work that each one has As a result of the Unity Council’s trailblazing role in the Fruitvale area, public and private OF NEW YORK done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone social services agencies began to locate of- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the 11th Congressional District of North Carolina. fices there for the first time. Furthermore, Thursday, November 15, 2012 Each District Staff member has shown a Unity Council representatives moved onto a Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to strong sense of dedication in meeting the variety of advisory groups in the East Bay, in- pay tribute to Ernest A. Sampson III, a man needs of each and every one of our constitu- fluencing policy, funding and resource alloca- dedicated to serving God, his family, and the ents. They often go well beyond the call to tion decisions while providing an empowering community. Ernest Sampson is the youngest make sure each constituent is treated fairly voice for Oakland’s Latino community. Ms. Gonzales’ prolific career includes three of three children born to Ernest Jr. and Fay and respectfully by our government agencies decades of inspired leadership and advocacy. Sampson. As a young child, Mr. Sampson and that they receive appropriate resolution. I Raised in a small town in California’s Central would often spend time with his maternal owe a debt of gratitude to each one of them Valley, Gilda Gonzales is the youngest of five grandparents, James and Winona Willie of for the support and friendship which they have children. From an early age, Ms. Gonzales Brooklyn, NY. While there he learned to emu- shown me while I have served in Congress. knew she wanted to go to college and enter late the caring nature of his grandmother and Tom Jones served on my District staff dur- public service. Her first government job was the respect his grandfather earned from the ing my first term in Congress. Tom was instru- an internship in the office of Congressman surrounding community as the head of James mental in helping to establish our office’s out- Ron Dellums. Then, when 500 people applied H. Willie Funeral Home, Inc. As a result, an reach program with the local business commu- for one-year fellowships at the California State honest interest in service for young Mr. Samp- nity. Tom also performed extensive research Assembly, she was one of 12 selected. After son was born. into grant opportunities for the District and was working for several state assembly members, Receiving his early education in the New a valuable resource to local governments and she left Sacramento in 1991 to assume the York Public School system, Mr. Sampson non-profits in realizing assistance available to position of policy analyst with former Oakland graduated from Cardinal Hayes High School in them from the Federal government. Tom es- Mayor Harris’ office. 1982 and went on to obtain his Bachelor’s of tablished our office as a vital resource to the During her 14-year tenure in City Hall, Ms. Science degree in Funeral Service Administra- region in helping to grow the local and state Gonzales served in several capacities, includ- tion from St. John’s University in 1986. In economies. ing budget analyst, Assistant to the Finance 1986, after taking several exams and serving Tom should be proud of the service he has Agency Director, and dual Chief of Staff for in a one year apprenticeship with the James provided to our District and country. It has then-City Manager Robert Bobb and Mayor H. Willie Funeral Home, Mr. Sampson been an honor to serve with him and as I re- Jerry Brown. In 2001, she was named the City achieved his lifelong goal of becoming a li- tire from office I wish him the very best in the of Oakland’s Director of Intergovernmental Af- censed funeral director. Many of life’s chal- future. Western North Carolina is a better fairs. In this capacity, she was the City of Oak- lenges would come the young man’s way, yet place because of his efforts and I will cherish land’s state legislative lobbyist and managed he pursued his dreams and aspirations and the memories of serving with Tom and the the City’s contracted federal lobbyists. established Sampson Funeral Service in 1993. team by my side. Throughout Ms. Gonzales’ successful govern- Since that time, Mr. Sampson has expanded Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ment career, where she was one of the high- his ministry of comfort throughout the Brook- in recognizing and thanking Tom Jones for his est-level Latinos working in City Hall, she

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.016 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1763 maintained strong personal connections with children Kensley and Jayce for breakfast in IN SUPPORT OF AMERICAN community-based organizations in Fruitvale. the U.S. Capitol, where I personally thanked EDUCATION WEEK In December of 2004, when Ms. Gonzales him for his service to our country. Specialist became the Chief Executive Officer of the Hunter also served a 2010–2011 tour in Iraq HON. LAURA RICHARDSON Unity Council, she brought to the position in- before his recent posting in Afghanistan. OF CALIFORNIA valuable experience, an incredible vision, a On behalf of the people of Alabama and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES penchant for creativity and an expertise in United States, I offer deep gratitude to Spe- managing finances. As a result of her leader- Thursday, November 15, 2012 ship, the Unity Council was able to overcome cialist Hunter for both his sacrifices for the se- Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise and stabilize a dire financial situation. Ms. curity of America and his example to fellow today to recognize this week, November 11 Gonzales’ quick thinking and strategic plan- wounded warriors as they return to their fami- through November 17, 2012, as American ning helped to create the solid foundation that lies and communities to re-enter civilian life. Education Week. I would like to take this op- the Unity Council enjoys today. We are proud to welcome him home to Ala- portunity to thank the millions of Americans Therefore, on behalf of the residents of Cali- bama. who work every day to give our youth a world fornia’s 9th Congressional District, Ms. Gilda class public education. Gonzales, I salute you. I am proud to call you f American Education Week was first ob- a colleague, a constituent, and, most impor- served in 1921 by the National Education As- tantly, my friend. Thank you for your countless HONORING ROB ELLSWORTH sociation and the American Legion. Rep- contributions and your never-ending commit- resentatives of these organizations were con- ment to our communities. I congratulate you cerned that a quarter of World War I draftees on your many achievements, and I wish you HON. HEATH SHULER were illiterate, and they began a movement to and your loved ones all the best in this next OF NORTH CAROLINA raise awareness of the needs of public chapter of life. schools. Now in its 91st year, American Edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f cation Week is an annual reminder of the im- Thursday, November 15, 2012 portance of community involvement in edu- HONORING THE SERVICE OF ARMY cation. SPECIALIST ERIC HUNTER MR. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to As a former preschool teacher, I know first- honor the members of my Congressional Staff hand of the challenges that face educators HON. JO BONNER who have served with me over the past six today. As classes grow and budgets shrink, OF ALABAMA years while I have been in office. A Member teachers are often asked to do more with less. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Congress’ most important responsibility is to Nevertheless, millions of devoted Americans Thursday, November 15, 2012 provide exceptional constituent services and continue to serve our Nation’s youth as teach- my team is second to none in providing the ers, administrators, and school personnel. I Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay best assistance to all in our District. My Wash- am continually impressed by their hard work tribute to an American hero in the truest sense and the tremendous impact they have on of the word. This weekend, 24-year-old U.S. ington, D.C. office is also tasked with re- searching, processing, analyzing, and making shaping future generations. Army Specialist Eric Hunter returns home to Ultimately, it is all of our responsibility to Monroeville, Alabama for the first time since recommendations on an infinite number of re- ports, policies, and legislation. I could not ask give our children a bright and well-rounded he sustained serious injuries from an impro- education. We all play a role in educating our for a more talented or dedicated team, and I vised explosive device in Afghanistan. Nation’s children, from the parents who volun- take great pride in the work that each staff The day before his one-year wedding anni- teer at school to community members who member has done not only on my behalf, but versary, Specialist Hunter was on patrol when mentor and lead by example. During this he stepped on an IED. The May 31, 2012 also on behalf of the 11th Congressional Dis- month, let us also thank these dedicated indi- blast took his right foot and eventually his right trict of North Carolina and the United States. viduals and encourage others to become simi- leg. He also suffered a shattered right wrist My team has shown a strong sense of dedi- lar community leaders as well. and left leg, as well as a broken forearm. The cation to meeting the needs of our constitu- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join service and the sacrifice of this country’s mili- ency. I owe a debt of gratitude to each one of me in giving a heartfelt thank you to the hard- tary personnel is both moving and inspiring. them for the support and friendship which they working teachers, school employees, mentors Specialist Hunter’s dedication to his country is have shown me while I have served in Con- and parents of the 37th Congressional District equally matched by his remarkable determina- gress. as well as those across the nation. I encour- tion to recover from his wounds. age students, parents, and school officials to Rob Ellsworth served as a member of my For Specialist Hunter, the road to recovery participate in the local events of American Washington, D.C. staff for my entire first term. has been a long one. He was transported to Education Week. Although still a college student when he start- three different hospitals in five days before f being flown to Walter Reed National Military ed, Rob’s intelligence and deep understanding Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. During of complex issues was rivaled by few. Rob TRIBUTE TO ALBERT TERRY his recovery at Walter Reed, he was visited by helped draft the SAVE Act, the most com- President Obama and other notables, includ- prehensive piece of legislation I introduced in HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS my first term. His ability to help me garner bi- ing singer Neil Diamond. OF NEW YORK partisan support for a bill that excited deep It was also at Walter Reed that Specialist IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hunter joined a special program that pairs fa- and passionate public debate is a testament to mous musicians with wounded soldiers to as- his skill and value as a policy expert. Since his Thursday, November 15, 2012 sist their recovery. As a part of Musicorps, departure from my office, I have continued to Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Specialist Hunter played his guitar with former lean on Rob for advice and support. pay tribute to and honor Albert Terry, for his Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters and G.E. Rob should be proud of the service he has track record in public service and his commit- Smith, former lead guitarist of Hall & Oates provided to our District and country. It has ment to charity. and Bob Dylan’s touring band. been an honor to serve with him and as I re- Albert Terry came to Brooklyn by way of On November 8, 2012, Specialist Hunter North Carolina in January 1936 with his par- tire from office I wish him the very best in the took a seat on stage in the Beacon Theatre in ents Martha and Caswell Terry and three sis- future. Western North Carolina is a better New York City at the 6th Annual Stand Up for ters, Lucy, Dorothy, and Ethel. Shortly after place because of his efforts and I will cherish Heroes benefit playing alongside fellow settling in Brooklyn, he joined Mt. Lebanon the memories of serving with Rob and the wounded warriors and music legends Waters, Baptist Church and became active in the team by my side. Smith and Bruce Springsteen. The Annual usher board, male chorus, senior choir, and Stand Up for Heroes event, sponsored by the Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me briefly served as trustee. Bob Woodruff Foundation, has so far raised in recognizing and thanking Rob Ellsworth for Albert graduated from Boys High School in over $12 million for wounded soldiers. his hard work on behalf of all of Western 1948. In September 1950 he met and married In September 2012, I was honored to join North Carolina and to wish him continued suc- Zenith Tatum and had three children, Laura Specialist Hunter, his wife, Kenna, and their cess in his future endeavors. Denise, Albert Jr. and Douglas Clayton. He

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.018 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with E1764 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2012 and the family settled on Decatur Street where brary System (Fayette Branch). In September fessional development. Above all, Julie was a he joined the Decatur-Howard-Saratoga Block 1998, she was hired as the Branch Manager/ trusted, loyal and dedicated member of the Association in October 1953. He was elected Librarian. team. president, serving 1958–1959, then served In 1998, her mother, Mrs. Annie V. Rankin Julie should be proud of the service she has again from 1983–1985. suddenly passed away and Marilyn knew she provided to our District and country. It has From 1959 to 1967, Albert worked for the had to find a way to keep her mother’s beliefs been an honor to serve with her and as I retire New York Transit Authority as a bus driver. In known, which she did by helping others. She from office I wish her the very best in the fu- 1983 Albert was selected to join the Prince successfully founded the Jefferson County Li- ture. Western North Carolina is a better place Hall Masonic Lodge. In July 1985, he joined brary Christmas Toy Drive in 2001 for under- because of her efforts and I will cherish the the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Knights of privileged children of Jefferson Co. and sur- memories of serving with Julie and the team the Mystic Shrine, Abu Bekr Temple No. 61 rounding areas. For ten years, the annual toy by my side. and served until 2005. He later worked briefly drive has been instrumental in providing an Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me for Assemblyman William Boyland, Sr., going average of 200 children per year with toys for in recognizing and thanking Julie Fishman for around to the various schools and day care Christmas. her hard work on behalf of all of Western centers to find out what they needed in the Her career as a Librarian has provided her North Carolina and to wish her continued suc- way of assistance or participating in events an opportunity to visit libraries in the state of cess in her future endeavors. such as graduations and other affairs. Albert Mississippi, New Orleans, Louisiana, La- f and Zenith celebrated 62 years of marriage on crosse, Wisconsin and Rome, Italy. As a li- IN HONOR OF THE REVEREND DR. September 17, 2012. brarian, she has worked effortlessly to provide J.H. FLAKES, JR. Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Mr. programs for children and adults at the Jeffer- Albert Terry for his successful career and con- son County Library as well as expose the pa- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. tinued work in service to the community. trons to various authors from Mississippi, OF GEORGIA f Georgia, and Pennsylvania. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Marilyn cherishes the belief that learning is Thursday, November 15, 2012 HONORING MARILYN R. FELTON an ongoing process because she is presently a sophomore at Walden University, majoring Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON in Child Development as she has maintained with a heavy heart and solemn remembrance OF MISSISSIPPI a 4.0 GPA since enrollment. that I rise today to pay tribute to the Reverend IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nevertheless, the success of her life and Dr. Johnny H. Flakes, Jr., an inspiring spiritual and community leader and the beloved Pastor Thursday, November 15, 2012 career is to freely give of your wisdom and knowledge to those who need it and desire it. of Fourth Street Missionary Baptist Church in Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Columbus, Georgia for fifty-one years and er, I rise today to honor a Librarian, Marilyn in recognizing a librarian, Marilyn Rankin Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Rankin Felton, who was born on July 30, 1962 Felton, for her dedication to serving others. Phenix City, Alabama for fifty-three years. Sadly, Dr. Flakes passed away on Monday, in Natchez, Mississippi to Mr. Judge Rankin f and Mrs. Annie James Rankin of Fayette, Mis- November 12, 2012. His passing leaves a tre- sissippi. Her father worked as a farmer plant- TRIBUTE TO JULIE FISHMAN mendous void in the hearts of his family, ing and growing the food that would feed the friends, and the Columbus and Phenix City family, while her mother was an active part of HON. HEATH SHULER communities. On Friday, November 16, 2012, a funeral service will be held in his honor at the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, faith- OF NORTH CAROLINA Fourth Street Baptist Church in Columbus, fully fighting to secure the civil rights so that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her children and others would have the right to Georgia. a prosperous life. As a child being reared by Thursday, November 15, 2012 Dr. Flakes was born on January 12, 1934 in a father who spent most of his life as a share- Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Phenix City, Alabama. His story is a truly in- cropper and a mother who believed in fighting honor the members of my Congressional Staff spiring one. As a young man, he dropped out for the rights of others, she knew that hard who have served with me over the past six of high school, married young, and was un- able to adequately provide for his family due work and dedication would play a significant years while I have been in office. A Member to alcohol and gambling addictions. However, role in her life. of Congress’ most important responsibility is to he heard the sound of God’s voice and an- She graduated from Jefferson County High provide exceptional constituent services and swered the call, surrendering his life to Jesus School in 1980, after which she attended my team is second to none in providing the Christ. He was called to the monumental task Copiah-Lincoln Community College in Natch- best assistance to all in our District. My Wash- of pastoring two rapidly-growing churches in ez, Mississippi for a short time. She set aside ington, D.C. office is also tasked with re- two different states. Even so, he still found the obtaining a college degree to work at a Wire searching, processing, analyzing, and making strength, discipline, and dedication to drive Harness Plant in Fayette, Mississippi. She recommendations on an infinite number of re- back and forth from Columbus to Nashville, married Lee Felton in March 1984 and at the ports, policies, and legislation. I could not ask Tennessee each week over four years to earn age of twenty-one, she realized the impor- for a more talented or dedicated team, and I his GED and Bachelor of Arts degree from tance of the family. In doing so, she was take great pride in the work that each staff American Baptist College, for which he would blessed with three children to instill those member has done not only on my behalf, but later go on to serve as Chairman of the Board same values in. also on behalf of the 11th Congressional Dis- of Trustees and have the administration build- For the next six years, she would work at trict of North Carolina and the United States. ing on the school’s campus named in his the Wire Harness, where she endured long My team has shown a strong sense of dedi- honor. hours of standing on concrete floors while cation to meeting the needs of our constitu- Throughout his pastoral career, always working in a humid building that was sizzling ency. I owe a debt of gratitude to each one of seeking to improve the craft of Christian min- hot during summer months and frigid cold dur- them for the support and friendship which they istry and discipleship, Dr. Flakes became a ing winter months. The Wire Harness Plant have shown me while I have served in Con- leader in the National Baptist Congress of closed its door in 1990 and she used the fact gress. Christian Education, served as President of that she was unemployed as an opportunity to Julie Fishman served as a member of my the Congress of Christian Education for the continue her education. Washington, D.C. staff for almost four years, General Missionary Baptist Convention of Nevertheless, continuing her education was beginning in 2008. Managing my schedule and Georgia for many years and ultimately served gradual because she worked at local stores as daily functions in both D.C. and in the District on the Executive Committee Board of the Na- a cashier for the next few years; however, that requires a great deal of organization and at- tional Baptist Convention. Dr. Flakes also re- did not fulfill her dream. In 1996 she returned tention to detail, and Julie performed the role ceived honorary doctorate degrees from A.B. to Copiah-Lincoln Community College to ob- with precision and skill. Often the first point of Lee Theological Seminary in Jacksonville, tain a degree in Business Technology. In Sep- contact for folks in the District, Julie endeared Florida and his alma mater, American Baptist tember 1997 her professional life provided her herself to the countless constituents with College. with an avenue to fulfill her dream of helping whom she interacted. During her tenure, Julie A fierce believer in equality and justice for others when she was hired as a substitute Li- served in various roles, always willing and all, Dr. Flakes was not only a profound theolo- brarian with the Copiah-Jefferson Regional Li- eager to learn new skills and further her pro- gian but also a strong civic leader. He served

