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Entire Issue (PDF) E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2016 No. 172 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Mr. Speaker, the text of the Cures come. My thoughts and prayers are called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Act additionally contains my Special with the Wright family. pore (Mr. BOST). Needs Trust Fairness Act language. RECOGNIZING 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF AMERICAN f This corrects a civil rights oversight or TREE FARM SYSTEM issue for persons living with any dis- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO ability to be allowed to establish their Mr. Speaker, I rise today in recogni- TEMPORE own special needs trust. Without this tion of the 75th anniversary of the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- legislation, the way the law exists American Tree Farm System, the larg- fore the House the following commu- today, a person, any person living with est and oldest woodland certification nication from the Speaker: a label of a disability, is deemed in- system in the Nation. The American Tree Farm System WASHINGTON, DC, competent to be able to set up and December 1, 2016. manage their own special needs trust. was founded in 1941 to protect land- I hereby appoint the Honorable MIKE BOST Their parents can do it, their grand- owners across the country and help to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. parents, a court-appointed guardian, meet the growing demand for forest PAUL D. RYAN, but they are deemed incompetent. products. In 1954, the Principles of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. I want to thank my colleagues for American Tree Farm System created a f their support, and encourage the Sen- system for tree farm certification, es- tablishing a clear outline for proper MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ate to take swift action on the Cures Act that contains all this language. forest management and conservation. Today, the American Tree Farm Sys- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF DR. DAVID WRIGHT ant to the order of the House of Janu- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. tem is comprised of more than 70,000 ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize individuals and families that manage nize Members from lists submitted by the life of Dr. David Wright, a dedi- more than 20.5 million acres of forest. the majority and minority leaders for cated public servant and community These tree farmers benefit our Nation’s forests and our economy, while pro- morning-hour debate. leader from Clarion County, Pennsyl- viding timber, homes for wildlife, rec- The Chair will alternate recognition vania, in Pennsylvania’s Fifth Congres- reational space, and clean water. between the parties, with each party sional District. He was a beloved pro- limited to 1 hour and each Member In honor of its legacy, last June I in- fessor and department head at Clarion troduced H. Con. Res. 144, bipartisan other than the majority and minority University, where he passionately leaders and the minority whip limited legislation celebrating the American taught for nearly 30 years. Tree Farm System and recognizing the to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- Dr. Wright also served in the Penn- bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. 75th anniversary. sylvania House of Representatives from I congratulate the members of the f 1976 to 1996. His 20-year tenure is the American Tree Farm System on this longest served in the State house by DISCOVERY, DEVELOPMENT, AND remarkable milestone and applaud any Representative from Clarion Coun- DELIVERY OF NEW CURES their work with landowners and for- ty. esters across the United States. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The As a house member, Dr. Wright Chair recognizes the gentleman from served as chairman on several commit- f Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 tees and took on various leadership TRUMP ADMINISTRATION AND U.S. minutes. roles. He continually advocated for FOREIGN POLICY TOWARD ISRAEL Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. rural Pennsylvanians and authored The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, yesterday, the House language that created the Center for Chair recognizes the gentleman from passed the 21st Century Cures Act with Rural Pennsylvania. He also played a Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- a vote of 392–26. I was proud to support major role in establishing the State utes. the Cures Act that expedites the dis- System for Higher Education, which Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, covery, the development, and the deliv- unified Pennsylvania’s 14 State col- day by day we are learning more about ery of new cures for illnesses and dis- leges into a comprehensive system. the future Trump administration, and abling conditions where none exist Dr. Wright passed away on November as the picture becomes clearer, usually today. This legislation also included 18, at the age of 80, leaving behind a the news is troubling. long overdue reforms to our Nation’s legacy that will continue to benefit One of the most unsettling indica- mental health system. Pennsylvanians for generations to tions about the Trump administration b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7061 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:44 Dec 02, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01DE7.000 H01DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H7062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 1, 2016 and the Republican Party is the aban- estinians. Middle East peace should not his distinguished service to the church donment of a half century of bipartisan be a casualty of the American election. and devotion to the Catholic education foreign policy regarding Israel and our f system, Brother Kevin was bestowed commitment to a two-state solution. the Cross, the highest medal that can HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE Israel has no greater friend in the be awarded by the Pope. world than the United States, but one OF FORMER CONGRESSMAN TOM LANTOS So, again, Brother Kevin, congratula- of the ways to demonstrate friendship tions on this magnificent milestone. As is to be clear when your friends are The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the heart and soul of Columbus High making mistakes. Settlement activity Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from School, you have been a leader, you by Israel on the West Bank and the re- Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- have been a role model, but, more im- newed destruction of Palestinian utes. portantly, you have given countless homes and confiscation of property are Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, students the ability to pursue their mistakes. The overwhelming majority Congressman Tom Lantos was a giant dreams and reach their full potential. of Israelis still favor a two-state solu- of a man, an inspiration to all of us Go Explorers. Go Brother Kevin. tion, they just despair of it being pos- who knew him, and greatly admired by sible. The steps the Netanyahu govern- his peers. Tom was a patriot, a recipi- CELEBRATING THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF ment is taking on that path make it ent of the Presidential Medal of Free- HIGHPOINT ACADEMY more remote. dom who championed justice, human Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, it Donald Trump and the Republican rights, and human dignity across the gives me great joy to recognize Party he dominated at the Republican globe. Highpoint Academy, a well-respected Convention abandoned the two-state Tom Lantos was a Holocaust sur- bilingual private school located in my solution. For the first time in a half vivor, the only Holocaust survivor ever community, on its 40th anniversary. century, the bipartisan commitment to elected to serve in this esteemed insti- Since its founding in 1976, Highpoint a two-state solution has been stripped tution. Coming to America as a penni- Academy has provided generations of from the Republican Party platform. less immigrant, Tom’s life story is one students with an excellent education in This matters. of perseverance and fortitude, yet, a a positive and nurturing academic en- Donald Trump has empowered two of kinder, more loving man you would not vironment. This prestigious institution the most extreme voices, who have ever find. is a model of academic excellence, emboldened and defended settlement Tom was the embodiment of the imagination, innovation, and creative activity and undercut the necessary American Dream, building a wonderful thinking. I am proud that, over the two-state solution, to manage his pol- life for himself, for his wife, Annette, last 40 years, the gifted educators at icy advice on Israel. This should be dis- and their two daughters. He made it Highpoint Academy have helped de- turbing for everyone concerned about his life’s work to see to it that the hor- velop successful students who have Middle East peace. rors that he had seen, the horrors that gone on to become leaders in our south The world is a complicated and dan- he had lived through, would never be Florida community and, indeed, gerous place. There are hints that Don- brought upon others ever again. throughout our Nation. ald Trump is starting to learn about His background as a survivor and a this complexity in fits and starts. Wit- Member of Congress gave him a unique To Principal Alicia Casanova and the ness his statements after visiting with opportunity to forge an ever stronger whole Highpoint Academy family, con- President Obama and his walking back relationship between the United States gratulations on this very special anni- some of his most extreme and defini- and our ally, the democratic Jewish versary, and thank you for decades of tive campaign promises.
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