..— ..—. LA-71 21-H, Rev. History (!3. Thirty-Five Years at Pajarito Canyon Site 1 -, L%%LOSALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY Post Office Box 1663 Los Alamos. New Mexico 87545 An Affumative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the US Department of Energy, Reactor Research and Technology Division. Photocomposition by Mary Louise Garcia DISCLAIMER This report wus prep-edas an accmunt of work sponrmed by an agency of the United States Gm’ern- ment. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of thek employees, makes my warranty, exrwes$ or implbd, or assumes my Icgal Iiabfity or responsibility for the accur- aCY, COmPleteneW Or U5CfUhWSSof any information, appardtus, product, ot process disclosed, of rep resents that its usc would not infringe privately owned rkht$. Reference herein to any spccillc com- mercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufactum, or otherwise, does not necessarily mnstitute or imply its endorsement, recommendatbn, or favoring by the United Slates Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not nec- essarily state or reflect those of the United States Covesnment or any agency thereof. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CONTRACT W-7405-ENG. 36 LA-7121-H, Rev. History UC-46 Issued: May 1981 Thirty-Five Years at Pajarito Canyon Site Hugh C. Paxton ‘--’--- ‘-r-- = ‘---- % .— —. —.. -- ——:– ,-- -. ,. *—. -.-. —-— .. —--- .— .-. --- ,—.=._ .....--, .— . Pajarito Site, March 1969. Main building with control room is at center; outlying buildings containing critical assemblies are Kiva 1 at right rear, Kiva 2 at Ieli rear, and Kiva 3 in Ietl foreground.
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