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15NO8.005 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1765 as President of the Columbus branch of the school. With on the job training, he learned to ture. Western North Carolina is a better place National Association for the Advancement of cook for as many as 2,500 people. because of her efforts and I will cherish the Colored People (NAACP) for several years; In 1961, he moved to Brooklyn, NY where memories of serving with Kelly and the team was the President and Founder of ‘‘A Call To he applied his skills in restaurants, school by my side. Talk’’ (ACTT); Chairman of One Columbus; lunchrooms and New York hospitals. In 1967, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me and Chartering Pastor of the General Mis- he began employment with the New York City in recognizing and thanking Kelly Sheehan sionary Baptist Church Convention of West Transit Authority as a conductor, was elevated Martin for her hard work on behalf of all of Germany. to motorman and retired as a motor instructor Western North Carolina and to wish her con- He is also the recipient of the Outstanding after 24 years, 3 months, and 7 days on the tinued success in her future endeavors. Personality of the South Award; Ten Out- job. He is a member of Berean Baptist church f standing Ministers in the State of Georgia where he serves faithfully as an usher. In Award; Alpha Phi Alpha Martin Luther King Jr. 1973, he entered, passed and was raised to a HONORING EURO-AMERICAN WOM- Award; Operation PUSH Martin Luther King, master mason in African 459 Lodge #63, PHA. EN’S COUNCIL CREATIVE DIREC- Jr. Award; Jack T. Brinkley, Sr. Service In 1974, he became a member of Long Is- TOR AND ARTIST KENYA R. TAY- Award, and the Knighthood Award from the land Consistory #61. In 1975, he joined Mt. LOR Congress of Christian Education. In addition, Moriah Chapter #3 R.A.M. He was created in Dr. Flakes was recently awarded the Whitney ABU BEKR Temple #91 A.E.A.O.N.M.S. of HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY M. Young Service Award by the Boy Scouts of North and South American Jurisdiction. In Au- OF NEW YORK America Chattahoochee Council for his sup- gust of 2009, he received his Honorary Past IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES port of Scouting in the community. Potentate degree. In May of 2011, he was ele- Thursday, November 15, 2012 On a personal note, I have been truly vated to the 33rd and last degree of masonry, blessed by Dr. Flakes’ spiritual counsel and the United Supreme Council Ancient and Ac- Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I honor guidance over the twenty-four years I was a cepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry P.H.A. Kenya R. Taylor, a hardworking and talented member of Fourth Street Missionary Baptist of the Northern Jurisdiction in Denver, CO. At artist who also serves as the Euro-American Church. His courage, perseverance, and dedi- the 119th Imperial Council Session Women’s Council’s Creative Director. The cation to his church and his Savior will always A.E.A.O.N.M.S. Inc. held in New Orleans, LA Euro-American Women’s Council was founded be a source of inspiration for me. Dr. Flakes in August of 2012, he received his Legion of sixteen years ago on the principles of endors- was an outstanding man of God who, through Honor Certificate. ing high ranking professional women from his deep and abiding faith, made a tremen- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join around the world while promoting their strong dous impact on his community. He will truly be me in paying tribute to Percel Jones. family values. As a professional accomplished artist who took these values to heart, Kenya missed but his unwavering spirit will live on f through the many whose lives were touched joined the Euro-American Women’s Council in and inspired by this remarkable man. TRIBUTE TO KELLY SHEEHAN 2008, bringing his artistic, gifted, and innova- Dr. George Washington Carver once said, MARTIN tive talent to the organization. ‘‘No individual has any right to come into the Kenya’s talents were first recognized at the world and go out of it without leaving behind HON. HEATH SHULER age of five, when he was enrolled in his first distinct and legitimate reasons for having OF NORTH CAROLINA art program at the Edith K. Bergtraum Ele- passed through it.’’ We are so blessed that Dr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mentary School in Flushing, New York. It was at this school where Kenya first learned how Johnny Flakes, Jr. passed this way and Thursday, November 15, 2012 shared with us his legacy of service that will to paint portraits and still-lifes. Kenya quickly stand the test of time. Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to became known as an artist and was often Mr. Speaker, my wife Vivian and I, along honor the members of my Congressional Staff asked to do special works for the school, with the almost 700,000 people in the 2nd who have served with me over the past six some of which are still hanging today. How- Congressional District of Georgia, would like years while I have been in office. A Member ever, this was just the beginning of Kenya’s to extend our deepest sympathies to Dr. of Congress’ most important responsibility is to talent, continuing to middle school and influ- Flakes’ wife of more than fifty-seven years, provide exceptional constituent services and encing his later decision to enroll at the re- Robena Gaines Flakes, their three children my Staff is second to none in providing the nowned High School of Art and Design in New Sincera, Johnny and Merle, their grand- best assistance to everyone in our District. I York City where he studied Advanced Place- children, and the members of Fourth Street take great pride in the work that each one has ment Environmental Science in addition to Ar- Missionary Baptist Church and Good Hope done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone chitectural Design. During these high school Missionary Baptist Church during this difficult in the 11th Congressional District of North years, Kenya also immersed himself in class- time. May they be consoled and comforted by Carolina. es at the distinguished Parsons School of De- their abiding faith and the Holy Spirit in the Each District Staff member has shown a sign where he then continued his studies as days, weeks and months ahead. strong sense of dedication in meeting the an undergraduate. It was at the Parsons f needs of each and every one of our constitu- School of Design where he began to branch ents. They often go well beyond the call to out into other forms of design such as graphic TRIBUTE TO PERCEL JONES make sure each constituent is treated fairly design, web design, and industrial design. and respectfully by our government agencies Upon graduation, Kenya became a graphic HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS and that they receive appropriate resolution. I designer, and further proved his artistic talent OF NEW YORK owe a debt of gratitude to each one of them through a vast portfolio of work ranging from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the support and friendship which they have television to fashion. He has also designed shown me while I have served in Congress. pieces for a variety of American political fami- Thursday, November 15, 2012 Kelly Sheehan Martin began serving on my lies including the Clintons and the Bushes. But Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- District staff when I first took office. Kelly after the birth of his two children, Kenya chose ute to Percel Jones. It is an honor to represent helped to establish our office early on as to move out of the spotlight to start a career Mr. Jones in the House of Representatives being a source of relief to those having trouble that allowed him to be closer with his family. and I call on my colleagues to join me in pay- with the Social Security Administration. Kelly For the past four years, Kenya’s role as the ing tribute to such an outstanding citizen. then moved into coordinating Grants and Spe- Euro-American Women’s Council Creative Di- Bro. Percel Jones was born in Camden, NC cial Projects. She did a tremendous job in rector has allowed him full oversight and vi- to the late Ida Mae Jones Gregory. He was leading such efforts as a Regional Jobs Fair sion of the organization’s design components raised by his great grandmother, Ida Mae that publicized well over 600 available jobs including invitations, programs, and the Dough Jones who also raised his mother. He during the height of the recession, providing website. One of his most significant accom- is the oldest of eight, with six sisters and one access and hope to constituents and many plishments since joining the Euro-American brother. He is the father of three sons and has more throughout Western North Carolina. Women’s Council was working on EAWC’s seven grandchildren and three great-grand- Kelly should be proud of the service she Silk Books commemorating 16 years of the or- children. After attending public school in North has provided to our District and country. It has ganization’s accomplishments. These banners Carolina, he served four years in the United been an honor to serve with her and as I retire were on display at this year’s Goddess States Air Force where he went to cooking from office I wish her the very best in the fu- Artemis Awards and Global Business Forum,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.024 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with E1766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2012 allowing leaders from all over the world to see ency. I owe a debt of gratitude to each one of Mr. Turpin has spent his time as Supervisor his amazing artwork. Kenya continues to work them for the support and friendship which they dedicated to the following county projects: The tirelessly as he continues to create beautiful have shown me while I have served in Con- General Plan; Coulterville and Mariposa Town designs as the Creative Director, often with his gress. Drainage Study; Yosemite West Community children by his side. In appreciation for all of Kelly Misselwitz joined my Washington, D.C. Plan; SilverTip Resort project amended site the incredible work by Kenya R. Taylor, I am staff in January of 2011. I often receive thou- plan, Catheys Valley Community Plan; con- proud to honor him today in Congress and sands of pieces of constituent correspondence struction of the new Human Services facility; look forward to his future artistic and creative each week, and with Kelly’s care and cor- zoning amendments; the acquisition of new achievements. respondence management, we were always fire trucks and water tenders; construction and f able to ensure that constituents received re- funding for three new fire stations; obtaining a sponses to their ideas and concerns in a time- Fixed Base Operator to oversee the Mariposa/ HONORING DOUBLE DY EXPRESS ly, thoughtful and thorough manner. I cannot Yosemite Airport operations; construction of FOR ITS CONTINUED SUPPORT count the number of times constituents ap- the Red Cloud Library; improvements to the OF ITS COMMUNITY proached me on the sidewalk, in church or at Midpines Park; Airport improvement projects; local events to express their gratitude for the the Seventh Day Adventist Camp project; HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON personal and comprehensive responses they Lake Don Pedro Wastewater Treatment Facil- OF MISSISSIPPI received. I was always quick to brag on Kelly’s ity; the MOU with the Administrative Office of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES critical role in making our constituent cor- the Courts and the County of Mariposa for the Thursday, November 15, 2012 respondence program a success. Kelly also continued use of the historic Mariposa County served as a Legislative Assistant, proving her- Courthouse Superior Court; completion of the Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- self to have excellent research and analytical Solid Waste Compost facility; fuel load reduc- er, I rise today to honor a minority-owned skills, key to advising any Member of Con- tion projects; road maintenance projects; Agri- business, Double Dy Express of Tutwiler, Mis- gress. What Kelly may be known for most, nature and Agri-tourism policy; Foresta Com- sissippi. Owned and operated by Ms. Diana however, is her sharp sense of humor that we munity Wildfire Protection Plan; Williamson Pimpton, this establishment has provided all have truly missed since her departure in Act/historical parcels; and the AB 885 state- great services to the Tutwiler community for August of this year. wide issue relative to well and septic inspec- years. Kelly should be proud of the service she tions. As a lifelong resident of Tutwiler, Ms. has provided to our District and country. It has Lyle remains active in the community, at- Pimpton wanted to introduce something new been an honor to serve with her and as I retire tending many local community organization to her community; therefore she combined the from office I wish her the very best in the fu- events and fundraisers. He has helped the likes of a convenience store and soul food ture. Western North Carolina is a better place community contend with the impacts of the restaurant. Bringing Double Dy Express to because of her efforts and I will cherish the Ferguson rock slide disaster of 2006, the hor- Tutwiler not only provided the community with memories of serving with Kelly and the team rific Oliver and Telegraph Fires of 2008, the its first soul food eatery, but also helped bring by my side. Big Meadow Fire of 2009, the 2011 Motor Fire new jobs to the area. Pimpton’s restaurant Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in El Portal, and damages associated with the provided jobs to residents as cooks, cashiers, in recognizing and thanking Kelly Misselwitz rains in late December 2010—including Ben and maintenance workers. In addition, she for her hard work on behalf of all of Western Hur Road. He also helped to establish the gave students within the community their first North Carolina and to wish her continued suc- separate Human Services/Risk Management job experience. cess in her future endeavors. department and implement the paperless Pimpton’s will to give back and help her f agenda management system for the Mariposa community is credited with inspiring other mi- Board of Supervisors. norities in the area to open up their own busi- HONORING WORK OF DISTRICT II Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring nesses. Ms. Pimpton, credits her own family SUPERVISOR, LYLE TURPIN District II Supervisor Lyle Turpin for his out- and friends to her survival as a business standing commitment to serve his community. owner. She has said, ‘‘This has not been an HON. JEFF DENHAM Mr. Turpin is a true public servant, and I wish easy task but I am grateful and thank God for OF CALIFORNIA him continued success in his future endeav- what I have already accomplished and con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ors. tinue to strive towards in future.’’ Thursday, November 15, 2012 f Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in recognizing Double Dy Express for its con- TRIBUTE TO GARY A. WRIGHT honor the dedicated work of District II Super- tributions to the community. visor, Lyle Turpin. Lyle served as Mariposa f County District II Planning Commissioner from HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS OF NEW YORK TRIBUTE TO KELLY MISSELWITZ 2001–2007. He was elected and served as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES District II Supervisor from 2005–2012 and was HON. HEATH SHULER acting Chair in 2008. Lyle’s list of service ac- Thursday, November 15, 2012 OF NORTH CAROLINA complishments attests to his commitment as a Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES distinguished member of our community. pay tribute and to honor Mr. Gary A. Wright. Mr. Turpin was a member of the Local It is an honor to represent Mr. Wright in the Thursday, November 15, 2012 Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) and House of Representatives and I urge my col- Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to served the county as a member of the fol- leagues to join me in paying tribute to such an honor the members of my Congressional Staff lowing committees: Coulterville Service Area outstanding citizen. who have served with me over the past six Number One Advisory Board, Coulterville Mr. Wright was born in Brooklyn, NY. He years while I have been in office. A Member Town Planning Advisory Council, Greeley Hill was the 3rd of six children of the late George of Congress’ most important responsibility is to Planning Advisory Committee, Lake Don Wright and Jerline Wright. He attended and provide exceptional constituent services and Pedro Service Area 1–M Advisory Board, graduated from Boy’s High School. Following my team is second to none in providing the Local Transportation Commission Technical graduation, he took an interest in photography best assistance to all in our District. My Wash- Advisory Committee, and Pedestrian and which gave him the opportunity to work in ington, D.C. office is also tasked with re- Equestrian Trails Advisory Board. such communities as Brownsville, East New searching, processing, analyzing, and making In addition to his tireless work on various York and Bedford Stuyvesant. He also joined recommendations on an infinite number of re- county committees, Lyle served on the fol- the New York City Auxiliary Police Force. In ports, policies, and legislation. I could not ask lowing agencies and Board of Directors: 1968, he joined the Port Authority of New York for a more talented or dedicated team, and I Calaveras-Mariposa Community Action Agen- and New Jersey and worked at Kennedy Air- take great pride in the work that each staff cy, Mountain Counties Air Basin, Sierra Ne- port. member has done not only on my behalf, but vada Conservancy, Yosemite/Sequoia Re- He received certificates of appreciation for also on behalf of the 11th Congressional Dis- source Conservation and Development Area, providing technical instruction during the Gen- trict of North Carolina and the United States. Tuolumne/Mariposa County Resource Advi- eral Maintainer and Driver Training (CDL) pro- My team has shown a strong sense of dedi- sory Committee, and Agriculture and the Nat- grams, a world trade center award for excep- cation to meeting the needs of our constitu- ural Resources—CSAC. tional service and the world trade center 9/11

