Sandspur, Vol. 57 No. 10, December 11, 1952
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University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 12-11-1952 Sandspur, Vol. 57 No. 10, December 11, 1952 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 57 No. 10, December 11, 1952" (1952). The Rollins Sandspur. 922. The Rollins Sandspur Volume 57 Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, Thursday, December 11, 1952 Number 10 Operation Songlift Will Lift Tomorrow At Orlando Airport Westover AF Base Will Be General Headquarters; Group Will Spend Christmas In Iceland; Alumni Plan For TV Show. By Myra Brown remain there through December Sandspur News Editor 20th, returning then to Westover. Monday, December 22, "Opera Months of concentrated practice tion Songlift" will be flown to Kef- end tomorrow, December 12, when lavik International Airport in Ice "Operation Songlift" leaves the land. The group will be in Iceland- Municipal Airport on its overseas Christmas day as their concerts trip. Dyer Memorial has been will continue until December 26th, "home" to 26 Rollins students for at which time they will again re some time now — final practices turn to Westover. often reaching a total of 15 hours each week. Rollins alumni in and around the New York area are working to ob Twenty girls and two boys have tain a national TV engagement for been chosen to make the trip. They the night of December 28. If this Ready for opening performance, the girls wear red shoes and white formals sprinkled with silver leaves. will be accompanied by Mr. and can be arranged the Glee Club will Left to right, first row; Marty Smith, Betty Lang, John Phillips, Sally Monsour, Ann Palmer, Lisa Ma- Mrs. William Shelton and Miss fly from Westover to New York guire. Second row; Chesta Hosmer, Winnie Gray, Edwina Martin, Mary Jo Martin, Sue Rosier, Ann Schuy Sally Monsour. The students are: for the program and then be dis ler, Cyrene Palmisano. Fourth row; Barbara Bebout, Rae Willmarth, Carol Farquharson, Diane Herblin. Ann Schuyler, Peggy Sias, Janet missed. Not pictured, Ed Cushing. Rozier, Chesta Hosmer, Sally Rub- enstein, Ann Palmer, Marty Smith, If the show is to be held the Averill Goodrich, Betty Jean Lang, Public Relations office will notify Barbara Bremerman, Edwina students who leave their names and COUNCIL VOTES Martin, Mary Jo Martin, Diane addresses with them. Herblin, Winnie Gray, Frances There is a possibility that the Chapman, Rae Willmarth, Carol Glee Club will give other perform FIFTY DOLLARS Farquharson, Louise Saute, Bar ances at Gross Bay, Labrador, and bara Bebout, Marilyn Shinton, John the Azores but these engagements Phillips, Ed Cushing, and Cyrene are not definite. TO WSSF AID Palmisano, alternate. The group last week gave a con cert at the Orlando Air Force Base, The Student Council recently ap Time of departure for the group and this week was heard by the propriated $50 to the World Stu will be announced some time today by the Sandspur staff during Bean college during an assembly period dent Service Fund, which, in ery hours; it may be anywhere and vespers service. cooperation with CARE, will pro from 5:00 in the morning until The entire "Songlift" program vide immediate aid to students and 6:00 at night. will last approximately an hour professors in Korea. A special United States Air and includes some twenty numbers. During Monday night's meeting, Force plane has been provided to Seven special spot numbers have Bruce Lee, President of the Flor carry "Operation Songlift" to its been scheduled by different mem ida Intercollegiate Press Asso first stop and general headquar bers and Betty Jean Lang, Ann Pal ciation, and Jerry O'Brien, repre ters, Westover, Massachusetts. The mer, and Chesta Hosmer are the senting Jon Dunn-Rankin, the group will give performances at featured sioloists for the whole elected president of the Florida the Westover Base December 13 group. Intercollegiate Student Govern Left, Carol Farquharson sings her hillbilly ballads and Ed Cushing and 14. The Orlando Sentinal-Star ran a ment Association, gave enthusi plays the piano in individual performances. Right, Barb Bebout helps On December 15 they leave for feature article Sunday on the Glee astic reports from the two groups Diane Herblin put on a fur coat for cold Iceland weather. Kindley Field in Bermuda and will Club which evoked quite a response. joint conventions at Daytona Beach The group was stymied in its at last weekend. Bethune Cookman, a tempts to pronounce and translate small and distinguished negro X Club and Pi Phi Iceland's National Anthem. school, played host to representa Compete In Finals Miss Monsour sent out a frantic tives from colleges and universities SOS for anyone with a knowledge throughout