
Description: Regular

A or pentagonal dodecahedron is a dodecahedron that is regular, which is composed of twelve regular pentagonal faces, three meeting at each . It is one of the five Platonic solids. It has 12 faces, 20 vertices, 30 edges, and 160 diagonals. It is represented by the Schläfli symbol {5,3}.

(WikipediaFaces by sides):

12Dihedral angle: 116.56505° = arccos(−1/√5)

Face configuration: V3. ():

Regular ; (dual ) Rotation group: I,+, (532)

Properties: regular, convex

Symmetry: Ih, H3,, (*532)

Mathematical equations of a Dodecahedron: (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RegularDodecahedron.html)

The polyhedron vertices of a dodecahedron can be given in a simple form for a dodecahedron of side length a=sqrt(5)-1 by (0, +/-phi^(-1), +/-phi), (+/-phi, 0, +/-phi^(-1)), (+/-phi^(-1), +/-phi, 0), and (+/-1, +/-1, +/-1).

For a dodecahedron of unit length a=1, the circumradius R^’ and inradius r^’ of a pentagonal are

R^’ = 1/(10)sqrt(50+10sqrt(5)) (3) r^’ = 1/(10)sqrt(25+10sqrt(5)). (4) The sagitta x is then given by x=R^’-r^’=1/(10)sqrt(125-10sqrt(5)). (5) Now consider the following figure.

DodecahedronTrig Using the Pythagorean theorem on the figure then gives z_1^2+m^2 = (R^’+r^’)^2 (6) z_2^2+(m-x)^2 = 1 (7) ((z_1+z_2)/2)^2+R^(‘2) = ((z_1-z_2)/2)^2+(m+r^’)^2. (8) Equation (8) can be written z_1z_2+r^2=(m+r^’)^2. (9) Solving (6), (7), and (9) simultaneously gives m = r^’=1/(10)sqrt(25+10sqrt(5)) (10) z_1 = 2r^’=1/5sqrt(25+10sqrt(5)) (11) z_2 = R^’=1/(10)sqrt(50+10sqrt(5)). (12) The inradius of the dodecahedron is then given by r=1/2(z_1+z_2), (13) so r^2=1/(40)(25+11sqrt(5)), (14) and solving for r gives r=1/(20)sqrt(250+110sqrt(5))=1.11351…. (15) Now,

R^2=R^(‘2)+r^2=3/8(3+sqrt(5)), (16) so the circumradius is

R=1/4(sqrt(15)+sqrt(3))=1.40125…. (17) The midradius is given by rho^2=r^(‘2)+r^2=1/8(7+3sqrt(5)), (18) so rho=1/4(3+sqrt(5))=1.30901…. (19) The dihedral angle is alpha=cos^(-1)(-1/5sqrt(5)) approx 116.57 degrees. (20) The area of a single face is the area of a of unit edge length

A=1/4sqrt(25+10sqrt(5)), (21) so the is 12 times this value, namely


(22) The of the dodecahedron can be computed by summing the volume of the 12 constituent pentagonal pyramids,

V=12(1/3Ar)=1/4(15+7sqrt(5)). (23) Apollonius showed that for an icosahedron and a dodecahedron with the same inradius,

(V_(icosahedron))/(V_(dodecahedron))=(A_(icosahedron))/(A_(dodecahedron)), (24) where V is the volume and A the surface area, with the actual ratio being