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.026 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1767 responder award. He currently resides with his PERSONAL EXPLANATION presence in my life has been a blessing for wife Edith and family in New Jersey. years, beginning first as my high school foot- Mr. Wright was elevated and raised in Afri- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO ball coach and mentor and now, more impor- can Lodge 459 #63 in 1979. Became a mem- OF CONNECTICUT tantly, as a friend and confidant. As the roles ber of the Long Island Consistory No. 61 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reversed and Coach Deitz spent the past six A.A.S.R. and is also a member of the Medina years as a Field Representative in my Con- Thursday, November 15, 2012 Temple No.19 A.E.A.O.M.S. gressional District office, I was reminded daily May our country continue to benefit from the Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- of Coach’s dedication and drive to do every- civic actions of committed and laudable citi- ably detained and so I missed rollcall vote No. thing possible to always meet the need and fix zens such as Mr. Wright. 604 regarding the ‘‘Streamlining Claims Proc- the problem of everyone who walked into his Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Bro. essing for Federal Contractor Employees Act’’ office. We have spent many days traveling the Gary A. Wright for his tremendous contribu- (H.R. 6371). Had I been present, I would have rural areas of Western North Carolina knock- tions to the community. voted ‘‘yes.’’ ing on doors, visiting farms, watching football f practices, and just enjoying talking with the f HONORING TONY’S GROCERY FOR fine people who call Western North Carolina HONORING KEVIN O’HANLON REMAINING A STAPLE IN THE home. Without the support of people like MAYERSVILLE COMMUNITY Boyce the past six years would have never been possible. HON. HEATH SHULER Boyce should be proud of the service he OF NORTH CAROLINA HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON has provided to our District and country. It has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MISSISSIPPI been an honor to serve with him and as I re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 15, 2012 tire from office I wish him the very best in the Thursday, November 15, 2012 future. Western North Carolina is a better Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- place because of his efforts and I will cherish honor the members of my Congressional Staff the memories of serving with Boyce and the who have served with me over the past six er, I rise today to honor a thriving business in the Mayersville, Mississippi for more than fifty team by my side. years while I have been in office. A Member Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me of Congress’ most important responsibility is to years, Tony’s Grocery. Founded by husband and wife duo, Saul in recognizing and thanking Boyce Deitz for provide exceptional constituent services and his hard work on behalf of all of Western my team is second to none in providing the ‘‘Tony’’ and Edie B. Williams, Tony’s Grocery has served as the oldest and only store in the North Carolina and to wish him continued suc- best assistance to all in our District. My Wash- cess in his future endeavors. ington, D.C. office is also tasked with re- town of Mayersville. With more than five dec- searching, processing, analyzing, and making ades in business, Tony’s Grocery has em- f recommendations on an infinite number of re- ployed many citizens of the Mayersville com- HONORING TOM PLIMPTON ports, policies, and legislation. I could not ask munity. for a more talented or dedicated team, and I Presently, owned and operated by Mayor HON. WILLIAM L. OWENS take great pride in the work that each staff Linda Short, daughter of Saul and Edie B, and OF NEW YORK member has done not only on my behalf, but her husband Larry Short, Tony’s Grocery is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES also on behalf of the 11th Congressional Dis- the classic example of a small business trict of North Carolina and the United States. weathering the test of time and still managing Thursday, November 15, 2012 My team has shown a strong sense of dedi- to provide so much for the residents of its community. Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cation to meeting the needs of our constitu- recognize a constituent and friend, Tom ency. I owe a debt of gratitude to each one of Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing Tony’s Grocery for its longevity Plimpton. I have known Tom for a number of them for the support and friendship which they years as a friend and former colleague, and I have shown me while I have served in Con- and dedication to serving Mayersville, Mis- sissippi. want to congratulate him on his induction into gress. the St. Lawrence University Hall of Fame. f Kevin O’Hanlon served in various positions A distinguished lawyer in Upstate New York, both in my Washington, D.C. office and on my HONORING BOYCE DEITZ I want to take this opportunity to not just ac- campaign, and has excelled in each capacity knowledge his academic, legal, and personal during his nearly four-year tenure. Kevin has HON. HEATH SHULER successes, but recognize his athletic achieve- earned a reputation for being dependable, me- OF NORTH CAROLINA ments as a part of the 1987 Men’s Track and ticulous and for always being willing to chip in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Field Team at St. Lawrence University. however needed. While outside of his job de- As a member of the St. Lawrence University scription, Kevin was also appreciated for his Thursday, November 15, 2012 1987 Men’s Track and Field team he contrib- technical expertise, which became invaluable Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to uted to their win in the second-ever New York to the office as he solved technical issue after honor the members of my Congressional Staff State Collegiate Indoor Championship and the technical issue, keeping our team up and run- who have served with me over the past six first New York State Outdoor title. He then ning time and again. Above all, I could always years while I have been in office. A Member went on to help his team finish second in the count on Kevin to assist with a helping hand, of Congress’ most important responsibility is to NCAA Division III Indoor Championship. For regardless of the issue or the time of day or provide exceptional constituent services and his efforts in the 400 meter team relay, Tom night that he was needed. I extend my thanks my Staff is second to none in providing the earned All American honors. to his wife, Liz, for her patience for the many best assistance to everyone in our District. I Again, I congratulate Tom on this pres- times Kevin worked long or irregular hours to take great pride in the work that each one has tigious distinction and wish him all the best. keep our congressional office humming along done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone f smoothly. in the 11th Congressional District of North Kevin should be proud of the service he has Carolina. TRIBUTE TO ENRIQUE ‘‘TITO’’ provided to our District and country. It has Each District Staff member has shown a OSBORNE been an honor to serve with him and as I re- strong sense of dedication in meeting the tire from office I wish him the very best in the needs of each and every one of our constitu- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS future. Western North Carolina is a better ents. They often go well beyond the call to OF NEW YORK place because of his efforts and I will cherish make sure each constituent is treated fairly IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the memories of serving with Kevin and the and respectfully by our government agencies team by my side. and that they receive appropriate resolution. I Thursday, November 15, 2012 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me owe a debt of gratitude to each one of them Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in recognizing and thanking Kevin O’Hanlon for the support and friendship which they have pay tribute and to honor Enrique Osborne. for his hard work on behalf of all of Western shown me while I have served in Congress. Enrique, known affectionately as ‘‘Tito,’’ mi- North Carolina and to wish him continued suc- Boyce Deitz has served as a member my grated to Brooklyn, New York from Panama at cess in his future endeavors. District staff since I first took office. Boyce’s the age of 13 in 1950. After Enrique graduated