the state. The second in a series of three of Icelandic to come to the Glee Independent Men Talent Shows Club's aid. As a result the Public Lee reported that after hearing was presented in the Center Sun Relations office was flooded with reports of student governments in day night, December 7th. Jay calls from Miami, Lakeland and the other schools, Rollins is one of the Peterson acted as Master of Cere Central Florida Area. few experiencing complete freedom monies. One Orlando citizen, a personal in both student government actions The first act was given by the friend of the author of the Anthem, and in the press, which was one of Pi Beta Phi's represented by Sally volunteered his services as did an the basic ideals of the late Presi Beauchamp doing a tap dance num other person who speaks Icelandic dent Hamilton Holt. He empha ber. fluently. sized the importance of sending Students wishing to contact campus leaders as representatives This was followed by guest star, members of "Operation Songlift" to such conventions. Jerry O'Brien 'Art Brophy's dance routine. He while on tour may write to: and Bruce Lee were both elected was accompanied by Dan Matthews 1. Westover: to the Mummies and Beniths Club, on the drums and Ed Cushing at NAME an honorary group. the piano. Rollins Glee Club Attending for the press were The Phi Mu's were third with C/O Lt. Jack Merrill 160th Winnie Gray dancing to Spanish Chuck Lambeth, Mareia Mattox, This picture was taken at the last informal practice of the "Songlift" ATW music, accompanied on the piano Alice Berastegui, Clason Kyle, and group in Dyer Memorial last Saturday. The members practiced at Westover Air Force Base by her sister, Shirley Gray. for the government, Jerry O'Brien, least fifteen hours each week for this winter tour. Westover Mass. Robin Metzger, and Liz Stephens. The X Club's four piece band gave out with "Why Did You Leave Monday night President DeGrove Alpha Phi Burgundy Ball. .. Admissions Me?" followed by a number fea appointed Bob Peck, Don Tauscher turing Albie Dealaman on the "Evening of Music" ... Race Relations .. and Trinket Smith to form Student drums. Bob Leader and Kazem Rollins students danced in a Council an entertainment commit was the progress of racial rela Barakat were featured as dancers. world of snow flakes at the Alpha tee which will be responsible for tions in the South during the last The Alpha Phi's presented a Phi Silver and Burgundy Ball at filling requests for Rollins talent Dubsdread last Saturday. Dick Ab ten years. to perform at local clubs and meet comic act with Barbara Clement bot's five-piece band furnished the Dewey Anderson,. Peggy Sias, ings that come through the pub singing and playing "Temptation." music. Richard Weilenmann, Lynn Tro- licity office. The judges for the evening were Rollins' new Admissions Counsel key, John Phillips, Cecily Bartlett, Prof. Ray Smith, Dean Walker, and Forty servicemen toured the or, Hugh Davis, started on a pub- Betty Jean Lang, Fred Mauk, and President McKean. campus Sunday, enjoyed a Beanery licity tour to Jacksonville, Florida's Marie Perkins performed in the meal and the Talent Show. John First Place was taken by the X four high schools and Junior Col fourth annual "Evening of Music" DeGrove thanked campus siocial Club and second was awarded to lege this Wednesday and Thurs Friday, December 5, at the Winter groups for cooperating in the in the Pi Phi's. day. Park Woman's Club. The Rollins formal welcoming of the service The final Talent Show will be Miss Lorraine Leedy spoke at the Music Guild has contributed over men which was considered a suc held in the Center tonight at 8:00 December 3 Race Relations meet $3,000 to the Conservatory fund cess. p.m. ing. The topic of her discussion through such projects. Sally Monsour, Director Two The Rollins Sandspur Thursday, December 11, 1952 EDITORIALS SONG-LIFT UPLIFT 'ROUNDJ ROLLINS GLEE CLUB KICK-OFF Tomorrow the Glee Club leaves on its overseas tour of Air Force Bases—a tour which will bring valuable travelling exper By Jon Dunn-Rankin Final term senior at Rollins, Lary ience to the singers and honor to the school. Fitzpatrick, has developed a design for a pet With the newly generated increase in project of his, a special Rollins billboard at school spirit resulting from the assembly the strategic corner of Park and Fairbanks. and then the Tars upsetting Tampa last The proposed sign would serve a dual purpose:- week, it would be worthy and fun to throw to inform the residents and visitors to Winter) this spirit behind a kick-off for the "Opera Park of what are current campus events, and tion Song-Lift." to present through the sign's attractive ap-| pearance a charming welcome to our 44-acre,; Here is what the students could do if campus.