Non-fundamental trunc-simplex tilings and their optimal hyperball packings and coverings in hyperbolic space I. For families F1-F4 Emil Moln´ar1, Milica Stojanovi´c2, Jen}oSzirmai1 1Budapest University of Tehnology and Economics Institute of Mathematics, Department of Geometry, H-1521 Budapest, Hungary
[email protected],
[email protected] 2Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade 11040 Belgrade, Serbia
[email protected] Abstract Supergroups of some hyperbolic space groups are classified as a contin- uation of our former works. Fundamental domains will be integer parts of truncated tetrahedra belonging to families F1 - F4, for a while, by the no- tation of E. Moln´aret al. in 2006. As an application, optimal congruent hyperball packings and coverings to the truncation base planes with their very good densities are computed. This covering density is better than the conjecture of L. Fejes T´othfor balls and horoballs in 1964. 1 Introduction arXiv:2003.13631v1 [math.MG] 30 Mar 2020 1.1 Short history Hyperbolic space groups are isometry groups, acting discontinuously on hyperbolic 3-space H3 with compact fundamental domains. It will be investigated some series of such groups by looking for their fundamental domains. Face pairing identifications 2000 Mathematics Subject Classifications. 51M20, 52C22, 20H15, 20F55. Key words and Phrases. hyperbolic space group, fundamental domain, isometries, truncated simplex, Poincar`ealgorithm. 1 2 Moln´ar,Stojanovi´c,Szirmai on a given polyhedron give us generators and relations for a space group by the algorithmically generalized Poincar´eTheorem [4], [6], [11] (as in subsection 1.2). The simplest fundamental domains are 3-simplices (tetrahedra) and their integer parts by inner symmetries.