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15NO8.007 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with E1768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2012 from High School he joined the United States higher education institutions awarded a Gov- HONORING THE SERENE LODGE Air Force and after his service he worked as ernor’s Award for Excellence in teaching. In #567 IMPROVED BENEVOLENT a supervisor for the Advertising Distributors of 2009, Southeast Missouri State honored him PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS OF America. He later worked for the New York with the Provost’s Research Instruction and THE WORLD City Transit Authority until his retirement. Development for Excellence (PRIDE) Award. In 1975, Tito was made a master mason in The latter award recognizes excellence in HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON the Jessie Milton Lodge #70, King Solomon teaching, scholarship, and service. OF MISSISSIPPI affiliation. Twelve years later, he joined African In these last two categories, scholarship and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lodge 459 #63, where he has served continu- service, Nickell has gone above and beyond Thursday, November 15, 2012 ously and is currently a trustee. his responsibilities in the classroom. An avid A father of six, Gloria Louisa, Carlos, Anto- promoter of regional history, he helped initiate Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- nio, Joseph, April and Gloria, and grandfather the university’s Historic Preservation program, er, I rise today to honor the Serene Lodge of ten, Tito still finds the time to be the Presi- through which undergraduate and graduate #567 Improved Benevolent Protective Order of dent of the Bug Pack, a Philadelphia Volks- students work to preserve the area’s historic Elks of the World (I.B.P.O.E. of the W.). The wagen Club, and a member of the Ebony Rod sites, artifacts, and cultures. In 2007, he Serene Lodge #567, Greenville, Mississippi and Gun Club. helped launch and became host of Southeast was organized on March 10, 1924 by Carlos Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Mr. Public Radio’s ‘‘Almost Yesterday’’ series, C. Valle Grand Organizer. Enrique ‘‘Tito’’ Osborne for his contribution to which takes listeners back in time to specific The Elks is the oldest African American, fra- our community of Brooklyn. moments in regional history. After just one ternal organization, which reaches from the f year on air, the program won the station its Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. The first Elks Home was at the Miller Home, corner of HONORING ANDREW TULLY first-ever Missouri Broadcaster Association Award. Nelson and Broadway Street. In later years the group moved to a number of places in- For his many achievements and his unwav- cluding 329 North Broadway, 346 Catley HON. SAM GRAVES ering commitment to the people and history of Street, 613 Nelson Street, 328 Theobald OF MISSOURI Southeast Missouri, I thank Frank and wish Street, 420 Muscadine Street, 727 Nelson IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES him well as he enjoys his retirement. Street, 349 Catley Street and thence to home Thursday, November 15, 2012 at 1822 East Alexander Street. The mortgage Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I f was burned in 1974. During the years of hard proudly pause to recognize Andrew Tully. An- RECOGNIZING HONDA ON THIRTY work, some of the accomplishments were: drew is a very special young man who has ex- YEARS OF AUTOMOBILE MANU- Membership of 300, the largest in history; and emplified the finest qualities of citizenship and FACTURING IN THE UNITED annual donations of $100 for Christmas bas- leadership by taking an active part in the Boy STATES kets for the aged and indent; and yearly dona- Scouts of America, Troop 414, and earning tions of $1,000 to sick and distress Brothers; the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. and donations to the Community Fund Drive; Andrew has been very active with his troop, HON. JIM JORDAN and donations to park and playground participating in many scout activities. Over the OF OHIO projects; and sponsored a Little League Base- many years Andrew has been involved with ball Team; and presented a flag pole and scouting, he has not only earned numerous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plaques to Coleman High School; and donated merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Thursday, November 15, 2012 towards the purchase of curtains and piano for ily, peers, and community. Most notably, An- Lucy Webb School. drew has earned the rank of Warrior in the Mr. JORDAN. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Levye Chapple, at the age of 23 was the Tribe of Mic-O-Say and the God and Country people of Ohio’s Fourth Congressional District, youngest Exalted Ruler in the United States. Award. Andrew has also contributed to his I congratulate Honda on its thirtieth anniver- He was the first to place strong emphasis community through his Eagle Scout project. sary as an automobile manufacturer in the upon attracting young people into the Elkdom Andrew completed many renovations at the United States. and soared the membership far over 150 dur- First Baptist Church of Bogard, Missouri, in- Honda became the first Japanese auto- ing his administration. It was during this period cluding a utility room, handrails, enclosed an maker to manufacture cars in the U.S. on No- that the Daughter Elks Temple came into exterior staircase, and other small projects to vember 1, 1982, when the first U.S.-made being with Daughter (Dtr.) Julia Thornton as help congregants enter and use the church fa- Honda Accord rolled off the assembly line in the first Daughter Ruler whose emphasis upon cility. Marysville, Ohio. In the three decades since, young people was as equally strong. Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in the company has become one of our Nation’s Today, the Lodge continues to do work in commending Andrew Tully for his accomplish- most important job creators, investing more the community and surrounding areas. Along ments with the Boy Scouts of America and for than $12.5 billion in the U.S.—$1.2 billion in with the Daughters, they have adopted a park his efforts put forth in achieving the highest just the last two years. This investment has and started a back to school supply give-a- distinction of Eagle Scout. supported not only Honda’s 26,000 U.S. em- way to over 300 children, this project was initi- f ployees—more than 13,500 in Ohio alone— ated approximately four years ago. Several of but also hundreds of thousands of jobs at sup- the Brothers have received their Past Grand HONORING DR. FRANK NICKELL pliers and servicers nationwide. Degree, which is the highest honor in Elkdom. Honda marked its anniversary by announc- The Lodge continues to initiate young men HON. JO ANN EMERSON ing more than $200 million in new investments into the organization. OF MISSOURI at its transmission manufacturing facility in Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Russells Point, Ohio, and its engine plant in in recognizing Serene Lodge #567 I.B.P.O. of Thursday, November 15, 2012 Anna, Ohio. Two hundred new manufacturing the W. for their leadership and dedication to jobs will be created at those plants as a result. serving their community and surrounding Mrs. EMERSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today areas. in honor of Dr. Frank Nickell, professor of his- Mr. Speaker, Honda’s commitment to Ohio f tory at Southeast Missouri State University in dates back to 1979, when small-scale dirt bike Cape Girardeau, Missouri. For four decades, production began in Marysville. The company CELEBRATING THE CENTENNIAL he has served as an educator, a passionate has been a dedicated partner to communities OF CITYHOOD FOR BEAUMONT, CA chronicler of regional history, and an ambas- throughout our State and Nation ever since, sador for the university in the surrounding creating highly skilled jobs and revolutionizing HON. JERRY LEWIS domestic auto manufacturing. community. OF CALIFORNIA First hired by the university in 1969, Pro- I offer my congratulations to everyone at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fessor Nickell has won praise for his work in Honda as they celebrate this milestone. They the classroom. After decades of inspiring stu- have my very best wishes for continued excel- Thursday, November 15, 2012 dents, he received statewide recognition in lence in automobile manufacturing and job Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise 1992, as one of 47 educators from Missouri creation. today in recognition of the city of Beaumont,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15NO8.008 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1769 California, which will celebrate its centennial been an honor to serve with him and as I re- energy engineering) from Appalachian State on Nov. 18, 2012. tire from office I wish him the very best in the University. It became apparent immediately In 1927, ten years after its incorporation, future. Western North Carolina is a better that because of his understanding of energy Beaumont boasted a population of 857. place because of his efforts and I will cherish and agriculture issues he would be a valuable Today, it’s a community of nearly 40,000 peo- the memories of serving with Chad and the addition to our team. New to Capitol Hill, Ed ple, all of whom I’ve been proud to represent team by my side. quickly learned the ropes and has been en- in Congress for the last ten years. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me trusted to serve in a variety of capacities, in- Much of this growth has happened in the in recognizing and thanking Chad Eaton for last ten years. Residents flocked to Beaumont his hard work on behalf of all of Western cluding work as a Research Fellow, Legisla- for its low housing costs, causing a 20% jump North Carolina and to wish him continued suc- tive Assistant and Executive Assistant. Ed’s in the city’s population, an increase that made cess in his future endeavors. attention to detail, knowledge of policy issues it the fastest growing city in the State. What f and disciplined work ethic have proven to be began as a railway outpost at the summit of invaluable assets. HONORING KOLBY DEAN GOFF San Gorgonio Pass has become a vibrant, Ed should be proud of the service he has progressive city that retains its small-town feel. provided to our District and country. It has I proudly salute Beaumont’s founders who HON. SAM GRAVES been an honor to serve with him and as I re- laid the foundation for what has become a city OF MISSOURI tire from office I wish him the very best in the that upholds the core values of public service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES They’re a shining example of local government future. Western North Carolina is a better Thursday, November 15, 2012 at its best, and I hope my colleagues will join place because of his efforts and I will cherish me in extending our best wishes to Beaumont Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I the memories of serving with Ed and the team on this most memorable occasion. proudly pause to recognize Kolby Dean Goff. by my side. Kolby is a very special young man who has f Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship TRIBUTE TO CHAD EATON and leadership by taking an active part in the in recognizing and thanking Ed Pavia for his Boy Scouts of America, Troop 418, and earn- hard work on behalf of all of Western North HON. HEATH SHULER ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. Carolina and to wish him continued success in OF NORTH CAROLINA Kolby has been very active with his troop, his future endeavors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES participating in many scout activities. Over the many years Kolby has been involved with f Thursday, November 15, 2012 scouting, he has not only earned numerous Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- HONORING HOPE ELEMENTARY honor the members of my Congressional Staff ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Kolby SCHOOL IN HOPE, MAINE who have served with me over the past six has contributed to his community through his years while I have been in office. A Member Eagle Scout project. Kolby designed and con- of Congress’ most important responsibility is to structed an outdoor classroom at his sister’s HON. CHELLIE PINGREE provide exceptional constituent services and elementary school, building a nature learning OF MAINE my Staff is second to none in providing the center and an life-size outdoor checkerboard. best assistance to everyone in our District. I Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES take great pride in the work that each one has commending Kolby Dean Goff for his accom- Thursday, November 15, 2012 done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone plishments with the Boy Scouts of America in the 11th Congressional District of North and for his efforts put forth in achieving the Ms. PINGREE of Maine. Mr. Speaker, I Carolina. highest distinction of Eagle Scout. would like to congratulate a school in my dis- Each District Staff member has shown a f trict for being selected by the U.S. Department strong sense of dedication in meeting the of Education as one of only 269 Blue Ribbon needs of each and every one of our constitu- HONORING ED PAVIA ents. They often go well beyond the call to Schools nationwide this year. make sure each constituent is treated fairly HON. HEATH SHULER With 176 students in kindergarten through and respectfully by our government agencies OF NORTH CAROLINA eighth grade, Hope Elementary in Knox Coun- and that they receive appropriate resolution. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ty, Maine, is a small school doing big things. owe a debt of gratitude to each one of them Thursday, November 15, 2012 Foremost, the school has consistently met for the support and friendship which they have high standards of academic excellence. In Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to shown me while I have served in Congress. itself, this achievement is worthy of honors. I recruited Chad Eaton to join my District honor the members of my Congressional Staff staff in January of 2009. Having first met Chad who have served with me over the past six But Hope Elementary has also excelled in through his service to both our families’ church years while I have been in office. A Member teaching lessons in leadership. The school as the Associate Pastor at Biltmore Baptist of Congress’ most important responsibility is to has an active student council, a leadership Church in Asheville, North Carolina, I was al- provide exceptional constituent services and group that focuses on community service, and ready well familiar with his commitment to per- my team is second to none in providing the a culture where older students are expected to sonal and professional excellence. In the sev- best assistance to all in our District. My Wash- be leaders for their younger peers. Moreover, eral years that have passed since we first met ington, D.C. office is also tasked with re- staff and administration set a strong example searching, processing, analyzing, and making in 2005, I continue to be impressed by Chad’s of collaboration. Immersed in this kind of envi- devotion to family, faith and public service. recommendations on an infinite number of re- ronment, Hope students learn from an early Chad’s character and moral compass inspire ports, policies, and legislation. I could not ask his daily actions both inside and outside of our for a more talented or dedicated team, and I age the importance of working together to duties as a Congressional office, earning him take great pride in the work that each staff move the whole community forward. This is an my deepest respect and also the respect and member has done not only on my behalf, but essential lesson for our next generation of appreciation of colleagues and constituents also on behalf of the 11th Congressional Dis- leaders, and I truly appreciate the school’s alike. trict of North Carolina and the United States. commitment to fostering it. Not a day goes by without my leaning on My team has shown a strong sense of dedi- Being named a Blue Ribbon School is a cation to meeting the needs of our constitu- Chad in some capacity. Chad is a loyal, hon- prestigious honor, and the entire Hope Ele- orable and trusted companion and I consider ency. I owe a debt of gratitude to each one of mentary community should be proud. This his counsel and friendship a blessing in my them for the support and friendship which they life. No matter where the Good Lord’s plans have shown me while I have served in Con- achievement belongs to the administration, take us in the future, I look forward to many gress. teachers, students, families, and town as a more years of our continued friendship. Ed Pavia joined my Washington, D.C. office whole. I am proud to have this excellent Chad should be proud of the service he has in January 2012, as he was completing his school in my district and they have my warm- provided to our District and country. It has Masters in Appropriate Technology (renewable est congratulations.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.038 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with E1770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2012 HONORING UNITED MANAGEMENT Birmingham, Alabama, to Frederick Enslen Memorial Hospital, and served as consulting & DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES, Taylor and Cora Lee Brewer, Taylor was still microbiologist to Resurrection Hospital and INC. an infant when his family fled to Chicago as a eleven other hospitals in the Chicago area. He result of an ultimatum his mother received earned four patents, published forty articles in HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON from the Ku Klux Klan. Throughout Dr. Tay- scientific journals (becoming the first black edi- OF MISSISSIPPI lor’s life, the story of his family’s trauma fueled tor of several of them), and developed a prod- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his desire to succeed in every endeavor and uct adopted by the Food & Drug Administra- to fight racism wherever he found it. tion, which is still used today by microbiology Thursday, November 15, 2012 Graduating from DuSable High School as laboratories the world over to certify foods Sal- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- class Valedictorian in 1937, Dr. Taylor at- monella-free. In 1985, the Centers for Disease er, I rise to recognize a remarkable small fam- tended the University of Illinois at Urbana- Control in Atlanta named a bacterium ily owned business, United Management & Champaign thanks to scholarships from the Enterobacter taylorae in honor of Dr. Taylor Development Associates, Inc. It is a real es- Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. In his senior year and a British colleague. tate development and property management he became the first black cadet in the Univer- Following the death of his wife, Jayne, in firm. The company’s portfolio consists of prop- sity of Illinois’ Advanced ROTC Field Artillery 2005, Dr. Taylor joined the Chicago ‘‘DODO’’ erties that are financed by the United States Unit. He graduated in 1941 with an A.B. in Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. to once Department of Agriculture—Rural Develop- Bacteriology and a commission as a Second again pursue his lifelong passion: flying. Al- ment, Housing and Urban Development, and Lieutenant in the Field Artillery. Only 28 days ways one of the organization’s most vocal and properties that receive low income housing tax after following orders to report for active duty articulate supporters, Taylor helped fellow pi- credits. They provide their residential clients at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Taylor became the first lots introduce inner-city children to the joys with a multitude of services like budget coun- black field artillery officer in the history of the and challenges of flight. He lectured exten- seling, GED preparation through a partnership post. sively to corporate, civic, and academic with Coahoma Community College, life skills, Taylor had always dreamt of becoming a groups across the Midwest and spoke pas- health and wellness activities, and home own- pilot, however, and when a flight instructor at sionately about the triumphs and frustrations ership preparation. the Lawton, Oklahoma airfield offered to teach faced by the Tuskegee Airmen and other Jeffrey Gooden is the president. He was him, he jumped at the chance. Taylor took les- black servicemen during World War II. Taylor educated in the Clarksdale Public School Sys- sons during his off-duty hours and was re- received the Congressional Gold Medal with tem. He received a Bachelors of Business Ad- warded when the Army subsequently sent him the Tuskegee Airmen in Washington, DC in ministration Degree majoring in Banking and to the Second Army Air Force’s Pittsburg, 2006. Finance and Managerial Finance from the Uni- Kansas flight school to become a Field Artil- Fully committed to educating succeeding versity of Mississippi in 1992. He is a licensed lery liaison pilot. Taylor was eventually de- generations, Dr. Taylor published his long- real estate broker in Mississippi, Tennessee, ployed to the South Pacific with the all-black awaited memoir and history, Two Steps from and Arkansas. He holds several real estate 596th Field Artillery Battalion, 93rd Infantry Di- Glory, in July of 2012. He proudly unveiled it designations including the following: Certified vision and flew liaison and reconnaissance at the huge air show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin Manager, Certified Property Manager, Certified missions in the South Pacific until the end of (EAA Airventure), just days before being diag- Commercial Investment Member, National As- World War II. nosed with the cancer that took his life. sociation of Realtors, National Association of During his 51⁄2 years of service, Taylor bold- Dr. Taylor is survived by his daughters, Realtors Green Resource Council, and Grad- ly challenged institutional racism in the Army Karyn and Shelley, by his nephew, Herbert uate of Realtor’s Institute. at every turn—most notably protesting the Wallace, and his niece, Frances Austin. Jeffrey is a second generation real estate Army’s discriminatory practices regarding the On behalf of my wife Carolyn and the con- professional. His father, the late Bennie Stone admission of black officers to the officers’ stituents of Illinois’ First Congressional District, Gooden, was a developer and manager of af- clubs. Taylor suffered numerous racial affronts I extend my condolences to Dr. Taylor’s family fordable housing properties, who started during active duty, but still joined the Illinois and I want for them to know that they are in United Management & Development in the National Guard Reserves at the end of the our thoughts and prayers. 1980’s. His father’s vision was to improve the war, rising to the rank of Major before resign- f quality of life in the Mississippi Delta. After his ing his commission in 1952. father’s death, Jeffrey and his family continues Upon his return stateside, Taylor married his HONORING DENNIS BERMAN the Gooden family’s legacy. longtime girlfriend, Jayne Kemp Taylor, a Jeffrey works with his sister, Marian Gooden graduate of Howard University. The couple en- HON. HEATH SHULER Miller, and his brother, James Norvell Gooden. tered the University of Illinois at Urbana- OF NORTH CAROLINA The three of them have expanded the com- Champaign shortly thereafter to pursue their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES graduate degrees where Taylor earned his pany’s services and vision. Norvell is both a li- Thursday, November 15, 2012 censed real estate and insurance agent in M.S. and Ph.D. in Bacteriology on the G.I. Bill. Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas. Marian While on campus, the couple teamed with Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to is a licensed real estate agent. United Man- white veterans and their wives to force the in- honor several of the volunteers who have agement & Development Associates, Inc. pro- tegration of local restaurants, movie theaters, served in my district office over the past six vide full real estate brokerage services and in- and swimming pools. Champaign-Urbana was years while I have been in office. A Member surance products. changed forever by their efforts, and when the of Congress’ most important responsibility is to Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Taylors returned to Chicago after graduation, provide excellent constituent services and in recognizing United Management & Develop- they continued their civil rights activism. They these volunteers have assisted my staff in pro- ment Associates, Inc. for providing decent and became one of the first black families to inte- viding the exceptional assistance so many affordable housings for the Mississippi Delta. grate the Chatham neighborhood on Chicago’s have come to expect in our District. I take f South Side and Dr. Taylor played an active great pride in the work that each one has role in civic life. He served as President of the done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone TRIBUTE TO DR. WELTON I. Chatham Avalon Park Community Council, in the 11th Congressional District of North TAYLOR founded the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Carolina. Racial Unity, and received the Brotherhood These volunteers have always treated our HON. BOBBY L. RUSH Award of the National Conference of Chris- constituents with the utmost respect and al- OF ILLINOIS tians and Jews. ways made sure their needs were met in a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As a scientist, Dr. Taylor had a remarkable timely fashion. I owe a debt of gratitude to career spanning close to fifty years. He taught each one of them for the support and friend- Thursday, November 15, 2012 microbiology at the medical schools of both ship which they have shown me while I have Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay the University of Illinois and Northwestern Uni- served in Congress. tribute to Welton I. Taylor, Ph.D. A distin- versity, did ground-breaking research on bac- Dennis Berman played a valuable role as a guished scientist, WWII liaison pilot, and civil teriological contamination in the nation’s food volunteer during my first two terms in office. rights advocate, Dr. Taylor died in Chicago on supply, helped France and Britain eradicate Dennis offered a calm and reassuring voice to November 1, 2012, just 11 days shy of his Salmonella in their imported foods, became constituents as they would call our District of- 93rd birthday. Born November 12, 1919, in microbiologist-in-chief at Chicago’s Children’s fice with concerns and needs. His ability to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.042 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1771 quickly diagnose the problem the individual Dodie should be proud of the service she tation, and that MWAA’s Contracting Manual had encountered allowed him to connect con- has provided to our District and country. It has does not require public notification of sole- stituents with the proper staff member to begin been an honor to serve with Dodie and as I source contracts over $200,000. the task of resolving the issue. retire from office I wish her the very best in The lack of transparency and competition on Dennis should be proud of the service he the future. Western North Carolina is a better MWAA contracts is inconsistent with con- has provided to our District and country. It has place because of her efforts and I will cherish tinuing ownership of the airports by the federal been an honor to serve with Dennis and as I the memories of serving with Dodie and the government, MWAA’s creation by Congress, retire from office I wish him the very best in team by my side. and the significant federal taxpayer dollars for the future. Western North Carolina is a better Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me which MWAA is responsible. The IG Report’s place because of his efforts. in recognizing and thanking Dodie Collins for conclusion that current procurement proce- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me her hard work on behalf of all of Western dures are inadequate requires a response that in recognizing and thanking Dennis Berman North Carolina and to wish her continued suc- definitively settles the procurement issues sur- for his hard work on behalf of all of Western cess in her future endeavors. rounding MWAA. It makes no sense for North Carolina and to wish him continued suc- f MWAA to attempt to reinvent a new set of pro- cess in his future endeavors. curement procedures and ignore the very thor- f THE INTRODUCTION OF A BILL TO ough and tested Federal Acquisition Regula- ENSURE THAT THE METROPOLI- tions, which provides legal guidelines for every OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL TAN WASHINGTON AIRPORTS AU- aspect of procurement and that maximizes DEBT THORITY COMPLIES WITH THE fairness and transparency. FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULA- I urge my colleagues to support the bill. I HON. MIKE COFFMAN TION will seek passage before the end of the lame OF COLORADO duck. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON f Thursday, November 15, 2012 OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA TRIBUTE TO ARLENE GONZA´ LEZ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, SA´ NCHEZ on January 20, 2009, the day President Thursday, November 15, 2012 Obama took office, the national debt was Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS $ 10,626,877,048,913.08. introduce a bill to require the Metropolitan Today, it is $16,244,014,083,153.54. We’ve OF NEW YORK Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES added $5,617,137,034,240.46 to our debt in 3 adopt the Federal Acquisition Regulations, the years. This is $5 trillion in debt our nation, our set of rules that govern all aspects of the ac- Thursday, November 15, 2012 economy, and our children could have avoided quisition process for virtually every federal ex- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to with a balanced budget amendment. ecutive branch agency. Significant failures in pay tribute and to honor Commissioner Arlene f MWAA’s contracting policies and practices Gonza´lez-Sa´nchez, a visionary leader in our TRIBUTE TO DODIE COLLINS point to a need for substantial reform in community and an inspiration to all of New MWAA’s acquisition process. However, de- York. HON. HEATH SHULER spite being created by Congress, leasing fed- Ms. Gonza´lez-Sa´nchez brings more than 30 erally owned land, and benefiting from signifi- years experience in the field of behavioral OF NORTH CAROLINA cant federal taxpayer funds, MWAA is not sub- health administration, policy development, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ject to federal procurement laws or regulation. medical research, and expertise integrating Thursday, November 15, 2012 This oversight has left MWAA without ample accessible systems of care for New Yorkers. Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to guidance for its board members and employ- She is a Cabinet-level, Chief Executive Officer honor the members of my Congressional Staff ees. Many of the problems that have drawn overseeing a premier addiction services sys- who have served with me over the past six criticism of MWAA could be eliminated if the tem with more than 1,500 programs and years while I have been in office. A Member Federal Acquisition Regulations were made 35,000 paid and volunteer professionals which of Congress’ most important responsibility is to applicable. serve 110,000 New Yorkers daily. provide exceptional constituent services and MWAA is an independent public body cre- Ms. Gonza´lez-Sa´nchez possesses a Mas- my staff is second to none in providing the ated by Congress under the Metropolitan ters of Social Work degree in Administration/ best assistance to everyone in our District. I Washington Airports Act of 1986 (Airports Community Organization from Hunter College take great pride in the work that each one has Act), which authorized a compact between the School of Social Work, as well as a Masters done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of of Science degree in Cell Biology and a Bach- in the 11th Congressional District of North Columbia. MWAA, with 1,400 employees, elor of Science degree in Biology from Ford- Carolina. leases and manages Ronald Reagan Wash- ham University. She is a licensed Masters So- Each District Staff member has shown a ington National Airport and Washington Dulles cial Worker. strong sense of dedication in meeting the International Airport. In addition to managing As Commissioner of the New York State Of- needs of each and every one of our constitu- airports, MWAA is responsible for the Dulles fice of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Serv- ents. They often go well beyond the call to Corridor Metrorail Project, with an estimated ices, OASAS, her overall vision is to transform make sure each constituent is treated fairly cost of $5.8 billion, including $977 million in the fragmented system of care to a com- and respectfully by our government agencies federal funds. prehensive, integrated, patient-centered, fam- and that they receive appropriate resolution. I A recent Department of Transportation ily-focused system that is accessible and re- owe a debt of gratitude to each one of them (DOT) Inspector General report, ‘‘MWAA’s sponsive to the multiple and complex needs of for the support and friendship which they have Weak Policies and Procedures Have Led to the behavioral health population of today. shown me while I have served in Congress. Questionable Procurement Practices, Mis- Under her executive leadership, she has es- Dodie Collins has served as a member of management, and a Lack of Overall Account- tablished the Enhanced Oversight and Moni- my District staff since July of 2011. Dodie ability’’ (Report Number: AV–2013–006) (IG toring Initiative to improve programmatic and came out of retirement from a career with the Report), found that ‘‘MWAA’s contracting poli- fiscal accountability and quality service deliv- State of North Carolina to bring added exper- cies and practices are insufficient to ensure ery throughout the OASAS system. tise to my District office in an array of areas. compliance with the Airports Act and the lease Before coming to OASAS, Ms. Gonza´lez- Dodie’s addition enabled our office to provide agreement between DOT and MWAA.’’ For Sa´nchez was Commissioner of the newly increased and expedited assistance by work- example, the Airports Act and lease agree- merged Nassau County Department of Mental ing directly with our State of North Carolina ment require MWAA to award contracts over Health, Mental Retardation and Development contacts when casework called for a state-di- $200,000 competitively to the maximum extent Disabilities with the Nassau County Depart- rected resolution. Through Dodie’s strong practicable. However, the IG Report found that ment of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Services grasp of casework management she was able MWAA recently awarded two-thirds of its con- in Long Island. Ms. Gonza´lez-Sa´nchez also to direct constituents in the appropriate direc- tracts exceeding $200,000 with limited com- held a faculty appointment at Cornell Univer- tion, ensuring a more timely and successful petition. The IG Report also noted that MWAA sity Medical College as an Associate Re- outcome for many. awarded many contracts with no formal solici- search Scientist where she spent eight years

