On Three-Dimensional Space Groups John H. Conway Department of Mathematics Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544-1000 USA e-mail:
[email protected] Olaf Delgado Friedrichs Department of Mathematics Bielefeld University, D-33501 Bielefeld e-mail:
[email protected] Daniel H. Huson ∗ Applied and Computational Mathematics Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544-1000 USA e-mail:
[email protected] William P. Thurston Department of Mathematics University of California at Davis e-mail:
[email protected] February 1, 2008 Abstract A entirely new and independent enumeration of the crystallographic space groups is given, based on obtaining the groups as fibrations over the plane crystallographic groups, when this is possible. For the 35 “irreducible” groups for which it is not, an independent method is used that has the advantage of elucidating their subgroup relationships. Each space group is given a short “fibrifold name” which, much like the orbifold names for two-dimensional groups, while being only specified up to isotopy, contains enough information to allow the construction of the group from the name. 1 Introduction arXiv:math/9911185v1 [math.MG] 23 Nov 1999 There are 219 three-dimensional crystallographic space groups (or 230 if we distinguish between mirror images). They were independently enumerated in the 1890’s by W. Barlow in England, E.S. Federov in Russia and A. Sch¨onfliess in Germany. The groups are comprehensively described in the International Tables for Crystallography [Hah83]. For a brief definition, see Appendix I. Traditionally the enumeration depends on classifying lattices into 14 Bravais types, distinguished by the symmetries that can be added, and then adjoining such symmetries in all possible ways.