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.043 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with E1772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2012 in the Department of Cell Biology and Anat- Star, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, of the arts and an acclaimed tennis player. omy working on cardiac and molecular biology Armed Forces Reserve Medal with ‘‘M’’ Device Mrs. Penson, a Dallas native, passed away on research. She has numerous publications in Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Rib- Sunday, October 21, 2012 at the age of 88. medical journals and textbooks and has re- bon, Mississippi Medal of Efficiency, Mis- Mrs. Penson is survived by her husband Lieu- ceived recognition for her early work on DNA sissippi War Medal, and the Mississippi Lon- tenant John G. Penson, three daughters, sequencing and cloning. gevity Medal (1 Oak Leaf Cluster). Annie Vreeland, Suki Jarzemsky, and Read Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Com- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Gendler, and five grandchildren. missioner Gonza´lez-Sa´nchez for her work en- in recognizing 1st Lieutenant Vernella N. Wells Mrs. Penson was highly respected and well suring high-quality care and services for the for her dedication and commitment to this na- known throughout the Dallas community. She most vulnerable New Yorkers. tion and her community. graduated with a Degree in Classics from f f Wellesley College in 1945. Her love for the arts was ignited at an early age when her HONORING FIRST LIEUTENANT TRIBUTE TO ERICA EDWARD mother would take her to the symphony. Mrs. VERNELLA WELLS FOR HER Penson held numerous leadership positions DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT HON. HEATH SHULER such as co-founder of the Dallas Tennis Asso- TO THIS COUNTRY OF NORTH CAROLINA ciation, President of the Junior League, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES board member of the Dallas Bach Society, the HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Thursday, November 15, 2012 New Dallas Conservatory, and the Southern OF MISSISSIPPI Methodist University Meadows School of Arts. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to In addition to her passion for the arts and honor the members of my Congressional Staff Thursday, November 15, 2012 her many philanthropic efforts, Mrs. Penson who have served with me over the past six was an accomplished tennis player. She was Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- years while I have been in office. A Member nationally ranked #1 in Senior Women’s Ten- er, I rise to recognize a remarkable young of Congress’ most important responsibility is to nis and was inducted into the Texas Tennis woman, Lieutenant Vernella N. Wells of provide exceptional constituent services and Hall of Fame in 2002. Clarksdale, Mississippi. Born to the proud par- my Staff is second to none in providing the Mr. Speaker, I am saddened to lose such ents of Troy and Arcola Holmes, Wells has best assistance to everyone in our District. I an integral member of the Dallas community. dedicated her life to being a beacon of service take great pride in the work that each one has Her selfless contributions to arts and charity to her community and country. done on my behalf and on behalf of everyone groups have touched the lives of many. While First Lieutenant Wells began her military ca- in the 11th Congressional District of North the Dallas community will certainly miss Mrs. reer in August 2003 as a Private First Class Carolina. Penson, her memory will live on in the hearts in the Mississippi Army National Guard, as- Each District Staff member has shown a and minds of those whose lives she has signed to the 155th Heavy Brigade Combat strong sense of dedication in meeting the touched over the years. Team in Tupelo, Mississippi. Immediately after needs of each and every one of our constitu- f graduating high school, she was sent to Basic ents. They often go well beyond the call to Training followed by Advanced Individual make sure each constituent is treated fairly HONORING BLAKELY WHILDEN Training in Fort Lee, Virginia, before serving in and respectfully by our government agencies Operation Iraqi Freedom from September and that they receive appropriate resolution. I HON. HEATH SHULER 2004–January 2006. owe a debt of gratitude to each one of them OF NORTH CAROLINA Upon returning from Iraq, she enrolled at for the support and friendship which they have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the University of Mississippi and joined their shown me while I have served in Congress. Thursday, November 15, 2012 Army ROTC program, where she received a Erica Edwards has served as a member of Bachelor’s of Science degree in Exercise my District staff since October of 2008. Erica Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Science. provided valuable guidance to individuals honor the members of my Congressional Staff In 2010, Wells was commissioned as a 2nd seeking assistance from the Social Security who have served with me over the past six Lieutenant in the Mississippi Army National Administration. Erica’s background working years while I have been in office. A Member Guard and is currently assigned to the Adju- with the Department of Social Services at the of Congress’ most important responsibility is to tant General’s Branch, where she is the county level provided our constituents with an provide exceptional constituent services and Strength Manager and Company Executive additional level of expertise and hands-on ex- my team is second to none in providing the Officer for the 155th Brigade Combat Team of perience to effectively serve a broader spec- best assistance to all in our District. My Wash- Tupelo, Mississippi. trum of constituents in their greatest time of ington, D.C. office is also tasked with re- She is responsible for the overall readiness need. searching, processing, analyzing, and making of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Pro- Erica should be proud of the service she recommendations on an infinite number of re- gram in North Mississippi. Wells is also spear- has provided to our District and country. It has ports, policies, and legislation. I could not ask heading the development of a program that is been an honor to serve with Erica and as I re- for a more talented or dedicated team, and I designed to bring local community resources tire from office I wish her the very best in the take great pride in the work that each staff and volunteers in to help enrich the lives of future. Western North Carolina is a better member has done not only on my behalf, but the Citizen Soldiers on and off duty. place because of her efforts and I will cherish also on behalf of the 11th Congressional Dis- In addition to commitment towards her the memories of serving with Erica and the trict of North Carolina and the United States. country, Wells is also very active in her com- team by my side. My team has shown a strong sense of dedi- munity. Her humanitarian work has included; Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me cation to meeting the needs of our constitu- volunteering at the Veterans Administration in recognizing and thanking Erica Edwards for ency. I owe a debt of gratitude to each one of Nursing Home, Baptist Memorial HealthPlex, her hard work on behalf of all of Western them for the support and friendship they have Baptist Memorial Out-Patient Physical Therapy North Carolina and to wish her continued suc- shown me during my six years of service in Clinic, United Way of Oxford-Lafayette County cess in her future endeavors. the Congress. Food Pantry, the Special Olympics, Habitat for f Blakely Whilden was the Field Director for Humanity fundraising, and just recently as my first campaign in 2006. Following the cam- team leader for the ‘‘Big Event’’ community HONORING MRS. NANCY PENN paign she served as a member of my D.C. wide volunteer project. In addition, Wells is PENSON staff for much of my first term. Blakely helped currently pursuing a MBA with a concentration manage and organize the office, and always in Healthcare Administration. HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON with efficiency and friendliness. Having grown Lieutenant Wells has also garnered multiple OF TEXAS up in the 11th Congressional District, Blakely awards and decorations from her tireless ef- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was proud to help represent her hometown forts in the National Guard. Some of these District in our nation’s Capitol. She was espe- honors include the Army Commendation Thursday, November 15, 2012 cially passionate about issues surrounding Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. higher education and focused on policies that Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Mr. Speaker, I rise today in honor of the life would help to ensure that all students have Medal, Iraqi Campaign Medal with Campaign of Mrs. Nancy Penn Penson, a longtime lover access to a high-quality, affordable education.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15NO8.012 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1773 Blakely should be proud of the service she Liberty Elks Club, Liberty County Texas Farm Liz motivated others with her sense of has provided to our District and country. It has Bureau, Texas Thoroughbred Association and humor and radical, feminist spirit as she par- been an honor to serve with her and as I retire Southwest Cattle Raisers Association. He ticipated in the Gray Panthers, the ‘‘Do- from office I wish her the very best in the fu- started the Burnham Classic Golf Tournament Gooders’’ annual holiday luncheon benefitting ture. Western North Carolina is a better place which donated over $450,000 for South Lib- the local food banks and Old Broads for because of her efforts and I will cherish the erty State Center/Tri-County Services. The list Peace. Many on the coast remember Liz for memories of serving with Blakely and the of this model citizen’s accomplishments will the many years she authored her inspirational team by my side. have lasting effects on the city of Liberty and ‘‘Coasting’’ column in the Mendocino Beacon Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me surrounding areas. It is my hope that he will and her childhood reminiscences in her book, in recognizing and thanking Blakely Whilden be remembered as a true visionary and strong ‘‘Home of the Heart.’’ Liz loved her small town for her hard work on behalf of all of Western community supporter, and that others will fol- upbringing in South Dakota and told her family North Carolina and to wish her continued suc- low his lead. she never felt entirely at home again until she cess in her future endeavors. My thoughts are with the love of JC’s life, moved to the Mendocino Coast. f Kathleen—his wife of 21 years. They shared The Mendocino community showed its love the same passion for their community, their and respect for Liz by honoring her as Grand J.C. BURNHAM—TEXAN TO THE farm and their love of slow race horses. Last Marshal in both the Mendocino Fourth of July BONE spring, I visited JC at St. Luke’s in Houston and the Fort Bragg Paul Bunyan Days Pa- and I observed Kathleen in the caretaker role rades. HON. TED POE as she poured out her love, spirit and fight for She is survived by Ace, whom she referred OF TEXAS JC. The passing of JC has left a son and to as the ‘‘joint tenant’’ in her newspaper col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES daughter in mourning of their father—Bruce umns, by her children, Bill Irwin, an actor Burnham and Cyrese Jezek. His memory will Thursday, November 15, 2012 based in New York, his wife Martha Roth, Pat- live on, in the many lives he touched along the rick Irwin in Montreal and Nan Irwin, also living Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise today way. in New York, as well as two grandsons. to pay tribute to a dear friend, JC Burnham of On the evening of November 4, 2012, hun- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Liberty, Texas. A fine businessman, rancher, dreds of Liberty, Texas residents waited in line in recognizing and paying tribute to a friend, husband, father, friend and devoted family at the First United Methodist Church of Liberty outstanding community member and role man, who spent his entire life serving his com- to pay their respects to the family of this hon- model, Liz Irwin. munity while striving to make others happy. orable man. JC was a loyal friend to me, and The City of Liberty and, indeed, the entire although I am saddened by his loss, I feel f state of Texas lost a dedicated community very fortunate for the time and friendship we leader, as well as friend, on October 30, 2012. shared. He will be remembered by many as a HONORING EPSILON KAPPA KAPPA JC was born December 15, 1937, in Hous- devoted community leader, a genuine friend CHAPTER OF OMEGA PSI PHI ton, Texas. He was truly a remarkable Texan and a great Texan. FRATERNITY, INCORPORATED who achieved extraordinary things in his ca- And that’s just the way it is. FOR CONTINUED SERVICE TO reer and for his community. Hard work and f THEIR COMMUNITY love of his community earned him enduring re- IN MEMORY OF LIZ IRWIN OF spect amongst the many touched by his MENDOCINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON deeds. It is an honor to recognize the great OF MISSISSIPPI contributions that JC made to the city of Lib- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES erty, Liberty County, and the great State of HON. MIKE THOMPSON OF CALIFORNIA Thursday, November 15, 2012 Texas. As a child, JC began his working life at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Stubbs Grocery Store. In high school he was Thursday, November 15, 2012 er, I rise today to honor the Epsilon Kappa both a good student and athlete. He went on Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Kappa Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, to attend College at my alma mater, the Uni- I rise today to honor the memory of Liz Irwin, Incorporated. Chartered in 1994, the Epsilon versity of Houston. After graduation, JC got one of the Mendocino Coast’s most out- Kappa Kappa Chapter has been committed to his foot in the door in the auto industry by standing community leaders, who passed providing public service to Madison County, working in the mailroom at General Motors. away October 23, 2012, leaving an enduring Mississippi and surrounding areas. Through JC’s hard work and dedication he legacy in the fields of rural health care and the Epsilon Kappa Kappa Chapter has executed held eleven different positions within General needs of senior citizens. a number of ongoing service projects, includ- Motors, eventually owning his own dealership. Born on September 5, 1919 in Fort Pierre, ing community picnics, providing school sup- In 1973, he purchased Mearns Chevrolet in South Dakota, Liz grew up in South Dakota, plies to area schools, and working with Habitat Liberty, Texas, a close-knit city near Houston. went to Minnesota State College and then to for Humanity to build homes for families in For over 30 years, his family owned business, Colorado State College of Education, where need. In addition, the Epsilon Kappa Kappa thrived. He even added an Oldsmobile-Cad- she met her husband of 70 years, Horace Chapter has orchestrated an annual scholar- illac and a Buick-Pontiac-GMC store. JC was ‘‘Ace’’ Irwin. The couple moved to southern ship boat ride to benefit surrounding residents. a man of true character and a Liberty resident California where Ms. Irwin received a master’s Finally, this chapter has been a ray of hope for over 39 years, his Texas spirit and love of degree in speech at California State University for many low income families during the holi- the community made him a natural promoter Northridge. day season by providing aid to the residents. of Liberty, Texas. Liz was a teacher in Northridge and Long Epsilon Kappa Kappa Chapter has been Not only was JC a dedicated businessman, Beach before she and Ace retired to the named the ‘‘Chapter of the Year’’ for two con- he also had a long career in public service. Mendocino Coast in 1971. She immediately secutive years by Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Throughout the years, he assisted and was became an inspirational and dynamic force for Incorporated, State of Mississippi Organiza- recognized by numerous boards and organiza- change and social justice in this rural coastal tion, for superior service to the fraternity and tions. He was a past board member of the community, always with a twinkle in her eyes. their communities. Magnolia Ridge Country Club, Texas 4H Over the years she tackled tough issues, serv- In 2011, Omega Psi Phi fraternity celebrated Youth Development Foundation, Liberty Day- ing as the director of the Bea Erikson Senior 100 years of service at the local, national, and ton Hospital, Liberty County Central Appraisal Center for seven years to ensure seniors re- international levels. Epsilon Kappa Kappa District and the Sam Rayburn Municipal Power ceived the services they needed. She was Chapter are men of character and great faith. Agency. also on the Mendocino Coast District Hospital They envisioned a brotherhood founded upon Always understanding the importance of Board of Directors. One of her crowing Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Up- education and our nation’s youth, JC was a achievements was the initiation of Health lift. life time supporter of the Houston Livestock Watch, a group that persuaded the County Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Show and Rodeo, Trinity Valley Exposition Board of Supervisors to maintain health care in recognizing Epsilon Kappa Kappa Chapter and 4H Alumni Association. He served and on the coast by creating the Mendocino Coast of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated for supported the Liberty-Dayton Chamber of Clinics, where she was the first Chair of the their continued dedication towards serving Commerce, Liberty Rotary Club, 100 Club, Board of Directors, continuing until 2004. their community.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.050 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with E1774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2012 HONORING CHRISTY HAYEK So deep! SHIPLEY DONUTS And all of those families, who can now not together ever be! HON. TED POE HON. HEATH SHULER Ever be! OF TEXAS OF NORTH CAROLINA And all those children, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES whose mommies and daddies will never again Thursday, November 15, 2012 so see! Thursday, November 15, 2012 So see! Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, every Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Thank you! morning, at the crack of dawn, there’s a nos- honor the members of my Congressional Staff And for all of you heroes, talgic aroma of warm donuts, fresh out of the who have served with me over the past six for whom the battle does now so rage! oven, coming from a local Shipley Donuts. years while I have been in office. A Member Does rage! The smell takes me back through memories of Congress’ most important responsibility is to Who have so seen your Brothers and Sisters from when I was a boy, walking around the provide exceptional constituent services and In Arms so die, corner to a Shipley’s in Houston, Texas, my team is second to none in providing the with tears in eyes as all in your arms they reaching into my pockets for some spare best assistance to all in our District. My Wash- now so lay! So lay! change to buy a donut. It was such a treat. I ington, D.C. office is also tasked with re- can still remember when there were only a searching, processing, analyzing, and making And watch them so lose, their fine strong arms and legs! few Shipley’s in town. Only a few on each side recommendations on an infinite number of re- Arms and legs! of the city. And today, the evolution of this ports, policies, and legislation. I could not ask Teaching us all how heroes are made! once small donut shop continues to amaze for a more talented or dedicated team, and I Are made! me. take great pride in the work that each staff Thank you! The donut chain, now with more than 200 member has done not only on my behalf, but Thank you for all you gave! stores across the southern region of the also on behalf of the 11th Congressional Dis- You gave! United States, originated in Houston. In 1936, trict of North Carolina and the United States. And all of you who must now so rebuild, near the end of the Great Depression, Law- My team has shown a strong sense of dedi- where none lies left as all of the angels you rence Shipley, Sr. stirred up some special in- cation to meeting the needs of our constitu- so instill! gredients and came up with his very own rec- ency. I owe a debt of gratitude to each one of Instill! And all the ones who now must so awake, ipe for donuts. He cut them by hand and them for the support and friendship they have served them warm every day. There was no shown me during my six years of service in all in sweats in the middle of the night as do they! other way for him to serve the donuts but hot the Congress. Do they! and fresh. It was his secret to loyal customers Christy Hayek, a senior at American Univer- Who far across the shores, that would later grow his business. sity, joined the D.C. office as an intern in April must live without loved ones in arms on each Mr. Shipley became Houston’s go-to man of this year. Christy proved to be a quick new day! for donuts. People couldn’t get enough; his learner and has done an exemplary job in as- New day! donuts were such a hot commodity around the sisting my Washington office fulfill its daily re- Thank You one and all in every way, city that they began to sell in the retail mar- sponsibilities. Articulate, intelligent and friend- words can not all you repay! kets in the 1940s. Through Mr. Shipley’s ly, Christy is often the first point of contact Repay! strong vision of becoming a place for families constituents have with my office when they And all of those, to gather and enjoy a warm donut over a good visit or call in need of assistance, and she who must now so live with the scars of war! conversation, that is what Shipley Donuts be- handles each request with poise. I am con- Of war! came. fident that when Christy graduates she will Who come home with PTSD, When customers walked into the store, their and so much more! eyes instantly traveled to the trays of fresh succeed in whatever path she decides to pur- So much more! sue. Carrying those dreaded dark scars of war! glazed, chocolate, strawberry, and golden Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Of war! glazed twist donuts behind the glass counters. in recognizing and thanking Christy Hayek for Who for all of us have so fought for! The sweet smell of the round pieces of bread her hard work on behalf of all of Western Fought for! filled the air in the mornings and brought peo- North Carolina and to wish her continued suc- But For The Greater Good, ple in the shop. It was a well-known smell that cess in her future endeavors. our most blessed freedoms do so insure! people couldn’t resist. When Mr. Shipley, Sr. f So insure! passed away, his special recipe lived on Thank you, through his son, Lawrence Shipley, Jr. He HONORING VETERANS AND THE one and all the more! grew his family’s business from just one store ARMED FORCES For there are not greater Americans, to several in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, than you and your loved ones all the more! Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas, with 86 in The more! the Houston area alone. HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK Is that not what heaven is for? OF PENNSYLAVNIA Together with his son, Lawrence W. Ship- Is for! ley, III, Shipley Jr. perfected the donut and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES So on this Veteran’s day, branched out to making kolaches, now one of Thursday, November 15, 2012 fall to your knees and pray! And pray! their signature products. Shipley, III, is cur- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, in honor of And thank all of those members and fami- rently president of the Shipley Donuts com- Veterans Day, I rise to honor all Veterans and lies, pany and strives to maintain the same gour- the men and women of The Armed Forces of The Armed Forces who such magnificence met donut products his grandfather worked and their families with a poetic tribute ‘‘Thank do so display! hard to perfect for many years. And it wasn’t You’’ penned by Albert Carey Caswell. Display! something that happened overnight. THANK YOU And remember why you are free this day! Shipley Donut means more than just a This day! warm, glazed donut that slowly and sweetly Thank . . . And why your children in such a great coun- Thank you . . . dissolves in my mouth after every bite. This try can so awake! Thank you, fine company represents community, a strong for all of your hearts so deep! Awake!. business, and quality service. Of course, the So deep! For all they ask, irresistible, sweet smell of the donuts baking Thank you, is for you to stand behind them each day! inside is what brings people inside, but cus- In your hearts, for all of your promises you did so keep! tomers are also always greeted with a warm So keep! make each day . . . Veterans Day! And remember the cost of freedom, smile behind the counter of donuts upon en- And all of you, tering. And although it is a true Texas tradi- who so bled for you and me! with each step you take! You and me! You take! tion, it is a model for businesses in the Hous- And to all those Mothers who now so weep! Because the cost of Freedom, ton area and states across the southern line of So weep! is not Free! the country. And all of those Fathers, Not Free! Shipley products are not only a Texas tradi- whose pain now runs so very deep! Thank You! tion but are also a personal tradition for me.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.053 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1775

When I drive down North Park Drive and pass STARK on the occasion of the East Bay Bicycle HONORING JULIE B. FAGAN (U.S. a local store, the smell tempts me every time. Coalition’s 40th anniversary celebration. In its DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND I reflect on my childhood and can’t help the 40 years of bicycle advocacy, the East Bay Bi- URBAN DEVELOPMENT, CON- urge to pull into what is now a Shipley Donuts cycle Coalition has garnered an impressive list NECTICUT) ON HER RETIREMENT drive thru. A trip to the donut shop is a per- of victories and a vast network of supporters sonal tradition that I’ve passed onto my family, working toward the shared goal of promoting HON. JOHN B. LARSON too. When my grandchildren tug away at my cycling as a sustainable, healthy, and safe OF CONNECTICUT sleeve, begging me for a sweet treat, I tell IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES them I know exactly the place to go. form of transport in the San Francisco Bay And that’s just the way it is. Area. Thursday, November 15, 2012 f On March 20, 1972, a group of cyclists cre- Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, I ated the East Bay Bicycle Coalition as a non- rise today to honor Julie Fagan, a dedicated HONORING WOODY profit bicycle advocacy group with the simple public servant, who will be retiring at the end mission of promoting bicycling for people of all of this month. After 23 years of service with the U.S. De- HON. HEATH SHULER ages and abilities in Alameda and Contra OF NORTH CAROLINA partment of Housing and Urban Development, Costa Counties of California. One of the orga- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Julie B. Fagan is set to retire effective Novem- nization’s first battles was for bicycle access ber 30th. Julie is currently the Field Office Di- Thursday, November 15, 2012 on the then-new San Francisco Bay Area rector of the Hartford Field Office for the U.S. Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Rapid Transit (BART) system. By 1975, the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- honor several of the volunteers who have coalition had succeeded in that goal and ment. She was previously the Director of the served in my District office over the past six paved the way for BART’s continued reputa- HUD Salt Lake City Field Office and the na- years while I have been in office. A Member tion as one of the most bike-friendly transit tional director overseeing the Public and As- of Congress’ most important responsibility is to agencies in the country. sisted Housing Drug Elimination Program in provide exceptional constituent services and Washington, DC. She also served on the sen- these volunteers have assisted my staff in pro- During the past 40 years, the East Bay Bi- ior management team for Governor Roy viding the excellent assistance so many have cycle Coalition has also worked to expand and Romer (D) of Colorado. come to expect from our District. I take great establish bikeways on Bay Area bridges, stripe Julie started her career at HUD following pride in the work that each one has done on hundreds of miles of bike lanes in East Bay her passion to fight drug use in public and as- my behalf and on behalf of everyone in the cities, and complete 244 miles of the San sisted housing. During her career she has 11th Congressional District of North Carolina. Francisco Bay Trail. The organization’s mem- played a critical role in preserving and rede- These volunteers have always treated our bers have worked tirelessly for access to veloping critical Federal public housing prop- constituents with the utmost respect and al- urban bicycle parking, inclusion of bicycle erties all over Connecticut, particularly in Hart- ways made sure their needs were met in a pathways in local and regional transit plans, ford, New Haven and Bridgeport. Julie has timely fashion. I owe a debt of gratitude to and to establish an annual ‘‘Bike-to-Work Day’’ also made it a top priority in her time as direc- each one of them for the support and friend- tor of the Connecticut HUD office to collabo- throughout the East Bay. ship they have shown to me during my years rate with her peer Federal, State and local of service in Congress. With growing awareness that an ever-in- agencies. She has greatly improved the hous- Billy Woody has served in numerous roles creasing number of individual automobile com- ing landscape for the people of Connecticut by as a volunteer in our District office. As retired muters is neither sustainable nor responsible, initiating many vital working relationships with military himself, Billy took special interest in there has been a national movement towards government, non-profit and private organiza- making sure our veterans received exceptional alternative forms of transportation. Thanks in tions that play a role in housing the people of representation as they sought needed benefits great part to the work of the East Bay Bicycle Connecticut. In addition, Julie has been a through the Veterans Administration. I could Coalition, our East Bay Congressional districts leader in Connecticut by helping residents always count on a warm smile and kind words navigate the challenges presented by the fore- are leading the way in this trend, with four cit- of affirmation each time I interacted with Billy. closure crisis. Her leadership and ability to I know our local veterans share my sense of ies certified ‘‘bike-friendly’’ by the League of train her staff to accommodate the many gratitude and recognize Billy’s dedication for American Bicyclists—Oakland, Emeryville, changes in the housing market allowed for always putting them first and for making their Brentwood and Alameda. Berkeley, in my dis- constituents to have their needs addressed in mission his own. trict, ranks fourth in the nation amongst cities as timely and professional a manner as pos- Billy should be proud of the service he has with the highest number of people bicycling. sible. Julie is looking forward to spending provided to our District and country. It has We are pleased to see the role that federal more time with her husband Jack, her five been an honor to serve with him and as I re- investment has played in promoting and sus- wonderful children and nine grandchildren. tire from office I wish him the very best in the I applaud her hard work, time and dedica- taining this transportation shift, beginning in future. Western North Carolina is a better tion in serving the State of Connecticut and place because of his efforts and I will cherish 1991 with the walking and biking provisions of the country and thank her for her years of the memories of serving with Billy and the the Intermodal Surface Transportation Act. My public service that has helped so many fami- team by my side. colleagues and I look forward to continuing to lies. I know that our office will miss working Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me work with the East Bay Bicycle Coalition and with Julie and we wish her and her family all in recognizing and thanking Billy Woody for their allies around the country as we prepare the best. his hard work on behalf of all of western North in the coming years to develop a long-term f Carolina and to wish him continued success in Federal Transportation Bill that works for ev- HONORING BETH TIELKE his future endeavors. eryone, including those who find the bicycle to f be a clean, healthy, and enjoyable form of HON. ADRIAN SMITH IN RECOGNITION OF THE EAST transportation. OF NEBRASKA BAY BICYCLE COALITION’S 40TH Therefore, on behalf of the residents of Cali- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ANNIVERSARY fornia’s 9th, 7th, 10th, 11th, and 13th districts, Thursday, November 15, 2012 we pay tribute to the East Bay Bicycle Coali- HON. BARBARA LEE tion in recognition of their 40th anniversary. Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, I rise OF CALIFORNIA We ask our colleagues to join with us in con- today to honor Beth Tielke and the many vol- unteers working with her to improve the lives IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gratulating the East Bay Bicycle Coalition for of Nebraskans and our servicemen and Thursday, November 15, 2012 its continued leadership and commitment to women. Beth is a well known small business- Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise making the East Bay a wonderful place to woman from O’Neill, Nebraska. She has today with my East Bay colleagues, Rep- ride, and we wish them success in the coming owned a store, several restaurants, and a resentatives GEORGE MILLER, JOHN years. sandwich business. Her children now run GARAMENDI, JERRY MCNERNEY, and PETE these businesses, but Beth continues to work

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15NO8.014 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with E1776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2012 and devotes a significant amount of her time TRIBUTE TO LT. BOBBY PRICE Your hard work and decades of effort cul- running Nebraska Troop Support and Share minated in this beautiful Cathedral, St. Sava. Our Dream. HON. BOB FILNER It demonstrates to your community and to Through Nebraska Troop Support, Beth as- OF CALIFORNIA people of faith throughout our area the dedica- sembles care packages for our soldiers, vet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion by people of faith, to honor their beliefs erans and their families. She solicits small do- Thursday, November 15, 2012 and holy traditions. I am particularly moved by nations and gifts which are sent in about 40 the timeline of over 40 years to establish the care packages each month to let all of our Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker and colleagues, I first place of worship until the Cathedral’s final servicemembers know how much their sac- rise today to honor a great friend, an honor- completion—from 1912 to 1958. I wondered rifice is appreciated. able man and a tireless champion for all vet- about this significant period of time and then Share Our Dream, also run by Beth, has erans, Lt. Bobby Price. Bobby passed away realized that your grandfathers, fathers, sons, benefitted more than 1600 Nebraskans with on November 2, 2012 after many years bat- brothers and husbands, all who could serve, small gifts such as cookies, flowers, and short tling cancer. indeed did serve our country in two World Throughout his 24 years of active duty serv- notes to lift the spirit of someone in need. Wars. It is a sacrifice that must always be ice in the U.S. Navy, Bobby demonstrated tre- While most of the costs have been paid by honored and remembered; a sacrifice that mendous zeal for getting the job done. As an Beth, the organization has made it possible for many American immigrants have made in our advocate for veterans he brought the same local businesses and citizens to donate small history. We are so very proud and grateful to zeal towards fighting on behalf of veterans items to help their neighbors. These small acknowledge this commitment. and he never let up. He never gave up. His gestures not only bring smiles, but also renew You have accomplished much my friends. heart was in it all the way. You have worked in our factories, our brew- the spirit of giving in our State. Mr. Speaker, I often credit Bobby with in- eries, legislatures, schools and medical facili- I hope all of my colleagues will join me in forming me of everything I needed to know to ties to advance our city, state and country. We honoring Beth Tielke and her selfless work to fight on behalf of veterans. He spent many, have all found a home at Serb Hall that was bring joy to our troops, veterans, military fami- many hours going over everything that needed established by the St. Sava community as a lies and all Nebraskans. to be done legislatively, educating me on what welcoming place for all; it has served as a veterans have to confront as individuals and meeting place for Presidents, Senators, Con- f how much we owe to them. His ambitious gressmen, Congresswomen and elected lead- goals really personify what it means to be a TRIBUTE TO DON ARTHUR ers from all levels of government. You have champion for veterans. I hope through my MCGRIFF shared in and contributed to the economic and work I was able justify his confidence in me. political life of our community. Bobby has received scores of awards rec- October 7, 2012, was a day for St. Sava HON. JO BONNER ognizing his tremendous service throughout members to celebrate a work well done and to OF ALABAMA his life—including 2007 San Diego County consider the challenges ahead. Mr. Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Veteran of the Year. He was President of the for these reasons, I am honored to pay tribute nonprofit Chula Vista Veterans Home Support Thursday, November 15, 2012 to St. Sava Orthodox Cathedral’s 100th Anni- Foundation at the time of his death, having versary. I extend my heartfelt thanks and deep Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay served on the charity’s board for six years. tribute to the memory of a beloved and re- He was active in the VFW and other vet- appreciation for all they have done to enhance spected Alabaman who passed away on Octo- eran’s organizations locally, statewide, and na- the quality of life throughout the Fourth Con- ber 2, 2012, at the age of 70. Don McGriff tionally. Many of my successes on behalf of gressional District. I look forward to the Ser- was a devoted public servant and a tireless veterans came about because of Bobby bian community’s continued involvement and advocate for safer communities at the state Price’s suggestions. He would say: ‘‘We got to leadership for many years to come. and local level. do this. We got to do that. We can’t have this f Don McGriff was born in Mobile on April 22, offset. We have to do this!’’ I listened to every PERSONAL EXPLANATION 1942. He was a graduate of Murphy High word, most of which we tried to enact. Bobby, School, the University of South Alabama, and I will miss you and I appreciate everything you the Jones School of Law at Faulkner Univer- did every single day. HON. BILL JOHNSON sity. Don also served his country honorably in Bobby is survived by his wife, Julia; his OF OHIO the United States Marine Corps. sons, Paul Hoch, Russ Price, Marcus Bush IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Active in state and local politics, Don was and Adam Price; and daughter Adriana Bush. Thursday, November 15, 2012 Another daughter, Jennifer Crane, preceded the Republican Nominee for Alabama Lieuten- Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, on him in death. He has five grandchildren, with ant Governor against Democrat Jim Folsom, rollcall No. 604 I was unavoidably detained another due soon. Jr. in 1986. He served as Chairman of the and therefore was unable to vote. Had I been Bobby will be truly missed by all who were Baldwin County Republican Party and on the present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ Baldwin County School Board. touched by his love for life and his passion for f Don’s reputation for fairness also earned his fellow veterans. him bipartisan respect in Montgomery. In f RECOGNIZING MS. KAREN THOMAS 2004, Governor Bob Riley appointed him to A TRIBUTE TO ST. SAVA SERBIAN serve on the newly expanded Alabama Board ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL ON ITS HON. JO ANN EMERSON of Pardons and Paroles. 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF MISSOURI His long political career also included runs IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for State Senate and State Representative in Baldwin County and service as an assistant HON. GWEN MOORE Thursday, November 15, 2012 OF WISCONSIN district attorney. Mrs. EMERSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Don’s public service was marked by his un- to recognize Ms. Karen Thomas, a member of wavering dedication to fighting crime as well Thursday, November 15, 2012 the professional staff of the House Appropria- as the rehabilitation of those convicted of Ms. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of tions Subcommittee on Financial Services and crimes. Don was a founding board member of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral. I was General Government, and to congratulate her We Care Prison Ministries and the Lovelady so pleased to join members, friends and the on her retirement at the end of this year. Center. He was a charter member of the community on October 7, 2012, to celebrate Karen has made invaluable contributions to Fairhope Sunset Rotary Club and a Paul Har- 100 years of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Ca- the function of the Subcommittee, and she will ris Fellow. thedral as a congregation. be greatly missed by the Members and her On behalf of the people of Alabama, I offer It was also a time to give thanks for the colleagues. condolence to his wife of 46 years, Jeanne spiritual leadership, generosity, dedication, During her nearly 40-year tenure in federal Kelly; their son, Kelly; their daughter, Heather; and the sacrifices made by generations of government, Karen has served in all three their eight grandchildren and their entire family your faithful members. Your congregation has branches: In the Executive Branch for the U.S. and many friends You are all in our thoughts contributed much to the religious, social, cul- Department of Transportation and the U.S. and prayers. tural and civic life of this city. Department of Commerce, in the Judiciary for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:13 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.058 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1777 the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, ringing phones or all-night weekend workdays. shown me during my six years of service in and in the Legislative Branch as a detailee for Thank you, Karen, and God bless. the Congress. the Appropriations Committee. Throughout her Andrew Whalen helped run my very first f federal service, Karen has developed budgets, campaign and played an instrumental role in planned expenditures, facilitated transparency HONORING ANDREW WHALEN my election to Congress. Following the cam- and fostered a team approach to solving some paign, Andrew served as a member of my of the most difficult problems faced by agen- HON. HEATH SHULER D.C. staff as Communications Director. With cies. Andrew’s talent for grasping the breadth and OF NORTH CAROLINA As a member of the Appropriations Commit- complexities of the day’s leading issues, to- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tee’s professional staff, Karen is a source of gether we were able to sift through some of reliable information and trustworthy counsel. Thursday, November 15, 2012 the most intricate legislation of the decade. She approaches her job seriously, and she Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Then, after successfully running my first re- takes to heart the consequences of the deci- election campaign, Andrew returned to the of- sions made in Congress for the public serv- honor the members of my Congressional Staff who have served with me over the past six fice to serve as my Senior Advisor for Policy ants at dozens of federal agencies as well as and Communications. Andrew was an excep- the Americans who depend upon their good years while I have been in office. A Member of Congress’ most important responsibility is to tional member of my staff in every position work. that he held, and his political acumen and Most of all, Karen’s can-do attitude, her provide exceptional constituent services and masterful communication skills continued to be bright smile and warm welcomes, and her will- my team is second to none in providing the invaluable assets. ingness to go the extra mile to get the an- best assistance to all in our District. My Wash- swers not just right—but exactly right—have ington, D.C. office is also tasked with re- Andrew should be proud of the service he been instrumental to the proper functioning of searching, processing, analyzing, and making has provided to our District and country. It has the Subcommittee on Financial Services and recommendations on an infinite number of re- been an honor to serve with him and as I re- General Government Appropriations during my ports, policies, and legislation. I could not ask tire from office I wish him the very best in the two years as Chair. She will be greatly for a more talented or dedicated team, and I future. Western North Carolina is a better missed, and her presence and many note- take great pride in the work that each staff place because of his efforts and I will cherish worthy contributions to the work product of the member has done not only on my behalf, but the memories of serving with Andrew and the Subcommittee will not soon be forgotten. also on behalf of the 11th Congressional Dis- team by my side. I encourage my colleagues to join me in trict of North Carolina and the United States. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me thanking her for her excellent work and in My team has shown a strong sense of dedi- in recognizing and thanking Andrew Whalen wishing her well in a satisfying, hard-earned cation to meeting the needs of our constitu- for his hard work on behalf of all of Western retirement, one in which there are no budget ency. I owe a debt of gratitude to each one of North Carolina and to wish him continued suc- cycles, appropriations deadlines, constantly- them for the support and friendship they have cess in his future endeavors.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.063 E15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with Thursday, November 15, 2012 Daily Digest

HIGHLIGHTS Senate agreed to S. Con. Res. 60, Adjournment Resolution. Senate holiday season for charitable purposes in Senate Chamber Action buildings. Page S6871 Routine Proceedings, pages S6829–S6873 Congratulating the San Francisco Giants: Sen- Measures Introduced: Five bills and four resolu- ate agreed to S. Res. 598, commending and con- tions were introduced, as follows: S. 3631–3635, S. gratulating the San Francisco Giants for winning the Res. 597–599, and S. Con. Res. 60. Page S6855 2012 World Series. Pages S6871–72 Measures Passed: Support of the State of Israel: Senate agreed to PREEMIE Reauthorization Act: Senate passed S. S. Res. 599, expressing vigorous support and unwav- 1440, to reduce preterm labor and delivery and the ering commitment to the welfare, security, and sur- risk of pregnancy-related deaths and complications vival of the State of Israel as a Jewish and demo- due to pregnancy, and to reduce infant mortality cratic state with secure borders, and recognizing and caused by prematurity, after agreeing to the com- strongly supporting its right to act in self-defense to mittee amendment in the nature of a substitute, and protect its citizens against acts of terrorism. the following amendment proposed thereto: Page S6872 Pages S6868–70 Adjournment Resolution: Senate agreed to S. Landrieu (for Alexander) Amendment No. 2926, Con. Res. 60, providing for a conditional adjourn- to strike provisions relating to the National Insti- ment or recess of the Senate and an adjournment of tutes of Health. Pages S6869–70 the House of Representatives. Pages S6872–73 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of Measures Considered: 2009 and the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: Senate passed H.R. 6570, to amend the National Defense Authorization Act: Senate American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 began consideration of the motion to proceed to con- and the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of sideration of S. 3254, to authorize appropriations for 2008 to consolidate certain CBO reporting require- fiscal year 2013 for military activities of the Depart- ments. Page S6870 ment of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week: Com- prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions year. Pages S6829–30 was discharged from further consideration of S. Res. 490, designating the week of September 16, 2012, Sportsmen’s Act—Agreement: Senate resumed as ‘‘Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week’’, re- consideration of S. 3525, to protect and enhance op- affirming the importance of an enhanced and coordi- portunities for recreational hunting, fishing, and nated research effort on mitochondrial diseases, and shooting, and taking action on the following mo- commending the National Institutes of Health for tions and amendments proposed thereto: its efforts to improve the understanding of Pages S6830–48 mitochondrial diseases, and the resolution was then Pending: agreed to. Pages S6870–71 Reid (for Tester) Amendment No. 2875, in the Charitable Donations in Senate Buildings: Sen- nature of a substitute. Page S6830 ate agreed to S. Res. 597, to permit the collection Reid Amendment No. 2876 (to Amendment No. of clothing, toys, food, and housewares during the 2875), to change the enactment date. Page S6830 D953

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:36 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15NO2.REC D15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST November 15, 2012 Reid Amendment No. 2877 (to Amendment No. November 20, 2012, at 12 p.m.; and Friday, No- 2876), of a perfecting nature. Page S6830 vember 23, 2012, at 3 p.m.; and that the Senate ad- Reid Amendment No. 2878 (to the language pro- journ on Friday, November 23, 2012, until 2 p.m., posed to be stricken by Amendment No. 2875), to on Monday, November 26, 2012, unless the Senate change the enactment date. Page S6830 has received a message from the House of Represent- Reid Amendment No. 2879 (to Amendment No. atives that it has adopted S. Con. Res. 60, which is 2878), of a perfecting nature. Page S6830 the adjournment resolution, and if the Senate has re- During consideration of this measure today, Senate ceived such a message, Senate adjourn until Monday, also took the following action: November 26, 2012, at 2 p.m., under the provisions By 84 yeas to 12 nays (Vote No. 203), three-fifths of S. Con. Res. 60; and that the Majority Leader be of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, having recognized. Page S6873 voted in the affirmative, Senate agreed to the motion to close further debate on the bill. Pages S6830–31 Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- Reid Motion to commit the bill to the Committee lowing nominations: on Energy and Natural Resources, with instructions, Martin J. Gruenberg, of Maryland, to be Chair- Reid Amendment No. 2880, to change the enact- person of the Board of Directors of the Federal De- ment date, fell when cloture was invoked on the bill. posit Insurance Corporation for a term of five years. Page S6830 Thomas Hoenig, of Missouri, to be Vice Chair- Reid Amendment No. 2881 (to (the instructions) person of the Board of Directors of the Federal De- Amendment No. 2880), of a perfecting nature, fell posit Insurance Corporation. Pages S6868, S6873 when Reid Amendment No. 2880 fell. Page S6830 Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- Reid Amendment No. 2882 (to Amendment No. lowing nominations: 2881), of a perfecting nature, fell when Reid Robert F. Cohen, Jr., of West Virginia, to be a Amendment No. 2881 fell. Page S6830 Member of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Re- A unanimous-consent-time agreement was reached view Commission for a term of six years expiring providing that on Monday, November 26, 2012, it be in order for Senator Sessions, or his designee, to August 30, 2018. be recognized in order to raise a Budget Act point Timothy J. Feighery, of New York, to be Chair- of order against Reid (for Tester) Amendment No. man of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission 2875 (listed above), and that it be in order for Sen- of the United States for a term expiring September ator Reid, or his designee, to make a motion to 30, 2015. waive the point of order; that at 5:30 p.m. on Mon- William S. Greenberg, of New Jersey, to be a day, November 26, 2012, Senate vote on the motion Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for Vet- to waive, if raised; that if the motion to waive is erans Claims for the term of fifteen years. Page S6873 successful, Reid Amendment No. 2876, Reid Messages from the House: Page S6852 Amendment No. 2877, Reid Amendment No. 2878, Measures Referred: Page S6852 and Reid Amendment No. 2879 be withdrawn, en bloc; Reid (for Tester) Amendment No. 2875 be Executive Communications: Pages S6852–55 agreed to; that no further amendments or motions be Additional Cosponsors: Pages S6855–56 in order prior to a vote on passage of the bill; and Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Senate vote on passage of S. 3525, as amended, with no intervening action or debate; and if the motion Pages S6856–59 to waive is not successful, the Majority Leader be Additional Statements: Pages S6850–52 recognized. Page S6841 Amendments Submitted: Pages S6859–61 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- viding that all post-cloture time on the bill be con- Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S6861 sidered expired at 5:30 p.m., on Monday, November Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. 26, 2012, and Senate proceed under the previous (Total—203) Pages S6830–31 order. Page S6873 Adjournment: Senate convened at 9 a.m. and ad- Pro Forma Sessions–Agreement: A unanimous- journed, pursuant to the provisions of S. Con. Res. consent agreement was reached providing that the 60, at 6:01 p.m., until 9:30 a.m. on Friday, Novem- Senate convene for pro forma sessions only, with no ber 16, 2012 (Unless the Senate has received a mes- business conducted, on the following dates and sage from the House of Representatives that the times, and that following each pro forma session, House has adopted S. Con. Res. 60, Adjournment Senate adjourn until the next pro forma session: Fri- Resolution. And if the Senate has received such a day, November 16, 2012, at 9:30 a.m.; Tuesday, message, the Senate stand adjourned until 2 p.m., on

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:36 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15NO2.REC D15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D955 Monday, November 26, 2012). (For Senate’s pro- from Beth Bell, Director, National Center for gram, see the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases, Centers for Disease in today’s Record on page S6873.) Control and Prevention, and Margaret A. Hamburg, Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Food and Drug Committee Meetings Administration, both of the Department of Health and Human Services; Lauren Smith, Massachusetts (Committees not listed did not meet) Department of Public Health Interim Commissioner, Boston; Marion Kainer, Tennessee Department of NOMINATION Health Healthcare Associated Infections and Anti- Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a microbial Resistance Program Director, Nashville; hearing to examine the nomination of General Jo- David Miller, International Academy of seph F. Dunford, Jr., USMC for reappointment to Compounding Pharmacists, Missouri City, Texas; the grade of general and to be Commander, Inter- and Kasey Thompson, American Society of Health- national Security Assistance Force, and to be Com- System Pharmacists, Bethesda, Maryland. mander, U.S. Forces, Afghanistan, after the nominee INTELLIGENCE testified and answered questions in his own behalf. Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT ACT hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony Committee on Environment and Public Works: Com- from officials of the intelligence community. mittee concluded a hearing to examine an original Committee recessed subject to the call. bill entitled, ‘‘Water Resources Development Act of PREVENTING ELDER FINANCIAL ABUSE 2012’’, after receiving testimony from Stephen Cur- tis, American Society of Civil Engineers, Wash- Special Committee on Aging: Committee concluded a ington, D.C.; Terrence Sullivan, The Nature Conser- hearing to examine preventing elder financial abuse, vancy, Providence, Rhode Island; Amy W. Larson, including strengthening efforts to combat elder fi- National Waterways Conference, Inc., Arlington, nancial exploitation, after receiving testimony from Virginia; and Dusty Williams, National Association Kay E. Brown, Director, Education, Workforce, and of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies Income Security, Government Accountability Office; (NAFSMA), Riverside, California. Hubert H. Humphrey III, Assistant Director, Office for Older Americans, Consumer Financial Protection PHARMACY COMPOUNDING AND Bureau; Frank W. Abagnale, Frank W. Abagnale MENINGITIS OUTBREAK and Associates, and Paul Smocer, BITS, on behalf of Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: the Financial Services Roundtable, both of Wash- Committee concluded a hearing to examine phar- ington, D.C.; and Paul R. Greenwood, San Diego macy compounding, focusing on implications of the District Attorney’s Office Elder Abuse Prosecution 2012 meningitis outbreak, after receiving testimony Unit, San Diego, California. h House of Representatives Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he Chamber Action appointed Representative Farenthold to act as Speak- Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 3 public er pro tempore for today. Page H6371 bills, H.R. 6590–6592; and 4 resolutions, H. Res. Recess: The House recessed at 10:50 a.m. and re- 809–812 were introduced. Pages H6396–97 convened at 12 noon. Page H6377 Additional Cosponsors: Page H6397 Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the guest chap- Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: lain, Reverend Dr. Alan Keiran, Office of the United H.R. 1206, to amend title XXVII of the Public States Senate. Page H6377 Health Service Act to preserve consumer and em- ployer access to licensed independent insurance pro- Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act ducers (H. Rept. 112–694) and S. 285, for the relief of 2012—Rule for Consideration: The House of Sopuruchi Chukwueke, with an amendment (H. agreed to H. Res. 808, the rule that is providing for Rept. 112–695). Page H6396

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:36 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15NO2.REC D15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST November 15, 2012 consideration of H.R. 6156, to authorize the exten- sion of nondiscriminatory treatment (normal trade Committee Meetings relations treatment) to products of the Russian Fed- BENGHAZI AND BEYOND eration and Moldova and to require reports on the Committee on Foreign Affairs: Full Committee held a compliance of the Russian Federation with its obli- hearing entitled ‘‘Benghazi and Beyond: What Went gations as a member of the World Trade Organiza- Wrong on September 11, 2012 and How to Prevent tion, by a recorded vote of 253 ayes to 150 noes, it from Happening at other Frontline Posts’’. Testi- Roll No. 606, after the previous question was or- mony was heard from Michael Courts, Acting Direc- dered by a yea-and-nay vote of 243 yeas to 164 nays, tor, International Affairs and Trade, Government Ac- Roll No. 605. Pages H6380–88, H6389–90 countability Office; and public witnesses. Recess: The House recessed at 1:26 p.m. and recon- WMD TERRORISM: ASSESSING THE vened at 5:05 p.m. Page H6387 CONTINUED HOMELAND THREAT Oath of Office—Tenth Congressional District of Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on New Jersey: Representative-elect Donald M. Payne, Counterterrorism and Intelligence held a hearing en- Jr. presented himself in the well of the House and titled ‘‘WMD Terrorism: Assessing the Continued was administered the Oath of Office by the Speaker. Homeland Threat’’. Testimony was heard from pub- Earlier, the Clerk of the House transmitted a lic witnesses. scanned copy of a letter from the Honorable Kim- TSA’S RECENT SCANNER SHUFFLE berly M. Guadagno, Lieutenant Governor/Secretary Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on of State, State of New Jersey, indicating that, accord- Transportation Security held a hearing entitled ing to the unofficial returns of the Special Election ‘‘TSA’s Recent Scanner Shuffle: Real Strategy or held November 6, 2012, the Honorable Donald M. Wasteful Smokescreen?’’. Testimony was heard from Payne, Jr. was elected Representative to Congress for Jonathan Cantor, Acting Chief Privacy, Department the Tenth Congressional District, State of New Jer- of Homeland Security; and John Sanders, Assistant sey. Pages H6388–89, H6395 Administrator, Office of Security Capabilities, Trans- Whole Number of the House: The Speaker an- portation Security Administration. nounced to the House that, in light of the adminis- U.S. ANTARCTIC PROGRAM: ACHIEVING tration of the oath to the gentleman from New Jer- FISCAL AND LOGISTICAL EFFICIENCY sey, the whole number of the House is 434. WHILE SUPPORTING SOUND SCIENCE Page H6389 Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Full Com- Moment of Silence: The House observed a moment mittee held a hearing entitled ‘‘The U.S. Antarctic of silence in honor of the victims of Hurricane Program: Achieving Fiscal and Logistical Efficiency Sandy. Page H6390 While Supporting Sound Science’’. Testimony was Suspension—Proceedings Resumed: The House heard from Norman R. Augustine, Chair, U.S. Ant- agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following arctic Program Blue Ribbon Panel; Subra Suresh, Director, National Science Foundation; Duncan J. measure which was debated yesterday, November McNabb, Member, U.S. Antarctic Program Blue 14th: Ribbon Panel; and Warren M. Zapol, Chair, Com- Mark Twain Commemorative Coin Act: Concur mittee on Future Science Opportunities in Antarctica in the Senate amendments to H.R. 2453, to require and the Southern Ocean, National Research Council. the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in com- REVIEW OF VETERANS EMPLOYMENT memoration of Mark Twain, by a 2⁄3 yea-and-nay CHALLENGES AND INITIATIVES OF THE vote of 370 yeas to 19 nays, Roll No. 607. 112TH CONGRESS Pages H6390–91 Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Subcommittee on Eco- Senate Message: Message received from the Senate nomic Opportunity held a hearing entitled ‘‘Review today appears on page H6371. of Veterans Employment Challenges and Initiatives Quorum Calls—Votes: Two yea-and-nay votes and of the 112th Congress’’. Testimony was heard from one recorded vote developed during the proceedings John K. Moran, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Op- of today and appear on pages H6388, H6389–90, erations & Management, Veterans’ Employment and H6391. There were no quorum calls. Training Service, Department of Labor; Curtis L. Coy, Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Oppor- Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- tunity, Veterans Benefits Administration, Depart- journed at 6:51 p.m. ment of Veterans Affairs; Eliseo ‘‘Al’’ Cantu, Jr.,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:36 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15NO2.REC D15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST November 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D957 Chair, Texas Veterans Commission; and Abraham J. ports Authority (MWAA): A Review of the Department Turner, Chair, Veterans Affairs Committee, National of Transportation Inspector General’s Findings and Rec- Association of State Workforce Agencies, Executive ommendations’’, 9 a.m., 2167 Rayburn. Director, South Carolina Department of Employment House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Full and Workforce. Committee, hearing on ongoing intelligence activities, 7:30 a.m., HVC–304. This is a closed hearing. ONGOING INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES Joint Meetings House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Full Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: to re- Committee held a hearing on ongoing intelligence ceive a briefing on assessing Ukraine’s parliamentary elec- activities. This was a closed hearing. tions, focusing on the lack of a level playing field, 10 a.m., B318, Rayburn Building. Joint Meetings No joint committee meetings were held. COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY, House Committees NOVEMBER 16, 2012 Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Over- (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) sight, Investigations, and Management, hearing entitled ‘‘A Line in the Sand: Assessing Dangerous Threats to Our Senate Nation’s Borders’’, 9 a.m., 311 Cannon. Select Committee on Intelligence: to hold closed hearings to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Full Com- examine certain intelligence matters, 9 a.m., Room to be mittee, hearing entitled ‘‘Metropolitan Washington Air- announced.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:36 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15NO2.REC D15NOPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST November 15, 2012

Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 9:30 a.m., Friday, November 16 9 a.m., Friday, November 16

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Friday: Senate will meet in a pro forma Program for Friday: Consideration of H.R. 6156—Rus- session. sia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal Act of 2012 (Sub- ject to a Rule).

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pa., E1774 Pingree, Chellie, Me., E1769 Graves, Sam, Mo., E1768, E1769 Poe, Ted, Tex., E1773, E1774 Alexander, Rodney, La., E1758, E1759 Griffith, H. Morgan, Va., E1760 Richardson, Laura, Calif., E1757, E1763 Becerra, Xavier, Calif., E1761 Johnson, Bill, Ohio, E1776 Rush, Bobby L., Ill., E1770 Bilirakis, Gus M., Fla., E1761 Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E1772 Shuler, Heath, N.C., E1757, E1758, E1759, E1761, E1762, Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., Ga., E1764 Jordan, Jim, Ohio, E1768 E1763, E1764, E1765, E1766, E1767, E1767, E1769, E1769, Bonner, Jo, Ala., E1763, E1776 Larson, John B., Conn., E1775 E1770, E1771, E1772, E1772, E1774, E1775, E1777 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E1771 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1762, E1775 Smith, Adrian, Nebr., E1775 DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E1767 Lewis, Jerry, Calif., E1768 Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E1757, E1758, E1761, Denham, Jeff, Calif., E1757, E1759, E1761, E1766 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E1760, E1765 E1764, E1766, E1767, E1768, E1770, E1772, E1773 Emerson, Jo Ann, Mo., E1768, E1776 Moore, Gwen, Wisc., E1758, E1776 Thompson, Mike, Calif., E1773 Farr, Sam, Calif., E1760 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, D.C., E1771 Towns, Edolphus, N.Y., E1762, E1763, E1765, E1766, Filner, Bob, Calif., E1776 Owens, William L., N.Y., E1767 E1767, E1771

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